HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-12-04, Page 1* ESTABLISHED 1873 "‘’S’* g 3 n Ij I1 i; p r i1 p i! A' fc; EXETER, ONT.,-THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4th, 1930 ,FIFTY-FIFTH yeah, NO. 29'5# : BUY Lightning Hitch ' HOCKEY BOOTS & I I i I * SEE OUR ® Mens’s & Boys’ LEATHER COATS Santa Claus Fund if ------------------- ----------,----------------------------- Owing to the mild weather we are over-stocked with Girls’ and pisses’ winter coats. In order to sell all in a hurry we offer this week all ghats for girls and misses, from 3 year up to 20 year sizes at a discount per cent. Don’t miss this opportunity. December Sale of Pillow Cottons and Sheetings We wish to reduce our stock of Pillow Cottons and Shjgjetings before- the next ten stock-taking so have made sharp reductions in the prices f|) days. Circular Pillow Cottons 40 & 42 inches wide, our 45c. Ojur 50c. quality for 39c. a yai^F Our 60c. quality for 42c. a ygj$ ality for 33c. a-yd, Bleached Sheetings—Our $1.00 quality for 75c. a Our 90c. quality for 69c. a yang Our 85c. quality for 59c. a y/’d. Our 49c. quality for 39c. ajyard. Unbleached Sheeting, 72 inches wide,, our 69c. quality for 49c. a yard. 97 Piece Dinner Sets o^lale at $19.75 a set Six good] patterns in English warelDinner Sets, regularly $27.00 s< clear for ten days at $19.75 per sett / inner Sets, regularly $27.00 set to LADIES?! FUR COATS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES FOR J THE NEXT TEN DAYS Complete Showing^ Christmas Merchandise More than ever this yea# pqople will give useful gifts for Christinas. Our store is completely stocked witli useful mechandise suitable for Christ­ mas giving. C|ome early arm often and look over our stock.^ome early ar^J often and look over our stock. -------------T .Men's Boys OvercoatsMEN’S AT^lO.OOifo $30.00 See oWValues in the Following BOYS’ AT $5.00 TO $15.00 Ms* .A# $ tt Hockey Boots of all kinds. Overshoes in many styles Felt Shoes—all sizes Leather Coats for Men and Boys'" 15 inch Leather Top Rubbers Boys’ Aviator caps with goggles All Wool windbreakers for boys Phone 32 SAMSBN PartEl-maliE 1/i i j V f ho ov r R H t.At I MO - therapAtic lamp . / SUNBOWL HEATERS/ .. WAFFLE-IRONS ..! PANEL [ATIC ELECTRIC IRONS . Electric f Curling $1.30 to $2.'? ongs Up rtfl^viaaiaaL RW3 NO. $7.9/5 $7.50 $9.7/5 $8.95 The local Chamber of Commerce are again .sponsoring a Santa Claus fund to distribute Christmas cheer throughout our town on Christmas Eve. The Chamber of Commerce through an efficient committee of ladies have undertaken for several years now to see that no children in this- community will be overlook­ ed and disappointed at this the most joyous season of the year. In addi­ tion to providing something for the children the committee hope to be able to provide some necessities in cases where there-will be a real need this winter. Subscriptions will he- received at the Canadian Bank of Commerce and at the Times-Advocate and will be acknow­ ledged through this- paper*. The Chamber of Commerce heads the list with a cheque for $25.00. Other subscribers tp. date are Dr. J. H. Browning, $1.00; J. W. Powell, $1; B. W. F. Beavers, $1,00; T. O. Southcott, $1.00; Sandy Elliot, $1; M. R. Complin, $1,00; J. M.‘South­ cott, $1.00; total $32.00. THE LATE GEO, WINDSOR The death took place in Exeter, on Sunday of Mr, George Windsor, for over twenty yeur.