HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-12-11, Page 2I’HCRSIMY, PBCHMBEB 11, 103*THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
Huron County Council
The December session of Huron of the municipality or county.
County Council opened in Goderich
Tuesday afternoon of last week in
the Council Chambers in the Court
House, This is the first meeting
since the re-decoration of the court
room and. the transformation from
‘ . He
felt some better method of admis
sion .should be/ provided to safe
guard, the counties.8
School Grants
the former* dinginess i:5 bright and
pleasing. Mr. Mi:Kibb an was the
only absentee.
Warden Alfred Baek er, Brus:■--els,
in addressing the members of the
council, expressed his pleasure in
being present with liis colleagues,
but felt he was specially privileged
as he had been very ill and his phy-r
sician had only allowed him to go
on condition that he would exercise
care. Continuing Im said that it
ha.l been the expressed wish of,many
councils, and people of the county,
to keep down expenditures as far as
held nine meetings this year and one
to meet a representative from the
central authorities regarding
granting of some pensions, hut the
judgment of the committee had been
upheld. Soni' improvements have
been made at the Children’s Shelter.
Every credit should he given to the
matron foi* the amount of work she
fixed and the
ven i ent.
The county
Goldthorpe and the Property Com
mittee had improved the council
chamber. The Warden stated he
had visited many county buildings
in Canada and the United States and
he felt Huron County, should im
prove its buildings. The Court
House should be gone over ever^
year. The offices and judge’s room
were a disgrace and he hoped some
thing would be done.
The hospitals, are becoming more
or less of a burden in regard to ac
counts for indigenes. No indigent
patients shbuld go to a hospital with
out the recommedation of the Reeve
•• ’ . This had been followed,
unforeseen expenses had called
immediate attention necessitat-
considerable expenditure. The
Age Pension committee have
The floors have been
house made more eon-
property under Mr.
Under the heading of Communi
cations, County Clerk read a letter
from the Deputy Minister of Educa
tion of Ontario shoAving the folloAv
ing grants for Collegiates and High
Schools: Wingham, $1,497.50; Sea
forth, $1,478.50; Clinton, $1,951.-
50; Exeter, $1,507.68; Goderich,
§1,920.50. The grants for Continu
ation Schools are as follows: Huron
East: Blyth, $9 03.2'5'; Brussels,
$899.89; Wroxeter, $ St) 3.61; No..'17
Hawick, FordAvlch, $894.28; Huron
West, Hensall, $901.15; No. 7, Hay,
Zurich, $441.22.
A letter from Mrs. J. Elgin Tom
expressed her appreciation of the
sympathy -of the council in her be
A communication ‘from Ashfield
ToAvnship asked for confirmation of
By-LaAV No. 10, Ashfield, closing
certain street allowances in the vil
lage of *Port Albert, and was refer
red to the Legislative Committee.
A resolution from the united
counties of Stormont, Dundas and
Glengarry regarding the burden of
taxation on rural communities on
account of the Old Age Pension ask
ed that the County Council of Huron
co-operate with them in petitioning
the Legislature of Ontario to re
quest the Federal Government to
establish a National Pension scheme
whereby the Dominion Government
will assume the full cost of the Old
Age Pensions. This was referred, to
the Old Age Pension Committee.
The presentment of the Grand
Jury at the recent assizes Avas as
folloAVs and was referred to the Pro
perty Committee: .
“In vieAv of the fact that the var
ious public istitutions of the County
of Huron, and other institutions re
receiving public aid,* have 'been in
spected by a Grand Jury Avithin the
last six months, Ave do not deem it
necessary or expedient under the cir
cumstances to repeat the investiga
tion. A suitable lounging chaii’ foi*
the Judge’s room should be iiroYid-
A letter from Mayor Robson of
Guelph asked co-operation of Huron
County Council in sending a mon
ster deputation to present to the
Legislature of Ontario a petition
asking for relief from taxation
the maintenance of roads.
This letter was referred to
Legislative Committee.
A resolution from the County of
Bruce to reduce the qualifications
for Mother’s r\lloAvance from Iavo to
one child; that mothers of one child
be made eligible, Avas referred to the
Legislative Committee.
