HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-01-26, Page 7THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1033THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THE LATE MK. NICHOLS ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION meeting of the Young People Thursday of last Frank Wildfong was presented with an address, and a beautiful Bible. Goderich, Ontario Jan. 18, 1933 At the executive Huron Presbyterial held in Goderich on week Mr. and Mrs. 50 YEARS AGO After a sohrt illness there passed away in Mitchell a highly esteemed resident in the person o,f Robert P Nichols, in his 77th year. Deceased operated a blacksmith shop for 40 years’in Mitchell and for 10 years ip Staffa. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, and five daughters, alsc four brothers' and one sister. -- COST* STUDIES OF PORK PRODUCTION (Experimental Farm Note) At this time, when returns to the producer are at the lowest ebb known for many years, the study of cost of production is essential to all farmers if a balanced budget is to' be maintained. The cost of pork production is not standard for al' provinces or districts, and depends to a great degree on the availability of various feeding stuffs on the loca1 markets. Farmers having a supply of skim-milk and other products not marketable in any other way, may turn these into cash through the ba­ con hog. At the Dominion Experimenta1 Farm, Nappan, N. S<., all feeds are charged against the hog at market or cost of production prices. For example, roots are charged at pres­ ent at $3.3 6 per ton, oats at $23.00 per ton and barley at $25.80, the coc|t of production in 19,32. During the past four years a tota1 of 121 hogs have been carried thro’ on the Advanced Registry tests. The rations have been very similiar foi all lots. The weights of each hog are recorded, every thirty days; also feeds consumed. From these data information has been secured regard­ ing the gains and feed consumption per pound gain for each period from weaning to finishing. The feed con­ sumption for these 121 hogsi was found to be 3.19 pounds meal per pound gain, while from weaning (45 days of age) to finishing (195 days of age), the daily gain was 1.252 pounds, costing 4.89 cents per pound In other word's', allowing the pig at weaning, (weighing 22 “pounds) a value of $1.50', the total feed cost of a 210 pound hog would be $10.70 While at the present time the mar­ ket value of pork does not cover the total cost of a hog to finishing when all feeds are charged at mar­ ket or cost of production prices, the hog on the average farm is a side­ line, turning into human food many waste products otherwise unmarket­ able. ..From this angle, it serves as a cash product and will give fav­ orable returns under average condi­ tions providing first the bulk of the feeds is home-grown, and sec­ ond, that the hog, is of the best type obtainable and is properly grown and finished. It should be born in mind that the prices charged for home-grown feeds include rent of land, use of machinery and all labour and other charges against that par­ ticular crop. Demonstrating the value of proper type and finish, the premium for “select” hogs at the present time amounts to 1.5 per cent of the value of a “bacon” hog, while the penalty on a “butcher” hog is the same amount, or a difference between a “select’,’ and a “butcher” or approx­ imately $2.00' -or 25 per cent, of the market value of “bacons.” The price of breeding ptock Is cor­ respondingly low and it behooves every farmer to seriously consider the question of improving this breed­ ing stock to as high a degree as pos­ sible by the selection of sires from Advanced Registry ancestry. At pres­ ent reasonable returns can be made only on the best individuals proper­ ly fed. When market conditions im­ prove, greater returns will result from having the right type of foun­ dation stock. Dr. Wood’s * Norway Pine Syrup Mr. and Mr('. Frank Wildfong, Exeter, Ontario Dear Friends,— It is ivith great pleasure that we the members of the Huron Presby­ tery Executive have this opportunity of honouring you this evening. We appreciate the help which yo Mr, Wildfong, have ’given, us in the past and we earnestly believe that you will continue to help us and we are sure that both you and Mrs. I Wildfong will benefit, not only by1 helping the rest of us, but by keep-1 ing in touch with His work for which W© will be rewarded in due time. May God be ever with you and may your home be one of happiness and content since He is there, and may service to God be your aim through­ out life. We are pleased to present you with this “The Holy Book" and may its divine guidance guide you both through tempations and trials which you will surely meet and bring you out more than conqueror. , The best wishes for your future happiness and prosperity are extend­ ed to' you along with the congratu­ lations of the Huron. Presbytery. Signed on behalf of the Presbytery Executive: Harry President; Giladys Fawcett, Treasurer. Huron Sturdy Sec’y.