HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-11-20, Page 5’Wrv * peivth of ISrasms Moniiic gL'elephone JOG Main Street DR, J. A. McTAGGART MENSA Mrs. Roy in Exeter. Mr. Herb JExetey. Mr. and ^Tuesday in (Mrs. A. HENSALL McLaren spent Monday Tucker spent Monday in home of his Mrs. George at the home The death occurred in the Clin­ ton Hospital on Tuesday afternoon of Mr. ijrastus Rennie, one of our 'best known and highly respected residents. Mr. poor health for two weeks ago On Friday last severe he was taken to the Clinton Hospital where he gradually grew W’rse until he passed away. Mr, Rennie was born in Hay Towgship 67 years ago being the son Of the late 'Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rennie, ■of Zurich and has spent practically all his life in this district. He com­ menced in business life in the vil­ lage with the firm & Young. After known as Code & this last 30 years ducted the business of a general store merchant himself. He was a leader in the Methodist church choir for a good many years and was a prominent member and an official of the Methodist church and after the union of the United church, He also took a great interest in municipal affairs and at' the time of his death was Secretary of the local Public Utilities Commission. Mr. Rennie was of a kindly cheer­ ful disposition and will be greatly missed by his relatives and friends. Besides his sorrowing widow he leaves to mourn lii$ loss three chil­ dren, two daughters, Mrs. Howard Harris, Of Detroit and Mrs. David Paisley, of Montreal and one son (Samuel at Hensall who has been associated business, from his afternoon, sail Union Rennie has been in some time ahd about he took to his bed. his condition was so of Code, Rennie the firm was Rennie and for Mr. Rennie con- with his father in his The funeral took place late home on Thursday Interment in the Hen­ cemetery. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Vaiup of Hensall, Archie Rowcliffe; Bathing Beauty Sweetie, Gerald 38, Geo. Glenn Special Musical “Me and the “Out in the New Mown Hay,” and “Breezing Along” were sung by a girls chorus and flapper’s “Whose that Pretty Baby” Again” by the Ensemble. Fisher acted as pianist and W. Bonthorn, as soloist. Mr. Nelson Lucas, of Toronto, impersonator, gave Harry Harmon; Collyer Bride of 12- numbers Man in the Moon”, chorus “Say it Eleanor Mrs. J. Of Toronto, some splendid numbers. ’"“■'y-■ r .- ——wwpb THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1080 USS! Il’Js A//- CHAIN RED & WHITE STORES DO NOT FORGET TO BRING IN YOUR CALAY COUPONS NEW PRUNES Good Quality 2 lbs. for 19c> Go! cimedal, the best MINCEMEAT 2 lbs. fpr 35c. No, 2 tioSj Choice Qu?ilit PUMPKIN 10c. per tin orJWor 25c. . ...»■«— JBS Mrs. Lee- Hedden spent Loudon. Sandercock and family spent the week-end in Shakespeare, Mrs. Harry Abbott .and Mrs, Her­ man Dayman spent Tuesday in Ex­ eter. • Mr. John McLaren, of Seaforth, visited his brother Wm. L. McLaren on Friday last. iMr. J oh 11 Ca riuicliuol lias TOturii* I «d from Detroit after spending two jveeks there. Mr. Wm, Reynolds has returned to Tillsonburg after spending a few ‘days,visiting with his sisters here, and (Mrs, Chris Yager, of Kit- <MHTer, were Sunday visitors at th» tome of Mrs. A. (Saunders. “Miss Fannie Bissett, Mrs. Doctor Sweet and daughter, Mrs. Reid, of Exeter, visited friends here on Tues­ day. The many friends of iMr. Peter Stewart are sorry to hear that he is. confined to his home through ill­ ness., Rev. Arthur Sinclair preached an­ niversary services in the North, Side United church, Seaforth, on Sunday last. Master Ronald Stephen, of Hills- green is visiting at the grand parents, Mr. and Smale. A reception was held of Mrs. Chas. McDonnel in honour of Mrs. Gauld, a missionary from Formosa. Mr. Clarence Munn, of Aylmer/ Mich., was a recent visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Munn. Mr. J. Short and daughter, Mrs. Forester, of Windsor, were recent visitors with Misses Mary and Em­ ma. