HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-02-09, Page 5.Mkx
in repaying their loans. These
amounts wex*e paid from the general
account of the town. The Public
Library showed a surplus of $193.-
I As the last payment on the cement
road wil. be met from tlxe sinking
fund this and the interest charges
lowered the auditor recommended a
31 mill rate this * year. As that
i should be sufficient to meet the re-
' quirements, or a reduction of four
mills from last year.
on Friday
and a good
the United
intend giv-
W. A.
Miss Verda Watson spent the
week-end at her home in Blyth.
Mr. Roy McLaren is confined to
his room this week through il.ness.
Mr. Wm. Simpson, of Detroit
spent tlxe week-end with relatives
in town.
Mr, John Carrick of the Soxxth
Boundary, of Hay, was in town last
week on business.
Mrs. Wm. Consitt has returned
home .after a pleasant visit with
friends in Kincardine.
Constable Hudson has a number
of transients in charge every night
During the month the town gave 97
meals at a cost of $-24.25.
The Hensail Seed Show ,weather
permitting, will be held
February 24. Several
speakers will be- present
prize list is assured.
The Wohela Class of
Church Sabbath School
ing a concert on Friday evening,
February*'17tlx. Axx excellent pro
gram is being prepared.
Mi*. Wm. Consitt attended a meet
ing at Landon last week of the bean
growers and buyers of Western On
tario. An association will be form
ed of mutual benefit to both,
The W. M. S. of the United
Church held theii* regular Monthly
meeting on Thursday Htternoori last
After the opening exercises tlie de
votional leaflet was read by Mrs
Carlyle and the Study Lesson read
by the president, Mrs. Spencer and
Miss Morrison. It was arranged to
hold the annual prayer meeting on
March 3rd; the othei* churches be
ing invited to come.
Services in our local churches
were well attended on Sunday last
At the United Church Rev. A. Sin
clair occupied the pulpit and Doctor
Smillie rendered a very pleasing so
lo in the morning. At the Carmel
Presbyterian Church Rev.
Young had charge of the-
and in the evening a duett was given
by Miss Mabel Workman and Jerry
A meeting was held in the Town
Hall on Friday evening for the pur
pose of interesting the farmers in
growing soy beans. Tlie meeting
addressed by Mr. James Forgue
Mr. Trickie, of Milton, Ont.
company is anxious to interest
farmers of this vicinity in the grow
ing of this crop. Tlie farmers show
ing a keen interest, signed a goodly
number of contracts to -grow a large
The Welfare Youth Club of the
Carmel Presbyterian church held
tlieir regular meeting on Monday
evening and was in charge of Miss
Edna Gill. After the opening exer
cises Rev. W. A. Young lead in
prayer and the -Scripture Lesson
read by Miss Grace Dick. An i-ntsr-
esting feature of the evening was
lantern slides -on “Manchuria.” The
slides being illustrated by Miss Irene
Daters aftex* which the meeting
closed by the Mizpah Benediction
and contests and games were indul
ged in.
The Young People’s League of the
United Church held their regular
meeting on .Monday evening with
Dr. Smillie presiding. After the op
ening exercises a trio “Just a Touch
of his hand on Mine” by Misses
Florence McDonald. Hazel Hudson
and Mt. Wilson Carlyle followed by
an instrumental duet by Misses
Irene Douglas and Helen Glenn. The
topic was given by Miss Margaret
Hobkirk and the meeting closed
with the Mizpah Benediction. Next
Monday evening a
will be held.
Council Meeting
A regular meeting of the Village
Council was held on Monday even
ing in the Council Clxameers with all
members of tlxe Council present.
Minutes of previous two meetings
were read.
Petty and Jones that tlxe minutes
be adopted as read, Carried.
O. Geiger appeared as a delegate
asking fox* a grant for the Hensall
Seed and Stock Show.
Petty and 'Spencer that we grant
the Hensail Seed and (Stock Show
$30,00. Carried.
F. G. Bonthron, tax collector, im
ported on unpaid taxes as being
R. Higgins, auditor, appeared and
presented his report.
