HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-12-04, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE ,X, 7 7 CLINTON, ONT0TO offers you a Practical Business TraiuMg that has made it possible for our scores' of students to obtai/iand hold positions demandng a high standard of offiency. Ar // »JXHJRSES . / Stenographic, Commer^Sl, Secretarial, General Office, Civil Service, Commercial Teaclwfis Course and Special Courses arranged. • ’ — - - ' t attend a better School, iHtr NOT ATTEND THIS? Scl^rOpens on September 2nd, 1930 M. A. Stone, Com. Specialist, Vice-Prin., Phone 198 For particulars write B. F. Ward, B.A. Principal DR. J. A. McTA$GART#t- D. S, HENSAI&b, telephone 106 Main Street Wren, who has been for some time was Patersonte hospital HENSALL Weddling bells are ringing in this £ vicinity. . Mr. Chas. Miller, of Exeter, spent Tuesday in town. Mrs. Albert 'Spencer was a recent visitor in Toronto. Mrs. Fred Beer is visiting at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) Peck. Mr. and) Mrs. Albert SpenceT spent the week-end in London. Mr. B. R. Higgins, of Clinton, vis­ ited friends in town on Friday. Mrs. O’Rourke, of st Sunday visitor with den. Mr. Wm. Simpson, Floridia, was Mrs. L. Hed- S­ of Detroit, ©pent the week-end with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Kipfer were visited by relatives from Zurich on Sunday. .. £ M!r. and Mrs. Geo. Smale spent Thursday with the former’s father in Seaforth. Our local Sunday Schools, are ibusily preparing their Christmas entertainment. r Miss Beatrice Cudmore, of Toron­ to, visited with her mother-Mrs. Ro­ land) Cudmore. Mr. Thos. Cook is able to be out again after being confined to his home with a severe cold. Mrs. J'ames Coxsworth, of Stratli- roy, was a recent visitor with her daughter Mrs. A. Scruton. • Reeve Robt. Higgins is in' Gode­ rich* this week attending a meeting of the Huron County Council. Mrs. Otto Stephen, of Hillsgreen, spent Monday at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. Smale. Mr, Thos. Farquhar, who has been visiting friends in Hamilton is spend­ ing a few weeks with his son Frank of Hensail. / Miss Mavis Spencer was taken to. tthe London Hospital on Sunday ev- ^ening where she was operated on for appendicitis. Miss Greta McNaughton is confin­ ed t'o her home through illness. Mrs. Robt. Cameron is taking her place as librarian. Mr. Herny Pfile, who recently se­ cured a. piece of land from Dr. Moir has purchased the Kippen Hall and will move it down on his land1. The Young People’s League of the United Church are entertaining the A. Y. P. A. of St. Pa.ul’s church on Monday evening next and time is anticipated. Services in the United were largely attended with Arthur Sinclair conducting vices. In the evening ‘a quartette was given by Messrs. L. Sherritt', J. Passmore, Mrs- Sherritt 'Hess. A sale of home-made bazaar will be held in Presbyterian Church on Saturday, December the 5th. A chicken pie supper will be held from 5-7 and an interesting feature °f the 'afternoon •Will b"e the woman with the hundred pockets. Mrs. Joseph Hudson Sr. recently celebrated her 90th birthday when •all the members of her family were present' except two sons living at a distance. Mrs, Hudson is wonder­ fully smart for such a ripe old age .andi her many relatives and friends hope that she may be able to enjoy •many jnore birthdays. Th© A. Y. P. A. of the Anglican Church held their regular meeting ■on Monday evening. Lantern slides were shown on “The Old Church in the New Dominion” and the slides were explained by Mrs. Peppier. It was arranged that the Christmas en­ tertainment would be held in the basement of the church on Monday evening December the 22nd. The Hensall Hydro Commission .held its meeting on Mondlay evening The Hydro Manager reported that the new line from Exeter was com­ pleted and hoped now thait' the com­ mission would be in a position to jgive far better service. A number •of accounts were presented and or­ dered paid and the will meet again the "December. The concert’ put on pices of the Wohelo Mission Band on Friday last was largely