HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-01-26, Page 3* ' <
Wake up your Liver Bile
—No Calomel necessary
Many people who feel sour, sluggish and
generally wretched make the mistake of taking
salts,, oil, mineral water, laxative candy or
chewing gum, or roughage which only move
the bowels and ignore the liver.
What you need is to wake up your Jiver
bile. Start your liver pouring the d;ii|y two
pounds of liquid bile into your bowels. Get
your stomach mid intestines working as they
should, once. more.
C arter's Little Liver Pills will soon fix you
up. Purely vegetable. Safe. Sure. Quick.
Ask for them b/ name, Refuse substitutes.
25o. at all druggists. 51
The Main Street United Church
auxiliary of the W. M. S. met
through the kindness of Mrs. K. J
Sims in her home. It was indeed a
very enjoyable gathering and at the
close Mrs. Sims served a dainty
luncheon. This was the first meet-'
ing of the year and twenty-four
were present. Mrs. (Rev.) Elliott
led the opening exercises and Mrs.
W. C. Pearce took charge of the
business part of the meeting. Mrs
Mooney, convenor of the committee
with the assistance of Mrs. W. G
Medd, Mrs. W, Martin and Mr. John
ston carried out the interesting pro
gram for the month. A pleasing
feature of the occasion was the pres
entation to Mrs. Johnson, of a Mem-
oriam card in memory of her
daughter, the late Dr. Mary John
ston, who was a life member of the
W. M. S. Mrs. Pearce made the pres
entation and accompanied it with a
few complimentary remarks in hon
or of the late Dr. Johnston whom
she knew from childhood and was
. present at her first birthday party
The next meeting is to be held the
second Thursday in February at the
home of Mrs. W- Martin.
Montreal, January—It is reported
that radio has been employed for the
first time by a fraternal organiza
tion to address members of the Order
scattered over an area where per
sonal visits to each Lodge would re
quire a considerable lengt'h of time
A convention of leaders of the Inde
pendent Order of Oddfellows in the
Maritime Provinces and Newfound
land gathered in Moncton recently
and the speaker’s remarks were ad
dres >ed to Lodges throughout the
district through radio station CNRA
of the Canadian National Railways
and a network comprised of radic
station in the Maritimes.
Sunday School Lesson
(International Uniform Sunday
School Lesson, January 2S)
Golden Text
On Him the Spirit, largely shed,
Exerts I-Iis sacred fire;
Wisdom and might, and zeal and
His holy breaat inspire.
He comes, the broken hearts, to bind
The bleeding souls to cure;
And with the treasures of His grace
To enrich the humble poor.
How News Spreads, 1, 2
One of the triumphs, of modern
science is- the rapidity with which
news is gathered from the four cor
ners of the earth. Formerly it was
considered a marvel that, at the
breakfast table, the morning papers
would bring news of events in South
America, Russia, or Japan. But now
the. radio gives a news summary of
the day before midnight, and Jis
teners-in have the great events of
the world before they ,go to bed. With
telegraph systems and wireless the
whole world is. encircled by a news
gathering agency. In ancient 'days
though this news spreading agency
was lacking, the desire to hear news
and to tell news was very strong
Missionaries in the jungles of Africa
have been surprised at the rapidity
with which news could spread, re
layed from village to village by
word of mouth or signals. “Grape
vine radio” can be marvelously
speedy. When Jesus entered the
village of Capernaum it was noised
about that he was in Peter’s house
and a great crowd gathered that
filled the streets as well as the
Depression Prices!!
on all kinds of lumber
and shingles.
Call and see for your
self or phone 12
Matched White Pine
$35.00 per M.
Phoqd 12 ■
house. The fame of what He had
done on a previous visit made the
people in Capernaum eager to see
and hear Him again.
The Erlends, 3
Though they did not know it the
four friends, of the man sipk of the
palsy gained immortal fame when
they carried the suffering neighbor
Up the stairs, dug a hole in the root
and let the sick man down before
Jesus. 'The names of these four
men are unknown. Which one of
them was the leader, who suggested
this unconventional procedure, their
happiness when their device succeed
ed—none of the details are given
but the beauty of their active friend
ship stands -out -clearly.