Petty and Jones that we accept the
Auditor’s report and that an order
be drawn on the treasurer fox* the
auditor’s salary of $25.00. Carried.
W. Jones reported re the Charity
Committee as having interviewed
two different families in, need of as
W. Consitt reported re the gravel
ling of the road, King St. East of
the London x'oad as being finished.
Communication read from the fol
lowing: Salvation Army, London re
grant; The Hospital for Sick Chil
dren, Toronto re grant; National
Stationers Ltd., Toronto re duplica
tor same ordered filed.
Bills and accounts read as follows:
Hensall Seed and Stock Show grant
$30.00; Robert Higgins, Auditor
salary $25.00; John passmOre, hydro
$7.3 5; John Passmore, supplies Fire
Dept. $16.95; Municipal World, sup
plies $17.18; Cook Bros., supplies
Fire Dept. $1.7’5'; Geo. Moir, labor
on street 70; D. McKaig 70c.; Wm
Smale 70c.; W. R- Welsh 70c,; Ray
Simale 70c.; Wm. Pfaff, laboi1 on
shed $1.00; School Board, current
expense $3,000.; Arthux* Dick, draw
ing gravel $60.00; T. W. Palmei*
charity account $5.83; Geo. Hudson
meals for transient $24.15; total
Petty and Jones that the several
accounts be paid as read and orders
drawn on the Treasurei* foi* same.
W. Consitt reported the Assess
ment committee’s work as being un
finished as yet.
W. Consitt, Reeve, appointed the
committee for 1933 as follows:
Roads and iStreets, Petty and Jones;
Property, Mickle and Spencer.
Jones and Spencer that we now
adjourn to meet at the call of the
Reeve. Carried.
Jas. Patterson,
Mrs, Isaac Gower, of Elimville S
spent a few days with her daughters g=:
Mrs. Joseph Bullock and Mrs. Ross ss
Taylor. ~==
Mt. and Mrs. David Sturgeon and'
Mr. Sam Merner visited in HensaF; ss:
and Bayfield on Friday. ! ss
Mrs. Harry Lewis is visiting with EE
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wilson neax ; EE
Centralia. • .
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatlxerjey, oi ' ggE
London, and Mr. and Mrs. Roland, EE
Motz and two children, of EXeter j szs
spent Sunday with tneir parents
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. ~
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson wex\ S3
called to Exeter Monday owing to gg
the serious illness of their brother- ~
in-law, Mx. Harry Parsons. ~
Mr. and Mrs, Sam. Rawlings, of ss
Ailsa Craig, spent Sunday with
and Mrs. Jacob 'Sims.
on February
and 15c. Don’t
by a
Hodgson, of Guelph
Mrs. Albert Mitchell's group
the Women’s Association will
a hot chicken supper followed
good’ program
Admission 25c
Mr. Herman
spent the week-end with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgson.
Miss Welsh, of Exeter, spent Sun
day -with Miss Marlys McFalls.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter England, of
Grand Bend, are visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. John Pollard.
Mr. Fred Warner has opened up
a barber shop in the Hotel at Cen
tralia. If you want a close shave or
a neat hair cut try Mr. Warner or
better known as Fritz, the barber
It was a great shock to the com
munity on Saturday of last week
when it was learned that Mr. Hec-
jto'r* Mitchrill, had, suddenly passed
away at his home during the night
The many friends of Mrs. Mitchell
extend their heart felt sympathy tc
her and hex’ family in their bereave
On Tuesday evening, Feb. 14th
the Y. P. S. are having their socia’
evening; after the games Mrs. Will
is’s group of the Women’s Associa
tion are serving a 10 c. lunch. Ev
erybody welcome.
Misses Lillian and Norah Webb
of London, spent the week-end with
their mother Mrs. A, Parsoe.
Mrs. Jackson, of Seaforth, visited
with hex* sistex* Mrs. Jas. Hickey on
Mrs. J. iJ. Carruthers Jr. spent
last week at the home of lxer brother
Mr. A. Finkbeiner where she was
attending her sistex* Miss Luella
Finkbeinex* who underwent an oper
ation for the
on Tuesday.
.Rev. F. L.
