HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-02-09, Page 8THURSDAY, REBRl’AllY 9th, 1933 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE MEN’S BROTHERHOOP The Street in the ening. of the The. pastor was unavoidably absent through illness. was given by Mr. George Grant with his sister Mrs. Hy. Carey as accom­ panist. A duet was snug by Messrs. Walter Cutbush and W. R. Gould­ ing. Mr. Goulding also led in a sing-song. The speaker for the ev­ ening was Dr. W. E. Millson of the Dept, of Social Service and Evan­ gelism. Dr. Millson gave a brief and interesting outline of his work in connection with the church, wish­ ing the counts as a friend ‘pf* ‘ the friendless and also supervising- two farms, one for boys and one for girls operated by the church. On one oi the farms there is an accredited herd of Jersey cows and on the other a flock of poultry and Dr. Millson stated that they had a splendid mar­ ket securing top prices for both th dr cream and eggs. They have a’so ? splendid orchard and last year pack­ ed over 8U0 bbls, of apples all hauc selected and polished. In speaking of the Brotherhood he pointed lut that all organizations should have an objective, something worth while, a challenging program. He spoke of the work being done by the women’? organizations and of the men sitting back and allowing the women to de the greater part of the church work. He appealed for loyalty to the church and to the organization. We may not agree with a’l its activities but this is no reason why we should fail tc lend our support. His remarks were well received and heartily applauded Refreshments were served by mem­ bers of the Women’s Association at the •ing and son evenin train for Toronto. Men’s Urotheriiood of James United church held a meeting church parlors on Monday ev- The meeting was in charge president Dr. w. E. Weekes. A violin selection Exeter Markets Wheat 45e. Oats 25c. Barley 32c. Shorts, 85c. Bran, 80c. Midliugs 90c. Manitoba’s Best Model Flour $2 Welcome Flour Malting Barley 32c, Feed Flour, $1.00 Creamery Butter 26c Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ; Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes,, M, A. ’ I Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M, Organist 10 a.m.—(Sunday School J. $2.25 00 $1.60 Butter 17c. extras 14 c. firsts 12c. seconds 10 c. $3,15. LOCALS Sunday with friends in town. Miss Ruby Stone, of Western Uni­ versity. was home for the week-end When you read this two cut of four papers for February will be off the press. Mrs. Fissette, of Brantford, is vis­ iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F W. Gladman. Mrs. A. Swavze, of London, is vis­ iting with her mother Mrs. Broder­ ick this week. Misses MUyme Pridham and Reta Rowe Home” ing. Miss Mrs. Rose monia but improving. Mr. and London, visited with the latter’s par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Etherington over the week-end. A Cup party was enjoyed by number of children at Mr. and Mrs. William Tuesday night. The young people of I attended the Normal "At in Stratford on Friday ?ven- close of which all joined in sing- "For He’s a Jolly ’Good Fellow” "God Save the King.” Mr. Mill- was taken to London the same g to catch an early morning Patsy Russell, daughter of Russell, is ill with pneu- we are pleased to state is Mrs. Chester Merkley, of FOR SALE—.House and four uc- res of land in Exeter on Lake Road Good stable and hen house. Part down payment. Easy terms on bal­ ance. Owing to advanced years I am unable to work the land. Good proposition. Also cow for sale.— Chas. Wilson, Hay, a the home of Laverty on FO-R SALE—Pure bred dual pur­ pose Shorthorn bull. 18 months old; and some pigs 6 weeks old. to Chas. Exeter. Apply Prout, 1 1-4 miles south of tfc. Re- "A war ad- the i off FOR Huron Apply Box 0, Clinton. RENT—Frame cottage on St. with two acres of land. 2-9-2tp. A Progressive Euchre under the auspices of the Canadian Legion is being held this Wednesday in the' Town Hall. Four given away. Lunch will be Admission 25c. evening Prizes served The Thames Road Farmers’ Club are booking orders for a car also orders for cedar posts, for coke should be placed at P. Passmore, Secretary. of coke Orders once.