HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-01-26, Page 4THURSDAY, JANUARY 2«, 1933 R*“ ' ■' 1 ,|N. - - AT — Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Stores Make a Big Difference ! ! YOU’LL SAVE HERE SIVAN’S DOWN artCake Flour 25 C LARGE PKGE. ■■VW* 1 LB. PKGE. Shortening Xr PER POUND su^“. 10 lbs. 48c; 100 lbs. 4.80 10 soapl 25c.PURE COCOA___ 1 lb. pgks. lOd Bread & Butter Always Cheaper AT COOK’S ROCK BOTTOM STORES Phone 58. Try an order. You will save on every article Free delivery on orders $2.00 or over Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Stores, Exeter PRICES REDUCED V 8 Four Door Sedan now delivered in Exeter $775.00 All other prices similarity reduced. SANDY ELLIOT BIRTHS McDOUGALL—In Hibbert, on Wed­ nesday, January 25th to Mr. and ' Mrs. Horton McDougall, a daugh­ ter. DEATHS KENT—At Centralia, on January 19 1933, Hannah Wilson, beloved wife of John Kent, aged 83 years TAYLOR—In Exeter on Tuesday January 24th, 193.3, John W. Tay lor, aged 85 years, 6 months and 6 days. Funeral Friday at 2 p.m Interment in Exeter cemetery. HERN—Suddenly, at Victoria Hos­ pital, London, on Monday, Janu­ ary 23, 193.3, Donna, dearly be­ loved and only child of Mr. ,and Mrs. Arnold Hern, of Woodham in her first year. HOWARD—In Lucan, on Tuesday ■January 24, 1933, Clarissa Myrtle ■Scott, dearly beloved wife of Geo R. Howard, in her 34th year. Fu­ neral from her late residence, on Thursday, January 26, at 2.30 p.m to Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, foi service. Interment in St. James* Cemetery, Clandeboye. was In­ heldmeetings have been $95 had been raised. The Association report was Mrs. H. W. Doerr. They CARD OF THANKS THE EXETER TIMES-AOVOCJATE $524,84 to carry on until the anni­ versary in the fa’l. The result of the voting was as follows; Stewards, W Martin; E. M. Dignan, M. E. Quance E. R. Hopper, W. C. Pearce, A. H Gambrill and W- J. Beer; Elders: H Horton, Wm. Ryckman, A. Ryck- man and W. May, The pastor com­ plimented the members on their splendid reports and hoped the fu­ ture would show an upward trend At the conclusion of the business oi the evening refreshments were ser­ ved by the ladies. Now is the tiane to get a thorough overhaul job on your car at a very reasonable price.—Sandy Elliot, ELIMVXLLE Class home are sorry to report that Mr Cooper had the misfortune tc his arm last Thursday morn- A. C.'Whitlock, Misses Joy so far in his experience it was an incentive for a to do his best to bring ln- message to his people. The A CROMARTY An Oyster Supper will be given on January 31st in the Presbyterian church. A good program is being arranged. Chicken Pie will be serv­ ed ajso for those not caring for the oysters. Miss Olive Speare who spent some time in Harriston through the winter months is taking a few holidays ar her home here. KIRKTON Lloydson village one spent las’ mother Bell, who has just training for a nurse visiting at the home Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Chas. Stephen. Her The Young People’s Bible held a crokinole party at the of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch last Tuesday evening. Refreshments were served at the close of the games. ’ We A’vin break ing. Mr. and Evelyn Whitlock, of St. Thomas were callers in the neighborhood re­ cently. Maurice Rice, his mother Mrs Lina Moore and Mr. RegT Smale, of Loudon, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns on Tuesday, Miss Bessie completed her in Windsor is of her parents Bell and Mr. friends extend congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns __ Kenneth attended tlie funeral of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ nold Hern at ’Exeter4 on Tuesday The Y. P. S. met for their regular meeting on Monday evening with Mr Squire Herdman presiding. The meeting opened with Hymn 21 after which the Lord’s Prayer was repeat­ ed in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted Some business was then dealt with The president Mr. Horace Delbridge then took the chair for the Devo­ tional period which opened with hymn 2 62. Mr. Laverne Skinner then read the scripture lesson, Mart. 16 verses. 