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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-12-18, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Stenographic, Service, Commercial You WINTER For particulars write B. F. Ward, B-A, Principal cannot at ot ©ummern; | CLINTON, ONTARIO Offers you a Practical} Business Training tha fpr our scores of students to pbtain and a high standard of omency.‘ COURSE as made it possible d positions demandng mmercial, Seja^tarlal, General Office, Civil e and Special Courses arranged, d a better School, 1? ATTEND THIS? f Begins Monday, January 5, 1931. eachers Co 5L 4* Stone, Com. Specialist, Vice-Prin., Phpriie 198 . _____________ _________....... .^==2== CHAIN RED & WHITE STORES Wishing you a Table Raisins .. . ....................; 1 25c ry 1 pound tin SUNDRYED h* 2$c. fy Christ® Do your C^mas shopping no y OFFEE MIXED NUTS, Finest Quality Good even assortment? 2 lbs. for 45c^r XMAS ORANGES Best Quality All./izes From 25</ a dozen up Red Emperor Grape .................. ., 2 lbs t 60c. We give free hina;-.Cup'ahd^aucer tax of 15,500 and expected a greater part of the balance within a few days. He was given until the 12th of January to collect the balance on motion of Petty and Cameron, A number of'account's were pre sented and ordered paid on motion of Consitt and of $472 wil be those assessed Hay Township, the meeting Reeve Higgins the Council .for their hearty ation during the year. Each of the Council taking an active in terest in the council work and that this was one of the most pleasant years of the ten years he has spent as a member of the Hensail Council. The council then adjourned. Main Street D.S,DR. J. A. M^IAGGARI HENffALL, Telephone 106| 1 HENSALL Mrs, Deo. McPhee spent Thurs. in Exeter. Mr. John Carmichael spent Sat urday in Exeter. iM’iss Margaret Johnson spent Thursday in' Exeter. Dr. and Mrs. Moffatt, of London, visited friends in Hensail on Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mew, of God erich were Sunday visitors with Miss M. Ellis. Quite a number from here attend ed the duck shoot at Chiselhurst on Wednesday. Mr. Garnet Case, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. G. P. Case visited in Exeter on Thursday. Miss Helen Shaddock1, of Clinton, visited for a few days at the home of Mr. Th os. Shaddock. The many friends of Johnnie Far quhar will be sorry to hear he is •confined to l^is home through illness. Quite a number from here attend ed the Loyality' services at' the Chiselhurst United Church on Sun day last. Mrs. R. Cudmore left last week for Toronto where she intends ■spending the winter months with her daughter. ' Messrs. Jas. Priest and Alpine Mc Ewan have leased the skating rink lor the winter and are now ‘busy get ting it in shape. Mr. William Simpson, accompan ied by his mother iM'rs. Lou Simp son, of Detroit, are this week visit ing friends here. Christmas services will be held in the-local Churches on Sunday; both morning and evening and special music will be given 'by, the choirs. Mr. Alexander Buchanan Sr., cele- rated his 90th birthday on Monday, fe has been, in poor health for some me but is able to be up for a while •each day. Mrs. . Roy McLaren underwent an operation for appendicitis in the Sea- foTth Hospital on Monday morning. Mrs. McLaren went through the op eration successfully and is now do ing as well as can be expected. The Sunday Schuo? of the United Church intend holding their annual Christmas entertainment on Friday evening December 19th and a good program will be given. Admission 35 and 25c. The firemen of the village intend holding their annual Christmas Tree on Tuesday afternoon, December the •23rd. Commencing at 2.30 when Santa Claus will arrive in the vil lage and have something for every child in Hensail and district. They (have their tree up in front of the Town Hall and it is beautifully decor ated with colored lights. On Wednesday last while Fred Kenning was trimming frees in front of the residence of .Geo. Douglas, he slipped from tree where he was working and fall ing about 25 feet to the ground breaking both arms at the wrists and suffering internal injuries. Dr. Moir was immediately’ called, and he was rushed to thfe Clinton Hospital for an X-ray examination and where the fractured arms were set. He was. brought home the same evening' srnd is now getting'along nicely. Council Mooting The last meeting of the village council for the year was held on Monday evening with all the mem bers present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted .on motion of Petty-Ortwein. Mr. Wil’iam Harvey, of Kippen, was present and complained to tile Council that he was underpaid for drawing gravel according to mileage ■claiming that it was three and a half mile haul instead