The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-12-25, Page 8THURSDAY, RMWWW 25. W30 TH® EXETER TIMEi-ADVOCAT® LbCAL NEWS s Mr. Harry West, of Sarnia,- will spend Christmas .at his home here,. 1 Miss Carrie Anderson, school teacher, of Windsor, is- spending the holidays at her home in Usborne, * Mr, and -Mrs. Arthur Francis, Mrs, Tapp, Mrs, J”. G. Jones and Miss May Jop.es will spend Christmas with Dr, and to®. J. W. Harrison, of De­ troit, , Messrs. Stanbury, Merry of Clinton were the official delegates to the liberal Convention at Toron­ to last week and report a most en­ thusiastic gathering, i Mrs. AT. Moyjle, of Toronto,'is Vi-B­ iting at, the ‘home of Mr, and Mrs. Hy. Jennings. Mrs. Moyle- is the Brother of Mrs Jennings and Mr. Ted Moyle. She came up on Satur­ day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Bong, and son Douglas, who spent Sjinday with Mr, and Mrs, Jennings, /‘Rev, C, J. and Mrs. Moorhouse, .of the Main St, parsonage, are enter­ taining a nephew .pf Mr, Moorhouse, Mr, Milton Moorhouse, of Carsland, Alta. Messrs Clayton Moorhouse, of the Medical College, London, Stuart M„; of the Langford Radio Co., Lon­ don and Miss Ruth, of Victoria Uni­ versity, ‘are spending Christmas With their parents. Exeter Markets Goulding, of Sieaforth and of Exeter and Mesdames HensalJ and. Paisley, of Wheat (J2c, Oats 25 c, Barley 2Sc; Bran $140 , Sftorts $1,00, Dow Grade Flour'$1.25 Welcome Flour $2.50 Modpl Flour $2.70 x (Manitoba Flour $2.80 Creamery Butter 35c. Dairy Better 27c. to 30c. Eggs, extras 35c. EggsF Firsts 3.0c. Eggs, seconds 23c, Ilogs $9,75 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, M. A Minister Miss LUua Coates,?A.L.G3I.,' Organist JO a.m.-rr-frunday School ,, 11 a. m.-—'‘On Booking Back 7 p. m.-—“The Tug of Things , No mid-week service. locals J c. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R, Goulding, A.T.C.'M. Organist and Ohoir<Leader “The Postlude of Christ- T wish-to aiinounc&Aha.t' I will-be absent front my of|i<^5 from Thursday to Monday mo.mil John Ward. \ During the month of January we have -decided, to give fr$£ haircuts to the childre or those in po ing the hours 3,30 on Monda each week. El of thej^unemployed r circumstances dur- b 12 and 1 to Wednesdays of *Dr. Atkinson Dentists, of Exe hounce that' the! every Wednesday -25-tfe '.. Roulston, desire to an- jBtfices are closed afternoons. 12-25-tfc Cr Mrs. Chas. Harvey is confined tpa her bed through illness. Sunday, December 21st was the shortest day of the year, Mr, Leonard Abbott visited in Windsor during the past week. Mf. Hugh Creech, of Western. Un­ iversity, ..is ljbme for thp 'holidays. Miss Gertrude Stewart, of Toron- 1 to, is visiting her mother for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Lampman are .spending Christmas with relatives in Norwich. Miss Freida Guymer, R. N., of London, called on Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Follick one day last week. Mrs. Jos. Davis, and two-children, of Simcoe, are visiting with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kress and, son Billy are spending Christmas with Mrs. Kress’ mother at Brantford. , Miss Florence Harvey, R. N., of Rochester, N.Y. is visiting, with re­ latives for. the Christmas season. Mr; Harry Jennings, of Huron College, London, is visiting under the parental roof for the holidays. Science S., is home Sunday School. 7, p.m.—'“Tli.e Land of Beginning Again”' A special message to those who failed in 1930 and really 'want to begin again in 1931. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor .Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a. m,—“The witness of the year to better things.” 3 p.m.—Our Church School, 7 p. m.—A message for oui’ young men, completing the ■ series on . “Home Folk” an invitation is extended to all young men who are able to worship with us. Prdyer service Christmas even­ ing is withdrawn. 