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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-11-13, Page 4
wnmsbAY, November is, 1930 THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE iPAUd EXTENDED A call has be?n extended to Rnv,, A. firant Thonias,’ B. A., of Kiucar-* <lino, to become ‘ the rector of' the ■*Trivjtt Memorial Church following .lley..'J, J, Fenton who resigned. i'ARM SOLI) FOR $8,500 *1116 farm of Mr. John Hutehinsoni on Jligliw&y No, 4, just north of Ex- ele? has boen sold to Mr. Carmem Cmin, son ot Mr. John Cann, of Us- tiorne, for $8,500. The new owner .gets possession December 1st. tfATHER PASSES Mr, Sylvester Taylor returned tiomo Monday after attending the ■funeral of his father at Richmond, <Jug. The deceased died suddenly, on "the Monday previous from heart failure. Mr. Taylor will have the ^sympathy pt many friends in his bereavement, IN CRITICAL CONDITION The many friends of Mrs. John Cal4weU will regret to. know that she is in a critical condition. The fam ily were called to her Victoria Hospital on Monday morn ing but she rallied again. Mrs. Caldwell -has been in the,. hospital for two w'eeks but expects to return to her home north of Exeter as the physicians can do nothing for her. SHOWER FOR BRIDE-ELECT About twenty young ladies gather- at the home of Mrs, Ida Beaver on Monday evening in honor of Miss Myrtle Beaver, bride-elect, who was the recipient of many lovely gifts, which were brought in on a beauti fully decorated wagon. The bride elect showed the girls her trousseau after which an enjoyable time was spent in contests and music. At the close of the evening a dainty lunch was served. Mil i Hogarth Hatchery :k the following poultry^rfeeds and feeds; , Beef Meal, Meat Powder, Fish Meal, itestinal worms in poul- red Rc>ck PyJfets; Breeding 'Cockerels in We have in st! Lay Mash, Oyster fhell, Grit, Cod Liver Scrap, Bone Meal,|Charcoal, Butterm Alfalfa Leaf Meal, try; Leg Bands; B « White Wyahdottes,|Barred RgjlJ&s and Black Minorcas. . per gallon £ five gallon for 70c. ■ 6Sc. per gallon; one quart 20c. Worm Pills for VETERANS 1»ABAPE (Continued, from page 1.) gambled with their lives—rshall we say they,, lost? Do we not instinc tively3 Yecoil from a conclusion like that? We cannot bear to think of their life in such a way. At the* front you put upon their bare cross-" es the name, date, battalion, and one line more, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a nian lay down, his life for his friends." To that which Jesus called greatest in all human experience they attained. We cannot say of them, therefore, that they lost. But the Teal answer* to this question rests with us. They were ready to take risks that' might have staggered the most dauntless, spirit; they were ready to give liftf itself-.if need be in the great cause. Are we ready to do as much for the cause of humanity and peace that' calls'to us to-day? “What shall we give to the men who have died?" Order or cross for their mourner’s pride?" Can the dead be so easily satisfied? “What shall we give to those gallant dead?To the widows, money; to the or phans, bread? Can this debt be paid at so much a head?" “What shall we give to the men who died?What greater asks the crucified? That his friends bear fruit and their fruit abide." If a world really remembers them let us catch their spirit and live in their big generous manner. Let it* make .it evident that because they died we are a nobler people with a better understanding of what life means and will loose unselfish ways. And to do this’ is there any bet ter way than by following'Him'who did not count His life dear unto Himself, -but giving, it freely in ser- vice and sacrifice, left us an ex ample that we should follow’ in His steps. Dare we take the cross as the symbol of the supreme way of living life? Dare we, im the pre sence af' this memorial to fallen- heroes, make our prayer: “Oh may I join the choir invisible Oif those immortal dead who live again In minds made better by their pre sence; live Impulses stirred to generosity, In deeds of