ot* a three mile haul. The Reeve and the street com mittee' explained their agreement with Mr. Harvey that it was to be reckoned on a 3 mile haulage at 20 cents a yard mile. ‘Some loads would be under 3 miles others over -3 miles but the agreement was a 3 mile haul age so no action was taken. Cons table- Hudson asked for information as to collecting poll taxes. He stated that; one young man in the village, who holds a good position here re ceives $1,200 a year from the cor poration for his services, insisted on paying Ills poll tax in the town of Mitchell instead of the place where lie was getting his salary. The, con- Ma.l)Io was ordered to collect the poll tax or take action. Tax collector Hemphill was present, and made a statement as to his collection this year. He has collected about four- ieen thousand dollars out of a total Mr. the Mr. the WJeLuxe Jelly Powders .. . , . , . . 5 for 25e.= Cameron. A rebate made immediately to on the Black Creek, Before the close of thanked co-oper- m ember DEATH OF STEPHEN TOYER The death occurred on Thursday of last week at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William J. Digan, of a highly regarded* resident of the Township of Hay, in the person of Stephen Toyer. The deceased man had lived with his daughter and son- in-law for some time and away in his 83rd year. Born in the Township of near came years hood this undertaking was attended with success. The deceased man was of a congenial disposition, (bright intelligent', and Avon a host of friends. ; "When a young man the. late Toyei* suffered the loss of sight in one eye, due to an accident, and continued with this handicap until a couple -of years ago when by a strange coincidence the eight return ed to the eye that' had been injured. Mr. Toyer was a reformer in politics and attended church. He leaves to son, George, on three daughters: Mrs. W. J. Diguan, Township of Hay; Mrs. Win. Hyde, London Road, and Mrs. A. Bell, of near Exeter. " The funeral was held on SaLurday afternoon from the residence son-in-law, Mr. Dignaii, with vate service at 2.30 o’clock, ment took place In Hensail Cemetery. passed York, To yerToronto, the late Mr. to Hay'township when (but five of age. Reaching young man lie engaged in farming and in and real Mr, the .Presbyterian mourn his loss, one the homestead, and of his a pri- In ter Un ion CENTRALIA Radio foA Christmas? Hear new Philco. sFhone G4.—Sandy liot. v the El as to the proper method of Christmas dinner table. An of presents followed with K. Eilber as Mrs. Santa CREDITON Tlw Official Board of the United church met Munday afternoon in the basement of the church. The usual business was transacted and the Board passed a resolution asking “That the Conference Sunday be eliminated.” This resolution has been sent to the proper authorities. There will lie special ‘Christmas music and a self-denial offering on behalf of missions next Sunday even ing' in the United Church, Messrs. Eli Brown and Ezra Faist are attending Gram* Jury held in Goderich this week. Mr. and Mr3, Russell, Clarke, of Detroit, and Mr. and M'rs. V. Kestle and daughter of Exeter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Francis Clark. The Crediton branch of the Wo, men's Institute met in the Institute Hall last Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Teller, the president in the chair. The Institute Ode and the Lord’s Prayer constituted, the ■open ing of the meeting. The roll call was called and the members respond ed with a little Christmas message of cheer and good will. It was de cided to send a box of clothing to the needy of Northern Ontario. Mrs.1 Lloyd England was appointed to take charge of this charitable project. A reading was given by Mrs. Clayton Sims “The Legend of a. Worker Day Woman.” Rev. H. W. Hagelstein gave the special address of the meet ing; “The Spirit of Christmas, and how it is carried out in*various other Christian Countries.” A table -set ting demonstration was given by Mrs. Herb Young and Mrs. William Smith. This was interesting and in structive setting a exchange Mrs. H. Claus. The hostesses were: Mrs. H. K. Eilber, Mrs. F. W. Cark, Mrs. Eli Braun, and Miss Mabel Fahner, who served a dainty lunch. A vote of thanks was given to the visiting clergyman for his address and also the hostesses and program commit tee. Next Sunday will be White Gift .Sunday at' the Evangelical Sunday School. Each class will bring money offering. A committee of three has been appointed: Mr. H. K. Eilber, JM'r. Art Amy and W. M. Bippell to 'designate a list' of needy causes in which the total sum will be divided. Remember the Christmas Concert at the Evangelical Church on the evening of December the 254th. The Cantata “He Came to Us All” as well as miscellaneous program is progress ing vey favorably. All promises, to be up to the usual reputation. About fifty people should take part in the Cantata. The Dorcas Class annual Christ inas party was held on Monday even ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.