The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1933-01-12, Page 5t THE EXETER TJMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, JANUARY, 12, 1Q38
Mrs. Edgar Stewart, of Toronto
spent the week-end with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. David Foss.
; treas.
Miss- F
a tele-
ell recommend to the ratepayers tc
pay their tax arrears at once and
save further expense. Carried.
Mickle and petty; That the coun
cil adjourn. Carried,
.J. A. Paterson, Clerk
l«Spencer, Miss M. Johnston anj Mrs
G. Hess; secretary- Miss G
Assist., sec’y., Lorne Elder
Doreen Farquhar; pianist,
Welsh; Assist., Miss Marion
Mark Drysdale received
' gram last week advising him of the
At the council meeting on Monday death of his brother, Ralph Drysdale
evening Mr, Jas, Priest was appoint- of Dubue, Bask, The deceased was
ed Weed Inspector fox* the village, well known in Drysdale, where he
The many friends of Mr. James
Broadfoot are pleased to hear he is
improving after his recent severe
Mrs. Harry Jacobi is making sev
eral improvements to her home that
she recently purchased on
Richmond St.
Messrs, Geo. Douglas and
Howard attended the funeral
late Mr. William McClinchey,
Renew your subscription
and save 50c.
this week
of the
son. of
and Mrs. Robert McClinchey of
the Goshen Line, Stanley.
Mr. Jas.- Paterson, village clerk,
has given out the number of births
marriages and death from the first
of October 193'1 to the first of Oc
tober 1932, the number being births
7, Marriages 6 and deaths 101.
Quite a number of the ladies of
the Carmel Presbyterian Church at
tended a meeting of the Women’s
Association at iClinton on Thursday
At the -Carmel Presbyterian
Church, Rev. W. A. Young deliver
ed very inspiring addresses and fine
anthems were rendered by the choir
In the morning Sacrament of the
Lord’s Supper was observed.
Mrs. Maud Hedden sang over the
radio at station CJGC London on
Monday evening. Her numbers were
"Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life” and
"That Wonderful Mother of Mine.”
The latter song was sung for Mrs.
Joseph Hudson Sr. This is the
third time Mrs. Hedden has sung
over the air.
The first meeting of the village
council was held on Monday at noon
as per statutes, when Reeve Consitt,
Councillors, Mickle, Jones, Spencei
and Petty took their -oath of office
The council then adjourned to meet
on Monday evening at 8 p.m.. Their
regular monthly meeting will be held
on the first month of each month.
The Woman’s Association met af
ter the W. M. S. on Thursday after
noon last. This was the annua1
meeting and election of -officers
took place resulting as follows: Pres
Mrs. S. Merner; vice pres., Mrs. R.
L. Coles; secretary, Mrs. A. Hemp
hill; treasurer, Mrs. G. Hess; manse
committee, Mrs. Cook and Mrs. C
Services in oui’ local churches
were well attended on Sunday last
At the United Church Mr. Gordon
Lapp, of Toronto, Field Secretary
of the Boy’s Work Board, assisted
by Messrs. Wm. Balkwill Jr., and
Frank Strange, of Exeter, took
charge of the morning service. A
duet was given ^5* Mrs. A .Sinclair
and Miss Marion Sinclair, entitled
"Nailed to the Cross.” Rev. Arthur
Sinclair occupied the pulpit in the
The Arnold Circle of the Carmel
Presbtyerian Church held their reg
ular meeting at the home of Mrs. W.
A. Young on Tuesday. The Scripture
Lesson was read by Mrs. Lloyd Hud
son after which a presentation of a
Life Membership Certificate was giv
en to -several members. A debate
then took place: “Resolved that it
was easier for Young People a cen
tury ago to be Christians than it is
today.” The meeting closed with a
hymn and prayer.