attended. Mr. Craw of Toronto, reader and. impersona­ tor delighted the audience with his numbers and the following program was given vocal duet, Mrs. L. Hed­ den andi Mrs. G. Hess; solos, by Messrs. L. Sherritt and W. 0. Good­ vein; violin selections by Greta Lani- niie and Scott Welsh; instrumental duet by Misses F. Foss and E. Fisher and! Rev. A. Sinclair acting as chair­ man, ’ a good Church the Rev. the ser­ cooking and the Carmel Miss Jessie Buchanan spent Satur­ day in London. Mr. John A. in poor health taken to Mrs. for treatment. Pigeon Shoot The annual live birdl shoot was held here on Friday, November the 28 th and was well attended, weather was The somewhat cold and stormy but' did not mar the ardour of the shooters as best scores were made for years. As will be seen by the following summary Sam Vance and Wm, Vail were tied, for the Sil­ ver Cup, but as Sam has won it be­ fore he gladly gave his chance of winning a shoot and cup, up, .by presenting Mr. Vail, of St. Thomas, with the cup. Mr. Vance burg is a true this on former of Tilson- as he did 1st event sportsman occasions. of 10 birds; 2nd event, 15 birds Silver cup; 3rd event 10 birds. for Fred Kerr 10 14 9 33 J. Vance 7 14 9 SO Dr. Banghart 7 11 8 26 Wm. Vail 10 15 ' 8 33 Dr. Bice 6 10 10 26 S. Vance 9 15 7 31 C. Millman 9 12 8 29 R. Motz 6 13 19 F, Howe 9 13 6 28 J. Hill 9 14 23 R. Day 9 14 9 32 CENTRALIA/ “Blundering Billy"»/pera House, Exeter, Dec. ljthrptu lltli. and have a go< d Jnugh. See front page for dlaracters, etc. Mr. Chas. Atkinson, of Detroit, visited for a couple of days this week with Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Fajls, Mr, Wm. Ford who has been ill for the past couple of months at the home of his son Mr. Fred Ford hag returned to his home here. Miss Wanda Willis and Miss Flos­ sie Davey spent a few days in Tor­ onto with Mr. Thos. W'illis who'' is seriously ill in the hospital there. • (Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scliroed'er pf Dashwood, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr,S', Robert Smith. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Brooks, of Clandeboye, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Grapt Ford. Missionary Banquet/ Over '50 sat down to the mission­ ary banquet sponsored by the Unit­ ed Church Sunday School 'on Thurs­ day evening of last week and two able speeches were delivered by the outside speakers. Rev; Mr. Beaton,' Toronto, of the home mission board, pointed 'out what the deficit meant to the work in Western Canada, the withdrawal of men already in the field and ai general curtailment of effort. Some of the men had re­ ceived only a fraction of their sal- ■ary and something had) to be- done. The appeal 'of Dr. Ross, of London, was along spiritual lines, but he, too, dealt with the seriousness of hampering the work. A duet by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hod'gson and a solo by W. Skelton added variety. Cecil Skinner was a capable chairman. Come ad, oil CHAIN RED & WHITE STORES NEW SHELLED AL Good Special 1 GOLD MEDAL COOKING ONIONS MINCEMEAT 10 lbs. for 25c.i#a^jJ,^ib. 39c.| made 2 lbs. for 35$ LIFEBUOY SOAP ........................................ ... Specif 3 for 19c, LEMON & ORANGE V Finest Recleaned VALERIA RAISINS PEEL 1 CURRANTS Fineit Quality ; Per lb. 19c.J 2 lbs. for 33c.2 Jbjl for 25c. ...................... t ■ / ......... CITRON PEfeL ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS , NEW/EEDED RAISINS Per lb./foe./ No. 2 tins 19c, . ......................... ..... pkgs* for 25c. NEW TABLE RAISINS TABLE FIGS. FANCY BLEACHED SULTANAS GOLDEN YELLOW SUGAR .. ROLLED OATS, fijie or coarse .. . 1-2 lb. for 24c. 1 lb. pkg. for 25c. 8 oz. pkg. for 10c. 18c. or 2 for 35c. .,. .10 lbs. forr,49c. ... .7 lbs. for 25c. SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON CHRISTMAS CANDIES AND NUTS SEE OUR STOCK FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES—ORANGES, BANANAS, LEMONS, GRAPEFRUIT, JGRAPES, CELERY, TOMATOES, LETTUCE, TURNIPS, CARROTS, CABBAGE, CRANBERRIES, ETC. HARVEY & HARVEY Phone 102 EXETER, ONT “QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE”We Deliver CREDITON “Blundering B House, Come ad. on commissioner last week in under the aus- Class and the evening Council Meeting The regular monthly meeting the village council was held’ on Mon­ day evening with all the members present except Councillor Consitt. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Petty and Ortwein. A communica­ tion was read from the Children’s War Memorial Hospital at London asking for a grant in their work. It was moved by Petty seconded by Ortwein that a grant of $10.00 be given to them. It was carriedi. The different committees made their re­ ports for the month. Mr. Petty was instructed to secure a man and horse to do the snow-plowing when necessary. . On motion- of Ortw.eln andi Cameron fifteen dolars was re­ turned to the Public School Board beiign half the amount received for the “Aunt Lucia” show put on by the Library Board. A number.of ac­ counts were presented and ordered paid on motion of Petty and Ort­ wein. By-law No. 9 was given its •1st, 2nd and 3rd reading settingrthe date for the municipal nomination and the day of the election and the officials to take a vote. The nomina­ tion will be held' on Monday even­ ing, December 29tli and polling, if necessary, one week later. Poll number one will be of Joseph Hudson D.R.O. don Parker, Pioll Clerk. Poll number two will ibe of Nelson Blatchford D.R.O. and W. Shepherd), Poll Clerk. Before the close of the meeting Reeve Higgins gave a review of the Huron County Old Age Pesion Com­ mittee’s work for the year. .The council adjourned to meet again on Monday evening, Decem- 15 th. in charge and Gor- in charge her THAMES" ROAD “Blunderiiife illy”, Opera Exeter, Dec. |1 th and 11th. and have a good laugh. See front page for characters, etc. We are sorry to report that Jack Hod'gert is confined to his at present'.' . .« Misses Mary Gardiner and Miss •Anna Hackney spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wip. Harper, of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Bell, of Ingersoll, were week-end, guests with IMr. and Mr'S. T. Fetcher and Mr. and Mrs. W. Stone. Mr, and Mrs. T. Ballantyne visit­ ed Mrs. Wiseman in Victoria; Hospit­ al Saturday. Mr. With Tom lake took House, Come ad. on Mr. bed Jas. Ballatyne and son Jim, Hackney and Carter Here­ in the “Royal" last we'ek. Bazaar M. S.'held a successful ba-The W. zaar on Thursday night. The weather was rough and uncomfortable, blit a goodly crowd' gathered to purchase various wares. One could purchase anything from a good' book to a dressed chicken. A special booth for guests only had’ its attraction, a splendid program was given. Rev, Wm. Gardiner, of Thedford proved himself quite an entertainer, with his readings both humorous and thoughtful; pianoforte solos were splendidly given and delighted all, by Misses Toiilin and Broadfoot, of Brucefield, Mr. Harold Denham, of Whalen, sang some popular numb­ ers accompanied by Mr. L. Morley who also contributed to the program The thanks of the ladies are express­ ed to all who contributed to the suc­ cess of the evening, y”, Opera Exeter, Dec.* , and 11th. and have a g&6d laugh. See front page fof characters, etc. Crediton Public School Concert will be given Wednesday evening, December 17th in the Town Hall, Don’t fail to hear the humorous can­ tata "Santa’s Little Boy.” Rev. A. V. Robb, of Centralia, will preach here in the United Church, it being the annual W. M. S. Service. We strongly urge all our people to come out and hear Mr. Robb. IMiss Marjorie Wein wa3 confined to her home last, week through ill­ ness. The Y. P. S. of the United church will hold their regular meeting in the basement of the church next Friday evening at 8 o’clock. Despite the inclemency of the weather the Ladies’ Aid of the Unit­ ed church had a good attendance at their supper last Friday evening. . Mr. Ezra Ewald, of Kitchener, visited with his mother Mrs. Ewald, for a Jew,days. ■ Rev. and Mrs. Otto Braun, Harry and Mrs. N. Ricker and Richard of Owendale, Mich., spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Eilber