HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-10-30, Page 8JpiUBSBAX. OCTOBER 30th. 1930 THE EXETER TIME1-ADVOCATE TO PRESENT “CINDEREI-LA”» The Exeter Women’s Institute1 have been very fortunate in seeur-- ing the services of Mr. Russel B. > Hawthorne, who will arrive in town on November 3rd next to start the rehearsal for the spectacular pro­ duction of “Cinderella” which is to be given in the Opera House on the 13th and 14th of November. Mr. Hawthorne is the author of this ■beautiful play and has spent nearly ■fifteen years directing it in prac­ tically every province in Canada and many parts of the united States. The cast for this production will in­ clude about 150 of our local talent and they will all be attired in gorg­ eous costumes. The Women’s In­ stitute are doing their utmost to make this one of the biggest treats Exeter has ever had. Secure your tickets early. Exeter Markets Wheat .70 c. Oats 27c. Barley 33 c, Bran $1.10 Shorts $1.00 Low Grade Flour §1.25 Welcome Flour §2.70 Model Flour §3.00 Manitoba Flour §3.20 Creamery Butter 37c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Butter 31-3 4c. extras 40c. firsts 37c. seconds 25c. $10.25 AKING SALE B. W. F.ilBei ir’s Hardware Store on SaturdiyJ^ovember 1st, at three o'clock i r the auspices of the Main St. Mission Circle, For real A^ugains read ^outlicott ■ a n oth er nae e . home-made HALLOWE’EN MASQUE BADE On Monday evening the Young People’s Guild of Caven Church held I a very ^enjoyable Hallowe’en /las-1 querade. Most of the members were Bros. advL^on another page in costume some of which were very original. The evening was spent in games and contests after which lunch was served. I SERENADED Come to the A. Y. e'en Social in- Trivitt Memo] evening. Ac welcome. C surprise. * the A’ial InisHjJnn A. Hallow­ ell Hall of the urch on Friday 10c. Visitors and sec the big On Thursday evening of last week quite a number of the boys and girls serenaded Mr. and Mrs. Sanders on the occasion of their marriage. Mr. Sanders presented the seranaders with a donation part of which was used for purchasing a present which was later presented to Mrs. Sanders. Following the regular practise of the James Street .choir, of which Mr. Sanders is a valued member the choir .proceeded to his home and af­ ter raising “Whoopee”, they were invited an and treated to pieces of the bride’s cake and the groom’s cake and a jolly hour was spent. Fill wifi §1.50 to fill yo the Home -®f liot. anti­eze now. Ford radiator Ford.—Sandy Fur neckpieces of alJ^Mnds in to order, Mrs. Jpo William and AfinJ ide ■M^Tor, Corner of Teets, phone 22 6. ltc. ’ FOR SALE—Ej>#*fauggy, as a’s new. AppIy^aF^mes-Adv > good Advocate Itp 4 The election one is talkin the new Philc Ford or in y phone 64.—St over e n y Elliot. ow radio.' Home home. every- Hear of the •Just WANTED—GaragesJ$or winter. Apply stating re|t,JBnx 280,’Times- lAdvQCate. I am in? thq^5harke^;for a number of horses,’Suirabl so No. 1 big h' or wagon horse; o,f horsey■suirabhf for fox meat; al­ so No. 1 big hefe^^xpress horses or wagon horsef: G. J. Dow ltp. FOUND—A stray d.pg^’bearing a Biddulph license. YftxV"her may have same by payin^wr advt. Apply at Ti in es-Adv^fxe. for Mr. and Mrs. Orby Nestle, of De­ troit, spent the week-end with rela­ tives in town. Mr. Mark Brokenshire, of Port Frank, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jo­ nah Sims on Sunday. Mis® Jessie Hodgert returned to her home last' week after visiting with relatives in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Down and Mrs. Henry Down, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nestle on Tuesday. Mr. Dwight Evans, of Blenheim, was the guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Acheson on Sunday. Mr.’ and Mrs. Douglas Wood and Mr. Russell Wood, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mt. and Mrs. Archie Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dale, of St. Thomas, spent Sunday at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Acheson, the guests of Mrs. Chas. Dale. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Johnston and son Bruce, of Montreal, motored up and spent the week-end with the former’s sister Mrs. H. N. Hyndman. Mr. and Mrs. Francis V. Hill and little Billy and Joan Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Ervart Ecktar, all of Hamilton, were visitors with Mrs. Jas., Hill over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Box and family and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Box and daughter, of Parkhill, visit­ ed at the home of Mrs. Chas. Box, of Stephen, on Sunday. The framework of Mr. Wm. Gil­ lespie’s new house on Carling Street is completed and the masons brick veneering ed Mr. Gillespie residence. Mrs. are it. When- complet- will have a fine The Thames Road/Fanners’ Club or coke for No- ders should be possible. P. Pass- -tc. /AY^';b ooking orders • Vfeinber delivery, hooked as so oil more, Secretar -FOR SALE—' ter. Apply Itoj^Aaron Dashwood. *0 sows with, lit- Oestricher, 10-23-2tc SHROPSHIRE SHE Am offering se few ewes, of cpoifliFlireeding and show type.