— A Valentine Dance will be held in the Exeter Opera. Hguse under the auspices of the ExetW Tennis Club on Tuesday, February 14th. NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS Dog tags are now available at Clerk’s office. Every dog must a tag before March 1st. Jos. Senior, Clerk the have 2w HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY Phone 184 Exeter, Baby Chicks, Rocks $12.00; horns $10.00 till April 15th in lots of 300 or over, less than 300, lc per chick more. Poultry Feeds. Beef Meal, Oyster Shell, Grit, Cod Liver Oil, Meal, Cello-Glass, fiiLLite, Bring us your market eggs or try. Custom Hatching. Ont Leg- Alfalfa etc poul- Tf you wish to buy or sell a —See R. E. Pickard. farm James Street Sunday School are preparing a ligious Drama in three’ aers Dream of Queen Esther.” Mr. John Taylor, of Crediton in town Monday. Mr. Taylor in dition to his business has taken agency for nursery stock. Mr. Hector Taylor has been duty for about two weeks through illness and his milk route has been in charge of Mr. Jos. Follick. • Mr. Lyle Statham, who is with the Standard Drug Co. in been transferred to St. manager of one of the Mr. H. O. Southcott, Southcott, motored to week accompanied by Mr. F. Sheere j Mrs. M. Sheere and Mrs. E. A. ” * ' lick. Miss Avis Lindenfield, who cently underwent an operation Victoria Hospital, London, for trum trouble is recuperating nicely. Miss Blanch Senior has returned home after visiting in Sarnia Detroit. Miss Senior was a soloist at the Ladies’ Musical Sarnia Monday of last week. Howard Preszcato.r, who is ing the Exeter High School, ed onto thin ice above the dam on Friday last, the ice broke and he was percipated waist deep into the water. Mr. Harold Wood, who was mana­ ger of one of the " Standard Drug Stores in Chatham, was recently transferred to a London branch. He spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood. Special revival services are being held this week in the Salvation Army Hall. Capt. Barrett is being as­ sisted by Rev. Silas McFalls. On Tuesday evening Rev. Mr. Sauer, of Dashowod assisted with the service Rev. A. A. Trumper, former rector of the Trivitt Memorial Church here has moved from Windsor to London to assume his new duties as rector of St. Matthew’s church. Mr. Trump­ er has been rector of St. Paul's Church, Windsor. London, has Thomas as stores there USED CARS WANTED—Will cash for good late model used Sandy Elliot. pay cars FOR SALE 1 top buggy, newly painted, good as new. A real buy. 1 2-furrow Verity Gang Plow in a-1 shape—make an offer. 1 7-foot McCormick Binder tongue truck bundle carrier transport. This binder is in class shape. Canvas all good. Hurry it’s a real bargain. 1 Fordson Tractor, in Al shape Come and look this one over, 1 Oliver Tractor Plow, two furrow We will guarantee this plow, and you can buy it right. 1 Quebec Sulky Plow, single fur­ row, foot left at $10.00. 1 set Oak Wagon Wheels. A snap Four wheels at $5.00. We still have a number of trade-in Cream Separators, come and get the parts you need free before we scran them. AH new farm equipment at greatly reduced prices. New cream Separa­ tors as low as $50.00. In tern atiorial Harvester Co. Ltd., HXETER, ONTARIO New Spring Styles in Chatelaine Patterns You will have no trouble making that new dress if you use one of our Chatelaine Patterns. They are very simple and the styles are very smart- They sell for 1 Sc. per dozen 19c. Southcott Bros 10 lbs. 48c. per doz. 25c. per lb. 15c. Granulated Sugar . . Large Juicy Oranges Tasty Cheese........... SPECIAL Comfort Soap 7 bars 25c. SPECIAL Palmolive Soap 4 cakes 25c. Robin Hood Rapid Oats large pkg. 19c. Fresh Broken Sodas 2 lbs. 17c. 2 ib. bbl. Peanut Butter...................... 29c. Grape Fruit, large Seedless .... 4 for 25c. Choice Quality Corn . . .<............4 cans 25c. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFauj Choir-Leader, Mr. Middleniiss Aylmer Catsup Large Bottle 2 for 25c. EXTRA SPECIAL—FINEST QUALITY MESSINA LEMONS GouldingW. R 11 a.m.—"The Righteousness of Ab­ raham” 4th in series: "The Dynamic of Faith” 7 p.m.—-"The Tramp of Armed Men” 4th in series "Nignt acenes from the Old Testament,” JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA 11 3 : i Rev. J. II. Stainton, B.A.,B.D., Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—The Pastor p.m.—Sunday School p.m.-—"Jonah and «the Whale” Wedn,psday—Prayer Meeting Thursday—Y. P, S. Debate Congregational meeting Friday 8 p.m. Light refreshments willat be served. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—The first pf a series of ad­ dresses on the Apostles. 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—The Minister. Monday—Y. P. S.‘ Thursday—Prayer Aleeting. 11 11 3 ] 7 . a.m,—Morning Prayer p.m.—Sunday School and Rector’s Bible Class p.m.