HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-12-11, Page 7THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY* DECEMBER. J J, lUJOf County Council (Continued from previous page) thoroughly discussed, particularly the last clause relating to indigent patients in hospitals, Deputy Reeve Craigie in answer to a (juestion why Goderich hospital had so many, vig­ orously defended the admission of the numbers given. Goderich has a larger population than the other hos- 0 pital centres and the number had been thoroughly investigated. ■Several reports were brought in this Jlullett be re* council. This medical atten- ** around the corner. * ** * Those mild day.- helped out the fuel * Prosperity’s jus* situation, time. at Financial Committee That several accounts be paid: Re the local hospital accounts: — ....... accounts referred 1. a, . ... We recommend that the for indigent patients, be back to the several municipalities for investigation as to whether they are indigents and paid’ when satisfactory io the Warden and Clerk. Carried. 3. Re communication of H. K. Eil- ber, treasurer, Township of Stephen, JMve recommend that this be paid. C. 4* Re the account of the* Town- ‘ ship of Howick in the keep of Mrs. » in it is and vaults -d writes:—’’I consider jiNGl^IVS EM VISION is one of the finest ionics hare t remedy j/i.r winte and •children Hiul ndu a.din Iraki I count Jrtun its {Styled}. lid streugr^builders obtainable, and rent faith in it. /Is a The pkaganl, soothing actio Uhiiuhion, t ><;ether with its t 5ng propertieB, make it ■e.ly for’children’s ailments ■little ones all like it and: when they refuse other S t is in valuable for colds •®ough, bronchitis, and Tlions; for scrofula, rie ^disease; for building Jove ulilkjh. For children •'wea._........... ..rnsothV should be Uiou of* Angier's B and build­ ideal rem. oreover, the ke it willingly ieines. gbughs, whooping- >r all chest affec- s, or any wasting up after measles, tied, run-down cou­ th poor appetite and b like, a charm. No Ktliout a bottle in the 65c. and $1.20 at Druggists. k 'Endorsed by the Medical Profession’"' 6JSBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUA1 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office. Farqfiihar. Out. .President / SIMON, DOTS ■‘Vfee-Bres. FRANK McCONNELL DIRECTORS ..zOJGUS SINCLAIR, J. T. ALLISON ROBT. NOR^tS, WM. BROCK ’ Agents JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent lot Usborffe and Biddulph OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent te ilmbertf.'Fullarton and Logan A. TURNBULL '“Secretary-Treasurer Box 9 8, Exeter, Ontario GLADMAN & STANBURT «olienors. Exeter Haberlee we recommend that the county pay this and that a new agree­ ment has heretofore, .been carried out. Re account of funeral expenses of James Johnson, we recommend that this is a matter for Tuckersmith and Seaforth. Carried. That the claim of ferred to the whole was an account for tion. This clause was referred back for further particulars. That sulb-section 10 of Chapter 73, S. O., 1926, whereby the county may collect one half »of the cost of indig­ ent from the municipality from which they have been admitted. We recommend that the act as laid down by the statutes be carried -out. Car. The pay sheet was submitted as follows: County Roads committee, $1,074.05; House of Refuge Com­ mittee, $194.20; Pensions commit­ tee, $1,376.85; County Property committee $41,80; children’s Shel­ ter committee, $195.20; Agricultur­ al Advisory committee, $,139.00; W. and Means committee, $70.80. Reeves Goetz and McKenzie mov­ ed that the county council appreciate very much the worthy efforts being taken under the leadership of the Lions Cjubs of Goderich and Seaforth to aid the underprivileged children of Huron County, and that we wish to express to them our sincere thanks for the same. This was carried. On motion of Robt. Higgins, sec­ onded by A. J. Goldthorpe Mothers’ Allowance Board for the county shall be granted the