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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-12-11, Page 4
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1930 Christmas Cake / Made with Delicious Fruits Try us for We have an excellent as^rtment of Fancy Packages, hristmas N/velties, ortbread, Candies, Nut/and Oranges. Alnlond Paste/it 80c. per pound Orders r Christmas Cake Taken Now ne 52, Exeter Hogarth Hatchery We have in stock needs and feedsfile following poull Lay Mash, Oyster Shein-Grit, Cod Liver Lil, Beef Meal, Meat Scrap, Bone Meal, Charcoal, Buttermiljf Powder, Fish Meal, Alfalfa Leaf Meal, Wo ................._____________________ t Pills for inpstinal worms in poul try; Leg Bands; Barred JRock Pullets^ Breeding Cockerels in the following breeds, Wh^te Wyandoftes, Barred Rocks, Black Minorcas and White Legborns. j THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE requested to send out Christmas cards to shut-ins. The annual re ports were presented and Mr. Moor house took charge of the election of officers which resulted in the following: Past Pres., Mrs. Balkwill President, Mrs. Doerr; 1st Vice-' Pres., Mrs. Howey; 2nd, Vice-Pres., Mrs. Medd; Secretary, Mr®. Wick wire; Treasurer, Mi"9. Taman; pian ist, Mrs. Moorhouse; assistant, Mrs, Medd; Deyotional Committee, Mrs Howard, Mrs. Balkwill, 'Mrs, Moon ey, Miss Hogarth; Parsonage Com mittee, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Maw,SQn and Mrs. W. Ryck'man. The ladies ’served quarterly tea when a pleasant social hour was spent and a good sum realized, A nice amount was brought in as talent money, closing a very successful year. V USBORNE COUNCIL the gallons for 65c. per gal< Ion; Best Grade motor Oil Motor Oil, one quart|2()c Ion; five gallons for 70c.|per 75c. per gallon. ALSO ANTI-FREEZE AT $1.25 PER GALLON WE ALSO HANDLE CELO GLASS .JUNIOR MISSION BAND About thirty members attended the December meeting of the Jun ior Mission Band of James Street United Church held, on Tuesday at-, leroon. Election of officers resulted as follows: President, Annie Cox; vice pres., Rolbena Hunkln, sec retary, Doris-Harvey; treasurer, G. strange; pianist, Lorene Beaver. A report' of the Thames Road W. M.-S. has to be held over this week owing to lack of space. the Frank Ryckman McTaggart $ 14.60, $29.20, Juo. Selves Glenn $2?.00, Lloyd Est. Noah Horton HOCKEY INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY SCHEDULE AUCTION SALE | -TRIVITT WOMEN’S AUXILIARY ELECT OFFICERS The Women's Auxiliary of the "Trivitt Memorial Church are wind ing up a very successful year. The finances are in good condition, over $215.00 having been raised and two ijales have been packed and sent away. 'The annual meeting and .election of officers -was heldi with Miss Fish, in the chair and the fol lowing was the result: 1st Vice-Pres Miss Fish; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. W. E. Middleton;. 3-rd Vice-Pres., Miss McTaggart; secretary, Miss Carrie Davis; treasurer, Miss Mary Day. “The office of President was left open ^Reports, and minutes were read after which a delightful lunch was served. officers elected The annual meeting of the James ^Street Women’s Association was held -on Thursday last in the church par sers. The election of officers re- -sulted as follows: Hon. Pres., Mrs. McTavish; President, Mrs. N. Sheere 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. W. R. Goulding; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs, W. Johns; Se cretary, Mrs. T. M. Dinney; Assist., Mrs. F. M. Boyle; Treas., Mrs. E. jRowcliffe; Assist., Mrs. M. C. Flet cher; pianist, Mrs. G. Williams; As sist., Mrs. T. O. Southcott; Convenor aFlower Com., Mrs. C. Snell, Assist., SMrs. E. Appleton; Convenor Pro gram Com., Mrs. F. J. Delbridge; •Convenor Parsonage Com., Mrs. H. T. Rowe; Convenor Devotional Com.; Mrs. M. Heywood'. annual meeting of (’AVEN SUNDAY SCHOOL The annual meeting of Caven Tresbyterian Sunday School was