HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-01-26, Page 6THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATETHURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1933 Come J rue BY MARGARET PEDLAR a lesson learned by rote. Claire’s eyes grew very pitiful. “And must you go to Beirnfels alone?” she asked quietly. “Won’t you take me with you?” “Will you come?”—incredulous­ ly. “Of course I’ll come. I should­ n’t dream of letting you go by your­ self. And then, all at once, Jean’s tired body, exhausted by the soul’s long conflict, gave way, and she slipped to the ground in a dead faint. CHAPTER XXXV CHAPTER XXXIV ■ hush! ’’She checked him with quiv- Ne?ta and the fulfilment 'ering lips. “I can’t go with you. It dream, forever forbidding her en- Jean felt her heart contract as her wouidn’t bring us happiness. Ah trance to her woman’s kingdom. eyes marked the changes wrought in Bsten t0 me( dear! siie. came clo/e; She saw it .all now with a ter­ rible clarity of vision, understood to the full the two alternatives which faced her—to go with Blaise as he implored, or to send him—her man, the man she loved—back tc Nesta. There was no longer any middle course. A voice .sounded in er ears. “No true happiness ever came or running away from duty. And if ever I>i up against such a thing—a _ choice like this—I hope to God I’d I be able to hang on, to run straight I even if it half-killed me to do it!” •• The words sounded so clear and di-tinct that Jean half raised to see i who spoke them. And then, in an i overwhelming rush of memory, shc recognized that it was no actual I voice she heard but the mental echo I of her own words to Nick—to Nick J at the time when he had been pass-, like fire of fierce happiness. t ............. ____ She. came cloce him by the few weeks wicli had elap- to an(j her pand imploring! sed since she had seen him. His face on arIUj lifting her white, stride- was haggard as though from lack of; face p|S< “it w0Uid spoil our' sleep, and the lines on either side love—to fai<e it uke that when we the mouth were scored deep into the 110 rjght to. It would smirch flesh. The mouth it elf closed in a, an(j s,ou jt> make it something dif- tense line of savage misery and the; ferent. i think—I think, in tlm; stark bitterne s of his eyes filled „ndi Biaige> wOuld kill it.” j her with grief and pity, knr.'”4«"......... -■ -- - — 1 how utterly powerless she 'was help or comfort him. Distrusting her ^elf-control, she snatched at the first conventional ;1 remark that sugge ted itself, •T thought—I thought you Nc-sta were both dining at the Dower House,” she said confusedly. ‘•Nesta is there. I made an ex­ cuse. I came here instead.” Something in the curt, clipped sentence- sounded a note of warning in her ears. ; “But you ought nor io nave come knowing; .<Nothing tc for py. our , and our and1 ’’L. ™ .......................... I With every fibre of her being yearn­ ing towards him she must refuse • deny him, drive him away from her ; “No, no!” she cried tremulously “We could never reach our House 'of Dreams that way—Oh, I know it! At least, not the sort of House of. ing through a here,” she replied quickly—defen- [ preani that would be worth any -1 temptation. ----. ting to you or me, Blaise. It ■would | how easily, would ever kill my love you,” he exc’aimed passionate- “Jean, little Jean, think of what life together might be—the glory beauty of it-—just you and I in Hou e of Dreams!” She caught her breath. Oh! Why I did he make it so hard for her? sively almost. “Why have you come; Blaise?” I “I came,” he said slowly, “be-J cause I. can’t bear my life without; tion . t # Don’t ask me any you a day longer. Jean! Jean! . . . Beloved! need to ask why I came?” With a swift irresistible move­ ment he swept her up into his arms. j back to Nesta. holding her crushed against his, brea t, his mouth on hers, kissing her as a man kis es when love that has been long thwarted and denied at last bursts asunder the shackles which constrained it. And Jean, starved for four long months of the touch of the beloved arm-, the pressure of the beloved lips upon her own, had yielded to him almost before she was aware of her surrender. Then the remembrance of the wo­ man who stood between them rush­ ed across her and she tore herself free from his embrace, white and trembling in every limb. “Blai.e! . . . Blaise . . are you thinking mad—mad!” She covered her shaking hands but away, gazing down a- that worshipped. “No, beloved, we’re not mad,” he cried triumphantly. “We’re sane— sane at last. We were mad to think we could live apart, mad to dream we could starve love like ours. That was when we were mad! But we’l1 never be parted again; sweet—” “Blaise,” she whispered, staring at him with horrified dilated eyes. “You ing! wife, must that to me!” “No,” he returned, “I Jean. I’ve come to take with me. “Once more his arms round her. “Belovedest, I live without you any longer, tried— and I can’t do it. you’ll come? You love me enough— enough to come with me to the. ends of the earth where we’ll find happi­ ness at last?” She ‘■ought to free herself from his clasp, pressing with straining hands against his chest. “No! No!” she cried breathlessly. “I can’t go with you . . . you know I can’t! Ah! Don’t a.