HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-12-11, Page 5gtjcljool ot temmern: CLINTON, ONTARIO Offers you a Practical Business Training that has mad for our scores of students to obtain and hold positi^tfs a high standard of offiency, K/courses Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, Service, Commercial Teacher* Course aud You cannot attend a b ^possible dexnandng WHY NOT ATT School Opens on For^particulars write B. F. Ward, B.A. Principal eneral Office, Civil ecial Courses arranged, School,r --- THIS? ember 2nd, 1930 M. A. Stone, Com, Specialist, Vice-Prin., Phone 198 DR. J. A. McTAGGART, HENSALL, ONiyZ n> z f'Main Street. ^Telephone 1C$ r HENSALL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1030THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. David Baird and son Jack and Mrs. Merner spent the week-ed with relatives in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. William Heatherly and daughter, Thelma and Mr, .Stan­ ley Kelley, all of London spent Sun­ day with Mr, and Mrs. Henry’ Motz, Mr. Clinton Morlock is wiring Mr. Henry Motz’s house for hydro. Miss Clara Lewis has returned home after visiting with !Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Edwards in Ingersoll, Miss Verda Hoffman has a position q,s hello girl in phone office at Kerwood-. Mrs. Harry Lewis has home after visiting with Mrs. Leonard Wein in Mr. Melvin Edwards Wilson spent Saturday with the latter’s sister, Mr. Harold Taylor, of Exeter and lady frjendl of Hensail, spent Sun­ day with the former’s grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson. (Mr and Mrs. Chas. Anderson and son, Jack, spent Sunday - with Mt. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Mr. Delton Lewis and Mr. Robert Patterson of West McGillivray spent Sunday with the former’s brother, Mr. Harry Lewis. Miss Marion Richard has accept- a. position in London and left for there on Monday, Mr. Joseph Vincent, of Preston, spent the week-end with (Mr. and Mrs. John Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Balman, of London, spent' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Rau, Mr. and Mrs-. HaTry Kuhn and Margaret spent Frldlay in London. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Kuhn, of Kit­ chener, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuhn. Mrs. Job. Sims returned Exeter after a pleasant Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sims. Appleton—Flynn A quiet wedding was at the home of the bride’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, in Shipka on Wednesday evening of last week when Rev. Mathers of Grand Bend united in marriage Mrs. Ethel Flynn, of Crediton and Mr. Harry Appleton, of near Lieury. Best wishes follow them to their home near accepted the tele- NO. 4 PEASE, large tins mu in ^5c. and one FREE —.....Zmi,. I..,,. !)^6rn syrup 2 lb. tins per tin 16c, Red COHOE1SALMON 1 lb. tin 2®c. Choice Golden BANTAM CORN 2 tins for 25c. Finest jT MINCEMEAT 2 lbs. foty'dSc.______ Bi^st SEEDL SS RAISINS 2 yis. for 23c. Ready-Qut MACARONI 2 lbs. fpr 19c. ICING SUGAR 3 lbs. for 25c|returned Mr, and Stephen, andi Garnet in London Mrs. Ogden. Fancy / BLEACHED SULTANAS 18c. a lboJiOor 35c. SEED RAISINS 2 IBs. for 25c.] Mrs. C. A. McDonnell; vice-pres., i Mrs. A. Sinclair; treasurer, (Mrs, A. W. E. Hemphill; , recording . sec’y, Mrs. E. McQueen; Corresponding sec’y, Mrs. J, Elder; missionary Out­ look, Mrs. A. E. srcDonnell; press sec’y, Mrs, S. Merner; pianist, Mrs. C. Cook; finance committee, Mrs. Coles and (Mrs. Carlyle; strangers sec’y, Mrs. Wm. McDougall; Home helpers, Mrs. G. Habklrk, (Mrs. Peck and Mrs. A. Moir; mission band sup­ erintendent1, Miss E. Morrison. i I Mr. Jas. Bonthron spent' Monday in’ London. (Mrs. Maulkison spent a few days in Clinton last week. ’ Miss Ruby McLaren is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wes. Venor of Chisel- liurst. A duck shoot will be held at Chiselhurst