With us relief work is highly or
ganized. There is a Medicial Health
Officer to protect against -contagious
di leases and to see that drinking
water is pure. District nurses, and
school nurses are employed. Hospit
als are kept up by public subscrip
tions. Neighborhood workers, pre
vent overlapping in gifts, Coimmun-
ity Federations unite to make one
appeal for funds. During years of
depression iXrov/ineial' governments
and tlie odominion government have
organized relief work on a national
scale. Churches also have : hipped
carloads of food and clothing. In
an emergency this vast and compli
cated organization is necessary, but
it is es -ential that the spirit of the
four friends enter into the admin
istrations of relief. When people arc
suffering acutely from want or sick-
ne. 's, human friendship is as assen-
tial as direct relief.
The Patient, 4, 5
Little is told us about this pa
tient except that his disease wa?, the
palsy. How long he had suffered
and what was the cause -of his dis
ease we do not know. 1-Ie had lost
his sense of independence, had be
come a burden upon his friends, and
he was a financial liability upon the
community. Estimates may be mads
as to the public loss of -each sick
person, but no one can estimate the
amount of personal anguish the suf
ferer -endures. (Je^usi did not (re
gard this patient primarily from r
medical point of view. “Son, thy
sins,’ these were the startling words
which Jesus uttered. The cure of
soul was more imperative than the
cure of-body. He did not lead up
to the great announcement, but with
complete confidence asserted, "Son
thy sins be forgiven thee.” How well
Jems knew the human heart! Spir
itual sickness may be more deeply
rooted than physical disease. Jesus
offered forgiveness first and healing
second to this man sick with the
The Critics, 6, 7
'Certain of the scribes- were in the
audience, and they “dialogued in
their hearts.” They thought that It
wa..i blasphemy for Jesus to speak
.of forgiveness, and that he was
usurping the power of God. .Tesu1
who had been so sensitive to the
need of the palsied man was equal
ly sensitive to the adverse menta’
■attitude of the scribes. The scribes-
of course, could neither heal the
man nor overcome his sin whereas
Jesus was able to do both. The
scribes were more concerned about
theological niceties than helping a
human .sufferer. It wuld have been
very easy for Jesuu to show that his
critics were powerless to- help. Al
ways it is true that criticism is eas
ier than art.
The Saviour, 8, 12
iThis healing incident was an in
terlude. Jesus was teaching in Ca
pernaum when he was ,rudely inter
rupted by the sick man being let
down through the roof and by the
opposition of the scribes. After the
incident he went back to the sea
side and taught. Plainly Jesus at
tached greater importance to His
attaching ministry than his healing
ministry, but he was always ready
to respond to the appeal, of need
He demonstrated his power to for
give souls by his power to restore a
palsied man. If he could do- the
one, it was proof that he could de
the other. Which has the greatei
ta*ik, the doctor or the minister?
Their services have been divided
though they are in reality co-work
ers and each may help the other
This incident indicates that the cure
of the spiritual malady may often
be necessary as a precursor of the
cure of the physical disease. There
are millions of health seekers. Doc
tors’ offices, hospitals, healing
springs are crowded. Much fewer in
number are tho-'ie who are seeking
the more radical remedy of forgive
ness for sin. Yet this is the su
preme boon which Jesus offers. For
giveness is free, and it may be -won
by repentance, faith and a changed
life. The witness of this healed man
in Capernaum was not so much that
he had to be carried in and was able
to walk home, but that a new peace
a lasting and a permanent .love , oi
goodness were 11U ever afterward.
Questions and Discussion
1. Whose responsibility would it
be to repair that roof?
2. Han religion become too oon
3. What are the advantages and
disadvantages -of organised relief?
4. How do you account for Christ’s
compassion toward the sick and sin
Enjoy This Finer Quality
Bet us see. Where is (Sturgeon Falls- anyway?
In days of difficulty and danger Britain’s, sons made her great,
Those people who ate their cake when times were, good and who
■are now clamoring for the cake of the fellow who didn’t follow
their example, stand in the way of good times coming.
Fresh from the Gardens"//
Little bits of planning,
Little rays of light;
Knock old man depression
Higher than a kite.