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. .Smith and fam­ ily of Kincardine spent the week­ end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt. Mr. John Passmore returned Saturday from his hunting trip New Ontario and had the luck secure a deer. The Hensall Firemen held a euchre •and dance in the Town Hall on Wed­ nesday evening. The music . was supplied >by the Cochrane ter orchestra. Misses Mildred Bontbron after days at their homes here turned to their stduies at.; I<ali; Guelph. *; \ Dr. and Mrs. Dougall ' and chil- ..^ftren, of Petrolia and Miss Alice Dougall, of Toronto, were visitors at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dougall, A large crowd of children assem­ bled at the station on Saturday to welcome Santa Claus, who went on. through to London on the morning train. Santa had a 'bag of candy tor each youngster. The W. M. S. of the Carmel Pres­ byterian church held a thanksgiving meeting -on Monday evening. A 'pageant was put on by t'lie young people after which an address was given by Mrs. Gauld. , ’ Services in the United church were largely attended on Sunday last. In the morning Rev. W. P. Lane, of Seaforth and Mrs. Galud, Mission- •ary from Formosa gave an address. Miss G. Lammie assisted'with a concert in the Presbyterian church at Clinton on Friday evening last. The Young People’s League of the United church held their meeting on Monday evening with a good at­ tendance present and with Miss Nora Follick . presiding. The program wasj; an charge of Ferris Cantelon andi 'Claude Blowes. Mr. Murray Camp- ' bell took charge of the song service. ‘ An instrumental was given by Miss ; Florence McDonnell after which a Tending- was given by Miss Mattie ’ Ellis. Mr. S. Welsh rendered a vio- ■ Jin selection '.accompanied at the piano by Miss F. Welsh, followed by ‘ ■a. reading by Ferris Cantelon, after the meeting a social hour was spent. The A.Y.P^A. of St. Paul’s church ' lield their meeting on Monday even­ ing with a' large attendance. A ' special number being an address on the history of the church by Mr. G. <5. Petty, fl'he Death of Mrs. Thos. Drummond The death occurred at her late " home in Toronto on Saturday, No­ vember 15th of Mrs. ThoS. Drum­ mond, a former well-known resi­ dent of Hensall. Mrs. Drummond had -been troubled with her heart for ■some time but only confined to her bed for a few days and was found dead in her bed on Saturday after- jioon. Mrs. Drummond, who was formerly Miss Margaret Netherfield ■was born in Wingham 68 years -ago. Mr. and Mrs. Drummond and • family moved to Hensall some ten years ago from Wingham and about two years ago they moved to Tor­ onto, Besides her husband she leaves to mourn her loss, four sons and two daughters: Errold, of Ilen- -mll; Harold of Moncton, N. B.; Leonard and Neob of Toronto and Mrs. Hetherington and Mrs. Allan, Toronto. The funeral took place pn Tuesday afternoon with, inter­ ment in Mt. Pleasant cemetery in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Errold Drummond of Hensall attended the ifunor&L McDonnel spending 4 Crowds“Airnt Lucia” Draws Good The great collegiate “Aunt Lucia” sponsored by the Hen­ sall Public Library Board, was pres­ ented in the Town Hall on Thurs. and Friday nights of last week. This play with a cast of 150 people, head­ ed by Murray Campbell, as Aunt Lucia and was one of the biggest events ever staged in Hensall was a scream from start to finish. The opening number on the program was a baby Peageant, “Take Me Back to Babyland,” with 100 children,, ages 4-8 taking part with Miss Mat- tie Ellis as Dramatic Reader, after which the play was staged. Each member of the cast takinig their parts