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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-02-02, Page 7
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2, 1033 Huron County Council (Continued from another page.) County of Carleton asking Council be ten dollars per diem, or a grant to memorialize the Premier of On- of 15 per cent of the cost the pro- tario, and _the Minister of Highways | vince having expressed the willing ness to grant 35 per cent, if council assumed the ten. Mr. Young urged against giving grants promiscuously to organiza tions which do not need them, in stancing public libraries, many oi Which have balances. Many schooli pupils of the county are going tc outside points for secondary educa tion. Mr. Young thought should use the schools in the ty. Hundreds of dollars are spent this way, he asserted. R. Patterson, county engineer, was the next speaker and gave the fol lowing financial report; Maintenance, $7'0,060.26; machin ery, $10,070.28; bridges and McMi chael brige, $1,390.68’; construction $43,969.41; superintendance, $4, 728.26; total $131,127.89. An analysis' of the year’s expen diture will sflow about 77 per cent or $109,000 has been spent. Reeve Stewart at the conclusion of Mr. Patterson’s report asked “De you think it wise to spend money cm construction work in these times o.* depression?” Mr. Patterson assured him that necessary work had to be done and resulted in employment being given He would not dictate a policy but hh reoommendation in 1930 was to wait until times tliej coup- heing labor was cheaper, “These have arrived,” he concluded. Children’s Shelter Edwards, superintendent oiH. the Children's- Aid Soc. and Reevs Sweitzer, chairman of the commit tee, reported that the home is in good condition, and is housing 15 childi^n. Considerable sickness had prevailed and some hospital cases One ward, a fine boy, died. The total expenditures were $3,- 493.53. Tribute was paid in '.he re port to the fine work being, done by the Seaforth and Goderich Lion; Clubs in crippled children’s wrk. Reeve McKibbon paid a tribute oi commendation to Mrs. Oliver, the matron, and Mr. Edwards, for their invaluable services. Hemingway-McNabb Good Road road Good Haake-Goklthorpe—That we de no construction work on the county . roads this year. Good Roads Com mittee. Scott-Goldthorpe—That this coun ty council recommend to the various high schools boards of this county chat the maximum salary to be paio co th© principals he not more than $2,000 per annum owing to the con tinued depression with the view -jJ relieving the taxpayers and. having the teaching profession assume their share of the existing financial strin gency. Education Committee. iSweitzer-Beaver-r-That we asir the cleVk to write to the county clerk of Lambton County stating that they should assume the responsibility oi hiring and paying for a policeman al Grand Bend for this year. Carried. Council adjourned to meet on That the Roads Commission examine 16, east of Brussels, as this is in a deplorable condition.— Roads Committee. Thursday Morning A letter from A. H< Neeb, regis trar of Huron, submitted the follow- statement; Gross reecipts, $5932.20; expenses, $1890.29; amount to reg istrar $3000; 50 per cent, of balance to registrar, $520.95; paid to treas urer, county’s share, $520.96 Mr. Neeb invited the whole coun cil to inspect the registry office. Motions DemerlingiSmi'th—That the fol lowing compose a striking commit tee: J. W< Craigie, W. Sweitzer, Jas. Leiper, F. W. Scott, B. M. Francis. Carried.Bowman-Archibald — That mem bers of Huron County Council' place on record our disapproval of com pulsory second year Normal course Carried. Archibald- Douglas — That Isaac Wright be appointed to Good Roadt Commission for three years and J. J. Moser for one year to complete ’the unexpired term of J. McKenzie resigned. ■Scott-Goldthorpe—That this coun ty council request the Provincial Government to let no more contracts on provincial highway No. 4 be tween Clinton 'and Wingham, dur ing 1933 or until the depression is ■over. Laid on the table. Craigie-McKibbon—That grants oi $80 0 be given Wingham Hospital; Clinton General Hospital; iScott Me morial Hospital, .Seaforth; Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Gode rich, Executive Committee. The following appointments were made: Auditors, Robert Higgins and Wm. Booth, Wingham; representa tive to Wingham High School •Boaro R. L. Stewart; to Exeter High School Board R. N. Creech; to Clinton H ■School Board, Frank Finland; tc Seaforth Collegiate, Wm. Black. Huron county council, in session on Thursday, placed itself on record as bing opposed to the amalgamation or merger of Canada’s two railway systems, the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific. The resolution proposed by Conn. Haake and Wright, and carried, said in part: "We .believe in the old adage ,op position is the life of trade,’ '’There Should be efficient and not extrava gant management: that the recom- mendalons of the Duff report should he given a chance and