HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-12-04, Page 8THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1030. rOUR ORDER. Phone 10*.v Exeter Markets Wheat 60e. Oats 25c. Barley 23c. Bran $1.10 Shorts $1.00 Low Grade Flour $1.25 Welcome Flour $2.50 Model Flour $2.80 Manitoba Flour $3.00 Creamery Butter 36c. Dairy Butter 30 to 33c. Eggs, extras 52c. Eggs, firsts, 42c. Hogs $8.75 Permanent/ ^is.g^shIimjn^rman^t DURING TW NF&^/TWOZ^I:iKa MIS}/ L. STACKHOUSE Phu^2h> for an ppointjuei)/ Christmas cakes/baked 011 Tues­ days, WednesC Grant’s Bakef^ ays/and Thursdays at Are your hens and pullets* laying? If they are not laying li^'e you know they should .they arej^kely infested with intestijial We find nearly every! floelfcAve examine ser­ iously infes/ed .Treatment is cheap, simple anew sZe. Worm pills two dollars perUumdred—individual dos­ es. Hogartli Baby Chick Hatch^'y For the next (thirty day^sve are reducing our prices for in^rior dec­ orating. Get your w^T papering done in December. G^ptex decorat­ ing, something new^01’ waM decora­ tion in this l o^imunity.—H. C. Clarke. Fancy Boudoir Pillows made to order 'also fur neckpieces, reasonable. Phone 226. ----- -—--------------■> WANTED^— 7xov’=‘-g"lhead‘. of year-.; / Link / Dagkwfflbd. 34 r 2 7 / tfn prices ltc ling SliorthorjT Apply to <Xeo. ~ ~ - *-,J- Phone FOR SALE—Ligl.it bobsleighs; few /v bags ofbarrels of spy apples; red carrots, also 5| months’ old half Jersey heifer calf. second-hand cuttin Abbott, Exeter. Wanted, a small ,F.w WANTED—A good | jrfifch < Enquire at the Times-Advocate, cow. Boys reciate EYES SPARKLE. GIVE HIM ULD LIKE TO BUY HIMSELF [l on PHONEf81 meeting of the Canadian in the Club December- the YOU CA THET CHAMOISETTE AND KID GLOVES In all the new shades 59c. to $3,00 A provincial snowplow passed through Exeter, Tuesday y/for the first of the season clearing Highway No. 4 from Elgin field xio Clinton. . ________ -------- SHI S THE EXETER TIME1-ADV0CATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, J. Bernard Rhodes, M» A- Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.O.M., Organist 10 a.m.—-Sunday School 11 a. m.—“Appearance and Reality’ 7 p. m. —“The Nunc Dimittis”- Thursday at 7.45 the mid-week service in the church. Xmas Gifts Here You will enjoy doing your Xmas shopping at this store. Our counters are filled with attractive and practical gifts that will solve your gift problems HERE ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS iMr. W. C. Davis, of the Tiines-A-d- vocate Staff spent the week-end vis­ iting in Southampton Mrs. Grace Hill, of Crediton, is spending a few weeks with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Easterbrook. Mr, and Mrs. Kervin Werner, of London, spent the week-end -with Mrs. Merner’s mother, Mrs. D. Russ­ ell. Mr. and Mrs. J A. Christie, of [ London spent Sunday with the for­ mer’s parents Mr and Mrs. C, W. ' Christie. Mr. and Mrs. H. Tucker and fam­ ily, of Hensall have moved into the residence of Mr. J. H. Grieve on Carling St. Mrs. M. M. Harvey, of Port Hope, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harvey and1 other relatives during the past week. / Rev. En-os Windsor, of Coal Grove, Ohio, attended the funeral of his father the late Geo. Windsor and is spending a few days in Exeter. • Rev. R. E. and Mrs. Southcott, of Morpeth, spent a couple of days the beginning of the week former’s mother, Mrs. C. cott. LADIES — You JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA x Rev, D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—’‘The 'Manner of His Com­ ing.” 1st in series on “The Christ and His Coming.” during the Advent season. p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—“Off with the Ornaments.” A message for the moment. Watch for Christmas announce­ ment. 3 7 with the A. South- dies at now buy 60c. a lb. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—“Revival the Normal Con­ dition of the Church. p.m.—Our Church School. p.m.—“The Father.” This is the fifth of the series on “Home Folks. Thursday at 7.30 we meet for prayer. 