The Welfare of Youth Club of the
■GarmeT Presbytefrian Ohuirch hefld
their regular meeting on Monday
evening. After the opening exer
cises Rev. Mr. Young led in prayer,
followed by the Scripture lesson by
Miss Dorothy Daters. Election of
officers took place resulting as fol
lows: Hon. pres., Rev. W. A. Young;
pres., Mabel Workman; 1st vice-
pres., Irene Hoggarth; 2nd vice-pres
James Mustard; secretary, M. Dou-
gall; -treas., Roy McLaren; Member
ship secretary Hannah Murray;
pianists, Blanche Mustard, Irene
The W. M. S. of the United church
held their regular meeting on Thurs
day afternoon with the president in
charge. The meeting was openea
with silent prayer after which the j
Lord’s Prayer was repeated in uni
son. A hymn was then sung and
Mrs. Henry led in prayer followed
by a solo by Mrs. Alice Joynt "Only
A Beam of Sunshine” and a pianc
solo by Miss Eleanor Fisher. A let
ter ,of appreciation was read from
Mrs. Swan thanking the ladies for
the flowers sent her during her ill
ness. The Bible lesson was read by
Mrs. A. Sinclair followed by the
Study Leaflet read by Mrs. Peck :
Mrs. Hemphill, Mrs. Coles and Mrs
- McDonald after which a solo “Al1 •
for Jesus” was rendered by Miss F ,
Welsh and Mrs. S. Merner closed the .
meeting with prayer.
The Young people’s League of the ■
United Church hold their regular ;
meeting on Monday evening. After
the opening exercises a responsive ;
reading was read by Miss Mildred ,
Scruton followed by a piano solo by
Lome Elder after which a solo was
sung by Mrs. Anna McDonald ac- ;
companied by Miss G. Lamrnie. The
topic "How the Missionary Goes :
About His Work” was very ably ,
taken by Miss Mattie Ellis. Election
of officers then took place resulting
as- follows
was born and also in this village
where he clerked for some four
years with the late David Weismil-
ler. His parents also lived in Hen-
sa’l. Going out west he engaged
in the mercantile business for some
years-. Selling out, he engaged in
conveyancing insurance but for a
couple of years his health had been
failing and he gradually declined
until he passed away the first part
of last week and was interred in Du-
buc cemetery. He was- in his 57th
year. Mr. Drysdale was a man of
excellent character, and deservedly
respected for his many excellent
qualities. He leaves to mourn his
loss his widow and -three of a family
also three brothers, Robert of Mich
igan; Jack, of Vancouver and Mark
of Hensall and three sisters, Mrs
McNeil and Mrs. Slowell, Alberta
and Mrs. W. A. McLaren Hensall.
the vil-
John English, Mr. and Mrs.
William Fisher and Emmery
in New Hamburg Thursday where
they attended the funeral of Gar
field and Frederick English, victims
of the -drowning accident.
Messrs. Andrew Hess and Arthur
Weber, of Zurich, were in town last
Saturday auditing the books of the
Hay Township Farmer’s Mutual Fire
Insurance Company,
Rev. Johnston had the- misfortune
of tripping on the sidewalk while
on his way to church Sunday even
ing. The United Church service was
dismissed and their worshippers
united with the Evangelical church.
We hope Rev. Johnston will soon be
able to resume his duties.
Stephen composed of Wm. Sweitzer
reeve; H. C. Beaver, deputy reeve;
Edward Lamport, Edmund Shapton
and Roy Holt was held on Monday
January 9th.
Mrs. Robert Gower is confined to,
his home through illness. We hope!
for a speedy recovery. |
Miss Elva Lamport, of London, is
Mary Wenzel is visiting in
with her daughters.
first meeting of our newly
-Council of the Township of
Council Meeting
The regular meeting of
lage council was held on
evening. All members were
Minutes of the previous
were read.
Petty and Mickle: That the min
utes be adopted as read. Carried.
Mr. L. R. Coles of the Bank of
Montreal appeared and explained the
By-law pertaining to the borrowing
of money. IMr. F. G. Bonthron, Tax Collect-| visiting her parents after being ill
or, appeared and reported the ar- in Victoria Hospital for over a week
rears of taxes as being $1797.0'0. I
Geo. Hudson reported .re poll and,
dog tax being all paid. $38.0'0 in all 1
Communications read .from the
following: H. J. A. McEwan re tax- J meeting when the officers were el-
es; Ontario Good-Roads Association ected for the year 1933. The offi- re Membership; Dept, of Agricul-1 cers were elected as follows: Presi-
ture re Weed Inspector; Robert Hlg- dent, Melvin Lamport; Vice Pres.,
gins re Auditor; Mrs. Chas. Wolfe Howard Johnson, 2nd, Edna Beaver
re assistance. Same filed. | 3rd, Hannah Mathers and 4th Hazel
Bills and accounts were read as, Woodall; Secretary, Ila Lamport;
follows: F. J. Wickwire, printing j Treasurer, Russell Finkbeiner;
$27.50; R. J. Lovell & Co., supplies I Pianist, Audrey Yearly, ass., Hazel
$2.92; J. Hudson, D.R.O. election i Woodall; Social Com. Helen Hill;
$4.00; N. Blatchford D.R.O. election Edna Wright, Helen Finkbeiner and
$4.00; J. A. Paterson, nomination, Gordon Mathers; Membership Com.
