HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-11-13, Page 8THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, IfcSO Rowe Phone 40w S ARRIVED pour order. Exeter Markets Wheat 67« Oats 5?5c. Barley 30c. Bran $1.10 Shorts $1.00 Low Grade Flour $1,25 Welcome Flour $2.70 Model Flour $3.00 Manitoba Flour $3.20 Creamery Butter 36c.. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs THE EXETER TIMEii-ADVOCATK ONI ILLA Don’t miss this rare theatrical treat when it is presented at the Opera House, Exeter, Thursday and Friday of tills week by 150 local people under the direction of Rus­ sell B. Hawthorne, of Hamilton. Mr. Hawthorne produced this play1 in 'Wingham less than two weeks ago and the Advance-Times 'from that town -says: “Every one present was delighted with the program and the old fashioned costumes added greatly to this beautiful production. It seemed hardly believable that in puch a short time as ten. days so .much -could he accomplished as to make such a production .possible.” The play is under the auspices of the Women's Institute. Remember the curtain will rise at 8,15 sharp. Butter 30 to 33c, extra 50c. first 45 c. seconds 30c, $9.75 ..........r-’ ■' _------jjg........................ XOGClls PROFESSOR H. A. I.OGAN, TO SPEAK ON ■ . “UNEAliIvLOYA.lENT INSURANCE’ ’ The third in the series of Exten­ sion Lectures from Western Univer­ sity, sponsored by the Y. T. Societ­ ies of Exeter and Crediton will be ■held on Friday evening in James St. United Oh nr ch, Exeter. The sub­ ject “Unemployment Insurance” is one that ought to be full of interest to both old and young in these crit­ ical days of unemployment. An op­ portunity will be given to ask ques­ tions. -Come prepared to listen and to learn. Everybody welcome. , Mr. and Mrs. Al. F. Gladman and little son, of London, spent the holi­ days with Airs. Gladman’s parents Sir. and Airs. R. E. Pickard.' Pickard has not been for some time -but is slowly improving. w—t" 1 **' The hold a urday, at ‘Grigg’s- Stationer Mrs. willladie&^ufjOven church saleioM^ne-co.oking -on Sat- Noveiwrer 15th at 3 o’clock1 “Blunderin'!beilly” will presented■ by the/Anglican jdayers early in D further particfl Watch for III III OUR BIG SALE =4 11 11 3 7 LADIES’ COMBINATION UNDERWEAR In Penman’s and Turnbull’s make, values to $4,50. Silk and Wool and all wool SALE PRICE EACH $1,49 TURKISH TOWELS Big size, English make. Sale Price 25c. WOOL BLANKETS Regular 7 lb. blanket, regular $8.50 SALE PRICE PER PAIR $6 98 OXFOR & HIGH TOP ,F SHOES SO^airs of Oxfords and figh-Topped Shoes A Sale Price 98c. • Toilet Paper.......................7 rolls for 25c. No, 1, Cooking Onions ... 10 lbs. for 25c. Real Good Tea, black or mixed 3 lbs. $1.00 SILK AND WQ0L HOSE Regular $1J0O quality Sale * * — CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH III R. G. Seldon MEN’S SWEATER COATS A good weight and excellent wearing coat for rough wear. SALE PRICE EACH $1.49 | Rev, 3. Bernard Rhodes, M. A. 1 Minister Miss Lena Coates, A-D-C-3L, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Service withdrawn in fa­ vour of Main St. United church anniversary. 7 pan.-—“An Inadequate Estimate" Thursday, November 13 th, at 8 pan. our mid-week service at the Church “The Christian Life” Inter­ preted by John Bunyan.