excellently. The following are the players; Jerry and Aunt Lucia— I Murray Campbell; George, College* , „ _! Student—Claude Blowes; Dick Foot-an ay“|ball star—Walter Spencer; Betsy, ' George’s girl—Mrs. Peppier Molly, Dick’s girl, —-Ruth Chapman; Eve­ lyn—Jerry’s girl, Mrs. Hess; Butter and Egg Man—Erroll Drummond; Collins Chas. Jinks; Professor Gad­ des—Ben Elder; Dean of Seamore— Annie Consitt; Dr. iSeamore, Pres; of College—Ferris Cantelon; Mrs. Seamore— Elva Shaddock; First Freshman—Aldon Appleton; Second Freshman—Tim Sherritt; Messen­ ger boy—Ray Patterson; Glee Club President— Wilfred Goodwin; Frat­ ernity President—Howard Hemphill Cheer Leader—John Drummond. College Flappers Peaches Browning, H. Dayman; Til­ lie the Toiler, Ralph Abbott; Glor­ ia Swanson Alvin Hemphill; Campus Flirt, Roy Palmer; Studious Girl', Joe Hudson; Gold Digger S. L. Pep­ per; Innocent Freshman, L. R. Col­ es.... Conceited Junior, Geo. Hess; Beauty Winner, Sidney McArthur; Girl with Million Dollar Legs, Laird Mickle; Spinster School Teacher, Albert Spencer; Jigg’s Maggie, Fred Bonthorn; Jiggles, Jas. Patterson; TAYLOR—MOUSSO A quet wedding took place in Hen­ sall, on Saturday, November li5th at - ten a.m. when Rev. A. Sinclair unit­ ed in marriage /Miss Margaret Pearl, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j John Mousso, Grand Bend and Mr. 'Thomas Richard Taylor, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Taylor, of Tuck- ersmith. ing in a with cut shoes and young couple left trip to London, and Niagara Falls, veiling in a blue satin crepe dress, with hat and coat in matching tones. On their return they will reside on the groom's fine farm in Tucker­ smith. Their many friends in this community extend hearty congratu­ lations to the younig couple. comedy on to to and Jean the’ holi- have re­ McDonald The bride looked becom- gown of brown georgette velvet hoes to trimmings with match. The happy on a honeymoon Toronto, Buffalo the bride tra- LUMLEY and Mrs. Archie Michigan, called Pon- an d Bell, of on Mr. recently. 'Mr. a resident of Ryckman at- Mr. tiac, Mrs. Donald Brintnell Bell at one time w.as Chiselhurst. “ . // Mr. and Mrs. Grant' tended a reception in Varna held in honour of Mrs. Ryckman’s brother, Mr. Percy Workman and bride. Miss Mary .Kerslake entertained the Mission Circle of 'Thames Road on Saturday afternoon last. Mr. and Mrs. John .Selves, Sr. spent Thanksgiving day in Toronto going by motor with the latter’s brother-in-law, Mr. Elliott ‘and wife of St. Marys. Mrs. John McQueen is this week visiting with her daughter, Alt's. P. Bartlett, of Thamesford Mr Wm. Ellery, of Ingersoll ac­ companied by his son Allen and two ■daughters called on friends on the boundary on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kerslake spent Thanksgiving in London with re­ latives. CREDITON SUPPER—The Indies of the gregation will serve a hot supper-in the basement of the United QrrfrcU in Crediton on Friday, embei’ the 28th, Dressed ads, pie, c So come ai with your Supper Admissio 25c. Miss Esther Eilber, of Detroit, is visiting with her parents, Mr. an^ Mrs. H. F. Eilber. Mr. and Mrs. Dafernpr, of Lans­ ing, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Domm, of Chesley, spent Sunday with Mrs. Lydia Braun. >Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lawson mov­ ed into their new home last week. Messrs. Russell Eilber, Lester Mc- Isaac and Elgin Woodall, of Detroit, were home on Sunday. Miss Helen Maclsaac, of London, spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Maclsaac. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schenk moved into their new'residence in the vil­ lage last week. We welcome them to our midst. j A baby boy arrived af the home of Mr. and Mrs. iSylvester Wuerth. Needless to say “Sunny” is all smiles Miss Melinda Edwards, of London, spent the holiday with her parents, Mir. and Mrs. John Edwards. Indian summer with all its glory has been with us this week. The horseshoe pitchers brought out their shoes which were stored for the winter and have had several good games. iOnr golfers have also taken advantage of the nice weather and have gone to the Lake to enjoy their game, Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald, Fred­ erick and Mr. Paul Trask, of De­ troit, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fahner and Mrs. Mary Wenzel. '■ Next Friday evening is the last one of our lecture course. This will be given in the Evangelical church. Subject “Our Wonderful Heavens” by Dr. Kingston, of V/estern Univer­ sity. The lecture will be illustrat­ ed with lantern slides and we ex­ pect it will be most interesting and instructive. Everybody is cordially invited. Offering will be taken to defray expenses. The W. M. S. Thanksgiving pro­ gram brought out quite a number of people to the basement of the Evan­ gelical church. The program was as follows: Song service and a ses­ sion of prayer conducted by the pas­ tor. A mite box demonstration by tjwo ladies, wbjiic'h consisted of a dialogue between the giver and the mite box by Mrs. W. E. Wenzel and Mrs. M. Faist. Ladies quartette by Mesdames Morlock, Wenzel, Eil­ ber and Sippell. Mite box conven­ tion. Nine ladies gave brief exper­ iences on “Mite Box Experiences” as if it was a regular convention of W. 'M'. S. members. Resolutions were read at the close regarding a more conscientious manner in deal­ ing with Thankoffering. Play, ’“The Home Coming of Mother Gray’s Chil­ dren”. One daughter Africa another daughter came from Red Bird Mission .Kentucky; a son from China and ai«oiher son was a minister of the Gospel in the home­ lands. Characters: Mrs. J. Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Fahner, Mrs. Roy FinkbeineT and Mr. Art Amy. The roll was -cabled and the mite box­ es with 1 their thankofferiiiigs were brought to the altar. The general offering which was taken next was added to the thankoffering which reached the sum of forty dollars. ' Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Pratt and daugh­ ter Helen spent Sunday at the Evan­ gelical parsonage. BIRTHDAY PARTY A unique and very interesting event' took, place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shenk, of Crediton, on Thursday evening, November the 13th. The occasion was the anniver­ sary of the seventy sixth birthday of Mr. Shenk and also a reception was tendered them the same evening prior to leaving for their new home at Crediton the coming week. At 6.30 p.m. the children and relatives numbering forty sat down to a a sumptuous chicken sup.per, At the proper time Mrs, Alf. Holtzmann and (Mr.. Harold Fahner brought in a beautiful couch and presented it to Mr. and Mrs. Shenk. The gather­ ing then called Mr. and Mrs. .Shenk to take their places on the couch after which Miss Erma Fahner was : called upon to read the presentation i address which read as follows: ■ Dear Aunt and uncle, Grandma and Grandpa: We have gathered here this ev­ ening In yotiy honor to express our ■ sincere appreciation for your loving i friendship and for your many kind i acts and deeds of thoughtfulness that you have continually bestowed ; upon us; also for your untiring pa* < tieiice with us. Your lives are ait inspiration to us, in spiting ns by am, potato rien con* gravy, sal- fill be served, d enjqX'a social evening ffnmence at 5.30 p.m. Quits 50c, and children came from Campbell’s TOMATO SOUP 2 tins for 25c. New SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 lbs. for 23c. .^Tresh molasses snaps ^2 lbs. for 23c. FINEST NEW DATES ,. 3 pounds for 25c, NEW COOKING 3 lbs. for 25 CORN SYRUP 5 lb. tin 33c. PURE CLOVER HOWEY No. 5 tin 49c.; No, l|^98c. BEST ROLLED OATS 7 lbs, for 23c. NEW TABHE FIGS Per 10c. Z"'" ' LARGE EET TEXAS GRAJBE FRUIT .. SUNLIG SOAP............. ................................ GOLDEHF SPRAY CHEESJB^........................ MACS ROOKIES NEW OUT MIXED Pi CAPOfHAND-CLE. o B 1» EL............. R, A real Cleaner . MAPLE LEAF SALMON 1-2 lb. tins 2 for 45c. .........3 for 25c. .........5 for 29c. . Per pound 29c. Per dozen 15c. 2 pkgs, for 25c. , , . , Per tin 15c. ^Lowest pgrcEs on sugar, dominion and redpath RESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES—GRAPES, ORANGES, LEM- ' BANANAS, POTATOES, CABBAGE, TURNIPS, CARROTS, CRAN- RIES, COCOANUTS, ETC. These Pridfes (Wd Only Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, November 20th, 21st & 22nd <<!>■,„,...................................................................... HARVEY & HARVEY EXETER, ONT “QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE” IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM Phone 102 We Deliver be able for the children your example of courage, faith, love, and devotion. Please accept this gift as a little remembrance for your new home. We wish you many years of health and prosperity so you will to enjoy your new home remainder of your life. Signed on behalf of the and relatives. Mr. Shenk in a few words express­ ed his feelings on this occasion and thanked each and everyone on be­ half of himself and Mrs. Shenk al­ so for the kind words spoken and for the .beautiful present after which all I joined in singing “For they are jolly good fellows.” A duett was also sung which followed by a hearty ■hand-clap. The evening was then spent in games and singing and was 'then brought to a successful con­ clusion. The guests then departed for their homes after the enjoyable evening. dent. The minutes of the last meet­ ing were read and approved. A let­ ter of thanks for our bale from Rev. F. G. Stevens was read by Mrs. Pool- ey. “Watch Tower,” a reading on Korea by Miss Mrytle Earl; a Leaf­ let “Mine and Williams Thankoffer­ ing” .was read by Mrs. H. Kyle; a duett was sung by IMirs. White and Mrs. R. E. Pooley. Responsive read­ ing “Thy Kingdom Come” was con­ ducted iby Mrs. Johns. dress was given by Rev. after which the meeting by Mr. White and the hymn 359. Rey. R. H. Whiteside MEN WANTED Good and Bad' Fat anl Lean Grumblers, Gamblers, Drinkers, Infidels and all other Men and Rich and Poor Tall and Short A short ad- Mr. White was closed singing of Rev. R. H. Whiteside and Mr. J. H. Leonard, the singing Evangelists took charge of the service Sunday morning and also took part in the ■Sunday school service following. There was no service Sunday on account of the Evangelists at Elimville. n light being f ELIM CREDITON EAST Mrs. Henry Motz returned home from London on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roland .Motz and family, of Melfort, Sask., are visiting for some time with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aderson and son, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Edwards, of Windfall, Indiana, spent a few days with Mrs. John Lawson and other friends. IM'r. and Mrs. Eli Lawson and Mrs. John Lawson and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Edwards spent Sunday near Sylvan with Mr. and Mrs. Will. Gardiner., Miss Verda Hoffman is visiting friends at Ailsa Craig. . ZION Mr. Edward Avery and son of St. Thomas, visited with Mr. ahd Mrs. Harold Hern on Sunday. The Women’s Missionary -Society held their November meeting at the home of Mrs. George Earl on Thurs- ( day afternoon, November the 6tli, with the president in charge. The meeting opened by singing the Dox­ ology and repeating the Watchword in unison. After singing hymn 175 prayer was offered by Rev. White. Leaflets on “Isaiah, phet of Peace” were read by the president, Miss Dora Brock, Miss V. Brook, Mrs. Charles Jaques, Mrs. Warren