usual al­ lowance of $145.00 to be divided as follows: Chairman, $65.00; Secretary $35.00; and the three members $15. each for their services during 1930. Carried'. T. Inglis and N. Trewartha moved that the County .Council recommend the returning as Concillor of War­ den Backer for the year 1931 as we consider the warden of the previous year to be a benefit to the County Council owing to his experience and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the clerk of the Brussel’s County. R. H. Thompson and W. Mole mov­ ed that several by-laws having been read the necessary number times be passed and signed ,by the War­ den and Clerk and the County seal attached. Carried. Warden Caned Warden Baeker, who, because of illness has been unable to preside throughout the session, was called to the chair by Mr. McKibbon, when a happy change in the proceedings of the afternoon took place. Mr. Trewartha came forward and on be­ half of the members of the County Council and officials, read a fine ad­ dress in which Warden Baeker’s splendid executive ability in the dis­ charge of his duties was emphasized also his never failing courtesy enthusiasm. A note of regret he. had suffered illness and wishes for himself and family eluded the address. Mr. Inglis presented the 'Warden with a cane, gold mounted and suitably inscribed. In the course of his expression of appreciation, Warden Baeker men­ tioned the fact that ire had enjoyed eight year's o.f active service in his own municipality. The Councillors joined in a circle and sang Auld: Lang Syne and God •Save the King brought the last meet­ ing of Huron County Council for 1930 to a close. Reports of several committees will be printed week. * *** * Yes, but what corner? * Sims, May ................................... 49 43 72 '57 70 20 91 6.7 Simmons, Reba ............GO 52 64 46 56 38; SappeJJ, Evelyn .................................. 62 89 56 66 46 73 66; Skinner, Viola .........68 54 40 58 68 Smith, Hazel ................77 56 5 S 47 87 73 Snell, Eileen ...................................... 83 5Q ab 31 a:b al> Stahbury, John ..... ••.................... 32 33 '51 44 4 8 3'5 37 39 .35; Stanlake, William .......48 51 42€ab 59 35 Tinney, Roberta ............23 48 54*39 78 61' Westcott, Roylance......................... 56 39 58 25 63 91 77 52 63 1st Latin. Brooks,Edith 40; Ellerington,. Fred 93. j Jones,Margaret- 76; Mitchell, ‘Florence 93; Mustard Kathlyn ■:98; Salter,Helen 93; Sim- J.the and that best con- t.hen next DIED On there respected resident of Bayfield in the person of Mrs. Eliza McDool, who was eiglity-two years of age. Her husband predeceased her many years Three sons mourns her loss. IN BAYFIELD'' Sunday November .the passed away an old and highly 2 3 rd TO THE SUNNY SOUTH These popular winter, resorts are quickly and comfortably reached via Canadian National and connections* Choice of interesting routes* Costs are reasonable. Add zest to the California, trip by going or returning the Canadian route via Vancouver and Victoria. Ask any Agent of Canadian National Railways for full information, booklets, and reservations. Was So Weak Mrs. Edward A. Allen, Bczansoii, Alta., writes ‘‘I would like to tell you of the great benefit I have received from your Milburn’s Heart and Nerve Pills. “I was feeling very much run down in health, and was so weak. T. could scarcely do my housework, m fact, I would have to life down in the afternoon for an hour or so. T «nW your Pills in the drug store and took a box home with me, and I was delighted with my renewed strength. I have recommended tliem^to a neighbor and feel sure they will heljp her too. Sold at all drug and general stores, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T* Mjlburn Co.