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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-01-26, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY. JANUARY 26, 1033 HENSALL Ja- ati on Miss Lizzie Harvey, of Seaforth is visiting her sister Mrs. Harry cobi. Dr. Smart, of Ailsa Craig, will dress the Welfare Youth Club Monday evening next. Reeve Consitt is in Goderich thii week attending the January session of the County Council. The ninny friends of Dr. Gandiei were sorry to, hear of hjs death which took place on Saturday even ing at his home in Clinton. - Mr. John Craigie, Reeve of Go derich was in town Saturday calling on friends. Mr. Craigie is a strong contender for the Wardenship this year. Mr. Isaac Wright, Reeve of Turn berry. Twp,. was in town Saturday calling on friends. Mr. Wright is al so a contender for the Wardehship of Huron County this year. 3 A large number attended the Re ception given in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Volland at the Com mercial Hotel on Friday evening last The young couple were presented with ,3 rocking chairs and a fernery • stand. A pleasant evening was spent last week at the home u£ Mr. and Mrs Ed., Sheffer, when they celebrated their 57th wedding unnrversary. A pleasant evening was spent and the aged couple were congratulated and Wished many more years of health and prosperity. iFriends here of Mr. D. H. Mc Naughton, of Varna, were pleased tc hear of his appointment of perman ent Returning Officer for South Huron, by the Dominion Government Mr. Robert Higgins spent Tuesday in Goderich attending the opening session of the County Council. Services in our local churches were well attended on ‘Sunday last At the .United Church Rev. Arthur Sinclair occupied the pulpit and a solo was rendered by Mrs. Hedden in the morning and a duet by Mrs Drysdale and W. O. Goodwin in the evening. At the Carmel Presbyter ian Church Rev. W. A. Young had charge of the services and in the ev ening the installation of the officers} of the Young People’s Society took place. Harold Bonthron read the Scripture Lesson, while Beryl Pfaff lead in prayer. The Welfare Youth Club of the Presbyterian Church held their reg ular meeting on Monday with Mr. Roy McLaren in The meeting ■ opened with service after which Miss Minutes of the previous meeting was read and adopted. j The seertary read the annual report which was gratifying, the cir- [ culation of the books increasing' from 8010 in 1931 to 8731 in J932 The Librarian Mrs. Cameron re ported as regards her work. On motion of Mr. Parker and Mr Fo lick that is cases where a new book is brought in for renewal the usual fine be levied and the secre tary be impowered to provide the Librarian with printed forms stat ing that the book is new and will not be renewed. A new book ered new until it has been rary 6 months. Carried. On motion of Bonthron er that the Librarian be authorized to reserve a book for a fee of 5 c. The party reserving to be notifed the day book comes in and must call for same not later than next library day The fee be paid when reservation is made. Carried. Motion of Bonthron and Parker that no change be made as to. the fee of 50c. per year for the country people. Carried. . Adjournment then carried. Jas. A. Paterson, Sec’y is consid- in the lib- and Park- X. Death of Richard Blhtchford CENTRALIA , Mrs. Henry, of Sarnia, who has EE been visiting her sister Mrs. McCabe == for the past three weeks returned tc sa her home on Saturday. Mrs. John Pollard has been con- EE fined to her home owing to illnesr E~ during the past week. EE Mr. and Mrs. Miles MicCabe arc — this week moving to Clinton. Mr as McCabe who has been head butter- = maker in the Shamrock Creamery xg for the past nine years has been as transferred to a similiar position in =E the Clinton Creamery. Mr. D. Malt-t s=s by, of Clinton has accepted the posi- = tion of manager of this creamery ■== Mr, Thos. Willis having resigned. ~ On Thursday evening of last week ~ Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson’s group of the as I Women’s Association held a supper sa in the basement of the church. This as was well attended. as Mrs. Robert