legislation passed implementing its recommen dations.” A copy was ordered sent to the Minister of Railways, also tc Geo. .Spotton and W H. Golding federal members for Huron County At the morning session consider able time was taken up in discus sion of a motion introduced by Reeves Gamble and Cardiff that “a grant of $100 be made sto Howick Township to re-emburse Oliver Ste wart of said township,” who han been fined that amount aftei* plead ing guilty in police court. The spon sors of the motion were of the opin ion that he had been unjustly dealt with and testifed to the character of th© young man. When the motion was finally presented a recorded vote was taken and it was carried 15 tc 12 as follows: For—Archibald, Bowman, Cardiff Craigie, Demerling, Eckert, Elliott Gamble, Hemingway, Johnston, Leip- er, McKibbon, McNabb, Moser and Smith—15. Against—Beaver, Qonisitt, Doug las, Francis, Goldthorpe, Haake Matheson, McNall, Scott, Stewart Sweitzer and Wright—12. The motion passed at the Decem ber session dispensing with the ser vices of the corn borer inspector and transferring his duties to the local weed inspectors, was the sub ject of a letter from L. Caosear, Pro vincial Etymologist, declaring his disapproval of the action, as he was not in favor of the dual appointment Council endorsed Messrs.) Bowman -and Wright the December motion be O. Ginn, corn borer gave a brief account of The past year was bad; destruction was worst experienced for years. This fact would or should serve to make the people more alert to the need of checking this pest. Harry Edwards gave a statement re garding the work of the Children’s Shelter. He said the past year had been a very successful and busy one. The matron deserved every praise for the manner in which she -dis charged her duties. Reeve Consitt, of Hensall, intro duced the matter of the road east of Hensall, and presented the fol lowing motion, seconded by Reeve Archibald, and sent on to the Good Roads Commission. “That this .council petition the Minister of Highways to give fur ther consideration to the matter oi approving By-law No. 20, of 1930 adopting the road east of Hensall as a County Road.” Motions Demerling-McNabb—That .the G Roads Commission inspect the road north of Fordwich at an early date as it is in a deplorable condition.— Sent to Good Roads Commission. Eckert-Archibald—IThat this coun cil recommend to the Department of Education that authorized school books be used from year to yeaT in our schools so as not to cause a financial burden on the parents and guardians of students and that a copy of ' this resolution, be sent to other county councils.—Education Committee. Bowman- Hemingway — That we grant the Salvation Army $100 for rescue work. Executive Commit tee. Haake-Stewart—That the salaries under $1,000 be reduced five cent.; salaries under $2,000 ten cent, and over $2,000 twenty cent. Executive Committee. Wright - Goldthorpe — That Cardiff, chairman of Advisory Com mittee, be the Huron county repre sentative at the Agricultural Coun cil’s convention in Toronto. Carried To Permit Smoking When council reassembled for the afternoon session the business was confined mostly to hearing and dis cussion of the reports of the Legis lation and Education Committees.. Considerable amusement was creat ed when Reeve McKibbon of Wing ham introduced the motion to strike out Rule No. 36 of the Standing Rules which states there should be no smoking The motion ly. The report mittee was and adopted as follows, with McNabb in the chair: 1. That no action be taken motion of Reeves Scott and thorpe that this Council request the that the Province will assume1 the total cost of construction and main tenance of the King’s Highways; and will also assume the unexpired pm- tions of any debentures that may have been issued by any of the Counties of the Province of Ontario Reports of Committees Education Coiipnittee The Education Committee Report presented by W. R. Archibald, chair man, was adopted as follows: 1, Regarding the resolution Reeves Eckert and Archibald The following recommendations oi the Good Roads Commission were taken up. clause by clause with Reeve Craigie in the chair.^ The motion of Hemingway and McNabb that the Commission exam ine Road No. 16, east of Brussels as it is in bad condition, that this be repaired; also the road north of Fordwich; that the Commission were not in position to advise re the motion of Haake and Goldthorpe that we do no construction work this an Of re gard High School books being used from year to year and asking the De partment of Education to approve same, we recommend that the resol- year on the county roads until ution be adhered to: Regarding the, examinaion of the roads is made tc motion of .Scott‘and Goldthor.pe re ascertain the requirements; that High School teachers’ salaries we Mill street and Queen Street in the recommend this Council, approve of village of Brussels be added to the a reduction of 20 per cent, in High county road system, be u__’ School teachers’ salaries in- the when the Commission is