J. Carruthers
Mr. and Mrs. Tlxos. Love
tained the Y. P. Si. of Grand Bend
Uniter Church last Tuesday about
thirty-five members being present.
The Guild of Grace Church, of
Greenway held their meeting at the
home of Mrs. Robert Murray last
Mr. H. Murray visited with friends
in Thedford ovex* the week-end.
M'r. and Mrs. Therman Hay ter, of
Detroit, spent the week-end
Mrs. A. Hayter
removal of her tonsils
Lewin called on Mr. J.
on Saturday evening.
Russell Eilber, of Detroit
Valentine Social
village auditor
Robert Higgins,
in his report to the council on Mon
day evening congratulated the coun
cil of 1932 on the splendid financial
showing of the village. During the
past year they paid off $7,000 of th&
Debenture Debt of the village and
lowered the note debt from $2400
to $1352.55. The total debt of the
village is $29,091.15 with a sinking
fund of $4220. The receipts for the
general account were $31,224.48.
The expenditure is $31,231.93 or a
treasurer’s deficit of $7.45 for the
year. The outstanding 1932 taxes
are $1799.64 deducting from
note held by the
for $13'5’2.55 and
the cement road
$575.45 leaves a
year’s business of $145.81.
The concrete road sinking fund Or
$4,000 is inv.ested in school deben
tures 11, 12, 13, 14 and With cou
pon interest for the year of $220
and with the amount of $575.45 re
placed in the sinking fund will make
the last payment on tho cement road
due December 31, 1933.
The assets of the village are es
timated at $75,696.55 and the lia
bilities $29,125.15 leaving a present
worth of $46,5'71.40.
The Hydro Commission receipts
were $15,71843 and the expendi
tures $15,027.41 leaving a credit
balance in the bank of $690.72-
There"is also $1,500 in a Saving
Hank account and $4,000 invested in
dominion Government Bonds.
The auditor thought tljat this
amount of surplus should take care
of the future needs of the hydro
system and that a reduction in rates
was now due us; making one sug
gestion that the street lighting be
reduced from $12 to $10 a light.
The School Board although show
ing a small surplus should have had
Siririthrir 3-4 mill levy to have taken
care of the interest on the money
borrowed and were also $50 short
Bank of Montreal
the shortage and
sinking fund
deficit for
spent the week-end with his parents
Mr. and Mi* Charles Eilber.
Mrs. (Dr.) C. C. Misener has re
turned home having spent the past
week in Fenwick with hex* parents
Mr. and Mrs. Farr.
Fred Warner, who was seriously
injured this summer is able to,’work
again and has opened up a barber
shop in Centralia. We wish him
every success.
A shadow of gloom was cast over
the community on Sunday when
word was received from Victoria
Hospital, London, of the death of
Freddie Hey, -only child of Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Hey, where he was taken
a week ago. Three weeks ago he
contracted cerebo-spinal meningitis
which has proved fatal. He was in
his seventh year'. The funeral was
held on Monday at 10.30 o’clock
from Harrison’s Funeral Home, Lon
don, to Mount Pleasant Cemetery
He will be sadly missed by his par
ents and playmates. The community
extends its sympathy.
A meeting of the Council of the
Township of iStephen was held on
Monday afternoon in the Town Hall
The Evangelical Christian Endea-
vou-r is arranging fox* a Valentine
Social to be held next week at the
home of Mr. arid Mrs. Godfrey Wein
and theii* daughter Melitta.
The W. M'. S, day of prayer was
held last Sunday. The morning
serxnon was missionary in spirit. A
.goodly number turned out for the
afternoon prayer service In the ev
ening the extra numbers were: a
reading by Mrs. Tlios. Mawhinney;
vocal duett by Mrs. Clayton Sims
and Mrs. Ezra Faist and vocal duett
by Mr. and Mrs. Cixas. Hoffman. The
choir also contributed special an
The Christian Endeavour meeting
last Friday evening brought out a
■good attendance. Gertrude Amy oc
cupied the chair. After the usual
devotion, Helen Telfer gave a pihne
Solo; Alvin Finkbeiner presented the
subject; violin and piano trio by E
Haist, Kenneth and Evelyn
reading “A Christian? Duty
Church” by Gordon Ratz.
