HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-11-06, Page 8wthsday, xonwwn mb,1030 THE EXETER TIMEJJ-ADVOCATE * Alberta HASI AR A CAR OF ’K YOU I owe Many suitable Chri^tmasj/gifts at Cole’s One Cent Sal$ o^Thurs^ay, Friday and Saturday NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that disposed of his laundr the Village of Exeter 'and that ail claims Lau Jack must be fi^d fieri, on ey will be distri- gard only to the Notice has been re­ dersigned, vember 17 the pureha touted. ha claims of ceived. DATE -1030. 5 th day of November Jack has usiness in Wong Lung inst the said with the un- before No- which date? It RUNG & MORLEY Barristers &c., Exeter, Ontario NOTICE As the Hunting season is approa- 'ching, the public, is advised to re­ frain from trespassing upon the ter­ ritory known as the JJuron Game 'Preserve (Created as .a Crown Game Preserve) for the purpose of hunt­ ing with special emphasises placed on’the shooting oYpheasants, which is prohibited by/Jaw and for which ua reward will )(e offered for infor­ mation as to dfe party or parties violating this^kw. Such lands being ’jpore particularly described as i'ol- idky-- *” th^ Cot nortsi by by t cone St. ■ and place *ing a Fisheries Act. The public in preserving : All tjjat territory situated in Tnwnsftfp of Stephen in the owHuron, bounded on the e Lake Road on the West between the 6th and 7th ■ on the South by Huron and on the East by the 4th concession. Sign boards are •ound the premises contain- >y of the Ontario Game and is asked.to co-operate 'game. Any violations will he severely dealt with. Bwforder, Committee of Huron Gamej^eserve ■Save your young cal and pigs at weaning time by arting them on our Excel Calf ? We have redueedi the price t<$*$3.00 per cwt. Cattle slid hogs h ......................... at this Kime of sell a p per cwt 1 right, ® cwt. Slidw low graa and (get i while the’ BROS. • lots of mineral We mix and ed mineral at 83 ay mash' is priced rive ji/a trial only $2.25 per ks stfl-1 820 per ton and Better act quick our winter requirements supply lasts.—HARVEY ell-bala Exeter Markets Wheat .70e. Oats 27 c. Barley 33c. Bran $1.U> Shorts 81.00 Low Grade Flour 81.25 Welcome Flour 82.70 Model Flour $d.00 Manitoba Flour 83.20 Creamery Butter 3 Ge. Dairy Butter 30 to 33c Eggs, extras 40c. Eggs, firsts 37c. Eggs, seconds 25c. Hogs 810.25 £oaals3 ! CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Alberta £oal Seldon •d ;^DERELLA started of this Russell of this extrav- Rev. J. Bernardi Rhodes, M. A. Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M., Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m,—™“Life’s Indebtedness’’ 7 p.m.—“A Wise Prodigality” Messages foi' Armistice and Thanks­ giving. p.m.—-Thursday, November the 6. Our mid-week service. The first -address .on “The Christian Life interpreted by, John Bunyan.” A study of “Pilgrim’s Progress.” We shall meet at. the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Henry Strang. s AR members of the gion and district iiT special A on Sundai at 10.30 Divine sei Church a a vice o-f Rei Monument invited. all ex-servicj •e request irmistiee i Nove: |m. .at j ■vice* 11I):J ®e We sell aitd and Philco jjmxdian Lu­ men o-f this |fto parade for .y Celebration -r Sth. Fall in Huron Garage.e Trivitt Memorial followed by Sev­ erance at the Soldiers’ e public are cordially Rehearsals for Cinderella with a “bang” on Monday week with the arrival of ilr. B. Hawthorne, the author gorgeously beautiful mjlsical aganza. Every half h/ur from four p.m. until late at nisfht a different group arrives at thef rehearsal 'hall to 1 rn their partiqj&lar part which will finally fitte evenly^balanced 'beantif The i auspices and over AL Pfaff, Sec’y. Hany new lines addid on Soutlicott Bros. Bigj Xe service Ford cars ios.