11 3 7 11 o 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Miss II. M. MacFaul, Organist Mr. T. J. Finlay in charge Second Sunday after Advent . a.m.-—Morning Prayer p.m—Sunday School and Bible Class p.m.—Evensong SILK UNDERWEAR FOR WOMEN In the popular Lavender line. New styles Vests $1.50 and Bloomers $1.95 LEATHER HANDBAGS The season’s newest. Ideal for gifts. $1,00 to $3.00 CREPE AND GEORGETTE SCARFS In the newest shapes and colorings. $1.35 to $3.25 FANCY FELT AND KID BOUDOIR SLIPPERS For children, Boys, Women and Men 75c. to $2.25 RUBBER GOLOSHES Iri Grey, Brown or Black, with Zipper Fasteners with fleece tinging $3,50 SILK AND WOOL HOSIERY Z A gift always appreciated 59c. to $1.50 z WANTED—Some goo$ cbw hay. .7)7- Hatter. TEACHER WANTED/^For Hen­ sall Public School, Junior room. Sfate experience and/salary expect­ ed. Duties fto eminence January Sth, 1931. Applications received, up to -December |i5,A930. A. L. Case, Secretary-Trensujref, I-Iensall School Board. / '12-4-2tc. weekly, growing us, all winter, in japes. Light, pleas­ ant woJk/for either sex. Illustrated 'booklets -ee. Canadian Mushroom Company, Toronto. Z--------4-Now is the time to Bave your old furs remodel|ed intysmart collars and cuffs, latest sj^les; also your fur 'coats reaiod^ed in the latest styles. Exiwrb/ work guaranteed. Dressmaking# Jff all kinds. Mrs. N. Hockey, Maim StreetX^Z ltc ----------Z-U—/ LOST—Black sfhd /jgi|C collie- dog tag no 3 65, Hysi Twp. Reward. Not­ify Robert Jackson^Heiisall. PEA ENSILAd^ZoR SALE—Be- jgining Dec. Ist-BDandaian/'Canners_ The Annual Meeting the South Huron Plowmen’s Association^ will be held in thetfTown ^all, Exeter, on Wednesday, December 3rd at 8 p.m. Reports of diiectojC election -of .of­ ficers and othejy business._ __ Pym, Sec’y.; 1,ZW- Morgan, Pres. Earn mtishrojfims /'or waste E. J. .. The Thames Road Farmer’s Club are booking orders>Rjr Alberta coal, chestn ut / coal coke.—P. Pass- more, ■ Z STRAYED—FrZ Lot 3, Con. 3, Usborne, year-ojd red and white Steer withl star/in forehead and with horns; st^ay/d sauce first snow storm. BlZe notify John Thom­ son, R. WI, Centralia. Phone 48- 2, Kirkton. 12-27-3tc FOR SALE-4-Lithe- ehunks. . Winchelsea. ' $ ■ all wool plaid blawets In new colors and combinations $5.75 to $10.00 Dinner Sets M,* — —______ _____ ___ __We will lay aside any article and keep until^Christmas. Start Colored GlassFancy China ——*----------- ---- Our tables are filled with new China for Christmas. Come in often and look around. - - - r.. .. a<ving a Dinner bet. We are showing a new pattern called Plaza. Youjwill like it. HANDKERCHIEFS Hundreds to choose from. Easy to send. 5, 10, 15, 25, 50c. to $1.00 Hunt’s famous c ...................... ... box in ExeterZ'Fresh every week leave yourlondfer for Xmas wrapped boxes at Gbrfeve’s Lunch Shoppe. Mervyn Ryckman, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Arcliy Ryckman his collar bone broken when he knocked down while playing school. Mr. and daughters, Buchannon ---- ----- -------- ----- son, of Atwood visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Terry last week. Mr. Fred Wells, a member of the Canadian Legion, has been appoint­ ed janitor for the Exeter Postoffice, succeeding Mr. C. Luker. His new duties commenced on Monday. Mrs. Luther Reynolds, who re­ cently undewent an operation for appendicitis in Victoria Hospital, London, had a set back the latter part of last week when iileurisy set in. She was quite ill for several i days but is again improving. Mr. John Willis has rented the we carry a ful residence -of the late Wm. Howey on ’ Andrew Street and will move his wife and family to Exeter from Step- | hen Township in the near future. Mr. Willis recently rented his ’’farm to Mr. Louis Johns of Usborne. Rev. D. McTavish, chairman of the Missionary and Maintenance, Committee of Huron Presbtyery was in Toronto the forepart of the week attending a meeting of the various chairmen in connection with the Missioary and Maintenance Fund of children’s clothing, shoes or stock- the church. | ings that have been outgrown will be LUNCHES — A suggestion this' Appreciated. Parcel's may be left week; Oyster Stew or/Creamed Sal-|witk Mr. SangSter in the Odd-fellows’ mon on toast <t Jrieve’s Lunch! Block, at the Times-Advocate or not- Shoppe “where fo< tastes better.” i ify aiW member of the Chamber of Commerce executive and it will be had was at and Alex Mrs. Roy McMane Gladys and- Mrs. and Mrs. Norma Ache- .................... ... ............