HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-02-16, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, FEBRV4BY Uh 1933
Clarence fiilbei* ahd Dr. Mor-
of Detroit, spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eilber.
Mr. Jacob Finkbeiner is very ill
Bertha Bell, of Toronto, is at present. We hope for a speedy
with her mother, Mrs. Thus , recovery.
j The auditors, John W. ‘G'raybeil
McKenzie, of Kincardine, is and C. W. Christie, audited the Tp.
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. books on Tuesday.
i A party was held in honor of Mrs.
son Fred Gaiser’s birthday on Friday,
in 1 February 3rd. A number of friends
j and re atives met to celebrate the
The evening was spent in
lunch was served,
just south of the
been in Victoria
two months has
Dr. I, S. Smillie spent several days |
last week visiting friends in Toronto I
Earl Drummond.
■Mr. Tlios. Shaddock and
Earnest were visiting friends
Clinton on Monday!
Dr. George. Blatchford, of Clinton 1 occasion.
_____ ____' omninc nt’Michigan, is visiting
and relatives in town.
Mrs. (Dr.) Reid, of
visited last week with
Mr. and Mrs.- Ed. Sheffer.
Mr. Roy Parlmer returned home
Saturday after spending several
days with friends in Toronto.
Mrs. Filshie was able to resume
her duties nt the Continuation
School after her recent illness.
The many friends of Mrs. Roy
Parlmer will be pleased to hear she
is getting along nicely after her re
cent operation at Toronto.
ITfae many friends of Mrs. Wm.|
Henry will be sorry to hear she has)
been confined to her home with
ness during the past few weeks.
(The Ladies’ Guild of the
Paul’s Anglican Church held a Val
entine Supper on Tuesday evening.
A good attendance was present.
Quite a number from here,
tended the reception in honor
Mr. and Mrs. Campb'ell Eyres
Watson’s Hall, Kippen, on Tuesday
Next Sunday Men’s Day will be
observed in the United church when
a choir of men’s voices will lead in
the singing and appropriate ser
mons will be delivered for the oc
The Wobela Class of the' United
Church intend giving a concert in
the school room on Friday evening
A good program of readings, quar
tettes, duets and two short plays will
be given.
Services in our local church were
well attended on Sunday last. At
the United church Rev. Arthur Sin
clair occupied the pulpit and a very
well rendered quartette was given
by Mrs. Hess, Mrs. Hedden Messrs
W. O. Goodwin and Sam Rennie
Miss Bella Smale also gave a solo.
At the evening service at the Car
mel Presbyterian Church Rev. W
A. young had charge of the services,
and in the evening a quarette was
given by Mrs. W. A. Young, Mr. W
A. McLaren, Mrs. Jas. Paterson and
Miss Irene Daters. *
The Young People’s League of the
United Church held their
meeting on Monday evening in the
form of a social evening with Dr
Smillie presiding^ After the opening
exercises the Scripture lesson was
read by Miss E. Murdock followed
'by a piano duet by Misses Gladys
Passmore and Grace Brock after
which’ a reading was given by Miss
Gladys Luker and a chorus was giv
en by a few of the Gleco C. G. I. T.
Group. A very delightful piano solo
was given by Dr. Smillie followed
by a reading by Miss Margaret John
ston. A duet was given by Mrs.
Hedden and Mrs. Hess followed by
a solo by Mrs. Hess which was en
joyed by all. The topic was very
ably given by Mr. George Folliok
on St. Valentine after
Sam Rennie rendered a
meeting closed with a
the Mizpah Beneditcion.
The Gleco C-G.I.T. Club held
regular meeting on Tuesday evening
at the home of Miss Margaret John
ston, in the form of a valentine so
cial. The meeting opened with the
C.G.I.T. purpose after which hymn
393 was sung followed by the Scrip
ture Lesson by Olive Lemon. The
Roll Call and minutes were read and
adopted and hymn 194 was sung.
A reading was then _
Irene Smale followed by a solo by
Mrs. Hedden and a
Miss Florence Welsh.