A communication £iom
Wheel Drive ‘Sales Co., regarding
keeping roads open in Avinter was
referred to the Good Roads Commit
A report from the president of
the- University of Western Ontario
was read. A total registration of
1,207 students Avas given, and they
have come from Ontario, and all the
other provinces of Canada; ‘from
the British Isles, British West In
dies, Newfoundland and the United
States. An outline of the credit sys
tem in the Department of Extension
was outlined. Classes are held in
Brantford, Chatham, Sarnia and
Windsor, and the laboratory Avork
of the university Avas described at
length. .
The Gaoler’s report, was sent in
by J. B. Reynolds as folloAVs. 'There
were 5 6 persons convicted:, L.C.A.,
1*5; breaking and entering, 6; con
tributing to juvenile delinquency,
5; vagrant, 5; abduction, 4; cattle
theft, 3; fraud, 3; highways act, 3;
non payment of order, 3; perjury, 2
assault, 2; theft, 1; insane, 1; inde
cent assault; 1; non support, 1; se
duction, 1.
vCouncil adjourned to meet on
Wednesday 'morning at 10 o’clock.
sufficient demand to keep them
open and did not expect to. The
road commission had worked very
zealously during the year and had
done mirch for the maintenance of
good roads. The Good Roads As
sociation took a trip during the fall
and had lea-imed much of the differ
ent method of road construction and
gathered much useful Information.
In answer to a question of Mr.
Beattie the speaker said the surface
treatment would have to be contin
ued for a few years.
There are a number of roads in
the county that are carrying more
traffic than the provincial highways.
The actual cost for ordinary work
averaged $1,100. exclusive of Grand
Bend whjich w'as more, expensive,
having much loose gravel and
expenses amounted to $2,200.
Mother’s Allowance
County Clerk TIolman gave an
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Wednesday Homing
The reports of county officers oc
cupied the morning session of Huron
County Council -on Wednesday morn
ing. I-n the absence of Warden
Baeker, Reeve McGibbon presided.
County Engineer Patterson ad
dressed the council and, gave a com
prehensive report of the work of his
department. The* past year has
been one, of activity and some feat
ures Avere of an outstanding nature.
He thought the county should get
busy in getting additional govern
ment grants. The work has been
completed as laid, out at a cost low
er than Avas anticipated. The com-'
munications from the mayor of the
city of Guelph is an illustration of
what is going on. Various muni
cipalities are asking relief from , the
road taxation and unless the coun
ties g'et behind the movement they
will be allowed to get along as best
they. can.. A ■.“■
Mr. Patterson spoke of the good
foundations laid by the builders of
gravel roads and that all that is re
quired to make them stand the wear
for some years at least is surface
The matter of snow fences and
keeping roads open was .dealt with
and the engineer said there Avas .not
but it was miscir
on the road all
fl give
tie nttm-
eeds up
tl don’t
look it
(st^tion-lo-sfation) cal$ now
be t 7 p.m. P"
begin at 8.30 p.m.
"Lfyg 'Distance’’
berlvotc want—it
the ^service. If
Z., the. distri
up /V y°p‘
It was wonderful to be engaged
able too because Dick was out —
, week and letters were difficult when he moved
around so much.
Then one night, when he was
was the nicest present he»could have given her
count of the workings of the (Mother
Allowance during part of the year.
There aie at present 53 mothers on
the roll receiving allowances rang
ing from $15 to $.5 5 per month, one
half of which is payable by the Pro
vince of Ontario. The? total for the
month amounts to $1,695, of which
$847.50 is paid .by the county, The
amount is divided as follows: one
mother receiving $15, 4 mothers
receiving $20; S mothers receiving
$25, 18 mothers receiving $30, 11
mothers receiving $35, 7 mothers
receiving $40, 1 mother receiving
$4'5, 1 mother receiving $50 and 2
mothers receiving $55.
The number on the roll has not
changed materially in some years,
ranging around 50 per year; the
number added each year being coun
ter-balanced by the number drop
ping out through children becoming
over age, re-marrying, deaths and
removals. Causes of dependency
are: widow, incapacitation* of hus
band, insanity, and desertion.
Mr. McLeod, Agriculture Repre
sentative, addressed the council on
the work of his office. Assistance
had been given farmers and he no
ticed an improvement in live stock.
He said 7'5 per cent, oif loss to sheep
owners may be traced to parasites.
Hogs are in fairly good condition
and there is a goad demand for Avell
bred stock. In farm labor, 3 6 single
men and 25 boys had been placed.
He advised a
reqesting help
his office.