• *• •
It looks as if pension schemes are coming into disfavor. Many
wise men see in them a dash of paternalism, a weakening of private
initiative, a devitalising of business and a flavour' of asking one
man to pay another man’s shot. In all such schemes there is a
grave tendency to give the reward to the wrong person,
day when “Safety First” has precedence over the spirit
It’s an ill
of enter-
The rightness of a practice is not determined by the
its vogue. We recall the saying of the Dutchman who
beam in his barn, “Mine fodder bumpt his het on dot peam efrey
tay lie lif. Vot vas good enuf for mine fodder is goot enuf for me.”
We have heard, too, of the parson whose epitaph read:
“Habit with him was all the test of truth:
“It must be right—I’ve done it from my youth,”
length of
said of a
9 «
During the present year representatives of the nations of the world
will meet to consider how economic ills of the world may be lessen
ed if not cured. That there is need for such a conference all admit
If the nations of the world will not work together theyjmust perish
together. That is as- plain as day. Already we have -seen the folly
of nations working against each other. The policy of selfishness as
exemplified by high tariffs has brought about a stalemate. On the
other hand the world has found out that system of onesided free
trade is economic folly. Britain adopted the system of tariffs only
when she saw that protectionist countries were using their tariff
walls for her ruin. John Bull saw that he was asked to he almoner
of the world, As a reward for his good nature he was left holding
the bag. Even he could not stay in the game when his opponent
insisted on playing “Heads I win; tails you lose.” He- adopted the
tariff wall that he might show the world that freer trade was t-he
only method' whereby good times may be brought about. His tariff
was his weapon for that purpose. On the other hand, the United
States has discovered the folly of isolation. Instead of her tariff
walls being her bulwark in a poverty stricken world, they have
proven as useless for that work as if built of mist. If the United
States could not propser under a policy of protection, in times of
prosperity, no other nation may hope to succeed when gaunt warn
stalks every national capital. The sooner all restrictions hindering
trade are removed the better. But note the word “all.” The
movement must be general. It is high time that this fact was re
cognized and that parliamentarians and public men stopped talking
with their tongues in their cheeks. To turn one’s face towards a
better day and still to play the partisan is to join the ranks of the
fools and blind. Unless this principle is recognized
sundry the World Conference will prove a failure.
« * * - * » »
by all and
used the fol.-
of 'hard work
But I think we
In his New Year’s message Mr. Stanley Baldwin
lowing tempered language:
“The year to which’we say good-bye has been one
and struggle for all, and of hardship for too many,
have been sustained in it by the thought that we were pressing for
ward along the right road, that we were making real progress, and
that here and there glimpses of better things ahead could be dis
cerned. It is my very earnest hope that in the year 1933 our coun
try as a whole may -receive some of the rewards which t)he efforts of
its people deserve, and that all those who may read these lines may
enjoy during the year both personal happiness and prosperity. Let
us go on facing our tasks determined to finish them.”
In his message the Archbiship of Canterbury said:
“It was in the dark that last night the Old year died and the
New Year was born. Truly darkness covers the earth. The clouds
still hang heavy over the whole of the world. In our Own land they
seem to be breaking, but they are not yet lifted. How shall we as a
people meet this, new year with all that it may bring? ' Please God
it will be with steady endurance and -resolute courage. These are
great qualities, but they are also grim. If they are to sustain us
they must themselves, be sustained by the light of hope. And this
light of hope must be more trustworthy than a mere wish or vague
expectation that better times may come. It must be seen shining
not apart from, but in th every midst of, the darkness.”
The Archbishop declared that the spirit of selfish nationalism
had led into the valley of trouble. The way out must be by sub
stituting for national selfishness international fellowship. He ap
pealed for personal service.
♦ **♦**»
This tiling of paralelling has gone too far, not only in the Unit
ed States, but in Canada. In the United States the government lias
paralelled the private laundry' business of her citizens. And what
she has done in this activity she has done in hundreds- of other in
stances. That is, she taxes her citizens wh-o.' are carrying on a busi
ness to pay for business that she is carrying on herself. Slie exploits
the men who pay the taxes to keep ’her government going by robbing
her own citizens of their legitimate income. The -same thing is
done in Canada. As soon as a man or a -company get a business
running that is likely to prove of value to the community, there
i$ a tendency for the government to- take that business over at the
point where private enterprise made it a success. Buch a way of
doing things is sure to- bring about disaster. The church has fallen
into the same blunder. Instead of keeping to her own work, she
opens gymnasiums and swimming pools and such recreational af fails
in opposition to the Y.M.C.A. or the school. In sJme cases she seems
to be keeping up hospitals long after the hospital should have- come
under municipal management. The result is that, work of this sort
lias to be-twice paid for.