- CANADA DRINKS MORE COCOA Montreal, January—^Comparative figures, 1931 and 1932, show that Trinidad’s export of cocoa is down about 45 per cent, but that Cana- ada’s consumption of Trinidad co<?oa is up about two per cent. United Kingdom consumption from the fame source is up about one per cent, and United States consumption is down about eighty per cent. Can­ ada’s share of the Trinidad cocoa reached the Dominion by Canadian National Steamships. Bernard Louis Doyle, Esq.,, Gode­ rich, has been appointed Junior Judge of the County of Huron. J T. Torn, Esq., was recently appoint ed Senior Judge of the same court, From the report of the In pecto' of Jails and Prisons, we learn that 87 persons were committed M on jail during the year 1882 decrease of 19 over 1881. ' erage cost to the county per each prisoner was 27 i cents On Thursday morning last building, known as the Royal Hotel and in the occupation of D. Taylor had a narrow escape from being des­ troyed by fire. The curtains on the u i front windows caught fire from a lighted match and in a few minutes , spread about the room. A few jbails of water quenched the .flames1. The children belonging to Mr. A Trimmer were thrown out of a cut­ ter while turning around at the mar­ ket pn Tuesday afternoon last. Manning-Horne At the residence oi the bride’s father on the 10th inst by the Rev. G. Webber, Mr. A. F Manning, of Snowflake, Man., to Miss M. I., daughter of Mr. Wm. Horne of the first concession of Usborne. In the report of the council min- uates for the village of Exeter we notice the following items: Mr. Tlios Bissett Sen., was appointed to en­ force the by-laws of .the municipality etc. and that he be paid $47.5.00 per annum. Messrs. C. Snell and S. E Jopes were appointed auditors to be paid $8.00 each for services. The treasurer is to be paid $26.00 pei annum. The council met at the Town Hall Elimville, on Monday. The following took their seats at the council board viz: Thomas M. Kay, Reeve; Messrs J. Halls, H. Horney, J. Shier J. Hockey, councillors. J. gbier appointed Deputy Reeve; N. Clarke be Municipal Clerk at a ary .of $130.00; Thos. Coates be? the Municipal Treasurer at a salary $75.00. to Hur being a The av day foi th e ’7 25 YEARS AGO The fol'owlng interesting letter from Dr. Margaret Strang from the Peace River District was read vo- the Caven congregation on 'Sunday last and will be read by a great many oi Miss Strang’s friends in the munity. co ru­ Alta. 9 '33 I think we all got the spirit of the hour judging by the hearty hand shakes and the many Happy Now Years we had afterwards. The Christmas festivities are over In tead of one big tree for the whole district this year, we had three in as many different p’aces. There were 190' children remembered, each one with a useful gift, one toy or game and a sack of candy. The Dixonville tree was in the church on Tuesday night after Christmas. Three oi four of.the boys had a high time ir the afternoon decorating the build­ ing and setting up the tree while four girls in the house wrapped and labelled the presents. I wish you could have seen the interior of Ed­ monton House that Christmas week We waded through a sea of toys books; mitts, scarves, socks and games, in momentary danger of wrapping ourselves up permanently (in the shoals of gaudy paper and string. Had to sweep the contents of a box or two off the beds to craw] jnto« them o’nights. Caven Bale Arrives The -Caven Church bale arrived on Chrii’t|mas Eve. I was much afraid it wouldn’t get here on time. I could nearly smell Exeter when we open­ ed and the many familiar names on the gifts took me back again to the old days in Caven Sunday School I wish you folks, whose gifts went into that bale, could have been here just to see the children's* faces when the dolls and mitts and socks and warm underwear reached their ulti­ mate destination. It was all the Christmas that 'Some of them had and it would have been a sorry sea­ son indeed of Old Santa had forgot­ ten them completely. .The extra $7 thaf was sent in addition to the bale was spent in various ways'. There wasn’t enough candy provided so wc bought some more, with the sacks