- Fresh roaste^ pean/us every day from now untill Christinas at Grant’s MEN—Xmas Cigars, ^cigarettes and tobaccas, in all poplar -brands fresh stock, also nipe^and. smoker’s sundries at Griev^.^/ndwiph' Shoppe ■----------— - PURE LINEN TABLE CLOTHS Ideal Christmas gift with napkins tojfnatch, GIFT UMBRELLAS A popular Christmas gift. $2.00 t<j $3.50 FANCY TOJVELS Dozens to choose from. Neatly packed. 25c. to |1.00 WQOLLEN E?ABY SETS Bootees, Bonnet/and Wool Coat $1.85, $2.0(| and $2.50 MEN’S GIFT SHIRTS Neatly Boxed, good materials $1.50 to $3.50 BOYS’ WOOL JERSEYS In heather and plain shades 98c. to $2.25 NECKWEAR NEATLY BOXED Bettej/quality at lower prices 50c., 75c., $1.00 ... SWEATER COATS arm and Cosy for Christmas or every member of the family NEW SILK SCARFS FOR MEN ^Wonderful new designs and colorings $1.75 to $4.50 pigs and E. Pooley, ,11-27-2'tp /MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL 7 The Council of tha/Corporation of the County of Hu/on will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at 2 o'clock in ttfe afternoon of Tuesday, the 2nd/day of December, 1930. Alli accounts against the County mu|t b(/in the hands of the Clerk not tl: “ ‘2 . __ceding the meeting of Council. GEO. ICEMAN, County Clerk, Goderich, 15t-h November/1930, ..,.,1.......... ., ..........— ... ■. Tl 4' Ti ■>> „ than Saturday pre­ feting -of Council. Hear the NewVBHI^Jo Radio. The World's fastest sjlljrfg tladio ’“•Hottie of the F 71.” Sandy at the Elliot. GOOD COOKEER S—lie lb. 0 Geo, Hay, Exctei The regular .month the Exeter Branch Legion will be! Rooms on Thufsdfay, 4th at S p.m.—W. W. Pfaff, Bec’y* ---------------------------fpor---..■> ----/>. .............L. toba Flour, from this year’s wheat, flour i from useffe. the stormy Your ca make them them that fo and increases Vou good bread- try our n^v Mani- Clour. This, flour/is niad'e . Dur Model receives favorab comment isp.rfa Get youi/sapply before weather le nee ts in. something to il cake will give whfch slicks the hair cream production, le of chick mashes, it and. mill feeds.;oyster shell, Shorts 'are chea$ at $20 per ton. Get; your requirements early.—Harvey' Bros. The local Chamber of Commerce- are asking for contributions for old and discarded clothing that have served their usefulness for the pres­ ent owners and yet would be of. ser­ vice to some who are needing warm clothing for the present winter. The Meh’s Ov/rcoats at Reduced Prices • We offer 4Q,, Me^f^s Overcoats in the very newest materials and styles at special prices r?i>lin now until Christmas. TRY US FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS GROCERIES; PRICES ARE LOWER AND QUALITY ALWAYS THE BEST LOOK IN LOOKING FOR CHRIST­ MAS GIFTS, TAKE LOOK THROUGH OUR STORE. WE HAVE FINE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS THAT/ARE SUIT ABLE FOR XMAJ GIFTS. Ambulance Service Give Things To Wear This Christmas We Carrv the Gifts that Men a MAKE DADI INGS HE V TAMAN EXETER, ONT DOROTHY E. GRAJ5SICK A. L. C. (Honor Graduate) Ldndon, England |lnstructpn in Piano, Viblin, Jrtarmony, Theory Studio Nif Albert Street, Box 160 EXETER, ONTARIO Commerce executive and it will called for. Mr. T. J. Finlay, of London, who has been conducting the services in Trivitt Memorial Church since the resignation of the Rev. Mr. Fenton, was the business manager for a play put on ,by the Huron College stu­ dents in London. Mr. Hugh Creech of town was one of the electricans. Messrs. Chas. Pearce and Frank Wildfong, accompanied by.