daring rectitude; in scorn For miserable aims that end with self; In thoughts sublime that pierce the night like stars • And with their mild persistence To vaster issues. urge man’s search May I reach That purest heaven; be to other souls The cup agony, Enkindle love, So shall * v-_ ----- Whose music is the gladness of the world.” the in her generous ardour, feed pure I join the choir invisible Best grade mo$r oil 7 per gallon; ten gallons EZE AT $1.00 PER GALLONALSO ANTI-F ot strength in some great WATER JEJDED ■ Miss Anna McAnsh was called to Toronto last week owing to the ill ness of Mrs. M. Floody.Mr. and Mrs. Peter Robertson and son, of Stratford, accompanied by, Mr. and Mrs. Sid. Sanders, of town, motored to Toronto for Thanksgiv ing and -were accompanied home by •Mr, Aljoe Sanders, who has spent, the past' three weeks there. worry to yourself and wear on your car SPEND $5.00 on your Ford now as follows: CHECK AND TIGHTEN ALL HOSE CONNECTIONS AND FILL WITH ANTI-FREEZE ............................................ FLUSH OUT TRANSMISSION AND DIFFERENTIAL AND FILL WITH LIGHT WINTER LUBRICANT ....... THOROUGHLY GREASE ALL FITTINGS WITH HEAVY PRESSURE GUI CHANGE TO FOUR QUARTS OF WINTER MOTOR OIL. AN I BRAKES TESTED AN WHEELS TESTED FO SHOCK ABSORBERS DISTRIBUTOR POIN CARBUREATOR CLE; GENERATOR CLEANI BATTERY TESTED A CHECK AND INFLAT^TIRtS ADJUSTED. ALIGNMENT. DJUSTED FOR W ADJUSTED. NED AND AD AND ADJ 1.00 1.25 TOTAL $5.00 TER DRIVING. STED. a WE SELL AND SERVICE PHILCO RADIOS LOCAL NEWS Miss Grace Creech, spent week-end in London, Miss Bessie Hartnell visited town during the week. |Miss Julia Rivers is visiting brother Mr, Wm. Rivers. Mr. Jas. McDonald, of Stratford, *spent the holiday in town. Master Borden Zanders is confin ed to his home through illness. Mr. Ted Taman, of Arkona, spent the holidays under the parental roof. Mt's. W, T. Acheson is confined to her bed the result of a sprained ankle. The Poppy Day fund for the War Veterans amounted to $110.00 in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Way and fam ily, of St. Thomas, visited with Mr. Wm. Rivers on Sunday. Mr. Melvin Sims, of Windsor, spent Thanksgiving with his parents Mr. and Mrs. K. J, Sims. Mrs. Jas, Mustard, of Kippen, is spending the week with Mrs; Mc Avoy and Miss A. L. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell and son Orval, of Crumlin, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vale on Sunday. * -Mr. Hedd, Mrs. Mary Taylor and Miss Selma Witmer, of London, spent. Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. Thos. Hatter. Mr. Barlow and two daughters, Misses Reta and Jean, of London, spent Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. Snell. Rev. J. B.^and Mrs. Rhodes spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mrs. Rhodes, spent the holidays at her home near Lucknow. Messrs. V. L. Roulston and Earl Tapp, who are attending Pharmacy •in Toronto, visited at their respec tive homes for the holidays. . |Mtk R. E. Davis, of Windsor, and Miss Sullivan, of Strathroy, visited the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Sid Davis over Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lloyd' and fam ily, spent' the , week-end at the home of Mr. Louis Day. Miss Mary Day returned with them on a visit. Miss Muriel Hogarth, of Windsor, and Miss Janie Hogarth, of London, visited over the holiday with their parents Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hogarth. Mr. Jack Gambrill has accepted a responsible position on the staff of the News-Record Printing Office at Fergus and commences his new dut ies on (Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gillies and son Bobby, of Hamilton, spent the Thanksgiving Holiday with Mrs. Gil lies parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin and other relatives. Mrs. Clarke, of Galt, w-ho has been ill for several weeks at the home of her sister Mrs. J, ,S. Harvey was re moved to her home last week. Mrs. Harvey accompanied her. Miss Rosemary Sutherland, of Dayton, Ohio; Mr. Russell Schram and Mr. Phil. Gleason, of London, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Woods for Thanksgiving. . M'iss Irene Bierling and friend, •Miss Edna Knight,, nurses-in-training at the Sarnia General Hospital, vis ited at the home of Councillor H. and Mrs. Bierling on Monday. (Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Aitken and son Donald, of Toronto, motored up and spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Aitken’s father Mr. Samuel Smith* and also with Mr. and Mrs. W°s Webber. ■The James Street Women’s Asso ciation held their regular meeting in the church parlors on Thursday last. _ The president, Mrs. N. Sheere was in the chair, and after the open ing hymn Mrs. Mc'Tavish led in prayer. The Scripture lesson was Tead by Mrs. Nightingale. Some of the holiday coin bags were brought in amounting to $'57.50. The pro gram consisted of a solo by little Doris .Penhale; a well-received talk on ^Thanksgiving" by Mrs. Maud Heywood; quartette by Mirs. Wjil- Jtfams, Miss Essery, Mr.s. Linden- , ■ Mr. M. R. Complin was present and gave a very interesting talk on banking.; Miss Mildred Rowe t-lien gave a. sketch of her trip to the coast this summer which was much enjoyed .by the ladies; this was followed by a solo by Grant ed which enjoyable lVAiob jjj wry, ivj fl’ield and Mrs. Goulding. Taylor. Lunch was serv- broueht to a close a very meeting. ELIMVILUE Miss Marjorie Hunter, nurse-in- training at Victoria Hospital, Lon don, and Mr. Howard Hunter from Guelph were week-end visitors at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hunter. Mr. Walter Johns, of Toronto, was home for the week-end and return ed on Monday, ‘.Messrs. Garnet and Kenneth Johns accompanying him by motor. Miss Leola. Hern, of Gode rich went also as far as Brantford on her way t-o her school. Rev. Mr. White was in Brussels on Sunday taking the work of Rev. Mr. Barker. Mrs. Maud Heywood, of Exeter, is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Jo'hns. Mr. and Mrs. E. Foster and little son, of Granton, were visitors at Mr. Jas. Heywood’s last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Cephas Pym and Miss Lila Pym visited in the com munity on Sunday last. Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlock and Miss Mabel Cattanac, of St. Thomas, were week-end visitors in the neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner and son Bert of Farquhar, Visited at Mr. Will John’s last Sunday. Mr. aiid Mrs. Chas. Christie and Miss Celia of Stephen were Sunday visitors with friends here. Mrs. Scott Whaley of St. Marys, spent a few days with her sister Mrs. Chas, Johns, last week. Mrs. Harry Johns is able to leave her room after being (confined to it for several weeks. . :Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hf^rn. Goderich, and daughter Leola, Simcoe, spent Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr. Chas. Johns. Quite a number of our W.M.S. visited Thames Road Auxiliary last of of AUCTION SALE . _ o£ w FARM STOCK ANI) IMRLEMWNT8 The undersigned has been instruct ed sell by Public Auction, at, Lot 13, North Thames Road — on — FRIDAY, NOVEMBER tlth one o’clock sharp the following: HORSES—Light* mare rising three years; light gelding, ri Percheron mare rising 6; horse rising 9; aged wor CATTLE—Cow due A due April 20; cow due farrow cows, all good; milking good; 5 sprin heifers rising 2 years; ing 2 years; 2 brood uary 6. POULTRY—35 hen 9 geese, IMPLEMENTS- Frost and Wood Binfcr, nearly npw, cultivator, disc, ro>er, seed djrill, manure spreader, rising plow, walk- ’ ’ " ' firrows, 2 heavy ■rack, set of at i ing four; eavy work house. il 15; cow pril 28; 5 rham cow, calves; 8 steers ris- ws due' Jan- 5 16 turkeys, wer, hay rake, plow, 2 sets , pig rack s, 2 sets doufle harness, single harness, buggy, new, and ch^in, quan row c cream qauntit els, (110—., .yunva, wiuiLieuicns,scuffler, Vanning mill, chains, and other articles tlon. 