The junior
emphasized as
did results. School fairs, junior
instittues, junior farms’ j uclging
competition and trip to Royal Win
ter Fair and public speaking con
tests were all contributing, largely
to the promotion of the best in agri
culture. '
Mr. McGinbOn inquired about keep
ing the road open from Clinton to
Wingham; an inquiry was also made
regarding the distribution of the
Red Cross Fund after the Avar. These
Avere left over for further informa
’ Some discussions took place re
garding the 33rd Battalion Band in
struments sent-back after the
Clerk Holman advised they had
sent in care of Messrs. Coates,
Taggart and Lane and had
placed in a room in the Court House.
Charles Black had 'been appointed
to examine them and an inventory
Avas made and put back. No one
knows how the instruments disap
peared. The " 3 3rd have no band
and- if instruments could be recover
ed, it would be a big saving.
Advice Short Courses
The advisory committee’s report
was read clause by clause and car
ried. It advised, short courses in
farm machanics; newspaper supple
ment and questionable sent out by
Department of Agriculture; that
fanning mills be fitted' with up-toT
date screens and that hardware mer
chants in centres be asked to stock
these; field crop prizes were recom
mended and an appreciation was ex
pressed of the. work of the* Agricul
tural Representative in
in junior farming.
A motion was passed
clerk to Avrite a letter
Francis, Exeter, expressing
in his illness and hopes for a
month’s notice when
of this kind through
Then one night, when be was specially lonely,
' he telephoned her from his room in the hotel. 11
Vvu,^ ■.■uaw —- .r---------------- - - t
and it cost less than the price of a movie.
It was so easy and it made them both so much
happier that they arranged regular visits by tele
phone every Tuesday and Thursday evening —
moments of affection, to remember and look for
ward to. The weeks seemed only half as long.
Telephoning is the next best thing to being
together. Out-of-town calls are simple, depend
able, inexpensive — and quicker noAV than ever
the House of Refuge, the county pays
20 per cent, or $2400 and each in
mate $2.00 per month or $24 a year
amounting to $1200; this leaves
$8,400 to be credited to the inmates
toward the maintenance, of the C.
Home. The amount paid out in the
County is $105,000. Of this amount
$52,500 is arsmed by the Dominion,
$31,5<)t' or 30 mr cent, by the. Pro-,
vince of Ontario and $21,000 or 20
per cent, by fhe County.
Old Age Pension Committee sub
mitted the following, recommenda
tions; ' ‘
That the age limit of those suf
fering total incapacitation with no
hope of recovery as certified, by
medical certificate be reduced ma
terially or to 60 years at most.
That more liberal facilities be af
forded those to get on the pension
list who have changed their resi
dence from one province to another;
that residence in Canada for 20
years be 'required instead -of in the
province in which application is
made so long as proper safeguards
are taken to prevent duplication in
provinces. We have had cases where
real hardships have been imposed
by a lack of reciprocal arrangement
between the Province of Ontario
and other
We have
from the
which Avas referred to
that the Dominion Government be
required to assume the, cost of the
Old, Age Pension scheme and ex
penses therewith.
We approve of tho principle ’of
the resolution believjng the propos-.
al more equitable to the several pro
vinces and less burdensome to the
local taxpayers, who having to sup
port House of Refuge, Children’s
Shelters, Mothers’ Allowances, cost
of indigent and consumptives in the
hospitals and many other charities
and any addition to that proposed
to the present heavy tax bills in the
Old Age Pension scheme, a. real
hardship and that all pension
schemes should be borne by the
Dominion or province instituting
the same and should never be paid
by direct taxation but Shold come
out of the general revenue of the
Dominion or Province. ....
Motions Introduced
considered the resolution
to the County Council
County of Stormont and
us asking
work Avas especially
accomplishing splen-
School fairs,
junior farms’
his efforts
asking the
to Reeve
Wednesday Afternoon
Council resumed at 2 o’clock and
after the reading of the minutes Mr.
Beattie, of Seaforth, spoke at length
regarding! a grant .to Scott Memor
ial Hospital, Seaforth, but the acting
warden ruled that the matter Avould
come up at a later date.
H. T. Edwards, Superintendant of
the Children's Aid. Society, .address
ed the council and reported'" that
there are five children in the Shel
ter which was never in better con
dition that at present and eulogized
the work of the matron, Mrs. Oliver.
