HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-12-18, Page 8THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1930 !■......................... Mrs. Luther Reynolds, who has been ill in Victoria Hospital, London having undergone an operation for appendicitis’ followed by pleurisy was brought home to her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dearing in Mr. R. N, Rowe's ambulance on Wednes­ day. Her friends hope for a speedy recovery. LOST—A black^^ke whip on Wednesdaywerk between *3rd and Sth cjriice^^jong^’f Stephen Twp, Finder plfegbeyreturn to Rd. D^vis, Exeter. / - Buy your Christmas turkey, goose duck or chitSten froj^River’s Meat Market wherl it be drawn tree of charge, ________________________________ Exeter Markets Wheat .65e. Oats 25,e. Barley 2 Sc. Bran $1.10 Shorts §1.00 Low Grade Flour $1.25 Welcome Flour $2.50 Model Flour $2.80 Manitoba Flour $3.00 Creamery Butter 35c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs $9.00 Chickens, dressed, 15 to 25c. Chickens, alive, 9 to 18c. a pound. Hens dressed, .14 to 20c. a pound Turkeys, dressed 18 to 24c, Geese, dressed 17c. Duck, dressed, 16 to 19c. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J, Bernard Rhodes, M. A* Minister " Miss Lena -Coates, A.L.O.M., Organist 10 a.m.-—Sunday School 11 a.m.—“The Wonder of thet Na­ tivity.” Butter 27o. to 30c, Extras, .38c, Firsts, .32c. Seconds, ,24c, 7 p.m.— “The Gloria in Exbelsis” Christmas Music Thursday, 8 p.m. our mid-week ser vice in the church. LOST—Dark dog with Lon­don tag No. 9Jk2;/lotiW Mrs. Teresa Heeman, R. R. 3/,Luaan. Reward. 12-18-2 tp. * FOR, SALE—Hard maple green body wood. Phone Crediton 13. A. ■Wein. Itp. FOR .SALE—-Sl/hElec­ tric Radio, very J. Beer LOST—-Front'1 bu/per| of Whippet car between Exet’^/an'd' Winchelsea. Please notify 35 Xn 14, Kirkton or Times Office. « Itp. FOR SALE—Euteve^ small pigs. Chas. Glanville^' Hot ^8, Con. 6, JJ-S- borne. Phone- Exeter,^’iti-), ---------- ------------ Now is the time tp b^^e your old furs remodelled into-,jtmart collar and cuffs, fla.test.smes; also your fur coats rfemodey^cl in the latest style-- Dressmaki E^pertjFwork guaranteed. ___ ______ all kinds. Mrs. N. Hockey, Street. ltc es baked ori Tues- ^/ays and Thursdays at 4 J • Christina days, Wedi&s« Grant’s Ba 4m' Skating Saturday night at Dome rink. All members of th stitute will for the Cou Middleton’s 1 Saturday at the In-’omen’s ave tile candy 5me, Clinton, at •y not later than THE EXETER TIME,' -ADVOCATE ; Grant’s oys* Ambulance Service PHONE new just To Wear Christmas «> DOROTHY E. GR^SICK A. L. C. M (Honor Graduate)Lojffloh, England Instructio< in ony, Theory f Street. Box 160 ONTARIO Store open eveninigsuntil Xmas, starting Thurs., December 18 ...................................................................... . i> iiiiimwMy«nwi«yi^a iiwi m ilii,iii iiii ............\ " \ ......................................... 1 V-....4-.r^, * ' ■ ■ I*. ■' ' . 1 Buy Your Xmas Gifts Here You will enjoy doing your Xmas shopping at this store, Our counters are filled with attractive and practical gifts that will solve your gift problems HERE ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS SILK UNDERWEAR FOR WOMEN In the popular Lavender line. New styles Vests $1.50 and Bloomers $1.95 • rubber goloshes In Grey, Brown or Black, with Zipper Fasteners with fleece tinging $3.5Q JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. IL MeTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.TIC.'M, Organist and Choir-Leader SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SERVICES 11 a.m.—‘The Glory of His Coming’ 3rd in the series of “Advent Mes­ sages.” p.m.—Sunday School. Special Gift Service. p.m.—“The Manger Glory” a won­ derful story -of the Christ told in tableau and song. Old Testament history, including scenes on Mt. Morial, with Abraham and Isaac; Moses, David, Isaiah and Simeon, followed by the Shepherd scene. Then comes the Manger scene with Shepherds and Wise Men paying their visit' to- Bethlehem. Primary children also pay their homage while representatives from the nations, the Roman centurion, Lydia, and many others come from the East and the 'Vest to worship the Christ child. All this inter? spersed by Christmas, anthems by the choir. Choruses from inter­ mediates, singing from the galler­ ies, the Madonna’s Lullaby, and many other musical numbers. 