11 ;■ TENDE^^VANTEB'^-For care­ taker jXr, ”" No. )i, Usborne (Edemj; also/tenderm^or two cords of TG* iirMFTrr -block hardwood; dnd for cleaning the school three times durh/g the year. Tenders to be in by Wednesday, December Cecil Skinftier, Secy.’ R. R. 1 tralia. 31st.- Cen- ltc. FOR ' SALI^^^Tfu^ bred Short­ horn ■bulKjitf^oujy el eve J1 months old. Price right fd^TuTck” sale. Cephas Pym, phone^fl.71rl2, Exeter.,, - FOR SALE—Some idfoice- young sows. Apply toJChapr;Harvey, Exe­ter.- ■ I ltc. LOST-—D^rl^ police dog with Lon­don tag N^fbiiK Notify Mrs. Teresa Heeman, R. Lucan. Reward. ’ . ' 12-18-2tp. '• FOR SALE— trie Radio, very J. Elec- Beer f FARM FOR SALE acre farm-' With good Thames RoadKconv school and chore tlcluars applyw Barristers &.c.,[ 100-oice ldings, North ient to market, For further1 pdr- Carling & Mofl'ey, Sxeter, Ont. 12-18-tfc ‘.Are your hens and pullers laying?. If they are‘n-ot laying lik^you know they should they are likely infested with intestinal-.^ worm^l We find nearly every flqck w# examine ser­ iously* infested (Treatment is cheap, simple and sur$; >orm pills two dollars per .hund^ec^—Individual dos­ es. Hogarth. Babjjt' Chick Hatchery *---------ih* A..-- > If you wish to bm$0:r sell a farm or house see R. E.^ic^ard, Exeter. poultry Wanted We are in the hiaiucet for all kinds ■,J ;lfe highest prices. Dash- of poultry paying t Trucks will calL J^honO 30 Wood, C- Anders^- Village NOMINATION of Exeter AND, ELECTION hereby given that' TR5VITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Miss K. M. MacFauI, Organist Mr. T. J. Finlay in charge CHRISTMAS DAY 10 Elim- a.m.—Christmas Service Sunday after Christmas a.m.—Morning Prayer11 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evensong to return the Can- Staff, home is in CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENTS j The Salvation Army held their Christmas ‘entertainment on1 Thurs­ day evening. A splendid program was given followed by a distribution of presents by Santa from a splen­ didly decorated tree. Trivitt Memorial Sunday.-. School held' their Christmas entertainment Tuesday evening. They entertained the members of the school to supper in the Parish Hall and this was fol­ lowed by an entertainment when readings, dialogues and music was provided by the scholars. A splen­ did tableau was also presented. Mr. T. J. Findlay was present and made a very able chairman. Presents, were distributed to the scholars from a decorated tree. daughter Williams, to be up illness.•ound following her skating rink opened to the Saturday evening for the first The ice was in good condi- Public Notice is ; a meeting-.of the Electors of the , Village of Exeter, will ’ . be held in r * THE TOWN HALL, EXETER ' at the hour of 12 o’clock noon on < MONDAY, DECEMBER 39tli c -For the purpose of mal/lng and 'rdethying. nominations for $ae office „ Itfeeve- and Councillors^' and one niQin-bbr of the Public Utilities Com-1 niissioA-; and four memlb'ers for the ] Bdard Education, ^nd further1 hqtice' IK hereby given \ that in the levent of Wore candidates being, pro­ posed for Why particular office than i-eijuired t& be elected? the TrOceed- $iig's Will W adjournfd until |MON- JANUARY 5 1931, when -Tolls vvifl be opened at 9 a.m. at the fol io wring pl pillage 'by-laW^t viz '» f-poli 1, 'Mi's'C jSence, Main £>1 Mr. Howard Dignan, Master of the Port Hope H. spending the hoidays at his here. Mr. Franklin Skinner, of ville, was laid up for a few days through'illness but is again able to be out. Mrs. Geo. Anderson and Miss Hel­ en Baker are ’leaving for Detroit on Friday morning for a few weeks visit. June Bierling, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Bierling, of Hay, is improving-after being ill for sev­ eral days. Mr.. Bruce Medd and sister Eleap- or Medd, who are attending the Col­ lege of Education, are homo for the holidays. Mrs. Frank Taylor, who has been ill in Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital for several days has been able to her