Sield in the school room on Thurs day evening of last week. The re tiring secretary-treasurer gave the financial report showing almost $100.00 in the treasury. General -promotions in all classes were ar ranged for the New Year. It was •decided to hold their Christmas en tertainment on Monday evening De cember 22nd. icolloction for M Sunday, ing is the utendent, J. "Treasurer, iloll, Mr®. The annual special issiohs will be made December 14 th, Follow- staff for 10*31: Superin- G. Stanbury; Secretary- Harry Strang; Cradle Rhodes; Hoihe Dept., Mrs. Campbell and Miss Hamilton; ’jiianist. Miss K« Strang; Leader of -Orchestra, Harry Gidley? Teachers, •Itev, J. R, Rhodes, Henry Strang, Mfiss .Teckell, Thos. pryde, Miss “Strain,. Miss Ci>ates, Mrs. Pilon, Mrs. jAtkinsori. Supply teachers, Mrs. d. 33. Rhodes, Lloyd Raynham, Mason. ' Miss Hamilton, Miss ohd; Miss K. Strang. •Mrs, M. MAIN ST. SUNDAY SCHOOL ELECT OFFICERS The officers and teachers of Sunday School of Main St. United church have been elected for the coming year as follows: Superintendent, B. W. F. Beavers; Assistant' Super., Chas. E. T'uckey; Secretary, Hillary Horton; Assistant Secretary, Maurice Quance; Postmas ter Harold Skinner; Assistant Post master, Wm. Balkwill; Supt., Prim ary Dept., Mrs. W. G. Medd; Supt., Home Dept., Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers; Saipt., Missionary Dept., Mrs. G. Lay- ton; Supt., Cradle Roll, Mrs. Moon ey; Primary teachers, Mrs. Moor house, 'Mrs. Howey; Miss Helen Dig- nan, Miss Marjory Pearce, Miss S. Northcott; teachers for Junior girls, Mrs. girls, girls, Miss Boys, mediate boys, Mr. W. Mr. John Caldwell; senior boys, Mr. Chas. Aidworth, Mr. Frank Wildfong Young men, iMr.. W. G. Medd. The bible classes being organized nominate their own teachers which are later approved by the executive. MAIN ST. MISSION CIRCLE -The annual meeting of the Main Street Mission Circle was held at ’the home of Miss Irene Mooney on Tues day evening with the President in charge. The meeting opened with singing and prayer. The roll call to .which sixteen, responded and the minutes were read and adopted. A reading “The Spirit of Christmas” was given by Miss Gertrude Higgins followed by a Christmas story entitl ed “The Greatest Gift” read by Miss Hilda iSims. A guitar selection was well rendered by Miss Dorothy Ryck man. The. election of officers -fol lowed with Rev. C. J. Moorhouse in charge. The new officers for 1931 are as follows: Hon. Pres., Mrs. Geo. Layton; President, Marjory Pearce; Vice-President, Hilda Sims; Secre tary, Helen Dignan; treasurer, Dor othy Ryckman; pianist, Violet' Gam brill; Press Correspondent, Stella Northcott. A social half hour was spent. MAIN STREET UNITED WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION ELEC T OFFICERS The regular meeting of the Wo men’s Association of Main St. United Church was held in the church with a fair attendance. Mr.s. Howard, very ably took charge of the devotional period opening with a hymn and prayer and a portion of John 4. Mrs. Balk'will took the chair for tKe min utes and business. It was moved* seconded: and carried that a hearty vote of thanks be tendered Mr. J, W. Powell for securing for us a beautiful bouquet of flowers for our anniversary and also to Mrs. Doerr for the care she had taken of them. The decorating pointed to look orations for the to be convener. Chas. Aidworth; intermediate Miss Ruth Wildfong; senior Mrs. Jonah Sims; young ladies, Murray; teachers for Junior Mr. Andrew Campbell; inter Mr. W. C. Pearce; cbmihittee was sp atter Christmas dec church, iMi’s. Howey Th© secretary was The Municipal Council of Township of Usborne met pursuant to adjournment at the Township Hall, Elimville on, December 6, 1930. All the members of Council, were present. The minutes of the meeting' held November the 1st were read and ap proved; on motion of 'Westcott and Williams, The Highway Dept. Auditor’s Re port' on 1929 Road Expenditure was received showing a small item of $5.05 being disallowed. Township Treasurer’s Monthly Re port: Outlay—Secretary-Treas. of S. S. No. 7, $100.00; exchange $1.25; Received, Township refund Black Creek Drain, assess.