3 7 LEATHER HANDBAGS The season’s newest. Ideal for gifts. $1,00 to $3.00 CREPE AND GEORGETTE SCARFS In the newest shapes and colorings. $1,35 to $3.25 FANCY FELT AND KID BOUDOIR SLIPPERS For children, Boys, Women ars’d Men . 75c. to $2.25 CHAMOISETTE AND KID GLOVES In all the new shades i 59c. to $3.00 SILK A^D WOOL HOSIERY 4 • * < A gift always appreciated >;59c. to. $1.5^ , I...... .......................... . ALL WOdL PLAID BLANKETS In new colors and combinations' $&75. to $10.00 —-------........... -4 . ■ Fancy China jQolpred Glass ; Dinner Sets Our tables are filled with neW^hina for Christmas. Come in often and look around e will lay aside any art/le and keep unfil Christmas. Start saving a^Dinner Set. We are showin/ a new pattern called^ Plaza. You; will like pL_____i Christmas concerts are being held in the various schools this week, -Mrs. E- Lamport, -of town, is vis­ iting at the home of Mr. Chas. Ford in London. Miss Vera Dunn, of Toronto, is visiting with her parents, |Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Dunn. Mr. Stephen Powell js again able to be out after being confined to the house for two weeks. Mr. Earl Tapp, who has been at­ tending Pharmacy in Toronto, is home for the holidays. Mr. Thos. Willis, -of Centralia, who is ill in AVe’stern Hospital, Toronto, continues to improve. Mrs. Jos. Senior, who has confined to her -bed under doctor’s care is improving. Mr. John Pedlar suffered a on Tuesday and is confined to his bed his speech being affected. Miss Catherine Woods left Friday for London to accept a position with the London Life Insurance Co. Mrs Harold Hunter, of Usborne, returned to her home on Sunday from Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Colbourne and son, Kieth, of Goderich, spent Sun- j day with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pow- „ Are your hens and pullets laying? ell. If they are not- laying, ljjte you lfhow __ ___ _ _____ _they should they are .^kely infested! ford, motored up on Saturday and with intestinal w/ms. We find spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. nearly every floclqfwe examine ser- o. Southcott.iously infested Treatment is cheap, simple arid siu/e. Worm pills two dollars pe| hundred—Individual dos­ es. Hogarth?' Baby Chick Hatchery .STRAYED Bend, one tj staggy he^rf, right e( heifer, J ear, color wh Dashwood cen jardine, Gran NECKWEAR'NEATLY BOXED Better quality -at louver prices 50 c., ^5c., $1.00 , HANDKERCHIEFS Easy to send.reds to choose froi 5, 10, 15, 25, 50/ to $VQ^<,n D, Mahoney’s qples- west' of Mt. heifer. Green- ltp. •STRAYED grass farmin • -Carmel, /I an^yearling Please notify Jjolni Hotson, way. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Foy— ■ , Mother Dad ; Sister ’ flUd , |\ • Brother | > A new I^hibro 7 tube screen grid dio $99.Q^rcash"or 8 months to pay if you wish,-—Sandy Elliot, phone 414. ra­ been the spell MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader CHRISTMAS SERVICES a.m.—The Christmas Message Christmas Music -Our Church School. ■The Song Service of, the old Christmas songs. This will be followed by a service of music, duetts, trios, quartettes. Special instruments. A very brief mes­ sage will be given. Thursday 7.30 p.m., Prayer and Praise. FANCY TmVELS ens to choose fr/n. Neatly packed. 25c,. $£ $1.00 GIFT UMBRELLAS A popula/ Christmas gift. $2$0 to $3.50 11 3 7 p.m.- p.m.- EN BABY SETSWOO Bootees, JSonnet and Wool Coat $l.f5, $2.00 and $2.50 FARM FOR acre farmnvith Thames school arid ticluars Barriste jtE—Choice 1 flo­ od buildings, North oadj^convenient to market, urch. For further par­ ly to Carling & Morley, &c., Exeter, Ont. 12-18-tfc INEN TABLE CLOTHS Ideal lChrij$m<as gift with napkins tb match. / SWEATER COATS A Warm And/tosy for Christmas \ For evejf’y ffiiember of the family '.....y rfH B^YS’ WOOJ£ JERSEYS In feather and| plain shades '■ \ 98c. ..to $2.25 'MEN’S GIFT SHIRTS' ’ Neatly’ Boxed, good materials ' $1.50 to $3.50 | NEW sO'SCARFS FOR MEN IWonderJpl new designs and colorings Mr. and Mrs. H. Hutton, Brant- TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Miss K. M. MacFaul, Organist FRESH NEW STOCK OF CANDIES, NUTS, ORANGES AND FRUITS FOR CHRISTMAS. OUR PRICES WILL INTEREST YOU. . TRY US FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS GROCERIES. PRICES ARE LOWER AND QUALITY ALWAYS THE BEST Sir. T. J. Finlay in charge Fourth Sunday In Advent . a.m.