on Wednesday Decem- fcer 17th. Our firemen are making prepara­ tions for their annual community Christmas Tree. Mrs, O. Talbpt is visiting for a few days at the home of Dr. and J)fr,s. G. Collyer. Mr. Frank Smale, of Detroit, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smale. Quite a number from here attend- the funeral of the late Mts. John Caldwell, of Exeter. iMiss Mabel Cudmore, R. N., of De­ troit, spent^a few days, visiting her fta'other, |Mrs. R. Cudmore. Our local Sunday 'Schools busy practising for their annual Christmas entertainment'. Mr. Maurice Boa, of Windsor, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smale. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mason, of Stanley, have moved into the home ©f Mr. Robert McArthur. Miss. Mavis Spencer who under­ went an operation for appendicitis is doing as. well as can be expected. The many friends of Mr. Alex Buchanan will he sorry to hear that Ite is confined to his home through illness. Th© many friends of Mrs. James Patterson will be sorry to hear she is-confined to her.home through ill­ ness. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin and je-hildren,, of Thames Road, spent last; iTuesday at the home of Mr. W. L', WlcLaren. The Sunday School of the United Church intend holding their Christ­ ina etertainment on December 19tli. A pie social will Carmel Presbyterian day evening under MRS. JOHN MITCHELL BURIED her Formerly, she lived tat Hen- hus- and fam- The home from visit with are Friday evening •be held in the Church on Fri- _ ___„ „ the auspices of the Welfare Youth’s Club. MrS. Robt. Bonthron and Miss M. ■Gibbs have got settled in their apartments over Mr T. C. Joynt’s «tore where they will spend the win­ ter months. . # , Services at the United Church on Sunday last were largely attended with Rev. Sinclair conducting the jservices. In Drysdale and ■duet. Te bazaar •Presbyterian afternoon last was well attended. A .sale of home-made cooking and fancy , work, was held up till 5 o’clock after which a chicken pie supper was ser­ ved. Loyalty Siunday will be observed in the Chiselhurst United Church on Sunday afternoon, December 14th with Rev. A. Sinclair conducting the the services. Special music will be ;given by the choir and they will be ■assisted with several numbers by the United Church choir. The Young People’s League of the United Church" held their meeting on Monday evening. People entertaining the evening Mrs. M. Mr. Goodwin sang a held in. the Carmel Church on Saturday i ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF TflOSE FAMOUS^ LEMON PEEL............... TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT . SUNKIST ORANGES .. SERVUS CHEESE......... ORANGE PEEL.........................Per lb. 19c. TABLE RAISINS ............... Per pkg. 25c. BROKEN SODA BISCUITS .. per lb. 11c PINEAPPLE RINGS ... . 1-2 lb. for 29c. . Per lb. ., 4 f Per d 25c. WE HAVE WONDERFUL VALUES IN CHRISTMAS CANDY AND NUTS AT LOWEST PRICES FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS; ALSO OYSTERS, SCHNEIDER’S SAUSAGE, LIMBURGER, CHEESE, BOILED HAM, BA- CON, ETC./ ' _ .... . . . ..... These Prices Good Only Jhursday, Friday, and ^Saturday, December 11th. 12th & 13th HARVEY & HARVEY Phone 102 “QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE” EXETER, ONT. We Deliver Mrs. John .Mitchell, widow of the late John Mitchell, ur Hensail, died in the early morning, hours of Thurs­ day, at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Herb-Mitchell, just' south of the village of Crediton. Mrs. Mitchell, whose maiden name was Margaret Willoughby was in her 85 th year Pneumonia was, the cause of death, sail, but after the death of her* band, she lived wfth her son family, where she died. Her ily consisted of the following: sons, Herb Mitchell of Crediton; Gordon Mitchell, of N.ew Ontario; and (Stewart Mitchell, who lost his life in the great New Ontario' fire about' 12 years ago. (Mrs. Freddie Kennings, of Hensali; is a daughter, Mrs. Mitchell was a member- of the United Church, Crediton Rev. H. W. Hagelstein officated at the funeral services, which were held Friday afternoon. Interment was made in Exeter Cemetery.