HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-02-23, Page 4THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, J033 THE EXgTER T1MES-ADVOCATE SPECIAL PRICES at Cook’s Rock Bottom Store Kipper » Snacks 3 tins 14c. Best Creamery BUTTER 123c. lb. OXYDOL Large Pkg. 2 for 35c. GluLttdSusar 10 lbs 47c|Best Canad’n Cheese 2 lbs for 25c. Another Shipment (Just Ax-rived) O IL £ OC High Class Biscuits all kinds fc* IDS 101 Good Green Corn BROOMS 25c Canadian Dry BEANS 3 lbs. 10c. z FLOOR WAX lb. can 24c. ! BIRTHS iI BRADSHAW—At Elimville oxi Wed­ nesday, February 22nd, to Mr. Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw, a son. TURNER—On the Lake Road Sunday, February 12th, to Mr. Mrs. Robert Turner, a son. I and on and DEATHS on Ja- The New Blend of Coffee we have brought to Exeter has made a host of friends. Have you tried it? It’s waiting for you, freshly roasted, ready to be ground for you, fresh from our mill. Try a pound. Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store, Exeter Free Delivery The cash store that gives you value. Phone 58 ------------------------------------- -----— - - - " FINKBEINER— Near Crediton, Thursday, February 16, 1933, cob Finkbeiner, aged 80 years, 6 months and 15 days. ■SCHUMACHER-—In Detroit on Mon­ day, February 20, 1933, Louis Schumacher, aged 59 years, 4 months and 7 days. HENNESSEY—In London on Wed- day, February 15, 193 3, Thomas Hennessey, formerly of Biddulph in his 79th year. CARTY—-Suddenly, at her late resi­ dence, lot 22, concession 10, Bid­ dulph Township, on Thursday. February 16, 1933, Vircla E. Berryhill, beloved wife of Irwin Carty, in her 41st year. BROD-ERICK—At her late residence 147 Horton street, London, on Monday, February 20, 1933, Mary E. Kestle, beloved wife of George H. Broderick, formerly of Stephen Township. CARD OF THANKS and sisters. Last Wednesday the W. M. S. of the United Church held their regu­ lar monthly meeting with Mrs. Mc- Gregor and Mrs. Arthur Brophey in charge. Mrs. A. Curtis read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. D. Brown gave a reading on Korea; Mrs. L. Broph­ ey a solo find Mrs. Sherritt took the third chapter of Envelopes were plans were made Prayer on March of Grace Church will meet the Unit­ ed Church on that date. The Women’s Association met with Mrs. J. Brown in the chair After devotional exercises further plans were made for the oyster sup- pev. Roll was called and dues paid Several from here attended the sale of Mr. E. Gaiser’s, oF’Shipka last Friday, the study book distributed and for the Day of 3rd. The ladies WHALEN the Friday “Treas- even- Fostei'spent I-Iey- SUNNYVALE R.O.P- CHICKS GOVERNMENT APPROVAL — R.O.P. SIRED — BLOOD TESTED BARRED ROCKS AND WHITE LEGHORNS With 350 birds in R.O.P. and now entering our third year of trap­ nesting under government supervision, we are able to supply chicks that we know are good. They are all sired by R.O.P. cockerels whose dams have layed at least 200 eggs and as high as 28 6 eggs in one year. As a further assurance of the quality of these chicks, our hatchery is operated under Government Approval and all breed­ ing stock has been appoved .by government inspectors. As a guard against -disease we have blood-tested our flocks. Special offer of $2.00 per hundred on all orders received before February 25th. Write for circular and price list. Mr. and Mrs. James Glavin the family of the late Mrs. Mary Glavin wish to express their sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for the kindness and sympathy ex­ tended during their recent bereave­ ment and also for the loan of cars. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late- Jacob Fink- beiner, desire to express their sin­ cere thanks to the neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness and sympathy extended dtfring their recent bereavement also for the loan of cars, and floral tributes. IN MEMORIAM SUNNYVALE POULTRY FARM Andrew Moore - Box F-, - Seaforth, Ont. KYLE—-In loving memory of a dear husband and son, Herman Kyle who passed away two years ago. February 26, 1931. Here TOMORROW I The Big, New FORD V-8 have lost my soul’s companion A life linked with my own; And day by day I miss him more, As I walk through life alone. The flowers we place upon his grave May wither and decay; But the love for him who sleeps be­ neath Shall never fade away. Sadly missed by Wife and Mother Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gunning very pleasantly entertained ure Seekers” class on ing. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. wood, Elimville. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Johnson visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alf, Brock, Zion. Friends will be sorry to learn that Mrs. Will Ogden is quite ill at the time of writing. Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire, Mrs. M. Johnson and Mrs. Geo. Milson spent Monday in Exeter. The Ladies’ Association of this church held an open meeting in the church on Tuesday evening, Febru­ ary 14th. The president, Mrs. Ern­ est Foster was in .charge. After the opening exercises the Scripture Les­ son was read by Mrs. Mervin John­ son. Hymn 2 41 was sung and the meeting was turned over to Mrs. W. Gunning and a program consisting of the following was given: reading by Mrs Ernest Foster, Russell Mor­ ley, Roy Hodgson; a monologue by Ruth Morley; two selections by the orchestra; mouthorgan selections by Messrs. Earl and Mervin Johnson also a song by four girls “Little Flakes of Snow”. After the pro­ gram all went to the basement where the remainder of the evening was spent in progressive crokinole. The winners of the crokinole were: La­ dies’ high',' Mrs. Walter -Gunning; gent’s high, -Mr. W. French; consol­ ation prize, M)rs. M-erVin Johnson and Mr. Mellvi'lle Gunning. (Too late for last week.) many friends -of Miss Mabel will regret to learn of her but hope for a speedy recov- Evelyn- Parkinson, Thorn WINCHELSEA the SEE IT AT OUR SHOWROOMS Mr vis- Mr SANDY ELLIOT Phone 64 Exeter, Ont. ■ and Mrs. Chas. Fisher on Thursday of last Whaley, of St.Scott on his daughter Mrs. one day last week. Marys R. W Lakeview Poultry Farm Baby Chicks anti Hotelling Eggs Famous Pennsylvania Poultry Farm Strain, large type White Leghorn. All breeding stock culled by Govern­ ment Inspectors Buy chicks with the bred-in ability to lay a large number of big, chaulk white eggs, Along in December with prices at their peak we gathered over 800 eggs a day from 1250 birds, 400 of them hens. 10 extra chicks with orders for every 100 placed 4 weeks in advance Baby Chicks lie Hatching Eggs, 10c a dozen over market price A limited number of Barred Rook Chicks 13 c, KENNETH WEIN, DASHWOOD BAILIFF’S SALE A bailiff sale will be held at T. Baker’s Garage, Main Street, Exeter, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1933 at 2 o’clock p.m. of one Essex Sedan car, 1929 model. Serial number 800,080 TERMS: CASH F. E. Willis, Bailiff SHIPKA The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Aid will be held Wednesday, March 1st at the home of Mrs, Albert Gais- er. Miss Mildred Lamport left last week for London where she intends to remain for a time. The Young People’s -Society their regular meeting on Monaay evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lam­ port. The precident Dorothy Ratz in charge. The e-vening was spent in readings and contests. A pleas­ ant time was enjoyed by al-1 present The Ladies’ Aid held a quilting bee last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Milton Ratz. The men of the community held a wood bee on Tuesday afternoon for the church. Miss Lorraine Baker visited over the week-end with relatives at Grand Bend. The Ladies’ Aid had a very suc­ cessful quilting last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Milt. Ratz. The regular meeting will be held March 1st at the home of Mrs. Albert Gaiser. Mr. and Mrs. M. Baker spent Sun­ day with relatives near Greenway Mrs. John Gower is at present visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wrextler, near Thedford. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ratz entertain­ ed number of theii' friends last Tuesday evening. Mrs. I. Tetreau is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. P Eisenbach at Grand Bend. Miss Mildred Lamport is spend­ ing a few weeks in London. MORTGAGE SALE — of — VALUABLE RESIDENCE PROPERTY IN THE VILLAGE OF EXETER Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the sale, the undersigned will offer for sale at the offices of Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury, Exeter — on — SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1933 at 2 o’clock p.m. The property known as Lots Num­ bers 19 and 20 on the West side of Main Street in the Village of Exeter,, formerly known as Francistown, con­ taining by admeasurement two-fifths of an acre more ox* less. On the property is a neat and com­ fortable frame house and outbuild­ ings. It is located on the Main St. of Exeter, north of the river. TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent, of purchase money to be paid oxi the day of sale and the balance in 30 days thereafter without interest. The property will be offered for sale subject fo a re­ serve bid. Further terms and conditions of sale will be made known on day of sale, or may be had on application -to the undersigned. GLAMAN & STANBURY, Exeter, Ontario Solicitors for Mortgagee GRIEVES' DRUG STORE See our Display of Tropical Fish GUPPIES, MOONS, SWORD TAILS, ZEBRAS, BLACK MOL- LENESIA AND THE KING OF ALL AQUARIAM FISH—THE AN­ GEL FISH. STOCK FOR SALE—ALSO GOLD FISH, COMET TAILS, BLACK MOORS, CALICOS, FANTAILS—AQUARIAMS— PLANTS—FISH FOOD. SPECIALS 25iO. Dr. West’s Tooth Paste 2 tubes 39c. 75c. Noxzema 59 c. SI.00 Pure Cod Liver Oil 89c. $2.00 Hot Water Bottles (guar.) 79c. FLU REMEDIES Wampole’s Cod Livex’ Oil Squibb’s Cod Liver Oil Iradol Malt Hallivei’ Oil Kepler’s Malt & cod Liver Oil Passmore’s