HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-02-23, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-APVOCATE Bring your perplexing problems tc Wilson’s Store, Exeter, and let thur Ashbrook, solve them. Ar- of her daughter Mrs, Geo, Joynt on King street on Friday or Mrs. Wm ■ Caldwell after an illness of som’e five j months. Mrs. Caldwell with her husband the late Wm. Caldwell mov­ ed into the village about 6 years ago from Hay Township making their home with their daughter Mrs. Geo. Joynt. She was born in Goderich 81 years ago, her maiaon name being Sarah Olive Chamberlain. After her marriage to Mr. Caldwell they be­ came residents of Hay Township, 3 Men’s Day was observed in the United Church on ’Sunday last when a choir of men’s voices lead in tnc service of song. At the morning ser­ vice Rev. A. (Sinclair occupied the pulpit and in the evening Rev. R I miles west of Hensall. Mr. Caldwell R. Connor, of Kippen,‘ delivered a predeceased her . _ very inspiring address, a. male quar- was a member of the United church tette was rendered by 'Messrs. W Carlyle, W. Goodwin, S. Rennie and daughters, Dr. Smillie at both services. 1 Mr. Samuel Merner received word! Mrs. E. Stickney, Vancouver and six on Monday of the death of his sis-Kons, William, of Seattle, Wash.; ter, Mrs. Calfas, of Kitchener. I Benjamin, of Winnipeg; Edward, of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Parker and (New York; Parry, of Wellwood. Miss Dorothy McLean visited with: Man.; Wesley, of London and Robt. friends in London on Saturday. Messrs. Eldred and Alvin Mc- 3 years ago. She She leases to mourn her loss three Mrs. Henry Strang, Us- borne; Mrs, Geo. Joynt, Hensall and of Hensall. The funeral took place . from the home of Mrs. Joynt on Nicol and Orvile Cooper, of Kirkton! Monday afternoon interment in the visited friends in town on Sunday, ijpansvlill^ cemetery, which is just Mrs. Smythe, of Nelson, B. C., Is‘across the road from her late home Her pastor, Rev Mfrs. Smythe, of Nelson, B. C., is visiting here with her father, Mr hn jjay Township. Thos. Hemphill, who is seriously ill!Arthur Sinclair having charge of the at the home of-Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook.!servjceS( The pallbearers were: Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale spent Messrs. W. Consitt, G. C. Petty, John Saturday in London. j Zuefle, T. Welsh, Fred Manns and Women’s Day will be observed in; George Douglas. Among those pres- the United Church on Sunday, March ent who attended the. funeral from a 5th when a Women’s Choir will lead in the service of song and special sermons given for the occasion. Mr. Harry Cook, of Toronto, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. Thos. Hemphill, or Wroxeter was in town Monday and Tuesday calling on relatives. A special meeting of the village council was called on Wednesday ev- being last the special pointed to the village Their valuation was very close to the valuation of Mr. C. Hudson last, year’s assessor. Mr. Hudson was re-j appointed assessor for the prsesentj year. 'The W. M. 9. of the United church intend giving an entertainment at the church on Friday evening, Feb­ ruary 24. A good program is being prepared. The I-lensall Seed Show will be held here in the town hall on Friday afternoon, February 24. Every farm­ er in the Hensall district should at­ tend this show as the addresses are well worth hearing and good are being offered for the best ing of grain, seeds and- roots. Master Donald Joynt while ing at school on Wednesday last had the mistfortune to break his arm He was taken by Dr. Smillie to the Clinton I-Iospital for an X-ray. Mrs. (Dr.) Reid after a pleasant visit with relatives here has return­ ed to her home in Port Rowan. The Welfare Youth Club of the Carmel Presbyterian Church held their regular meeting on Monday evening. After the opening and de­ votional exercises the Scripture les­ son was given by Muriel Hoskins followed Master address by Rev. Young on "How to use money.” Mr. Wdthey of Exeter was present and delivered a very interesting address on "If I had a Million Dollars.” After this the meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. The Wohela Class, of the