and Mrs. Lydia Braun. Mr. Chris. Wein, of Stephen, sold one of his best Belgium horses, weighing 1800 pounds to Mr. G. J. Dow, of Exeter, who shipped it to Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wuertli and Elva accompanied by Miss Addileen Gaiser and Mr. Edgar Wuerth, of Zurich, motored to Guelph last Wed­ nesday where Elva, who was the winner of Huron County Oratorical contest, took part in the public speaking. Elva did very well in winning fourth prizes in view of the keen competition with the different' counties. S/he was the recipient of a nicely bound book. Crediton W.M.S. The W. M. S. and the. Ladies’ Aid societies of the Evangelical Church, held a combined meeting at the home, of Mrs. Harry Haisf. Thirty-five ladies were present. The meeting was in charge of President Mrs. J. Swartz, who after the customary business had been disposed of called up'on the W.M.S. for the following program: “Missionary Work Among the Moslems,” an entertaining paper by Mrs. W. E. Wenz'el, and a mis­ sionary paper, “Service of Good Will, Love andi Forgiveness,” by Mrs; Si­ mon Morlock. Bbth papers indicat­ ed careful preparation. Delinquent' thank offering envelopes were re­ ceive^. A violin solo by a visitor was appreciated. Refreshments, in­ cluding homemade candy, were serv­ ed by the committee. A hearty vote of thunks was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Haist, .Tacob Brown Buried Bernardt Brown, Mr. and Mrs. F. Haist, and'Joe Kernick, of Usborne, returned home on Thursday of last week, having motored to Kilmanagh Mich., to attend the funeral service of their .brother, Jacob Brown, which was, held, Wednesday at the Kilman­ agh Evangelical church. Mr. Brown’ was born at Crediton on 1860. was a shoemaker by trade in village, and for a few years at tralia. He was married to Mary Hill, of Zurich, Ontario. About 35 years ago he left this community and moved to Kilmanagh,' and for a period of years was a prosperous farmer in that' vicinity. A year ago his son, Chester Brown, met a fatal accident, being kicked by a horse, causing death, even before reactling the hospital. Jacob Brown was well known in this village and surrounding com­ munities. He was a brother of the late Rev. S. D. Brown, a minister in active missionary labors in the Can­ adian Northwest Conference of the Evangelical Church, whose remains were 'buried! at Regina, DASHWOOD been hope clos- I-Ie this Cen- Miss lectures.' Sunday’s ser- Hi.s> ad- ELIMVILLB .Mrs. Leonard O’Reilly has been on the sick list during the past week.’ Mr. Wellington' Bell, of Detroit, visited at the home of his parents last week. 'Miss Hazel Williams has been quite ill for the past two weeks but is improving slightly. Miss Elizabeth Perkins, of Exeter, was a visitor in this community the end of last week. News of the death of Mrs. Frank Davis came as a great shock to her friends. Their sympathy is extend­ ed to the bereaved. Miss Marjorie Del'bridge has ■on the sick list. Her friends for a speedy recovery. Last Sundlay evening was the ing service of the series held here by Rev. R. Whitesides and Mr, J. H. Leonard, of Toronto. The sermons delivered by Mr. Whitesides have been, very instructive paTticularily interesting to the children were his ^illustrated ■vices were especially good. 'vice to the young converts was sound and helpful to all. Sunday evening Mrs. Fred W^Sht sang a lovely solo. Messrs. Whitesides andi Leonard sang a fine duet and Mr. Leonard also sang two solos which were very well taken. They are conducting meetings in Zion this week and will clos^ there Friday evening." The best wishes of their,friends here will go with them when they leave and should they ever return they will be assured of a welcome. The regular meeting of the Live Oak’s Mission Circle was held in the cliurch November the 27tli. Mliss Ruth Skinner presided. The meeting was opened with a hymn after which the Lord’s Prayer was repeated in unison. Miss the Scripture tional Leaflet given by Miss ed by a responsive reading Kingdom Come." answered to the Roil Call. Tli,e min­ utes of the last meeting werfe read and adopted. The business was then discussed. The treasurer gave her report. 