^Ltd., Toronto, Ont. The best thing to do with a farm well- * *t » * I—get it filled with water. * Get those furnace have to 'build a house. pipes cleaned out.This is a poor year to ** # It’s not hard times that made of those times. * make people poor; it’s the wrong use $ * * * ** 0 v Street & Walker have not they increased their dividends. lowered * $ * their wages. Neither have * $ Travellers report that the merchants of Exeter are famous for their cheerful grin and their well-held chins. That’s because they are doing a whole lot of real merchandising. * ■» * *W * * V ONE CAN GET far better than worrying about Both it in the words of the big He was down at knee and salesman. I started him He made good. Next I He made good again. TAKING WHAT Taking what one can get is what one can’t get. Here’s a case in point. It’s a story from actual life. parties may be seen any day. We’ll tell executive: “Three years this chap came to me. heel. I sized him up for being a good and saw that he did just as I told him. gave him a chance to develop some initiative. And then I gave him wider scope. He made good again. Then he came in to me and told me how I should run the whole business. I asked him to put what he hatd» to say in writing and to sign his name to it. In one year I showed him that his plan would have ruined our affairs. He was a bit sulky about it. I showed him that his other plans had succeeded not because they were good in themselves but because the markets were expanding. He said he’d leave the firm. I told him that I saw no ropes holding. Well, only this week he came in down and out and begging for a job. That’s the sort of fellow who’d starve in a restaurant. He wont take the job he can do. There’s, wood in Salvation Army wood ■sheds to be sawn by the. man who wont take work that’s him. There’s the alternative of the county stone pile. One fattens on the wheat on the other side of the hill,” Times are mending—where anyone is doing, his level offered seldom best to be invariably thirfty and courteous, and considerate and kind. Exeter High School Report Smith, Hazel 91; Stanlake, William. 94. Ellerington, Fred 63; Jones, Margaret Eva 60; Salter, Helen 69; Simmons*. Eileen 60; Stanlake, William 65. . „ i; McMurtrie, A*. 62; Pearce, Eva, B. History 60; (M) ’5'7, Phys. (M) 28; Sikinner, V* John Bot. 48. inons, Reba 89; Skinner, Viola 84; 1st French, Brooks, Edith 98; 62; Mustard, Kathlyn 69; Pearce, Reba 68; Sippell, Evelyn 70; Snell, w, Wmm****««. •Dick, Edith B. History 51; Jones, Margaret, 1 Alg. 86 Bot. 43; Mitchell, Florence B Russell, Margaret, C. History Oral Comp. 64, Lit. (1) 64; f . History 51, Alg. (tan'bury, FORM III Cooper, John ............................37 15 46 Creech, -Ray ..............................38 3 5*43 70 81 5 4 64 Dearing, Marshall .................55 59 *5 8 74 9 6 79 59 Elliott, Beth .............................5 8 50 46 18 48 48 Finkbeiner, Helen ................73 70 52 48 82 54 45 67 Fraser, Allan ..........................70 4'5 23 GO 86 7*5 Heywood, Lilia .......................£8 89 63 62 68 Hicks, Gwendolyn ................84 70 66 5 8 50 67 Hockey, Kenneth ..................53 30 45 5 0 3 6 17 34 Horner, Greta ........ .........70 71 39 21 82 35 59 38 Hyde, Howard .......................47 31 42 48 63 48 55 Lawson, Olive ........................53 48 137 t59 53 75 McDonald, Lois .......................62 48 33 84 24 MacDonald, Marguerite ......47 86 05 10 3 6 53 McInnis, Nora .........................62 51 64 66 92 46 McKinnon, Hugh .............91 71 45 37,68 r>8 5 8 56 Murdock, Beth .......................62 50 47 60 7 6 30 o 4 5 8 Nadiger, Zeta ...........................64 64 •50 59 35 78 66 Penhale, Jean .........................63 64 68 41 5 8 42 Ratz, Gordon ...........................5 8 37 25 70 Restemeyer, Oneida ........ ..79 71 45 42 84 98 3 6 Ryckman, Dorothy ..... ....66 15 6 47 46 52 67 64 52 Scott, Ellen Mae ....................54 29 66 Skinner, Gerald .....................67 *50 45 51 SO 50 Stade, Harold .........................48 22 49 72 34 24 25 Stanlake, Norman ................■51 35 21 70 46 64 Zwicker, Gerald .....................66 4'3'51 42 •5 9 54 80 1st Latin, Fraser, Allan 98;Ratz,Gordon 93.1st French 47 3658 5 6 72 63 54 45 ,4g30 don 67. 