—i 7 j Continues till Saturday night Hundreds have taken advantage of our many money savers. Three days left for you to get your share of the bargains. Reduced prices on all Children’s winter coats MEN’S WINTER COATS Some wonderful values in this assortment SALE PRICE $14.95 JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D, McTavIsh, pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.’M. Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—The Sacrament of Lord's Supper. A special, invita­ tion. 3 pan.- 7 WHITE FLANNELETTE 27 inches wide, good weight, and fine weave. SALE PRICE PER YARD 15c. Harry West of Sarnia, was home for Thanksgiving. Mr. Leonard. Pfaff was up from London for the holiday. Mr. Harry Carey spent the holiday at his home 'in Goderich. Mr. Stanley Ward, of London, spent the holidays at his home here. Mr. Grant Collingwood, of Toron­ to, spent the holiday with his par­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Lampman spent1 the holidays with relatives in Nor­ wich. Mr. Hugh Creech, of Western Uni­ versity spent Thanksgiving at his home here. Miss Nona Chambers, of Loudon, spent Sunday and home here. Mr. and Mrs, A. with Mr, and Mrs. Thanksgiving. Dr. Geo. Hind, of Sunday and Monday with his father Mr. J. R. Hind. Mr. and Mrs. W. EL Bradt and family, of London, spent Thanksgiv­ ing with relatives. Miss. Lillian Ford, of Detroit, spent the holiday with tier parents I Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ford. Rev. D. McTavish, wife and fam­ ily motored to Ripley and- visited with relatives on Monday. Dr. Wm. Lawson, of Listowel, spent Thanksgiving with his parents' I Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lawson. Mr. and IMrs. John Zuefle, of Hen- 1 sail, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dearing, over the holiday. 1 j Miss Jean Murray, of Hamilton, is visiting for a week with her fath-l er, Mr. Jas Murray of town. Mrs. Lily Senior, of Toronto, is visiting for a week at the home of her ibrother-in-law Mr. J. Senior. Rev. Borden and Mrs. Cunning­ ham and little daughter, of Mill­ bank, visited with relatives in town on Tuesday. | Mrs. Fissette, of Brantford, is vis­ iting in Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. ■Sunday School p. m .-—Services, withdrawn Main St, Anniversary. We offer congratulations to Main St. congregation on this their Jubi­ lee year, and trust that the occasion may he a time of spiritual uplift. The members of James St. are urg­ ed to hear Dr. Graham, of Hamilton. NOTE—Our own Anniversary on Sunday, November 23rd. Keep date in mind. *ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS Splendid for children’s Dresses for School, values to $1.50 SALE PRICE PER YARD 49c, LADIES’ FUR COLLARED COATS 8 only Ladies’ Fur-Collared Coats, not this season’s make jWj BIG SALE PRICE $4.95 S COLORED STRIPED FLANNELETTE Two only pieces to clear this week rafe ular 25c. SALE PRICE PER YARD 15^ Monday at her S. Taylor, visited Wm. Blayney for Walkerton, spent MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C- J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader * DIAMOND JUBLIEE ANNIVERSARY . a.m.—Rev’. W. H. Graham, B.A., D.D., of Hamilton will preach p.m.—Church School Rally will be held in the audi­ torium of the church. This ser­ vice will be in charge of former pupils. pan.