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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-11-20, Page 4
NOVEMBER 20, 1930 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE ... ................................ ............................ ......111............;.—i—iiiiiiwiih|ii.ii|ii»wii» ^DIED IN TORONTO Miss A. McAxish received word last week of the death, of her aunt, Alice Louise Crocker, widow of the late Matthew Floofly, of Toronto, which occurred at the home of hex* daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Bell in that -city. .She was in hex* 67th year. Her husband predeceased lxei' foux* years ago. twenty years ago after the great’ fire at Haileybury wlxen •they were cleaned out of house and ixome, they moved to Toronto. Be fore this they lived in Blyth. Mrs. JFloody was a member of the United ■church and was always a great work er in -chui-ch affairs. She leaver to mourn hex’ loss her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Bell; two brothers, Roger and •Edward Crocker of Toronto, former ly of town, and Mrs. Wei. Johns of town who has beexi with her fox* •several weeks. The funeral was held on Saturday to Mount Pleasant Cem etery from the residence of her bro ther Edward. MANY RETURN FOR MAIN ST, diamond jubilee (Continued from page 1.) Mr. and Mrs. George- aud Miss Ina Jaques, London; Mrs. F, Wood, Mrs, W. Ready, London; Mr. and Mrs. E. Broderick, Hay; Mr. and IMrs. W. A, Rennie, A letter was received by the sup erintendent, from Dr. C. T, Currelly, a former sclx-olax* of this school say ing he would be delighted to be present on Tuesday night and give a lecture, illustrated by latnerxx ox; digging tombs in Egypt. But Mon day night a telegram was received saying he was ill and unable to be with us. Dr. Currelly is the head of the R6yal Ontario Museum of Ar chaeology at Toronto, has travelled all ovex* the world and is a man of wonderful experiences. It is a big disappointment that Dr. Currelly was taken ill and unable to be with us. IW. IL E. Huston gave a short his tory of the ichureh and expressed a regret that Dr. C. T. Currelly, of To ronto and one of the former bays of the school was ill ad unable to be with us and deliver his illustrated lecture “Digging the Tombs ixx Egypt’’ and extending him thanks for offering to come and tlxexi wlxen overtaken by illness to inforni us by telegram. Mr. J,' AV. Powell mov ed a vote of thanks to the artists who sacrificed their time and to at tend this re-uinon and delightfully entertain us. This was seconded by Mr. Fred Hogarth and responded to by a Frank son of gram dience tlxeix went School room where a dainty lunch was served to all. Here the boys and girls' of former days gathered in little groups and reminded each other of happenings of years -ago. A vote of thanks was extended to the superintendent B. W. F. and his efficient wife Roxie fox* theix* untiring efforts ixx all the services such a big Then the boys , and girls said good bye having a memory of the pleas ant time spent at Old Main Street Diamond Jubilee. liearty hand-clapping. Mr. Willis, of -Saskatchewan and Mrs. James Willis, sent a tele- of congratulations. The au to the -Sunday GUESTS OF ROTARY AT ST, MARYS A number of Exetei’ men motor- <ed to St. Marys on Monday evening to be the guests of the Rotary Club 4>f that town. The eveiit took the form of a joint meeting and banquet with the Stratford club. After the banquet and a few remarks by presi dent Billy Mills who made a genial toast nxastex’ the meeting was turn ed ovex* to president Harry of (Stratford after each of ers had beexi introduced, and. a reading by Stratford provided entertainment speakex’ of the evening was Past District Governor of Rotary, D. M. Wright, addressed the gathering and particularly the Exetei’ visitors on fixe history and ideals of Rotary. The society, organized only a few years ago, has 3350 clubs and 160,000 members. Figures were given re garding the spread of the society on, all the continents. The development of self and the service the society can render the community provided a particularly interesting part of his (Speech. Several others spoke [brief- 3y and pointed out the suitability of Exeter as a club centre. M. R. Complin, Reeve B. M. Francis and J. C. Stan-bury expressed the apprecia tion of the fifteen Exeter men wlxo were able to attend. Monday Evening Entertainment On Monday evening a high class musical entertainment was