Smith is spending c sss few days with Mr. and Mrs. Miles == McCabe at Clinton, = On Tuesday evening January 31st ~ the Young People’s Society of Caven EE Presbyterian church, Exeter, are in- EE vited to visit the Young People’s So- EE: ciety of this church and put on the sa program for the evening. sa ™ RED & WHITE STORE evening Charge a song Hannah Murray led in prayer and the Scrip ture was read by Irene Hoskins. An address “Home Sweet Home” was given by Mr. Young and the topic “The 12 Disciples” was given by Miss Irene Hoggarth. The closed after a short period tests and game,?. meeting of con South IImon Agricultural Society The annual meeting of the South Huron Agricultural Society held in the Commercial Hotel, Hensall, and was unusually well attended. The treasurer’s statement showed an expenditure of $76.75 expended in prizes at the Seed Show held in February, and $64.50 for cattle priz es and $217.50 for horse prizes a1 the Spring Fair held in April. Above these expenditures- the So ciety enter the year with a substan tial balance in spite of the fact thai no admission fee is charged at cither show. The annual. Seed Fair will be held in Hensall on Friday, Febru ary 24th, and the annual Spring Fair on Tuesday, A_pril 11th, for both oi which a liberal premium list will be offered. Dr. A. R. Campbell was re-elected president; O. Geiger, 1st vice-pres.' W. R. Dougall, 2nd viee-pres. and the Board Of Directors elected, Mes srs. Wm. Consitt, W. D. Sanders, R N. Peck, Robert McLaren, H. C. Sol- dan, Roy Lamont, Wm. Decker, W G. Bell, Rev. W. A. young, L. R. Coles, L. Mickle, Alex Buchanan, T Sherritt, M. Clark and Jas. Ballian- tyne. The death of Richard Blatchford one of our oldest residents took place on Saturday evening after five days illness with pneumonia. He was down town on Tuesday, quite well and active for a man of hi? years. On Tuesday night he was stricken and despite best medical skill and nursing he passed away on Saturday evening. Mr. Blatchford was born in England 85 years age and came to this country with hl? parents when a small boy and set tled in the Hurondale district when Htirondale was a solid bush. When a young man he learned the black smithing and wagon making trade with John Trick, of Exeter and where he carried on that business for some time. When Hensall war first started' he moved here and opened a blacksmithing business which he conducted for a number oi years. The first child born in the village of Hensall, Alice Hensall Blatchford, was Mr. Blatchford’s el dest daughter. Mr. Blatchford mov ed to North Dakota taking up land there and for a number of year? went through the hardships of pion eer life in North Dakota. He later moved back to Ontario and some 29 years ago he again became a resi dent of Hensall where he has since resided. He’ was a man of a bright surfny disposition 'and loved to' talk of the early days here in Ontario and Dakota. He was politics and a beloved the United Church. He 3 times, his 3rd wife Charlotte Harvey, of Bethesda, whc survived him. Besides his bereaved •widow he leaves to mourn his loss four daughters, Mrs. Miller, Windsor Mrs. Peterson, South Dakota; Mrs Chas. Jinks, Hensall and Holly, of the Western States three sons: James, of British umbia; Willingdon, of London; Nelson, of Hensall. Two sisters four brothers also survive: George Brown, of Hensall; and Mrs Thompson, of Toronto; Dr. George- Blatchford, of Clinton, Mich.; Frank of Exeter; Joseph,, of Virginia and Dr. Blatchford, of Salmon, Oregon The funeral took place from hi? late home on South Richmond St on Monday afternoon, interment In the Hensall Union Cemetery with his pastor, the Rev. Arthur Sinclair having .charge of the services. A very beautiful -quartette was render ed by Mrs. M. Hedden, Mrs. G. Hess and Messrs. W. O. Goodwin and Wil son Carlyle. The pall-bearers' were John a Liberal in member of was married being Miss Mrs. C and Col and and Mrs- Dr. Moir, Messrs. A. Mair, Rowcliffe, Wm. Dougall, Wm. Jone? and Wm. Forrest. Amongst those who attended the funeral from .a dis tance were, Misses Clara Thompson Leila Welsh and Messrs. Floriun Welsh and Wm. Blatchford, of Tor onto; Dr, George Blatchford, of De troit; Mrs. L. Miller, Mr. Jas. Mill er and Miss Marie Miller, of Wind sor, and a number from Grand Bend and Exeter. Meeting of the Hensa’Jl Hydro1 Connniss»oii •Commission the year on members of present The Hensall Hydro held its first meeting of Monday evening. All the the Commission being Reeve Consitt was elected chairman for the year; Thos. Welsh, Secretary and C. 