'then gave a very enjoyable reading
and a quartette was given by Misses
Gladys Passmore, Alice Higgins
Grace Brock and Olive Brock. Hymn
245 was sung and the meeting was
closed by repeating the Mizpah
Benediction. Games and contests
were then partaken of after which
a light lunch was served.
Death of Julius C. Clausen
The death occurred at the resi
dence of his daughter in Detroit
on Monday, of Mr. Julius C. Claus
en, a former well-known resident of
Hensall. Mr. Clausen conducted a
harness business here for years and
was well known in the' Hensall dis
trict. About 30 years ago he moved
to the West settling at Cairn, Sask,
where he was engaged in the har
ness business and also farmed south,
of cairn. He returned a few years’
ago and has been a frequent visitor
to Hensall since and of late has
made his home with his daughter in
Detroit. Friends in the village re
ceived word last week that he was
seriously ill anti word came Monday
that he passed away. The funeral
was held on Wednesday afternoon
from the St. Paul’s Anglican church
interment ill the Hensall
Cemetery with Rev. M. B.
in charge of the services.
friends ' games after which
regular j
th eh’
given by Miss
piano solo by
Miss Johnston
the TpMr. J. Leonard Harris, of
of Usborne has recently been ap
pointed Justice of the peace in and
for the county of Huron.
Mr, Wm. glims,
who has
for over
home. He had one of his
amputated. Mr. Sims is
big toes
past 7 6 years, and stood the opera
tion well for his age.
Anniversary Services of the
Evangelical Church
Anniversary services were held
the Evangelical church the
at_ „ __HI _ past
Sunday. , On account of the prevail
ing storm and cold, there was no ex
change of pulpits. The trustees, Mr.
John Morlock, Mr. Geo. Finkbeiner
,.and Mr. Jacob Ratz consented that
the pastor conduct the services and
deliver the anniversary addresses
The choir supported the services
with excellent music. Nola Faist and
Mrs. Gordon Morlock contributed
special ■numbers. The evening ser
vice was especially interesting be
cause Rev. J. Johnson and the con
gregation of the United church were
Crediton Women’s Institute
The February meeting was held
on Tuesday, February 7tli with Mrs.
Ewald presiding. (Meeting opened
with singing of Institute dde, Lord’s
Prayer in
name of
the business session
program was given: Current Events
by Miss A. Gaiser. She spoke on
Trade problems between Great Bri
tain and Canada; Payment of Wai’
Debts; Manchurian Problems; Ger
man Elections; Russia’s Five Year
Plan and Countess Tolsty’s plea to
the world for Russia’s helpless mil
lions; Unemployment Insurance in
Canada; Five Day Week Plan; The
Changes in Radio; Kangaroo tanks
.in place of tanks used in the Great
War; Harnessing of Wind a Prob
ability';’ New Searchlight used in
Search of Air-planes; Tatooing
which might take the place of our
present day rouge and lip-stick; Ox
ford Group Movement; Technocracy
and what the women of the world
are doing in flying, surgery, music,
motoring, learning and also at the
bar. Mr. M. W. Telper gave a very
instructive and interesting paper on
“Banking” outlining the benefits
of Banking to o.ur country; benefits
derived by the business man; simpli
city in. tranferring moneys even to
foreign countries; depositing or sav
ings system; loaning money; pro
tection through the use of travellers
cheques, money orders and drafts;
bank dept, for advice on buying safe
bonds. He stressed the fact that
each child should' have a .savings ac
count even though very small and
be allowed- to do his own depositing
to acquaint him with the bank and
give him a feeling of independence.
A hearty vote of thanks was tender
ed1 Mr. Telfer for this instructive
talk. Community singing was fol
lowed by several short ""poems by
Edgar Guest given py Miss Lavina
Smith; piano duett by Mrs. C.
ener and
tion and
by Mrs.
meeting were
to the roll
a Canadian
'Minutes of the
read and
members re
call with the
author. After
the following
Miss A. Gaiser; demonstra-
display of oilcloth articles
C. Sims. These included
doorstop, pot holders and
_______a contest in the form
of a telegram composed of the letters
in the word Valentine ' was very
amusing and was won by Mrs. Eli
Brown. A dainty lunch was then
served by the following hostesses:
Misses Lavina Smith, A. Gaiser,
Kinney, P. Love and E. Brown.