—Rev. W. H. Graham, B.A., D.D. Toronto and Kitchener tal­ ent will help the choir with solos. Mrs. Welker, of Kitchener, will give some numbers, on the harp. 7.30—Thursday. Prayer and Praise Service. PURE LINEN TOWELLING Get your Supply Sale price per yard 19c. COMFORTER CHINTZ In many new pattern regular 25c. SALE PRICE PER YD. 22 WINDOW BLINDS In green color only 37 in, by 72 inches. . Sale Price 75c Beautiful 97 tfiece Dinner Set S^de price $ 17.95 A meetii Presbyte^i^ Chu^h on Wednesday 26th at eight ie auspices of the George jMcKay will ( w. w. Taman and- Mr. and Mrs. J. ,, ~ Stewart. Miss Avis Lindenfield, nurse-in­ training at Victoria, Hospital, Lon­ don', spent Thanksgiving-Day at her home in Exeter. I Mr. and Mrs. -George Shade and o daughters, of London, spent Thanksgiving with Dr. and. Mrs. Ward of 'town. Mr. and Mrs. Merrifield, of Lon­ don and Miss Edna Dee, of Brant­ ford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J, Elston on /Sunday. Mr. and MVs. Findlay and fam­ ily, of Detroit, visited for a few days with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis and son Donald and Miss Lulu McDonald of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McDonald. Mrs. C. C. Pilon has rented the residence of Mr. M. G. Ransford, on Wellington street and expects to move in the first of next month. Mr. Harry Jennings, ,of Western University^ spent the holidays under the parental roof. Harry is .recup­ erating from a recent operation from appendicitis. • Mrs. Lusher Rowcliffe, Miss Net­ tie Kcddy and' Miss May,belle Strang were in London last week as dele­ gates attending the Women’s In­ stitute Convention. Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Gordon and daughter June and Mr. •ford, of Toronto, spent Monday with. Mr. and Southcott. . Messrs. Reg. Beavers Howey motored to spent Thanksgiving, brothers Mr. Geo. Beavers and Mr. Eugene Howey. Sirs. Horne, who has been visit­ ing for soine time with her sister Mrs. Wm. Walker, left Tuesday for Chicago wfie’re she will visit for^a time before returning to her home in Carn duff, Sask, iMr. Bruce Modd and Miss Eleanor Modd, of Ontario College of Ed­ ucation, Toronto, and Miss Marjor­ ie Mfedd, Of MacDonald Hall, Guelph spont Thanksgiving with their par­ ents air. aftd airs. W, G. -Medd. D^V'Amos, wife and Kenneth and Lattra, of Brantford; Miss Mary ■Amos, of Brinsley and aft. John Kil- 1 pattick, of Toronto, were the guests Of Rev. D. and Mrs. McTavish at James ’Street parsonage on /Sunday, air, and Airs. Beverley Acheson, of Toronto, Mr. Clias. A'Cheson. and Aliss Phyllis Grey, of -Loiidon Mid air, Dwight Evttns of* Blenheim, .spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Mr, and arrs. W. T. Acheson, air. and airs. Wnu Ferguson, Afiss . Ua Westcott, of Toronto, aftd Afrs. Wm, Davis and Miss Vina Fisher, of. Hamilton, motored up and spent Thursday and Friday last visiting with Air. aftd Airs, Rd, Coates and other friends. t □11 be held in Caven Forest City Baking Po|/der Cascade Salmon . Cascade Salmon . = BOYS’ FLEECED SHI1 = AND. DRAWERS ~ Sale Price each 59c. <TS 25 BOY SCHOOL SUIT^T Nearly all sizes Sale Price $4.98 j/ MINER RUBBER BOOTS Every pair guaranteed. Sale Price $3.75 = 5 ONLY BOYS’ OVE = COATS as Wonderful cloths ~ Sale price $3.48 j I ' MEN’S FLEECED UNDER­ WEAR / Regular $1.00 ^Penman’s make Sale Pry$B 89c. ", ; LARGE SIZE FLANNEL­ ETTE BLANKETS White or Grey Sale Price $1.98 S Special PEAS, New Pae = Bulk Table Salt..........