-k me, Blaise!” There was an agony of supplication in her voice. •' “But I do ask you. And if you love me”—his eyes holding hers— “you’ll come, Jean.” “I do love you,” she estly. “But it isn’t the asking me this, Blaise, other man—a stranger— “If you loved me, you’ll come,” he retierated doggedly. “H can’t live without you, Jean. I want you—oh heart’s beloved, if you knew—” And the burning, passionate words, the pent up love and longing >of months of separation and despair, came pouring from his lips—beseeching and demanding, wringing her heart pulling -at the love within her that ached to give him the answer which he craved. “Oh, Blaise, dearest of all—hush! in her young, untried only be a sham, a make-believe. You , ignorance, the words had fallen from can’t build true on a rotten founda-. ]ier jips as S],ie urged Nick , more Because—101k | dear. It's so hard- Do you on saying no when j wants to say yes. it. And you . . , to re I nounce his fixed resolve! Such em- —so hard to keep [ jnently wise and excellent counsel! everything in me | And how little- But I must you must say gc She of?Oh! What we’re with drew her them face he ner with eye? don’t know what you are say- You’re forgetting Nesta- Oh, go—go quickly! not stay here and -your You talk like won’t go you away went can’t I’ve Jean Established 1873 and 1887 Published every Thursday mornini at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—-$2.00 per year In advance. RATE'S—Farm or Real Estate tot sale 50c. each insertion for first four insertions. 25c. each subse­ quent insertion. Miscellaneous ar­ ticles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, or Found loc, per line of six words Reading notices 10c. per line Card of Thanks 50c. Legal ad­ vertising 12 and 8c. per line. In Memoriam, with one verse 50c extra verses 25c. each. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association --------------------------- .;.^-====== Q. The Eve of Departure A week later, Jean sat at the fool of the stairs and surveyed with faint amusement the motley collec­ tion of trunks and suit-cases whicn thronged the. hall. She was still looking pale and worn strung up to face her self-imposed exile from the country which now held everything that was dear to her but no enormity of sorrow would ever blind Jean for long to the whimsical aspect that attends sc •many of the little things of daily life. “What a lot of useless lumber ws women carry about with us where ever we go!” she commented. “Five —six—seven packages to supply the needs of two solitary females—and Heaven only knows how many brown paper parcels will be required at th? last moment for all the things we shall find we have forgotten when the time actually comes to start.” ■Claire, standing -on the flight of stairs above and viewing the essem- blage in the hall from -over* the top of the banister rail, giggled helpless- U’. ' j “Yes, they do look a lot,” she ad- j mitted. “Howevter” —< hopel’uMy — I “there”' be p’enty of room for then, all when we actually get to Beirn­fels.” J “Oh, plenty,” agreed Jean. “Bull we’ve got to convey them half across I Europe first—two lone women and ; one miserable maid who will prob. ; ably combine train-sickness and, hoime-sickness to an extent that wil’ totally incapacitate her for the per­ formance of her duties.’fr At this moment the front-door bel1 clanged violently through the house as though pulled by .someone in a tremendous hurry. 'Claire hastily withdrew her head from over the banister rail and disappeared up­ stair.1, while Jean relinquished the accommodation offered by the bot- tommo.t .step and sought refuge in the nearest of the sitting-rooms closing the door stealthily behind her. A moment later Tucker, who had caught sight of her hurriedly retreat­ ing figure, reopened it and announ­ ced imperturbably: “Mr. Burke.” Jean greeted him with surprise but without any feeling of embar­ rassment. So much had happened since the day she had eluded him on te Moor, events^of such intimate and tragic import had swept her path, that the unexepected meeting failed to rouse any feeling either of anger or dismay. Burke, and every­ thing connected with him, belonged to another period of her existence altogether—to that glorious care­ free time when it seemed as though life ivere a deep, inexhaustible well j bubbling over with wonderful possi-1 bilities. Burke were merely a ghost —a revenant from that far distant epoch. “I’m in time, then?” he said, when he had .shaken hands. “In time? In time for what?” “In time to see’ you before you go.” “Oh, yes.” Jean spoke lightly “You’re in time for that. But who told you I was going away? I did­ n’t know you were in England, even. “I came back a fortnight ago—tc London. Judith wired me from the house that you were leaving Coombe Eavie.” (To be continued) Mrs. Henpeck—Why, 1 only marriud