<*$909.07; Ruth erford Drain $2.38; from' treasurer Hay Township, refund Wildfong Drain, assessment $5,10.82; J. T.' Hern rebate hauling tile $1,25 ; Fred Ford, fence posts $1.95; Wiiliams & Coward, di'ff. on size of tile $2.00; J. Ballantyne, 52, 5 inch tile $2.08; Wes. Johns, cement $1.80; R. Johns, cement $1.80; John-Cornish cow tag $2.00; ThOs. Brock, 4 tags $8.00; Received from C. Fisher, $2.19; T. Fisher $2.20; W. Quinn $1.75; Wm. Ford $1.62; V. Heywood $1.62 for gate culverts. Motion re nomination and elec tion for the Council of 1931 by Wil liams-Dew: 1. That a meeting of the ratepay ers of Usborne for the nomination of a Reeve and Councillors for 1931 be held as per statute on Monday. December 29, 1930, at the Town Hall Elimville at 1 o’clock p.m. 2. That Henry Strang, clerk shall preside at^such nomination meeting. 3. That if an election be rendered necessary through more than the re quired number of candidiates sign ifying their intention of standing for election, the meeting shall k be adjourned until Monday, January the 5th, 1931, when polls shall be held from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m., with the undermentioned of ficers in charge at the following places, viz: . . Div. 1, (Schoolhouse No. D.R.O., J. J. Hunter, poll clerk Hy. Coates. Div. 2, House of H. H. Brown, D. R.O., H. H. Brown, poll clerk Chas. Allison. Div. 3, House of H. Rowcliffe, D. R.O., Samuel Dougall, poll clerk William Jeffery. r Div. 4, Public Hall, Farquhar, D. R.O., Jno. Hodigert,- poll clerk, Al bert Scott. Div. '5, Township Hall, D.R.O., Jackson Woods, poll clerk Lloyd Johns. Div. 6, School house No. 7, (Zion) D.R.O., Chas. Jaques, poll clerk, E. Johnson. Div. 7, House of J. R. Morrison, D. R.O., David Goulding, poll clerk Oliver McCurdy. 8. 'That a By-law be drafted, con firming same. Carried. By-law No. 14-19,30, re Nomina tion and Election was read and pass ed on motion of Shier-Dew. The attention of the Council hav ing been called to the need of assis tance in the case of Lily May Johns and family. Shier-Westcott—We, the Council of Uslborne recommend that the In spector of Mother’s Allowance be notified. Carried. „ A complaint was laid by Frank Cornish regarding catch basin on Brock Creek, Drain. Westcott-Dew—That the Reeve and Councillors Shier and Williams be a committee to investigate. Car. The Scott Drain Report’ from Ste phen Township having been received and considered at the November meeting, it was provisionally adopt ed on motion of Shier-Dew, that the assessed parties be duly notified to attend the February meeting of the Council. Williams-Westcott: That the fol lowing .items of expenditures be passed, viz: ■Black Creek Drain Refund—Chas. E. Tuckey $5.47, Ben S. Case $9.49, Wm. Sillery $10.59, Wm. Welsh $12.78, Andrew Dougall $14.60, Al vin Wurm $14.97, Peter Moir $16.- 06, Rex Dick $17.52, S. W. Dougall 2J10.22, Henry Dougall $32.12, Wm. Boa $1.10, Elgin Rowcliffe $28.47, Paul Boa $1.83, Edgar Willis. .73cM Frank Bean $35.04, Rufus Kestle $5.47, Frank Down $21.17, Wm. Jeffrey $10.95, George Dunn $18.25, Wm. Wood $11.68, Gordon Okie $14. 60, Geo. Ferguson $20.08, Clifford Moir $29.20, Andrew Moir $32.12, Mr. Walter Madge $25.55; * Henry Strang $18.98, Moses Bechler $8.39 Luther Reynolds $3.28, Wm. C. Keddy $6.57, Evan Dew $25.55, Dan Dew $32.49, Jno. Swan $3:2.49, Roy Parsons $31.49, Jno. Stewart $32.49 Thos. Welsh $16.24, Wm. Hoggarth 4, (Eden) 7‘ $16.24, Hector Rowcliffe $5.47, E. Cudmore $21.90, E.F.M. McDougall 6.57, Jos. Ferguson $32.85, Alfred Buchanan $32.49, $31.75, Martin Grant Ryckman $31.03, Jno. M. Horton $5.47; $10.22, Roads Usborne $39.25; total $909.07. Wildfong Drain Refund:- Evan Dew .47c., Dan Dew .94c,, Wm. Jeffrey $1.41, George Dunn $3 8.13, Wm. Wood $47.08, Gordon Oke $42.27, Geo, Ferguson $24.48, Clif ford Moir $7.53, Wm. Welsh $15.07 Andrew Dougall $40,02, Alvin Wurm $47.07, Peter Moir $47.07, Rex Dick $37.98, 9. W. Dougall $18.83, Henry Dougall $47,27, Elgin Rowcliffe $17.14, Wm. Boa .18c., Ed Willis .37c., Paul Boa $1.32, Dept. Public H’ways $7.12, U,sb. Road's. $15.25,. $510.82. F. McNaughton, grant to Kirkton Library $15.00; A. Doupe Sec’y.