'Cook, treasurer. John Pass- more as re-engaged as Superinten dant at $70.00 a month and $5.00' n month for collecting the bills. This includes all tree trimming, repair ing meters and line work. The vill age Auditor was present and gave his report on the Hydro finances. As the surplus on hand is between six and seven thousand dollars; the Auditors thought that that surplus should be sufficient to take care oi any future needs of the hydro and thought that a reduction in rate? was now due our hydro users. A number of communications were read and ordered filed and ordered paid on motion of Commissioners Moore and Welsh. A number of sub jects were discussed nrer which the meeting adjourned to meet again al the call of the superIntendant. Meeting Hensall Library Boar/li A meeting of the- Public Library Board held on Saturday evening with Reeve Whi. Consitt as chairman ZION A play entitled '“No Account Dav id” was given in the church on Wed nesday evening of last week to a good sized crowd. The players all took their parts well and with comedy and drama combined kept the audience d'eeply interested and well entertain ed. Guitar and mouthorgan music was furnished between acts by John ston Bros, on the piano; Ken. John? played the guitar and mouthorgan to gether and Messrs. Clifford Kenneth Culbort, of Lucan also part. ‘The play was directed by H. Kyle and Mrs. Harold Hern proceeds to be in aid of the ceme tery fund. Mrs. Warren Brock attended the funeral of her grandmother Mrs. E Langford in London Tp. on Thurs day last. The funeral was held from the home of her daughter Mrs. Wal den with interment in the Birr ceme tery. The many friends of Mr. Warren Brock will be glad to know that he is improving. Mr. arid Mrs. Ephriam Hern visit ed witih Mrs. Hern’s sister Mrs. Or- val Rogers at Kirkton on Thursday. Mr. Ross Hern visited with his aunt Mrs. M. Culbort, Lucan, on Fri day. and took Mrs , the Presentation to Mr. McCabe * On Wednesday night of last week Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Willis enter tained their employees and their wives to a sumptuous turkey dinner Following the dinner a very enjoy able evening was spent in games During the evening Mr. Miles Mc Cabe was presented with a hand some walnut smoking cabinet pre vious to his departure to Clinton Following is the address: Centralia, Ont., Jan/18, 193,3 Mr. Miles MoCabe, Dear Miles,— We are talcing this trying to express our gret at the departure of you your family from our midst. During the years that you spent in our community we fpund you a true friend and trust that these years hold many pleasant memories which follow you into your new home. We have always felt that during the time we have spent together whether in work or play there ha? always existed among us a feeling of true companionship. We sometime? look back and wonder why these changes are made but as true friends it is our sincere hope that it will be a stepping .stone in your daily walk of life. We fefel that" we could not let thi? event take place without in some way showing our esteem toward you;, We ask you to accept this gift, not j goes for its value but rather as a slight token of our respect and goodwill. To you, Miles, we extend our best wishes, for prosperity in your new position; and to you and your fam ily, happiness in your new ’home. Signed on behalf of Mr. Willis and the Boys. Presentation to Mr. Willis On Saturday evening January 14 th© employees of the Shamrock Creamery presented Mr. Thos. Willis with a leather travelling bag, owing to his retirement as manager of the Creamery, following is the address: Centralia, Ontario Jan. 14, 1933 opportunity of feelings of re- and have have we Western Rolled Oats Huron Toilet Tissue . Good Cooking Onions Gold Medal Tomatoes Choice Quality Large tins, 2 for 19c. C. & B. Pork & Beans Chef Brand 4 tins for ISc. Household Sweet Com Choice Qiijality 3 tins for 19c. BOOMER’S HOME-MADE PEANUTBRITTLE ................ per lb, 19c. Duff’s Pure Lard 1 lb. carton 2 for 19c. R. & W. Spaghetti tall tins 2 for 19c. Oatmeal Cookies “Best Yet” 2 doz. for 19c. PURE CANE SUGAR .....................................................................4 lbs. for 19c. Oxydol Large pkg. each 19c. Big Five Cleanser 4 tins for 19c. Lux Soap 3 cakes for 19c. SWEET MIXED PICKLES, 9 oz bottles ........................................ 2 for 19c. Rex Vanilla 3 bottles for 19c. G. M. Peanut Butter 12 oz. tin pails 2 for 19c. De Luxe Jelly Powders 4 for 19c. per doz, 19c. . . 9 for 19c. . . 2 for 19c. .........5 lbs. 19c. .........6 for 19c. . 10 lbs. for 19c. Sweet Jujcy Oranges Large New Lemons . Fresh Head Lettuce . ROLLIE’S GROCERY EXETER, ONT Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”We Deliver raised $8776.00 since that t^me. The Association divided into three groups Tor the purpose of raising money dur ing the winter months. The conven ors are: Mrs. L. Hodgson, Mrs. A Mitchell and Mrs. T. Willis. Mrs G. Thompson closed the meeting and a dainty lunch was served by Mrs R. Smith, Mrs. N. Mitchell, Mrs. W J. Smith and Mrs. L. Sholdice. MT. CARMEL WHALEN and Mrs.Walter Gunning the home of Mr Thames Road, on Mr. were visitors at Percy Passmore, Friday evening. Messrs. George and Frank Squire attended the London and Syracuse hockey game on Friday evening in London. Mrs. Ernest Foster was confined to her bed several days suffering from the ’Flu. ° The sympathy of this community •out to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hern in the loss of their infant daughter, Donna, who passed away in Victoria Hospital on Monday morning, January 23rd. Donna was only sick for a few -days and hei death was a great shock to the com munity. Mrs. Hern was formerly Miss Rita Squire. The C. W. League will hold a so cial and drawing in the hall Thurs day evening. Miss B. Breen, of London, spent a few days with her sister Mrs; T. J Hall last week. Miss Margaret Carey is seriously ill at her home. Her friends wish for her a speedy recovery. ■ Mr. John Gooding and two sons Basil and Anthony, of Parkhill, vis ited at the hOiine of Mr. and Mrs. J Carey on Sunday. Miss Evelyn Regan, of London, is spending a few days at her home here. Master Norbett Gooding who has been quite ill at the home of his aunt Mrs. Janies Carey. We are pleased to hear he is improving. ship secretary, Mrs. T. Trevethick; Associate Helpers and -Strangers se cretary, Mrs. Johnson; Auditors Mrs. Trevethick, Mrs. Johnson. Miss Erma Fahner, of London and Mr.. Ross Krueger, of Kitchener spent Sunday at the home of the farmer’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fahner. (Intended for last week) The congregation of the United church regret that the report receiv ed such widespread publicity rela tive to the taking their collection the night of Rev. Johnston’s accident The weekly offering envelopes were received but the congregation would like .to inform the public that they arrived at the Evangelical church in time to participate in that portion of the worship there. DASHWOOD iCREDITON ’ I-Iis Honour T. M. Costello, Coun ty Judge, will preside at a bitting of the Eleventh Division Court io held on Monday, January 30th 9.30 a.m. Mr. S. Bettchen, of London, visiting with relatives in town a few days. Mr. Lester Maclsaac, of Detroit visited a few days last week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mac- Isaac. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Renney, ol Detroit, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J T. Hirtzel. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Telfer attend ed the funeral of Mr. Telfer’s father in Milton on ‘Saturday. Mr. Kress oi of the Canadian Bank of Commerce Exeter, was relieving. Mrs. Rintoul, of Wingham, visiting with her daughter Mrs. W. Telfer. Mr. Milton Canadian Bank das is spending his parents Mr. beiner. He has. just returned from a trip to the “Soo” and Pigeon, Mich Misses Lyla Haist and Alma Smith, of London, spent Sunday with their respective parents. Mrs. Quehl and daughter, of Tav istock are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Young. Mr. Henry C. County Council week. The ladies of iton United Church for a Pancake Supper on February 28 th. later. The Gower she is Mrs, J. T. Wilson, of London, spent week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodall. The Young People’s activities will be resumed again next Friday even ing at the usual hour in the Evan gelical S. S. rooms. Church service? Sunday morning and evening. Aftei the evening service there will be a congregational meeting to make some further arrangements for the time, when the Annual Conference convenes at Crediton in April. W. M Sippell, pastor. The regular meeting of the Wo men’s Missionary Society whs held at the home, of Mrs. T. Trevethick on Juno 19th. Mrs. I. Hill, presi dent in the chair. After -the busi ness of the meeting was arranged for a social time was spent, Mrs Trevethick serving a dainty lunch Officers for the year are as follows: Pros., Mrs. I. Hill; 1st vice-pres.. Mrs. A. King; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs B. Kestle; 3rd vice-pres., Mrs, M Finkbeiner; Rec. sec’y., Mrs. F. W Clark; Treas., Mrs. A. Baker; Cor and press secretary,, Mrs. C. Zwick« er; Supt. Mite Boxes, Mrs. W. .Tones Assist., Mrs. B. Kestle; C. Steward- be at is for Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office In Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, la Zurich, last three days of week. Mr. and Mrs. G. Calfas, of Sarnia visited with relatives a few days last week. Ruth Hopcroft entertained a num ber of her playmates at a birthday party on Saturday afternoon. Miss Jean Molton left last week for Victoria Hospital where she will take treatments. Mr. and Mrs. Dundas, of Centralia visited in town on Thursday. Dor othy Molton .returned with them ana will remain with them for the win ter. Mr. and - Mrs. Louis Schumacher returned home from Detroit last week Mr. Schumacher has been tak ing treatments. Mrs. T. Restemeyer has returned home after spending a few weeks in New Hamburg. Misses Marie Allemang and Helen Nadiger sent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Nadiger. Miss Selma Rader entertained a number of her friends on Monday evening. Mrs. H. Elsie and daughter Thelma has returned after a pleasant visit with friends in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Walper en tertained the members of the new council and their wives at dinner last Friday evening; also those whc kindly resigned in favor of this years council. Later in the evening over 100 young people gathered from all parts of the township and an en joyable time was spent at dancing and cards. The guests at dinner in cluded Reeve Alfred Mellick and Mrs Mellick Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Alexan der, Mr. and Mrs. David Ducharme Mr. and Mrs. John Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hess, Mr. and Mrs. L. H Rader, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Becker and Mr and Mrs. Fred Corbett. The choir of Dashwood Evangeli cal Church held their annual meet ing recently in the church basement About 30 members with their hus bands and wives sat down to a de licious this an contest Klump GRAND BEND Miss Marjorie Gascho and ’ Geraldine Sararus, of Zurich, is iting their aunt and uncle Mr. Mrs. Peter Ravelie this week. Mrs. Ed. Gill is spending a days in London with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tur.nbull spent ‘Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J W. Holt. Mr. and Mrs. Switzer spent day with Mrs. Finnin. Mr. and Mrs. Fahner has spending a few days with Mr. Mrs. Wm. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holt, Miss Beu lah Holt and Mrs. Peter Isenbach was in Kitchener last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Love visited Mr. and Mr.s. Walter England on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Brenner spent the week-end in Detroit with Mr. Ez ra Brenner who it ill. He is some what better and1 is expected home this week. The Late Mi’s. Turnbull The death of Sarah Clarke, widow of the late 'Thomas Turnbull, who predeceased, her four years ago, took place at her daughter’s Mrs. Adolph us Allen, near Parkhill, on Thursday January 19th. Mrs. Turnbull wa? born in England . over eighty-one years ago in,the year 1852 coming tc Canada with her parents and settling down in Huron County near Blyth. She was educated for a teacher and taught in her home school for many years. In 1878 she was united in marriage with Thos. Turnbull mov ing to the Sauble Line now the Blue Water highway, three miles north of Grand Bend. Deceased'was first a member of the Anglican Church lat er joining the Presbyterian Church where she taught the Bible, class for many years and later she joined the I United Church. Five years ago they ■ moved to the village where she made many friends and was loved by all I who came in contact with her. She I had been failing for the last year but Miss i vis- and few Dear Mr. Willis, We, the staff Creamery, have your office to try to express some appreciation of your work for us and for your great interest in us, during the years you have served as oui manager. We feel that words cannot express how sorry we are that you have, de cided' to retire from your position foi which you have so ably filled, nor only as a manager but as a true friend and helper; as the years pass on, countless of the miles which may separate us, from' one whom we sc highly esteem, your influence will go with us through the years, as you have ever been anxious for each of us to do “Our work, and do it right” We have tried to. understand and appreciate the difficulties which were yours as manger in these try ing times, in your endeavours tc serve alike the best interests of the company and ourselves. We want you to feel we were not unmindfu’ of the struggle being waged; and we beg you to accept this gift as a mark of our regards for you, and hope i1 will serve you, as you have so faith fully served us. Our greatest desire is, that God will see fit to spare your health and strength, so you will be able to en joy one long happy holiday with Mrs. Willis and family The Staff. (Intended for last week) The regular monthly meeting o; the Woman’s Association was held in the schoolroom of the church on Thursday afternoon January ’5‘th with the President Mrs. W. Bowden in the chair. The meeting opened by the use of hymn 77 after which Mrs A. Isaac led in prayer. Mrs. GodboB j hud been sick only a few days at the read the scripture 121, Hymn 361. the last meeting adopted. Reports committees were given reports showed that the Association had a very successful year having raised $40 during the year. A Slwit business session then took place. Th' Association voted $118 to the Shed Fund. Rev. Robb looked up the re cord since 1915 and the ladies have of the Shamrock gathered here at lesson from psalm The. minutes o were read and from the various The annua) Sun- been and i last. She leaves to mourn her loss one daughter, Mrs. Apolphus Allen Parkhill, three sons, Norman and Gordon, north of Grand Bend on the Blue Water Highway and Oliver at home; also two brothers Oliver Clark of Goderich and Temple Clark, of Auburn and one sister Mrs. Hannah Patterson, of Mich The funeral was held on Saturday services being con ducted by Rev. S. J. Mathers with interment in Grand Bend cemetery. is M. theFinkbeiner of of Commerce Dun- his holidays with and Mrs. Geo. Fink- Beaver is attending in Goderich this the W. M. S. Cred- have arranged Full particulars will be given many friends of Mrs. Robert will be pleased to know that slightly improved. •chicken dinner. Following exciting bean bag throwing was conducted with Thoma? and Dr. R. H. Taylor noting as captains. Thos, Klump’s side wa? decided as winners. The election oi officers was then conducted with A. W. Sauer presiding. The Treas. Harry Hoffman reported expense? paid during the year amounting tc $43.33 and a balance in the treasury of $75.48. The new officers are: Pres., Miss Catherine vice-pres., R. H. Taylor; Harry Hoffman; Leader man; Assist.., Mrs. A. 15. organist Anna Tiernan; ganist Mrs. V. Schatz.; Eanl Witmer and George Link. Finkbiner; sec’y. treas Mrs. M. Tie- , Oestridher; Assist, or- Librarians