'GRAIN 300 bus. o TERMS under, cash;'’’over that.amount 12' months credit will be given on fur nishing approved joint notes or a discount of 5 per cent, off for cash. MRS. JOHN COTTLE, Proprietress FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer 11. UUUJ , road parato of ced ot pulper nearly e, slings, pulleys ty of lumber, liar art, water trough, two cutting boxes, posts, forks, shov- .yokes, whifflettrees, 0 bus. mixed grain; rley. SALE—$10.00 and □0 numerous to men- AUCTION SALE r— Of •—i REAL ESTA The Administrator o® the Estate of the late Sarah Hawlfins has in structed (Mt. Frank Ta eer to sell by Public 1 SATURDAY, NOVEMB at 2 o’clock on the pre lowing real eftate Lots 8 and 88 on of Huron treet, in Exeter. Ofc the abov a brick houle and a barn with ick fou TERMSy or, auction- l’C’tion, on R 15, 1030 ises, the fol- e south side le Village of land is situate rruigated steel at io n. nt. on day of sale, balance^ in thijfty days there after. OtherVermsSfand conditions made known FRANK TAYL Ontario. WILSON C. H tor, Seaforth, CARLING & MO Administrator, NS, Administra- Y, Solicitors for xeter, Ontario. of sale, ctioneer, Exeter fering Service. Miss Clark, of Tees- water, a returned missionary from Africa gave an excetionally interest ing address on her work with the people there also displayed consider able work done by the girls. Need less to say the ladies thoroughly en- • joyed the afte'rnoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hawkins and children, of Seaforth, visited at Mr. Chas. Stephen's last Sunday. While the observance of “Poppy Day” is common in towns and cities it is not in rural communities and we believe Mr. Fred Wright, an en thusiastic member of the Exeter branch of the Canadian Legion, is the first . to attempt the sale of Poppies in our vicinity which he did last -week, disposing of 100 in one day wth very gratifying results. He is very grateful to all who as sisted him by buying and making the generous donations towards this worthy cause of helping returned men through the Leigion. Miss Leola Johns was a recent visitor in Toronto. Prayer meeting is t.o be held on Friday night this week at the home of Mr. Garnet Miners. Next Sunday evening the evqngil- ists Revs. Whitesides and Leonard ■will commence their services in this church. Tn the morning they will conduct the service at the Zion ap pointment- Sunday evening service 'commences at 7 o'clock and week night -services at 7.45. Mrs. Peter McEwen and son Mr. Frank McEwen also her daughters Misses Hazel and Mabel McEwen, of Toronto, visited bver Thanksgiving at the home of the former’s niecc-4 Mrs. Roland Williams. The anniversary services held here last Sunday were very largely attended both morning and evening. The speaker for the day was a form er associate pastor. Rev. Mr. Barker now stationed at Brussels. His ad dresses were thoughtful and inspir ing, delivered in a forceful man ner commanding the 'attention o£ his hearers. The singing was led by the choir, which sang a fine anthem at each service, assisted by Mrs. Barker, who also sang a beautiful solo at each service and in the ev ening with Mr. Barker sang a duet which was particularly good. The male quartette sang a number at the morning service. .The decora tions of plants and baskets of flow ers were lovely, also flags remind ing all of Armistice Day. will offering amounted $150 for the day. number of -visitors from neighboring __ ________ quite a number -of old boys now re moved to other parts were present to hear Mr. Barker whom they knew as a young man and we feel sure dissappointed in It was very grati- The free- to> about A very large were noticed iconjgregations they -were not what they heard, n was very gruu- fying to see the church filled to its utmost capacity day. Mr. and Mrs. little son Paul, of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. John Bosnell and their cousin Mrs. Woolacott, of Port Hope, were visitors this week at the home of •Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Johns, as it was last Bun George Bosnell and THAMES ROAD Mr. Robt, McDonald, who has beenj ill, suffered a paralytic Stroke 0x4 Monday, and Is in a critical cQndl<r 1 tlon, ‘ ‘ “ 1 Misses Helen and Jsobel Anthony^- 1 of Hamilton, were home for the holw days. j - ■..........' ...