—Sandy Elliot. C the list Sale. story. y .is be f the 50 pe into a smooth p®duction of this JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. p. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Gonlding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 'Ml With every/KITCHEN CA ET you buy from now un­ til the 15th of/November yoj^get $7.00 worth of groceries FREE. These ar turers. See our and get in on Be sure Tfrom nationally known manufac*]igifts to y “SPECIAL THANKSGIVING SERVICES” . a.m.—“Thanksgiving in ian hour of Depression” er “Can wo bo Thankful.” p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—“A Substitute for War” • given under the fomen’s' Institute de will take part, es have arrived to ers in the stately years ago. Don’t ur seats marked on or this big theatrical 11 R. “N. ROWE Ontario Trunks of ^ostu cloth the court dress forget to ge the plan earl treat. Remember 13th and 14th Saturday at Brownin, 3 7 Exeter, the dates November . The plan opens on g’sADrug store. r=-, lie Cent Saturday. W, S. Cole announces -a Sale Thursday, Friday a See .posters. Mrs. Crockett, of St. Johns is the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. Martin. Mrs. Dickson, of London, is visit­ ing with Mrs. John Snell. J. Penhale and the week-end in of thl in th Block at S I The regular Branch be held Frayne her 6th meeti of the Exeter ian Legion will lub rooms in the Thursday, Novem- TO ORGANIZE GIRL GUIDES 11 3 7 i-We are_daily preparing for Christmas, many gift items and n buying now, so there jj kh, fish food and gij$s labia records less than eight £ on the road. Its be no rush later. this week. week, and order any weeks off. We have good business to istart We expect G'Oldfi •We get new Coli you want. \ We repair phon. We sej] Radios,; We have a ve We’’sell recori MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. .T. Moorhouse, pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—A Thanksgiving Service. “A Call to Thank.-giving” p.m.—Our Church School. p.m.—“The. Baby.” Third in the series -on Home i’Yk-3. 'Special Thank.-givmg Music 7.3 0—Thursday night. Prayer Ser­ vice. Read the .announcement for our Anniversary on the i'7-..<;t page. iu sry graphs, all ma' ,nd are prepay fgood used fat 20c. 2ANDY special^ uts \pag/i at reasonable prices, rd to give expert service, ographs, cheap. nj^55c. and up. j^LE EVERY DAY. .ocolates at 25c. a pound * ajrc pound for 10c. and peanut clusters at r 19c. a. lb. SEP! OR PHONE US YOUR WANTS COME IN AND LOOK AROUND, OFTEN. WE LIKE TO SEE YOU- Mr. and Mrs. A. family, visited over London. Mr. and Mrs. D. visited in Exeter the latter part of last week. Mrs. K. J. Sims visited with her sister-in-law Mrs. T. AV. Appleton, of Hensail, over the week-end. Mrs. Well. Johns was called to Toronto on Friday of last week ow­ ing to the illness of her sister Mr-s. Floo-dy. Mr. J. G. St-anbury cut a fine bouquet of roses this week which is another proof that Exeter is in the Garden of Ontario. Mr. and M'rs. C. J. Rgterson and daughter Marion, of Detroit, visited over the week-end with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Quance. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Parsons and babe, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grant and children were at Forest on Sun­ day visiting with Mr. and ;MVs. Ar- to Delve. AIT. and Mrs, family, who have been conducting drugstore, at summer have . the winter. t0 I Miss Ross, School staff, 1 Latimer Grieve and a Bend for the to Exeter for Grand moved On Wednesday evening last a meeting was held in the public Lib­ rary preparatory to organizing a Girl Guide Company here. A num­ ber of the prominent women of the town were present; Miss M. E. Woods, B.A.. prospective Captain of the Company, was in the chair. She outlined briefly the aims and scope of the Girl Guide movement and then called on Miss. Fraser, Captain of one of the Clinton Companies, to address the meeting. In a very bright and interesting manner Miss Fraser enlarged on the practical ap­ plication of the Ten Guide Laws and went on to speak in a very practical way of the -difficulties and problems of organizing a new Company. It was decided to form a local assoc­ iation to promote the work in this district and l\Irs. T. S. Woods was Elected President and Mrs. B. R. Bartow, Secretary. An informal question box was then held, after which the meeting was adjourned.'* TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Miss K. M. MacFauL Organist Twenty-first Sunday aft'Cr Trinity 10.50 a.m.—Special A'.mistice Ser­ vice. Rev. S. CoKl.hn, of ton. Ex-Service me:i 'and dia-n Legion will attend in a p.m—Sunday SiT.-?-.l and Class p.m.—Mr. T. J. Fimcy. 3 7 tubes.—AV. J. Rogers h type radio s will be wort name of th THUMB” v DEER. SEEN NEAR LUCAN a Ext Salted p. (ICT FLOW POWELL’S Gran- Cana- body. Bible 88" NOTICE-^teA^yone wishing stable ca^lelfor|ithe winter apply to R. Broherife^'- Hensail, Ontario. Phone 91r7.f ltp The Thames Ro are booking ord vember deliveoR booked as i more, Seer I Farmers’ Club for coke for No- Oders should be possible. P. Pass- FOR SA.LE-^-100 pullets at $1.00 ca^* Willis, R. l,lExefedr. tymouth Apply, to R. Exeter High at in to af- On Monday evening while Mr. S.v’ Fitton was motoring to London witlv a party from Exeter they observed4 two deer going east on the highway*- between Lucan and Elginfield. The’ deer were loping along and did not: seem overly frightened at the ap-; proach of the car. It is something; out of the ordinary to see deer that community. new mantle the market and it ile wui-Ung for. The ew. model is “TOM' fam cm* guaranteed BEER Southcott BropTbi for another w|^lc. .ii continues DELBRIDGE—RO TH NIE Rock FOR SALE*--Two sows with lit­ ter. Apply to Aafon Qestricher, Dashwood. .Af' 10-23-2tc 4L-t.-------OAt— SHROPSHIRE WIRE Am offering sevfer rams and a few ewes of choice heeding and show type.—R. D. Huriit and/Son. 10-9-tfc-J— .FOR. SALE — Yqphg Yorkshire Hogs now readyx Choice animals.— Apply to Chas. HMwey, Exeter. 10-9-tfc FOR RENT-—Brick Residence cor­ ner of Huron and Andrew Streets. Apply to Byron Kicks* or’Times- Advocate. 10-9-tfc FOR SALE—Oft • eight years, goo. for half price. ' j^poM* for boy aged idrarnew. Will sell Hhone 187. FOR SALE—An -Auto-Knitter. Apply at Times-Adyqcate. ll-6-3tc< ■ - ,/ If ybu wish to or house see R.A rouy or sell a farm [. Pickard, Exeter. FOR SALE O red brick veniences, FOR light 1 ’ Weekes’ FOR SA pump; als hew. ’Appl istrator or semi-b centr use-k RENT—Modern galow. All con- y located, everal ping rooms for above ’ Dr. 10 gal, gas.Visible erating table, almost o John Rowe, Admin- W, F. Beavers. / 6-19-tfc. POULTRY WANTED Wo are in thdL market for all kinds of poultry payin ... t/e highest prices,' Trucks will calll /Phone 30, Lack­ wood, C. Anders . Registered Heg^ords 10 to 12 Sir^Fby Drae Dale Romite Brae, ad (laths; also otters. Successors, utt, Breeders since os. Forest, Ont. iq-9-6te. For sale teiglit bid^ months of 42nd *6322 Falrfat* (Did bred kiRl o to late R. ISM.—Stilt of the who has been off for several weeks through illness, is present visiting with her sister Toronto. Mrs. Kervin Werner returned her home in London on Sunday ter spending a week with her mother Mrs. D. Russell, who has been ill with the flu. ” Mr. and Sirs. W. II. Johnston re­ turned home last week after visit­ ing with their son Freeborn, at , Washington and also with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor. Messrs. Archie Davis, Jos. Kernick 1 Chas. -Salter, William and Calvert Chambers left early this week for Lion’s Head and Chesley Lake in Bruce Peninsula on a duck hunting expedition. They expect to bo away