'The study “Fruits of For­ eign Missions in Japan” was very ably taken by Misses Verna Brock, Helen Murch, Florence Herdman. Miss Lavona Cooper gave a very in­ teresting report of the Convention held! at’ Centralia. The closing hymn was next sung and meeting closed with a sentence prayer by each of the members present. The deep snow has made motoring rather difficult. Water, scarcity is a serious problem with many farm­ ers just now. The rain on Sunday helped out in some cases but it was not enough to put water in many wells. Bernice Murch read lesson. The devo- “Our Father" was Florence Bell follow- “Tliy Twelve members GRAND BEND Bert Batty, of Sarnia, visitedMr. friends around the burg on Sunday. 'The cold snap held up work on some of the cottages. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Dodds and son Jack, of Buffalo, also Mr. and Mrs. Stillman, of Grand Rapids, spent a' few d'ays at their cottage and took in the hunt as well as en­ joying a few real good holidays. Mr .and Mrs. John Mousso and daughter Ella spent a few days with their daughter in Tuckersmith last week returning home on Satiirday. Mr. Frank iStatton is working for Mr. Bert Batty, of Sarnia for a few i weeks. The practice for the Christmas ♦concert oil December 19th in the Un­ ited, Church is well away to a good start. Rev. S. J. Mathers explanation of “The Road to Good Life" has the last sign Board, up, so see the close next Sunday morning. All are wel­ come. X I i __ _ iS.» D.D.S. GEON rtleib Block, Dash­ wood, first t ee days of week and .at office over .the .Post Office, In Zurich, last three days of.,week. , “Blundering Billy^^Opera House, Exeter, Dec./ lOt^and 11th. Come and have a gopa lauigh. See ad. on front page fhr characters, etc. Mrs. Chas. Steinnag'en is visiting- friends in Parkhill. < Mr. Milford) ‘Mclsaac, of Detroit, visited her parents last' Thursday. Mr. R. Goetz is spending a few days in Goderich this week. Miss Anna Tieman, of Guelph, “spent the week-end with her par­ ents. Mrs. J. .England returned to her 4iome in Thedfprd Qn Monday, after spending a week with relatives? " Miss Verda Baker left on Monday for Londion. Mrs, Addison Tieman was taken ,tp London Hospital last week.l„ Her many friends hope for a speedy *covery, “ Dr. H. H. Cpwen, DENT/ At office ip re­ CREDITON EAST > * and Mrs. Roland Motz andMr. two children- and iMr. and Mrs. Wm. *Mtotz and Mrs. Henry Motz spent Sunday in London with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.^Heatlierley. t , ■ , Miss Clara Lewis is visiting her aunt and uncle*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ♦Edwards in Ingersoll. Mrs. Harry Lewis,is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Weiii in. Ste­ phen. Mr.' Roland Motz and Mr.. Fred Kerr attended the shooting match in Hensail on Thursday. Mr. Kerr succeeded in securing second prize. 7 ;ton . Z/y,” Opera Otm and 11th. • See characters,’ etc. KIRKTON “Blundering. Bij'ty/ Exeter, Dec. and have a gfcpfi laugh, front' page fotr ... . The hunt club made their first drive Wednesday and bagged 45 jacks. William Pym attended the funer­ al of his sister, Mrs. Davis, of Win- chelsea, who was burried in Exeter on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Hazelwood ■and son Edison motored from De­ troit on Saturday and spent the week-end here. ,er IJazelwood back to Detroit. Mr. and 'Mrs. House, Come ad. 'on Mr. and Mrs. Walt- accompanied them Jas. McColaugli, of Usborne, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Milton Gregory. WHALEN The Late Mrs. Joseph Morley There passed away at her home at Whalen, on Tuesday, Nov. 25th, Ellen Nairn, wife of the late Joseph Morley and one of Whalen’s oldest and most esteemed residents. Mrs. Morley had been an invalid for nearly three years and indeed, for many years before a patient suff­ erer, who seldom complained but al­ ways had a cheery “Oh not too bad" for all who inquired of her health. A great reader she kept her clear keen views on all current events and in so doing never really became