next County. Motions examined in Brussels; that the Minister of High ways be requested to give further consideration to the matter of ap proving of roads asked for in by-law 20, 1930, and No. 12, 1930; re i "SALADA" TEA "Fresh frpm the Gardens" * the motion of that rescinded, inspector his work, the borer pei per per Mr in the council session was carried unanimoua- of the Legislative Com- taken clause by clause Reeve in the Gold- Beaver-iSweitzer—That this coun- j xlro cil petition the Minister of Highways , * ,to give further consideration to the le resolution of the council of East matters of approving of by-laws, No. j Wawanosli that the county road ex- 20 1930 clause 5 j penditure be restricted to one mill Sweitzer-Hemingway —That weithat consideration be deferred until petition the Provincial Government an opportunity is afforded to exam- to allow municipalities to revert tcpne the roads, and determine the a system of statute labor based on' necessities of the situation; that the principal of the old systems, jthe re?ae,st Minister-of High- and that the same grants be paid by* 'vajCs ^at the pountY Engineer at tend the convention on February 20 be granted. County Property The County Property Committee report was adopted a's follows: That all offices of the Court House open, were visited and found in fairly good repair, and that the window blinds of the council cham bers be fixed; that the County Court Clerk desires a new typewriter, the present one having been in use foi eleven years; had inspected the Reg istry Office, and found -the inspec tion had demanded a new steel chart rack to g;et away from the fire men ace and recommended this be done; also recommended a fire extinguish er costing $12.25, also fuel econo mizer; that the one request of the Children’s Shelter for an electrical lmater be complied with. A discussion was introdued by Reeve McNabb, of Blyth, regarding the. condition of the lockup in that village. When the question of own ership and responsibility of having | it repaired was debated by the Warden suggesting Reeve have the property the meantime, and defer t ter of payment to the next meeting in June. the government on such work as are paid under the present arrangement and that a copy of the resolution be sent to other counties. Carried. Douglas-Scott—'That by-law No. 5 1931, appointing Thomas Gundry sr fepecial officer for Huron County under the Liquor Control Act of Ontario be' repealed. Oarried. Matheson-Brown—iThat Mr. Fran cis represent the Council at Mr. lor’s funeral at Exeter. Mr. Higgins, county auditor, Mr. Young briefly addressed council regarding debentures ■other financial matters. A discussion followed introduced by Reeve Bowman on the advisabil ity of an issue of debentures to pay off* the patriotic debentures matur ing this year and the highway ac counts, coming due this year, but further action was defered until the June meeting of council. In referring i appointment of members of the sil on February following were Ballantyne and Messrs. -McNabb, El liott and Archibald. Council adjourned to meet at 9.30 a.m. Friday. Tay- And the and tlieto a request for ’ delegates to meet i Perth County Coun- ■ 15 in Stratford, the appointed: Warden Friday Morning Friday morning session County Council proved qne. When the report of the ol’ aThe Huron stormy , executive committee was presented It was taken clause by clause with Reeve Gildthorpe, of Colborne, in the chair. The report recommended that grants of $650 each, a reduction of $150 from last year, be given to Wingham, Goderich, 'C'ldnton and Seaforth Hospitals, that no action be taken in a donation of $25 tc Hensall Seed Fair, and that $8'0< be given to each agricultural fair. All rules of'procedure were overlooked by the members in the • discussion which followed. Amendments to mo tions and amendments to amend ments followed in confusing succes sion, several members being on the floor at the same time. Reeves Eckert and Sweiter moved that no grant be given to the hos pitals, when their first motion to leave it to the June session was de feated. This motion was also lost on the following division: Yes—■ Beaver, Douglas, Eckert | Scott, -Stewart, Sweitzer.—6. No—Archibald ,Ballantyne, Bow man, Cardiff, Consitt, Craigie, Dem erling, Elliott, Francis, Gamble Haake, Hemingway, Johnston, Leip er, Matheson,. McKibbon, McNabb McNa’ll, Moser, Smith, Wright and Goldthorpe.