HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-11-20, Page 8■Hi 11 3 7 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Miss K. M. MacE’auI, Organist Mr. T. J. Finlay in charge Sunday Before Advent a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser- THE EXETER TIMEli-ADVOCATE STRAYEDTT-One^year-old red he'if*^!! er, withoufTiorif jj/about the middle of Septeiuber tayed onto Lot 17, rue/ Apply to John R. ltp. con. 8,/Ujs ’muRsn*w\ novembkm so, i RIVED YOUR ORDER, TTT'k. Rowe Phone JOw A meeting will be Presbyterian Church evening o’clock, umjter the W.M.S. M. • give an int work will be taken. held jn Caven cn, ^M’ednesday i at eight spices of the McKay will address on her , Refreshments ed^hnd a silver collection in sei November ladies Guild of^rivitt Mem- Joing an after­ Hyndman’s on kveek from 3 to 5 The oriel church uare h- poon tea at* Mr§F Thursday of |thh o'clock. Silve^olection There will Jra Beauty Parlour next two vtfeeks Stackhouse? c C r Exeter Markets Wheat 65 c. Oats 25e. Barley 28c. Bran 81.10 Shorts ?l.oo Low Grade Flour $1.25 Welcome Flour $2.60 Model Flout* $2.80 Maitoba Flour $3.00 Creamery Butter 36c. Dairy Butter 30 to 33c, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs $9.75 _______ ----------- locals extra 50c. first 45c. seconds 30c, ■4 Rev, y, Bernard Rhpc|e?, M- A, Minister Miss Lena Cpates, ArL»0.Mm Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.-—"The Inescapable Chal­ lenge.” 7 pan.—“The Reality of the Unseen” Thursday,, 8 p.m.. our Mid-week Ser­ vice at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strang. "The Christian Life interpreted by John Bunyan” We have your new winter overcoat, for you at the price that you are prepared to pay. The newest patterns and cloths are here for you, Wear one of our snappy new coats an d you will be delighted with their style and warmth. The prices range from $14.95 to $35.00 TWO-TEX UNDERWEAR FOR MEN A scientifically constructed and prescrib­ ed fabric providing perfect ventilation and absorption plus the warmth of warm wool in combinations. $3.95 and $4.95 0. V. All-Wool Sweater Coats In grey and heather weaves. This is an exceptional coat for both men and women. All sizes from 36 to 46 SPECIAL AT $2.50 Miss Elaine Camm, a graduate of Alma College is the guest of Miss Violet Gam brill. Miss Aleatha' Ogden, of London, visited over the holiday with and Mrs. Archie Davis. Earl Sims little son of Mr. Mrs. Isaac Sims is confined to bed with plural pneumonia. Miss Mona Gould, of Stratford, visited with Miss Amy Shapton over the week-end. • . Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott mo­ tored to Morpeth and spent Sunday and Monday with Rev. R. E. ond Mrs. Southcott. i Misses H. Sweet, Ethel Bissett and Margaret Quinton are motoring to Toronto today (Thursday) to attend the Royal Fair. Miss L. M. Jeekell gave a very iteresting travel talk on her trip to Alaska at the Tyivitt Memorial A. Y. P. A. on Monday evening. ; (Mrs. Thos. Gunning, of Blanshard underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London on Saturday, .and is getting along nicely. Miss Horton’s room in the Exe­ ter public school has been closed for a couple of weeks owing to one of the pupils, having developed a case of mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Ready, of St Marys, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Elston, on Sunday and attended the Jubilee services in the Main Street United church. Mr. and Mr.s. Pollock and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rinshed, spent the Mrs. Hall troit with Little makes her home witty Mr., and Mrs. Wesley Lamport, was taken ill on Thursday last and was removed to hospital in London. Misses Annie Simmons, Irene Wan­ kel and Florence McKellar, nurses- in-training at Victoria Hospital, in London, visited over the week-end n. Also Rem- with the former’s parents Mr. and n urlciHIid' +'V_ ’ TIT _____ fr^K, marcels at in .Exeter for pupil of Miss the the Phone 245 for appointment > j ' 11-17-ltp. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The of • the in the at 2 , Tuesday, 11% ia30. All County mus^be i Clerk not la®er ceding the GEO. 1-1 Mr. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. JIcTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Special Music by the Choir Morning service conducted by Rev. C. W. De krille, B.A., of Central Church, Stratford. Subject: “We would see Jesus." 3 p.m.—Sunday School Evening service, Rev. R. B. Coch­ rane, D. D., Secretary-of Home Mis­ sions, Toronto, will preaph. Subject: “Our Debt to Yesterday.” Both these men are outstanding preachers of the United Church. The friends of Exeter and vicinity are cordially invited to hear them. New China and Dinner Sets' for Xmas Gifts’ WE ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING NEW TO SHOW Yotf IN OUR CHINA DEPARTMENT. MANY LINES ARE BEING PLACED ON OUR COUNTERS THIS WEEK. ASK TO SEE THE NEW JUNNER SETS. ANY ARTICLE WILL BE LAID ASIDE FOR YOU FOJUCHRISTMAS /■■.■Jr' _________ ' .......... SILK LINGERIENEW SILK AND G RGETTE SCARFS Council County Council o’clock in the of the Corporation of Huron^ill meet Chambej^’ Goderich, _ J'ternoon of 2nd daj^of December, against the ;he hands of the !an Saturday pre- ig of Council. MAN, County Clerk. accoun Goderich, 15?! ^November, 1930. STRAYED—rfOi^o tot 28, Con. Usborne, 3y’liew a^’cattle. 2___ may h^ve" sa m e / b/SpWxing ” p r op er ty and paying exj/enVes. Apply to An­ drew DougadVR. R. 3 Exeter. ....- .---- ---£ ------ - t FOR SALE—25 Starred Rock pul­ lets, price $1.0 01 /Apply at Tj'ines- Advocate. ltc. 1, Owner Club coal. The Thames Road Farpfer’s are booking orders for berta There has bee:L no chjfiige in price. We have sever il in coal, and in older must have mo ll-20r2tC;’ “FOR SALE—Four burner Gur­ ney electric range, highJoven. Splen­did condition, aYbarga^n. |M . 2\. . „ ington, standard|.N^10,. visible ty- Mrs. W. -Simmons, pewriter, short, tjm®in use, like new. M. G. Ransford.lUr ' ll-20-2tc. of Detroit, week-end with Mrs. Hall, has since returned to De­ them. Edith Armstrong, who ries. for No. 4 6 get a car ,we rders. , Passmore^, Seciy. FOR SALE—-Brunswick radio, Highboy, 1931 model. Only used one week. Cost $261,815 will, sell at big reduction. ■ Phone 79 or write Box 3 6, Exeter. ---------W ANTED—jW^ishipgS; dry or ironedf Sims. LOST—Two-jj^r^ld grey steer, mark in right/eaWshort horns. Not- " “ - ■ i -1 - - lfcp>Priced Dlshwood. —4.'Y'— the New P^tlco Radio, fastest j^ling Radio Hear World’s “Home .pi* thj SBoSop^HRE SHEEPS Am’ offering csevere rams few ewes of choice ^^eding and show type.—R. D. H MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA. Rev. G. J. Moorhouse, pastor Miss' Evelyn' Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—“The Forward Look”11 3 p.m.—Our Church School. 7 o’clock our ■ service is - with­ drawn. Our people will unite with James Street congregation in their anniversary services. Thursday, prayer service with­ drawn . Choir practice at 8.30. mon. p.m—Sunday School and Bible Class p.m.—Evensong and sermon.,^ In a fine array of i|ew patterns and col­ orings. $1.35 TP $3.25 Aprons, Laur Pot Hplders an breider for Christmas gifts. In G$wn3, Pyjamas, Bloomers, Vests and [ Shp^Mn the wonderful wearing “Lavender [ Ljwe” at lower prices this season. - MPED GOODS' FAltfCY S NEW PATTERNS IN STAMPED MATS In 1 1-4 and? 1 1-2 yard sizes. Many new patterns are shown inthis assortment hbberJFbotwear for all the Family/ E ARE S WING THE NEWEST STYLES IN GOLOSHES AND RUBBERS FOaFEVERY MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY. WE REPLACE EVEj^Y PAiyTHAT FAILS TO GIVE SATISFACTION. For your “XMAS” Cake V CHERRIES CUT PEELS, NUTS, FRUITS, RAISINS, CUR- RANTS, DATES, FIGS, ETC. An aeroplane- pilot and mechanic from Windsor visited Exeter Mon­ day afternoon landing in a field east of Exeter and during the afternoon .! took up a number of passengers at ..