HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-11-27, Page 8NOVEMBER 30 A C AR. O THE EXETER TIMEi-ADVOCATE HAS ARRIVED LH4 YO ORDER. H. rr/Rowe hone 10w Exeter Markets Wheat 65 c. Oats 25c. Barley 28c., Bran $1.10 Shorts $1.00 Low Grade Flour §1.25 Welcome Flour $2.50 Model Flour $2.80 Manitoba Flour $3.00 Creamery Butter 36c. Dairy Effgs, Eggs, Eggs,Hcgs CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH formerly of while Elm£r taken but is Mr-, Malcolm Frase Mooresville, now of Detroit, visiting her daughter Mrs. C.^ulkete-, Port Huron, was- suddenly ill with pneumonia, slightly improving. Mr. Wm. Ward is in Hanover to­ day (Wednesday) attending the turn e-ral of Mrs. Ward’s Mrs. J. W. Hazerton, away at the homo of in Hanover following •stioke on Monday. eldest sister who passed her daughter a paralytic o~ Butter 3'0 to 33c, extras, 55 c. first 45c. seconds 30 c, $9.75 .......f.......“ r V.l M"11*!1 1 ------------------------ cCoaals 11 G Don’t forget “Blundering Bi a three act comedyApresented b Anglican Players, i^ider thej^Iirect- ion of Mrs. N. J. Di. , House, Exeter on Defemb 11th week etc. at in 8.15 p.m. advance. Si N I wish to anno will be closed tl Sunday and Mon ing a clinic and Colonic Therapy ce tha ny office iy night, file conduet- fbimtration on JSbndon, Ont. JOHN WARD The Annual Meeting -of the^South Huron PJowmisn’s Associat^ra will be held in thefTown HalLjjffixeter, on jeember^^1 at 8 p.m. h’ectorsJ^election -of of- Wednesday, Reports -of ficers and fotlier^business. E. J. W. Morgan, Pres.Pym, Sec’y/; A CORRECMON An error occurred in the printing of the tax notices of the Township of Uslitrne which was not noticed until pfter they had gone out. figures however are correct, notices should have read as lows: 1st County and Old Age 1 sions; 2nd Township Rate; County and Highway Rate; Provincial Highway Rate, In notices printed the county rate pears twice. Trusting this will plain matters.—S. J. Pym, Rev, J, Bernard Rhodes, M. A. Minister Miss. Lemi Coxites, A.L.C.M., Organist 10 ^.m.—Sqpday School 11 am.—“Put to the Proof” 7 p. m.—“The Magnificat.” Wednesday the 26th, W. M. S. Thankoffering. Mrs. McKay will speaks on “Formosa.” Wednesday—Our service is with­ drawn this week. i i I’S OVERCOATS Opera 10th and open bills for re, in one cast Christmas caucus baked on Tues­ days, Wednjhs^ays and Thursdays at Grant’s Ba: c .nfts(T/ Horne, of Stratford, of 3frs E .A. Amy, Boyle was confined of days Marjory Sunday JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C;M, Organist and Choir-Leader 1 -a.m.—Rev. J. H. Johnson, B A., B. D., Central Church, St, Thomas p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—Rev. Mr. Johnson O0 7 NOTE—We welcome Mr. Johnson to James Street and trust that splen­ did congregations may greet him. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J". Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston “ Organist and Choir-Leader’ 11 *a.m.—“The Reality of Christ’s Humanity”. p.m.—Our Church School. p.m.—“The Mother” 4th in the series on “Home Folk.” ’ 7.30 p.m.—Thursday, prayer meet­ ing 3 7 We have your new winter overcoat for you at the price that you are prepared to pay. The newest patterns and cloths are here for you, Wear one of our snappy new coats and you will be delighted with their style and warmth, The prices range from $14.95 to $35.00 o' V All-Wool Sweater Coats In grey and he/ather weaves, exceptional coat for both men a All sizes from 36 to SPECIAL AT $2. TWO-TEX UNDERWEAR FOR MEN A scientifically constructed and prescrib­ ed fabric providing perfect ventilation and absorption plus the warmth of warm wool in combinations. .$3.95 and $4.95 Tjiifts is an women. New China and Dinner Sets for Xmas WE ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING NEW TO SHOW CHINA DEPARTMENT. COUNTERS THIS WEEK. ASK TO SEE THE NEW ANY ARTICLE WILL BE LAID ASIDE FOR YOU FOgTCHRISTMAS. 