| EEE Choice Oatmeal..........| Salada Tea, mixed or l|l Specials in Groceries k, $c. tin case Life Buoy' Soap ........ 3 cakes for 19c. . . . 10 lbs. forjBc. Fresh Sodas..........................2 lbs. for 25c. . ... 7 lbs. 25c. P« & G. Soap ......................10 bars for 37c. ack . . . perjb. 54c. Handy Ammonia ........ 4 pkgs, for 25c. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Miss K. ai. Macl’aul, Organist Air. T. J. Finlay in charge Twenty-second Sunday after,. Trinity 11 a.m,—Morning Prayer & Sermon 3 p.m—Sunday School and Bible Class ;7 p.m,—Evensong, and sermon evening/ Noilpmbi o’clock W.AI.SI Airs give ah interesting address on her work in Formosa. _____ ___ __ will be served$and a silver collection ■t2kei\ Refreshments Anyone wishin winter apply sail, P. O. ph Hear ■World’s “Home of the the fastei lilco Radio. The ling Radio $andy at .the two Elliot. ‘ for thek$lFfed ’Broderick, Hen- r74 Itp. SHROPSHIRE SHEEJ» Am offering sev^l rams and a few ewes of choice ^reeding and. show type.—R. D. Hiy FOR SALE — Hogs now ready. Apply to Chas. H; ^er and Son. 10-9-tfc -Yq^nig Yorkshire . Choice animals.— la^wey, Exeter.W 10-9-tfc GOOD COOK® ERS—lie itr Geo. Hay, ExetedrM ^t^XONS, BOIL- Aeliy’ered. Phone %srt?lione 175 r 31. ll-13-4tp STRAYED— lot 12, con. N year-old. heifeV same by proving pi ing for this advent McGee, Lucan, Ri ment ^premises Ipli; two- lay have erty and pay- Patrick ll-13-3tc LOST—‘last1 .-weeds’ a- right hand soft mitt with k tffeen cuff, notify .S„, J. HoW’th. FOR &ATJE—75 Leghorn hens-, pfic Times-Advoeate. i»r Please fl ig White Apply at Wm. Lud- Sunday and Mrs. T, O. gas. ■tfc. ■Modern con- FOR SALE—-An Auto-Knitter. Apply at Times-Advocatte. ll-6-3tc. If you wish to buyor selka farm of house see R.' E^Jrlckard.zExeter. ’All for Dr. rooms above 10 gaL FOR SALE OR RE red brick semi-bungalo veniences, centrally loj FOR RENT—-Sever light houselkeGpin Weokcs’ officl, FOR SALE*-V pump; also bjera new. 'Apply t| J fstrator or B. POULTRY We are ift th^ftn of poultry payift Tftfckft will cal Whod, C. Anders Registered Fol* montim 42nd. •- Fairfay bred ai tty late 1W,—I and Marvin Toronto and with their ble g table,' almost n RowO, Admin- , Beavers. 6-19 ANTED t£t for all kirius ho highest ni&ces. Fhone ' 3sli- tills 10 id 12 ed by Bf/ie paid ni Bonnie-' Brfte.- ile Lad dains;- also h offers. Sfuccessdrs ■Stutt, Braedefiff since •Stutt Bibs, Forest:, Ont •’M;r. E. J. Wethejr spent the holi­ day in London. Mr. Wm. McT'aggart, of Emily City, Mich., Rev. A. L. Bell and wife of Pontiac, Mich., visited over the holidays with the ’ormer’s sister Mrs. E. j. Short and also with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Welsh, of town and Mr. and Mrs. Kinsman, of Chisel­ hurst. ' Messrs, Chas. Salter, Bill Cham­ bers, Archie Davis and Joe Kernick returned Fiiday from a duck hunt in the Bruce Peninsula. The men. were within a short distance of To­ bermory and were successful in se­ curing nine -ducks. It was a little late in the season for duck hunting as most 'of the ducks had passed ■over. Messrs. Harold and John Kuntz and Misses Dorothy and Ella Kuntz, Windsor, Mr. Ralph McDonald, Detroit; Miss Ella Link, of Ham­ ilton; and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bic­ kel], and little daughter Dorothy j Anne, of London were Thanksgiv­ ing visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-1 