5th Comp., Hicks, Heywood, Lilia 10; Nadiger, Ellen (Mae Scott, Arithmetic 43. Ratz, Gor- Gwendolyn 57; Nadiger, Zeta 50. 5th Alg.* Zeta 3'5. 1st Alg. Ratz, Gordon 74. FORM I A LA OF CO OC LI BH AL BO GE AR Beaver, Eugene ......................87'65 65 68 49 45 S2 62 68 74 Bierling, Phyllis .......... ....... Borland, Loreen...................... 915 67 69 63 76 87 69 77 62 68 ..99 60 70 65 75 SI S4 S8 63 72 Colwill, William .....................9'3 3 4 45 55 22 71 Clark, Hazel ............................83 62.69 58 59 52 28 38 57 5 4 Complin, Charles ..................91 6S 62 69 76 72 79*66 .54 66 Dunsford, Florence ...............84 63 58 52 60 62 5 8 52 64 68 Dunsford, William ...............90 5 5 50 55 65 61 79 53 57 64 Etherington, Richard ........... 92 65 65 65 ab 73 ab 67 74 66 Essery, Beatrice ....................94 '5 5 53 55 73 75 43 .59 76 72 Gardiner, Robert ..................93 63 63 68 58 S4 7G';74 62 60 Jones, Norval ........................ ab ab 53 65 ab 41 ab 37 ab ab Luxton, Elgin .........................83 65 •5 0 55 36 5 5 35 43 58 <May, Gordon ............................94 71 62 60 71 71 - 89 62 52 5 0 McFalls, Ardys .......................85 63 61’68 67 64/79 69 ‘5 7 5 8 McTavish, John ......................94 68 66 69 72 73'SS 40 74 68 Mooney, Irene .........................9 6 58 60 57-50 7^44 57 41 58 Murdock, Audrey ..................87 50 72 60 ab /58 ' 7'8 81 74 60 Schroeder, Gerald .................96 66 61 63 60'}? 5 S 67 69 6.3,64 Stanbury, Jean ........................98 69 74 68 75/:70 5 9 72 4.S 66 Squire, Violet .......................... Strange, Grace ........................ 98 60 53 65 73"70 93 6S 77 72 94 63 70 67 67 SS 65 48 70 Taman, Jeannette ................. Teller, Helen ........................... 9 8 60 69 68 ;<32 79 100 82 90 6S 95 68 74-6S ,('86 91’93 96 70 74 Ward, Edmund.........................ab 61 64 60/17 40 69 31 Westcott, Allan ......................89 64 70 68?44 64 69 S7 60 76 Calwill, William, Arith.71;Geon1. 75 Knysig.52;Gram . 66. FORM IV Beaver, Edna .................... LG LA ........... 5 '5 91 FA FC CO LI AH CH AL GE PH CH 56 61 5 2 5 4 81 62 Christie, Grace ..................46 30 52 49 46 5 0 29 Cochrane, Grafton ................... 62 66 76 00 58 42 78 63 63 Complin, Marjorie ........‘51 57 68 80 34 51 Dinney, Rowe ................................ 67 53 60 40 27 84 62 73 Wilber Bernice ................94 55 60 53 6 3 5 8 '64 Ellerington, Margaret ..94 3 5 46 82 47 49 Etherington, Alma ........66 43 63 ab 82100 5 6 •68 5 8 52 91 100 Heywood, Hazel ........................... 77 77 71 40 50 42 63 Johns, Howard ..................31 49 60 62 S5 74 Kerslake, Mary ............................ 54 89 7S 60 50 56 53.6S Kleinstiver, Ruth ........................ 73 81 79 74 49 7 3 62 Martin, Margaret ..................... 77 80 80 61 2 5 67 66 62 69 Nadiger, Helen .....■...................... 63 92 84 61 67 7 ?>86 Pilon, Jean .....................60 48 69 69 20 4.2 Pryde, Raymond .......................... 44 79 75 '5 6 5 0 58 24 70 58 Ratz, Alma .......................59 49 Ryckman, Mervyn............72 43 37 36 52 62 Seldon, Wallace .......................... 55 84 60 5 8 3 9 5 4 60 61 SI Smith, Eldon.................................. 61 81 65 46 57 o 3 5 2 5 4 47 75 Snider, Melvyn ............................ 60 76 47 32 88 74 69 Stewart, Florence '........86 63 40 60 38 Stewart, Ivan ............................... ab 76 54 53 69 100 48 Stewart, Lydia ........ .................. 56 74 74 60 40 15 5 4 69 Stone, Adeline .............................. 5 8 84 65 '5 6 71 64 70 Taman, Margaret ..................... 68 91 76 '50 4S 65 87 43 ................ 