> an esteemed resident of Exeter. Mr. Windsor was taken ill with pneumonia and was improving nicely when he suffered a relapse. The deceased who was in his 81st year was horn in McGilliv­ ray township and before coming to Exeter was in business in Clande- boye. For a number ol years he re­ presented Harvey Bros. Milling Co, as traveling salesman. The deceased was twice married and is survived by his-’ wife, two sons and four daughters of the first family viz; J, Perry Windsor, of Kingston; and Rev. J, Enos Windsor, pastor of the Memorial M. Grove, Ohio; Exeter; Mrs. Alfred Hodgins, tralia; Mrs. Wm. Robinson, Gillivray and Mrs. R. H. McKeen, of Oakland, Ont. The youngk.t son Harrry made the supreme sacritleej in the great war. -One brother and three sisters also survive; Hiram Windsor, of McGillivray; Mrs. Geo, Br-own of London and Mrg. Geo. Snell and iMiss Lottie Windsor, of town. ‘The deceased was a member of the James Street United church and the funeral, private, Tuesday af­ ternoon, was conducted by his pas- t6r, Rev. D. McTavish, with inter­ ment in the Exeter Cemetery. Mars Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY December and Oth “The darker” Featuring JIILTOK SILLS in his last picture with DOROTHY MACKAILD and DOUGLAS jfllRBANKS JR„ oil all star east. f J E. Church, of Coal Mrs. Herbert Ford, of Cen- of Me- EXETER COUNCIL Monday, December 1st, A regular meeting of the Muni­ cipal Council was held in the Town Hall. Absent Reeve Francis through illness and Councillor Bierling. Per Grieve, Rowcliffe: That Coun­ cillor Rivers be acting Reeve. Car. ■ . The minutes of the meeting held November 19th were read and ap­ proved. Letter was read from Mr. Walter H. Harness, asking the Council to submit the matter of licensing pool and billiard parlors to a vote of the ratepayers. Held over for special consideration. Letter from County Treasurer Mr. Gordlon Young relative to approval regaring arrears -of taxes. Clerk to make answer giving approval. Letter from Clerk of the Peace, Mr. Dudley Holmes, regarding appli­ cation regarding County Constable. Filed. By-law No. 9, of 193 0. A By-law providing for the taking of the as­ sessment of the village and for the payment of the taxes in installments was read and considered and approv­ ed. Will be given, its final reading a|rd passed at a special meeting to 1930 iTHUKSDAS’I FRIDAY AND \ SATURDAY December ll|h, 12th and 13th PERCENTAGE of the pro- ■— ........... PICTURE TO BE THE ATHLETIC THE EXETER. FILM IS RECOM- /THE HIGH SCHOOL. STAFF A SEEING OF AN EDUCAT- eiAciIaracter. DELORE^ BEL Rid as “Evai^eline” Henry Wordsworth Lnngfellow’st most eloquent poeni ... Pictured with heart breaking ity and power. Captivating, turesque, Thrilling FITS 10F TH Ife DIVIDED WITH SOCIETIES OF HIGH S0HOOI1 MENDED'\B Y T” RT A T? I? A Cf 1 IP 1 ' in fiaeT- Pfe- THE LATE MRS. FRANCIS DAVIS ' called for the purpose om-motio’n ^Cranberry Corers” To be presented a€ Thames Road church F . 5thFriday, D By Thedford Youfe People under the dVectionfi Gardiner, former Th® “Cranberry C®’ners> sented thirteen! tinws ford Young Pebble Jfnd is well worth seeing. , % Admission Imc. and 25c. of Rev. Wm. mes Road boy. has been pre- by the Thed- PASSED FORGED CHEQUES CLEARANCE SALE OFMILM^RY > be disposed of before ^Christmas GB^UP OF iELTS & Y^LVETS / AT QhfllEB H.ys AT $2 AND $3 A FEW KD&IES HATS AT 50c. FANCI' HAf BOX GIVEN AWAY WITH/EACH $3.00 HAT f ___________ The death occurred in Victoria Hospital, on Thursday of last week of Mary Christina Pym, beloved wife of Mr. Francis Davis, of Winchelsea, aged 68 years and 30 days. The de­ ceased had been ailing only a few days and was. taken to the hospital Wednesday morning were, she under­ went an operation. The remains were brought to her home and the funeral was held from her late resi­ dence on .Saturday afternoon con­ ducted by Rev. R. M. Bulteel, Kirk­ ton, assisted by Rev. L. C. White, of Elimville, interment in the Exeter cemetery. 'Mr. and Mr?