j Ham Kuntz. j Miss M. E. Ross resumed lifer position on the Exeter I-Iigli SchopI staff on Monday after having been absent for several weeks through illness. Miss Ross had been recup­ erating at tile home of her sister in Toronto. Her position on the staff had been taken by Miss Evelyn Howard. Mr. an Mrs, J, S. Grant are visit­ ing for a week in Toronto. Miss Margaret Johns, of London, visited in Exeter on Sunday. Miss Vera Mooney, of London, spent Thanksgiving at her home here. Miss Pauline Tune, of Brantford, spent the holidays with Dr. and Mrs. Steiner. Miss Ruby Mun-sen, of Sexsmith, spent the holidays at her hohie in Glencoe. Mrs. Lamport, of London, spent Thanksgiving with her mother Mrs. E. Hewitt. Mr. Stuart Moorhouse, of London, ■spent the holidays at the Main St.1 parsonage. Mr. Nelson N. Hill, of Toronto, had a pleasant week’s visit with his I mother Mrs. Jas. Hill. Mr. W. H. Dignan, of Lucan, spent Thanksgiving with his father James Dignan and his brother Ed. Mr. Wm. Rousom, of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Rou­ som at the home of Mrs. W. J. Bis­ sett. •Mr. and Mrs. Jack Routledge and children, of Hamilton, visited rela­ tives in Exeter and Zurich-over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer motored to Mi.llibank for Thanksgiving and visited with Rev. Borden and Mrs. Cunnimghain. Miss Carrie May returned to Tor­ onto on Monday after holidaying for two weeks with relatives in Exeter and Clinton. POWELUS e BulbsWe Still I ______ HYAilNi ril TULIPS, DAt^DlLS, CROCUS, & FREEZIAS IVE WAV FHOM. Will 1J OU ft GOLD E, Lots OF THEM, ALSO FJSH Q1USS AND TODD VEEK PUT IN THREE BARGAIN TABLES KREAL VALUE GIFTS MAY BE SELECTED. i^ITNS EVERY DAY UNTIL CHIHSTAIAS It,; IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT THE BIG EVENT f Of the Clothing S^son • DON’T LET THIS CHANCE GO Here is something you cannot afford to vember 21st. 7' ‘ , X . .. Top Tailors, Limited, will be at our store __ _______ _ A ure every man ordering a suit or topcoaj^r overcoat that day. will also give yqu expert advice on cho ‘ - - - ■ This is an secure extraovdii great value whic YOrR*FAT _ . __ Op Friday, N<>-ATr. A. C. Garner, head offi^representative of Tip ..x ........‘ personally moas-* ' " ' He of fabrics and on styles. jcceptional jopportunij^ for every man in Exeter to ary high quality rsonal service along with the i Tip Top Ciothe^Bffer at all times. ___ _____ RCoat tailored to yourt DiVIDtAL >H^‘ASURE FOR ONLY One prief $2|K00 Unrivalled value NE DAY ONLY NOVEMBER 21st THE DATE / SUIT OR OV W PHONE 81w LE DOROTHY E. GRASSlCK A. L. C. M (Hondr Graduate) AGENCY FQ| .... ANlf WIMPOWS, ALSO METAL HIER-STRIPPING > S QUOTE YOU BRICES. W. J. HERN, Exeter TAMAN EXETER, OUT. save money on, HAVE ur coal bill ECURED THE CAULKING DOORS irfbm, Engl*ml Piano, Viol armony, Theory studio N. rf street, Box ICO EXETER, ONTARIO ESSAFETY RAZOR B SHARPENED ( SINGLE EDGE DOUBLE EDG Perfect w. BROKEN AUTO GLASS REPLAC BILE " QUICKLY WAIT CL Phone so TAWKINS Exeter, Ont, .H Sc, ..... ..... 44*Guaranteed DRUGGIST W. Ft SoULtrflG C. M Misses Madeline Dearbjg, Mur Howald, Marjorie Westcott a Madeline Stewart, of London, rpt tho holiday at their homes here. Piano t Snpervf Studio, Main nyiCd Church on in divgun Theorjf Music, fn School*' t. Bnx Plmne 1SI DTBR, ONT Orgaftirfjmid CJ^irmneter James