Mr, Edwards’ work outside the Shel
ter is very extensive and his efforts
in bettering the condition of the
little ’unfortunate ones Avas favorab
ly commended upon. He asked that
the assistance given by the organi
zations in Goderich, Seaforth and
Old Ago Pensions
Mr. Holman gave the report of the
Old. Age Pension Committee: Out of
6S3 applications, 640 were recom
mended for pension. Out of this
number 50 are in tho House of Re
fuge and 20 in the Ontario Hospital
and House 'of Providence. Of the
$12,000 paid to the 50 inmates of
av ere
................................................ ......l| ,| ... .........
Sty? fetfrr CHiiirn-Afcmirate
Established 1878 aud 1887
Published every Thursday morulBMi
at Exeter, Ontario
SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year £M
The following motions
brought in:
Moved by Messrs. Henderson and
Goetz that unless indigent patients
are admitted to hospital on the
written order of the Reeve of a
municipality 'or some one acting on
his authority, that this Council re
fuse to pay the bills and that a copy
of this resolution he sent to the
manager of each hospital. Carried.
H. A. Hays and, J. F. Collins mov
ed. that the Treasurer on receipt of
Red Cross Fund
ality, be reqired
same, and have
ing same - madfl:
meeting' of this Council,
tion Avas carried.
• On motion of R. W. Thompson
and, J. W. Gamble, council adjourn
ed to meet at 10 a.m. on Thursday.
from any municip-’
to investigate the
.statement regarcl-
for the following
This .mo-
RATES—Farm or Real Estate
sale 50c. each insertion for flreU
four insertions, 25 c. each
quent insertion. Miscellaneous ar*
tides, To Rent, Wanted, Lost,
Found 10c. per line of six wor<a«
Reading notices
Card of Thanks
yertislng .12 and
Memoriam, with
extra verses 21>c.
Member of The Canadian Weekly.
Newspaper Association.
10 c, per IfxtCb
50 c. Legal
8c. per line. W
one verse
Professional Cards
——— ft.........
Money to Lpam^Hnvestment* Mantee £
Safe-Deposit’ Vault for use of oi|
Clients without charge
Thursday Morning*
Reports of standing committees
and the discussion as to whether the
Scott Memorial Hospital in Seaforth
could be classed as a public one,
were important items of business at
the morning session of Huron County
Council on Thursday. The, latter
was taken up by the county solicitor
R. C. Hays, Jr., who road a volume
of correspondence relating to the
same. The discussion resulted in
the following motion by Reeves Hen
derson and Turner; That when the
Scott Memorial Hospital is. willing to
give the county an indemnity bond
against any action -which may t'ol-
Ioav, that tho grant made in January
be paid, and also a charge for in
digent patients.
A letter from G. E. Greenslade
advocating the keeping open in win
ter the Blue Water Highway was
read, to the council and referred to
the Good Roads Committee.
Mr. Ginn, corn borer inspector,
gave a brief account of the work of
the past season, and said there was
every prospect of the pest being ex
Provincial highway engineer
Haas was present and spoke of the
elimination of level crossings,
said that a large fund had been vot
ed for this purpose by tho Dominion
Government from which liberal
grants had been offered to municip
alities taking advantage of same. He
thought counties and other municip
alities' should take advantage of
these grants and make a. survey for
tliid purpose. He recommended that
during the coming season this he
■A lengthy resolution, proposed by
W. J. I-Ienderson and II. A. Keys, pe
titioning the Minister of Public
Highways, to* give first consideration
to increasing the County Road sub
sidy, was passed and copies will be
forwarded for endiorsation.
On motion of Mr. Mole, seconded
by Mr. McKenzie, the following mo
tion was carried: “That we, the
County Council 'recommend to -the
Provincial Minister of health that the Scott Memorial Hospital at Sea
forth be recommended As a public
Thursday Afternoon
Reeve McKibbon occupied the chair
when the afternoon session opened.
The Finance Committee’s' report was
(Continued, on next page.)
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At Lncan Monday and Thursday
Office: CarHng
Dr. G. S. Atkinson, LJiS.
Office opposite niew Post Office Main StC Exeter
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Office closed every Wednesday
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Corner of Majm and Ann Street*1
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For JIuron aiid Midhlesex
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Satisfaction *•*
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sured, write Oscar Klopp,
or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont.
...... H-l ' ,. iiL ■ *
A.Sc., (T*or.>r
rofessional En~
rveyor. Associate
S. W. Archibald,
O.L.S., Registered
gjneer and Lajttd <
Member Engirding Institute a£
Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ontario.
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tion to the Exeter Times-Advocate*