-- Miss S. Northcott and Marjorie Pearce at­ tended a concert given at Hyatt Ave. Church, London, on Thursday even­ ing last. Mr. W. Geddes, who is a former member of the Main Street orchestra assisted with the program. Ret. J. H. Johnston, of Central Church, St. Thomas, conducted the services in the James Street’ United Church on Sunday and preached two splendid sermons to fair congre­ gations. Mr. Johnson also addressed , the Sunday School in the- afternoon. * | The pastor Rev. D. McTavish ducted anniversary-services at tral Church, St. Thomas, This section has 'been visited some cold weather during the week, accompanied with sonw almost blocked the roads for motor traffic. The weather turned soft on Saturday evening accompanied by rain on Sunday. The rain was- wel­ come as many farm wells and watdr is scarce. Colder sst in oh Monday with more Oft Wednesday evening Week prior to his departure for a trip to his native land In Scotland,. Mr. Thos, Pryde the District Depu­ ty Grand Master of (Masonic District South Huron, was made theo recip­ ient of a handsome kb dak and a number of films from the Exeter Masohic Ledge, the presentation be­ ing made- by several of the Officers, This little act of good will Was greatly appreciated by Mr, Pryde, con- Cen- Witli past that i ift; - ft - ■■ ... , -ONIONS, BOIL- Hvefed. Phone Phone 175 r |1. j ll-13-4tp If you vdsh to hjijr <w Sell a farm or house she R, Ehteter. ................................................................. poultry Ranted tVfe ftffe In fhb manket fof alt kinds of FOttltfy payihg thr Highest prices, •trucks will ftall.% Abhe 30, Dash- .Wood, C.- AndersonM are dry weather snow. of last Ben Case had a cutter broken Tuesday evening when it was run into by an auto. Mrs, W. S. Besse and son Charles' motored from Clinton and visited Mrs. F. Gill Thursday last. James Street W. M. S. packed a bale valued at $210.00 Tuesday af­ ternoon to be sent to the West. Miss Avis Lindenfield, nurse-in­ training, at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, is holidaying at her home here.. The Hon. G, Howard Ferguson, premier of Ontario, is resigning his position and will go to London, Eng. to take over the duties of the High Comminissioner for Canada. , Mr. Koch and MisS Marlette, of the Exeter High School Staff, who were off for several days last week owing to illness returned to their duties on Monday. Miss Horton’s room in the public schbol which was closed for three weeks on account of mumps was re-opened on Monday. Miss Horton supplied for several days for Miss Pridliam who is ill in Victoria Hospital, London. Miss J. Murray is at present’ in charge of Miss Pridham’s room, The Times-Advocate have a splen­ did assortment of Christmas, cards printed with your name and address at one dollar a dozen and up. A box ef beautifully assorted cards, all dif­ ferent, printed with your name and address. $2.50 for 25. Phone or mail your order. NEWS sore threat, quinsy, Cough, l bronchitis, croup, laryngitis, |tonsiljp suffers. Use Sybilla remedy, good quick results. Jpxeter and Hensall Drug- VERY GOgl for : coldSi and; Spahr^ Try it gists. I I CELEBRATE DIAMOND JUBILEE ;M'r. and Mrs. Thos. Dunsford, of Marlette, Mich., formerly of the second concession of Stephen, recent­ ly celebrated their Diamond Jub­ ilee Wedding anniversary. ■ Their Children, grandchildren and n hum« ber of friends were present. Mr. and Mr& Dtmsford were presented with pieces ef gold and a complimentary address. The guests all sat down tn a sumptuous repast* Mr. Dunsford Is <a. brother of Mr. Wm» ^Dunsford, of town. TS, SCARFS, TIES, GLOVES, PYJAMAS, EATER SOCKS, BELTS, GARTERS, ARMJBANDS, HATS AND CAPS B.0XED TIES FROM 50e. UP Caulk Your Wi save money on you>toal bill WJB HAVE SECURED THE AGEN ANI) r FOR CAULKING DOORS VINDOWX ALSO METAL ■STRIPPING TE YOU* PRICES. GIVE FURNITURE THIS XMAS And make a lasting Gift ^ional pieces including, mokers, Ferneries^ Lamps, agazine Racrf Sewing Cabinets, Gate Leg Tables and npny other useful gifts. GOOE^S DELIVigREO ANY DISTANCE We have a large supply of occj End Tables, Che iterfield Tablets Cedar Chests, to Tables, Tilt-Top I R ft OPPER j’rtONE 00 Fu^nMure and Funeral Director AMBULANCE SERVICE |k LET w BROKEN AUTOMOBILE GLASS REPLACED^QUICKLV: WHliE YOU WAIT G. Phono 29 AWKINS Exeterf Piaijo tV Supcr/-Is Studio, holrniaster ited Church Ion in Organ Theory of Music in School* St, Box 57, Phono 19$ EXETER, ONT