—Evensong Main Street Sunday School holding an entertainment in church to-night Wednesday, featur­ ing a dramatic recital The Story of Jean Valjean, by Francis Abbott; also vocal and instrumental music Admission 25 and 15c. JIG-SAW. PUZZLES—25 different- puzzles this week, 15c. to $1.00. We . a day JL tj ■ L V/ tp X , Miss Stella a]S0 reil£ jjg_saw puzzles 5c. Toronto iust -at Qrieve’s Drug Store. Fol-1 Mr. Howard’s room at the public • school was closed for a cou,ple of re-, days last week, Mr. Howard being at i indisposed. He was able to resume his duties on Monday. Mrs. D. Gordon and children have returned to tended stay Gordon has aunt. The in health. a li­ very and guest Club in attend- ventur- COME AND SEE “CAVEN MEN STEP OUT” AT THE OPERA HOUSE Exeter following an ex­ in Blenheim wherd- Mrs. been caring for her latter is much improved’ MEMBERS of the men signing ap- charter for the new co- CHARTER The names plications for operative organization of bean deal­ ers and bean growers in Western Ontario have been given as follows: George T. Mickle, Ridgetown; Wm J. Ferguson, Muirkirk; Norman E Cook, Hensail; W. C. Hubbell, Chat­ ham; John W. Ward, Highgate; Donald M. Littlejohn, Highgate; W Consitt, Hensall and Fred Ellering- ton, Exeter. MAIN STREET W. A. The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Association of Main fit church was held on February 2. The devotional part of the meeting was taken by Miss Hogarth- The visit­ ing committee reported making 35 calls. Flower committee and visit­ ing committees were appointed tor February. It was decided to hold, a pancake social at our next meeting. At the close of the business of he meeting a reading was given by MissI Hogarth on "Rug and Blanket Mak­ ing in Quebec.” : A ered by Mrs. Medd brill. The meeting Mizpah benediction. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, If you can’t laugh with them, Come and laugh at them MEN’S UNION duett was rend- and JMiss Gam- closed with the United ChurchThe Main Street ; Men’s Union entertained the ladies i of the church to a musical evening I on Wednesday, February 1st. The ; program consisted of the following Mrs. D. B. Stewart, who has been numbers: selection by the ladies’ or- visiting at the home of Mr. and Airs chestra, Misses H. Dignan, M. Fol- Gambrill, wltb and first —<J. A. Stewart since Christinas owing1 lick, R. Balkwill, V. Gambrill, O. to the illness of Mrs. K. Fuke, left-Lawson and Mrs. W. G. Medd; sel- Tuesday for her home in Moncton I ections by the male quartette, Rev. N. B. Mrs. Fuke’s many friends will. A. E. Elliott, Messrs. G. (Skinner, M be pleased to know that she is re-, Howey, J. Francis; piano- solo, ies- cuperating nicely. I criptive piece concerning th As a rule there is no news in re­ porting the fall of a few inches of snow in February but the scarcity of snow this winter makes it an inter­ esting news item. iFollowing spring like weather throughout the month of January snow covered the ground on Sunday and is now several Inches deep. Members of the Exeter W- I. met at the home of Mrs. W. F. Abbott Thursday evening of last week in celebration of Mrs. Abbott’s birthday A social evening was enjoyed and momentos were presented to Mrs Abbott, Refreshments were served at the dose; I SPECIAL Falcon Jelly Powders 6 pkgs. 25c. STAMPED MATS In a variety of good patterns. Try hooking a mat this season. EACH 25c. THISTLEDOWN YARN In all the wanted shades. A wonder­ ful quality yarn for knitting purposes. PER BALL 15c. PURE LINEN TEA TOWELING An all linen tea toweling, with blue, yellow, rose hr green borders. Special this week. 5 YARDS FOR 69c. TABLE NAPKINS ON SALE Some are slightly soiled, while others have not the full dozen. They go on sale this week at half price and less. Enter Our Bluenose Rug Contest We have decided to give a beautiful 23-piece China Tea Set valued at $9.00 to the person making the best mat from our 1932 or 1933 Bluenose .dat Patterns. These-mats are to be entered by March 31st and must be left in our store for display for one week. This Tea Set is now- on display. Ask for particulars. NEW WABASSO PRINTS In a wide variety of patterns. Colors are guaranteed. PRICED AT PER YARD 19c. . NEW PATTERNS, IN COMFORTER CHINTZ 10 new patterns in Comforter Chintz, 36 inches wide, new colorings and designs. PER YARD 21c. PRINTS AND GINGHAMS 1 In white and black, suitable for aprons etc. values to 30c. WHILE THEY LAST PER YARD 15c. DAISY BATS A nice fluffy white cotton bat very suitable for comforters PER LB. 35c. WALLPAPERS! - - W ALLPARERS! It will pay you to see our new patterns in Wallpapers before you de­ cide on your papers. We are showing a fine range of new patterns and effects. The prices too are lower. See our room lots at 08c., $L29, $1.49- SPECIALS IN GROCERIES T. O. M. and Choirmaster A. Organist James Street United Clinrcli Instruction in Vocal Organ TheoryPiano Supervisor of Music in Schools Studio, Main St. Box 123, Phone 193 EXETER. ONT. “FOOD FOR THOUGHT” Don’t wait for your ship to come in “Plan for it” by, “RETIREMENT INCOME POLICY” ' Let us serve you JAS. P. BOWEY Exeter SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Phone 229 Miss Mary Tapp has returned to her home after visiting for a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. James