The biggest folly of this sort is exemplified in the muddle Of
the railways of the- Do-mniion. Long before the- railways already
constructed were paying concerns, the country rushed into tremen-
do-JS expenditure for other railroads, with the resulting mess of the
present hour. Hundreds of miles -of railroad run parallel to each
other. Hundreds of miles of those railroads never have and never will
pay their way. Yet these lines of railway are being paralleled
by cement highways. These in turn are being paralleled by air
routes. And so the folly goes on because people allow themselves
to be befuddled by the -strong arm salesmen of church and state.
Partisanship and sectarianism and ballyhoo have wrought this good
ly land a deal of harm. When the folk learn to help themselves
we’ll move faster than when the uplifter is allowed to- get in his
crafty but very expensive handiwork.
The regular meeting of the W .M
S. of James street United Church
was held on Thursday afternoon in
the classroom, quite a number be
ing present. In the absence of the
president Mrs. C. -Christie, the vice-
pres., Mrs. M. Heywood took the
chair. Mrs. H. Perkins took the de
votional part which opened with
singing a hymn followed by prayer
by Mrs. Miners and all repeated the,-
Lord’s Prayer in unison. Mrs. Hey
wood read the lesson. Miss Hunter
give a reading on prayer and reviv
als. Mrs. J. M. Soutlicott then gave
an interesting talk on the study book
written by Dr. Oliver on the early
settlers of the Red River district
and also of the early settlers of
Western Canada. A duet was sung
by Mrs.' Williams and Mrs. Doupe
A reading was given on mission
work in Korea by
also a reading by
foreign missions,
was given by Mrs.
Hicks and Mrs. C. Godbolt which was
also enjoyed. Mrs. M. Heywood then j
took up the business part of the I
meeting when the secretary 1__
minutes of the last meeting which
were adopted. The treasurer gave the I
monthly report and the year’s re-;
port. Mrs. Ogden and Mrs. 1
wood were elected to visit the sick ’
during the month of February. The'
meeting closed with singing a hymn
and prayer. I
Mrs. S. McFall?
Mrs. Perkins on
A short playlet
H. Perkins, Mrs
mile one
be autb pr
of the un-
Montreal, January—Passengers vie-
iting Barbaros by Canadian National
liners find difficulty in pronouncing
the name of the flying-fish industry
headquarters on the island, Speiglits-
town, pronounced “Spikestown.”
The first session of the Council of
the Township of Hay for the year
19 3 3 was held in the Town Hall, Zu
rich on January 9th, 1933, according
to the Municipal Act. The following
surbscribed to the Declaration of Of
fice: Reeve, Alfred Melick; Coun'-
cillors, Wm. Alexander, David Du
charme, Edpiund Walper and John
After the Council became organ
ized the Reeve, Alfred Melick, gave
a short address, and stressed that co-
operation was the keynote of success
and asked that all members of the
Council lend their co-operation with
the help of the ratepayers and this
year’s business would show the re
sult of such action when the year
had drawn to a. close.
A large number of communica
tions were disposed of and the fol
lowing resolutions were passed:
That the following be appointed
officials of the Township of Hay for
19 33; Clerk and T'reas., A. F. Hess;
Auditors, K. A. Routledge and Geo.
Diechert; Weed Inspector, Louis
Schumacher; Caretaker of hall, John
Albrecht; Member of Board of
Helatli, -C. C. Schilbe; Sanitary In
spector. Western Div., J. Block;
Eastern Div.. B. C. Edwards; Schoo;
Attendanct Officer, Western Div.
Fred Ducharme; Ea'-itern Div., Geo
Armstrong and that a by-law be pre
pared confirming said appointment
for passing at the next council meet
That the salaries to be paid tc
township officials for the year 19-33
be fixed as follows: Clerk and Treas
urer for Township $.360'.00; for Tp
Roads $20.00; for Telephone $350.;
Caretaker $40.00; Auditors $6.00 for;
Tp. and $2 for Telephone; Weed In-1
Spector 35 c. per hour including
transporation; Board of Health $1
per meeting; Sanitary Inspector 50c
for placing and removing cards In
on Tues-
at twe
country and 45c. in Zurich, and 10c
per mile one way; soc. Idisenfect-
ing house; $2.00 for inspecting Zu
rich; $1.00 for Blake and $1,50 for
Dashwood and 10c. per
That the Tax -Collector
ized to continue the levy
paid taxes for 1932.