to contain it. Then there was the expense of a trip to town after all the Christmas freight. That trip was a long cold one, punctuated by the usual difficulties of a frozen radiator, dirty gas and a spark that wasn’t sparking properly. But we kept our tempers and acquired en­ ormous appetites that fairly fright­ ened the mulligan pot when we got back, very late, by the light of a brilliant moon. The ‘second tree was at B»aton Creek schoolhouse, six miles to the west. The tree wasn’t very big be­ cause the school ceiling is low, bur what we couldn’t hang on it was heaped around it. You should have beqn there to hear Barney and Dor othy Hans-'en sing their duet. Hei fat rosy cheeks almost disappeared on either side of her rosebud mouth when it streched to the biggest notes Barney finished and made his bow and 'skedaddled down off the plat­ form and back to mother, but Dor­ othy stayed where she was, evident­ ly with the idea that the duet should be turned into a solo, indefinitely prolonged. To the huge delight and applause of the crowd. The longer Dorothy stayed the louder they clapped. The third Christmas tree was away up in a forgotten corner of the settlement, which corner was' named Deep Lake. They haven’t even a school house there yet, although there are thirty three children. The tree was held in one of the homes and the enjoyed it none the less on that account. It is sixteen miler from Dixonville and we are trying to arrange for a .Sunday Schoo' there if at all possible. Only with the roads so heavy and the cold as bitter as it has been for the last six weeks I don’t know whether w^ shall manage it before spring or not Relief Work, Big Job ‘The relief work has* been a big business ever since October. My first home in the Peace River, the 10x12 mansion at Norn Star, was skidded down to Dixonville in Nov­ ember and now sits out in the yard cramed to the roof with clothing cement, tools, meat and a dozen other articles'. Fiirst thing we know Edmonton House and its adjoining sheds and lean-tos will be spread all over the church property in Dixon­ ville. Most of the clothing is sec­ ond-hand, but there were several bales and boxes' of new stuff. Some of my homesteaders who haven’t even two nickels to rub together needed clothing in the worst way and came to me. with a proposal like this. They didn’t want to take cloth­ ing as pure charity, but would be glad of it if they could pay in some way. So I have been getting loads of ice and wood and hay and oats pails of home-rendered lard, quar­ ters of meat, fat turkeys and chick­ ens, even a dozen eggs at a time. And those who can pay a little are allowed to do so. I know of course that relief clothing is not for sale but all the ca 'h that comes in in this way, together with the market-price for the stuff they bring me, goes into an order on some wholesale house for shirting or overall mater­ ials, two things that are minus in the bales. The gratitude of the folks and the comfort and happiness, the clothing supplies give in many homes, is something in which I wish all those who send these bales could fully share. You will have received a more or less detailed account of the building and opening of Dixonville Presbyter­ ian Church from Dr. MacKay, who was here to officiate at the opening The story of that building is a tale in itselm that I will write for you some day. May the New Year be to you the happiest you have ever known. Youns .sincerely, MARGARET STRANG 1 Dixonville, Janaury, Dear Caven Church and Sunday School Old January is making ^pod its rough reputation today. I am glad to be at home with a fire to blessi and warm mys'elf. I was out all night again—which is getting to be a ha­ bit of mine! We had to wait for daylight to see our* way home. It came on snow and wind about 3 a.m and by 6 o’clock there was a good old Peace River blow in progress. Trails blown full, I wouldn’t have taken a farm to face that on horse­ back. They came for me with a cut­ ter, and I was1 nothing loath to make use of it. Said cutter was a won­ derful. contraption. They ought to take out a patent on it. Front bob of a S'leigh, with the nocty of an old touring car set on it. Doors and all intact. But the wind must have taken the top off one day when a Chinook blew up. Quite a crew at work around'i Ed­ monton House today. One work­ man building at a shed, another shifting carrots in the cellar, a third making the last seats for the new church, and my good side-kick, Jerry Hughe >, seventeen and irrepressible is baking bread. Jerry came to me last summer when I was in the throes of boarding carpenter gangs on the new church and entertaining distinguished'' company from Lon­ don, Ontario, into quite a am not a bit that job. and was J sal- of E., Deavitt has been con- the house for a week and she has developed famous housekeeper. I sorry to be relieved of Stork Pays Visit Mr. A. 