Alexander Garrett
The death of Alexander Garrett,
at his late residence, 47 Hale Street
London, removed one of the last re
maining links with t?ie pioneer days
in the north-eastern parts of Mid
The late Mr. Garrett was the last
of the family of tile late William
and jane (Langford) Garrett, early
settlers, of the Granton district, Who
came to Canada from Queen’s
county, Ireland in 1827. They pnr-t
chased 500' acres of land in London .
and Biddulph townships, the bulk
' of which is still owned by their des
As a young man, Mr. Garrett, as
sisted his father and three brothers
in clearing this land and converting
it into fine farms. He was born on
the original homestead, Lot 9> Con
cession 16, London Twp, which IS
now owned by his eldest son, Mark
Garrett, principal of Lady Beck
public school, London. He lived
there 'for over 50 years and then
moved to London, where he has
since resided. His three brothers.
Mark, and isaa^ Garrett, of Biddulph'
and william Garrett, of London
TWp, predeceased hinj many years
ago. The late Mr, Garrett was one
of the oldest Black Knights in On*
tario and had been a member of the
Orange Order for nearly ’it) rears.
.Motor traffic is completely tied
up in this district since last week’s
storm. It looked very much like
old times on Sunday
people going to church
School in sleigh loads.
Mr. Hal Brown and
Brown, of Centralia, *
their mother Mrs. II.
'Mr. and Mrs. George Davis visited
with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thomson
in Exeter on Tuesday of last week
Mr. R. W. Batten and Mr. W. A.
Coleman were in Stratford on Wed
to. see the :
and Sunday t •
Miss Etlrnl
visited with
Brown, op
of last week.
day owing to the very cold weather
prevailing, but will take place this
Thursday evening at half past seven.
Our church and Sunday School
attendance last Sunday was much
smaller on account of many being
laid up with colds and flu.
Our High School students, the
Misses; Evelyn /Cann, Joyce Ruther
ford and Messrs. Gradon and Wel-
and Lome McNaughton
in St.
Sunday School Training
was postponed last Thurs-
glad to
Marys over the
know that Mr.
has been laid up
dyn Cann
all stayed
We are
Wesley Shier, who
for some time is slowly improving.
On Wednesday evening the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cowdry was
the scene of an interesting event
when about fifty friends of Mrs
Fred Cole, (nee Olive Johns) met tc
express their best wishes in a tan
gible fonm. Mr. Del. Skinner read
an address and the presentation, of
two chairs and n small table was
made to Mrs. Cole. Other useful ar
ticles were also given her by indi
viduals for which she fittingly ex
pressed her thanks. The evening
was spent pleasantly in music, con
tests etc. after which a substantial
lunch was served.
Rev. J. peters attended the meet
ing of the Presbytery held in Clin
ton on Tuesday this week.
'Congratulations are due to Mr
Lome Elford, who won fifth prize
in the Inter Grade and Miss Doris
Elford, who won fifth prize in the
junior grade, eight and nine years
in the Temperance examinations
held in the Sunday Schools in South
'The hea^y storms have made good
sleighing and for a time travelling
on the main roads was difficult for
cars. /
'Mrs. Harry Ford has been confin
ed to her bed for three weeks,
are pleased to report a slight
provem ent.
Campbell and Mr. Sidney
motored to Toronto one
sonvisiting her
a couple offor
has returned id
a week with
am son
last week on business.
Mrs. S. Tufts is
Harold of Toronto
Mr. Gerald Cluff
his home after spending
friends in Exeter.
Miss Mildred Doupe of London is
visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. A.
E. Doupe this week.
Miss Evelyn Walkom spent the
week-end in the village.
Miss Dorothy Doupe, of London
spent the week-end with Miss Kate
Doupe of this village.