—2 2. Then Reeves Cardiff and Haake sponsored a motion that $400 bt granted to Hospitals. Mr. McKib bon, Wingham, asserted that Wing ham Hospital had a deficit of $-1700 and at present $60 0. It had never been able to show a surplus. "A grant of less than $65 0 means prac tically an expression from the coun cil that they wish the hospitals clos ed,” declared Mr. McKibbon. Reeve Craigie, Goderich, told tlic council that the report that Goderich Hospital had a surplus was in error; and $2,000, was owing to the bank at the present time. Reeves Smith of 01 the-comniittee for $650 grant which was formally carried. Grants to Fair Boards After another heated discussion the clause recommending no grant to Hensall Seed Fair, was amended and a grant of $25 endorsed. The Agricultural Societies will receive $100 each and the- spring fairs where there is no agricultural fair $100. Mr. Lawlor, Field- Secretary fur the Canadian National Institute for the Blind council on tion. He people in from Huron County and 2,400 from Ontario. Mr. Lawlor’s proposal whi that council give $210, which Would LlLOipt? LH'clL LilW VvURVU ( Provincial Highways Department to; Wright and -Francis also spoke let no contracts in Highway No. 4 j supporting the recommendation between Clinton and Winy-ham in X1 - ----- 1933 or until the depression exist ing is over. • 2. (That this council endorse the following clauses in the extracts from the report of the committees on memorials of the County Council of Prescott and Russell: That the cost per diem for caring for indigents be reduced: That no person be admittd in hospitals as indigents before first obtaining the consent of the Mayor or the Reeve, except in urgent cases where the M. O. H. shall have such authority; That the notices- of admission of in digents to hospitals be sent to the Clerk of ‘th© local municipality ftdm where they com© instead of being sent to th© Cetmty Clerk. . 3, That th© resolution of the , Toronto, addressed the the work of that instltn- said there are blind the institute registered it ended that the fixed in the mat- Finance Committee The Finance Committee’s report was taken clause by clause with I. J. Wright in the c'hair, and ‘later carried in its entirely. The report called attention to the many ac counts of ithe provincial officers ana officials re water, Ugnt caretaking etc, paid by the county which it was felt should be borne by the province. The committee protested against the exhorbitant bills for in digent patients' especially those sent outside the county in spite o-i the fact that the county has four well equipped hospitals and council endorsed the committee’s request to ask the Minister of Health te take steps to prevent this; also protest against the present method employed of entering indigents in hospitals. As reduction of taxation has be come an acute problem, that spend ing bodies such as school boards should use the “paring knife” was the opinion expressed by the com mittee and endorsed by the council Council also concurred in ths sentiments expressed in a resolution from Elgin County in the abolition of .the Grand Jury system and plac ing crown attorneys on a salary basis reduced from $2,900; jail physician $100, reduced from $110; manager House of Refuge, $700, reduced from $720; inspector House of Re fuge, $250, reduced from $275; In stead of $4.5'0 a day and mileage allowance, councillors are to get $25 for a regular session of at least foui' days, and $4.25 per day for committee work and 10 c. a mile one way in each case. The following motions were ad opted; Endorsing a resolution from the county of Welland asking that qualification for apy municipal of fice be a rating in the assessment roll of not jess than $1,000 in cities and t'wns oT $600 in villages and townships; appointing Reeve M'c- Nabb, of Grey and County Clerk Holman to the boars of criminal audit for 1933. That a resolution be sent tc Prime Minister Bennett and Hon W. L. MacKenzie King, Opposition leader, in favor of placing the Canadian dollar on a parity with the pound sterling* and that a com mittee wait upon 'Mr. Spotton and Mr. Golding members for this county, regarding the same. 'That a letter of condolence be sent to Mrs, Taylor,, widow of the late John W. Taylor, former reeve of Exeter and a former member oi the county council. That the road commission be asked to lay out its work to keep within a rate of one mill for county highways: That Norman Lever county traffic officer,' be employed to lay information in cases under Liquor Control Act: That hospitals and other institutions receiving county grants be asked to submit detailed reports each year; That the council request the delegation ap pointed to confer with the Berth Conuty Council to take up the ques tion of the cost of criminal justice administration and secondary edu cation at that meeting:That applica tion be made to the Provincial De partment of Highways, for the stat utory grant as the county’s expendi ture of $131,127.89 in 1932 on the county highways: That this counci1 request that the Government inspec tor of old age pensions consult district member of the county’s age pensions committee before pension is granted or adjusted, that a copy of this be sent to Provincial and Dominion Old Pension Boards. By-laws were passed confirming grants and notes passed by the coun- icl during the session. This concluded the business of the January meeting and the council ad journed to June. COMMUNICATION The following has been received Northern Ontario Wright, M. A. It appearing but was crowded our interesting letter from Thornloe from Rev. H. is a little columns. late out in E in oi 10, ’33 The to say, about first of De turned Spring-like