13 to 17. The talk on the les­ son was then given by Mr. Lome Elford, which lyas followed by the Topic, Life and Works of Hayden by Mr. Kenneth Johns. Tlie meeting closed with hymn 291 and Mizpah benediction. W. M. S. Meeting The first meeting of the year for the W. M. S. took in part the nature of a surprise birthday party for Mrs Wm. .Skinner one of the older mem­ bers of the society and was held at her home on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Twenty-one member? were present, illness prevented others from attending. Mrs. Thomas Bell presided over the meeting and opened with the familiar hymn “W(hat a Friend we have in Jesus’ followed with prayer by Mrs. Chas Johns. The new Pres. Mrs. Will El- ford read the scripture lesson from Josh. 1st chapter. The secretary read the minutes o-f the last meeting which were adopted. Rolli call -was responded to by a new year’s resol­ ution. The reading of the Devotion­ al Leaflet “Deborah, the Public Spirited Woman” was followed ’by a pleasing voca.1 duet, “His eye is on the Sparrow” by Rev. and Mrs. Pe­ ters; readings of interest were given by Mrs. Ed. Johns, Mrs. Henry Del- bridge, Mrs. Wellington Skinner Mrs. Will Elford. The financial re­ port of the year 1932 was given by the treasurer Mrs. Bell. The closing hymn was sung ^nd Rev. Peter’; closed the meeting with prayer. A light lunch consisting of sandwiches’ and a prettily decorated birthday cake was served and all enjoyed a social time wishing .Mrs. Skinner returns of the day. and Mrs. Silas Shier and called on friends in the day last week. Mrs. Trueman. Tufts week at the home of her Mrs. Sidney Mills of Woodham. Mr. Lloyd Shier spent the week­ end with his Shier. We are glad val Roger and proving nicely Mr. and Mirs. Roy Francis and sor Lome were Sunday visitors at Mun ro. Mrs. McKay, of Thames Road, is spending this-week with her frienc’ Mrs. S. Tufts. Y. P. S. The Y. P. A/meeting was held on Monday night last week with 53 in attendance. The convenor of Literary and Recording committee conducted a worship service. Dr. Campbell gave the topic taking “Music from the Hymnary” which was very interest­ ing. Miss Beatrice Doupe gave a reading and the meeting was closec by prayer. It was decided that the Y. P. A. accept the invitation to vise Elimville Y. P. S. on January 30th brother Mr.Howard Mrs Or- are Im- t'o hear that two children from the measles. SHIPKA The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid will be held on Wednesday af­ ternoon February 1st at one p.m. at the home of Mrs. Lome Fiukbeiner Mr. William Sweitzer is attending County Council in Goderich this week. Mrs. Milton Ratz has been con-, fined to. her home the past week af- ter an operation for of her tonsils. Mr. Tom Lamport, the past two months turned home last week. the removal who lias spent in London re- Mr. John Kent and family wish thank the many friend^ and neigh­ bors for their kind expressions of sympathy; also for the beautifu’ floral tributes and to the' friends who loaned cars. t( IN MEMORLAM loving remembrance ol Mother, Mrs. Mary in Crediton EWALD—In our dear Ewald, who died . January 21st, 1931. A silent thought, a secret tear, Keeps her memory ever dear. — Ever remembered sons and daughters. oy hei HARPLEY Mr. and Mrs. Robt Taylor, Grand Bend, spent Tuesday afternoon at Mr. Jas. C. Hodgins. Mrs. Colin Love visited friends near Strathroy on Monday, Mr. Bob Davies spent Sunday ev­ ening with his brother George at Mr S. C. Pollock’s. Mrs. Clifford Sherritt has engaged Mr. Varley, of Parkhill to work with him for a few months. Mrs. Mary McLinchey and family and Mr. -and Mrs. W. Hayter spent Monday with Mr. Joe. Hickey, Mesdanies Colin an® tVill spent Wednesday afternoon Miss Sarah Mr. and on Sunday THAMES ROAD The monthly meeting of the Thames Road Mission Circle met at the home of Mrs. L. Thomson with a good at- The meeting opened by hymn followed by prayer Anthony, her report, urer’s report, Moved bers and seconded by that Loreen Borland ing secretary. Moved by Miss Bax­ ter and seconded by Bessie Austin that Evelyn Hunkin be Literature se­ cretary. The roll call was; taken, 11 members responding. The president read a letter from the Child’s Wel­ fare, London, thanking the Mission Circle for the scrap books. Miss Blackball then took charge of the program. Following tlhe singing of a hymn the Lord’s Prayer was repeat­ ed in unison. Jeanette Stone read the scripture lesson. The meeting closed by singing a hymn followed by the Mizpah benediction. A socia half hour was spent over the tea cups Mrs. Wm. Pollen, of Exeter, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. Pol­ len last week. Miss Jean Pilon, the week-end with MisS Marjorie Stewart. Mr. Wilfred Allen WINCHELSEA tendance, singing a by Mr^. then gave The secretary also the treas- by Etta Cham- r Mrs, Anthony be correspond- of Exeter, spent par- and thk care Quite a number around here arc still confined to their neds with the flu. Mrs. J. E. Creery spent Saturday