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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-12-18, Page 1
1» Tuesda- Game Clinton ^s. Hensall-Exeter Admission 25c. end 15c< OPERA HOUSE, EXETER Dancing’ from !> p.m. until 1 a.m. Phone 32 Mars Theatre s'teooiJjrbut just try an oyster, rFsandwiches- and coffee at THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25th and 26th MUNICIPAL ELECTION Far Brother fir JACK KNIVES SAFETY RAZORS ' OCKEY ACCESSORIES FLASHLIGHTS IN MEMORIAM For Sister 1 SILVER WARE jhow ln^^h ImissWAFFLE IRONROASTERS bitter SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY i avho died. thr[ee December 17 sr be; ,nd memory last, the car af- en- pain left us, .same. , Decmber 23 tiled at 8:15 sharp AMOS ANDfANDY’S Lunch room may be 'teooKlv I stew or< __ ____ ______„„ 'Grieve’sy^unch Shoppe. HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN With music supplied by THREE PIECE ORCHESTRA A. GOOD TIME IS ASSURED OU1’ dear wife and mother K^ren Hern, mhn year^Xago today 192^ orvorcej wife of , while Sing Toy, anti Woyo San, a were taken by F. This is thfe opening game -of the Junior serips| The management has a good team ’lined up. Come out" to see how they match' up with the Clinton team. IN MEMJQR-I4M HERN—In Jd^'ng memor^t of FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1O(h and 20tli. “Seven Footprints to Satan” A MYSTERY FEATURE USUAL COMEDY PRETAX CARTOON JOHNS—In lovh^^ufi^iory of !mb(J ■ we THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25tli and 26th ■ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18th, 1930 ^>o Store open evenings until Christmas, starting Thurs., Dee. 18th USEFUL XMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS For Ladies and Girls:- Kimonas, fa^cy parasols, silk hosiery and underwear, fancy towels and, sweaters, winter coats, rubber aprons, boxed hankerchiefs/fancy linens, bed room slippers, gloves, bed-spreads, blankets etc. For Men and Boys:- Ties, g^ters, arm bands, gloves underwear, sweaters, hockey shoes, Overcoats, suits, bedroom slippers, umbrellas, hankerchiefs, sliirts etc. —-------------■/ LADIES’ FUR COATS a.treal bargain prices DINNER SETS a few good patterns at reduced prices -------- , .......................................................™.............................................. .............. Splendid values in clothing, shoes, hockey shoes etc. These coats would make splendid Christmas Gifts. Come early them over. f & and look TTClearing Sale o/ Axminster and Wilton Rugs V . J?We offers ouT entire sfock of Axminster and Wilton rugs in room sizes from now until Christmas$at greatly reduced "prices. What would be nicer for a Christmas gift for the home? -------T— ~------Sweaters fgr every member of the family We have anexcej^ ion ally large stock of pullover and coat sweaters for every member of ihe^amily at every attractive prices. . ’ ' BEDROOM SLIPPERS- a very large assortment for children ladies and men Three places of business were brok en into in Exeter sometime during the early hours of Thursday morn- jg of last week but the amount of loot that was taken from any one of the places did not amount to a great deal. The hardware store of Tra- quair & Lindent’ield was entered by climbing up a ladder and entering a window of the second storey at the rear of the building. The contents of the cash register, which amount ed to about ten dollars, was taken. The cash register was not locked but was pried open by the thieves. In addition to the money several boxes of 22 bullets, both long and short, were taken as well as several razors. In spite of the fact that the store had on display many valuable articles for the Christmas trade these were not molested. At Melville & Simmons garage en trance was made through a rear win dow six to eight .eet above ground. The rear end of an old was placed against the wall and ter climbing the greasy frame trance was made through the win dow after knocking down various articles that had been placed in the window sill. Mr. Simmons noticed the open window when coming to work in the morning. Here the thieves stole a