The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-12-11, Page 8■J? THURSDAY, DECEWJER 11, 1930 S£TA( SHOUSE PERMANENT ? WW ONLY L. Phono 215 for an appointment (TIRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Mother u # . Dad || Sdster j / * and #Brother | A new Philejr 7 tube screen dio $99.00 Tash or 8 months . if you wish.—'Sandy Elliot, 64. Exeter Markets Wheat 60e. Oajts 25 c.Barley *2 8c, Bran $1.10 .Shorts $1.00 Low Grade Flour §1.25 Welcome Flour $2.50 Model Flour $2.80 Manitoba Flour $3.00 Creamery Butter 35c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs ...Hogs Butter 27e. to 30c. Extras, 42c, Firsts, 35 c. Seconds, 25c. $9.00- grid ra- to pay phone CASE SETTLED CountyThe action at Goderich Court of Mr. T. C. Joynt, of Hensail against Mr. Emerson F. Knipe, of Kincardine, for the the price of a second hand car has been settled by the payment by the defendant of $21.5 to the plaintirr. The case was listed far the Quarter Sessions com­ mencing next week to be presided over by Judge Killaran, of Stratford Mr J. G. Stanbury acted for the plaintiff and Mr. D. E. Holmes, of Goderich for the defendant, «4Q*m*MU| ed on Tues- Thursdays at GIVE CANDY but be sure they’rfc HuntsXfamous Candies, you can ge£ then/ hristmas wrapped 60e., $l.|0 id $1.80— Grieve’s Lunch Slfo as- Christmas calces b days, Wednesdays . Grant’s Bakery.$ Chris visiting in Miss Vera Mooney, of London, visited with her mother on Sunday. t.. Mr. Thos. Houlden is still, confin­ ed to the. house having suffered for several weeks with inflammatory rheumatism. /' * Are your hens anctf’pulle.ts laying? * If they are not laying like you know they should they/ftre likely infested with intestinal XAvorms. We find nearly every flock we examine ser­ iously iiffeste^ Treatment is cheap, *; simple andX£Sure. Worm pills two jen$hundred-—individual dos- . Hoga^hh Baby Chick Hatchery -----------—rrfSL------%t,. STRAYED —*'From near Yl-rand , Bend, one two-yeaj}-old steer, |roan, staggy head, no li right ear; alffow heifer, with hornf ear, color whiter Dashwood central, jardine, Grand Bend, dollars es. |orns, marked in p^^»<fcwtf^ar-ol d , marked in left and red. Phone Ferdinand Des- / 11-11-3 tp FOR SALE—Maple /green wood. Phone Creditoi/13. A. rs AK-. *rT J: ' $ H w x?7: SILK UNDERWEAR FOR WOMEN In the popular Lavender line. New styles Vests $1.50 and Bloomers $1.95 CREPE AND GEORGETTE SCARFS In the newest shapes and colorings. $1.35 to $3.25 ALL WOOL PLAlDrBLANKETS In new colors atfa combinations $5.75jb $10.00 FANCY FELT AND KID BOUDOIR SLIPPERS For children, Boys, Women and Men 75c. to $2.25 SILK AND WOOL HOSIERY A gift always appreciated 59c. to $1.50/ LEATHER HANDBAQS The season’s newest. Ideal for gifts. $1.00 tp $3.00 THE EXETER TIMED-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, J, Bernard Rhodes, M- A. Minister Miss Lena Coates, A«L.O.M., Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.-—“The Voice n? the Herald” 7 p.m.—“The Benedictus” > Thursday, at 8 p.m. our Midweek Service in the church. We shall continue our studies in “The Pil­ grim’s Progress.’’ Craig, vis- Mrs. H. K. Mrs. J. W. Ba Toronto and Hamilton. Mrs. A. Bice, of Ailsa ited for a few days with Hyndman. Mr. Howard Leary, of London vis­ ited in Exeter and Staffa over the week-end. Miss Nellie Carmichael, of Hen­ sall, visited with Mrs Gillard, of town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Dickens, of Bid- dulph, visited with /Mr. and Mrs. J. Hunter on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cousins, of London, spent the week-end with -Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McIntyre. Miss Mildred Norry who has been sufferig from a lengthy illness is able to be out and around. ■Send Christmas appreciate home. Mrs. 0. Helen, of Staffa, are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and D. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McIntyre in Alvinston on Wednesday of the<(? Wallis-Reeder the Times-Advocate as a gift to those who would the news from the old Walker and daughter, were last You will enjoy doing your shopping at this store, Our counters are filled with attractive and practical gifts that will solve your gift problems HERE ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. I). MeTavishr, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—-“The Purpose of the Com­ ing Salvation”, second in the series of Advent sermons. pan,—Sunday School p.m.—“Optimism jn an age of de­ pression’’. Another message for the moment. 11 3 7 MAIN $T. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—“One Way to get Spirit- al Results” p.m.-—Our Church p.m.—Home Talk, ies, “Marriageable p.m.—Wednesday, Friday oux’ Sunday School execu­ tive are meeting. 11 3 7 8 School. 6th in the ser- Daughters” Thursday and TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Bliss K. BI. BlacFauL Organist Mr. T. J. Finlay in charge Third Sunday in Advent 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer 3 p.m—Sunday School and Bible Class 7 p.m.—Evensong $ RUBBER GOLOSHES In Grey, Brown or Black, with Zipper Fasteners with fleece linging $3.50 CHAMOISETTE and kid gloves . In all the new shades 59c. to $3.00 Colored Glass /Dinner Sets _ ________ '2’—’-________ T in often and look around. We will lay aside any article and keep until Christmas^Start saving a Dinner Set. We are showing a new pattern called Plaza/ You will like it.___ Fancy China W Our tables are filled with new China for Christmas. Coi '•IS*,I Jt «y: 8 tf GIFT UMBRELLAS A popular Chris as gift. $2.00 to $$.50 Dozens to choose from. | Neatly packed. 25c. to $l.f)0 HANDKERCHIEFS Easy to send, to $1.00 BOYS’ WOOL JERSEYS In heather and plain shades 98c. to $2.25 SWEATER COATS Warm and Cosy for Christmas For every member of the family NECKWEAR NEATLY BOXED JBetter quality at lower prices F >50c., 75c., $1.00 Hundreds to choose from 5, 10, 15, 25, 50c'. FANCY TOW NEW SILK SCARFS FOR MEN Wonderful new designs acd. colorings $1.75 to $4.50 Ll 5 t* d PURE LINEN TA g. Ideal Christmas gift wi u Wool Coatir d $2.50 LE CLOfHS napkinj^to match. MEN’S GIFT SHIRTS Neatly Boxed, good materials $1.50 to $3.50 WOOLLEN BABY SETS Bootees, Bonnet a $1.85, $2.00 a Overcoats at. Reduced Prices We offer 40 Men’s Overcoats in the very newest materials and styles at special prices from now until Christmas. 8 [l We Carry the^Gifts that OOK E. WE TMENT Fresh roasted /peanuts every day from now uufn/Christmas^at Grant’s Bakery. week attending wedding. EVERYBODY derful assqr candies, allgf Lunch Shoppe. Rev. Enos Windsor left FMday for his home at Coal Grove, Ohio, after attending the funeral of his father, the late George Windsor. The many friends of Mrs. Hdrold (Hunter, who is ill in Victoria Hos- wall papering London, will be glad to know body Wein, ltc. . ............................FOR SALE—^dohelky high range, for sale/cliea/. ./.-pply -at ' Times office. | oven the <es candy. A won- of Christmas sh stock at Grieve’s WHY ALL “We have Philco phone Sandy ri 64 a Elliot THE -SMILES? installed a new oh, boy, just one* on trial.”— /------- For the, next thirty days we reducing our price's for interior dec­ orating, done jn De<5en ing, somethin. jtion in Clarke. . Gy pt ex deco/St- ior wall decor a- are new ___ __ ___ community .-s/H. C. TEACHER WANTED^-For Hen­ sall Public School, ___ ____ State experience andf salary expect-1 ed. E 5th, 1931. Appli to December 15^1930. ’ Secretary-TrfasSrei* Board. • unior room. that is getting along nicely. A cablegram was received from Mr. Tlios. Pryde on Friday last say­ ing that they had arrived safely at Mr. Prydfe’s home at Kirkcaldy, Scot­ land. I Mrs. • FARMERS when you’re in' town, drop in and have a Jmod hot cup of tea and a sandwfrch at Grieve’s Lunch Shoppet ‘Where food tastes better.” Lf ■ TRY US FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS GROCERIES. • PRICES ARE LOWER AND QUALITY ALWAYS THE BEST - • * <; C. C. Pilon has moved from Duties 1 jto cojhmence January Albert St. to the residence of Mr, Mrs. George Windsor, who ha*s been confined to her bed is conval­ escing. Miss Marguerite Atdworth, and her friend, of Sitratford, spent the week­ end with and Mrs. Mr. S. Thursday see his mother who. was on her way to