and election $7.00; G. Parker, poll ■ Roy Lovie, Edward Lamport, Stew-
... ......... « -r. (artarj. -wrigiit and Russell Finkbein
The Young Women’s class of the
United Church held their election
of. officers on January 8th for the
year 19’313. The officers were elected
aS follows: Teacher, Mrs. J. Wood-
all; ass. Marjory Lawson and Mar
garet Jones; President, Feme Luth
er; Vice President, Helen Hill; Sec
retary, Ila Lamport; ass. Sec. Helen
Mathers; Treasurer, Edna Beaver;
Corr. Secretary, Miss Kenny.
The January meeting of the Cred
iton Women’s Institute was held in
the institute rooms with Mrs. Mabel
Ewald, the president presiding. .Af
ter the singing of the "Ode” all re
peated the Lord’s Prayer. The roll
call was well responded to by "An
Ontario Product” and one new mem
ber was reported. After the busi
ness session Mrs. E. Brown then
took charge of the program. A very
interesting and instructive paper on
"Canadian Home Industries” which
was prepared by Mrs. W. M. Sippell
was read by Lavina Smith. After
singing patriotic songs we
favored with two interesting read
ings entitled "A Little Vow for the
New Year” and "On the threshold
of the New Year” by Mrs. T. Ma-
whinney and Mrs. C. Haist. We then
had a display of a handmade oil
cloth bag after which a very appe
tizing lunch was served by
The Young people’s Society of the
United Church held their regular
meeting on December 30th. The
meeting was in form of a business
™ RED & WHITE store
We Deliver
| j
Combination Special | It”: } 19c.
Schneider’s Pure Lard
1 th. carton 2 for 19c.
Good Cooking Rice
3 lbs. 16c.
Golden Spray Cheese
1-2 lb. pkg. 2 for 25c.
PURE CAN SUGAR .f • • « • f • B » • *...... 10 lbs. for 50c.
xzz Oxydofl Palmolive Soap Good Quality Brooms
Large pkg. 19c.3 cakes for 21c.5-string each 25c.
EE AYLMER SOUPS, assorted............................2 tins for 19c.
S Broken Sodas Choice Sweet Com Clarke’s Pork & Beans
H 3 lbs. for 25c.3 tins for 25c.Medium tin 4 for 25c.
EE DE LUXE JELLY POWDERS, assorted flavors ..........................6 for 25c.
H Choice Fresh Dates'Rose Baking Powder Choice Dried Peaches
t 4 lbs. for tin each 19c.per lb. 15c.
=Jumbo Salted Peanuts............ per lb. 15c.Texas Seedless Grapefruit...........5 for 25c.
EE Choc. Marshmallow Biscuits .. per lb. 15c.Pure Maple qt. 50c.
szz Fresh Maple Buds.................. per lb. 25c.Large Sweet Jamaica Oranges per doz. 27c
=Select Oysters per pt. 55c.Schneider’s pkg. each 10c.
Phone 102 “Quality always higher than price.”
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office In Hartleib Block, Daah-
wood, first three days of week and
a.t office over the Post Office, in
Zurich, last three days of week.
Pres., Dr. I. Smillie;
jack Corbett; Convenors
Missionary, Miss Ellis and Miss Mil
dred Scruton; Musical and Drama-
Dr. Smillie, Miss G. Lamrnie and S
Rennie; Citizenship, C. Blowes, C
Smillie and W. Parke; Social, W
clerk, election $3.50; W. Shepherd
poll clerk, election $3.00; Geo. Hud
son, constable, election $3.50; J. A
Paterson, express 30c.; total $56.22
Petty and Spencer that accounts
as read be paid. Carried.
Appointment of officers,—
Mickle and Spencer: That J. A
Paterson be clerk for 1933 at $90.00
per year. Carried.
Petty and Jones: That C. Cook
be Treasurer for 1933 at $67.50 per
year. Carried.
Mickle and Spencer: That F. G
Bonthron be Tax Collector for 1933
at $45.0'0 per year. Carried.
Mickle and Spencer: That the ap
pointment of Assessor be left vacant
for the time being' and that C. Mc
Donald, F. Welsh and J. Sangster be
interviewed as regards being a com
mittee to valuate the several pro
perties for assessment purposes In
the village. Carried.