Anniversary SOiwices
Anniversary services will be
the Evangelical CA
Rev. E. Burn, of
niversary speaker and Will occupy
the pulpit both i _
ing. Friends of the community are
cordially invited. The choir has spec
ial anthems for the occasion.
>rch next
nrich, is
in nn iiniitniii iiiiiii ill i mi tin iiiiit till
Choice Quality Corn
4 tins for 25c.
Clark’s Pork and Beans
Large tins 2 for 25c.
Choice Quality Peas
3 tins for 27c.
STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY JAM (Gold Medal) 40 oz. jar each 27c.
R. & W. Saer Kraut
Large tip each 10c.
Golden Spray Cheese
1-2 lb. pkg. 2 for 25c.
Good Quality Rice
2 lbs. fpr 15c.
PEARL WHITE NAPTHA SOAP..................................... 10 bars for 27c.
Schneider’s Pure Lard
In bulk 2 lbs. for 17c.
Helmet Corn Beef
2 tins for 25c.
Kolona Coffee
1 lb. pkg. each 30c.
De Luxe Jelly Powders, assorted, 6 for 25c
Fresh Broken Sodas...........3 lb$. for 25c.
Bulk Tea ................................... per lb. 29c.
Chocolate Mallow Biscuits . 2 lbs. for 25c.
Fresh Dates..............................4 lbs. for 25c.
Seedless Grapefruit . . .
Large Size Lemons . . . .
Jamaica Oranges.........
Fresh Frozen Salmon . .
Oysters ...........................
..... 5 for 25c.
. per dozen 25c.
. . per doz. 25c.
, . . . per lb. 15c.
... per pt. 55c.
f c
' Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”
We Deliver
to His
hold at
the An-
ornjng and even-
Fire Insurance Company’s an-
meeting at Farquhar on Mon
number of ladies met at the
and Wilbur
days in Tor-
is under tlie
Dr. Morphey, of Woodham, is at
tending Mr. John Williams, who is
very ill at present.
Mr. Jarman Hazlewood attended
the “At Home’’ in Stratford Normal
on Friday and Saturday of last week
Mr'. Lorne Marshall
Cluff spent a couple of
onto last week.
Miss Sadie Anderson
doctor’s care at present we hope a
speedy recovery for her.
Mrs. A. Brethour has gone to
Woodham to spend the wintex* with
Miss Mary Brethour.
Quite a number in and around the
village are laid up with tlie flu.
Mr. Ranolds, of Hamilton, spent
the week-end with friends in the
Miss Annie Urquhart
day at Dr. Campbell’s,
M'r. and Mrs. Norman
baby son, of St. Marys,
day with Mrs. -M. Routly,
Miss Ellla *Routly sperft this week
at her
spent Sun
Routly and
spent Sun
friends in Elimville.
here by
J. Rutherford
for several
close of the meeting another inter
esting feature was the presentation
of a silver flower basket, from our
Society to Mrs. C. Pattison, former
ly Mrs. Thacker and also an address
which was read by Mrs. Doupe
showing oui* appreciation of her past
services in our Society. A hymn was
sung and the meeting was closed by
prayer by the president. Lunch was
then served and a social time spent
The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup
per was held here Sunday evening
Miss Elaine Cann, of
Hospital, visited Sunday
home here.
A Sunday School
Course is being conducted
our pastor, Rev,
on Thursday evening
The annual congregational meet
ing was held here Tuesday evening
January 31st, with Rev. F, Ruther
ford in the chair. The meeting was
opened with a hymn and prayer by
the pastor. The minutes of the last
year’s meeting were read -and adopt
ed. The reports were then read from
the various organizations which
showed good results. Very interest
ing lantern slides ware shown on
India. The Sitewards and Elders were
then elected for the new year, which
are as follows: Stewards—-Fred
Doupe, Frank McNaughton, Harold
Thompson, John Camin, Jas. Squire.
Cecil Camm, Delmar Johnson, Sid.