---- $3.00 a trip. •• nc> I At a recent meeting of the hydro __ . commission Mr. W.. H. Doerr was rough or appointed superintendant of water [y .to Mrs. Isaac' works. These duties to be added to ltp. his other duties with no further re-; 1 numeration in salary. Little Doris Elliott, aged '5 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Elliott, of London, sang over CJGC, in that city on Wednesday evening' last being accompanied on the piano by her sister Vivian. It has been rumored ‘that the Canadian Canners do not intend to pack any peas, at their Exeter plant next season but we have been in­ formed on good authority that there is no foundation for such a rumor Mr. and Mrs. N. Keddy and their daughter Lois, of Detroit, motored over and spent the week-end at the home of Sir. W. C. Keddy, of Us- borne. panied Mr. cently customs at Hepburn an'd sons Bobby and Billy spent the week-end with the latter’s mother Mrs. E. Wright of the Chain­ way Store. Mr. Jack Gambrill motored to Elora and Fergus on Sunday to com­ mence his new duties on the Fergus News- Record. He was accompanied by his parents, his sister, Violet and Miss Alda Squire, wo made the re­ turn trip in time to attend the anni­ versary services in Main. St. church in the. evening. Santa Claus passed through Exe­ ter Saturday morning on the L. H. & B. bound for London. When the train pulled into the station the platform was wild with children that had gathered there to greet him, train‘stopped here Santa 'distributed small bags of caridy to the children. A few of the kiddies felt very badly because they had been overlooked in the crowd* What!‘might have been a serious accident t,ook place Sunday evening north Of Exeter when an automobile driven by Mr. c. Dixon, of Bruce- field, and in which there wore three other occupants, left the road and blunged into & deep ditch and through a fence. The car somewhat dajnaged but was able to be brought back to town for repairs on its own power, ’'The oceubahts escaped with slight bruises and a shaking up with the exception of one young lady who had her arm badly twisted and had to have mbd- icai attention* 4- The at .the Elliot. and a Son. 10-9-t£c ap*^**’ ^YorkshireFO^/ J^ALE—Ym. HogS iio\v ready^tGlioice animals.— arvey, Exeter. 10-9-tfc Apply to C GOOD COWINQ ONIONS, BOIL­ERS'—lilLk^^livered. Phone Geo. Hay, Exfter.- Phone 175 r 31. ll-13-4tp .Miss Nettie Keddy accom- them P. E. been -----< STRAYED—- Onto ^Xlie premises lot 12, con. N. B^ year-old 1; same by ing for McGee, f FOR Apply at Times-Advocate..x?il-6-3tc. If you wish to b.uy oy sell a farm or house see R. E. ^^Eard, Exeter.0 X.-ULV OZlJurj XVJCl?! X—2>X’X< red brick semi-bungalow.j^All veniences, Centrally located. FOR RENT—Severn light housekeepingWeekes’ offile. •FOR SALE- pump; also lopex; new. Appl; “ ‘ istrator Or iddulplT, two- wner hay ' have roving property and pay- ertisement. Patrick R. R. 3 ll-13-3tc leifer. th Lu SALE— An Auto-Knitter. FOR SALE OR RENT-^fbderu con- 10 gal, rooms above '■. for Dr. gas. ng table, almost Ohn Rowe, AdmiU- -,F. Beavers. 6-19-tfc. afke POULTRY WA We are in the of. poultry paying Trucks will c.alL wood, C. Anderso ED of all kinds thejfiighest prices. Hffone 30* Dash* £gistere<l Herefords EW fcald eight bulls 10 th 12 = liitmthlkbt age. Sired; by Brae Dale 25- from Bontiie Brae. MMrte Lad dams; also heifers. Srttceessors utt, Breeders sined Forest, Oht. 104-k6tdr 42nd *6 Uairfar an bred and to late R. W. 189)3 Stutt -Bro home on a visit. Hepburn, who has re­ appointed collector of St. Marys, with Mrs. During the short time the Whs Dunqa If the yo’ung man and hi® lady friend who borrowed a Ford Coupe from between the picture show and the mill Thursday, Nov. 13th while owner was in the rink playing horse­ shoes will pay for the glass which was broken in the left door there will be no further trouble. A front page, first column, first item, in last week’s Times-Advocate says that Mr. Wm. Ward has bought the Exeter hospital. Wm. Ward de­ sires to correct that statement. lie did not buy that property. He was the unfortunate possessor of a mort­ gage on that property and after ma­ turity of mortgage the property was dumped back on him, less a year’s interest and a year’s taxes. • The W. M. S. of James &t. church held their monthly meeting on No­ vember 13th. The president Mrs. C. W. Christie presiding. The In­ ternational Peace thought was stress­ ed throughout the meeting. Two minutes of silent prayer was ob­ served for peace and in memory of members deceased within the ye&r. The Doxology was then Sung after which all members present led in sentence prayer. The roll call by Mrs. W. Johns was answered by a number of Scripture texts on peace. The treasurer, Mrs. Rev. Down, gave a very encouraging report of the finances. Mrs. W. Frayne and Mrs. J. Batson gave very