'fined to through illness, but is now able tc be out. A painful accident befell Mrs. Q McLeod on Friday. She was spend­ ing the day with Mrs. David Mack and while walking on the cement ■walk she slipped and fell on , her arm, breaking a small bone in her wrist. ... .......... .....(, Mr. Wm. Martin, of Regina, of the make a big mark law firm of Balfour & Martin, and on the Vawdevi! j son of Rev. Woi. Martin, of Exetei Sircuit. He has got was last week uhanimom.ly nomin- a ambishun tc ated by the Liberals ot Regina foi play a Harmonic- the House of Commons. ky and wissle at I The annual meeting of the Exeter the same identick I Agricultural Society was held in the le 'time. he has! Town Hall on Thursday afteinoon quit wirking on last. Mr. Paul Madge was assigned his perpechuel mo!the chair. The following officers tion machine ever were elected: Pres., Ed. Christie; 1st slats’ diary Friayd—-Clem Hix sed if he wunce, finishes up the stunt he is wirking on now he will I. & ST -V The annual meeting of the Exeter jjHtp at of lit moddle you the and since he started this. 'Saterday — Ole Mrs. Blunt says she hopes she wll) manige to live til March the 2 and then she will be ninety 7 yrs. of old age and gjhe says if you read up on statisticks you will find very few people dieing after they are ninety 7 yrs. old. Sunday—Lem Frick was here are house today asting for a pear paw’s old pants, and Ant Emmy into him and balled him out for be­ ing shiftless and she sed when ne got marryed his wife use to call him a moddle husbend and Lem replyed and sed. .. Well he was a husbend but not Xackly whut mite call a wirking moddle. Munday—ma never eats after has went to a bridge luncheon tonite she was £ sore when I and pa riffused to eat the gravy she set out for us. and we was all most repay­ ed fro tasteing the offle stuff when she tryed to give her self a shampoo and got a -^ace of fat meat in her hair, well all I got to say. if enny one never tasted Tar sope shampoo they haven’t mist mutch. Tuesray—.well I beelave ma and Ant Emmy have ketched nnto pa. Ma give him a tie for Chrismas and now he uses the skarf from Ant E to hide the tie & then buttns his ov­ ercoat over both of them. Wensday—Jane sed she diddent no wether she preferred a fellow who eats pie and cake and ice cream ano plays trix on fokes- or the uther sort I wander whut uther sort they is. Tliirsday—Ant Emmys neace is back home, she quit the man she marryed fro love becuz she found out.he diddent have no munny. V Bothered With Bad Gowgh It Turned to Bronchitis Mrs. Morris Rudolph, Barney’s River Station, NfS.< writes;—“I was bothered with a bad cough which turned to bronchitis. Nothing seemed to help mo until I got Dr. Wood’s Norway Pino Syrup. I found the phlegm was brought up without any hacking cough­ ing, and after using three bottles I was relieved of my bronchitis. That was five years ago, and 1 have not been troubled with it since.” Price 35c. a bottle} large family size 65c.; at all drug and general stores; put up only by The T, Milburn Co.( Limited, Toronto, Ont. remarkably active and good appetites. Cer- is nothing left over tc bills, nor is there any- a The errand that called me out Iasi .night was a visit from the ubiquit­ ous and extremely busy stork. In a cramped low-roofed shack, where he has already made five visit*', netting a family of 6, there is barely enough food and clothing to go round, and they are all blessed with tainly there pay doctor’s thing to pay for the service-' of nurse during the ten days the mother must be off work. However they have several hay-stacks they aren’t going to need and a load of hay is as good as cash to the Doc who ownC a. tornado of a horse. Then too, the Doctor receives various small dona­ tions of money that do not come I under the heading of salary. Many a good woman in my wide territory is only too glad to earn an honest dollar at nur ing. So it is worth just a dollar a day to anyone who is willing to put up with the discom­ forts of sleeping on the floor in their own bedding which they carry along with them, and do the work for those ten days. Invent Jobs For Deserving vice-pres., Jas. Ballantyne; 2nd vice- I pres., W. D. .Sanders; Directors, John Moir, Jos. Senior, Wm. Russell, W.' R. Elliott, R. G. -Seldon, John Del- bridgfe, John Morgan, Peter McTag- gart, P. 