home. Mr. H, G. Steinberg, of adian Bank of Commerce spending Christmas at his New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Follick left on Tuesday to spend the holidays with their daughter, ’Mrs. Edna Hearts, of Toronto. Mr, W. J. Bedford, of Detroit, is visiting with his; mother, Mrs. A. Bedford. The latter has not been enjoying the best of’ health. •Little Hazel "Williams, of iMr. and Mrs. Roland of Usborne, is again able and a’ The public time, tion and there was a splendid crowd. Mrs. Geo. Bedford, of London, is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Val­ ero Armstrong. iMr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Bedford, of Detroit, are- here for the -holidays. Mr. Jas. McIntyre, service man •for' the Bey Telephone Co., is able to be out again confined to his home tor through illness. The Athletic Society richer as their share of, the proceeds from the moving picture “Evange­ line” which ’was given in the Mars Theatre. Mr. Kenneth Q. -Stanbury B.A., of Osgoode Hall, Toronto and Miss H; Stanbury, of North Toronto Colleg­ iate are spending the Christmas holidays at their, horde1 here. M*rs. J. Ward, Ross and Edmund left Tuesday morning for London where they will visit until after New " Years. Mr. Ward joined them after- j ward and will in Exeter after being a few .'days ’mor riatt; ten bV Wr Tb)l& Will '( nt the folio win Kirvin for a Mrs.« D. . be up spend the week-end. Werner, of London, few days- with her , Russell. to spend -Christmas ces, as,.,fixed by Handiford's -resi- ,R«O. E, 8 Treble, , Carling.8 all, Maim Street, rt, Polling Glerk, The scholars of James St. Sunday School received a visit from Santa Claus at their annual Christina^ Tree entertainment on Monday eve­ ning. The program with the excep­ tion of four members rrom classes of the intermediate school, was all provided by the scholars from the Primary department. There were over forty numbers and the program took just a little over an hour. The' little tots were all on the platform when Santa Claus arrived and they sang for him right heartily “.lolly Old St. Nicholas.” Stockings filled with candy and nuts were distrib­ uted to the youngsters from a gaily decorated tree. The annual Christmas concert of Main,, Street Sunday School was held on Friday evening, December 19th. Each of the classes provided a number for the program and with the usual round of little folk recit­ ing and singing entertained. The very long and at ent Santa arrived greeted the children and then dis­ tributed the presents from a beaut­ ifully decorated tree. The Supt. Mi\ B. W. F. Beavers was in the chair and in a very spicy and able manner directed the program. The schoolroom Was filled to capacity. A sack of candy was distributed to all the members of the junior school. Christmas and best Merry Christmas a ew Yeary ROWE Ambulance Service but is ini- XMAS SERVICES AT MAIN ST SICK England(Honor Theory Main choir the that ized. fea- Two Piano* Studio armony, t Street. Box 1OO left Friday in London to Toronto for the n h n H rt a v s EXE R, ONTARIO ANDnVINDOWS^ XyEATHE LET w. Caulk Your Windows save money on your coal bitt 4 \ve have secured the AGENCY FOR CAULKING DOORS iAi^so METAL tripping YOU PRICES. RN, Exeter S QUO Greetings! ■ - WE extend to all our custom ers and friends the Season’s Greetings and Wish you a very I all were happily program was not the proper mom- and very happily Helen, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker, ^of Staff a, is ill with pleuro-pneumonia, proving. Mrs. H. K. Hyndman to visit for a few days before going Christmas and New Yeai^ holidays. We wish our maiiy frierids and customers ,a very Merry PHONE 81w EXETER. ONT The Christmas services in St. were well sustained. The turned out in full and rendered 'their' numbers in music in good form. The- pastor s poke in the ■morning on the theme of the Great Birthday and its relation to all our givings, calling attention to truth that the only