-Treas., grant Kirkton Agric. Society $30,00; R. G. Seldon, Sec’y.- Treas, grant Exeter Agric, Society $30.00; S. W. Archibald, O.L.S., en gineer’s fees Washburn Drain $40, Engineer’s fees Rutherford Drain $30, total $70.00; Cunningham & Pryde, engraving names Soldier’s Monument $4.00; R. G. Seldon, bal ance coal account Mrs. Johns $4.95; Grigg Stationery Co., supplies for Township $3,80; S? Martin & Son, journal for treas., $2.00; J. Fletcher farm bridge Winchelsea Drain $15;; Treas. Perth County, refund error Washburn Drain $47.90. Joshua Johns, Bd. of Health Inspection $9.- 40; Sam Brock;, ditto $6.00; Mary Kellett, supplies for hall 50c.. Land damages Washburn Drain: J. E. 'Creery $11.00, Lawrence Mills $14.- 00; Henry Pfaff $16.00, Richard Caimm $14.00, Josepfhin.e McElrea $14.00, Louis Beavers $7.00,. Bert Rundle $14.00, Hiram Copeland $21.00. Salaries—Jas. Ballantyne, Reeve $70.00; Geo. Westcott $60.00 Dan Dew, ditto $60.; Ben Williams ditto $60.00; Ruben Shier ditto $60, Henry Strang, clerk $300,, postage $10.63, total $310.63; Mary Kellett,, caretaker $12.00; Chas. Stephen, trucking gravel $258.90; R. W. Bat ten, ditto $262.47; J. T. Hern, ditch ing $<11.25; .Sam McLean, ditto $5'; Alf. Buchanan, ditto $5.40; Clark Fisher, ditto $2.25; Newton Fisher, ditto $4.7'5; Melville Skinner, ditto $3.00; .Fred Wright, ditto $2.75; F. Johns $8; S. Brock, ditto $1.00; Gerald Ford, ditto $1.00; John Brock, grading $31.50; Roland' Wil liams, ditto $5.00; lmuls Fletcher, ditto $19.50; Fred Ford, ditto $13.- 25; Kenneth tJohns, ditto $2.50; J. Simpson, ditto $8.50; Chas. Jaques ditto $7.50;; Luther Reynolds, drag ging $28.67; Ed. Johns, building snow fence $2.00; R. E. Pooley, snow fence wire $1.35; Sherwood Hunter, cutting weeds $<5.00; Super test Gas. Co., gas and oil $25.48; Chas. Johns, weed inspector $10.; Canada Ingot Iron Co., culverts $73.- 18; Fred Kerr, tile $86.05; Ross- Taylor Co., lumber 815c. ;P. Whit lock, gravelling $,19.00; Mervyn Cudmore, work in pit $4.00; Alice Cudmore, gravel $,189.25; Milton Gregory, gravel and labor $90.75; Russell' Skinner, gravel and labor $491.25; Silas Stanlake, gravel $138.55; Fred Seers, crushing $20.; Arthur Campbell, ditto $12.50; G. Cowling, ditto $20.; Chas. Coward, ditto $1.25; Neil McGill, ditto $27.- 50; fid. Alexander, ditto $27.50; W. Stone, ditto $11.0.0; Wm. Moodie, ditto $.22.7'5; Henry Ford, superin tendence $85.7'5; Mrs. Ford clerical work $4.00. Carried. Council adjourned to meet again December 15, 1930 at 10 o’clock. Henry .Strang, Clerk clubs group 16, intermediate series, this season, met in Seaforth Wednesday afternoon of last week and drew up the schedule. The clubs are Gode rich, Clinton, Seaforth and Exeter. The season opens with Goderich at Seaforth on January 2nd. Exeter’s, first game will be with Clinton on the 5th and the first game to be played in Exeter will be Jianuary 13th, The Exeter club was repre sented at Seaforth by President, W. E. Middleton and Bert Rivers. The schedule consists of homg. apdi home games as follows: Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. 