Bronchial Remedy Buckley’s Bronchitis Remedy (Sip it.) Laxative Cold -Tablets Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver OU Cherry Cough Syrup White Pine Mentholated Ephedrine Nasal Jelly Vaporizing Ointment Vapor Inhalant Vick’s Salve Vick’s Nose and Throat Drops — and many others — SPECIALS 75c. Russian Oil 59 c. Ko tex 29c. Modess 25c* $1.00 Creo-Vin Tonic and builder 89c. $1.00 Value 2 tubes Colgates Tooth Paste and a 50c. Colgate Brush all f°r 49c. CUT FLOWERS FOR YOUR “BRIDGE” Calendulas, 'Tulips, Carnations, Violets, Sweet Peas-—Also a Wonderful selection of flowering plants 25 c. up. Just received another shipment of Tuberous Begonia and Gloxina Bulbs in all colors—-10c. each. * “SAY IT WITH FLOWERS” FOR ALL OCCASIONS Magazines T1 I ft • Til A Jig-Saw Puzzles Daily Papers K 1 kVlAVA rhlTI K 4 new oiies every Lending Library** vilivfVj 1 ^eek 15 and 25c “The Drug Store that Appreciates Your Business” Saints- Mr. ans Mr. W. J. Veal has been busy past week putting in the supply of ice at the creamery. Mr. Hiram Cope­ land of Woodham had the contract Miss Inez Creery of Forest, spent the week-end with her parents and Mrs. J. E. Creery. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster ited with the latter’s parents and Mrs. George Parkinson in B;lan- shard on Saturday. Miss Grace Hocking has returned to her home at Monroe after spend­ ing a couple of weeks with the Miss­ es Pooleys. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clark' visit­ ed with Mr. near Exeter week. Mr. called Batten Mr. .and Mrs. Heber Davis, bury, spent Friday with Mrs. Clarence Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Gunning of Kirkton, visited witn Mr. and Mrs Wm. Clarke on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Davis and family visited with the latter’s mo­ ther Mrs. Agnes Alexander on the Thames Road on Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Collier at Kirkton on Saturday. GREENWAY | and ' was from | -* i i The Elliott illness ery. Miss dale, spent a few days with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson last week. Mrs. Geo. Squire has returned to her home from London "where she spent several days with Mrs. Rich. Blatchford who is ill. Miss Evelyn Morley, who has been with Mr. and Mrs. Grant, of Granton for the past three weeks has return­ ed to her home. Miss Alma Parkinson spent the week-end with her aunt Miss Ade­ laide Parkinson in Granton. Whalen W. M. S. The February meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. Wilson Morley on Monday afternoon February 13lth. Meeting opened with the Doxology followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Hymn 435 was sung and thr^e of the members led in prayer. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Frank Gunning, Prov. 31, 10-31. Minutes of the last meeting was read and approved. A letter of thanks was read from Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hern. The Devo­ tional leaflet “The Woman of the Home” wa-s read by M-iss Florence Pullen also a reading -on “Christian Stewardship and Finance” by Mrs Thos. Gunning. Miss Mary Morley then gave a selection on the accor- dian “Lead Kindly Light” which was enjoyed by all. Ruth Morley gave a reading “Inasmuch”. Several mem­ bers responded to the Watch Tower. Hymn 166 was sung and Mrs. John Hazelwood dismissed the meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs. I her assistants and a social spent. WOODHAM We are sorry to hear that Miss N. Shier, of London, has been laid up with an attack of measles. Mr. Ray Mills had the misfortune to get his face cut while playing hoc­ key. The ice for skating Saturday night at the Kirk-ton rink: was in poor shape, owing to the mild weather. Our deepest sympathy goes out to Mrs. Rutherford in the sudden death of her father Mr. J. Richards in his 87th year. The funeral was held from his late residence Friday af­ ternoon at 3 o’clock with interment in Strathroy cemetery. AUCTION SALE at Lambert & Bullion’s Sale Yard STRATHROY, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25 th 25 Ontario Horses ranging from colts to work horses; few cows and springers; ‘few young Calves and Pigs. Owing to an increase in receipts sale will start at one o’clock -sharp. Horses will be sold at mst of sale. TERMS: CASH M. A. McAlpine, Auctioneer MORTGAGE SALE — of --- VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF MCGILLIVRAY Under and by virtue of cne powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the sale the undersigned will offer for sale at FAHRNER’S HOTEL Crediton, Ont., on SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1933 at 11 o’clock a.m. Th© property known as Lot Num­ ber Ten (10) in the Ninth (9) Con­ cession of the Township of McGilliv­ ray in the County of Middlesex, save and except a portion thereof hereto­ fore sold to the Municipality of the Township of McGillivray for a road allowance, the remaining property containing ninety-nine and one-half acres of land more or less. On the property is a house, barn and other outbuildings. The pro­ perty is well located west of High­ way No. 4, at Mooresville, and south of the Village of Crediton * in the prosperous farming district of Mc­ Gillivray Township. The soil is said to be fertile and well drained. TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale and the balance in thirty days there­ after, without interest. The pro­ perty will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. Further terms and conditions of sale will be made, known on the day of sale, or may be had on application to the undersigned. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensall -Solicitors for Mortgagee Morley time Mrs. Jas. Wilson returned the hospital on Friday. Miss Evelyn Isaac has accepted a ■ position in London. I Miss Maude Brown, of London j spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Brown. j Miss Irene Stebbins has been vis- j iting Mrs. J. Romphf. j Mr. J. H. McGregor lost a valu-; able work horse last week. Mrs. Mary Geromette has moved ‘ iation. into part of Mr. J. house. ’ Myrtle Earl, Wellington Brock -Several were helping at the ice, Philip Hern, Miss Hazel Earl, Miss harvest last week. *------ " Grace church held a successful Valentine social on Tuesday last. Mrs. Ray Pollock, of Kerrwood and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Webb, of Grand Bend, spent Saturday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund McPherson and celebrated the lat­ ter’s birthday, Mrs. J. Jones received a message on Friday last that her youngest sis­ ter, Mrs, Ireland, of Comstock, Sask had passed away. Mrs. Ireland whose maiden name was Winnie. Mathers, spent her childhood and early girlhood in this community I She leaves to mourn her loss her! Miss Kennedy gave- her scholars a husband, two children an<T three ■ valentine Party. ) ZION Young People of the Church presented their Zion three The United act comedy-drama entitled “No Ac­ count David” to a good sized crowd in the Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton, on Friday evening of last week under j the auspices -of the Women’s Assoc* 'Those taking part were: McPherson’s ■ Mrs. E. Cowdry, Morris Hern, Miss • Thelma Jaques, Norman Jaques, N. ,Brock, Ivan Johnston. I Mr. and Mrs. John (Johns and Miss Lena Dufton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brock. On Wednesday evening of J week the hockey team played game with the Elimville team on the Kirkton rink. On Tuesday evening of Feb. 14th Mr. and Mrs. jques, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wellington and Mervin tended a Valentine social the Whalen Uftited Church. On Friday afternoon of last week last l a last week:. Allen Ja- Johnston Brock at- evening in AUCTION SALE — of --- FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS, The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at i Lot 8, South Thames Road on THURSDAY, MARCH 9th at one o’clock the following: FARM STOCK)—3 steers rising 2 yrs. old; 3 heifers rising 2 years old 2 heifers rising 1 yr. old; 6 pigs 15 0 pounds; 20 hens. IMPLEMENTS—M. H. binder 6 ft. cut; M. H. mewer nearly new; 1 land roller nearly new; 1-furrow riding plow; seed drill, cultivator, 1 walking plow, set harrows, set of scales, hay rack, wag’on box, wagon, set sleighs, .cutter, wheel barrow, 1 sugar kettle, set double harness, 1 scuffler, forks, shovels, hoes, neck- yokes, whiffletrees, chains, pails, boxes, grind stone, crow bar, sling ropes. Quantity of hay and a quantity of wheat. Extension -table, sideboard, dining room table, phonograph, heater, coal heater, kitchen chairs, bed and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months’ credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes or a discount of 5 per cent, off for cash. MRS. WES<. ARMSTRONG, Propriet­ ress FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of DANIEL BARRY late of the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 24th day of March A. D. 1932, are required to forward their claims duly proven to H Eilber & Son, Crediton, on or before the 6th day of March A.D. 1933. AND NOTICE is further given that after the said date the Admin­ istrator will proceed to dispose of the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. Dated this 20th day of February A. D. 1932. MARITIN O’ ROURKE, Administrator R. R. <3, Dashwood, Ont NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of HANNAH KENT late of the Village of Centralia in the County of Huron, a married woman who died on or about the 19th day of January A. D. 1933, are required to forward their claims duly proven to H. Eilber & -Son, Crediton, on or before the 6th day of March A. D 1933. AND NOTICE is further given that after the said date the execu­ tor will proceed to dispose of the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. Dated this 20th day of February A. D. 1933. NELSON BAKER Executor R. R. No. 2, Centralia