United Church Sabbath School, held their entertainment on Friday evening with a good attendance present. A good program was given consisting of the following: piano solo, Lome Elder; ladies’ quartette by Misses Florence McDonald, Mavis Spencer Marion Sinclair and Emma McBride reading, Edna Shaddick; a play en­ titled "Tombstone or Washing1' Ma­ chine” Gladys Marion Harold Slierritt; piano solo by Ver- da Watson, chorus by the Wohela, Class; ‘ reading, Mildred ■Simillie; playlet, entitled "Henry’s Mail Or1 der Wife” w’i.th Ed'na Shaddock Mildred Sruton, Clarence -Smillie Wm. Parke, Jack Corbett; duet by Gladys Passmore and Grace Brock. The Young People of the United Church held their regular meeting on Monday evening. The occasion being “Pioneer Night” when tlie League entertained the pioneers of the village. A large crowd was pres­ ent and a good program was given ill charge of Dr. I. S. Smillie. After the opening exercises Mr. Wm Jones led in prayer. The program in which a number of pioneers took part consisted of the following: solo, I. W. Ortwein, "Silver Chord’; male quartette, “Merry men are We” by Messrs. W. Carlyle, W. Goodwin S. Rennie and Dr. Smillie., An ad­ dress was given by Mr. Henry Hor­ ton. Reading, "Mary Queen of Scotts” by Miss Murray, of Exeter; i duet, “When Irish Eyes are Smiling by Mrs. Hedden and Mrs. Hess; sole “So Tired” by Mrs. Hess; address by Rev. Arthur Sinclair; duet "Ex­ celsior” by W. O. Goodwin and Dr. Smillie. A reading was given by Ur. ■ Smillie Richard ■read from 3 pioneers, Mrs. Margar­ et Agur, Mrs. Wm. Buchanan and Mr. Alex Buchanan, who were un­ able to attend, The ‘meeting closed With a hymn and Rev. in prayer after which repast was served. , Death of Wim distance were: Messrs. Harry, Wil­ liam and Laird Joynt, of Toronto; Mr. Harry Caldwell, of Wellwood, Man.; Mr. Harry Strang, of Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Atken, of Goderich; Mrs. Russell Sproat, of Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Caldwell, of London. to receive the report of committee who were ap- value the properties in for assessment purposes prizes show- play- by a five-minute Scout by Florence McDonald Passmore, Joyce Scruton .Sinclair, Lome Chapman THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1933 grandmother since she was growing somewhat frail and they feared she might not be very long with them.! A most happy time was spent by all no. one enjoying it more than the late Mrs. Alair. Too much praise canno’ be given Miss Dora wo cared for mother with untiring 'love and votion during the last portion of life. We must not forget that lived most happily for some year:- Exs with her youngest daughter, Emma Si Mrs. Adam Steep, of Goderich Town- ES ship. An item of unique interest in the history of the family is that they ( belong to one branch of the great; Hoover family to which the President j of the United -States belongs. When ] the eighth reunion picnic of the i ss Hoover family was lie'ld in Hamilton ==: Ontario, President Hoover sent his regrets at not being able to be pres- S ent but the New York (Times sent a! representative who -made an inter-1 —j-; esting report for his paper | The present secretary of tne I-Ioover' ss family is Miss Gwendolyn Wesley s~ B.A., a direct descendant of the cele- S hrated Wesley family of England ol whom the Revs. John and Charles were famous representatives and the ■ S Duke of Wellington of the branch. THE The W. Crediton, supper on Supper served from Admission 25c. hoi do- h?i si* i Irish CREDITON I M. S. of the United church are holding a pancake i Tuesday, Ferbruary 28th • 5.30 to 7.30 |We Deliver Combination S • s 1 lb. Perrjns Carmel Roll Candy 1 Jig-Saw Puzzle Free Zt)C» Choice Quality Peas 3 tins for 27c. Clark's Tomato Juice per tin Sc, ■ Fancy Blue Rose Rice per 4b 5c. PURE CANE SUGAR 10 lbs. 48c, Best Icing Sugar 2 lbs. for 15c. R & W Chicken Haddie 14 oz. tin each 13c. Rex Vanilla 2 bottles for 13c. GOLD MEDAL RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY JAM, 40 oz. jar 25c. Crown Tea Mixed or Black, per lb. 39c. Gold Medal Tomatoes Choice Quality Large tin 2 for 19c. Kelona Coffee 1 lb, pkg. each 30c. 5-stririg Brooms Good quality, each 25c. Oxydol, large pkg. each 19c. Palm Tree Toilet Soap 11 cakes for 25c. Choice Dates ...........................4 lbs. for 25c. De Luxe Jelly Powders..................6 for 25c. Cooking Figs, .........................3 lbs. for 23c. Assorted Sweet Mixed Biscuits , . 