Chappel and Mervin Copeland; El
ders, Richard Camm, John Wilson,
Samuel Mills, Wm. Baker and Mil
ton Hooper. IThe meeting was
Progress Club
The meeting opened undex* she
leadership of the President with
everyone singing hymn 240 followed
by hymn 3 84. Miss Baxter then
read a short scripture lesson and
lead in Prayer. The secretary read
the minutes of the previous meeting
It was moved by Miss Bessie Aus
tin and seconded by Tom Farron
that the minutes be adopted. After
a short discussion' it was moved by
Miss Chambers and seconded by Tom
Farron that we invite Roy’s Y. P. IS
to attend our meeting on February
14tlx and to provide tlxe program. It
was moved by Miss Baxter and sec
onded by Tom Farron that Bill Cann
Bill Allison, Bob Mauer, Ruby
Chambers, and Mary Gardiner pe a
committed to choose songs for song
sheets. It was moved by Bessie
Austin and seconded by Carman An
derson that Stewart Campbell take
itarry Stone’s place as convenor of
program, committee for meeting on
February 7th. The monthly co’lec-
tion was then taken up. Tlxe program
consisted as follows: duett by the
Stewart Bros., violin and guitar; ;
reading, Tom Farron; duett, Noreen ’
McNicol and Bessie Austin; reading Misses Jean and Grace Hocking
Arthur Rhode; duett, Jean Duncan visited over the week-end with their
and Mae Coward; piano selection aunt Mx;s, R. E. Pooley.
Noreen McNicol. The young people, Master Harold Davis spent Satur-
were then addressed by Mr. Stewart day with Master Caroil Quinton at
chairman of the board of Stewards
on behalf of the board to ask the
young people to co-operate with the
church in raising funds by putting
on some form of entertainment. Tlxe
young people were all in favour and
willing to help. It was moved by
Bill Allison and seconded by
Farron that Miss Baxter, Miss
Blackball, Bob Mauer and Bill
be a committee to decide what
of entertainment should be had.
Then Bessie Austin and Beatrice
Knight led in games and the meet
ing closed with everyone singing
Auld .Sang Syne. There was a good
attendance there being 3'4 present,
Mrs, Christiana Gardiner has
been quite ill and confined to her
1 Mr. and Mrs. Nelson .'Squires and
family visited with Mr. and Mrs. P.
M. Si.
opened by singing hymn 488 "Come
Let us sing of a wonderful love” and
the Lord’s prayer in unison, 698
from the Hyxnnary was read togeth
er, followed by Sentence prayer by
a number of the members. The min-
uts of the last meeting were read
and approved. A letter of thanks
for flowers was read from Mrs. Roy
Fletcher. Ml’s. Cann read a letter
from Edmonton thanking the so
ciety for the bale of warm clothing
last Friday evening,
monthly meeting of the W.
was held at the Manse, Feb-
2nd, with the President, Mrs.
presiding. The meeting was
Miss Mildred Long, of Milverton,
visited with her cousin, Miss Cath
arine Peters during the past week.
,'The Senior Bible Class entertained
the Junior Bible Class at the church
on Friday evening last. About 75
were present, The evening was pleas
antly spent in contests aftex* which
lunch was served.
A wood bee was held in Mr. Robt.
Cann’s bush on Thursday afternoon
of last week and a good supply of
wood was cut and drawn here foi
the church.
A number of men from this vicin
ity attended the Usborne and Hib
parsonage on Thursday afternoon of
last week and a Women’s Associa
tion was organized with the follow
ing officers: President, Mrs. Win.
Routly; vice, pres., Mrs. Miners;
rec. sec., Mrs. Harry Murch; cor.
sec., Mrs. Hubert Hunter; financial
sec., Mrs. Jas. Kirkland; treasurer,
Mrs. Em Cowdry; pianist, Mrs. JncivlCby UIC ucllc, ut
Brock; assistant, Mrs. Harry Cole: ti16 Roll (Mall wag caned to which a
devotional com., Mrs. L. O’Rielly ’goodly number responded, afterward
Miss Dora Delbridge; convenor ol’hymn 262 was sung. We then had
visiting committee, Mrs. Chas. Step-'gOme very interesting readings by a
hen; parsonage, com., Mrs. George |number of members. A story of Ja-
Bqlley, Mrs. Lloyd Johns, Mrs.