3 Representatives of the four which will compose O.H.A. No. 16, intermediate series, 2—Goderich at Seaforth 5—Exeter at Clinton 9—Exetei' at Goderich 9—.Clinton iat Seaforth 13— Seaforth at Exeter 14— Goderich at Clinton 16—Seaforth at Goderich 20—-Goderich at Exeter 23—.Seaforth at' Clinton 27—-Exeter at Seaforth 30—Clinton at Goderich -Clinton at Exeter Junior Series Dec. 23rd—Clinton at- Exeter Dec. 29 th—Mitchell at Clinton Jan. 2nd—Exeter at Mitchell Jian. 8th—Mitchell at Exeter Jan. 12th—Clinton at Mitchell Jan. 19th'—Exeter at Clinton HOCKEY While the weather does not much encouragement for the making of ice, hockey enthusrasts" have been busy during the past weeks endeav ouring to round up and secure ma terial for their Intermediate hockey team. So far on their list they have a goodly numbei* of players and everyone will have to work to hold down a position. From town they have a number .of old standbys to gether with a couple q£ newcomers during the past summer. They have also signed up some from Zurich and Hensall and" all indications point that Exeter should aave a real bid in their grouping. During the past week the executive have been busy makig a canvas and have met with a goodly response, close to one hun dred dollars having been raised. It was decided to go back to the old original colors of green and gold and. new outfits hav'e been ordered. It is hoped in the near future ice will be available and practice will be started at once. To mak,e this hock ey team a success the support' of the town it. is needed, so let’s help FUIjLARTON HORTICULTURAIj ' SOCIETY ... : A meeting of the directors of the above society met on Thursday Dec. 4th at the home of the Secretary, Mrs. Down, 10 were present with a variety of subjects came under dis cussion in the interests -of the -So ciety. It was decided to hold the Spring Show at Fullarton and a prize list was. arranged for flowers consisting of peonies, iris and other spring flowers with a lecture in the evening with a program. It was planned to hold the Fall Show in Russeldale Hall on Wednesday, Aug 26th. The secretray was instructed to obtain price lists and the premiums will be chosen at' the next meeting. Mrs. Down and Mrs. A. Cole were appointed as delegates to attend the Horticultural Convention at Toronto On Feb. 10 and 11th. Lunch was then served' by the hostess, Mrs. Down. s' Huhter Fu. Coats, fox f and stored^ frieridsk N give boost HARPLEY IMr. and Mrs. Mark Miller, of troit, spent the week-end with parents, Mr. andi Mrs. William Hay- ter. Mrs. William Hodgins and Mrs. Hector Murray visited over the week-end with friends at Hagers- ville. Miss He.len Steeper spent Sunday with Miss Nola Hodgins. * Miss Dorothy Hickey spent the past week with Mrs. Robert Cathers at Park,hill. De li er •*1 :............... REPORT S. S. NO. USBORNE 'The following is the S. S. No. 5, Uslborne for of November. 4 (Sr. IV—Belva Fisher Frayne 60.3; Earl Heywood 58; Dalton Heywood 57.1; John Gregus 56.8. • Sr. Ill—Ray Perkins 75.6; Ivan Webber 64.8; Orville Webber 62.3; Earl Frayne 61; Eldon Heywood 43.1. Jr. Ill—Ivan Perkins 81.6; Lee land Webber 75.8; Paul Gregus 68.5 Ferrol Fisher 65.1; Verne Heywood 53.3; Helen Westcott' 52; Jack Frayne 47.5. 2nd class—Gordon Kleinfeldt 86.5 Stanley Frayne 83.6; Iva Fisher 63.6. 1st class—Lloyd Webber 89; Ray Heywood 55; Shirley Gregus >52. Primer—Pauline Godbolt. Number on roll 24; average tendance 2Jt. Alvin R. Dodds, teacher report fox1 the month 77.8; Ray at- What nicer gift' can you send to friends away from home than a year’s subscription to the home paper. The Times-Advocate would be a weekly visitor. X. POWELL’S 3 PHONOGRAPHS (in gdod working order) at $1.00 each RECORDS E^CTRA 35c., 45c., 60c. REDUCED PRICES ON MANY LINES WE WANT TO CisEAR OUT WITH THE CHRISTMAS BUSINESS e Candy Couhter. Buy your supply her^ and get som Goldfish FREE, while they last December A 5th to 20th Mr. Weston of the iter FuY C'4. will be with us again with Fur ,.etc. Furs of all kinds repaired ome and see them, bring your Billman trouble to show. WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE “BOOKS OF KNOWLEDGE” ASK TO SEE THEM. GOLD FISH FREE at £ 3 I on FAKM STOCK AND IMPDEMENTI? The undersigned has been instruct* ed to sell by public auction, on , HURON STREET, EXETEK | I THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 10SCJ at 1 o'clock sharp the following; HORSEf - - years old', ------ ... years