2 lbs. 25c Sugar CuVed Breakfast Bacon . . 2 lbs. 25c. Fresh Frozen Salmon..................per lb. 15c. Fresh Frozen Herring ........... per lb. 10c. Select Oysters.............................. pt. 55c. ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT. Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.” Bean Growers Meeting A very interesting meeting was held here on Monday evening by Of­ ficials from the Bean Growers’ Ex­ change of Chatham in the interest ot the bean growers. Mr. George Bell and Mr. Thompson prominent bean growers of the Chatham district were present with Mr. Holmes, of Chat­ ham, the selling agent and adress- ed the meeting. Mr. Holmes ans­ wered many questions and read the contract which he wished the grow­ ers to sign. There seems to be quite a war on between the Bean Exchange at Chatham and the new organization formed at London a couple of weeks ago of the bean: dealers and bean growers of Western Ontario. Each organization trying to get control of the beans grown in Western Ontario As there is a duty of $1.85 a bushel against foreign beans coming into Canada and no more, beans grown in Ontario than will supply the Cana­ dian market, it looks to us that the farmers have it in their own hands to set the price. The moment we become large exporters of beans then 'we have to take the world’s price but when we just grow enough for home consumption the farmer thru their selling organization should be able to set the price and taking their food values into consideration they should not be less than a dol­ lar a bushel and this will no doubt be about the price set for a start by the new organization. There is no reason in the world why beans should be selling \on the Hensall market for 40 cents a bushel and we believe the steps now being taken by either of the, organizations are on the right direction and the beau growers in Ontario will receive ? price for the product showing a pro­ fit over the cost of production. Another Pioneer Passes Away in memory of the late Blatchford and letters were Sinclair lead a delicious Caldwell Bring your perplexing problems tc . Wilson’s Store, Exeter, and let Ar­ thur Ashbrook solve them. Zurich Jun- friends are, he is much! and. interment was made the morning at Mt. Pleasant ceme- a solemn memorial service was at the opening of the Evangel- Sunday School session Sunday played a munity a great citizen. He attained the age of 80 years and 6 months. His sickness was not of long dura­ tion, he attended divine service a j few Sundays ago. Rev. M. Sippell i conducted the memorial of a largely j attended funeral on Saturday after- i noon. 'Six nephews were the pall­ bearers: Jacob Ratz, Harry Fink- heiner, Roy Finkbeiner, Dan Fink­ beiner, Harrington Finkbeiner and Wm. Ratz. Interment at the gelical cemetery. Societies Entertained Mrs. (Rev.) Johnson very antly entertained the m’embers the Women’s Association and Wo­ men’s Missionary -Society at the par­ sonage on Thursday, February 16. Twenty-tliree ladies were present and one new member added to the roll. Mrs. B. Kestle, president of the W. A. presided. The lesson was read by Mrs. S. King, aft'er which the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. Interesting reports were given by the different committees after which plans were made for the making of an Autograph Quilt. The meeting was then turned over to the W. M. S. with Mrs. I. Hilf presiding. The arrangements were completed for the pancake supper to be served in the church on Tuesday At the close of this was served by the following ladies, Mrs W. Jones, Mrs, A. King, Mrs, Kestle. CENTRALIA Bring your perplexing problems tc Wilson’s Store, Exeter, and let thur Ashbrook' solve them. Ar- Evan- pleas­ er February 28. meeting a sumptuous lunch Mrs, Willert and son Ed. are iting with relatives in Windsor week. On Tuesday evening of last week the Y. P.S. held a Valentine Social in the basement of the church, the evening was spent in