■Miss Mildred Doupe of London is
home waiting on her mother Mrs.
A. E. .Doupb, who is ill at time of
'The weather man came around
the -corner in a terrible hurry ^Tues
day night bringing zero weater and
as a result the “Dandelions, Tulips
and buds” will be gone for a while,
but hoping we will soon be enjoying
“In the .good old summer time.”
The boys of the village have been
working hard at the skating rink
this past week and now the ice is
cheersin real ..good shape. Three
for the boys.
Word was received here
day evening of the ceath
Mary Glavin at the home of
Jfames Glavin of Centralia. Mrs. Gla
vin was well-known here having re
sided her for some time.
Miss Katherine Doyle’s many [ friends are pleased to see her out
.again after
of the flu.
iMr, and
of Detroit,
parents Mr.
Miss Meletia Schenk, of Crediton
visiting at the home of her broth-
Mr. Nelson Schenk.
Mr. John Hogan who has
quite ill for the past week, ,w(
pleased to say is improving. ’
Mrs.- William Rowland left
week for her home in London after
a pleasant visit with her sister Mrs.
Ttesa Rowland,
Mi*. Otto Pfaff, of St. Marys, is
spending a few days with friends
in the neighborhood.
Mrs. Mat Hyah met with a painful
accident last week when she fell and
broke a bone in her arm. Dr. Taylor
Dashwood was called and sot the
her son
suffering from an attack
Mrs. Andrew Morrissey
is visiting the former’s
and Mrs. Gus. Morrissey.
; are
RED & WHITE store
Gold Medal Orange Marmalade 40 oz. jar ea. 21 c,
Pearl White Naptha Soap............. 10 bars 27c.
Fresh Dates................................... . ...4 lUs- f°r 2,5c.
Choice Sweet Corn
4 tins 25c.
) Choice Quality Peas
3 tins for 27c.
[ Clark’s Soup
[ Assorted, per tin 5c.
PURE CANE SUGAR ........................ 10 lbs. for 48c.
Dried Apricots
Choice Quality
per lb. 19c.
Gold Medal Peanut Butter
12 oz. pail ,
each 10c. j
Fancy Queen Olives
14 1-2 oz. jar
each 19c.
DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS, Assorted flavors .............. 6 for 2nc.
Rose Brand Baking Powder
1 lb. tin each 19c.
Red & White Vanilla
8 oz. bottle each 15c.
Helmet Corn Beef
12 oz. tin each 10c.
Falcon Sweet Mixed Pickles ... 2 for 19c.
Good Bulk Tea........................ per lb. 29c.
Happy vale Catsup 12 oz. bottle 2 for 25c.
Chocolate Marsh. Mallow Bisciuts 2 lb. 25
Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon 2 for 25c.
Select Oysters ............. per pt. 55c.
B. C. Salmon fresh frozen .... per lb. 15c.
Fresh Frozen Herring ...........per lb. 10c.
Phone 102
"Quality always higher than price.”
We Deliver
Dr. H. H., Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, in
Zurich, last three days of week.
• “Love” and minutes of last meeting
i read and adopted. After the business
j part of the meeting the study topic
! was dealt with by Mrs. A. Cudmove
Mrs. E. Cudmore and Mrs. W. Cole
afer which a chorus was rendered
by the lady members of the choir
present, “Savior be with me every
hour” which was much enjoyed. A
very interesting reading was given
by Mrs. Glenn “Mine ana William’s
Thankoffering,” which was very
much appreciated by all present, the
meeting closed by singing “Bless be
the tie that binds” and prayer,
A 'bee for drawing wood that
cut some three weeks ago was
called for on Monday afternoon
was well responded to by both
and teams and all was nicely piled
in the shed.
