HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-11-06, Page 11 I .(ESTABLISHED 1873 i' F< EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 6th, 1930 You will require a new winter coat for Thanksgiving Day. We have just received a shipment of very smart styles in tweeds, broadcloths, etc. This will be the final shipment for this season so come early while there is a good choice, Our prices are very low. GIRJLS’ COATS—From 2 to 14 years, a fine range to choose from. EXETER COUNCIL I. Monday, November 3, 1.930 [' A regular meeting of the Municip­ al Council held in the Town Hall. (Absent Councillor Rowcliffe. The minutes of the meeting li’eld October 20tli were read and .approved, A circular letter from the office the Clerk of Carleton Place J. Leigh, regarding the families when the head Mr. support of the for an Control FIFTY’FJKTH TEAR, NO. 4£W New Gloves, Hosiery etc. for Thanksgiving We have a magnificent shoeing of the new fall gloves, hosiery, corseL^ sets. We have a magnificent showi ettes, underwear, collar and cuff ; GAUNTLET GLOVES—In very smart styles of chamois, suede theArncst popular style shown this season at $1.00 per pair. Jr LADIES’ FRENCH KID GLOVES—In many popular colors and sj^Tes, very special value at $2.00 per pair. SO' 'I tf K Underwear on Sal This is real! bargain in good quality silk rayon unc colors: Vests: 49c. dach; Bloomers 59c. each; Slips 98c. eaj “wear in various! CRIB BLANKETS|—A real bargain, in heavy flannelette in Teddy Bear de­ signs, pink and blue at 69c. each. Mi Complete showing of Christina oods on Display Stampen Pillow Cases 98c. a pair These pillow capes are of splendid quality 42 inch width, hemstitched and stamped in gooci patterns, make ideal (Christmas gifts. On sale at 98c. pair. | # patterns, make ideal (Miristmas gifts. On sale at 98c. Men’s and Bows Overcoats Men’s $15.00 t® $30.00; Boys’to $15; Children’s $5 to $9. BARGAINS OVERCOATS Men’s special at $10.00; school overcoat each $5.00. you can get a good warm csiajrft a Soys’ Overcoats, sizes 32 to 36. A good you feel you cannot afford our best coats low price: Men’s $10.00 and Boys’ $5.00. Grocery Specials For This Week P. & G. Soap............. Libby’s Pork & Beans 10 for 37c. 3 for 29c. Prunes Somme Bulk Wheatlet .4 lb. for 25c. Rolled Oats 7 lb. for 25c. (medium size) ...........3-lb. for 25c. Soap 5 for 25c. 16 oz; tin Custard Powder Super Suds 25c. per pkg. Sc. Phone 32 Phone 32 , of H. of 'family has been convicted Infringement of the Liquor Act, and -as a result is imprisoned. That the Provincial Government should contribute towards the main­ tenance of families who become charges upon a municipality. The same was approved of by the council, An application was read for the position of Street Commissioner from Mr. Earl Parsons. Filed. Mr. W. F. Abbott addressed the council regarding the lioss sustained by dog or dogs, worrying his sheep, presenting a bill for $18.00. The lambs that had been worried having been sold to Mr. H. C , Rivers and an allowance being made therefor ■to their value no action was taken. Per Grieve-Bierling—That. Mr. J. Norry be appointed to fill the va­ cancy caused by the death of Com­ missioner W. J. Bissett, assuming the same duties, other than those of the Water Works which are -control­ led by the Public Utilities Commis­ sion. Salary nine hundred dollars a year payable monthly, and that, an order phone rental ality. The was read and accepted on motion of Grieve and Rivers. Carried. 1 By-Laws No. 6 and 7 of 1930. Bv-Laws authorizing the levying am, collecting of. municipal, tax for the year, and for the calling of a meeting of the ratepayers for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for the office of reeve/ coneillOTS, one member of the Public Utilities Commission and also mem­ bers of the Board of Education ■wore read, passed gncl ordered sign­ ed. % Per Grieve-Bierling—That a By- Law be prepared, for the purpose of collecting the municipal tax’twice’a year. Carried. The following list of accounts were read and ordered paid. Geo. W. Lawson per telephone calls $1.30; Dick’s Flower , Shop London wreath $10.00; W. S. How- •ey, fumigator B.’ of H. account $10.