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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-11-20, Page 1
FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR, NO. 295$ Part in Concert ARTERY SEVERED BY AXE Many - A BIG — DANCRev. W. Whalen, wll be . held, in cl L Former Members Take Part in S. S. Service services in the* Sunday School afternoon was most interest- Many of the former scholarssituation. IMiss .Vera Essery The next lec- M. Sanders and T. Jones, December meeting be held Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mr. and dmd Mr. supplies $24.85. The & Son account was held Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Moy- Mr. and Mrs. John St.. 'Marys; Mrs. Geo. Young; Miss Dinah Hooper, Mj3® Many Return for Main St. Jubilee Congregations FIR Clmvcli-—-Former Pupils Assist in Sunday School Sex'* Vice anil Take the men EVENING XOVEMB PROGRAM Gallin er from^ UiSIC— ’ ESTABLISHED 1873 l r.T EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 20th, 1930 Some Real Bargains Men’s Heavy Overcoats Special $19. and $20. Men’s Coloured Overcoats- Special $15. and $18. EXTRA VALUE- 20 good Velour1 coloured overcoats at a low price of $22*50 each 30 Men’s Overcoats BOY’S OVERCOATS - Special - $10.00 and $15.00 - For School - Sizes 31 to 35 at each ■ Boy’s and Juvenile Overcoats BOARD EDUCATION The meeting of the Board of Edu cation was held at the office of the Secretary on Monday, November 16. Absent H. T. Rowe. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved per chairman. Report of the Public and High Schools were read; also the Public School Inspector’s report. These were discussed then adopted on mo tion of Messrs. Dearing and Sand ers. Per Messrs. Sanders and Delbridge. that the following accounts be paid? Corporation, tile $17.28, Grigg Sta tionery Co, supplies $11.70; Times- Advocate, Leonard over. Per S. that the . on December Sth; also that all ac counts be sent in by tMf date. Per R. N. Creech and E. Coultis, that the purchase of supplies be made by Teachers’ Courses Supplies’ Committee. Adjournment by F. J. Delbridge. K. MacFaul, Sec’y. ! Earl Austin, son of Mr. Thomas' Austin, of Hibbert, was brought to. Dr. Fletcher’s office on Friday last having met with an accident while" cutting wood in the bush. The axe ■struck the right foot cutting in to ar- be- the bone and severing a large tery. He lost considerable blood fore the wound was dressed. HYDRO OFF very even weave, regular heavy English White F TURKISH TOWE for $1.00. All All linen tab real bargain this SPECIAL—6 cases, stamped in inen Ta We Cloths 98c cloths size 52 Jfich by 52 inch, with colored borders a, ek at 98c. eac ozen pair ce’20c.-a yard; this week Fice 25c. a yard; this week at melette regular price 35c. a yard The hydro power has been off, off and on during the past week new lines having been installed be tween Exeter and Hensail. The new feeders- are of heavier wire and will greatly increase service to the Hen sail users. Power was off all Mon day afternoon. Avoiding "mishaps there should be no further interrup tions as far as Exeter is concerned. ^yy quality 42 inches, hemstitched pillowi od pattern ING— Feal bargain this week at 15c. a yard or 7 yds. Isses’ and Children CoatsLadies’ ,..._, (..... Our coats are. selling rapidly. We have many exceptional values" to of fer. A large stock to choose from. Dinner Sets A FEW DINNER SETS AT REAL BARGAIN PRICES LECTURE WELL ATTENDED The third in the series of lectures sponsored by the Crediton and Exe ter Young People’s Societies was held in James Street church on Fri day evening with a good attendance. Dr. H. A. Logan, of the University of Western Ontario spoke on the subject “Unemployment • Insurance”’ an'd at the close questions .of inter est were asked by the different mem bers of the audience dealing with the sang a pleasing solo. ture will be held in the Evangelical Church, Crediton, when Prof. H. R. Kingston will give an illustrated lecture on ‘The Wonderful Heavens.’ The diamond jubilee services of the Main Street United Church on Sunday were highly pleasing and successful, Many former members of, the congregation from distant points were present and joined in the services of worship. The aud itorium was filled 'both morning and evening. At the evening service every available space was taken up. Rev. W. H. Graham, of Hamilton, was the special speaker for the day and the music throughout was ex ceptionally fine, the choir being as sisted by Mrs. Edna Hearts, of Tor onto, who sang a solo morning and evening and also by Mrs. Alma Welker, of .Kitchener, who .played several selections on a very beauti ful harp and who- sang at all .ser vices. Miss Evelyn ‘Huston, presided at the organ while Miss Ruth Wild- fong accompanied on the ipiano. The Caven congregation withdrew' their morning seryice and with their minister, Rev. J.„B\ Rhodes, united with the Main St. congregation. In the evening the service was with drawn in the James' Street church.. Rev. Mr. Graham delivered- two very inspiring and thought-provok-* ing sermons. In the evening he took his text from' He,b. 13; 8, “Jesus, Christ, the same yesterday, to-day and forever’’ his theme being that Christ is a contemporary of modern life. He is a contemporary of the modern business life and belongs* to the social relationships. .He is link ed up with all activities from child hood to old age. Jesus- not only belongs to the distant past but is present' here. That is where we need a revival of religion. Jesus is concerned about modern affairs and dwells in modern hearts. Whatever may be our theology it misses the mark unless it brings us to the con clusion that God is living; that he is living in the environment that we live in, and is concered in what is. going on. The idea of some is that Jesus Christ is a sort of lost absentee lea der but Jesus Christ is The same, yesterday, to-day and forever. Stoves and Heaters WE HAVE AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE RANGE OF QUEBEC HEATERS AND QUEBEC COOK STOVES ON OUR FLOOR FOR YOU TO CHOOSE FROM. BAZAAR THAMES ROAD, WEI)pfeSDAY, 26, at 7.30 ress by hedford. . Morley, of gues. ■ GIFTS—Gifts for DOHERtY QUEBEC COOK f eh takes four big pie-^iates. BANNER COOKS# with the large o DIAN . w at a price that will pfease everyone, 18 b^-'2O inch oven BEACH&HAMPION CQ0KS quality stove$.t a low price, by 20 inch oven. FINDLAY’S OVAL ipOKS In the n vest fully enamjfled colors DOMINION QUEBEgl HEATERS A high Different sizes a prices We also have tw® second-han^ OAK HEATERS in excellent condition to be sold chfap. Coal and Electric Combination R QUEBEC with 20 inch ovenOne. second-hand|pOOD CH and new lining. Don’t fail, to sife the ntf Range fully enameled in grey and white. TRAQUAW & LINDENFIELD Phone your hardware necessities to. 27 , BIRTHS HUNDLE—In Usborne, on Saturday, November 15|h, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur1 Rundle, a daughter. 3&1NG—in Stephen Township, on November 13 th to M’r. and Mrs. Samuel King, a daughter. MARRIAGES •FORD—MADGE—At the home the bride’s parents LOiidon Road, Saturday, November Beatrice a., daughter of North, on ■the 15th, of Mr. and Mrs. Walter M’adge, to Grant I. Ford, son of Mr. William and the late Mrs. Ford, ‘Of Centra- Ha, by Rev. A. Sinclair, YELLOW—HEYWOOD— At Main street parsonage on Wednesday, November 19th, Mildred Rowena, daughter of the late Caleb and Mrs. Heywood, of Exeter, to Ed- Mr. the much appreciated. Dr. James G* Walker, of Burlington, delighted the1 audience with a bright* inspiring address, telling of the place the .Sun-* day School had filled in his life. Mi*. T. H. McCallum a former superintendent, now living in Lon don, expressed by letter the heart iest greetings of himself and family; to dear old Main Street, regretting' their inability to be present and taker part in the service. Mr. McCallum- attended thirty-six consecutive anni versaries, the first one dating baclc to 187 6. ■ Letters were received from many of the former pastors? and workers in the Sunday School, including the following: Rev. Dr. Medd, Rev. S. W. Muxworthy, th®- Misses Charlotte, Louise and Ethel Sweet, with donation of one dollar,. Etta Farquha-rson, Sarnia; Editli- Verity Gundy, Mrs. Henry Hooper, LaVera Muxworthy Passmore, ,Eu nice Eacrett Fuller, Ida Eacrett' Brown, Mrs. Maria Blatcliford, Wm. J. Verity with donation of ten dol lars; Walter Carley with donations of five dollars, Dr. L. L, Follicle with donation of five dollars; Sena tor; Frank Tom, Dr. C. T. Currelly, Russell E, Mailing, Wilbur (Manning, R. J. Eacrett, Si R. Eacrett, Dr. J. G. Walker, E. Lloyd JBea’vers. Ampng the visitors*.