The play “Strictly Business” that
was put on by the Elimville ladies
was well received by all who heard
it; the weather being a little unfav
orable the attendance was not as
large as it otherwise would have
yet all felt they had spent a very
pleasant evening together. Lunch
was served by the Chiselhurst la
dies. Those taking part were: Mrs
Wm. Elford, Mrs. Will Routley
Birdine Clark, Miss Dora Delbridge
Miss Lavona -Cooper, Mrs. Charles
Johns, Mrs. Ed. Johns, Mrs. Newton
Clark, Mrs. Thus. Bell, Mrs. Chas
j Stephens, Mrs. Sherwood Brock, Mrs
John Brock, Miss Helen Murch, Miss
Ruth Skinner. The musical select
ions by the Elimville orchestra was
also very much appreciated. •
Quite a number in this community
i l
Mrs. Adella Fischer has returned
home after spending the past two
months in Thedford.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Kraft left for
Sarnia last week where Mrs. Kraft
underwent an operation for append
icitis in Sarnia Hospital. Dr, Taylor
performed the operation. Her many
friends here hope for a speedy
Quite a number in this vicinity
suffering from the flu.
Milford Merner underwent
operation several weeks ago. We
pleased to say she is recovering.
A very interesting hockey match
was played on our rink on Friday
night between Grana -Bend and
Dashwood which resulted 6-3 in fa
vor of Grand Bend.
Mr. Oluf Pedersen is busy this
week putting in his supply of ice
which is of excellent quality since
the blizzard last week.
Miss Anna Tieman, who has been
visiting in Toronto returned
are |
his laid up with colds and the ’flu
The Women’s Missionary society
held their annual social evening on
Thursday, February 2nd at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brock. About
45 sat at the tables to partake of
the good things provided by the la
dies. After supper a short program
was given; Mrs. (Rev.) Peters was
chairlady. The program commenc
ed by singing a hymn followed by
prayer by the pastor Rev. Mr. Pe
ters. A song was sung by Master
Harry Hern accompanied by his mo
ther on the piano; duett by Mr. E.
Johnston and Mr. Harold Hern with
Mrs. Johnson at the piano; reading
by Mr. E. Cowdry; duett by Rev.
Mr. and Mrs. Peters with Miss Ha
zel Earl at the piano; debate, “Re
solved that a good natpred poor
man is prefdrrable to a wealthy
grouch” the affirmative being taken
by Mrs. R. E. Pooley and Mrs. Har
old Hern the negative by Mrs. Wel
lington Brock and Mrs. Melville
Hern, the judges were Mr. E. John
ston, Mr. James Earl, Mr. Milton.
Brock. While the judges were mak
ing their decision Miss Hazel Earl
and Miss Myrtle played a piano duet
and Miss Lena Dufton a piano solo.
The judges then gave their decision
in favor of the affirmative. The re
mainder of the evening was spent
playing progressive crokinole, the
winner being Mrs. George Earl. A
Hearty vote of thanks was given Mr
and Mrs. Brock for their hospitality
also a vote of thanks by the gentle
men to the ladies for the evening’s
entertainment. All felt it as an ev
ening- well spent.
of Mr. and
H. Belling, D,
R. English, S.
and J. Laurie”
Remember the Oyster Supper
good program at the United Church
on February 2’2nd. Admission
and 15 c.
Mr. Kirkby has recovered from
recent illness.
Miss Erma Goodhanc is on
sick list.
Miss Mary Corbett visited
Windsor last week.
The cold weather brought sleigh
ing and pur residents are busy haul
ing their winter supply of wood.
■Rev. S. J. Mathers is attending a
training school in St. Thomas this
IT'he Y. P. S. held their regular
meeting at the home
Mrs. Fred Steeper on Monday even
At a recent congregational meet
ing of the United Church the fol
lowing officers were
(Elders, John Durr,
Sheppard, W. Brown,
W. Webb, E. Mason
A. M. Wilson, honorary;
W. T. Ulens, C. Woodburn, J. H. Mc
Gregor, Elton Curts, Fred Steeper.
L. Pollock, W. Hioks, jos. Eagleson,
Fred Sharpe, A. Curts, j. Jones, F,
Steeper; Trustees—I. C. Goodhana,
H. Harlton, T. Isaac, L. Hutchinson,
A. Brophey; plate Collectors, Ross
j Brown, Harry Steeper; Assistants
iM. Curts, Russell Brown; ushers, I.
i Sharpe, L. Brophey, James Prance
Dean Brown; Auditors, Elton Curts
and Leslie Hutchinson; secretary, R.