games and contests after which a very dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Willis’s group of the Women’s Association. On Friday evening, Mrs. Albert Mitchell’s group held their chicken supper in the basement of the church After a sumptuous supper was served an excellent program was rendered by the ladies of the group and their husbands and families. Mrs. Julia Scanrett and daughter Miss Corinne are spending a few days with 'the former sister Mrs, Arthur Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Willis were in London on Friday attending the fu­ neral of the late Mr. Hennessey. Mr. Joe Wilson and Mr. Herb Cross visited in London on Thursday with Mr. Wi'lson’s sister Mrs. James Ogden, and his brother Mr. Mervyn Wilson. vis* this B. DASHWOOD CREDITON EAST Harry Lewis and daughter GRAND BEND Robt. Loye, of Mr. and Mrs. John Wm. Fairburn, oi Mr. and Mrs. W, B. Oliver, who have been in St. Marys since before Christmas returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thedford, visited Love. Mr. and Mrs. Hensail, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Green. Mrs. Isaiah Teatreau is visiting with her daughter for a few JayB. Mrs. I. Gill, who has been spend­ ing a couple of weeks in Windsor returned home Sunday. Mrs. John. Baird, of Crediton, is visiting friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Stanlake visit­ ed Mr. and Mrs. Langford Riddley at Greenway. Mr. and Mrs. Molatar, of Thed­ ford, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ravelie, Jr., on Thursday last. Mr. Gordon Uleus, Mr. and Miss Brown and Miss Gertrude Lovie, of Loudon, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lovie S unday. HARPLEY and Mrs. Ed. 'Stewardson S-unday afternoon with her and Mrs. with her spent Maude Grebb daughter, spent Mrs One by one the pioneers are pass­ ing away from South Huron. To-day there .was laid to rest in the Hensall Union. Cemetery the remains of the late Mrs. G. Alair, who died in Hen­ sall on Wednesday 15th, in her 83rd year after a few days illness. Two weeks ago she was around seeing the neighbors, cheerful and happy as usual. Her little visits were enjoy­ ed by every one as she had the happy knack of scattering sunshine where- ever she went. As a girt she was Miss Mary Anne Hoover, daughter of the late David and Mary Wismer Hoover, of Rainham Township, Co. of Haldimand. In 1879 she was mar­ ried to the late George Alair, who predeceased her fifteen years ago, Fifty-five years ago she and her hus­ band with two children moved to South Huron and settled in Stanley where they lived until a few years ago. Their home was blessed with sev­ en children, five daughters and two sons, viz: Mrs. Jos. Makins, of De­ troit; Mrs. Webber, of London, de­ ceased; Miss Dora, at home; Mis. Charlie Jinks, of Hensall, deceased; [ The death occurred at the home Mrs. Adam Steep, of Clinton; David of Niagara Falls, Clerk of Stamford Township and .Melvin of Detroit. Besides these there are fifteen grandchildren and about the same number of great-grandchildren, be­ sides a brother, the Rev. J. W. Hoov­ er, of Dunnvil'le, at one time a min­ ister of the United Brethren and now a retired missionary of the United Church. The funeral services were conduct­ ed by the late Mrs. Alair’s pastor Rev. Mr. Young of Carmel Presby­ terian church, Hensall. Friends were present from Blake Clinton, Detroit, Niagara Falls, Exe­ ter, Kippen, Holmesville anti London The pall-bearers were principally old neighbors and friends, viz; Jos. Hood Jas. McDonald, W. J. Jones, L. Petty Alffed Taylor and Robert Dick. Last fall all members of the fam- I Miss Dorothy Fahner was visiting! in Zurich last week. Mr. Frank Rivers, of Empress Alberta, is visiting with Mr. and F. W. Clark. Mr. Murray Willison visited with his parents, in St. Thomas over the weelV-end. Mr. and Mrs. John Hey and Mar­ garet, of Zurich, and Mrs. Wiggins of Ingersoll, spent Sunday with Mr ; and Mrs. Lloyd Hey. Miss Er,ma Fahner, of London and Mr. Ross Krueger, of Kitchener are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hy Fahner. Mr. Fahner is confined tc his home through illness. We hope to see him out soon. A number of people in the vicin-z ity are laid up