-Ed.1 Ratz near Shipka. About forty mem bers were present and found this spacious1 home decorated to the Christmas spirit, an attractive fire place, Christmas. Tree red and green streamers hanging from the ceiling and a bushel of small gifts under the tree, to be distributed among the members. At nine o'clock the pro gram began, opening with a sing-song of Christmas carols conducted by Mrs. Gordon Morlock the class 'chor ister and‘Mrs. Emmanuel Fahner the pianist. The devotional part was conducted by the teacher W. M. Sip- pell, A piano duett “Silent Night, Holy Night with* variations” was given by the chorister and pianist of the evening. A “How Christmas, is Celebrated Other Countries,” Art Amy; vocal duett by Mrs. G. E. Wenzel and Mrs. Wm. 'Smith'; violin solo by W. M. Sippell. At this junc ture Santa rapped on the door and took charge of the distribution of presents. A contest was put on by Mrs. Jack Wein. Refreshments were served at a late hour. Mrs. Herb Fahner was convenor of the social committee and Mrs. Clayton Sims, convenor of the program arrange ments. Special complimentary cere monies in which the host and host ess received honorable recognition tor use of their home in this annual social function of the large Dorcas Sunday School cla$s of which Mrs. Roy Finkbeiner is president and Mrs. D. Mclsaac, Vice-President. The United 'Church Sunday School are holding their Christmas concert on Friday evening, December 19th at S o’clock in the church auditorium, when a splendid program will be rendered by the scholars, and others. Afterward good old Santa Claus will distribute presents from the tree Let every boy and girl in connection with the congregation 'be present. Parents, see that this is. possible. A very cordial invitation is given to all. Messrs. Wm. J. Smith and Geo. Hicks were in - Toronto on business one day last week. Mr. John Kent is confined to his home, owing to illness. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton, Miss Wanda Willis and Miss Flossie Dav ey motored to Toronto on Saturday ami visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Willis. Mr. Willis is getting along nicely. Mr. Verne Tapp, of Exeter, spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pollard. The Christmas Tree and Concert will take place in the basement of the church on Monday, December the 22nd. The program committee are working hard to make the concert a. success and they invite every mem ber of the Sunday School to come and 'bring friends. The family of 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baynham Sr., met at their home re cently in honor of their 51st wed ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Baynham were taken completely by surprise. A sumptuous lunch was served to the family and a few of the friends and a very pleasant evening was spent. The evening services in the United Church was. taken by the Young Peoples Society. The young people are t{O foe congratulated on their . efforts to produce a bright attrac tive and helpful service. The choir rendered a splendid anthem for the occasion. A men's quartette sang a fine number, while the men of the choir gave* another selection. Two speakers of the evening were Miss Hazel Hays and Mr. Gerald Godbolt Miss Hays chose for her address ‘The Value of Good Friends,” -while Mr. Godbolt spoke on “Choosilig a call ing.” Both gave splendid addresses and the Society is fortunate in hav ing two such speakers in their midst The young people have adopted six families under the supervision ot the Salvation Army, in -order to present birthday gifts to the King, whose birthday we celebrate at Christmas, • _____ __ Our Young People’s-Society is all | president -of the Women's Associa- allve. Come and see for yourselves, tlon, Mrs. Woodall, in the chair, Re- Tlioy meet every Tuesday evening'! ports on the year’s work were grati- at 8 p.m. tying and showed the association to reading entitled in was given by Mrs. SERV-US CHEESE ,,, /EWEL SHORTENING /CELERY HEARTS .., / SPECIAL NEW DATEj FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS .. 1-2 lb. pkg. 19c. .........2 lbs. for 29c. ..., Per bunch 25c. .........3 lbs., for 25c. ........... . Per lb. 19c. CRISTMAS CANDIES—We have a complete stock jtiovv. Chocolates in fancy boxes, chocolates in bulk, French Creams, Bon Bons, Jellies, Christmas' Mixed Candy, Christmas Stockings, Christmas Doll packages, Santa Claus Sticks, Christmas' Lanterns, Holly. LET US SUPPLY FRESH ICE CREAM BRICKS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTIES One of our beautiful 1931 Calendars given to every customer, while they last THESE PRICES GOOD UNTIL CHRISTMAS EVE. HARVEY & HARVEY Phone 102 EXETER, ONT. B “QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE”We Deliver be in a flourishing conditions. The chair was then taken by the pastor. Rev. (Mr. Hagelstein, who presided over the election of officers for the year 1931. Results of the election are as follows: President, Mrs. F. W. 