Hutchinson; treasurer, S. W. Webb.
Mr. Webb later handed in his resign
ation and Russell Pollock was ap
At the meeting of the Official
Board of the Grand Bend and Green
way charge Rev. S. J. Mathers was
invited to remain as pastor
other year
"The Women’s Missionary
met in the school room
Melvin Hamilton spent part
Mrs. Fiunin
order of the
have tlieir
of the week in London with Mr. C.
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, of Ailsa
Craig, visited Mr. and
on Sunday.
Putting up ice is the
day and most all will
season’s supply harvested this week
It is number one ice.
Mr. Wellington Johnston is all
smiles over a baby boy.
Mrs. Wm. Baker is visiting with
her father Mr. I, Bestard for a few
The robins that were chirping
and piping around here have dis
appeared with the severe cold spell.
Mrs. Oily Sararas, of Zurich, vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ravelle for
a few days. *
Mr. Howard Johnston took charge
of the service Sunday morning . nd
was very much enjoyed by all pres
ent, Mr. Kaine, of Seaforth, was not
able to be present owing to the con
dition of the roads.
Little Lila Finkbeiner, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. L. Finkbeiner, had
her tonsils and adenoids
last Tuesday at Dr.
al, Dashwood.
Mr. and Mrs. P.
Grand Bend, spent
home, of Mr. and Mi’s. I. Tetreau.
The annual congregational meet
ing Was held in the church on Mon
day evening last with Rev. Mr. John
ston in charge. Albert Keys was ap
pointed secretary, having read the
minutes of last years annual meet
ing. After the reports were given
Taylor’s Hospit*
Eisenbaoh from
Sunday at the
for am
of the
church on Monday afternoon with; the officers for the year were elect-
a good attendance.
was in charge of Mi’s,
and Mrs. A. Buchanan
Conducted the opening
Mrs. Buchanan read the
reading. The president,
Cudmore, took the chair
mairider of the meeting,
call was responded th by
The meeting
J. M. Glenn
Mrs. Glehn
exercises and
Mrs. A
for the re*
The roll
a verse on
ed as follows: members of session
Edward Lamport, E
stewards, Roy Rat?!,
Malt. Sweitzer, Major
ist, Peat! Keys; treas.
Pearl Keys;
Mil ton Ratz
and Vern Sharpe. Mooting was clos
ed by prayer by KeV. Mr. Johnston
M. & M.
Vern Sharpe
Roy Ratz
her daughter Mrs. L. Held of Water
Mr. S. White, of Centralia, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs.
on, visited with
Mr . Gordon
Tuesday with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ryan,
spent last Tuesday with
Mrs. J. Ziler.
Mr. Clement McCann
Miss Tena McCann have
ing for the past month with friends
in Dtroit.
Miss Ila Mason and Miss Maida
Wein spent Sunday w’ith Miss Al-
dene Eagleson.
Mr. Wm. Mason had his face bad
ly frozen last Thursday while driv
ing the mail.
J. Hanover is visiting with
E. Lamport, Credit-
Mr. Wm. Witzel on
Miller spent last
of Corbett,
Mr, and
and Annt
been visit-
Mrs. George Hay and
Patsy, of Exeter, spent
week with the former’s
Mrs. Wilson Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson attend
ed the funeral of their brother-in-
law, the late. Mr. H. Parsons, in Ex
eter on Saturday.
Mrs. Eli Lawson is visiting her
sister Mrs. H. Parsons in Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baird and
daughter, of Grand Bend spent the
week-end with relatives here.
Mr. Sam Merner spent a few days
in Hensall last week.
the past
hear a lot about part time jobs
And from all the evenings
have to spend alone a good
many wives think they’ve married
part-time husbands.
It takes over fifteen
to hold, fiti automobile
only one to spread it
hundred nuts
together, and
all ever the