for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brock, of Us- borne, are moving to Exeter into the house recently purchased from Mrs. D. Parkinson on'Huron Street. Their son, Garfield is taking over the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Brock will be welcom­ ed to Exeter. Tho court case against Mr. Ern­ est Davis for negligent driving and leaving the scene rof an accident was- dismissed for lack of evidence. Mr. Davis was in an accident' during a fog near Crediton a, few weeks ago. and his car was badly wrecked. A heavy fall of snow covered the ground Friday night and Saturday morning everything was covered in a mantle of white. The trees, wires and buildings presented a very mag­ nificent* appearance in their bright robes. Most of the snow had disap­ peared before- the day was over. Mrs. J. W. Powell and daughter Marion, accompanied by Mr. G. C. Koch motored to Stratford Friday evening, the former -visiting with Mrs. tS. Gibbon, On Saturday they accompanied Mr. .and, Mrs. A. E. Colborne, of Goderich, td Hamilton and. visited with Mrs. W. Book and daughters. ’IVesley Ryckman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ryckman, has been carrying his head in a bandage ow­ ing to blood poisdning following a Wound. Young Ryckman was hit in the head by a stone and it was thought 'that the wound had heal­ ed. when blood poisoning sot in. He • has been getting along fine and was able to return to school On Monday. Mr. R. JL Russell, Radio Service man for W. J, Beer is to he congrat­ ulated On having obtained 182 per eent* out’ of a possible 190 in a test examination by the Radio Qpliege of Canada and is now quaHfMBMf Wear the Service Fin of the RJHMi|i'Vlcfe Men’s Association of Ca$M0|r* in: The first, of a .series of lectures, sponsored by the Young People of James Street and Main. St. United churches; the Evangelical church at- Crediton '.and the United churches' of Crediton, Shipka. and Brinsley was held in Maili Street church on Fri-' day evening last. A large crowd, was- present'to hear Dr. W. F. Tam-' blyn, of Western University lecture on “Methods ai\d Aims in Literary Study.” ,-Mr. W. G. Medd, was chair-' man. The meeting opened with a song service. Scripture reading, Rev. H. W. Hagelstein and pnayer by > Rev. W. M. Sippell At the close of the lecture Mis-s Dorothy Grassick-: gave a piano solo. Dr. Tamblyn discussed the subjects from the poets’ standpoint and quoted sever­ al extracts from a number of lead­ ing poems. At the conclusion sev­ eral questions were ask'exl by mem­ bers of the audience. Rev. C. J. .Moiorhouse mov.ed a vote -of thanks to the speaker of the evening, which was seconded by Rev. D. McTavisli. The second lecture will be given by Prof. R. A. Allan in the United church, Crediton, on Fridajf even­ ing, November 7th the subject ing “The Germany of 1930” short social period was spent at close. The wedding took j-L nedio-sa, Man., on Satir.'A 11, 1930'.of Margate: ,5. daughter of Mr. Georg-, e. Mrs. Rothnie, of McC« r. and William Richard, s- Mr. and Mrs. Jesse I*-. Hamiota, Man. Rev. E. tor of Minnedosa UniL.'J ficiated They were M’iss Edith Rothnie bride and Mr. Fred brother of the groom. in Min­ cy, October tery, eldest .:.'d the late :x-Il, Man., und son of /bridge, of Lund, pas- church ot- art ended by of the bridge a ft- be- A the IMPORTANT AN NO UNUEMKNT THE BIG EVENT Of the Clothing SeaX>n ® : DON’T LET THIS CHANCE G Hero is somethin'^ you cannot afford to miegjT On Friday, No- fesentative of Tip 7 ; ill personally meas- r ercoat that. day. He F fabrics and on styles, every man in Exeter to ■ 1 service' along with the at all times. . vember 31st. Mr. A. C; ’ Garner, head office r Top Tailors, Limited, vVill be at our store and ure every man ordering a isu.it or topcoat or will also give you expert a'dvice on