8DU IN OUR MANY LINES ARE BEING PLACED ON OUR INNER SETS. s=S ■emtMR ■n 31 Mr. and 'Mrs. C. F. Hooper, of Lon­ don, visited in town on Friday last. Mr. Hugh Creech, of Western Uni­ versity, was for the week-end. Mrs. Garner, of St. Thomas, is vis­ iting with her sister Mrs. Ed. Treble, Mr. and Mrs. were the guests on Sunday. Mr. Clarence to his home for a couple through illness. Misses Muriel Howald and Westcott, of London, spent i>t their respective homes. Mr." Dwight Evans, of Blenheim, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Acheson on Sunday. Mr. Harold Wood, of Chatham and sister Miss Pearl Wood, motored to Toronto for the week-end. Mrs. Norman Ford, of Detroit, spent last week with her mother, Mrs, Chas. Box, of Stephen. Miss Florence Chown, of Lucan, visited with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers during the past week. IMrs. McKay, of Harriston, visited at the home of her brother, Mr. Kress, during the past week. Mr. Geo. .Windsor, who has ill, has suffered a relapse and i present in a critical condition. Mr. R. J Eaerett, of Woodstock, left on Wednesday for the Northern counties on his tour of inspection. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern and little son, of Zion, visited on Sun­ day with iMr. and Mrs. Hector Tay­ lor. . . Mr. and “Mrs. Leon Treble and son Edward, of Toronto, spent Sunday STRAYED—^X^affing t/Hereford with the former’s parents Mr. and please!Mrs. Ed. Treble. j Mr. and Mrs. B. w. F. Beavers and ll-27-2tc son Beg. were at Glencoe on Sunday visiting with Mrs. Beavers’ neice, Mrs. R. Singleton. I Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, iMr. Amy and I Mr. Walper, of Drayton, visited with ' Mr. and Mrs. P. Coates and other 1 friends' on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Dilling and two children, of Hensail, .spent Sun­ day with Mrs. Dilling’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bell. i.VTr. and Mrs Win. Gardiner and daughter Shirley, of Meaford, are visiting with Mrs. Gardiner’s parents I Mr. and Mrs. S. Parsons. I Mr. and Mrs.-Geo. R. Ferguson, of I London, visited with friends in this community on Sunday iand attended th$> James St. Anniversary. JnMr. and Mrs. Bert Kestle and son f 'Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trevethick, of Crediton, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Amy on Sunday. Messrs. Paul Coates, Maurice and '. Frank Coates and Mrs. Rich. Coates ’.'motored to Toronto Monday to visit relatives and attend the Royal Fail". Mr. Pierson, Mr. and Mrs. Arm- ’hands'of the! ”trong’ Mr8, Bonnie and -daughter, er’s Club berta coal. •P. Pass- - The Thames Road Far are booking orders for chestnut coal and “look/ more, Sec’y. The The fol- Pen- 3 rd 4th the s ap- ex- ollector Wm. 11 3 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Miss If. JI. MacFauI, Organist Mr. T. J. Finlay in charge First Sunday in Advent,. . a.m.—Holy Communion—-Rev. T. M. B. Parker p.m—Sunday- School and Bible Class p.m.—Mr. T. J. Finlay ORDER Y FOUND—A ladies black muff on .Thames Road. Owner may same by paying for adv. to Hogarth’s Hatchery. have Apply been is at Albert/Coal I STRAYED^^Onto^Lot 11, Con. -6, Hay, tworybar/old stger. Owner may „have sxyfie,,-byprovmg property and ■paying/expenses. Earl F. .Shapton, R. Rl No. X Exeter, phope 17r25, Crediton. 1 11-2 7-3 tc STRAYED— Y&tWine- // steer marked Xn- notify Geo. Westcott Exeter. STRAYED—From Lot 3, Con. 3, | ■Usborne," year-old red and white ’steer with star in forehead and with [ strayed since first .snowj Please notify John T'hom- 3, Exeter. ll-27-3tc ---------L SALE—Forty? Bffick Mihor- 1—4 (p”^. Christie, horns; storm. "son, R. “ FOR 1 .ca year-old hen/ Exeter, phone 18rl4f Crediton, * WANTED—A Cglli^pup. at Time.s-Advocate|/'’ > ...............................■ ----------------------- Itp. Apply FOR SALE -^ittle pigs and E. Popley, * J ll-27-2tp chunks. , Appl Winchelsea. I ' 5IEETING OF JSEURON COUNTY COUNCIL A . The Council |-of the Corporation of the County $ ip the Council| Chamber, at 2 o’clock i™ __ ____ Tuesday, the 2id day of^ 1930. All accounts County must beUin th ...... . .... Clerk not latervthapjTsaturday pre­ ceding the meeti GEO. HOLMAN, County Clerk. Goderich, 15th November, 1330. ...... .................... FOR SALE—Four burner Gur­ ney electric range, higWoven. Splen-- did condition, a bargain. Also Rem­ ington, standard No/10, visible ty­ pewriter, short/im/in use, lHfe new. M. G. Ransfordill-20-2tc. if Huron. willFmeet bderich,| oon’ of the afte ecember, ainst the ®f Council. adio. The dio at .the idy Elliot.1 Hear the New S^iilco World’s fastest selling “‘Home, of the ForA SHROPSHIRE S Am offering sejbral rams few ewes of cMoicflFbreeding and show type.