old. Few youn’g folk of to-day knew as much of their country’s daily hap­ penings as she. Born >on N. B. Us­ borne near Chiselhurst, second daughter of the late Thos. Nairn and Jane Rock, she was Scottish and U. E. Loyalist extraction. At an early age she married Joseph Morley, of Whalen, wh'o predeceased her twenty five years ago. -She has lived con­ tinually at Whalen since. She Was a member of the Whalen United Church and of its W. M. S. and was always working for these J as long as .able and seldom was found with idle fingers but usually knitting for the bale or sewing for other needy one. Of a quiet liome- loving disposition She made no par­ ade of her religion but quietly and to some purpose worked at her job faithfully for her home and, family, neighbors o!" others. In fact her life might well be summed up in the words “for others" and this was never more in evidence than by the steady stream of od friends .from far' and near ‘ who ' paused by her casket to look at her loved face, so very happy and ’ tranquil looking in death as it lay amongst the- lovely numerous floral tributes and by the large number of friends who fol­ lowed 'through the raging blizzard of Thursday last to see her body laid beside that of her husband and 'sister the late Mrs. S. Gunning in Ziori cemetery. ’ ' She had'been confided to her bed almost entirely for a week and- had beep, cared for by- her daughter’ .Bessie throughout the .three, yegrs of pain jind as^tho first'' shaf^gfrth^ wiiHfer’s’^sufr’came through on Tues­ day morning it fell across her face as she bade good night to Earth and Good Morning to Heaven. ’ She w’as. aged 78 yOars1, 9 months ■ and; 16 days and is the last of her family. She * leave.s to mourn the loss of a loving mother, three daugh­ ters and one son, namely: Mary J., wife of R. C. Jeckell, of Berkeley, Calif.; Gharlotte. B., wife of Ernest Parkinson, of Moose Jaw, Sask. Bessie Ew, (nufse) at- home Thomas H., on* the homestead; nine grandchildren. Her funeral on • Thursday after­ noon was conducted by her pastor? Rev. Vallace Robb with a simple reverent' service in the home at 2 p.m. A very appropriate solo, and one Mrs. Morley loved to hear Mrs^ . F. Squire sing, was sung by Mrs. Squire, “Good* night here goodj morn­ ing yonder" dnd nasing his re-, marks from the text “Blessed is the* death of His saints who died in the Lord.” Rev. Robb assurred his hearers that as in the case of the deceased, death was but a simple saying iof good' night here and a good! morning in Heaven. * _ The hymns “Asleep in Jesus” and “Our Souls, are in His Mighty Hands’’ were sung with Miss Verna Hazel­ wood at the piano. The pall bearers were six nephews* namely: Mr.‘ Will Morley and Mrs. Wilson Morley of Whalen; Delbert Morley, of Granton; John Morley, of Hep-worth and Mr-. Aylmer Morley and' Charles Hayes> of Brantford. Mr. Howard Morleyx and Mr. Will French carried the flowers, all but the family flowers .being sent sick at Whalen. The flowers pillow, Mary, Bessie and wreath, Charlotte and family; Mrs. .S. Gunning and family; Brantford relatives; sprays both church andi W.M.S.. Those who attended the funeral from a distance were: Mrs. Will Laz- en'by, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. C. Hayes and; Aylmer Morley, of Brant­ ford; Mr. and Mrs. H. Millson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright and Mrs. W. Rig­ ney, of London and many others were prevented owing to the terribld condition of the weather and roads, She has left a lonely vacant' chair in the home but her passing and death were so like a beautiful bene­ diction that those left behind, while have achiiig hearts will not unduly mourn her knowing that God knew best when he took her out of her suffering to- a Mansion which she will prepare for ones as she often had the She has gone to her rest', The place left vacant in the lfomQ Can never more be filled. Unselfishly she gave and labored, To benefit her children and others. Thus fulfilling her divine mission, Not dead, no, just gone before. and and. al sb to the were:. Tom; ■spray, spray, from on high • her loved home.