car battery and re moved a rack containing a number of bottes of oil from the front of the building to the rear, emptied several of the bottles and carried off several others. Two empty bottes were sub sequently found in front of Mr. Hec tor Taylor’s a short distance south of town. The cash box in the office was not touched. Valuable tools .and other accessories were left un molested. Entrance was also made to the confection booth of Mr. S. J. V. Cann At that place the door was forced 'open and the thieves helped them selves to a box of cigars, several -small packages, a ' box of chewing "•gum and some chocolate bars. The loss was. reported to Goderich ;the following morning and County ‘Constable Gundy was down and in vestigated. A number of clues have been obtained and it is expected that the guilty parties- will soon be plac ed under arrest. $ANTA CLAUS FUND There are only a few days left to make your contribution to the Santa Claus fund. A small contribution now will help to make some children happy on Christmas morning. Christ mas is the season for sharing with others and the Exeter Chamber of Commerce in sponsoring the Santa Claus fund appeals for only small contributions from each one. Leave your contribution at the Canadian Bank -of Commerce or at the Times- Advocate. The amount to date is as follows: previously acknowledg ed $61.00; Capt. L. Jordan and Lieut. R. Smith, $1; Grigg Station ery $1; Mrs. F. Wood $1; H. S. Wal ter $1; Mrs. W. W. Taman $1; Si J. Elliot $1; H. T. N. Reynolds $1; Miss Yelland $1; Women’s Institute !$o; Rev. J. B. Rhodes’ $1; H. C. Rivers $1; W. J. Beer $2; total $78. For Father MITTS CATES AND SHOES SAWS AND HAMMERS LANTERNS CAR CHAINS. FORKS' AND SHOVELS Dear mother yd|i are not forgotten. Nor will you evf As long as life 1 We will remember you. • Ever remembered by Husband, Sons and Daughters. ♦ ______* other ELECTRIC IRON MEAT GRINDERS! PYREX CURLING IRONS PEPPER AND SALTS TEA SETS TRAQUA1R & LINDENFIELD BIRTHS* KERNICK—In Usborne, on Tuesday <7' December 18th, to Mr. and Jos. Kernick, a daughter. Mrs. Lon- 14 th, drew Wilf^e’fC Johns, who passed away on^’year ago December 18, 1929. X I No on# knows him; i None can tdrFthe We have suffered since he Life has newer been th©Daily on ourlminds ivo him, As we did in days of yore; But we hopelsome day to meet him On that bright and golden shore. Sadly missed by Mother. Father and Sister. With nomination day less than two weeks away election talk is now the order of the day. There is some agitation to return the old council together with the members, of tlm Board of Education by acclamation and -thus save the municipality the expense of an election which amounts to approximately $200. The coun cil this year seems to have carried out their duties fairly satisfactorily and in view of the present depres sion the feeling prevails amongst many of the ratepayers that the town woud profit by returning the mem bers of all boards without the ex pense of an election. On tile other hand the name of W. D. Sanderses being mentioned as a probable con testant for the reeveship and Mr. John Taylor has signified his inten tion of standing for the council. The members -of the Board of Education whose term expires this year but who are eligible for re-election are Eli Coultis, Thos. Jones, W. H. Penhalo and S. M‘. Banders. K 3FORD—In Victoria- Hospital, don, on Sunday, December to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Ford a Son. Phone your hardware necessities to 27 ENGAGEMENT i Wife and Family $dio died Dccemb&r 22, me yet Mr. and Mi’S. David Alexander, of Usborne, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Ruby Irene, to Mr. E. Kirkwood; Hutton, of Exe ter, eldest son of Xr. and Mi’s. Thos. " Hutton, of wihgham, the marriage take- place |hoi‘tly.J. to on Sunday, IMrs. HUNTE R—In Exeter, December, 14th to Mr. and William Hunter a daughter. IN MEMQRIAM DEATHS ■.StfcCURDY—- In Exeter on Friday, December 12, 1980, J. Daniel Me- ' -Curdy, aged 73 years, 7 months and 5 days. WHYTE-?