Dut­ ton, of London. SPECIAL SERVICES CLOSE The two weeks of special revival services held in the James Street United church were brought to a close on Sunday. During the first weeks of the services special sermons were preached by the local clergy and during the past week Rev. Dr. W. E. Millson, of the Department of Social Service and Evangelism, ol’ the United Church, Toronto, has been assisting the pastor Rev. Mr Stainton. Dr. Millson’s messages have been inspiring and heart searching and the meetings each ev­ ening have been well attended. The closing sermon on Sunday evening was a special message to., the Young People and the speaker appealed to the young people to allow the. Al­ mighty to mould and fashion their lives according to a Divine plan. The speaker during the week has ife .he I criptive piece concerning the Voy- :age and Wreck of the Titanic by Jack Doerr. The story of the ship­ wreck was given by Rev-. A. E. El­ liott, who also rendered the song ac­ companiment. A hand painted pic­ ture of the vessel was used in illus­ tration; violin solo, Mrs. S. Stanlake accompanied by Mr. fi. istanlake at the piano; piano duet by Misses V. Gambrill and H, Dignan; reading by Francis Abbott; Messrs. H. Stan . , - ....... lake, piano; M. Quance, harmonica; and Mrs. 8. fitanlake violin; selection on a saw, Mr. H. Stanlake; address and piano solo, Mr.-R. Gambrill. Af- Sunday a quartette ws rendered by Big Reductions In all Lines of Gent’s Furnishings, SUITS and OVERCOATS In order to reduce our stocks previous to Stock Taking we are offering Special Bargains in all Lines. W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Lampman have both beeu indisposed owing to flu. Mrs. W. T. Acheson visited several days with Mr. and Mrs. H. Leavitt in London. A. Y. P. A. BOX SOCIAL the for W. The regular meeting of the A. Y. P. A. of Trivitt Memorial church was held on Monday niglrt. The pro­ gram took the form of a box .social, the boxes being supplied by the men and purchased at auction by the ladies.. There was. a good turnout After the opening exercises in which the scripture lesson was read by Fred Armstrong the program wa? Ccivriod out consisting of solos accompanied on Dore; Wm. Wai- accompanied on MacFaul; banjo Walker WILLING WORKERS AUX. The regular meeting of the James Street willing Worker’s was held on Monday evening at the home of Miss Verna dance. Rowe, gram veiled opened with singing’ Lord’s Prayer in unison. ___ __ called and minutes of the last meet­ ing read and approved. A short businesss meeting was conducted and followed by singing hymn 3 47. Miss Loreen Dunn read the devo­ tional Leaflet and Miss Mayme Prid- liam gaye a short sketch of work of Dr. Miller, of China, which was fol­ lowed by a number of sentence prayers. The group then put on a parable entitled "Not exempt” which was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Lindenfield Pearl Wood and Lula ‘Lindenfield then sang a pleasing trio. A very interesting chapter of "Korea Calls* was read by Miss M. Horton. Meet­ ing closed with..a hymn and Mizpah Benediction. Lunch was served by group two and a pleasant half-hour spenfr-^ Coates, with, a large atten- The president, Miss Mildred presided over a splendid pro­ provided by group two con- by Miss M. Horton. Meeting followed by Roll was by the1 appealed for a deeper spiritual i on the part of the members of church and his message should re­sult in a’greater spiritual awakening ’ Tn a round table forum at the^ttlose ; of two of the meetings Dr. Millson outlined the Oxford Group Move- ---- -------... ------------------ment as he had come in contact withfney WOst and Aljoe Sanders, it in the city of Toronto and he ans-' worod many questions bearing on the same. Mr, Stainton has hot been himself during the past week having been suffering from the flu and was confined to the parsonage all day Sunday. At the evening service on motith- Stokes Wm. Davis, piano by Mrs. N. J. ter and Ted M’oyle. the piano by Miss selections by Tom organ selections by Lome and readings by J. Jennings, Syd- , J- After the program games and contests were indulged in following which the boxes were put up for auction by ReV. Mr. Hunt, good prices being received. Even though the boxes wore put up by the mon good taste ! in decorations of the boxes and the ____ . i fine selection of the contents rather ter the entertainment refreshments‘Messrs. Whiter Cutbush, R» VahejM surprised the skeptical ladies. The |were served by the ladies. Mrs. fitainton and Mrs. Goulding. 'meeting was then closed by prayer. orchestral selection ake, banjo; fi, Stan- Miss Ruble Creech is confined to her home through illness1 and her room at the public school is being looked after by Miss Enola Buswell,