- The pallbearers were Geo. Maw- hinney, Rich. Hill, Ezra Lamport, Thos. Chambers, Albert King and Thomas Trevethick. solemnized CENTRALIA Radio for new Philco. Hot. Jhriafmas? Hear ’brine 64.—Sandy the El- St. Lieury . CREDITON The Christmas concert of S.S. No. Stephen wil be held on Monday, DASHWOOD ■ Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.SsfD.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office In ’Hk^tjelb Block, Dash­ wood,'flrat three days of week and at office over the Post Office, In Zurich, last three days of week. Harry I-loffman is attending Tel­ ephone Plant School in Toronto' this week. Mrs. E. Guenther has returned af­ ter a pleasant visit with friends in London and Michigan. Dashwood Public School Concert will be given on Friday evening, December 19th in the school. Every­ body is cordially invited to attend. Miss S. Reed, of Bayfield and Mr. Elgin Porter, of Goderich spent Sun­ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reed. The annual Christmas festival In the Evangelical church will be held on Christmas night, Dec. 25th. A cantatta entitled ‘The Lqrd is Come’ will, .be given. ■The Christmas Festival in Lutheran Church wil be held Christmas Eve.’, December 24th. SHIPKA* the on Melville Hern andi opened by singing a hymn followed by the watchword. After the singing of the next hymn prayer- was offered by four members The minutes of the last meeting were read and aproved. The election of officers then took place conducted by Rev. L. C.White after which he led in prayer. Leaflets' were readi on the third chapter of the study book by -Mrs. Melville Hern, Miss Dora Brooks, Mrs. H. Hern, Mrs. Johns; a duett by Mrs. Johns and Mrs. Alf. Brock; Scripture reading by Mrs.’M.^ Hern; devotional leaflet by Mrs. Pooley. After singing hymn 317, Mrs. Hern read the story of the Mr. D. Allen, of Parkhill on Tues-, hymn and Mrs. White closed the day of last week. Mr. Ezra Brenner, who has been on the sick list, is able to be around again feeling much improved'. Mrs. Finnin, ok Ansa Craig, visit­ ed her son Mr. Finnin, of this burg, on Sunday. Mr. Geo. Oliver, of St. Marys vis­ ited .his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Oliver over the week-end. GRAND BEND The ‘United Church circuit built a new double garage at the Manse which will be accepted grate­ fully by the pastor. Mr. and Mrs. R. Taylor, of Tuck­ ersmith, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Mousisou on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fairbairn, Of Hensail, visited Mr. rus Green on Friday. Mr. Thomas Webb ed Mrs. N. -Ravelie's will be ready for Mrs. Ravelle to move into in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Joe 'Sharrow visited has Mr. and Mrs. Hubert' Neil, of Thomas, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Neil. ‘The many friends of Mr. Thomas Willis will be gladi to know that he is slightly improved. Miss Evelyn Clark spent the week­ end at her home in Goderich. The Young People’s Society of the United Church will take charge of the church services on 'Sunday even- ~ ______1“'„. Special music provided by the Society’s The service will begin at 7 p.m. Mary -O’Brien, of London, the week-end at her home and Mrs,. Cy- has just finish- new house and 2 JEJO'cember 15 th. Cantata; “Santa’s Little Boy” will be presented 'by the pupils of Cred­ iton Public School in. the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, December 17 Dialogues, drills, duets, trios, exer­ cises etc. will also be given. Keep this date open as- there is a great treat in store for you. „ ’IMrs.