—R. D. and a er and Son. 10-9-tfc ' GOOD COOJ^G^OMIONS, BOIL­ ERS—1 Sc Lb. aelive$fed. Plione Geo. Hay, Efeter.f ^Hbnc 175 31. tR/G. Seldon )W'- IKIWIU,7W Fresh roaster from now Bakery. Lr r peanuts- every day Christmas at Grant's NEWSILK LINGERIE $1.35 TO $3.25 r in a fine array of new patterns and col­ orings. \ Aprons, Laundry and (lothes Pin Bags, Pot Holders and other t ovelties, to em- NEW SILK AND GEORGETTE SCARFS FANCY STAMPED GOODS :s.broider for Christmas gif Rubber e In Gown ?yjamas, Bloomers, Vests and Slips in tJjfT wonderful wearing “Lavender Line” a^Fower prices this season. **■ NEW PATTERNS IN STAMPED MATS In 11-4 an$ 11-2 yard sizes. Many new' patterns are shown in this assortment. Footygfer for all the Family 1 . E NEWEST STYLES IN GOLOSHES AND WE REPLACE WE ARE SHEWING __________ _______________ RUBBERS FOR ERY MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY. EVERY E^AIR THtVT FAifLS TO GIVE SATISFACTION. The new its and Nuts for Xmas are here PRICES ARE MUCH LOWER New Raisins, New Almonds, New Peels, New Dates, New Currants, New Walnuts, New Cherries, New Figs, Mincemeat, Candied Pineapple, Cram berries. • Everything for your Christmas Cake and Puddings. mJ A social evening was held by the R- A.Y.P.A. of Trivitt Memorial church I on Monday evening. Following a fine program red hots and coffee were served. After enjoying a few weeks of most delightful weather this section was visited with a snowfall Monday j ’ night and colder weather. Several inches of snow covered the ground.! Up until Monday there was someone 1 from town ■ at the Oakwood golf, course almost every day. A large number from the Young People’s Leagues of James St. and Main St. Church motored to Credit- on Friday evening last and attend­ ed the lecture given by Dr. F. R. Kingston, of Western University on the “Wonderful Heavens” which' was greatly' appreciated. Following the- lecture refreshments were serv­ ed and a social time spent. _____________i Mrs. G. Freckleton is very ill,4~- Lucan News. * Miss Jean Sheere has been confin­ ed to her home through illness. Mr. hnd Mrs. Wm. Small, of Lon­ don, attended the funeral of Mrs. Samuel Cornish on Saturday. Little Miss Hazel Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Williams, of Usborne, is confined to her bed through illness. ■ Reeve B. M. Francis Is able to be around again after being confined to his home for several days last week with sinus infection. • Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bradt anti family, of London; Mr. and Mrs. W. McAllister an,d family, /Mt. Brydges and M'iss Bessie Hartnoil, were the guests of fMr. and Mrs. Jas. Jewell on Sunday and attended the James St. Anniversary. Mi’s. Jno, Rowcliffe who has been in .Seaforth Hospital from injuries received when she fell from a lad­ der has sufficiently improved and was brought to the home of her son Mr. Elgin Rowcliffe, London Road North. Mrs. Wm. Kuntz has returned to her home after visiting for a week with her family in Windsor and with her sister, Mrs. Bertrand, of Detroit. Mr. John and Miss Dor­ othy Kuntz accompanied her home and visited for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Dearing and daughter, Miss Rosa, and Mr. Percy Harris, motored to Toronto last week to attend the Royal Fair and visit with friends. They were .ac­ companied home by Mrs. John Sand­ ers who has been visiting in the city. In the twenty-five years ago col­ umn the names of those who had been in business in Exeter for 25 years are printed, two are still active, D ing and James Dignan these gentlemen are on cally every day, Mrs. "Westlake, who spending the past, .seven her daughter, Mrs. R. turned to her home in Sarnia on Sat­ urday. .She wa's accompanied by Mr; and Mrs. Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Harold White and children, who mained over the ‘week-end, Mrs# Brown and Mrs. J. Fuller Sarnia, wlio were quests of Mrs. W. F. Beavers while in Exeter tak> Ing part in the Jubilee program at Main St. United church, from Sat­ urday until Wednesday, returned to Sarnia on Wednesday and were ac­ companied as far as London, by Mrs, Dickinson, who had visited with Mrs. J, Snell, for the past two weeks. EXETER WOMEN’S INSTITUTE I rons for $10.00 J for $18.00 Overcools reg. $35., for $25.00 Water Prqjbf Coats J^om $5.00 to $12.00 Overcoats reg. $18., Overcoats reg. $2 Suits, Suits, Suits, (Honor Gra ate) Lon Initrhctio w.W. TAMAN PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT. ■ . ■ .X " The regular monthly meeting of the Exeter Women’s Institute was held Tuesday niight at the ho-me of1 Mrs. W. H. Harness with twenty- two members present. The meeting opened by singing the opening ode and repeating the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The Roll Call was respond­ ed by explaining inexpensive Christ­ mas gifts. -Community singing was ■enjoyed and .splendid reports were given by Miss L. Jeckell from a meeting of the District Officers and Miss Bettv Grant from the Conven­ tion held in London in November. Several business items were taken care of and a sale--of Christmas gifts was an interesting feature. The singing of God Save the King AGENCY AND rnony, Theory Street, Box 160 ONTARIO w: save ni^ney on yq FOR. Dorothy, of London, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kers- lake. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wilson, of Granton, and Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbert, of Lucan, were the guests of Miss Taylor and Mr, C.# T. Brooks on Sunday. Rev. F. E. Cly-sdple, wife and daughters, of Brantford, spent Thurs­ day and Friday of last week visiting with relatives and renewing old ac­ quaintances. Mrs. R. Singleton, of Glencoe, Who was in Exeter at the p.a|fy givep by Mrs. Grant to several ladies from Glencoe, paid her aunt Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers a short visit. <Mr, John Pedlar was taken ill with a fainting .spell at the morning service iii James St. church Sunday. After being carried out into dthe fresh ait he quickly revived. . Mr. and Mrs, Lambert Love and sons John ahd Paul, of Elgin House, Muskoka, and Mr. Edgar Robinson, of Parkhill, visited With Mr, and Mrs, W. C, Pearce -on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. B. W« F. Beavers at­ tended the funeral of the late Mr, E, Rennie in Hensajl on .Thursday last and going on to Clinton for the afternoon Session -of 'the Presbytery hold in Wesley United Churcli. Rev. C, W. DeMille, of Stratford, accompanied of Brighton, and Mrs. J. Mr. DeMille service m James st. United Piano, Violili Studio N. Alb , England DOROTHY E. GRAS SICK A. L* C. M. coal bill AVE SgTURED THE Mr. Robt. D. Mousseau has im­ proved his residence opposite the AUIjKING DOORS VS, ALSO METAL R-STRWPING QUOTE YOU PRICES. brought the moeting to a close. Af- Machine Shop by siding it with art ter which the hostess and ber com- brick shingles and erecting a porch mittee served lunch.at the front. Of these only r. J. W. Browrt- Both of pfacti- MESH "Jr BROK AUTO BILE GLASS R|fPLAC§gf QUICKLY? WH WAITGIVE FURNITURE JHIS XMAS / ■And make a lasting Gift We have a large supply of jrccasjonal pieces including, End Table*, Chesterfield Tables, Smokers, Ferneries,, Lamps, Cedar Chests, Magazine R^cks, Sewing Cabinets, Gate Leg Tables, Tilt-Ton 7 Goqcs E b/ HOPPER G./A DAWKINS 2 Exeter, duty a has weeh Murphy re­W. R. GOULDING It.- Choirmaster nited Church Instruction in Organ Theory fr of Music In Schools been a withll^L3-4ti>r - --- STRAYED—- dwto __ lot 12, con. N; B. Biddulfh year-old heifer, same by proving . . 1hg for this advertisem^n McGee, Lucan, R. Ills the emises , two- iy have propftrtyjand pny- Patrfck ll-U-3tc re* If you wlsli tdMvtt dr bouse seer R. nr soli A farm Suit'd,Exeter. POULTRY ANTED _ We ate in the market for alCklttds, of poultry paying.tholhighest jitlces. Trucks? Will call, ^hihe 30, Dash­ wood, C. Anderson. ♦ of B. Tables anfl many other useful gifts. ► DELIVERED ANY DISTANCE Ori by his aunt, Mrs. Lapp, •wefe the gucMs of Mr. T. Miners on conducted the* Sunday, morning Church. . / PHONE 00 F\j|Pmure and Funeral Director AMBULANCE SERVICE Piano Super ________________ Studio, TOh st. Box 57, Phone"19r EXETER, ONT Messrs, w. J. Beer and Earl Rus- sell, motored to Detroit spending: Sunday and Monday, I