-. Davis re­ sided for many years on the town line between Biddul-pli and Usborne retiring a few years ago and moving to Winchelsea. Before moving to Winchelsea the deceased was a very active worker in St. Patrick church .Sajntsbury and was held in the highest esteem by all who knew, her. Besides her bereaved husband she is survived by one son George, and four daughters, Mrs. Ed. Hotham, of Deleware; Mrs. J. Hotham and Mrs. Geo. McGavin, of Seaforth; Mrs. Thos Penrice, of Holland, Man. Four brothers and two sisters also survive. Cephas and Samuel Pym, of Usborne Wm. Pym, of Kirkton and Albert Pym, of Carievale, Sask.; Mrs. Wm. Reed, of Lucknow and Mrs. James Horne, of Usborne. The pall bearers were six nephews Messrs. Harold Pym, Hubert Dickin­ son, Freeman Home, Ernest Pym, Alvin Pym, Ewart Pym. To A The above is tlie stock of the late MISS YELLAND — will be held in the — OPERA HOUSE, EXftER of Rowcliffe and Grieve. Carried. The following accounts were read and passed: •Sylvanus Cann, repair account' of R. & B. $6.75; Fred Bloomfield, for snow-plowing $6.'50; James Weekes, cutting tile $4.00; John Parsons, labor R. & B?'$5.10; Preston Dear­ ing, gravel and team labor $4.75; R. D. Mousseau, repairs to mower R. & B. $1.75; R. G. Seldon, coal & cement, R. & B. 121.75, coal, T. H. $21.75, total $43.50; Wm. Johns, team labor, $6.00; Thos. Colling­ wood, constable $2.00, truant officer $10, total $12.00; Ge.o A. Ander­ son, Secretary Fire Department Ser­ vices $25'5.00; Dr. M. G. Fletcher, Medical Officer of Health $50.00; Ed. Treble, Chairman of B. of H. $10.00; John L. Kydd, rent ground North End Fire Hall $5.00; Mrs. M. E. Gidley, salary, librarian $7'5.00; Wm. Collingwood, part salary to No­ vember 29tli $40.00, fireman library $10.00, total $-50.00; R. N. Creech, Division Court Clerk and Bailiff fees $64.00; Emerson Cornish, bell ring­ ing November and December $17.00. Cemetery accounts ■— Dennisteel, London, screens $15.00; • Edlwards Bros. Glass Co., leaded glass- and la­ bor $4|3.34; R. G. Seldon, lime and cement $40.30; Ross Taylor & Co., supplies $317.73; John R. Hunkin, labor and rent of machine $106.95; John Kydd, labor ^14.00; Wm. Smith, labor $16.00; Ed. Coombes, labor $2.25; Samel Bradt, $4.00. i — on Thursday, Wuh musicj^upplied by THREE PIE< A GqOD Dancing H-ym t) p.m. until l a.m. AdmisSion: Gents 50c. tax included ec. 4 ORCHESTRA ME IS ASSURED In County Police Court at Gode­ rich on Tuesday, Henry Beiber, of Hay Township, was sentenced by Judge J. L. Gilloran to serve three years in Portsmouth Penitentiary. Beiber pleaded guilty a week ago to a charge of theft and to breaking and entering by night a barn in H^y Township and stealing a quantity of grain. He was arrested in London. Boxing3 Show m Mrs. John W. Stewart, of Farqu­ har, underwent an operation on Thursday of last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Green, of town, the operation being performed by Dr. Ernest Williams, of London, assisted by Dr. Dunlop, of Exeter, her attending physician, and also Dr. Ferguson, of London. The patient is doing as well as- can be expected. Miss M. Grant R. N. is in attendance. DEL RABY Welterweight Champion vs. ACK SOMERVILLE E London Y. M. C. A.of AND NINE ADDITIONAL BOUTS A thrill every minute of the evening' If you missed the last one don’t V miss this one lathing » Admission 50c., Children I5c.Four merchants of town were vic­ timized last week by a local youth who passed: four forged cheques for $10.00 each. The cheques were drawn on a local bank; made out to the young man in question and were supposed to be signed by F. J. Wickwire. The forgery was not dis­ covered until after a discrepancy was found in Mr. Wickwire’s bank account. In the meantime the youtli had left town for London. In ing the cheques the young man small purchases, tendered the 1 ues and secured the change. Jos. Senior,Clerk Thomas ‘BLUNDERING BILLY EVER-REWy FLOOR WAX ...FAHCIAL COMEDY IN TllllEE ACTS Phone your hardware necessities to 27 eorge I-I.BIRTHS CARD OF THANKS family 1 Hospi Nova> tended dujlng itient an flowers slid to those their cars. r 25thj aged « ii pass- made cheq- , W. w. Br.o< M. Bro.on Mr. son. CAST EZRA TUTTLE, a rich mine owner .. BILLY BUTLER, always in trouble .. LIEUT. SING TOY.i HANK Dll DOROTH CLARIS! T. L. McCurdy and ‘The, Anglican Players’ under the direction of Mrs. N. J. Dore — PRESENT >. on November T. IN MEMORIAL -In loving moimc JACK FROST ANTI-FR TI^E CHAINS TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD Phone your hardware necessities to 27 ' . ...........................................