Brock. A -short' prayer on “Peace” was offered by the Presi- Mr. Pro­ ELIMVILLE Miss Bessie Bell, nurse-in-train­ ing at the Ontario Hospital, Lon­ don, spent a few days at her home here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hodgert from near Seaforth, visited at* Mr. Bruce Copper’s last Sunday. The fowl supper held in the church here last Wednesday night was very largely attended and about one hundred tickets were sold. A bountiful supply of hot goose and other dainties satisfying their appe­ tites to the satisfaction of all. The program was conceded to be one of the best given in this church for some time. Proceeds amounted to about $>200. The Evangelists Rey. Whitesides and Mr. Leonard are holding meet- 'inigs each night in-the church ex­ cepting Saturday at 7.45 promptly. Fair crowds have been present to hear them. The services are very helpful and inspiring and everyone is welcome. They also sing solos and duetts accompanied on the guitar and banjo by Mr. Whitesides. On Sunday their services will be heid morning, afternoon and evening at 10,30 a.m., 3 p.m. ad 7.4i5 p.m Mrs. Sid. Wilson visited recently in London, with her daghter Mrs. J. Oigden and her son Mr. Mervyn Wil­ son. Mr. Will. Pincomibe has purchased the house and lot in Exeter the pro­ perty of the late Mrs. J. Hawkins. Mr. Ned Avery, bf St. Thomas, vis­ ited at Mr. Wes. Horne’s lately. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Roe and son, Mrs. Helen Wenzel and son Jack, of Evangelist WHITESIDE will Speak Subject—“Facts for Men to face’* Mr. J. H. Leonard will sing . Bring your chum. Meetings eacn evening at 7.45 a this week and next, Saturday excepted. Stratford, were visitors at Mr. Ben Williams.’ last Sunday. Those visiting on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sid. Wilson were: Mi*, and Mrs. Fred Armitage, of Lucan; Mr. George Dobbs and daughter Lillian, of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. J. Wil­ son and daughter Helen, of Cen­ tralia; Miss Melinda Edwards and Miss Aleatha Ogden; of London. WHALEN WHALEN W. M. S. Important Announcement! p; L>a K. Fahrc / appointed exclusiWagent for the ater KZnt Radio for>l$30-31 in * DashwoodCrediton/^ a Weajiosell and service the Sfcartoii Radio The regular monthly meeting of the Whalen W. M. S. was held last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs, Will Morley, second vice-presi­ dent, who also had charge of the meeting there being 27 members and 8 visitors present. The meet­ ing opened with the Doxology, Lord's Prayer and hymn 42.3. Mrs. Hazel­ wood and Mrs. Frank Gunning led in prayer. ‘.The scripture reading John 17:1-14 was read by Mrs. J. Hodgson. An interesting reading “The Auxiliary Meets Today” was read by Mrs. Will Brooks. A most delightful piano duett whs rendered by Miss Bessie Morley and Miss Ver­ na Hazelwood and was much enjoy­ ed by all, The suggestive program leaflets were read by leader, Mrs. F. Gunning: 1st speaker Mrs. Har­ vey Squires; 2nd speaker Mrs. John Hazelwood; 3rd speaker Mrs. Geo, Squire; 4th speaker, Mrs. W. Hodg­ son. Hymn 32 was sung and Mrs. (Rev.) Robb closed the meeting with prayer. Tea was served and a social time spent by all. A'meeting was held last Thursday' evening in the basement of the church to* organize a Young People’s league. The following officers were elected: President; Mr. W. Hodgson; Vice-Pros., Mr, Mervin Johnson; V- presideht of Devotional Dept., liflss Bertha Batten; Vice-Pres,, Literary Dept., Marzetta Sadler; Vice-Pres., Missionary . Dept., Milne Pullen; Vlo.e-Pj.es., Social Dept., Verne Haz­ elwood; Recording Sec’y., Clark Sherwell;' Cortes. Sec’y., Ruth Mor­ ley; Treasurer, Harold Hazelwood; Organist» Verna Hazelwood; Assist. Organist, Riva Morley. It was de­ cided to hold the meeting every Thursday evening at 8 o’clock in the Church. W