That the Clerk be authorized tc
subscribe for nine copies of the
Municipal World, One copy for each
of the following: Reeve, Councillors
Clerk, Assessor, Collector and Road
That the annual meeting of the
subscribers of the Hay
Telephone System be held
day, January 31-t, 1933,
o’clock in ,the afternoon.
That the following be appointed
as Poundkeeper for the,Township oi
Hay for the year 193-3: A. Ingram
O. L. Petty, S. Schroeder, S. Greb
W- J- Johnston, S. Hoffman, G. Bec
ker, D. Schwartzentruber, Hy. Krug
er, F. Denomme and F. Turnbull;
The Sheep Valuators are: J. Parke
Fred Haberer and F. Kading. And
the following as fence viewers: D. S
read ' Blackwell, J. Pfaff, H. Steinbach, J
Eckstein and Albert Hendrick and
i that a by-law confirming said ap- I pointments be prepared fo,r passing
Hev- > at next council meeting.
J That John R. Roger, of Mitchell
T.“" j be appointed as engineer of the Tp
j ■ of Hay under the Ditches and Water-
. courses Act.
That By-law No .2, 1933 providing
i for borrowing money for -current ex-
' ! penses be read three times and fin
ally pa sed.
I That By-law 12, 1932 regulating
extension telephone sets and exten
sion bells be repealed and that By
law No. 1, 1933, providing for .rules
and regulations and fixing 1
for extension sets be read
I time i and finally passed.
I That the
there has been expended on Town
ship Roads the sum -of $10218.05
and reque -ting the statutory grant ‘ '<
on that amount according to the
Ontario Highway Act and amend
ments thereto.
That the- security to be furnished
by the Treasurer of the Township of
Hay shall be the amount of $10,000
guarantee bond from Bonding Com- ■
pany and $5,000 personal bond.
That the rate of pay-
on Township Roads
ance during the year
fixed as follows): Man
hr; man only 20c.an
sioner only 25c. an hr.;
three horses 5 0c. per hour.
The Clerk was instructed to ad
vertise for applications' for the posi
tion -of assessor; for tenders for op
erating stone crusher and
crushed stones on the
Roads .
That vouchers -covering
on Township Roads, Telephone and
General Accounts be passed.
Tp. Roads—*L. Denomme rd. S
$9.87; M. M. Russell, rd. 1 ,$5.60;
S. Martin rd. 6, $5.25; J. Rannie
rd. 6, $4.75; Bonthron & Drysdale
crusher account $1.85. Telephone ac
counts, E. R. Guenther, cartage 85c
E. Walper refund $14.00; Casper
Walper refund $4.00; J. P. Rau, re
fund $12.00; P. Mclsaac, 3 months
salary $500’00; Zurich central,
switching, 3 weeks $51.00; H. G.
Hess, labor, etc. $5*8.63. General Ac
counts—Nomination expenses $10.;
Tp. Clerk, registering births, mar
riage and deaths $21.25; Wood for
hall $18.70; J. Block, meals for tran
sients $2.75.
That the Council adjourn to meet
again on Tuesday, January 31st, at
ten -o’clock, in the afternoon.
A. F. Hess, Clerk
I three
be au
to the
Reeve and Clerk
sign and submit
Highways of Ontario, the
the Township of Hay
that during the year 1932
for work done
for mainten-
193,3 shall be
and teagii 40c
hr.; Commis-
man ano
Don’t Allow Unsightly Pimples
To Disfigure Your Face
The proper way to get rid of this
unsightly skin disease is to go right
to the seat of the trouble, the blood,
and give it a thorough cleansing by
the use of Burdock Blood Bitters.
You will then have a smooth, clear
Mr. H. Shultz, Woito, Ont.,
writes:—““Three years ago my face
and neck were covered with pimples.
They were hard and inflamed, and
itched so I used to scratch them
Which made them worse.
Nothing seemed to help me until
I started using Burdock Blood
Bitters. After the first bottle I
noticed a change, so got another*
and in a short time the pimples haa
all gone,”