-were’:Mr®. George Vivian Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Elliott', London; Mrs. G. Geddes, London; Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Follick, of St Marys; E, 'French, of Toronto; Mrs. Edna Hearts, Toron to; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bawden; Mr. Emerson Bawden, I-arkhill; Mrs. I. Eacrett Brown, Mrs, Eunice Eacrett Fuller, Sarnia; Statham and Lois, of London; and Mrs. Albert and Mr. Walter Mavis Spencer, Hensall; Mr. Mrs. Wesley Jones, Crediton; and Mrs. Albert King, Crediton;. Mr- Cyril Tuekey and sons, London; Mr,s. Earl Guenther, Dashwood; Mrs. Dickson, London; Mr. and Mrs.^H. S. Griff, Goderich; Miss (Margaret dopes, Crediton; Miss Jeap M. Mur ray, Hamilton; George Penhaje, Mrs. Mattie Penhale Kiim^i;jj‘,St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Howard' B’awBen, of Parkhill; Dr. J. H. and Mrs. Brown ing, Mr. and- Mrs. OuG. Bayley, of London; risen', London; Ready, London; Ruth, Mr. and Mr.s. Percy -Hooper, London; Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapmaft, Hay; Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Manning, London; Dr. J. G. Walker, Burling ton; Mrs. James Beer, Mrs. Charles Perkins, Mrs. James Willis, Mr. lleo. Willis, London; Mr. -and Mi’S. JGF&r- field Hill,‘Crediton; Mrs. Hattj^Ver- ity Southcott, Mr. WilliaiWEaidlaw, St'. Marys; Mr. and MrsFGeo. ap’d Harold Gregory, St. Marys; Miss R. Chapman, Hensall; Mrs. H. Bagshaw" (Continued on page 4.) 'The in the ing. were, back for-worship and to show their love .for the Sunday School where they had received their re ligious training or at least a part of it. The school was" in charge of .former officers. Mr. H. E. Huston a former superintendent of twenty five years service,, led ’the meeting with his old time vigor. Mrs. W. W. Taman, formerly- Miss Lilia Johns, a former pianist, presided at the piano. She was assisted by a choir of old girls and boys, namely: Mattie Penhale, now Mrs. Kilmer, of .St. Thomas; Eunice Eacrett, now Mrs. J. 'T. Fuller, of Sarn-ia; Edna Follick,' now Mrs. Hearts,* of Tor onto; Eva Hayes, now Mrs. John Re'a'dy, of St. Marys; Edith Beer, now Mrs. George Young, of London; 'Miss :R.uth Hooper, of London; Mary Gidley,.'no.w; Mrs. Jesse Elston; Jen nie „M^esta.w’ay>,-ynow Mrs. W. Chap- ’man-,,/bf- Hay;,’ Miss Mabel Follick; Roxie ■ Eacrett jnow Mrs. B. W. F. Beavdrs; Mes£r;s. E. A. Follick; Dr. L. L.'-' E'ollict^'r-of St. Marys; Percy Hooper,. London; Dr. Jas G. Walk er, Burlington; Jesse Elston. Mr. Trueman Elliott, a former secretary gave the. report for the day calling the roli which many of the former pupils responded by rising. There were 350, present, the offering with contributions 'sent in by old attend ants amounted to forty-six dollars. Mrs. Eunice Eacrett Fuller rend ered a most pleasing violin selection in her usual efficient manner. She was 'beautifully accompanied at the piano by her sister, Mrs. Ida Eac rett Brown, both of Sarnia. Mr. W. H, Manning, of London, gave a brief address which was Candy “CINDERELL” PLEASES ..-.-LARGE AUDIENCES “Cinderella” the .musical extrav aganza. played by 150 local people, conducted by R. B. Hawthorne un der the .auspices of the Exeter Wo men’s Institute dtfew large audiences both on Thursday and Friday even ings of last week in the Exeter’ Opera House. 'The production was xceedingly interesting and pldasing he costumes were elaborate and the anner in which the fairy story was ortrayed more than delighted those o had the privilege to attend. The prologue to the play was a pageant fairy characters, with.