- .40; S. Martin &-Son, supplies $2.55; Ralph Batton, draying gravel $40.- ■AS.i1’; -David Kirk, -labor 50’e,; Bpi’ton PfQSZcator, constable $2.00; Rich. Davis, team labor $45.16; Grigg Stationery Co., Books $39.50; Wm. Johns, team labor $9.00; Charles H. Stephens draying $40.50; Samuel Bradt, labor $4.50; Thos. Webster labor and acting constable $15.50; Harry Pardons, constable $2.00. Cemetery accounts ■—■ Dennisteel Limited, supplies- Steel beams, etc. $316.00; John Kydd, labor $20.8i5; William Smith, labor $21.75; Char- H. Stephens, draying gravel $40.50; Winer Bros. Draying $i3.00. Passed on motion of Bierling-Ri- ver-s. Carried. Adjournment by Rivers. Jos. Senior, Clerk ('ALIA J!) TO FATHER’S BEDSIDIi M;. to hb on M ness • taken MonL Fitter Tayh,; durin. frier;-’- casio:; cove.y /'.vest er Taylor was called "me in' Richmond, Quebec, to the serious ill- Mr. Taylor was about ten o’clock Mr. train visited One Cent Sale at:.#ole’s Drug three days oiiy^-Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.'tx Stoves and Heaters WE HAVE AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE RANGE OF QUEBEC HEATERS AND QUEBEC COOK STOVES ON OUR FLOOR FOR YOU TO CHOOSE FROM. l DOHERTY QUEBEC COOK with the large -oven takes four big/, pie-plates. NA BANNER CO^KS at a price thaf w^l please everyone, ,|8 by 20 inch oven BEACll CHAMPION^OOKS at a low pricejif 18 by 20 inch oven. ____ Y’S OVAWCOOKS . In the newest fully enamelled colors QUEBlg: HEATERS A high quality stov FIND be placed authorizing a tele- to be placed in his home, to be carried by the municip- Carried, auditors, report for October We sell and vie Service Ford cars and Philco radi-Lf—Sandy Elliot. I - ........ Get your share j)f . while Soutlicott’s Bfe^the bargains $ale continues. Mr. Harry West, of Sarnia, was home for a few hours on Sunday. Mrs. Joan McEwen, of Tillsonburg has been ill during- the past month and three times has been in and out of the Tillsonburg hospital. On Thursday last she was operated on for appendicitis and latest reports state that -she is getting along nice-state that -she is getting along iy. « ENGAGEMENT i the r owing ■: father London ght by ••atoll a ather past summer om he made wish for his speedy and Mrs. S. there. Mr. in Exeter The many on that oc- re­ DON’T MISH SHOW 1-. A at the: ArinsE surprise bride— L of in:..’. 35 y< " spent game« were our i: Those home troii'-e.- ing r-to Fl CAVE5 ( .11 UJ. ( FOR, BRIDE-ELECT --llaneous shower was held "••e of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley >m Monday evening as a :<>r Miss Anna Jeffery, *. who was the recipient beautiful presents. About ladies were present, and V’-.ry pleasant evening in :d contests. The presents -xted to the guest of hon- ■^autifully decorated chair, ■■•mt were invited to the Miss Jeffery to view her At the close of the even- ir.nents were served. UILD VISIT JN COUNTY HOME evening, the Young of Caven Church vis- of Refuge at Clinton entertaining program lev ies On Peoph ited t where was ] forme very ( Schoo and ii A -CO! given ha m, Mrs. W, F: leen ; and a Several! familiar songs were sung in which the- inmates joined. After the program, a treat of oranges and candy distributed. 'Ji day jhiild ■louse, very i -m r dut lent mann "ehestra w ided several good numbers and trombone duet was Messrs. Gid ley and Bayn- ■.•eidings by Mrs. Rhodes- and Earl Mitchell, trio by Misses rain. Nora McInnis and Kath- Straug, solo by Mrs. Rhodes, -imra address by Mr. Stanbury. ij: .v hv ('OATES- Mr. Rhodes per- )f chairman in a er. The Sunday as in attendance .ib *X< JEFFERY NUPTIALS wedding took place at the Road Manse on Wednesday m. when Anna Agnes, only ■ of M'r. and Mrs. George ■ if the 'Thames Roa-d was ?. marriage to Harry R. widest son of. Mr. and Mrs.. Cbat'es, of Usborne. The'’ y was performed by Rev. J. The bride was attired in A pre: Thame-- at lu : daugh’.e: Jeffery, united : Coates. William ceremox Anthony a wedding dress of ibeige georgette and lace. , The young couple were at­ tended by Miss Lena Coates, sister of the groom and M-r. Victor Jeffery, brother of the bride. The happy young couple left on a short wedding trip to Niagara Falls and Detroit. On their return they will reside on the igroom's farm in. Usborne. the Cinderella 5 Act MI SICAL EXTRANVAG.