giving counts is that which is sprrltua: -At the evening service a hew ture followed the song service, of the young-ladies react the lessons one from the Old Testament con­ cerning the prophecies of Christ’s birth and the- other from the New of His birth, the jieaders being Miss Margaret Martin and Miss Margaret Tariian. This was followed by a program of Special music With a short message at the close on the tlue'me “The Reality of Christ among 114 today? Is He oh -our streets? Is /tie in our places of amusements? ‘Is He in our hemes? Are we able to recognize Him if He is amongst us or would We consider Him a for­ eigner and ‘deport Him so as not to interfere with our employment pro­ blems. These and others were the Questions asked and answered by the pastor, Rev, C. J. Moorehouse. Miss Dorothy Grassick and Miss Dorothy Rybkman gave- a number on piano and guitar, Frank AViljlfoug gave a,number oil the coronet, The Holy, City? Miss Dorothy Grassick and Mhs Violet Gambrlll and five of the men with the piano, guitar harmonicas gave a nun)her, choir rendered two very able tltems. DOROTHY E. G evening the annual Christmas Enter tain- church. was held. The room was crowded Oil Friday afternoon last prior to the closing for the- holidays both the high and public school departments held', closing Christmas exercises. Gifts were exchanged and Jolly old St. Nicholas distributed sweets. , , - _■........ /... . ■Mrs, visited mother er- will and several,days- during the week. Mr. Werner is opening, up an elec­ trical (business in East London the beginning -o’t the y&ar. Thirty-two years ‘ ago Mr. George E» Anderson, stove and furnace man for Mr, Hugh SpaCkman, Exeter; de­ livered a Good Cheer cast ranjftj to Mf. Peter McDougal, farmer of Us- borne ToWnshijn Last week Anderson, now In the employ of Mr, B. W. F. Beavers, successor to Mr, Hugh Spademan, delivered to Mr; Mr. Worm 1 A. wiling Clerk v£;- 1’PolJ 2, TWI1& A. Ste< ^yaltbt Harness. i 'T, .Medd’s , hgtoti .streets, D'R.O. j(L*North findWe Heli,'B.U one of the new cream enfimcL td. Welsh, Foiling clerk/ Jfohn. Chad Cheer, oven heaters of lat- ‘.. . , l est design. . Tito Old ’Stove was in Iff electors, are hereby untH Iast week when R was tu take notice and toern them- brought back ior junk. Mr, iAttder- * $ Office; Main ftiid Mr .on streets,' D-itO-, (L An4?’d‘ McDougal, son of the late to. Polling Clerk, A. GamibHlli ’ ls<’ter McDougal, and on the same ir.nh wfrA run. nn. i fai'm, one of the new cream enamel- aelm accordingly. \ -<* • JoS<SeMw, Clerk Exeter, December Mr, Ander­ son has been on the job liero for 43 years and has still many years of act- ivo service abend of him. > On Monday Sunday School ment of Caven Sunday (School with happy children and their mahy friends who enjoyed a splendid pro­ gram of songs and recitations. The orcbestra provided several numbers which were much appreciated, A magnificent electric lighted tree dec­ orated the platform and Santa made all’ hearts merry with gifts oranges hnd candy. ture of the occasion was the ^ris- eiitatioh of awards of merit by Mrs, Dr, Atkinson to certain members of her class and by the SupCr^htendent to those whose attendance/had been perfect.. Ice' erfearh aiid^cake were -served at th& close of tbe prbgram« ............-...//■ ■- EXCELLENT WTEA^HER 1 This section ha^ eiijbyed excell­ ent weatber for thia > Christinas sea- eon. There has befen just enough snow to make gooiV sleighing. The roads are ‘Spiodld shape for either wheeling • leighing or auto- mobHHng, BROKEN automobile GLASS REPLACED QUICKLY MIL® YOU WAIT of. A special fCaJ “The Same Old Wish in the Same Old/Way” A istmas OFFER FURN JURE DEALER FUNERAL- DIRECTOR * Dime 00 • - Phone HAWKINS —.r - ■ W. R. GjHJL.biNa A* ganlfit HL___ _Janies Stf United Church ruction In , Organ Tlntot*; of Music in School* St Box 57, Phone 1W EXETER, ONT ’I'bVOtttdi is Jhg the holidays with -Mfc and Cedi' Wall.t r. Piano Stipe rtis Studio, M C.M. d Choirmaster