'Clark; first vice-pres,, Mrs. J. Mawhinney; second vice-pres,, Mrs. Kestle; third vice-pres., Mrs. C. Jones; secretary, Mrs. C. Zwicker; treasurer, Mrs. Trevetliick; auditors, Mrs. Telfer and Mrs. J. Woodall. The new -officers for the W.M.S. are: President, Mrs. I. Hill; 1st vice- pres., (Mrs. B. Kestle; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. J. Lovie; 3rd vice-pres., Mrs. A. King; fourth vice-pres., Mrs: C. Jones; secretary, Mrs. F. W. Clark; ‘Corresponding * secretary, Mrs. J.- Woodall; treasurer, Mrs. A. Baker; auditors, Mrs. C. Zwicker and Mrs. T. DASHWOOD ^D.D.5.Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D. DENTAL SUR At office jn Har wood, first,4three at office over^H Zurich, lastjjtni Trevetliick. CREDITON EAST and Wm. Mr. and Mrs. Roland (Motz two children and Mr. and Mrs. Motz and Mrs. Henry Motz spent Sunday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wein son, of Stephen, spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. family are this their new home chased from the Butchering is the order of the Mrs. Harry Appleton moved household effects to her new home near Lieury the past week. Sam Baynham week moving they recently Flynn estate. and with day. her ,S. S. W. 5, Usborne, will hold their Christmas. Concert on the evening of December 2 8rd. THAMES KOAD Grinding everyday except Satur day. Pricead rahsonable.-—-Ed. Pol len. A surprise party was held al the 1 home of Mr. Chris. Wein on Monday 1 evening of .last week, the occasion : being Mr. Wein's birthday. A very enjoyable evening was spent' in games, music and amusements till the wee sma’ hours of the morning ( when a dainty lunch was served. The . guests departed to their homes ter singing “God be with you till meet again.” Officers Erected A joint annual meeting of Women’s Missionary Society, Crediton United Church, was held in the Bunday School room on Thurs day. The meeting opened with the at- we the of Come and sre for yourselves, lion, Mrs. Woodall, in the chair, Ke- Mr. and Mrs. “Scottie” Easton and family, of Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Pollen. Our popular painter and paper- hanger, Mr. J. McKellar, has joined the ranks of the benedicts. We ex tend best wishes. Mr. J. W. Stewart made a business trip t-o 'Toronto early in the week. The last meeting ot the Usborne & Hibbert Insurance Company for the year 1931, was liel*d on Monday at the hall. Mrs. Nelson Squires is improving we are glad to report. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were vis-- itors with Mrs. Highet, of Anderson on Sunday. f Mr. an'd Mrs. N. Hunltin and Au drey ’spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton of Cromarty. The Laie Mrs. John Ballant y up A large number of* friends gather ed'at the homo of Mt. John Ballan- tyne on Thursday afternoon as a token of sympathy and love for one who had endeared herself to all, de voted mother and wife, kindly and hospitable in all her ways, always interested in the doings of her com munity and active until her health denied her those pleasures, she bore with patience her trying illness and was faithfully nursed by Miss L. Bal- lantyne R.N. The deep sympathy of the community is with the sor rowing husband and six little chil dren. interment took place in Roy’s cemetery. Block, Dash- ays ot week and 4he Post Office, In free days of week. Mr. John Krueger, of London, was a. visitor at Mr. Fred Schlunt’s on Thursday. Mr. J. C. Reid & Co., have erect ed a shed at the rear of the commer cial Hotel for the accommodation of their customers. Mr. S. Betchen, of London, called on friends in town last week. Harry Hoffman has returned af ter spending last week in the Tele phone Plant School in Toronto, Mr. and M'rs. Geo. .Stire left on Tuesday for Waterloo and Buffalo where they will spend the winter. Don’t forget the school concert on Friday evening, December 19tli. All are cordially invited. The annual Christmas festival in the Evangelical church will be held on Christmas night, December 25th. A Cantata entitled “The Lord is Come” will be rendered. ■*. < The Christmas festival in the Lutheran church will be Jiel.d/011 Christmas eve, December .2,4;th. A Cantata and -Pageant entitled, “A Christmas Message” will be render ed. This is the first time a Cantata has been given and we extend a hearty welcome to all. Dashwood