with her daughter Mrs. Lammond of Cromarty. Miss Mabel McGugap spent week-end with her sister at Bridges. Mr. Spicer visited for a few the Mt. days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Delbridge. Mrs. George Davis visited with Mrs, D, Alexander of Thames Road on Saturday. Mr. Ralph Parkinson, Blanshard spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foster, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF RICHARD ROY FLETCHER, late of the Township of Usborne in the County of Hur­ on, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 51 of the Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said deceased, are required to send, full particulars of such claims to the un­ dersigned Solicitor for the Executors of the said estate, on or before the 15tli day of February, 1933 after which date tlhe Executors will pro­ ceed to distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only ;o the claims of which notice shall theD have been given. LONDON, ONTARIO, January 20 1933. MELVILLE F. GLADMAN, B.A. Bank of Toronto Chbrs., London, Ont Solicitor for Executors of the Bell Tele­ phone Co., is visiting with his ents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Allen returned to work the first of month. I We are sorry to know that Mrs. A I Hunkin is under the doctor’s care ' at time of writing and is in Doctor Fletcher’s hospital. Her many friends hope- to see her well soon. Miss Elizabeth Thomson has been in Exeter ui^der the doctor’s during tlhe past week but is home again. b Miss Hazel Hamilton, of Cromarty visited her sister Mrs. Nelson Hun­ kin last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harris vis­ ited in Dungannon the forepart of the past week. Miss Jessie Monteith who has been confined to her room for months is able to be up and again. The meeting of the Young was held on Tuesday, January 17th opening by singing Old Black' which was followed by a verse chorus of My Bonnie Lies Over Ocean then by the hymn Stand Stand Up, for Jesus, then lead in prayer, read the minutes of ■meeting followed by a short business session. A committee for the pro­ gram on January 31st was chosen being Arthur Rhode, Lloyd Hackney, Bessie Austin and Beatrice Knight. A short program then was given con­ sisting of guitar and mouth organ selections by Ivan Stewart, reading by Torn Farran, recitation by Allan Johns, violin selection by Harry Stone and a duet by Wm. Allison and Wm. Cann. The remainder of the ev­ ening was spent in games after which the young men served lunch. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein and two children visited Sunday /with relatives near Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. David Sturgeon and son Russell spent the week-end with relatives in Bayfield.. Mr. Henry Pfaff, of St. Marys spent Monday with his parents' Mr and Mrs. Henry Pfaff -Sr. Miss Clara Lewis is visiting with Mr. and, Mrs. Jim Neili in Centralia Mr. and Mrs. R. Motz and twe children, of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley in London. Mr. Henry Motz spent Friday in London with his daughter Mrs. Wm Heatherley and ing. Mr. and Mrs. Parkhill, visited day. Mr. Elme^ spent Thursday with his father Dan Truemner. Mrs. Frank Scheid- Harry Appleton, oi friends here on Fri- Truemner, of Chesley Mr /Greenway y. Ar.__2Mrs. y. Arrand of Saskatoon has, been v%iting her brother Mr. J. H < McGrgfeor and h^r sister Mrs. Frank I I AUCTION SALE severa1 around People Joe and the Up The president The secretary the previous NOTICE TO CREDITORS — of — FARM STOCK AND CHATTELS The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auc­ tion, on HURON STREET, WEST EXETER — on — SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1933 at 1.30 o’clock p.m. the following: FARM STOCK—2 cows, 1 horse 2 small pigs, 21 Rock hens; 25 bus mangolds, 3 tons of hay. CHATTELS—Bed and springs, 1 dreser, chairs, leather rocker, 2 lawn mowers, 12 gal, crock, dishes Quebec kitchen range, clothes wring­ er, scales 240 lbs., cream can, grind­ ing stone, separator, scuffler, buggy plow, harrows, wagon, rack, cutting box, onion scuffler, hay fork, forks rake, chains, crow bar, tree pruner cross cut saw, wheel barrow, harness heavy and light and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE—CASH FRED SOTHERAN, Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer MORTGAGE SALE • _ of — VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY Under and by virtue of the power contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the sale the undersigned will offer for sale at Tlie Dominion House, Zurich, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1933 at 11 o’clock a.m. the property known as Lots 21 and 22 L. R. W. Concession, Hay Town­ ship, containing 122 acres more or less. The property is said to be well fenced and drained with good farm buildings and is well located on the Blue Water Highway. TERMS OF SALE 10 % of purchase money’ to be paid on day of sale and the balance in 30 days thereafter without inter­ est. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. Further terms and conditions of sale will be made known on day of sale or may be had upon application to the undersigned. OSCAR KLOPP, Zurich, Ont., Auc­ tioneer. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter & Hensail, Solicitors for Mortgagee IN EARNOT GAISER, Bankrupt, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that William Earnot Gaiser, of the Town­ ship of Stephen in the County ol Huron, Farmer, has made an au­ thorized assignment of a'll his pro­ perty for the benefit of .his creditors and that Edmund Weld, Official Re­ ceiver, has appointed me to be Cus­ todian. of the Estate of the debto-i until the first meeting of the credit­ ors, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the first meeting of the creditors in THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM 1 . .e are glad to report Miss Elaine the a,bove estate will be held al the er is recovering from her re- [ ; , _operation /or appendicitis. ' i . - .- _ . r. Ed. Volk, of Calgary, has; - been isiting/Mr. and Mrs. Ralph °,'2'.^ck Turner. I S.~.—~.z — Mr. Kemp and Mr. and 1— ,Clarke, of Harrington and Mr. and f Trustee when appointed. Otherwise Mrs. John Prance, of Winchelsea . proceeds of the Estate will be visited Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bullock distributed among the parties entitled last Sunday. j Mr. R. Carruthers, of Crediton claims, called on friends here rast week. | Mr. Elson and Raymond and Mr and Mrs. Ed. StewaTdson motored to London on Friday. Mr, and Mrs. D. Brown and Miss Rubie Brown visited friends in Thedford on Siunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner visit­ ed with Mr. Whiteside and Mrs Sherritt on Friday. Miss Olive young ladies noon at a quilting on her birthday. Mrs. Rdy Hutchinson is recover­ ing from her recent illness. The Y. P. S. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey on Monday. The program was in of the 1st vice-president. We extend congratulations and Mrs. Brenton Goodhand M. Seeley) who -were married Sat­ urday. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Goodhand and Miss Erma Goodhand attended the wedding and visited in The W. M. S. of the ; Church met last Wednesday j ter Devotional exercises and ' business appointed heralds ; Watchtower. Mrs. ! charge of the program MisS Laura Leash sent $89.00 to- Treasurer, The Women’s . i offices of Messrs. Gladman & S'tan- '• I bury at Exeter, on Tuesday, the 7th haJ day of February A. D. 1933 at ? All persons having any | claims against the said Estate must Mrs j file their proof with me ’Or with 2 WOODHAM MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING ° Main Street United Church held their annual congregational meeting on Wednesday evening of last wees at which there was a good attend­ ance. The pastor Rev. A. E. Elliott was in charge, of the meeting and following a short devotional session reports were received from the var­ ious organizations of the church and an election was held for .elders and stewards. The reports showed al‘ organiaztions to be in a very nour­ ishing condition. The W. M. S. re­ port was given by Mrs. W. C. Pearce This organization raised $.300.00 throughout the year with a good at­ tendance at the meetings and splen­ did interest. Mission Circle reported by Mrs. Geo. Layton, teresting and over Women’s given by have 26 members and raised $406.- 49, a large portion of which has been spent on the parsonage. The minister stated that the study room in the parsonage was the brightest and best and that preacher teresting Baby Band reported by Mrs. W. G Medd has S3 members and 29 life members. $21.00 was raised during the year. The Logie -Mission Band reported by Miss J. Murray has 40 members and raised $66.67, one cent more than the previous year was raised. The officers for the band for this year are, Pres., E. McDon­ ald; vice pres., K. Kestle, sec'y, M Sterling; *treas., Eileen Andrew. Re­ port of the Men’s Union was given by Mr. George Layton, several in­ teresting meetings having been held during the year. The Y. P. S. was