* Qharlotte Brown left' ’ on- Thursday for Hollis, Long Island, where .she will visit with her son, Rev. Lome Brown for sometime. She will also visit with her • daughter, Mrs. H. Sweitzer, of Kitchener, this winter. Mr. Oscar "yVolfe, of Detroit, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. George Eilber. The United Church Sunday 'School are having their Christmas Tree on Friday, December 19th. The Young People’s Society of the United Church had their regular meeting last Friday evening. A paper o*n Canada’s ten greatest men was given by Miss xtenny. After the paper a discussion followed and by a majority vote of those present the following were considered the ten greatest men of Canada:. 1. Sir John A. McDonald, 2 Sir Wilfred Laurier, 3. Sir Adam Beck, 4. Dr. D. Sanders, 5. Alex Graham Bell, 6. Egerton Ryerson, 7. Chas. D. Roberts, 8. Sir Wm. Osler, 9. Geo. Brown, 10 Ralph Connor. Last Sunday evening Rev. A. V. Robb, of Centralia, conducted the W.M.S. Service in the Crediton Unit­ ed Church. He preached a strong missionary sermon which was much enjoyed by all. Mr. David Anderson, of Lucknow, who is attending the London Normal School, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber. A large number of sportsmen from Crediton and vicinity took advantage of the nice weather last week and went rabbit hunting. Has Ann Broken Mrs. Jacob Schwartz fell down the back steps of her home Monday 'af­ ternoon, the fall resulting in a ser­ ious fracture and dislocation of the left wrist. After temporary atten­ tion Dr. Misner decided to immed­ iately take her to St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London for an X-ray. Mr. Schwartz has been conf in pd to’ his bed for the spast month under the doctor’s care. ing, December 14 th. will be choir. ofclock Miss spent h’Ore. -'4 Mr. home Win. Ford is confined to owing to illness. CHISELHURST his B. reception was held at the home of Mr. andi Mrs. ’ Richard There were about 150 The evening was spent in GREENWAY meeting. The officers elected aTe as follows: President, Mrs. Melville Hern; 1st vice pres., Mrs. (Rev.) White 2nd vice-pres. Mrs. W. Brock recording secretary and press sec’y Mrs. Her. Kyle; Cor. Sec’y. Mrs. R/ E. Pooley; treasurer, Mrs. J. Hern Sr. sec’y Christian Stewardship, Mrs. John Johns, ass’t, Miss Myrtle Earl; Stranger’s sec’y, Mrs'. *W. J. Brock; Associate Helpers Sec’y, IMrs. Allan Jacques; Baby Band1 Sec’y, Mrs. Geo. Earl; Mite Box Sec’y, Mrs. Warren Brock; Temperance Sec’y, Mrs. :H.; Hern; Missionary Monthly Sec’y Mrs. Milton Brock, ass’t iMi-ss Hazel Earl;'" Flower Com., Mrs. R. E. Pooley, Mrs. H. Hern, Mrs. Epheriam Hern; 8 heralds were appointed for the diff-’ erent Next Sunday at 2.45 p.m. Rev. S. : the the I J. Mathers, M.A., will conduct regular communion service in United Church. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McGregor tertained the members of the exe­ cutive of the United; Church School * *i-*i, „ Wednesday evening. I Mrs. J. Gardiner and Bruce and Earl moved last week to their new home north of Shipka. They will be missed here and the best' wishes of the community go with them. Murray Luther, of Exeter, visited Edison Pollock on Sunday. The .annual meeting of -the church • school will be held in the basement The i A of Mr and Mrs. Richard Taylor in honour Taylor, jr. present, playing cards and dancing. After a bduntiful lunch, the presentation address was Tead. Mr. and Mrs. Tay­ lor were the recipients of many be­ autiful presents. /' ’’ mainder of the evening was spent in dancing.. Everyone had a real en­ joyable time. We wish ;Mr .and Mrs. Taylor a prosperous and happy fu­ ture. Mr. Carl Siton-eman has had the misfortune to lose two valuable cattle last week. We regret this loss very much. At time of writing there are a number more very sick, disease seems very much of a puz­ zle we hope that those that are sick recover. Mr. Edward Taylor who has been book-keeping in Montreal returned to the home of his parents, Mr. Mrs. Richard Taylor this week a visit. en-countries. THAMES ROA except Satur­ able.