Lutheran L. A. STAFFA The Sunday School concert will be held in the hall on December 23rd. A splendid Cantata is being prepare ed. We are glad to report' that Mrs. David Bruce who underwent an op eration in Victoria Hospital London, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Wilson and daughter Norma, are spending a few days in Guelph. Messrs. W. Davis, A. Luxton, J. Hill, F. Tuffin and F. Hambly spent a day at the Winter Fair in Guelph. Mr. John Pethick who has been making his home at his son Lome’s, on the 3rd concession of Hibbert passed away on Thursday. The d'e ceased was in his 87th year. The funeral which took place .from his late residence on Sunday was largely attended. Interment was made in Staffa Cemetery. GREENWAY The" Committee in charge of the S. S. Christmas concert at the Unit ed ? church is sparing no effort to make this one a success. The Dashwood Lutheran Ladies’ Aid held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Geo. Merner. Mrs. J. Rader, the. president presiding. Rev. Ness, pastor of Zion Lutheran Church, led in prayer and read the Scripture lesson, following .which he gave a reading on the life‘ of Philip, the evangelist and his four daugh ters. The sum of $5.00 was donated for charity, $10 for Synodical Mis sions, and $10 for the congregation al treasury. It was decided to de fer the election of officers until the next meeting which is to be held in the second week in January, at the home of Mrs. . L. Rader, The of ficers at present are: Mrs. J. Rader, Pres.; Mrs. Louis Rader, Vice-Pre-s.; Mrs. J. Schroeder, secretary and Mrs. Chas. Rinker, treasurer. Lutheran Yauns Pcoiile’s Society The regular weekly meeting of the Walther League was held in the basement of Zion Lutheran church last Thursday evening, with Miss Marie Allemang, the president in the chair. Devotional exercises were opened as usual with the League song. The pastor, “Rev. F. iM. Ness, led in prayer and a psalm was read responsively. The chairman of the Christmas Seals committee Miss K. Merner, reported sales progressing favorably. Owing to- the many ac tivities taking place before Christ mas it was decided to drop the next meeting and also the social meeting in the following week and to devote the sum thus saved $5 to bring cheer to needy children of Dashwood A Committee of two, Re.ta Hayter and Wm. Eveland was elected to dis tribute this sum. The sum of $10 was voted toward the congregation al treasury. The elecion of officers will take place in May. The new: fiscal year of the International Wal ther League beginning in thaj month Miss Edna Martens vice-Pres. on Nadiger, secretary bert Miller, treasurer i < and Mr Hol- Ay ma.ke this one a success. Come on Christmas Eve., December 24th and be. royally entertained. Admission, 25c. and 15c. Mr. M, E. McPherson was in Lon don la-st week to have an X-ray. We hope for his speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Manford Belling, of Detroit, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Belling last week, Miss Ruby Young, a probationer at Victoria Hospital, London, was home last week during her conval escence from jaundice. Mr. Arthur Webb spent a. few days in Detroit last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sheppard, of London spent the week-end with re latives. Mr. and Mrs. R. English, Mrs. F. McLinchey and Eleanor, (Mrs. Leslie Hutchinson were in London last week. The election of officers ■Sunday School of the United last Thursday evening resulted as follows: Supt., Mr. J. Webb; Mr. and. visitors in the Church Mi’. Wilbert Young; siss’ts. H. McGregor and Mrs. S. Secretary, srma Goo-d.ham; ass’t Muriel Stephen; Treas., Mrs. D. Brown; Organist, Evelyn Curts; ass’ts,- Olla Jones Mary McGregor; Muscial Directors, Dorothy Belling; 1 Arthur Brophy, son, Mrs. Albert Hicks; Envelope McGregor; Supt. 5. Webb; Sup’t Fred Sharpe; Temperance Com., Mrs. S. Kirkby. Newton McGregor, Dawson Woodburn. Teachers, Miss 6. Young for beginners; Primary boys, Lois Brown; Junior girls (a), Mrs. J. Jones; Junior girls (b), Mrs. D. Brown; Inter, girls, )MVst Fred Steeper; Inter, boys, Mrs. J. H. Mc Gregor; Laura Secords, Mrs. Young; Adanacs, Ivan Sharpe; Willing Workers, Mae Wilson; Young Mein Mr. Kirkby; “ Frank Steeper son. Assistant Amelia Steeper, Bropliey, Mrs. R. Hutohinson, ttel 'Cui’is, ATrs. Woodburn, Mrs, E T7 c. Good hand. Mrs. Elgin Webb, of Grand Bend, ■and Mrs. Roy Pollock, of Kerwood fvisited their parents Mr. mid' Mrs. ' .15, McPherson. Albert Pollock, ; Miss’y Com., Mrs. Mrs. Roy Hutchin Pollock, Mrs. Wm. Collector, Donald . . Home Dep’t. Mrs. Cradle Roll, Mrs. Temperance Harmony Class, Mrs. Adults, A. M. WIL teachers, M. Webb, Olive Brown, Mrs. L, 15. Stewardson, Mrs, Mrs. J. Sharpe, Man* English, Dawson Curts, W. T. UL-