choice This is aii exceptional (opportunity f secur.e extraordinary high quality pens great value whiclx|.Tip Top'Clothes off YOUR. FALL PHONE 81w .... VIT OR OVERC INDlVID CAL ME A S Unrivalled value ONLYAY TAMAN FRIDAY T TAILORED TO YOUR E FOR ONLY EXETER, ONT z Caulk Your save oney on WE AGEN AND > eter . PFpnc 20 HAWKINS Exeter, O VEMBER 21st BER THE DATE FOWL SUPPER AT BRINSLEY LAID TO REST The funeral of the rymple took place fn m : Lot 21, Con. 4, Tucker*:./-, day afternon of last woe?., ,ment in the Exeter deceased had been ai’mn; three years. I-Icr maiden rume was j Dora Alice Harris and -:.c was in . her 53r,d year. She wa- a sister of Mrs. Sidney Davis, of Ext-ter, and Mrs. N. Hooper, of Tar.*., resides her bereaved husband she survived by two sons, and two daug’./ers, Dora. mo William, Kate and Cht.-.b s all at.jR- R. 6. St.. Marys were injured in. home The funeral strvh >.- wais held ian auto accident at Lucan when at St. Andrews church, Ki;pen, and|th'?ir car crashed into the Lucan Fire a number from that c(-m;-.r.inity ac­ companied the remains ’•> Exeter. Mrs. E. J. Thornt.c;' returned home Saturday after vi-.Ting with relatives at Windsor. Wo>i>.';stock and Ingersoll’. She was broug'/t home by Mrs. Little and Airs. Pk.Ti of tho lattor place. Mrs. Dal- ier home h on Fri- ;ith inter- •;,(-:ry. The ..or about The. annual fowl supper of the Brinsley United church was held on Wednesday evening of last week and was attended by over 600. Following the supper, a musical and vocal pro­ gram was given, including talent from London. The Rev. H-. W. I-Iag- elstein, pastor of the church, presid­ ed. During the evening, a, .short ad­ dress was given, bj- Rev. Jas. Moore of the Anglican church. ACCIDENT AT LUCAN Russell Harris and his mother, of truck driven by Hy. Lankin, Lucan’s I Chief of Police, and head of the vill­ age fire department who liaid the truck out for a run “to warm it* up a* bit.” Harris and his mother were both iujtired but aro recovering. Lankin, appeared in Police Court, London Tuesday to race a charge of criminal negligence. . ur coal bill ' THE CAULKING DOORS XVS, ALSO METAL -STRIPPING QUOTE YOU PRICES. BROKEN A GLASS MOBILE ED QUICKLT OU WAIT SERVICE! and Radios mentis the custo GEN CIN E ANTI FREEZE GENUINE FORD SON TEA As demonstrated in the play “Aiint Lucia** by Wartfeji^Vy .'.icani/ lap tap and put out your hand. -O'* SERVICE On our Cars at any cost. OUR SLOGAN We sell an must lie pleased ►ABTS FOR ’OR AND ry to find, a dissatisfied service Ford Cars ail HOME OF THE tomor, Ico radios at the FOOTBALL The Exeter High School Soccer team went to Seaforth’ Friday after­ noon and were defeated 2-0 by .the Seaforth team in a schedule game of the Huron League. The game was• scoreless- during -the-first half. Seaforth score.d their first go.a.l.jn the middle of the second period from a penalty kick.’The‘seWn’d goal' Was’ scored laboitt six. minutes before the close of the game. (Honor Piano, Studio. DC)R SICK Also RD 13 PDA Il ALt/ CARS nd on, England in Ham^tony, Theory; Street, Box 0# ‘ ONTARI ■ SAFETY* JATTERY FOR RD OAKS FILLED FOB $31.50 Y MODEL FORD CAtt OR FORD- REE TRAINED MECHANICS AIR YOUR CAR Y fcLLIOT * y 04 ..--rA In a well contested game of foot­ ball in Exeter Monday afternoon the Clinton High School team the Exe.ter High School in •gue fixture by the score of scoring was all done in the iod. Sifms and Cook each scored for Clinton while Quinn did the scoring for Exeter. The second half was pro­ ductive of some excellent team play­ ing on both sides but neither ..ddt was able in score. Tho Clinton hoys were entertained after tliu game. SINGLE jglD DOUBLE F w. s. s defeated the Lea- 2-1. The first per­ JBrntmw St. in Piano Wf’A'I Stipertjuof- of Stu&o, 3'>£a.m St. LXETIi R, ONT W. R Organ Theory Music in Schools. J.ofe: 17, Phone 138