make her home with her daught­ er, (Mrs. B. L. Patterson, at Rainy River. Mr. Clarence Pickard, of Flax- combe, Sask., was called home last week owing to the illness of his mother, Mrs. R. E. Pickard. The lat­ ter has been quite ill for some time, but just at present she as somewhat improved. A pleasant gathering met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Penhale, Lake Road, on Sunday, December the 7th, and enjoyed a very sumptuous turkey dinner the occasion being Mr. Penhale’s 75th birthday. Mr. Pen- hale was presented with a beautiful wicker arm chair besides other gifts. | Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford and daughter Irene and friend; Mr. Aldsar, Mr. and iMYs. C. Lq,uff and daughter Dorothy, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. E. Penhale and daughters Ruby and Grace, of Exeter, and Mr. T'. Harris­ on, of Stephen. the former’s parents, Mr. C. Aidworth. B. Taylor was in London evening, of last week to Ransford, Wellington Street. Ransford recently moved to Hensall School, London. Messrs. J. G. Stanbury, George Armstrong, Garnet McFalls, Calvert Chambers and Harry Delbridge were in Stratford on tion with the case. A rumor has ,, Mr. Jack Gambrill, forehead and with'pioyee of Mr. F. J. Wickwire, had r since first snow j been implicated in a recent fo.rgery notify John Thom- but the rumor is entirely false and Centralia. Phone 48- 12-27-3tc tions received up M. G. A. L. Case,:Mr- I F ■Xg’X LOST—Blacpandj^ 12-4-2tc. LOST—Blac^amd^white collie dog tag no 3 65, Reward. Not­ ify Robert Jackspn, Hehsall. --------—k----- -------- STRAYED—Ffom/Lot 3, Con. 3, IcU?red and white Saturday in connec- Cooper automobile Give Things To Usborne,y year-ol steer witljl star in * horns; storm. r son, R. 15 2, Kirkt: been circulated that e. former em- strayei IN LOOKING FOR CHRIST­ MAS GIFTS, I TAKE A THROUGH HAVE A FIN OF GOODS TH ATM RE SUIT­ ABLE FOR X GIFTS. without foundation. Mrs. V. Meade, of Bindloss-, Alta., in renewing her .subscription to the Times-Advocate says she can’t poss­ ibly get along without it even though times are dull. It cheers her to get the home paper. The weather there, has been fine. I A percentage of the proceeds taken 1 at Mars Theatre, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week is to be divided with the Athletic Societies ■of the Exeter High School. The. film “Evangeline” is- recommeded as being of an educational character. Mrs. H, T. Rumtord, who resides with her sister, Mrs. Asa Rumford, suffered a weak spell while on her way to Majn Street Ghurcli Sunday evening and had to be removed to her home where she is resting nicely Miss Florence Stewart, .who re­ cently underwent an operation fpr appendicitis at Victoria Hospital, London, was able to leave the hos­ pital last week and is recuperating at the home of her father, Mr. Alex Stewart, of London. Mrs. Luther Reynold's, who' re­ cently underwent an operation for ' appendicitis in Victoria'Hospital in J”!London; and who ha's' since been suf- '"ifering with an attack of .pleurisy, is i recovering nicely and is .expected to leave the hospital in the course of . a. few days, , ' On Saturday last while Mr /Mrs. Melvin King and family, Robinson andt Mr. Les. Thomas on their Way to London they 'run into by another car coming onto ) the highway from a sideroad. King’s car took to the ditch Thomas struck the top of the can re­ ceiving a nasty bump on the fore­ head and was knockec out for a few ■minutes. The car was- slightly dam- | aged but the party were able to pro- are hereby requested coed to- London where the repairs to take notice and govern them-/yero taken care .of by the driver of selves. accordingly. ' J ' ’ Jos, Senior, Clerk Exeter, December 10, 1030. If you wish to < or Louse see R. E. 