-fe DAVIS—In loving moi/nofy of the date Arthur S. Davis, ;who passed Away one year ago, December 4th, Lovingly remembered ipy Wife and igWx Friday, November 28th, and Mrs. Alex Mousseau, DEATHS 'WIKDSOR—In Exeter on CANDY—BuyByout Xjtfas Candies, Creams, Chocolates, fixtures at the lowest Sh'oppe. -In Hibbert Towwship on November 25 th/, 1930, 8 years AB*? prices /at^rieve’s BURNH WOYO f\N, a AIT RNING; ACT 2—AFTFRXOON; ACT 3—JCVENING :<>n Boom, of “the stjrathmore*’, alameda, Admission 50c. and 25c. Plan at Howey’s. LAUGHS! LAUGHS! LAUGHS! LAUGHS! SERIOUSLY ILL ■MMlMi OYSTER SHELL .... $E35 GRIT ...............................$^35 COLEMAN ( LAMPS & LANTERN^ . . . 59c. lb. The many friends .of Mr. Willis, of Centralia., manager of the Shamrock Creamery, will regrot to know that he is seriously ill with pneumonia at the Western Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Willis ac­ companied by Mrs. Wm. Hodgert j motored to Toronto last week to at- I tend the Royal Fair and Mr. Willis iwas. taken ill andi removed to thf/ hospital. We understand that his condition is critical but his many friends will hope for his recovery. in OPERA HOUSE, EXETER — on — Wed. & Thurs. Evenings, Dec. 10 & 11th Under the Auspices of the Ladies’ Guild -tSHAPTON—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hos­ pital on Saturday, November 29, to Mr. .and Mrs. Earle H. Shapton, •of Stephen, a son’(Melvin Bruce). .JEFFERY—In Usborne, on Wednes­ day, November 26tli, to’Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffery, a son, (Victor Glenn). i llERN—In Usborne 21st to Mr. and Mrs. John Hern, a son (John Lincoln.) .ROUSSEAU-~In Hay Township, to a November 30th, V1930, Windsor, in his 81st yea^. McCURDY- Tuesday, Thomas McCurdy, and 3 months. DAVIS—In Victoria don, on Thursday, 27th, Mary Christina Pj|in, belov­ ed wife of Francis Davisk aged 68 years, 30 days. [ Mrs. ........ . ..............of Usborne wisli to extendAheir sin­ cere thanks t(| their nolgmiours and friends for Hie many acts of kind­ ness and sympathy extended during their recent^bereavement and espec­ ially to tli^pRev. Mr. Bulteel. ,Mr> Fr^rfTBanZh^and family de­ sire tq.*dxp]«ss theirksincere thanks to tjtflfir and neighbors fdr the kindness arid sympathy ex- their recent bereavo- also for the beautiful who loaned I. P. M., W. M. Bro. E. IIow- W. M. Bro. H. O. Southcott; Jr. W. M. M. S. OFFICERS ELECTED At ther egular meeting of' the Lebanon Forest Lodge, A. F. & A. M. on Monday evening the following officers were elected for the coming year aid; Sr. W. M. Bro. G. F. Roulston N. Bro. G. S. Atkinson; Scc’y M. Bro. R. N. Creech; Treas. Bro. W. W. Taman; Chap. Bro, E. M. Dignan Sweet; W. W. W. M. Dignan M. W. The installation of officers will take place on Monday evening. Dec. 29tli Tyler Installing Master, W. Taman; Examining Board, Bros. W.- W. Taman. E. M. , W. Frayne; Auditors, Bros. Pfaff, Bro. George Lawson. W. C. DAVIS rirT. 9. NEALE WOLD, of the Piesidio vation.. H. SWEETLOVE servant ........................... F. ABBOTT LE, an old salt ........................... M. R. COMPLIN STUTTLE, Ezr".^daughter MISS CATHERINE WOODS T'a guest at “The Strathmore0 MRS. N. J. DORE panose girl ................. MISS MILDRED MURPHY