'Coates; Auditors, H. E Huston, C. H. 'Sanders. i Miss Emma Hill waS( painfully help my burned on Monday afternoon. iShc takes c - was engaged in cleaning the stove decide about those who are deserv- which was quite warm at the time ^g and those who are not. and the polish when applied burst c'”’"’ 2" g into flames also catching her cloth- ing on fire. The fire was quickly extinguished but not before she was, badly burned about the arm neck. I have a great time scheming ' homesteaders along, considerable-, jerspicacity to It tc j not. And considerable planning to invent jobs ‘ . The r shed is one scheme. The church ' e'eats are another. I keep my and' weather eye open for the house- ( keepers who makes good butter and j who can’t sell it elsewhere and never t skimp myself on that item. Same ; with eggs. There is sometimes ? 1 bale of cloth to be made up intc . shirts and overalls. It is worth fifty The Zurich hockey team visited cen^s make a garment. It’s not the local team here on Thursday (mucjj means a third of a sack night and won by a score of 9 to 2 . or nearly a month’s coal oil The Exeter line-up: B. Rivers, E Taylor H. Boyle, W. Manson, A. See grave, N. Hary, E. Wells. Zurich line-up: R. 'Weaver, B. Siebert, L Rau, A.' Hess, L. O’Brien, L. Calfas F. iSiebert. Howald, of Zurich, wa? referee. Mr. W. D. Sanders, is spending a week in Guelph acquiring know­ ledge in connection with the running and care of tractors. Reeve Beavers, of Exeter, Reevc Brock, of Usborne; Reeve Elliott and Deputy Reeve Love, of Stephen left Monday to attend the session* of the County Council at Goderich. Mr. Geo. W. Holman, the newly elected Clerk of the County of Hur­ on is now on duty. Efforts are being made in Exetei to supply and conserve fuel, churches are holding services school rooms, fire is allowed few hours each week in the Hall and Library. Mr. Ed. Howald has gone Marys to work in the Flour Mill in -that town. Mr. D. Rowcliffe take- Mr. Howald’s place in Harvey’s Mil1 here. Mr. and Mrs.-Ben. Wilson, Wayim Mich., left Tuesday on their return to their home after spending some time with the former’s brother Mr Chas. Wilson and other .relatives. 15 YEARS AGO Thi in tin' only j Tow ii TO Duckett; “They say you married Nancy became her aunt left her a fortune.” Brackett: “That’s a lie. I’d have married her just the same whoevoi had left it to her,” of flour, or nearly a month’s coal -oil The other morning I was out horse wrangling. Poor old Duke ceased tc be my steed away back last summer There has' been another in between a more or less mule-like creature i that rejoiced to the name of Chips ' The third and latest is Black Beauty, by name and by looks. She is about as tall as Duke and a stunner to go She celebrates the beginning of each trip by taking off from her hind legs'. I have -only had her a couple of weeks, and she needs a little ex­ tra petting and training to' look af­ ter me when my short legs refuse to reach the stirrups. There arc pnany commendable points about her not the least of which is her ability to take, me there and back without my having to work mo't of mv pas­ sage with a stout stick. And that’f a great saving both in muscle and language. New Tear’S Eve Service On New Year’s eve we put a fire on in the little church that is cele­ brating its first New Year, and watched old Father Timo tear an­ other sheet off hi calendar, while on things done and ahead into an What that future >f us is mercifully leave one all our to- wo looked far bacl and left undon unkown future, holds for some hidden, but I tried to thought with them; that morrows are in far wiser hands than ours, and there will be neither hun­ ger nor too bitter cold for the least of His creatures that seed to do Him honour. It was a bitter night, but there, was a good congregation, and Joe Griffin and his wife had doubts about letting the children go to school that morning. Every sign pointed to a blizzard and sure enough, about two o’clock, it broke. A terrible storm. Joe was terribly worried and so was his wife, Then he thought of the telephone. He called Jim Stokes, who lives just down the road from For 30 cents you can telephone about 100 miles by making an ‘'any­ one’* call (station* to-station) after 8.30 p.m. See list of rates in front of directory. tire school and asked him to watch for the children. Twenty minutes later Jim called back. He had the children in his kitchen, safe and warm. “I’j tainly thankful we’ve got phone,” Joe said. “We couldn’t do without it,” his wife agreed. ’m cer- a tele- is s txr prig ing ly inexpensive