you to spite Dick Jones. Mr. Henpeck—Glad to hear it. Heretofore I thought it was because you had a grudge agai.nst me. i-4--------------------------------- JUST A TEASER Professional Cards GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance Safe-deposit Vault for use of out Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HENSALL Customer—IIow is it that the quail on your bill of fare is always struck off? Waiter—That’s just a fancy touch. We never bad a quail in the joint. CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, LOANS, INVESTMENTS INSURANCE Office: Carling Block, Main Street. EXETER, ONT. At Lucan Monday and Thursday Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S< DENTAL SURGEON Office opposite the New Post Office Main St., Exeter Telephones Office 34w House 34J Closed Wednesday Afternoons Her voice almost failed her. could feel her strength ebbing with every moment that he stayed beside her. She knew that she coul(l not be able to resist his pleading much longer. Her own heart was fight­ ing against her—fighting, on his side!- He saw her weakness and caught at it eagerly. “Do you know what you’re asking •me to do?” he demanded hoarsely “Do you know what you are sen dins me back to? Our life together— Nesta’s and mine­ hell on earth, took her back, good by it. worthle s days are bickering darkened. tied? Her nominal position as my wife does not content her. Do you understand what that must .mean— if I go back?” He pau'ed, his eye-: bent steadily upon her. “Jean”— very low—“now that you know—wir you come with me and let us find our He into ing it a pallid white. “Answer me!” he persisted, a.s she remained silent. “Wait . . . wait a little . .” she muttered helplessly. She turned away from him and leaning her elbows on the chimney­ piece, buried her face in her hands The supreme test had come at last. .She realised, now, that her reunuciation — that renunciation which had cost her oo much pain and bitterness—had been, after all only something superfiscal and In­ complete. She had not made the full sacrifice that duty and honoui demanded of her. Though she had outwardly renounced her lover— bade him return to Nesta—she still held him hers bv the utter faithful­ ness of hio’ love for her. Nesta had had but the husk, the shall—-a hus­ band in name -only, every hour of their life together an insult to -her pride and womanhood. Jean’s thoughts lashed her. Her shoulders bent and cowered a little as though beneath a physical Plow. There had been a time—'oh! very long ago, it seemed, before Destiny had come with her snuffers and quenched the twin flames of love and happiness—a time when dimly as in some exquisite dream heard the sound of the helpless touch Perhaps Nesta, too, voices, felt those while her soul quickened to the vis­ ion of >a future which might hold some deeper meaning, some more sacred trust and purpose, than her empty, wayward past. And she, Jean, had c-'tood between life -has been simply I obeyed you—and But She is as as she ever one continual and quarrels.” “And she is nave done nc weak was. round His face ndt satis- and Our of happiness together?” watched the scarlet flood surgs her face and then retreat, leav- cried earn- you I love It’s some »> the fol- of -how crassly litth had she realised at the time the huge demand tliat she was making' She had spoken as though it were comparatively easy to reject wrong and choose the right—to low the stern and narrow path duty, through the mists and utte. darkness that enthrouded it, up tc tho e shining heights which He be­ yond human sight.-—the outposts oi Eternal Heaven itself. Easy! . . . Oh, God! . . When at last Jean uncovered her ■and lifted it to meet the sei of the man beside her, it was and ravaged—the face of one has come through tome fierce Dr. G. F, Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.S. DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoon “I have great confidence in Jones.” “That so?” “Yes, I had a good 1O-cent cisqir exposed in my ve«t pocket the other day and he didn’t reach over tfnd take It” JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHY, ELECTRO-THERAPY & ULTRA­ VIOLET ■ TREATMENTS PHONE 70 MAIN ST., EXETER were toe each “It m In­ Time , ,-he had little voices, felt of tiny hands had heard those clinging hands Aches In His Back Terrible Pains In Bladder Mr. James E. Dowdle, Bath, Ont., writes:—"I had such a terrible backache I became nearly crippled, and had to quit harvesting. I could not lie still at night, and had terrible bladder pains. , u ,The lady of the house told me to get a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills, which I did, and was feeling better after the W few doses, and I have not been bothered since I finished the one box.” For sale at all drug and general stores, or mailed direct on receipt of price by Tho T. Milburn Co.T Limited, Toronto, Ont. face gaze wan who purgatory of torment. “Well?” he demanded, his voice, roughened because he found himself unable to' steady it with that strain­ ed and altered face upturned to his “Well? Are you going to send me back to Nesta?” ghe did not answer his question Instead, she put another. “Do you think she—loves you?’ He stared. “Nesta? Yes. As far a.' her .sort can love, I believe she does.” Jean nodded, as though it the answer she had expected. “Blaise . . . I’m going to you back to her. I’m sure now. I know. It’s the only thing we can do . . . We must say good-bye—al­ together—never see each other.” “Never?” The word came drag- Singly. \ “Never. It—it would be hard on us, Blaise, to see other.” “Yes,” he answered slowly, would be too hard.” They were both silent. The utes ticked away unregarded, had ceased to count. This farewel1 was till the end of time. “Blaise—” AH the resonance had gone out of her voice. It sounded flat and tired. “You—you will gc back to her?” “Yes, I will go back.” She stretched out her hands flut- teringly. “Then go . . . go soon, Blaise! I —*1 can’t 'bear very much more.” He opened his arms, then, and she went to him, and for a -s'pace they clung together in silence. For the last time he set his lips to hers, held her once more against his’ heart Then slowly they drew apart, strick­ en eyes gazing lingeringly into other eyes as stricken, and presently the closing of the terrace door told her that he had gone, and that she must turn her feet to the solitary path of those who have said farewell to love Henceforth, she would be alone- living or dying, quite alone. It was long past midnight when Claire returned from the Dower House. -She found Jean sitting beside the grey embers of a burnt-out fire, her hands lying folded upon her knee er ys staring stonily in front of her in a fixed, unseeing gaze. Claire called to her softly, when one wakes a sleeper, “Jean!” Jean turned her head. “So you have got back?” she said dully. She stood up stiffly, as though her limbs were cramped “Claire, I am going away-—right away from here,—to Beirnfels.” “Why?” asked Claire-. She waited tensely for the answer. “Blaise has been here. He asked me to go away with him. I’ve sent him back to West.” The short, mechanically .-poke exactly ■ as MRS. JANE LANGFORD Mrs. Jane Langford, widow of Ephriam Langford, and mother of a family of distinguished United Church minister..'/ died' last week at the home of her son, Norman Lang­ ford, in Embro. She had been In poor health for some1 weeks. Former­ ly Miss jane Lannin, she was born 83 years ago in Biddulph Township, and had lived there with her hus­ band until the time of hi$ death. Recently she had resided with her son in Embro. She had been an active member of the United Church being associated with Wesley Unit­ ed Church of the Granton circuit ; Surviving are four sons: Rev. A. J. Langford, Rev. Dr, Frank Langford and Prof. F. W. Langford, all of Tor­ onto, and Norman Langford, of Em­ bro, also two daughters, Mrs. Risden of Saskatchewan and Mi’s. C. B Walden, of London Township. Her sister, Mrs. Fannie Bilyea, of Lon­ don Township, also survives. The funeral was held from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walden, London Township with interment in the Birr cemetery. stilted sentences' fell from her lips, >She like a child repeating Inquisite MCn “I’m sure you will like Jack father, He’s a fine young man.” “Has he got any property?” “Oh, you men are so curious! Jack asked me the same thing about you.” CHILDREN IN WAY The Nurse—Are you going to take the children out in the automobile to­ day, ma’am? Mrs. DeSwell—Oh, no, not today. I think Fido needs some air today. THEY’LL DROP DEAD “How can I get rid of my credi­ tors ?” “Pay ’em something on account and they'll all drop dead.” GOOD USE FOR JOKES Humorist—-Were those jokes of mine accepted ? Editor-^-Yes, we’ll use them in the puzzle department and offer prizes to’ the lucky guessers of the points to’ ’em. ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED. AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION guaranteed Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. NO. 1, DASHWOOD FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and SatisfacUm . Guaranteed „ EXETER P. O. or RING 188 OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones’ Auc­ tion School. Special Course taken in Registered Live Stock (all breeds) Merchandise, Real Estate, Farii Sales, Etc. Rates in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as­ sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. INSURANCE LIFE, ACCIDENT & HEALTH When Studying your future Life, Income or Pension program, consult ELMO RICHARDS Representing ' METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY EXETER, BOX 277 ' r - ___ __ USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President FRANK McCONNELL Vlce-Pres. ANGUS SINCLAIR DIRECTORS J. T. ALLISON, SAM’L NORRIS SIMON DOW, WM. H. COATES. AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Biddulph ALVIN L. HARRIS, Munro, Ageht for Fullarton and Logan THOMAS SCOTT, Cromarty, Agent for Hibbert W. A. TURNBULL - Secretary-treasurer Box 295, Exeter, Ontario GIjADMAN & STANBURY Solicitor Exeter i