interesting Re­ ports of the recent convention. A short progtani by group number 8 with Mrs. J. Shapton as leader in which good readings were given by Mrs. Horney, Mrs. Gjll and Mfrs.' Ogden. A trio composed of Mrs. Christie, Mrs. H. .Shapton and Mrs. A. Francis with Mrs. H. Shapton at the piano rendered special numbers. The annual election of officers also took place with Rev. D- officiating. .follows: Christie; Miners; Coultis Rec. Sec’y.r Mrs. Horney; Assisting Sec’y., Mrs. E. Stone; Corres. Sec’y., Mrs. Heywood; pianist', Mrs. J. Bat­ son; Baby Band Supt., Mrs. j. M. Southcott. Mrs. Christie thanked the auxiliary for the unanimous vote which ma|<es her president for an­ other year and for* the loyal sup­ port of its members during the past year* Mr. George Windsor who has been ,11 is mprovng. Mrs. George Mantle is confined to' her home through illness. Misses Eleanor Skinner and Evelyn Bfock, of Thorndale, spent the week­ end with Mrs. M. Heywood. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Edwards, of Windfall, Ind., returned to their home Monday after visiting wth Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawson and other re­ latives, Mr. Lawson ?s a brother of Mrs. Edwards. Mrs. Hooper and dauigher, Miss Ruth Hooper and Mr. and Mrs. P. Hooper, of London, were the guests/, of .‘Mr. and Mrs. J. Elston and atten­ ded the Jubilee services in Main St., church on Sunday also Monday and Tuesday evenings. The W. M. S. of the Main Street United Church held its election of officers in the school room of the church on Thursday afternoon.. The meeting was presided over by Rev. Mr. Moorehouse. The officers are: President, Mrs. W. C. Pearce; first vice-president, Mrs. C. J. Moore­ house; second vice- president, Mrs. S. Skinner; recording secretary, Mrs. G. S. Layton; treasurer, Mrs. W. Ryckman; secretary Christian Stew­ ardship, Mrs. G. S. Howard; Pianist, Mrs. F. J. Wickwire and Mrs. J. An­ drew; assistant superintendant Tem­ perance also Mission Band, Miss J. Murray; Supt. Baby Band, Mrs. W. G. Medd; Supt. Mite Boxes, Mrs. F. J. Wickwire; Supt. strangers, Mrs. J. Andrews, Press and Literature secretary, Mrs, W. S..Howey, finance committee, Mrs. G. Mawson Mrs. G. Howard, Mrs. Rydkman, Mrs. Wick­ wire, Mrs. K. J. iSims; secretary sup­ plies, Mrs. J.« Cole. After other busi­ ness was -transacted the meeting was closed by the singing of a hymn and prayer. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT THE ■■ BIG EVENT f Of the Clothing Season f DON’T LET THIS CHANCE GOJBY ; Here is something you cannot afford to miss! Or vember 21st. Mr. A. .C. Garner, head office representative ,of Tip Top Tailors, Limited, will be at our store and will pe^onally meas­ ure every man ordering a isuit or topcoat' or overcoa#that day.He will also, give you expert advice on choice of fabric and on styles. This is an exceptional opportunity for every man in Exeter to ■ secure extraordinary high quality personal advice along with the great value which I'M Top Clothes offer a^pl times. YOUR FALL s/lT OR OVERCOAT TAILORED TO YOUR INDIV IDUAL J1EASURWFOR ONLY One price / $24.00?'" Unrivalled value ONE m* ONLY VEMBER 21st X THE DATE ' PHONE 81wl . TAMAN V EXETER, ONT. (Honor Violin N. Al Piano, Studio EXETE DORbTH A. Gradu Ins e) London ngland Hai E. GRASSIC C. M. hy, Theory jt. Box 160 ONTARIO For over a week this section has experienced wonderful weather. The days, have been bright and mild with practically no frosts at night. It has been a splendid boon «o the farmers in enabling them to get their out­ door work done up. Quite a number have enjoyed playing golf on the Oakwood course. f t rw Caulk Your-Windows save money on yoiir co^oill WE HAVE SECURE AGENCY FO AND WIND WEzViE LET US Q W. J. CAULK WS, A if? G DOORS O METAL UPPING YOU PRICES, N, Exeter The election President, , Mrs. 1st Vice-Pres., 2nd Vice-Pres., tyTcTavish was C. Mrs. IMrs. as W. J. E. Treas., M^s. (Rev.) Down; G Phone 2 BROKEN AUTO GLASS iiawxins Exeter, Ont iEPLAC ILE QUICKLY WAIT W. R. GoilLDlhJG A. T, O* Organist James ! Piano v Supervls Studio, Mai . Unit aster Church truct Organ Theory flisle in Reboot* ’ * Bdx: 57* Phone 1911 ETEtl, ONT Mr. and Mrs, ,Wm. Byrd, of. Lon­ don, visited with Mr. and Mrs. IVnu Hodgert on Sunday.