and thaws stripped the fields so that up until now the attorneys instead of fees. Afternoon Sesssion, the afternoon session consid-At eration of the report of the execu tive committee was resumed. Some amendments were adopted and in its final state the report made the following recommendations: That a grant of $65 0 be made to oach of the four hospitals, Wing ham, Clinton, Goderich and Seaforth That no grant be made for upkeep of flower beds around the court house. That the usual grant of $25 be made to the Hensail Seed Sihow; that $100 be granted to all agricul tural societies holding a fall fair; $80 to each spring fair held in the county; $80.0,0 to each of the twe plowmen’s associations, North ‘Hur on and 'South Huron; $15 to each school fair; no grant to public, li braries; $150 to the Salvation Ariny for rescue work; $150 be granted to .the National Institute for the Blind; that the corn borer inspector be- paid 35c. per hour, X© to funish his owh transportation; that ten ders be accepted as follows: Wilfred McLean, meat for the jail at 8c. a pound; J. J. McEwen, groceries; C H. Wood Seaforth bread at 5c. per 3-lb loaf Expositor, printing. Salaries Revised reductions were made In The warden A the gots , of the Peace, $750 $1000. few salary schedule, $76, reduced froth $1'00; Clerk reduced from county engineer, $2,000 the old any and the Age Garage want?” Driver: Garage weanin' Man: “How much d'you “A gallon” Man: 'Wot’s the idea— it?” Thornloe, Ont., Jan. Exeter Times-Advocate, J. M. Southcott, Editor Exeter, Ontario Dear Mr. Southcott,— Enclosed find $3.00' to cover sub scription for two years at your offer holding good until January 14th, Many farmers are in bad straits just now and our paper, The New Liskeard Speaker, carries a full page ad each issue, offering to accept payment in wood and .farm produce, if arrangements are made at office and allowing a liberal discount of 25 per cent, to those paying cash This offer is good during January I think. We had a rather an. unfortunate fall. It rained so much that bind ers were useless to cut the grain and farmers resorted to mowers, scythes and old time cradles in an effort to save their grain. But large quan- tites were never cut as snow fell Sunday night October 9th and by Tuesday 11th was 2 feet deep. We had planned our Fowl .Snipper that night but roads were blocked. Twice it was planned and had to be aban doned. Then Nov. 1st the ladies planned a Meat Pie Supper and it snowed again so that many could, not come. Strange cember it rains and and roads land is bare with extremes In tem perature, raining one day and 20 be low the next. I was prompted on one occasion to advise you to take a trip through this wonderful north country be cause in one of your issues you men tioned the distance between “Tim mins and North Bay” 60 miles and stated “not a car was met.” Now J know at least one other subscriber in Thornloe and you may have others throughout the North who pity such ignorance of Northern Ontario. We. at Thornloe, are 122 miles north of jNorth Bay and Timmins is 152 miles north of us again. There are many important centres between North Bay and 'Timmins which would have to be ignored in a space of only 60 miles. Besides Temagami, through the reserve to North Bay, itself is over sixty miles.. A trip through the Reserve with its beautiful lakes' and cabins for motorists to stop over, will convince you and your readers it takes sixty miles of a stretch to include all that beauty. The poor harvest and general de pression have both hit the rural parts so that as far as church organ ization is concerned, the recognized minimum salary for United Church ministers will be $1150 for the year ending December 31, 32. The Home Mission Board has decreed an emerg ency minimum of $1450 for 19,33 same as be able $1150. Ontario towns, on the other hand, depression is not so keenly felt, owing to the mining centres. So here, it is as true as anywhere else, of plenty, many are in We are flanked on townships into which families have poured from cities the Back-to-the-Land Movement. One of my church officials is Relief Of ficer for 6 of these Townships, man comes from Zurrcn, by the A Happy New Year, if not too ■Sincerely, H. E. Wright 1932, but like 1932, may not to build up salaries beyond One wonders what Western charges are paying. In the "in the midst want.” all sides hundred by of on ft Thur, way late Eczema or Salt Rheum A Troublesome Skin B^RDOCK R LO O D BrrnERS Eczema manifests itself in little round blister's which contain an ex tremely irritating fluid. They break, and subsequently a crust is formed, ahd the intense burning, itching and smarting is almost unbearable. Burdock Blood Bitters is the retnedy for giving relief to all such sufferers. Mrs. H. J. Frost, R.R. 2,Belleville, Ont., Writes:—-UI was troubled with eczema on my face, in fact all over my body. It would raise up in water blisters, break and scab over which was very irritating. A friend told me about Burdock Blood Bitters, and it proved of Wonderful help to me.”