^MA Under auspices of THE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE will be held in th FRIDAY &14 c<l .Seats 50c. Plan- op<ij^aturday at Brownings Drugstore URSDAY A >ca] Ijfbple in Caste.— 1-50 ANNIVERSARY & HOT FOWL S United Church Will preach .mor 10.30 EDNESDAY, REl . PER imviHe and evening, at 7.00 rOVEJIBER rved froip 5.3■) to •ilj be follower: by d concert by ~ iner will be S diclock which a splen lelva.Coi^oi't Company, Londe mi luding . Kna , ---------- -------- ----- oloistJEf Metropolitan Church; • Ktfipp, So-prano Soloist -if i Gordon Bv-.t-yo-, Mi's. Vin" L.L.C.M., accompanist. : Adults 65c. CMlQ^ir 30c »i e following artiste , Comedian and E.-.ii- tone Mrs. St. Ai^drew.f'Church; Miss Mona R ingtofi Mr 'Ue-ii'oi^-S^is-t • ap-d —Violinist: D. F. ' '— Admission — GRAND — BOXING MJtTCH LONDON Y.M.U.A. VS. J Mr. G>.-o. Lawson, manager of Bell Telephone in Exeter, is holiday­ ing for a week. Mrs. N. Knight is assisting at the office sence. Mr. W. J. Verity, accompanied by -Miss Jean ph-kard and Miss Peggy Hit­ chon. vi.-hed on Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pickard and Mrs. G. W. S juthcott. A Hallowe’en social was held in the Trivia Parish Hall by the A. Y. P. A. on Friday evening last. There was a splendid attendance and most of those present were- in costume creating much amusement. A mu­ sical and literary program was given followed by games and contests. At the close refreshments comprised of sandwiches and pumpkin tarts with whippe-j-eream were awarded and tor men’s W. C. Davis, costume, Mrs. and fi r <?oinic, o. sentii.g a pumpkin. during hi? ah- OPERA HOUSE<EXETER — on i Saturday, November 8 BOXING P at 8 pm on don Weig AiXly Young 108 d Ke A Cameron 11 of Brantford, Hitchon, MissLARGE GATHERING AT MISSIONARY BANQUET i The first of a series of missionary banquets to be held throughout Hu­ ron Presbytery was held in the James Sit. United Church on (Monday even­ ing. About 150 men and women, chiefly men, from Exeter and the neighboring circuits sat down to a sumptuous banquet provided by the ladies of the Janies St. W.M.S. Af­ ter partaking of a very sumptuous repast the gathering repaired to the auditorium where they listened to two very interesting and illuminat­ ing addresses, tone on India and the other an illustrated lecture of mis­ sionary work among the New Cana­ dians of the West Rev. D. McTavish, who is chair­ man of the Missionary and Mainten­ ance committee for the Presbytery occupied the chair and Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, chairman -of Presbytery, led in the opening prayer? Splendid solos- that were well received were sung by Mr. Sam Rennie, of Hensail, ancl« Miss Alice Hoffman, of Dash­ wood. Mr. Davidson .spoke of the vast changes that have taken place in Western civilization, during the past decade; the many things that we n- joy to-day that our gradfathers never dreamed of. In the cities of India they have all the luxuries and con­ veniences that we have in our cities, but in the villages of India where the farmers dwell and the farmers make up 75 per cent, of the popula­ tion, they are still using the same implements- and living practically the- same life as their ancestors did one thousand years ago. Ignorance find superstition prevails. Chris­ tianity demands the best for us but India with its cast system is such that -one cast cannot help the other cast' to rise above the conditions in which they were born. Christianity is trying to ameliorate these condi­ tions and by educations, the lower classes are gradually being enlight­ ened. Mr. Davidson spoke of Ghan- di and said that there was probably no man in India today who has done ns- much to break idown the preju­ dice against Christianity. Ghaiidi tvas educated in Europe and patterns his life after the Sermon -on the Mount. (Continued pn page 