given in the church by the Kitchener-Water loo .Stringed Quartette and Mrs. Al ma Welker, harpist and soloist? Miss Jean Walker, reader, of Western University, welcome sisted. Beavers Eacrett making success. On the evening of November the 12th, the members of the Lutheran Ladies’ Aid of this village took the Rev. and Mrs. Ness by complete sur prise. About six o’clock the door bell rang, and opening the door, the ladies and theix* husbands walked in with baskets, pans and kettles filled with good things to eat. A long table was set and decorated and all sat down to a most’ delicious goose supper. After supper was over and the dishes cleared away an enjoyable social evening was spent, till ten o’clock when a short business meet ing was held. All went home satis fied that everybody there had spent a real pleasant evening. Misses Gladys and Ruth Weber, of London, visited ovex- the holiday with their parents Mr. and Mrs D. Weber. Mr. Stanley Smith and Mr. Wm. McIntosh, both -of Stratford, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shirley, husband the past ents, Mr. Wm. Kleinstiver. Mrs. Smith with her daughter, returned home with hex* on Sunday after spending three weeks with lier^par- and Mrs. Wm. Kleinstiver. Visitors GRAND BEND reader, of London, who is always to an Exeter audience as- THAMES ROAD Ed. Pollen spent a few Dempsey the visit- A duett members and the Provide Tuesday Evening program the auspices of the SundayUnder School invitations had been sent to 250 of the old boys and girls to conie to the grand finale of the Church Diamond/ Jubilee services. The program was made up’ of num bers from the visitors, Those tak ing part were: Mrs. Eunice Eacrett Fuller, violinist, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Ida Eacrett Brown, both of Sarnia, -Mrs. Edna Follick Hearts, soloist, of Toronto; Mr, Rus sell Manning, Clinton; Dr. L. L. Fol lick, St. Marys; Mr. R. J. Eacrett, of Wo’odstock; Mrs. Dinah Elston Hoop er, London; Mrs. Grace Wilson Eedy of St. Marys; Mrs. Mattie Penhale Kilmer, 'Woodstock; Mrs. 'Ellen Brooks Vivian, Mitchell; Mr. Percy Hooper, London; Mr. William Dig- nan, Lucan; Mrs. Roxie Eacrett Beavers recited some, poetry compos ed by members of the Main St. choir who camped at Grand Bend 3i5 years A report of the Stephen, Exeter and Usborne Sunday School Conven tion is being crowded out this week. Choice Dairy Butter at Southcott Bros. rollex', cultivator, M. H- 13- koa drill; M. H. 2 row corn scuffler, 1 disc harvow, set iron harrows, hay; rake, set Mooii sleighs, 2 wagons, L pig rack, wagon box, hay rack, gra ve} box, scuffler, riding plow, walk-r ing plow, f: set' scales, 1; .wheel barr Mrs. Sim. Dewey, visited lxer mother over Sunday. Tlxe services -on United, Church was It being the Sunday School anniver sary the service was led by a young people’s clxoir and the book “The Christ of Every Road” was taken by IMiss. Curnanlxan, Mr. Ezra Welbb and Rev. M'athers and was well given and enjoyed, by all. Miss -Cora Oliver, of London, visit ed at hex’ home here. * Mr. Morris Brenner spent la week ixx Detroit; Don’t' forget the leature by Re D. McTavish on November* 25 th i the church at Grand Bend. A ho supper will also be served. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Eccleston spent the week-end ixx Toronto. Be sure to be out at the morning service next -Sunday to lxeax* the ser mon by Rev. S. J. Mathers, “Giv ing to Get.” Evening subject will -be on the 'prophet' Isaiah. Narrow Escape (Mr Ivan Green had a narrow es cape last week when the sleeve of his eoat got caught in the fly wheel of the gasoline engine on their scow which they were taking out' of the river for the winter. The prompt' action of Mr. Lloyd Monore pulled ■him away and saved a more serious accident. It severly tore the legi- ments and muscles of his arm and shoulder. -..i ■•■ . ... Sunday a great Marys, Ravellc in the success. ieckyokeE> stone, -buggy, c walking ter, 2 seti doublq/Iiarness, single harness, plow,j 40 gal. gas. tf|nk; new fork, j as, 00 4-inch/tile, quantity (g. lumber; ropes, 4 ach tile;; chains',forks, sh/vels, boxes, wl/ffletrees, barrjjfs and other articles HOiUSBHOLD EE kite chain bed si q to niexitian. CTS—Doherty; (Oven; couch, six' machine, side board,. ad and mattress, MS OF SALE—$10,00 and -cash; ovex* that amount six is’ credit will be given on fxir- xg approved joint notes or 3 unt of six per cent, straight off/ sh. HUTCHINSON, Proprietor > o nunxberou mon nish disc for JOfJ stove FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer* AUCTION SALE i c. — on — HOUSEHOLD EFFECT^ AND* REAL ESTATE The undersigned' has received in*- structions- to sell by Public Auction^, at Lake Roiad, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29th. at one o’clock sharp the following^ HOUSEHOLD EFFECT.