Petty and Jones: That Geo. Hud
son be constable and PollXfax Col
lector for 1933 at a salary of $36.00
per year. Carried.
Petty and Jones: That N. Blatch-
ford be Sanitary Inspector for 19313
at $13.-5-0 per year. Carried.
Mickle and Petty: That Dr. Ger
ald Collyer be Medical Officer of
Health for 1933. Carried.
Petty and Mickle: That Wm. Con-
sitt and N. Blatchford be ■ members
of the Board of Health foi- 1933.
Petty and Jones: that Rev. M. B
Parker be a member of the Public
Library for the years 1933, 19-34
and 1935. Carried.
Mickle and Petty: That Geo. Hud
son be caretaker of the Town Hall
at a 'salary of $17.5.00 same to in
clude Fire Hall also moving chairs.
Petty and Jones: That C. S. Hud
son be Pound Keeper for 1933 as
Jper statutes. Carried.
Petty and Mickle: .That R. Higgins
be auditor for 1933 and give reports
quarterly at $-25.00 per year. Car.
Petty and Spencer; That Geo.
Hudson be manager Town Hall for
1933 at $22.50 per year. Carried.
Petty and Jones: That Geo. Hud
son be manager of water tanks for
193'3 at $-22.50. Carried.
Petty and Jones: That Jas. Priest
be Weed Inspector for 1933 also
Bread Inspector. Carried.
Petty and Jones: That James A.
Fostei’ be motor mechanic for fire
department at a salary of $25.00 per
year. Carried.
Mickle and
salaries of the
for 1933 be nil.
Mickle and Spencer: That By-law
No. 1, 1933 apointing officials be
given first and second reading. Car
Petty and Jones: That By-law No
1, 1933, be given its third and fin
al reading. Carried.
Mickle and Spencer; That By-law
No. 2, 1933, borrowing money, be
given its first and second reading
Petty and Jones: That By-law No.
2, 1933, be given its third and final
reading. Carried.
Spencer and Jones: That the res
olutions as read by the Clerk from
Bank of Montreal be adopted at
read. Carried.
Petty and jon^s: That tho coun
Spencer: That the
Reeve and Council
(London Advertiser)
Exeter, Jan. 9.—When their
tor slipped on the pavement
was unable to preside over sei-vices
in Crediton United Church, the con
gregation assembled at the church
without a minister.
But someone had the forethought
to take up the collection before ad
journing for worship in the Evan
gelical Church.
The United Church minister, Rev.
J. .W. Johnston, was walking - past
the residence of J. Haist on his way
to the church Sunday evening when
he suffered ithe (fall,, (striking jhis
face on the sidewalk. He was attend
ed by Dr. C. C. Misener. ’
andMr. and Mrs. David Sturgeon
son, Russell, -spent Sunday in Bay-i
A baby boy arrived on Tuesday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Mrs, Wilson Anderson has return
ed home after visiting the past six
weeks in Exeter with Mr. and Mrs
George Hays and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Eslic
Heywood, north of town.
Mrs. Blake Hoath and two chil-i
dren, of Windsor, is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,H. Kuhn.
Mr, Harry Kuhn is confined to
his bed with an attack of lumbago,
Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Kuhn, of
den, spent the week-end with
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Mclsaac return
ed to Detroit on Sunday after spend
ing a week with relatives.
Dr. Taylor spent a few days in De
troit last week.
Mr. M..W. Schenk is on the sick
list. We hope for a speedy recovery
Mr. and
spending a
where Mr.
Misses Bertha Hartman
Mclsaac, of Detroit, spent
end with relatives here.
Mr. Valentine Becker is
on the arrival of a son on Monday
January 9th.
Dashwood Evangelical Sunday
School Elect Officers
The annual election of officers for
the Evangelical Sunday School re
sulted as follows: Pres., A. Birk;
vice-pres., E. Bender; sec’y. J. M.
Tieman; treas., D. Weber; pianist
Gertrude I-Ioffman; assist., Verna
Birk; chorister, Rev. A. W. Sauer;
librarians, the Star class. The new
teaching staff with the assistant
teacher of each class are as follows:
Excelsiors, G. Oestricher D. Weber;
Rev. A.
Mrs. D.
Bright Jewels, Mrs. R.
Mrs. G. Wildfong; Busy Bees, Miss
E. Martinson, Miss
Star Class, A. E. Oestricher, Ezra
stein, E. Gaiser; Junior Boys, Mrs.