—Ed. Pol­ Grinding every da day. Prices rels len. “Jack Hunting sport these days, been arranged the good success. The Thedford Younge sented their play in the day evening, each taking their part well and though the road& were poor which probably prevented many from be­ ing there and those that were - there certainly enjoyed1 themselves.'. Mrs. Wiseman returned from Vic­ toria Hospital on Sat. last improv­ ing very well. Mr. ,'Jas. Ballantyne spent last week at Goderich on council busi­ ness. Mr. E'di. Pollen took in the Hockey match Kestle is i Two past the popular’ i drives have week, with People pre­ church Fri-' Credit is due them their on Thursday afternoon next and the Y.P.S. and Preparatory service will be held1 on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pollock .Grant and Jack, bf Kerwood, visited with Mt. and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brophey en­ tertained1 the members of the Har­ mony class on ‘Tuesday night. Bill Bullock had a narrow escape from serious injury when his car ran off the west road and turned- turtle in the deep ditch at Mr. Geo. Lukers. » Mrs. Spencer and nephew Mr. Sheldon Pen visited her father Mr. J. Woodrow -and other relatives re­ cently. We are pleased to report Miss M. Webb is recovering from her serious illness. Several from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Jones at Moray. Miss Mae Wilson has been suffer­ ing from an attack of shingles and neurelgia. Practicing for the Christmas trees are quite on the way. The Sunday Sichool the evening of December the 22nd and) the 'public school on the afteriioon of Deceifiber the 23rd. Mrs. M. Sweitzer visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. D. Lippert at Melborne. Miss Leia Mollard has returned to her home after spending three weeks with friends in Buffalo and: Falls. , The Ladies’.,., Aid had a bee last Wednesday at the Mrs. J. Ratz. Mr. William Sweitzer the County Council held in < ELIMVILLE Niagara quilting home ofThe Young the A.Y.P.A. ®f fit'. Paul’s Anglican church. The •program which was put on by the .... __.... A* Y.' P. A. and each number was ;agf week. very ably given with Mr. Robert] Mrs. IM'. Sweitzer visited! last’week Varley presiding. An address was wjth relatives in Parkhill, given by Rev. Parker on “Christian­ izing Instincts,” t ‘ I attended Goderich A* vwvu .I*v***«*rw-. very ably given .with Mr. Robert ■| The Y. P. S. of the United church ----„ - after which Miss,? yieid a very successful December Louise Drummond gave a solo. A|meet.jn,g, on Monday evening of last reading was give by Mrs. James Simpson entitled, “Mrs. Cottle’s, Buttons” followed by a flute solo by Rev. P-arkeV accompanied by Miss D. Lammie on the piano. A vocal du- jett by Mrs. Goodwin and Mrs. Drum­ mond, entitled, “Aloha 0” and a reading by Mrs. peppier entitled, •‘Mrs. Tubbs at a sewing bee” after which contests and games were in­ dulged in, these being in charge of Miss Grace Stone -and at the close of the meeting. Refreshments were served'. The W.M.&. of the United Church Iield their regular monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon last. The meeting was opened by a hymn fol­ lowed by Scripture reading by Miss A. Moore after which Mrs. Henry led in prayer. Mrs. Wm. Dougall gave a reading on Temperance and after the minutes of the last meet­ ing wore read the devotional leaflet was read by Mrs. C. Cook after which Hie election of officers took place which resulted as follows: President week. The pastor Rev. Hagelstein took' charge of the devotional period. The topic was “Ten of Canada’s Greatest Men” given by Miss, Virgin­ ia Moore and “Five of Canada’s Greatest Women” given by. Thomas Lamport. An animated! discussion followed. The ten greatest men chosen Were: Sir John A. MacDon­ ald, Sir Adam Beck, Graham Bell, Sir Wilfred Laurier, Charles D. Ro­ berts, Dr. D. Sanders, Ralph