—Morning Prayer / p.m—Sunday School and Bible Class p.m.—Evensong & Special Christy mas Carols by the choir., ’ A special Christmas JS&rvice will be held at 10 a.m. on Christmas Day! .................................. ilMrs. Jno. Snell left Wednesday* g for Windsor/t-o spend the winter with i her daughter Mrs. G. H. McDonald i and Mrs. C. Smith. I Mr. P. Hern visited for a few last week with his daughters, Geo. Jaques, of London and Stephenson, of Birr. Mr. V. L. Roulston, who has attending Pharmacy in Toronto, has resumed his position with Tamblyn’s Drugstore in London for the holi- < days. Little Miss Edith Armstrong, who has been ill in the Isolation Hospit­ al, London, is improving slowly and has been removed to the Children’s Hospital. The- residence of the late Miss Mariam M. Parkinson, Simcoe St. was offered for sale by Public Auct­ ion on Saturday but was not -sold as there were no bidders. The members of the Exeter Coun­ cil’ are exemplifying the Christmas spirit -this season. They have decid­ ed to spend their salary to provide d Christmas Tree and treats for the ’youngsters on Tuesday, December the 231'd at 6.30 p.m. Santa Claus, has a special gift the school children this year in form of a two weeks’ vacation stead of one. day. school certs. Mr. Minn., brother Mr. Peter Murray, of Sex­ smith. It is twenty-five years since Mr. Murray visited this community and his many friends are glad to see him. The many friends -of Mrs. AV. H. Kay, of Strathroy, a former resident of Exeter, will regret to know that she has been il) in .Str Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London, since the first of thb month having undergone an Opera­ tion. We understand that she is getting along nicely. Mrs. Thos. Harvey has been con- | fined to her bed toi’ the past week ___o _________ __> pneumonia* D.R.O. E. Treble, Mr. Harvey alse has not been well X, Carling* ; land is taking a short rest. 'Their I Hall, Main Street,! daughter, Mrs. J. W. Batson, who; tewarfc. Polling Clerk, was visiting ih Hamilton, was called _ . I home on account of her mother's' Roll 3,k&fedd’s Office, M-ain and illness- Wellington Streets, D.R.O., G. An-} derson, Polling Clerk, A. Gamibrlll,. Foil L North End Fire Hall, D.-R. Hqspital training staff, was confin- O, Rd. Welsh, I’biiing Clerk, John ' od-Ao the hospital, for several days JKydd. * past week through illness and on Sat- All electors are hereby requested. i^'day underwent an. operation. We .1,:b take- hotted arid govern them- understand she is getting^ along as accordingly* ' Jos. Senior, Clerk Exeter, 10, i&30% near Grand steer, roan, nof horn#, marked in one/' two-year-old arked in left e' ’and red. Phone al. Ferdinand! Des­ Bend, ll-ll-3tp days Mrs. Mrs. 7 been For the next thirtjr days we are ■ reducing our7., prices ,for interior dec­orating. Ge| you/’ wall papering done in Dec&mben/ in-g, something h^w trqn' in thm/community.—H. Clkrke. t ' g# y -^7-"',—------— If you-'yish to bpy-Otwell a farm or house see R.AB^'Picka^d, Exeter. Gyp-tex decorat- ror wall decora- C. POULTRY WANTED We are in the ma$fc|t for all kinds of poultry payingfthef highest prices. Trucks will call, k B^hone 30, Dash­ wood, C. AnderSom^/ , Village of Exeter NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public Notice is hereby givenj?that a meeting of the’JBIectors ofjthe Village of Eiteter, will/ be held in / THE TOWN HALL, EXETER at the hour of 12 o'clock lioon -on MONDAY, DECEMBER 29th For the purpose of nfakin-g and Receiving iiominaV^ns fo/ the o-ffice ol Reeve add Coux dUqVs; and one member -of the Publics Utilities Com­ mission; and four members for the Bo^rd of Education, And further notice is hereby given that in the everit of more candidates bejng pro­ posed for any particular office than required to be elected, the proceed­ ings |will be adjourned until^fMON- DAY| JANUARY Sth, 1931, when the ilolls will be /opened at 9 .a.m, at th| following places, as fixed by i Villagb -by-law, /z: |____ Poll 1, Miss Handford’s rdsi- being threatened with dencM Main St Ponihl Clerk Poll H To D.R.O. 1 A. Walter ifern for the in­ Schools close on Fri- at the Exeter for their con- Various rooms are preparing John Murray, is this week of Donaldson, visiting his Fresh roafiteL^peanuts ev^ry day from now uritiXr'Christmas Bakery- y / WHY ALL THE SjmZbS! “We have justJnnstalled a Philco radii awff, oh, boy, -phone 64 aSd-^st one on trial.”