with the flu. In a'spirited game of hockey play­ ed on Zurich ice on Friday last the Crediton juniors returned home with a 4 to 2 victory over the iors. Rev. Johnson’s many delighted to know that improved in health and the members of his congregation were pleased to have him present at the evening service on Sunday last. Memorial For Fi'eddie Hey j Although Freddie Hey died two ’ weeks ago in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, next tery, held ical morning. The orchestra sacred selection, while the scholars and friends were gathering in their various classes. The little chair which Freddie had occupied in the primary class was decorated with Wreaths, flowers^ and ribbons in an appropriate manner and stood on the platform next to the classroom of Which Mrs. Isabel Ewald is teacher The school sang “When Peace Like a River.” The superintendent, Art Amy, led in prayer. A male quar­ tette compo-sed of F. W. Morlock, A Wuerth, E. Fahrner and A. Morlock sang "Nearer My God To Thee.” The pastor, M. Sippell, gave a 10' minute memorial address. There were 210 scholars and friends present. The 'parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey, of the village, and grandparents, Mr and Mrs. John Hey, Zurich, with other relatives, occupied the reserv­ ed seats. Jacob Finkbeiner Dies J'acob Finkbeiner was born Aug 1, 1852 in a pioneer’s shanty on the Finkbeiner line He was the son Finkbeiner and who came from many in the year 1848. years they lived at Morriston, Ont. and migrated to Stephen township j Huron County. In the course of. Miss Edna Fisher and friend time they brought into existence a t spent a day in London^ last week, family of strong agriculturists and since the death of the above men­ tioned which took i----- --------- ( morning last week, there are only at the age of 59 years, 4 months and two remaining brothers: Wm. and. 7 days. The deceased had been in George Finkbeiner of otir cottimun- (Detroit about two weeks and for the ity. In 1877 Jacob Finkbeiner mar-;past three years had been a resident ried Miss Anna Schwartz. A family (of Dashwood moving to the^villago of. sons and daughters was born toif“cm the 11th conocesfor. of Hay. He Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. iSitepihen township of the late Michael his wife Barbara. Wurttemburg, Ger- Foi\a few Bring your perplexing problems to Wilson’s Store, Exeter, and let Ar­ thur Ashbroofe solve them. The Ladies’ Aid of the Evangelical Church will hold a Pork & Bean Sup­ per on Tuesday evening February 28th in the basement of the church. After the supper Rev. Burn of Zu­ rich wild give a lecture on "Success” while Rev. Burn and Rev. Sauer will give some yodeHng selections and other musical selections will also be given, Supper will be served from 6 to 8 o’clock. Admission 25c. and 15C. Mrs. J. Raschke, of Detroit, is vis­ iting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Merner. Mrs. A. Sellery, of Seaforth, is vis­ iting her sister Mrs. W. Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. smith, Wind­ sor, spent Sunday with the latter’s parents Mr. and lyii’s. R* Baker. Mr-s., Baker returned with them and willjtism. spend a week in Windsor. of. Miss Edna Fisher and Mr. Mrs. Leonard Wein, and son Marvin spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Garnet Wilson, near Cen­ tralia. Mrs. Harry Lewis has returned home after spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wilson near Centralia. Mr. Mark, Mitchell, of Exeter, vis­ ited the past week with his sister Mrs. W. Anderson and Mrs. Chris Rau. Miss Mabel Hay and gentleman friend, of Exeter, spent Sunday with the former’s grandmother Mrs. Wil­ son Anderson. Mrs. Wm. Wein, of Dashwood visited Mrs. Henry Motz on Sunday Mr. Jake Messner .and son-in-Iav* Mr. Ben Price, of Dasnwood, spent Monday with the former’s sister Mr and Mrs. H. Motz. Mrs. Eli Lawson has returned tc her home after spending a week with her sister Mrs. H. Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. George Lawson, ofi Exeter spent Thursday with the former’s mother Mrs. John Lawson Mrs. Lawson is remaining until Sat­ urday. Mrs. John Lawson is confined tc her bed with an attack of rheuma- Hodgins, - — „ Bend, spent Sunday at his who is working Mr. spent mother, Mrs, A. Ridley. Mrs. W. Hicks and Allen Friday afternoon with Miss Hodgins. • Mr. Tuesday Love. Mr. C. at Grand home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eagleson and babe spent Sunday with her Mrs. A. Hayter. A number of spent Saturday on the Mr. tralia, here. Miss to attend P. H. (S. owing to illnes; Mrs. R. Pollock, teacher of S. S No. 10 was unable to two days last week on illness. Mr. and Mrs. Major mother our Young afternoon Grand B.end, Hodgins, of Cen- People skating river at Kenneth spent Sunday at his home Chrystal Hayter was unable )O . hold school account ci Baker, Shipka. visited on Sunday with J. Lovie. Mr. and Mrs. V. Topping family and Mrs. J. Gill spent Sun­ day with Mr. Colin Love. KIRKTON and Appleton, of near Park- and Death of Mr. Louis Schumacher The death took place in Cook Hos* place Thursday I pital, Detroit, of Louis Schumacher i « .. . <• ... aS J. JI.-, .x ~ a — if f* A On i’ h 4 •» 4- n n /•! from the 14th concession of Hay. He them," who "are tiie following? Mrs ! was married to Amanda Kraft who . / survives along with three daughters Susie, Salome and Almeda Finkboim! Mrs. Elmer Daters, Mrs. Wm. Haugh -- — — *■- ----’- and Mrs. Garnet Willert, and six grandchildren. He is also survived by three brothers Jacob and William of Pigeon, Mich and John of Park­ hili also three sisters, Mrs. John Gaekstetter, of Dasfcwood; Mrs. L KaTbfleisch, of Zurich and Mrs. H. Lafond of Detroit, The remains were ...................... ...... ___ brought to Dashwood on Monday ev- momimZof^^^.......................................................thG will be. held years and at periods of time he was Jon Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m a mOiriber of the local conference « Interment Will take place in the board, in his death the church has Bronson Line cemetery with Rev. W lost a faithful member and the com*- Hess officiating. Jack Wein, Michael Finkbeiner er, Mrs. Wm. Parson, Mrs. Herb Jones and Edward Finltbeiner. A daughter, Elizabeth, and the mother have predeceased the head of this household. Mr. Flnkbeiner attend­ ed Sunday School in the first Evan­ gelical log church of the community and public school in the log school south of Crediton. He has been a Mr. Jack hill, spent Sunday with Mr, Mrs. R. Carruthers. Mrs. John Baird is visiting her brother in Thedford. EUMV1LLE Bring your perplexing problems tc Wilson’s Store, Exeter, and let Ar­ thur Ashbrook' solve them. Mrs. Sidney Wilson has returned to her home after spending a days with her sister, Rood, Lucan, where owing to the death Mr. Joseph Bobbs. Messrs, William ar and Wm. Routly were appointed del­ egates to attend the Temperance Convention in Toronto on Thursday and Friday of next week. They will accompany Bev. Mr. peters. Mr, R E. Pooley is a delegate from Zion, Mr. Thos. Pryde, of Exeter, Will address the Men’s Brotherhood in the church this Thursday evening. few Mrs, S. J. Mo­ she was called of her brother d Wesley Johns Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Shier and Mr. and Mrs. Hudson, of Bryanston, at­ tended the supper in the United Church Friday evening and renewed old acquaintances, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hazelwood, of Stratford, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hazelwood on Monday. Mr, Alfred Collier has his ice house filled for the season. Mr. Russell Brock spent a couple of days last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. McDonell, of Lucan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, R, Humphreys. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley spent Sunday with Mr. and cis. „ The supper Friday great success. The was put on by the Young People of Zion and each one took their part exceptionally well. Quite a number attended the party Herman Paynter last Tuesday night. The people of our village and vi­ cinity are taking a great interest in 'Sunday School work coming in ■cut­ ters, sleigh loads and cats, totaling 1T4 present last Sunday. We are all glad to see Mr. John Williams out and around again. He is improving nicely. Mrs. R. Fran* night was a entertainment from the village at Mr. and Mrs.