^—Walnut settee, >5 walnut pari our ® chairs, 2 upholstered airm chairs;J 2 wicker chairs; 6 fumed oak dining-roonl chairs; fumed- oak buftft; oak ex tension table, fumed ©ak library table; 2 kitchen tables,^leather cov ered couch, Raymond gsewing md* chine, 4 rocking chai®, 4 kitchen chairs, 2 bedroom suit®, child’s bed tapestry rug -9x12; o leum 12x12; kitchen er Florence coal oil copper wash boiler, other articles too ni^Rxerous to men* t'ion. •POULTRY—60 olid hens, 70 ibarre EAL ESTATE-, Exhter on north si wes ____ .. land! on which al and ___ ___ rqomS; Apiece b: puxnpVfor both h new paitne good barn house f 31 acres 1925 _____ -first classVunijBng order. TERMS Estate, term’ catioxx to ow WM. SMITH,ItProprietor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer Mr. last week duck hunting with Exeter friends, but E'd. reports the weather too nice for good hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Doupe have returned to Thames Road where Car man will manage his mother’s farm. Mrs. Bensoix TucKey with her mother Mrs. Hunkin and Mrs, West lake were visitors in our iburg on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Fultoix and Miss Lu lu, of Stratford, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken. (MtcNicol. Mrs. Irene Cottel held an auction sale on Friday last. .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodge spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gollings. Mrs. N. Squires is quite ill with rheumatic fever, we are sorry to learn. Mrs. John Ballantyne has ed from Victoria Hospital. Mrs. Jack Stewart is not : well at time of writing. Her Mr.s. Greexi is with her. , Anniversary Services Thames Road celebrated church anniversary services on Sun day November the 16th. Large con- ■ gregations were present to hear Rev. Mr. Lloyd, of Granton. Mr. Mervyn Cudmore ably assisted the morning, rendering two fine so los very acceptably. Bend quartette assisted in the ev ening rendering two numiber-s as also did the choir. The management thought best to dispense with the supper this ye'ar, the collection tak ing the form of a Thankoffering when over $300 was received at the 1 mxorninig service. ' The W./M. S. of United Church held meeting at the home Cottle on Thursday, with a large attendance, dent Mrs. Robt'. Kydd occupied the chair. The meeting was opened by singing a hymn and Scripture Les- soxx by Mrs. J. Allison and prayer by ,Mrs. John Cann. The Roll Call was answered by a favorite hymn. After the minutes of last meeting were read and approved business was dis cussed and final arrangements made for the bazaar to be held on Novem ber 26. The Topic “Deaconess and •Social Service” was taken by Mrs. Gollings an'd Mrs. Stanley Cowa-rd and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner favored us with a duett. The meeting was closed by a hymn and the Lord’s Prayex’ repeated in ixnison. A social half hour was spent ’during the- dainty lunch pro vided by the hostess and'committee. December meeting to be at the home of Mrs. *J. Selves. days some KIRKTON ' .Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Shier spent Sunday with friends in St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Doupe and daughter Roxie spent Sunday with friends in Mitchell. ' -Mrs. McHardy attended the funer al of hex* brother ixx Detroit on Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gunning, who have lived here for a numbex* of years have moved to Granton. The best wishes of their many friends here go with them to theix* new home Their son who was united in mar riage to Miss Mae Clarks, of Win- chelsea, recently, win reside on the farm which Mr. Gunning has left. Ernest Gunning of Flint, Mich., is vi-siting with friends, here. ‘The beautiful mild weather is en abling farmers to get their plough ing and othex’ fall work done. Dr. H. H Cowe DASHWO L.D.S., D.D.S. URGEON artleib Block, Daeh- ee days of week and the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Mr. Maurice Klurnip had the xnis- fortune to get his hand caught in the planei’ at the planing mill Tuesday morning lacerating foux1 fingers. He was taken to the office of Dr. Dun- op ixx Exetex’ where it required fif teen stitches to close the wound. -Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Calfas, of Detroit, -spent last week. Mr. ad Mrs. returned from are now comfortably settled in the I Commercial. On Monday evening they were serenaded by the band. Mr. Mark Brokenshire spent Mon day in town. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Reid, of Varna, and Miss M. C. Reid, of Bayfield, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr-s. J. C. Reid. Miss Sara Reid, of Bay-field, spent a few days with hex* cousin 'Miss L. M. Reid. ;Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman and fanxily visited friends in Londoxx on' Sunday. Mr. J. C. Reid made a busiess trip to Toronto on Tuesday. ■Preparations are being made fox* a skating rink which will 'be an ad vantage to the town. We hope the people of town ■ and community will co-operate with the boys and help them along to make this a success. DENT, At offi|3 wood, fir® at office <Wer a few days in town Alvin Kellerman have their honeymoon and $1.50 1.25 •4 1.00 1.25 TOTAL $5.00 WE SELL AND SERVICE PHILCO RADIOS n fcNMENT. Hogarth Hatch fry needs and feeds: ^Oil, Beef Meal, Meat ilk Powder, Fish Meal, r intestinal worms in poul- ullets; Breeding Cockerels in ocks and Black Minorcas. We have in sfockthe following po Lay Mash, OysterjShell, Grit, Cod Li Scrap, Bone Mea|, Charcoal, But Alfalfa Leaf Mel, Wbrai Pills try; Leg Bands; jparred Ro White Wyandotws, Barre; Best grade motor per gallon; ten fea ALSO ANTIFREEZE AT $1.00 PER GALLON 75c. per gallon; five gallon for 70c. s for 65c. per gallon; one quart 20c. SPEND CHECK AND TIGHTEN ALL HOSE CONNECTIONS AND FILL WITH ANTI-FREEZE .............................. FLUSH} OUT TRANSMISSION AND DIFFERENTIAL FILL WITH LIGHT WINTER LUBRICANT . ITHOROUGHLY GREASE ALL FITTINGS WITHFHEAVY Pressure gun ...................... CHANGE TO FOUR QUARTS OF WINTE AND G FREE OTOR OIL .. STED.BRAKES TESTED AND AD WHEELS TESTED FOR JFJUSTED FOR WINTER DRIVING. ADJUSTED. SHOCK ABSORBERS DISTRIBUTOR POI CARBUREATOR g^EANED AND ADJUSTED. GENERATOR CLEANED AND ADJUST CHARGING RATE. BATTERY TE CHECK ANl/lNFLATE TIRES ED AND WATER ADDED return- at all mother their of C.N.R. tr the choir in The Grand Thaines Road their regular of. Mrs. James November 13 The presi- CENTRALIA The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. was held iix the base ment of the church on Tuesday, No vember 11th. Mrs. F.- Lewis opened the meeting, a hymn was sung with Mrs. Powe leading in prayer. There Was a responsive reading program “Thy Kingdom Come was carried out. Papers were vead by Mrs. Le wis, Mrs. Penwarden, Mrs. E. Wil son, Mrs. Powe after ?which another liymn was sung. The talk oix the study book was given by Mrs. Geo. Hepburn. It was decided that. af ter the electioxx of officers at the next meeting that we serve a lunch and present the Life (Membership r, Certificates to the captains of the I groups. The meeting was closed by . j tlie president. I Mr. -and Mrs. Eldon. Steeper, of . Corbett, Mrs. Hannah Smith, of ! Parkhill, Mrs. Ada Lowery, of Tor- | onto spent Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs. | John Pollard. •» I Mrs. Anchor, of Lucan, -spent the ■ week-end with Mr. Ahd Mrs. Thos. I Bbyes.| Mr. Wm. Ford, who has been ill fop the.past couple months at the , home of his son Mr. Fred Ford is 1 not improving very fast. Mr. Wm, Gilpin, who has been confined to liis home owing to ill ness for the past several days is able to be around again.I Mr. and Mrs. Baynham, of Tor- ! onto, spent a day last week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. George-Bayn ham Sr. •-Mr. A. Moulton, of Port Huron, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, M. McCabe. Mr. George Dobbs and daughter - Lillian', of Stratford, visited with L Mr. and Mrs, Joe Wilson recently. MT. CARMEL A number attended the social here on Thursday evening.