- Sandy Ellio&F „ XMAS STOCKINGS—Fill themf up- with oranges, nuts, grapes arwr can­ dies-, fresh supplies at Gfievg^s Lunch- Shoppe. Master Dawson went an operation of his tonsils and Fletcher’s hospital f Miss Ina Jaques, of the Victoria well as can foe expected. Her many friends will hope for her speedy re­ covery, . IN LOOKING FORJlHRIST MAS GIFTS, TAKE/A LOOK THROUGH OUR TORE. WE HAVE A tFINE ASSORTMENT OF GOOdS THAT ARE SUIT­ ABLE FOR XMAS GIFTS. We Carry the an ___r3^X* Lunch- Goulding under- for the removal adenoids at Div on Saturday. CARE IN HANDLING MAILS The care with which mail is being handled in Canada and the courtesy of some members of the service is evidenced by the letter received from Mr. J. B. Hillhousc, of Winnipeg,' railroad mail .clerk between Winni­ peg and Fort William. Mr. Millhouse has forwarded to us a-label which' was found by him on the floor of the mail car while sorting mail, which explained why one of the Western papers did last week. PREMIER Hon. G. neyed to Government House on Mon­ day and placed his. resignation as Prime Minister of Ontario in. the hands of Lieut-Gove mor Ross, thus ending a colorful twenty-five years ip Ontario politics. Mr. Ferguson Will be sworn in as High Commisj sioher to London on Wednesday; The .Hon. George S. Henry, Provin­ cial Minister of Highways was sworn' in to succeed Mr. Ferguson as Prem­ ier on Tuesday, , . * A BARN TO BE PROub OF Members of the Board -of Health, visited the dairy barn of Mr. W.s Hatter last week and wefo well' pleased with tlicv condition of the barn and cows. Mr. Hatter has n dairy barn that is worthy pF inspec­ tion, It being whitewashed, through-* Out and kept in a splendid condition Mr. Jos. McDonald is the caretaker and deserves great credit for the splendid condition iu which the barn is kept. iMY Hatter is doing a splen-, did business in Exotor congratulated on the Which he is conducting At the evening services in James St. United 'Church ME Chas. Hoff­ man, of Stephen, sa.ng a solo “The Prodigal Son’’ in excellent voice that was much 'appreciated by the congregation. Miss Jean She,ere sang an obligato solo tn the anthem. Miss Sheere is one of the younger members of the choir and possesses' g splendid voice. At; the morning service a duett was -supg by Misses' Helen Pcnhale and Mildred Rowe. '• not arrive at our office- RESIGNS Howard Ferguson jour- The Times-Advocate have a splen­ did assortment of Christmas-, cards printed with your name and address at one dollar a dozen and up. A box-, ef beautifully’ assorted cards, all dif­ ferent, printed with your name arid, address, $2.50 for 25. Phone or mill your order. i . MAKE DAD’S/EYES SPARKLE. GIVE HIM LD LIKE TO BUY HIMSELF YOU' CA the Things he w< SHIRTS, SCARF# TIES, GLOVES, PYJAMAS, Sweaters arm V B OCKS, BELTS, GARTERS, ANDS, HATS. AND. CAPS ED TIES FROM 50c. UP EXETER, ONT, Piano, Violinj Studid N. Al] EXETE : save money on yoji/coal bill WE> AGENCT AND M LET 1 w.. jHAVE SECURED THE- j FOR BAULKING DOORS KTINDOkvS, ALSO METAL ■ ph-lOT^R-STRIPPING fS/iUOTE YOE PRICES, k" W W T* Fl It T r* ’ h and is to be manner in the .same. GIVE FURNITURE THIS XMAS And make a lastjbg^pMt We have a lar^e supply of occasional pieces including, .We have a larfe supply of occasion End Table’s, Che/erfield Tables, Sm^keyk', Ferneries, Lamps, * agazine Racks, J^wihg Cabinets, Gate Leg Tables and m$ny other useful gifts. D ANY DISTANCE Cedar Chests, Tables, Tilt-To GOO S DELIV HOPPER PHONE 00 Furniture and Funeral Director AMBULANCE SERVICE * BROKEN AUTOM GLASS REPVACEQ^UICKLY* WHILE! YO G. A. Phono 20 WAIT WKINS Exteter, On& W. R. Gouuding Organis Piano i Supdrvf Studio, M hofrma.ster ited Church ioh In Organ Thecvjf ojrof Music Ih Schools St. Box S’?, Phone 19> ENbTER, ONT Janicsfst.