79i 90 72 64 6;52 »66 Heywood, Hazel, M.History 5 0 Kerslak e, Mary 5th Oral Comp.54. Kleinstiver, Ruth, 5th Oral Comp., 52. Martin. Margaret, Oral Comp., 59; Nadiger, Helen, 5th O. Comp., 56, 5th Trig,, 77; Pryde, Raymond, 5th. O. Comp., 64; Snider, Melvyn 5th O- Comp., 68; Woodall. Hazel, 5th Oral Comp., 48. FORM V Alexander, I........65 60 5 4 62 63 6 2 5 9 4/3 Camm, Dorothy ..67j 5 0 71 72 7 3 4 8 47 73 70 Christie, Earl ,.81 37 60 64 43 46 5 4 t- n- I l Clark, Laura ......71 87 89 Coates, Jean ......76 65 72 64 53 88 57 7 3 58 Creech, Joseph .94 65 74 77 52 62 9 0 S9 Elder, Pearl ......7 0 S4 so 5 7 5 7 79 Etherington, A. .72 ab 45 54 IS 29 0 8 Forrest, Mildred..ab ab 5 4 47 76 78 47 Godbolt, Gerald ..44 64 71 5 4 40 41 Greb, Gordon ....91 63 S3 SO 68 75 80 80 63 Hirtzel, Harry ...44 63 611 46 3 4 54 32 Joynt, William ..45 62 66 5 0 31 32 72Kuhn, Margaret..89 6S 62 60 5 3 9 5 SO Alexander, John ............. Appleton, Gprdon ......... Armstrong, /Geraldine ... Baynham, Charles Brintnell, James . Elliott, Hafeel ....... Essery, John ........ Frayne, Lloyd ...... Frayne, Harry .....Hendricli J Ruth ... Hicks, Dorothy ..... Horner, Fean ........ Johns, Mary ......... Hunkin, fAylmer .. McFalls, |Mai’lys ... Monteiths Jessie .. Pollard,-fcreta ...... Quinton,f Hubert .. Quinton,William . Sims, Dorothy .......Stewart-J Marjorie Stone, Gladys ....... Tinney, faomer ..... Tinney, rJolin ....... Tieman,;*Ruth ...... Welsh, Feme .......r I Aikenhead, Margaret ,4' Amy, (Marguerite .... Anderson| Frances . Brooks, Edith ..... Cal dwell A.Dorefen Coates, Betty ....... Dick, Edith ........ Ellerington, Fred Ellerington, Thom Fraser, Ruth Greb, Wesldy Heywood, Cliffoi: Hicks, DonalciS Hutchinson, Ray , Jones, Margaret .. Lawson, Orval ..... McMurtrie, Alex . Miller, Lillie ....... Mitchell, Florence Mustard, icathlyn Pearce, Eva ........ Russell. Margaret Salter, Helen ....... ■FORM I B FORM II new new The Farmers’ Sun ............................ The Farmers’ Advocate ..................... The Family Herald & Weekly Star The Canadian Countryman ........... CLUBBING RATES WITH OTHER PERIODICALS MAY BE HAD ON APPLICATION Times-Advocate $2.00 per year; to United States $2.a0. yr. and The Toronto Globe ................... and The Toronto Mail and Empire and The Toronto Daily Star ............ and The London Free Press ....... and The London Advertiser ............ and and and and and The Saturday Night ............... and The Saturday Evening Post and The New Outlook ................. LI BH AL BO GE AR 28 3S 62 29 88 5 6 59 io 5 50 29 5 6 48 39 59 94 85 71 50 67 59 74 ■51 50 3 6 03 40 69 3 4 5 0 54 47 49 69 23 49 58 12 37 58 35 45 58 31 53 87 58 44 64 26 (56 77 45 77 68 28 41 24 ■5 5 58 62 73 79 70 82 79 5 8 39 78 73 77 50 64 47 54 85 77 SO 5 6 05 32 70 29 00 60 43 52 39 58 54 54 33 39 3(5 48 47 42 45 28 69 48 46 58 46 43 42 23 59 50 '30 43 35 30 37 52 24 53 3 6 3 6 ■54 58 65 46 S4 72 59 7S 32 50 89 48 76 66 33 23 43 22 40 46 66 41 43 <55 46 44 63 71 100 66 80 68 48 36 89 66 46 62 CO LI AR GE ZO PH 51 77 50 91 79 87 47 66 43 100 79 71 63 5'0'28 56 54 55 ab 3 6 ab ab 47 59 48 40 62 67 '55 80 69 71 68 57 53 41 09 88 52 57 54 77 49 40 54 59 58 90 69 46 61 52 81 61 66 *51 17 ab ab 60 56 32 51 76 ■ 64 48 35 47 00 58 ab 50 42 54 52 81 52 oh '50 66 68 68 63 ■5 2 51 55 62 58 63 00 32 14 49 71 69 21 78 67 ■55 40 44 84 41 48 59 48 47 78 60 ab 5 6 34 52 46 39 O o 3 4 o O 53 78 53 55 Mustard, Aldie .. Pearce, Charles . Penhale, Helen .. Penhale, Mar........ Pfaff, Beryl ...... Russell, Isohel .. Sippell, Kenneth. Stone, Ruby ...... Strang, Kathleen Strange, Frank .. Thomson, D. ..... Wiseman, K.......... Chas. Pearce, I Art 62. The Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate The Times-Advocate The Times*Advocate The Times-Advocate_________ _____ ___ .. .The Times-Advocate and The Canadian Homes and Gai'd.6^ The Times-Advocate and McLean’s Magazine ...... The Times-Advocate & Montreal Witness, renewal $3.85 The Times-Advocate and World Wide .... renewal $4.25 The Times-Advocate and Youth’s Companion ................ The Times-Advocate and The Toronto Star Wfeokiy $6.75 $6.75 $6.75 $6.75 $6.75 $3.25 $3.00 $3.00 $2.95 $5.50 $4.75 $3.90 $4.65 $3.75 $3.50 $3.85 $3.75 $6.76 O'