Connor, John Graves Sdmcoe, William Lyon MacKenzie, Sir Arthur Currie. The five greatest women, Pauline John­ son, Laura Secord, Mary Pickford, Agnes McPhail, Madeline D’Ver- cheres. , The installation Of officers for the new year were as follows: President, Ila Sweitzer, secretary, G. iSchilbe; treasurer, Verne Sharpe; pianist, Evelyn Sweitzer; convenor of the program committee, Mildred Lamport; convenor of the social committee, Irma Finkbeiner; con­ venor tee, Borden Schroeder KHIVA Khiva School Concert will be held on Thursday afternoon December the 18th. A good prograip is being prepared) by the .children. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson, of Kippen, spent Friday with Mrs. A. Neeb. Mrs. G. Surerus and ler, of Zurich, visited a week with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Alex Neeb 'Spent a few days last week in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. B. Kestle on, spent last Sunday with iMr. and Mrs. A. Tilly. The Dashwood hunters Mr. and J, Batt- days last Mrs, few Otto Willert. of Shar made aIilLLv'u, ii•inin ivuuuic.11 vyii" f — —r of the membership commit-| Jack*T&bbit drive through heve la>st week bagging a number of Jacks. and for has(Miss Hazel Williams, who been quite ill fqr a couple of weeks is not' improving very much. Miss Florence Herdman spent last week with relatives in Exeter. Mr.,and Mrs. Alden Jones, of Lon­ don, spent Sunday at Mr. Harry Johns. Miss May Jones, of London, has been visiting with her cousin, Mrs. Nelson Coultis. Last Sunday morning a reception and communion service was held when a large number 'of new mem­ bers were received into the church membership. Through a change in their places, Rev. Whitesides and Mr. Leonard were able to be present at this service. They left on Monday! for their homes. Rev. Whitesides to' Toronto and Mr. Leonard to Owen Sound. The fine weather is a very wel­ come change after the wintry spell. STAFFA The Ladies Aid met at the home Mrs. Wm. Shaddick on Thursday. election of of An President, Mrs. president’, Mrs. Treasurer, Mrs. Mrs. Stewart. Mr. II. Mitchell, of Centralia, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Morris. (Mr. Howard Leary, spent Sunday with Mr. Leary. i officers was held L. A. Smale, Secretary A. Jeffrey, Pianist, Harburn; vice' of London, and Mrs. J ZION % Brock, of Port Stan- Minerva Brock, of Sit. at the home of their on Mr. Mervin ley and Miss Marys visited parents, Mr. and1 Mrs. Alf Brock Sunday. The singing Evangelists, Mr. Whitesides and Mr. Leonard held meetings each evening during week closing on Sunday night, meetings were well attended was an inspiration to all attended. They expect to hold vices in Woodham commencing Jan. 4th. W. M. S. The regular meeting of the W S.‘ was held Thursday afternoon the home of Mrs.Johns, Sr. with a good attendance. The meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs. the The and who •ser- ■ on M, at last week at London, Mr. C. also attending. KIRKTON boys were busy this week the* skating The shovelling snow from rink getting it in shape for flooding but the mild weather changed their . minds. “The sleighing has- gone and the roads are not very good for the' automobile. On Thursday an Oil traveller from London was driving ' to Mitchell when near Orville Saw­ yers his car left the road and turned - up-side down in the ditch. With the ■ help of a team and a half a dozen men he was put back on the road. He thought that he had gone far ' ehough and turned back for London. The annual meeting of the Ladies Association was held Thursday af­ ternoon when the following Officers were elected: President, Mrs. S. Sweitzer; first vice, Mrs. 0. Jose; Second vice, Mrs. L. Fletcher, Mrs. Wilfred Doupe; treasurer, Mrs. Chas. Duffield; Pianist, 'Mrs. S. Siller; rept. Off leal Hoard, Mrs. Ira Marshall; Mrs. Albert Mrs. W. A. Stone. Sec., t’arsonage; Committee, Shier; "Mrs. R. Shier, Gilfillan and Mrs. Ed.