oljji; Percliero; years old. Cow dueJMaj roosters |and jjdi' IMPLJ ness, ne; wagons, walking ■SEE—Bay driving jjrttre, 1(1 )l<ji; black driv^g^mare, 10, colt rising 3" one duck, 5-j<l'5th; ne dog. HMJi^TS—Set jfiglit sleigh, flat rack, one? plow, .pulper, scuffler, two sets single harness, whiffletrees, 1; neckyoke, wagon pole, logging chain! cider barrel, 3 new halters, 2 bar*- rels, gun. TERMSi—- CASH ARTHUR iSANDERS, Proprietor B. M. FRANCIS, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer double har* f new; 2 buggies, 13 light i 6 AUCTION SALE -— of --- REAL ESTATE Th© Executors of the Estate of Ulu late Miriam M. Parkinson have in« structed Mr. Frank Taylor, auction* eer to sell by public auction, on , SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18th at 2 p.m. on the premises The West Half of Lot E on Simcoa. Street and parts of Lots 14 and 15 on Albert Street in the Village of Exeter, County of Huron being parB of Lot 15 in the First Concession of the Survey.” °L fran ) jOt fftownship of vfey.” * i the abo e cottagsZin fair state of ’repair®. ERMS OF SALE cent, on day of sale, bat thirty days thereafter, other ions made known on day oY’ 1 ► anc< con sale. i orne, “Willis- land is situate aS' For further particulars apply tcf FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, Exe ter, Ontario. JESSE ELSTON, Executor, Exeter,, Ontario. CARLING & MORLEY, Solicitors fof Executors, Exeter, Ontario. NOTICE TO DRAINAGE CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received tha- undersigned for the construction oY’ “The Scott Municipal Drai ‘ _ Monday, December 15th, if 30, at & p.m. The earth to be remould is esti mated at^j.370 cubic yaFds and "i» situate on^Lots 16 and>17, Conces sion 2, Township of Sjrephen, Plans, motile a niw specifications*, can be seem at the rice of the un dersigned. L The lowest or J&ny tender nofc. necessarily accept Y. TN XL I HilluJOJlrJA., MfCj^rk of Tp. Stephen,.. y* Crediton P.O., ObV-ll-27-«3tc. up tc» NRY EILBER, W. C. T. U. by . The following;, the Temperance- one of whom/ THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TEMPERANCE EDUCATIONAL. CAMPAIGN A little bit of information to the*' Sunday School Superintendents majr- not ,be .amiss. When the papers of thos© writing; upon the Study Course have beew examined by the teachers or the ex amining committee, the three ibes-fc. papers in each grade Should be sent to the nearest local December the 10th. are the addresses of Superintendents, to they should be sent: Miss B. Joynt, Wingham; Mrs. R» . L. Phillips, Goderiea; (Mrs. Sinclair,. Th© Manse, Hensall; Mrs. Williainu Hiles, Clinton; Mrs. D. Denman, of Brussels; Mrs. J. Richmond, Blytfe* or Miss J. S. Murray, Exeter. • IThe local W.C.T.U. will examiner- the papers sent to them and them send the three best tn each grade toe- Miss Jean S. Murray, the County Superintendent of Temperance in the- Sunday Schools., on or before Decem ber 22nd. The County Superinten dent' will send the three best in each grade to the Provincial Examining- Committee in January. The Sunday School Superinten dents are asked to fill in the Report. Forms, which have been sent to'them. in duplicate, from the Campaign of— ■ fice iat Montreal. One of these re ports should be sent to Mrs. T. T. George, whose address is- given on- the report. The other should be sent.’ to Miss Jean S. Murray, fixeter, for the awarding of ’the Shield to the- Sunday School having the highest, percentage of its enrolment betweeif thg ages of nine and seventeen in clusive, who have written upon the:* examination. Buttons can be had from Mrs. George for those Writing upon the- examination in JOjg Junior and In termediate grades. The price is two- dollars per hundred. The Sunday School dents are asked to send the number of pupils obtaining fifty per cent Of over to Dr. Frank Langford, 523 Wesley Building, Toronto 2, when a recognition certificate will be s6nV Cor each pupil. Superin. tell A