4.) GRAM harp St Thomas is. Art Goodman lbs. Left Gorden 0 lbs. Howard- uncan 135jfibS, Sam. William:-: C111 er on, 112 Jack’Hughs 126 lbs. Co-^k 126 lbs. • Colbv.’t s. Ross Galloway John Bill ] Don C Art R< ... ____ _______ Jack Sonlervillel'147 lbs. C. Woolley Alf. Spro 1:>5 lbs. Billy Booock W. Matth s rijo lbs. Bumps Wright Ross Gal^w^ was champion of Ontario fffe’ Aif. ; were served. Prizes to those- in costume costume was Avon by as Chinaman; lady’s N. J. Dore as gypsy, . S. N. Neale, repre- 929; 112 lb. class ichampion in 1929 135 lb. class Admission gents 50c.:Mrs. Ida Beaver announces engagement, of her eldest daughter, Myrtle Marie, to Mr. Alvin J. Kell­ erman, of Dashwood, the marriage to take place early in November. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Madge an­ nounce the engagement of their daughter Beatrice A., to Mr. Grant I. Ford, son of Mr. amd'the late Mrs. Wm. Ford, of Centralia, the mar­ riage to take place the middle of ve fiber. Don’t fail to see the Range fully enamelled in < DOMINI OAK HEATERS in excellent R QUEBEC with 20 inch oven Different sizes d prices xc. We also have two selbncl-hai condition to be sold cheap. One second-hand GOO • and new lining. ewltoal and Electric Combination •eSand white. No- TRAQUAIR LINDENFIELD Phone'1 your hardware necessities to 27 BIRTHS MARRIAGES C\RD E THANKS Mr. John M)i)letoi\wlshes to thank his many f/ienfts an neighbors so Rev. IT. Wp Haifelstein for kindness snowiffliim'in his recent reavement, alsJJ to* those that, kindly loaned al- the Pe­ so I 60th Annivt rsary Main Street United November 16th, ljth Church f and 18 th tIEWITT—-In Exeter on Wednesday, October 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hewitt, a daughter. FERGUSON—In Usborne on Thurs­ day, October 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Ferguson, a son. DEARING—In -Stephen Township, on Monday, November 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dearing, ter (Norma Loenc) FUSS—In Hay Township day, October 21st, to Mr Harvey Fti COA’TE$—JEFFERY —• At Thames Road Manse on Wednesday, Nov­ ember 5 th, Anna. Agnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Jaffery, of Usborne, to Mr. Harry R. Coates, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Coates, of Usborne, by Rev. Jas. Anthony. is, a son. a (laugh- on Tues- and Mrs, DEATHS 4, Oc- be- Mr. and M London, visit ncsday. s. W. H. Levett, of •tl in Exeter on Wed- DALRYMPLE—On Lot 21, Con Tuckersmith, on Wednesday, tober 29th, Dora Alice Harris, loved wife of Robert .Dalrymple, in hci’ 53 rd year. BA HID—-At Grand Bend, on Wednes­ day, October 29th, John Baird aged 76 years. IN ^EMORIAM, WILLE.RT-—In lovlnig memory Roy, only son of Mr, and Mrs. Art Willert, who passed away one year ago November 4, 1929. Dean Roy you have gone and left us, And our hearts are sad and sore; As we think of our dear son and brother, The one that wo will see no more. When the shades of Heaven are falling, And we are sitting alone; Into our hearts there comes a ing, If he -only would come home. Oh, how often ouf hearts do wander To a grave not far away, Where wo laid our darling Roy, Just one year ago to-day. Sadly missed by Father, Mother and Sisters. ■ of i long- ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER REV. W. H. GRAHAM, B. Wil deliver the- gospel messag There^vill be- special music by$he choir assisted by talent from •*■----- id Toronto. SUNDAY jtotcial services taken by the Come and the old songs. Kiiemner 16th, 1930 B.D., OF HAMILTON at 11 a. m. and at 7 p. m. J P. M. Heers and scholars of earlier (^ay«. j Monday ^Night a Hifh Class Entertaitiinent Will quartette and Walker, reader < program. ADULT! ill at' 8 ’cl iss Alina Western 50c.: give TUES A pjragtam will bi be served and Rex. Uf. I. Moorhouse Pastor =====-...... ................* ■by the Kitchener Waterloo stringed Wflke, harpist and soloist; Miss Jean tTflVersity, London, will assist with tee — ( HILDREN 35c. VEMBER 18th, 1930 by old boys and girls, after which lunch al time- spent, SILVER COLLECTION Geo, Mhtvson Treasurer B. W. 1\ MW Superintendent