- 'Judge and Mrs. Coughlin, of Wind sor, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coughlin. Mr. John McCarty is all smiles. It’s a boy. ‘ IMiss Marie Regan, of London, is spending a few weeks at' her home here. Miss Margaret Breen, of London, spent the week-end with her sister Mrs. T. J. Hall. RYAN—DIETRICH •On Wednesday, November 12th at nine a.m. the Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel pretty wedding coran united in Dietrich, eldest Mrs. John Dietrich, of Shipka, to Mr. John A. Ryan, son of Mrs. Mary Ry an and the late Wm. Ryan, of Mt. Carmel. The ’bride was given away in marriage by her father and was charmingly go'wned in ivory satin trimmed with Chanitllly ilace with slippers to match and wearng a veil in cap effect trimmed with orange blossoms and brilliants and carried a shower bouquet lof Sunset Toses. The brid-e was attended by her sister Miss Tillie Dietrich, who was gown ed in pale pink satixx with lace trim mings and hat to match and carried a bouquet1 of white mums. The groom was- assisted by John Moser of Mt. Carmel. The presents were numerous and costly showing the high esteem in which the young people aTe held. The groom’s gift to the bride’wasa substantial cheque, to the brides maid a leather purse and to the groomsman a pair of gloves. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride aftei* which 'Mr. and Mrs.- Ryan j left for Windsor, Detroit, Jackson and other points. The bride travel led in a blue frock with coat and hat' to match. Aftex* their return they, will reside oix the -groom’s fine farm east of Mt. Carmel. was the scene of a when Rev. Fr. Cor- marrlage Miss Alma daughter of. Mr. and AUCTION SALE — of — FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public' auction, at Lot 23, Con. 1, USBORNE, oix FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1930 at one o’clock sharp the following: HORSES—Gray team matched, PerCherons 3 and 4 years old; black driving horse 6 years old; 1 aged horse. -CATTLE—Fresh cow, fresh heifer cow due February 20th, cow due on March 25, 3 farrow cows, 4 yearling' steers, 3 yearling heifers, 4 spring calves, 2 small calves. # HOGS-—Berkshire hog; 22 pigs, 150 pounds; 18 pigs, 70 to 90 75 rocl^ hens. FEED-—150 mangolds, 800 bus. of wheat. IMPLEMENTS- foot cut; M.H. nx-owor, 5 McCormick manure spreader, steel bus. turnips, 150 bushels of 20 tons of -M. H. I lbs. bus. 100oats, hay. binder, 7 foot cut; I piece lino* ange,, 4-burn- ve and oven;’ at grinder and1 half brick vaila levr rnace; fr inside a epair, s attels, Cash. Real xade known on appli~ rred rock yea? ock pullets. n the village of of Lake Road}. ks, 11 acres of' situate a storey house with eight!- h, hydro, electric d and soft water; hly decorated and’ out, everything in all -orchard, good" nt stable and hen na, more land up to le at moderate price; et touring car. in a- NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thafc* all creditors and others$xaving claim®' against the estate of. ARTHUR BL DOUPE, late of the Jpbwnshfp of Us- borne, in the £ounty$lf Huron, Farm er, who died 'on tub eighth day of"' October, 1930, are^ required to for ward their claims Muly proven to th©1 undersigned on o<before the twenty fourth day of Nawem-ber, 1930. AND OTICEffiS FURTHER GIV EN that'I afterjphe said date th®1 Administratrix tribute th to the clai have notic DATED' day <3rd ill proceed to dis— e having regard only?' which she then shall EXETER, ONT., thi®- ovember, A.D., 1930: MAN & STANBURY Hensail and Exeter Solicitors for Administratrix;’ NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th^ffc all creditors and others having clo/ms'- against the estate of FRED.. _____ „ EL BRIDGE, late of the Townshijj^&f Us-- borne, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on tha^ twenty—- third £lay, of September are re quire provei$to the undersig fore t^e twenty-four vemberll930. AND EN tha „ Executrix^wilT pr __ ....... ....... the estate^'aving^egard only to the* claims of x notice. DATED day of GL 3rd to forward their^laims duly ~ ‘ d on or be— day of No- OTICE IS after tl urther-giV- said, 'date 'the-- ee<? to distribute* ’he then shall have’ Sol ETER, ONT., tni3> ember, A.D., 1930. IAN & ST ANBURY Hensall and Exeter tors fox* the Executrix." NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having, •claims against /he estate of WIL LIAM BAGSHx/w, late of the Vil lage!of Exeter Hui’An, gentle 4 th quire prove fore t in the County of ian, who died oix th©- ctober, 1930, are re- ard their claims, duly undersigned on ox- be- EN th; dersign the ests claims notice. d ay of to foi to th e lst,Jday of ’December, 1930. NO’J3iCE IS FURTHER GIV- ■ aftfjr the said date the uu- xfill proceed to distribute- aving regard only to the itch they then shall have ADMAN & -STANBURYe Hensall and Exoter Solicitors for Executors at EXETER, Ont. tltte-DATED 11th day of November,- 1030. >