- Misses Patsy Martin and Jeanette Taman, acting as Heralds,, while Miss Jean Sheere was Mother Goose and sang a quaint selection- An old-fashioned chorus consist ing of eight young ladies appeared at various intervals and added charm to the production. The play was in five acts opening in Cinderella’s kitchen where the heroine of th© play was belittled by her half-sisters and made to do the drudgery about the house. Then ■came the invitation to the ball; the preparation; the appearance of the fairy godmother and the transform ation of Cinderella; the ball at the palace with the Lords and Ladies; the infatuation of the prince with Cinderella, the loss of the silver slipper; the finding of the owner' and the happy marriage In addi tion to the choruses, solos were sung TAYLOR—MOUSSO—-At Hensall on:by Miss Pearl Wood, Miss. Kathleen .Saturday, November 15th, Mar garet Pearl, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mousso, Grand Bend, to Mr. Thomas Richard Taylor, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Taylor, of Tuckersmith, by Rev. A. Sinclair. | DEATHS RENNIE—In Clinton Hospital on Tuesday, November Erastus Rennie, of Hensall, aged 67 years. LAMPHIER— Tn- St. Joseph’s Hos pital, London,' on Friday Novem ber 14tn, Hanorah McGee, belov ed wife of Anthony Lamphier, Lot 18, con., 9, Biddutph, in her 71st year. MITCHELL—T11 JJsborne day, November 18th Hewson, widow of tin entine Mitchell, In hot Funeral, private, Thin the home of Mr, Dan meat in the Exetor cemetery j^if’pond for the children. LUNCH—and Home Made Admission 10 c. OPERA HOUSE, EX — on —- > Mr. Thos. Harton, of London, vis ited in town on Monday. At the auction sale of the house and property of the estate of the late Jos. Hawkins on Saturday last' the property was purchased by Mr. Wm. Pincombe, of Usborne, for $1200. OPERATION FOR APPENDICITIS Mrs. Luther Reynolds, of Usborne was -taken ill Sunday morning with an acute attack >of appendicitis and in the afternoon was taken to Vic toria Hospital, London, where she underwent an operation the same evening. Her friends will be pleased to know that she is getting along as well as can be expected. I OLD iday, $ AND NEW PANCING TIME with music supplied by petrIe If • This orchestra ORCHESTRA Stijstt’ord has won. a name for itself, so do i&tJFmiss this opportun ity ovHiearmg it. Dancing,’ from 1) until 1 a.m. Admission Genta $1 tax included ■ ■ # —----- ward Shipley Yellow, .son of and Mrs. Richard Yellow, of Thames Road, by Rev. C. J. Moor house. / • RYAN—DIETRICH—At the Church of Our Lady, Mt. Carmel, on Wed nesday, November 12, Miss Alma Dietrich, 'eldest daughter of Mr. and' Mrs, Jbhn Dietrich, of Shipka, to Mr, John A. Ryan, son of Mrs. Mary Ryan and the late William Ryan, of Mt. Carmel, by Rev. Er. Corcoran, on Tues- Bellmira late 91st Vai- year, from inter* Strang and Clarence Down while fthb" Geo. Grant played a violin selection and a duett was sung by Ml«ses Helen Penhale and Margaret Eller- ington. Two flower girl choruses Px’Ovided pleasing numbers. The cast of characters as they ap peared were; Cinderella, Miss Pearl; Wood; stepmother, Miss ;M. Wood; Kathrina, 'Miss Catherine Wood; Cordells, Miss Lillis Marlett; fairy godmother, Miss Kathleen Strang; first' page, Marjory Complin; second page, Jean Penhale; prince, Clar ence Down; king, N. S» Eaton; queen, (Miss Viola Hodgson and the lords and ladies. The old-fashioned chorus was composed of Misses Ruby St-one, Mar garet Martin, Helen Bartow, Con- nib Jennings, Margaret Taman, Mar garet Sllerington, Helen Penhale and Helen Digham Mrs. J. Batsen presided at the piano. SundayJ James S SPECL Both (he«o men ar The friends of Exeter hem. REV. C. W. De Stratford, wi REV. R. B. COCH Toronto Anniversary rvices BY THE moiK ’O ATTEND THHsfc SERVICES outstan nd vic N ovfoiber will pi- Everyone is invued LLE, B. A^'of Central United Church conduct ^e moi-nihg service and. VNE, D.§f.; Secretary of Home Missions eet Unifed Church ch iti the evening tg preachers lu the United Church, ity hre„t cordially hivited to hear