■ ....‘ ” ji NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thafc' all creditors a'nd others having claim® against the estate of ARTHUR DOUPE, late of the Township o borne, in the County of Huron, er, who died on the eighth October, 193Q, are require ward their claims duly pr undersigned on or before fourth d'ay of Novembe AND •'NOTICE IS F EN thatl after the Administ" tribute, th e to the cla ms of have noti DATE if at day ay of to for* to the ie tw only- 1930. LTIER GIV- aid date the •atrix will proceed to dis- estate ig regard only ich she thpn shall :e. 3rd ER, QNT., thiat iiBvember, A.D., 1936,^ MAN & STANBURY Hensail and Exetef citors for Administratrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY” GIVEN tha all creditors and others having claiigfi against the estate of FRED D BRIDGE, late of the Township o| borne, in the County of ron^ •Farmer, who died on the nty-’ third day of September 1930,/tire re quired to forward their Claris duly; proven *to the undersigned jpn or be*- fore the twenty-fourth No vember 1930. ANDY EN that Executri the esta claims o notice. DATE day3rd f N OTICE IS FURTHER GIV- after the will proce having r which si id date th®* to disLributa- 1 only to th® then shall hav® R, ONT., thi^. ember, AID., 1930< 1LAWAN & STANBURY Hensall and Exetet; *s f,or the Executrix- * I NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVjEN^tW all creditors and others Jiaviiigi claims against the estate owJOHNT H. COTTEL, late of the ®wnsl»i^ of Usborne, in the County Jf Huron,, Farmer, who died on the^ighth day; of une, 1930, are required to for* warJl their claims duly proven to th®* undersigned on or be£$re the twen-r ty-fo notice. DAT 29th d D at EN dersig the es claims ey then shall havoh ETER, Ont., thli' th day of November, 1930. NOTICE IS t after the ed will pr te having$f*ega*rd only to th®* £ which TRTHER GIV-® id date the un<> eed to distributer- of J(fcto'ber, 1930, MAN & STANBURY *• Exeter & Hensal^ Solicitor^JBr Mrs. Ella Irene Cottel* NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN all creditors and others claims against the*estate of ANN McLAREN, late 'of the ^Village • of Hensail, in the County o^Huron^ • married^. woman, who id th® * 18th da £ April, 1927, to forwar their claims, to the undersigned on ing RYj required’ lly proveuj • F before th® ■ seventeenth day of Ne^mber, 19304 AND NOTICE IS FARTHER GTV-? EN that aftfer the s date the un-* dersign ed will proof’d to distribute} ■ the estate having' ard 'only to the- claims of wh|ch t^r then shall have i N & STANBURY ’ ensall and Exeter ' Solicitors for Ad'minisrtatoSJ • DATED at EXETER Ont. ths# 29tli day of October, 1930. notice. GLAD NOTICE TO CRE NOTICE IS.' HEREB all creditors and against,the estate o JH WILLIS, late(,pf H^ighton, in th®* 'State, of Michigan Exete on th 1930, claims, signed! day of AND EN tha dersign the esh claims notice. TORS GIVEN tha# iers having. ELIZABETH: IS FURTHER GIV*- e said date the nn-* (formerly oK ter, who died- \ - -A Ont.,) twenty-seqfnd day of May,; re required to forward their duly projeri to the -under* n or before the seveuteentK- ’ovemb'® -'-o a NOTIC after d wilj^procoed to distribute! ng regard only to th®* h they then shall have * MAN & STANBURY Hensall land Exeter Solicitors , for Administratrix witE. will annexed. DATED at EXETER Ont. ihlsh 29tli day of October, 1980. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVjrf tW: and gainst the ____ [lGSHAW, late of xeter, in 1 tieman, who < f October, . rward their le uiidotsigi . fore the ls| day of .©e^inber, 1930. ............ ICE IS Fl EN that aft>r the sal designed *wlll proce the estate hiring re all creditors claims LIAM lage of Huron, j 4th day quired to proven to others estate the having ' WIL- vif- or the re-. nnty d on are aims, duly I on or be* THER GIV- date the un to distribute' , b - - rd only to theclaims of wlifgh thej^then shall have AND NO notice. GLA & STANBURYr all and Exeter hrs for Executor^ eter; ont. tiifeDATED at ___ 11th day of November, 1930