reported by Marvin Howey having I raised $56.11. Mr, Jesse Elston j chairman of the board of Stewards I reported everything satisfactory ex-1 j cept the M. & M. fund which was a! J little lower than last year but con-1 ! sidering the times the congregation ' did well. The amount raised for the M. & M. was $779.41. Campbell reported for committee receipts of bouquets and 43 cards sent out during the year. Mr. B. W F. Beavers, supt. of the Sunday School reported this department In a flourishing condition, Ten had joined the church and 19 had sign­ ed the temperance pledge. Report of the Session was given by Mr Geo. S. Howard. Four communion services were held with an average attendance of 130; nineteen new members were received into the church; 17 removed, 9 by death There are 95 families and 338 mem- bers. Mr. Geo. Mawson reported that the trustee board had a balance of Love with Hodgins. Mrs, Ross Love visited with Miss Nola Wilson. The annual congregational meet­ ing will be held in the basement oi the church, Friday evening Jan. 27 McNaughton Switzer and appointed as the Young at Mr. Andrew j the flower I $51.55. 33 have been j I I The Misses Nina Marion Shier, Marion Myrtle B re th our were delegates to attend People’s Training Course held Stratford this week. The Misess Netta Shier, Alda Squire and Messrs. Victor Chatten and Raymond Switzer spent week-end at their homes here. The little daughter of Mr. . Mrs. Arnold Hern was taken i iously ill Sunday last and wag taken to the Children's Hopuals, London to the Children’s Hospital, London She passed away on Mpnday and was buried in Exeter on Tuesday. Thi sympathy of many friends will be ex tended to the bereaved. j thereto without regard to ’ nl d 4 w» a DATED at GODERICH, this day of J'anuary A. D., 19(33. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Custo­ dian’s Solicitors. CHARLES G._ MIDDLETON, Custo­ dian. TENDERS WANTED the and ser- Brown entertained the last Thursday after­ ihargi to Mr (MISS such 25 th Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Peart, Muriel and Betty, of Rockwood, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo Jaques. Th engagement is announced o* Grace Evelyn, only daughter of Mr Matthew Tinney of Hay Township to George Campbell, youngest son oi Mr, and Mrs. George Eyre, of Tuck­ ersmith, shortly. the marriage to take place I (arriving home late)' “did; Detroit United and at- rOutinc for thf Sherritt had The Treas. reported having the Presbyteria' Association met following thec W. M, S. meeting and after Devotional exercises and bust-Wife you think I was lost, dear?” IwsMadj ness appointed committees to plan “No—I was never ah optimist.” I for an Oyster Supper in February. MORTGAGE SALE — of — VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY Under and by virtue of the power contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the sale the undersigned will offer for sale at The Dominion House, Zurich, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1933 at 11 o’clock a.m. the property known as the East Half of Lot 16, L. R. e. Concession, Hay Township, containing 75 acres more or less. The property is said to be well fenced and drained and is well lo­ cated on the Blue Water Highway. TERMS OF SALE 10 % of purchase money to be °n day of sale and the balance I m 30 days thereafter without inter- fnLJ116 Pfoperty bo offered for„saIo subject to a reserved bid. Further terms and conditions of sale will be made known on day of tA upofl application | °SH^nee^L01?Up’ KuHeh> Ont* Aue’ Sealed Tenders will be received by the Council of the Township of Hay up to twelve o’clock in the forenoon of January 31st, 1933, for the fol­ lowing: 1st.—For furnishing necessary power and taking charge of crusher and crushing operations while the crusher owned by the Township of Hay is in operation. Tenders to be submitted at a rate per hour and al­ so at a rate per ^vara, in separate amounts. 2nd—For delivering stone and gravel to the crusher while same is in operation. Tenders to be« sub­ mitted at a rate per yard. 3rd—For delivering crushed ma­ terial from the crusher to Township Roads under directions of Road Su­ perintendent. Tenders to be sub mitted at a rate per yard mile. Tenders may be submitted for aJ of above or any item separately. Lowest or any tender not neces- . __ sai’ily accepted, ^to the undersigned. A. F. HESS, ‘ " Clerk, Township of Hay tioneer, I Dated at Zurich this 16th day of Jan. 1 ULADMAN & STANBURY, Exetor a 'for ail Oyster Supper in February. | uary,«1333. ' Hensail, Solicitors for Mortgagee