—In loving5, memory of Ila Louis# ^jVhyte, w$o died nine years agd, December^'8, 1921. Deep iii our heart-Ties a picture, Of a loved^ ohe laid to rest, Tn memory’# ^rame we shall hoop Because she was one of the best. Mother, Brother, Uncle Fred, Aunt Alda and Gra|dmother. it, „ ,, ■ i i i. i‘i i ii i , _ UARphoJj Tirms Iwrate. Daniel Me- iress their sincere by friends l’or the Im path y extended jind death of their lie loan of cars. The family of w. Curdy wish' to -eXp'i thanks to the mail, kindness and sjln during the illness father anil also for FRESH OYSTER/--Selects always Grievws Lunch Shoppe.foi* sale at Community ' Christmas Tree Just think, the Exeter Council are spending their salary to give the children of Exeter a real Christmas Tree and treat. They have made arrangements with Santa Claus to be in Exeter on Tuesday, December 23rd and he wants to meet all the boys and girls at James St. corner at 6.30 to escort him to the Christmas tree at the Town Hall, NOTE—If any boy or girl who is unable through sickness to see Santa at the Christmas Tree sends their names to the Reeve or any member of the council Santa will send them their treat. The Anglican players under the direction of Mrs. N. J. Dore present ed their three-act farcial comedy “Blundering Billy” to appreciative audiences in the Exeter Opera, on.; Wednesday and Thursday evenings ■of last week. The hall was filled, for the first performance but was not as large the second night. Mrs. Dore has presented a number of success ful plays, to the public all of which have gone over big. The players last week again took their parts excep tionally well, and particularly the first night owing to the larger crowd received a splendid ovation from the audience who were kept in rounds of laughter. The leading part was ta&en by Wm C. Davis,- a rich mine owner, who was. endeavouring to break into society and had arranged to marry his daughter, played Lieut. love. Billy” Dorothy, by Miss Catherine Woods, to Griswold, taken by H. Sweet- Billy Buttler, ‘‘Blundering always getting into trouble played by T. S. Neale, Dorothy’s real lover, was installed by Dorothy as secretary to her father. His escape- ades provided much amusement but the. real scream of the performance was Hank Dibble, ana old salt, play ed by Mr. M. R. Complin. It was Mr. Complin’s first appearance with the players and he carried the house in voars- of laughtea’ - by his antics.- Mrs. Dore played the part of Clar issa Burnham, Liuet. Griswold, Chinese servant Japanese Girl, Abbott and Miss Mildred Murphy. Thtj scenes: morning, afternoon apdt evening in the reception room of hotel. During the, intermissions ci violin solo was played by MT Geo.- Grant and his sister, Miss- Betty, Airs. H, S, Walter provided music? before the concert began. Followingr the entertainment Thursday evening ‘the ladies of Trivitt Memorial churchr served lunch to the players and ushers, The proceeds after all ex- penses are paid -will amount to well over $100.00. ’MADAME QUEEN —-^uld be glad if Andy would STher a n ice box of Moir's ifbr Hu^Ts famous can- dy. You caw1 gj^them at Grieve’br Lunch ShopjM jum<5r HOCKEY MATCI Dom<f Rii^ on — OLD TIME DANiEE Admission: Gents 50c. tax i included Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Woods cele brated their silver wedding anniver sary on Tuesday by entertaining a number of friends. Mr. Woods has been the popular manager of the Bank of Montreal in Exeter for the past twelve years. He and Mrs. Woods were married in St. Marys twenty-five years ago at that time Mr. Woods being connected with the Molsons Bank. Before coming to Exeter Mr, Woods was stationed at Merlin and Dutton. He and Mrs. Woods will have the best wishes of numerous years friends for many more of health and happiness.I ! HE SM'OKES*—Buy him a iiC-W ci£a|ette$r cigars or tobacco, ■pped at Grieve-’s Lwuch. IF pipe, Christmas Ev; Shoppe. Buy your Christmas ditch or chicken 8rom Market where it will. of charge. I , goose hr’s ’A(eat drawn free AWW BROS. PRODUCTION SATURDAY AND MONDAY, DECEMBER 27th and! 2oth Murray and Sydney IN COHENS AND KELLYS SERIES * NEW YEARS, DECEMBER Sisi & JANUARY Isfc DOLLY MORAN AND MARIE DRE SSLER, IN ‘‘CAUGHT SHORT’* COMEDY OS' THE STOCK MARKETS £