Kirkland and Mrs. Mervyn Pym
The Y. P. S. met on Monday ev
ening for their regular meeting
Mr, .Squire. Herdman in the olxalr
They opened with hymn 120 follow
ed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison.
The minutes of last meeting were
read and adopted 1 _ _ .........
dealt with. Miss Marjorie Delbridge |a from Mrs. ..........
then took the chair and proceeded j telling of the horrors of war there
sion work. We had a nice talk from
Mrs. Gunning telling how they con
ducted their meetings at Whalen.
The collection was taken up and the
meriting was closed with prayer af
ter which a social time was spent to
-----‘ ’ Ciu o 11 Will l. then business to pay for
orie ‘Dolbridgo L, s>,
I pan by Mrs. Allison; “The Vision”
■by Mrs. Nelson Hunkin and Mrs. Ed.
Bollen. We then sang 501, “Will | Your Anchor Hold in the Storms ot
Life.” Mrs. Wiseman then read a
Story from a Hospital in Saskatchewan, showing how far some people
I are from doctors and with no money
i* sickness. Mrs. Cann read
Brown of Japan
With the service using hymn 174 i ahf| the need for help in their
The topic, “Why the Church’’ was I
introduced by the Misses Bernice
Murcli and Florence Bell, discuss
ion followed. Hymn 347 was sung
and Scripture lesson read by Miss
Gladys .Johns. Mr. Kenneth Johns
gave a talk on tho lesson. Mrs. L
0. Rielly gave a reading, a poem en
titled “My Church,”
offered by Mr. Horace
lowed by hymn 156
Prayer was
Delbridge fol-
and Mizpah
TROPICAL FISH—-Come in and
sea these interesting fish at Grieve’s
Drug Sitere,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parkinson, oi
Blanshard, visited with their daugh
ter Mrs. H. Foster one day last week
Mr. and Mrs. George Davis, Miss
Jean Davis and Mr. F. Davis visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDonald
of Saintsbury on Saturday.
Miss Marion Pooley and Miss Ger
trude Canini spent Monday night
with Miss Dorothy Johns at Elim
Mr. and Mrs. William Wightman
and family, of Sebringville, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coleman
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley
family visited with Mr. and
Wellington Brock one evening
lunch was served by the
The February meeting of the W.
M, S, met at the home of Mrs. Frank
McNaughton on Wednesday after
noon last week with the president in
the chair. The meeting opened with
singing a hymn and repeating the
Lord's Prayer in unison. The min
utes of the last meeting were read
and approved. The roll was railed
and twenty-seven members respond
ed with a verse of Scripture. A short
time was taken for business and it
was decided to make a quilt for
the annual bale, I-Iynin 84 was sung
after which Mrs.
read the Scripture lesson,
interesting reading was
Mrs. Fred Doupe followed
er by Mrs. F. Rutherford,
reading was given by Mrs.
Rodd and Mrs. C. Camm
Frank Parkinson
A ^very
given by
by nray-
read a
was extended to
Sinclair, who
for the past
another year. A
The annual congregational
ing of the Chiselhurst
Church was held bn Tuesday even
ing, January 31st witfl. a good at
tendance. Satisfactory reports were
received from the various organiza
tions. During the meeting an unani
mous invitation
pastor, Rev. A.
been the pastor
years to remain
animous vote of appreciation was ex- •
tended to Mr. W. R. Kinsman for
his generosity in donating to the
trustees of the church a large maple
tree. One afternoon the members,
numbering around 40, responded tc
the cutting of the tree and realized
in the neighbourhood -of 12 cords of
wood. In a few chosen words
the pastor expressed his apprecia
tion to all who, in any way had help
ed to make this yeai* successful
Lunch was served by tlie ladies and
a social time spent together.
Rapid Contract Bridge tally, new
international code, revised Novem
ber 1932, are on sale at the Times-
Advocate. These tallies give score
at a glance and are invaluable tc
chapter in the study book. At the bridge players. Price 25c.