G. Link, A. Haugh;
Mrs. A. E. Oestricher, Verna Birk;
Primary, Mrs. V. Schatz, Pearl Kraft
Beginners, Mrs. J. M. Tieman, Laura
M. Reid. The following nine pupils
who were perfect in attendance
throughout the year were each pre
sented with a church hymnal by the
superintendent Lloyd Guenther, M
Wolfe, Ralph Weber, Keith Weber.
Lois Gaiser, Jack Gaiser, Donald
Gaiser, Doris Willert, Ada Willert.
The Ladies’ Aid and W. M. S. of
Dashwood Evangelical church held
their regular meeting Jn the church
basement recently with Mrs. William
Snell in the chair. Approbate New
Years readings were gien by Mrs
E. Bender, Mrs. E. Gaiser, Mrs. R
Goetz, Mrs. W. Snell and Mrs. M
Neeb. A piano solo was given by
Mrs. V. Schatz and Mrs. R. H. Tay
lor sang a solo. Rev. A. W. Sauer
and Mrs. R. Goetz sang a duet after
which Mrs. D. Tieman conducted the
business session. There were 54 sick/
visits reported and the visiting com
mittee for next month is Mrs. H
England and Mrs. D. Haugh. The
program for the Day of Prayer on
February 5th is to be in charge of
Mrs. L. Schumacher are
few weeks in Detroit
Schumacher is taking
Mrs. J. Ratz; treas., Mrs. Ernest
Keyes; assist, treas., Mrs. M. Baker;
corres. sec., Mrs. Milton Ratz; Miss
Treas., Mrs. O. Gaiser; pianist, Mrs
M. Ratz and Mrs. Roy Ratz assist.;
chaplain, Mrs. Jacob Ratz assist
Mrs. E. Keys; parsonage committee
Mrs. Lamport and Mrs. Baker; Flow
er committee, Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer
and Mrs. Wm. Ratz. The officers
of the Sunday School are as follows:
Supt., Wm. Sweitzer, assist. Mr. E
Lamport and Mr. E. Keys; Secretary
.Verne Sharpe assist. Samuel
zer; treas., Mr.
ists, Mrs. M.
Lamport; teachers,
man, Rev. Mr. Johnson, Mr. E. Lam
port, Mrs. Milton Ratz, Miss Pearl
Keysr Mr. Matt Sweitzer, Mrs. Wm
Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. Geo. Scott
Librarians, Earl Baker, John Lam
port; Miss. Supt., Miss P. Keys;
Temp., iSupt., Mr. E. Lamport and
Mr. Matt. Sweitzer.
Mrs. Jacob Kellerman is at pres
ent visiting her daughters in Tor
Mrs, I. Tetreau visited with her
daughter Mrs. P. Eisenbach at Grand
Milton Ratz;
Ratz, assist’s.
Lorraine Baker,
Mr. J. :
; pian-
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carruthers and
family spent Friday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Art Finkbeiner, Ship-
Mr. R. M. Love called on his
brothers Messrs. C. K. and W. H.
Love last week.
Mr. Mansell
and Mrs. J. J.
enjoyable New
and Mrs. Thos.
Mrs. A. Ridley and Jack
Oliphant spent New Years
and Mrs. Dave Pollock of
Messrs. George Carter, W. Nichol
and Aaron Sherritt, of
ed on friends in their
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will
tertained the Eagleson family to a
Hodgins and family
Years. Day
spent an
with Mr
and Mrs
with Mr
and Mary
the week-
all smiles
of the Cross, L. Morenz.
W. Sauer; Bethany Sisters.
Tieman, Rev. A. W. Sauer;
Pats, A. Tieman, G. Link;
H. Taylor.
Intermediate Boys, I. E'ck-
Junior Girls,
L. Link, Mrs. R. H. Taylor and
L. Morenz.
Miss Greta Dietrich is visiting at
Mr. John Ryan’s.
Miss Mildred Disjardine, of Grand
Bend, visited over the- week-end with
Miss Erma Finkbeiner.
The Annual meeting and ejection
of officers of the Ladies’ A?id and
Sunday School were held in the
church on Thursday afternoon, Jan
uary 5th with Rev. Mr. Johnson pre
siding. After the different reports
were given the election of officers
took place which resulted as follows
The officers of the Ladies* Aid
Pres., Mrs. Matt. Sweitzer; 1st
pres,, Mrs. Lome Finkbeiner;
vice-pres., Mrs, Wm. Sweitzer;
cretary, Miss Pearl Keyes
Granton, call
Eagleson en-
Miss Mildred Lamort;
Don’t fail to get in on the
uced subscription rate.