'Ticl or. sell a farm ;ick^rd, Exeter. POULTRY WANTED We are in the market’ for all kinds ’of poultry bayinghighest prices. ' Trucks will call, v^hone 30, Dash­ wood, G. Anderson. % Village of Exeter NOMINATION AND ELECTION ' Public Notice is hereby ’given/) that' a meeting of the Electors ofZthe Village of Exeter, will# be held in J? THE TOWN HAIjL, EX^ER at the h-our of 12 o’clock boon on ’ MONDAY, DECEMBER// 39th For the purpose of making and receiving nominations foimhe office of Reeve and Councillor^; and one member of the Public Utilities Com­ mission; and four members for the Board of Education, B-nd further notice is hereby givenl that in. the- event of more candidates being, pro- posec^’or any particu>r office than the proceed- d until (MON- , 1931, When ned at 9 a.ni. es, as fixed by required to be electe ings will be adjour DAY, JANUARY 5 .the pollsVwill foe o at the following pl Village byelaw, viz' Poll deuce, Polling Poll D.n.o. Walter Poll ■ WH 4, Welsh Office, Main and s, D.R.O., G. Aii- lerk, A. Gamibrill. .nd Fite Kall, D.R. oiling Clerk, John 1, Miss A. Maiik St., Clerk W. 2, TownJ. aI Stew Harness d Wellington derson Foil 0. Rd Kydd. All electors andiford’s resi- R.O. E. Treble, Carliftg. all, Main Street, rt, Polling Clerk, and Mr. were were Mr. Mr. the other eat; Mr, Robinson .spent a few days in London with his son, Archie. CAVEN SOCIETIES ELECT OFFICERS The annual meeting of the W.M.B. of Caveil Presbyterian Chruch was held on Tuesday evening. Splendid reports were received from the var­ ious committees, ported '$185.00 ing the year, for the coming I L. M. Jeckell; J. B. Rhodes; G. S. Atkinson; s Treas., Miss A. Sec’y., Miss M. Weekes and Welfare Sec’y., Glad 'Tidings, (Mrs, Blaney; J-l. Helpers, Mrs. J. A. Stewart; Mission. Band Supt., Mrs. Rhodes. On Monday oftefHoon the Mission Band hold their annual meeting with election of officers. The secretary reported givings for the year as $34. Officers elected for the coming year as follows: Pres., Margaret Camp­ bell; secretary, Elaine. Stanbury.; Treasurer, Ethel Kydd. On Monday evening Caven Guild ’ held their annual meeting with elec­ tion of officers. Splendid reports were received, the treasurer reported $170 raised during the year. Miss , W. A. Fraln was elected president? 11st Vice-Prds., Jack &tanbury; 2nd Vice-Pres., Reba Simmons; secretary Jean stanbury; Treasurer, Wallace Seldon. The treasurer re- had been raised dur- The officers elected yeai* are: Pres., Miss 1st Vice-Pres.,. Mrs. 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. sec’y., Mrs. K. Fuke Hamilton; Supply Welcome Sec’y., Mrs. Christie; R. N. ROWE Ambulance Service The Times-Advocate have a splen­ did assortment of Christmas cards printed with your name and address at one dollar a dozen and up. A box ef beautifully assorted cards, all dif­ ferent, printed with your name and address $2.50 for 25. Phone or mail your order. CLEAR IT UP n6w that sord hroat, ton^ntis, catarrh, hay fever} colds,hooping-cough, croup, co tonsil troubles with Sybilla iS ir’s remedy. Good reSults q r. Try it. Exeter and Hensall Druggists. Mrs. W. F. Abbott was Called to Forest last week owing to the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Arto Delve. K< YOU CAN THE THINGS HE SHIRKS, SCA AKE DA EYES SPARKLE. GIVE HIM ULD LIKE TO BUY HIMSELF S, TIES, GLOVES, PYJAMAS, , SOCKS, BELTS, GARTERS, ARMBANDS, HATS AND CAPS a^BOXED TIES FROM 50c. UP / W. W. TAMAN PHONE .81w EXETER* ONT, DOROTHY E. GRASSICK A. L. C. M. .(Honor Graduate) Loii^on, England Instrnctlonrln Piano, Vic|in, Hdrmony, Theory Studio N. Jlibe^Street Box 160 EXEWR, ONTARIO GIVE FURNITURE THIS XMAS And make a lasting Gift We .have u large supply of occasional pieces including, End Tables, Chesterfield Tables, Smokers, emeries, Lamps, Cedar Chests, Magazine Racks, Sewing/Cabinets, Gate Leg Tables, Tilt-Top Tables and many othqjruseful gifts. DISTANCE Caulk Your WOows save^raoney on y<pfr coal bill WI^HAVE SECURED THE AGENC AND WINDO WJfATJHJ LET U,^ Q/OTE YOU PRICES!. W. J/HERN, Exeter -------------------- . . /__ BROKEN AUTOMOBILE GLASS REPLAC WHILE Y FOR qAULKING DOORS , ALSO METAL STRIPPING f- G. \, Phono 29 1/ 5 QUICKLY WAIT AWKINS iSxete^ Ont. Furniture WTd Funeral Director ANCE SERVICE GOODS DELIVERED A W. R. GOULpiNG A. T. C, uf V andf Choirmaster |St. Unj/ed Church, nstrudRoti in / Organ Theory r o/Music in Schools > S£ Box 57, Rhone METER, ONT Organil James Piano V» Subervist Studio, Mai) E *