Judge Coughlin and son of Wind
sor, spent the week-end with his
brother Frank Coughlin.
Fr. Sullivan C. S. B., of Toronto
spent a few days at the home of
his father P. Sullivan Sr.
-Mr. Jack Morrissey returned home
from St. Joseph’s Hospital, London
this week, where he underwent an
operation for appendicitis.
Miss Marjory Regan left last week
for London where she intends to re
Mrs. M. Doyle and Katherine re
turned home Sunday after spending
two weeks with friends at -Strathroy
Mr. Lome Hodgins was rushed tc
a London Hospital on Sunday where
he underwent an operation for ap
Miss L. Diederich
after a week’s visit
Mrs. P. Sullivan
returned home
with friends in
is visiting her
mother Mrs. Kerns, of Wallacetown
Years dinner last Monday.
The deepest sympathy of this
community is extended to Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Clarke and family in
their recent sad bereavement.
Mrs. Geo. Coward and Mrs. Thos,
Hunkin spent last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Benson Tuckey in Exeter,
Mr. iFred Dobbs, of Saintsbury,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Newton
Clarke on .Sunday.
Mr. and iMrs. Alt. Collier, of Kirk
ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs.’ H. -Bailey.
Mr. H. Brown, of Centralia, visit
ed at his mother’s Mrs. H. Brown on
Monday. ’»
Mr. Jas. Hill, of London, Inspect
or of Creameries for this district
paid an official visit to the Win-
chelsea Creamery on Wednesday of
last week and found everything very
turned home last week.
Mrs. Isaac Tetreau is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. P. Eisenbach, for a
Mrs. Frank-Statton, who has been
on the -sick list, is able to be around
Mr. Wm. Baker spent a few days
in St. Marys visiting friends.
Mrs. Pickering, who got hurt In
a car accident at Deleware, is get
ting along fine.
Miss Ivy Baker, who has been
laid up for |he past week or so is
slightly improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moonair, of
Windsor, are visiting this week at
Mrs. Moonan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs
Harmon Gill’s.
Mr. Noah Gratton had a wonder-
and Mrs. Wallace, of Cleve-
who have been visiting Mrs
Hamilton for a week so re-
The January meeting of the
M. S. was held at the home of Mrs.
John Cann with a good attendance
The meeting was opened by singing
hymn 446 and prayer by Miss Mon
teith. 701 from the Hymnary was
read in unison "All the Way My Sa.- — ..---- ------------—
viour Leads Me” was next sung and. ful sale last week, everything bring-
the minutes of the last meeting were J ing high prices.
read and approved. It was decided Mr. Wesley Isaac received the
to do some quilting at each meeting sad news of his daughter, Mrs. Vln-
and a committee was appointed to [cent, of Preston, dying very sudden
look after this. The roll was then, ly Friday morning.
called to which 19 members respond-j ~ "
ed. The meeting was then favored;
with a solo by little Miss Jean Cann1
and a reading by Mrs. Stanley Co
ward. Mrs. A. Gardiner and Miss
Mary then sang a duet; a playlet
was then given by three, of the
ladies, showing that prayer was ne
cessary as money in tho W.M.S. Mrs.
Dawson then gave a reading and
Miss Monteith and Mrs. Coward sang
a duet. Mrs. Anthony gave a nice
talk on showing what it means tc
be a member of the W.M.S. There
was a discussion on how to make our
meetings more interesting after
which the offering was taken up
Hymn 254 was sung and the meet
ing was closed by repeating
Lord’s Prayer in unison and a
cial time was spent over the
Mr. Garnet Statton, who is In
Victoria Hospital for an operation
for appendicitis, is improving nicely
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker and
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Turnbull were
in Sarnia on Sunday.
Ml’. Aimer Willert has rented
Mrs. Gratton’s farm taking possess
ion on February 1st.
^Vlr. peter Eisenbach has an ice
house nearly completed which will
hold several thousand cakes of ice
Miss Gertrude Lovie is spending
a few days with friends in London
Mr. Clayton Matthews of London
who has been visiting Melvin Ham
ilton for a few days returned home
Don’t forget the Y. P. S. banquet
on January 20 th. Dr. Frank Lang
ford is to be tho speaker of the ev