—R. D. ral rains and a Son. ' 10-9-tfc F. A. .Mbs* J. O’Brien has to her home through Dr. spent home Mr. son with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pickard. Rev. and Mrs. Borden Cunning­ ham and little daughter, of Mill­ bank, visited in town on Friday last'. Mrs. Thos. Amy who has spent the summer with I\lrs. E. A. Amy returned to her home in Hamilton on Wednesday. Miss Carrie visiting at the Jones and also in this community. Mr. H. O. Southco’tt accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Stewart and Mrs. K. Fuke, motored to /Toronto the farepart of the week. •Ml*, and Mrs. E. L Box and family, of Seaforth, accompanied by the former's mother Mrs. Wm. J3ox, vis­ ited with Ma*, and Mrs. Frank Tay­ lor on Sunday. Mr. Leonard Haist, of Detroit, called on friends in* town on Tues­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Haist attended the auction sale of the effects of Mr. Oscar Klopp, Zurich. Mr. Frank Taylor of the Ross Taylor Co. had the misfortune to have the tips of a couple of fingers lacerated in the jointer at the plan­ ing mill on Friday, Mr. Thos. ic District his official Hensail, on week, accompany him. Mr. Fred Glanville, of Manitoulin Island, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Alma Glanville visited their brothers and sister. and Frank of town for Mr. John formerly of a brother of Mrs. town, was tliken to the Kitchener- Waterloo hospital on Thursday last owing to illness. His friends will ’hope for his recovery. The Young People’s Guild, of Cav- en church held >a missionary meet­ ing on Thursday evening. Rev. Mr. Rhodes gave a very excellent lecture on China. A special missionary collection, which is to be sent to Dr. and Mrs. Graham in Formosa, was taken up. M’rs. Long, wife of .Mr M Long, who moved to Exeter recently to take a position as mechanic with Melville & Simmons, was taken ill on Friday last and has been, in a critical condition but at present is somewhat improved. Mrs. Green is in attendance. Mr. and Mrs Long reside on Janie® St. •Mr. Thos. Pryde, .DDGM for Mas­ onic District South Huron, togeth­ er with several of the brethern from ■ Exeter, were in Seaforth Sunday evening attending divine service in First Presbyterian church with mem­ bers of the Britannia Masonic lodge. A number of the lodges in the dis­ trict were represented. Mr. and Mrs. Toronto over new red-brick is nearing been confined illness. of Listowel,Wm. Lawson, the week-end visiting at his in town. and Mrs. M. F. Gladman and of London, spent the ■week-end and Mrs. R, E CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH May, of Toronto, is home of Mrs. J. G. with ether relatives Pryde, DDGM of Mason- South Huron, will pay visit to Zurich Lodge, Monday evening of next Several of the 'brethren will Messrs. Lyman and Miss Ida Glanville, a few days. Brokenshire, of Atwood, Stephen Township, and Jonah Sims, of IMPROVED ' FOUND—PiawS Exeter and have same by pig® sail. I r trench between [sal/- 'OWner may ng S5rl8, Hen- 10-16-3tp FOR SALE — Y.ot/g Yorkshire Hogs now reads. Choice animals.— Apply to Chas. Harkey, Exeter. IX 10-9-tfc FOR RENT-r-Brick ner of Huronfand Apply to By-ro: Advocate. residence cor- xfrew Streets. 5icks or Times- 10-9-tfc If you wish to buy »«‘sell a farm 0r house see R. E.^Pypatd, Exeter. Modern JI con- f6r sale or '"rent red brick semi-bungalow yeniences, FOR RENT-I light house-id Weeltes’ of flee J FOR SAIxEM pump; also opira new. istrator or B ccn^lly Id -Severa lepihg rooms above 10 ga] g table, for Dr. gas. almost Apply to|jjlhn Rowe, • Admin- I —----------------------— POULTRY WANT We ate in the mar t for bf Doultry paying the Idgii Trucks will call. Wend, C. Anderson F. Beavers, ill kinds t prices* 0, Dash- Registered Herefords • For sale eigh months of age. 42nd -63223- fl Fairfar and Maple bred* inid‘”Trwyi half to late IL W " 180)3.—Stott Bros bulls 10 to 12 od' by Brae Dale Bonnie Brae, d dams; also ■S* Successors ireedeM since est, Ont* 4 10*<L6t(J. Rev* J* Bernard Rhodes, M. 4* Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M., Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m’.—“The Vision of God.” - 7 p.m.-—“The Supernatural in the ’Natural.” Thursday, Oct, 3‘hh, at 8 p.m. a mid-week service will he’ held in the. church. A series < f Bible lectures Will be commenced. The subject of the., introductory heture is “The English Bible.” JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA z Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor 4 W, R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 3 p.m.- 7 p.m.- of Crediton a.m.—-Rev. A. V. Rabb, Centralia -Sunday School -Rev. H. W. Hagelsteiu, B.A. Both these gentlemen are strangers to James Street We welcome them Don’t forget the M. M. Supper Monday night; Supper at 6.30 ad­ dress at 8 o’clock. If you haven’t your ticket get one. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—H. W. HageLtein, B.A., of Crediton. p.m.—Our Church School. p.m.—“Successful Marriage” cond in the series 7.3 0 p.m,—Thursday, prayer praise. We are glad to welcome Rev. I-IagelsVein to Main St. and to have you come and hear him. 'Renienilber the mf^ioiiary 'ban­ quet on Monday, November 3rd. Main St. will celebrate their 60tli Jubilee on November 16th and 17tli. 11 3 7 1 Mrs. Wilfred Miller, accompanied by her son, returned to London on Saturday after visiting for a few weeks at the home'of her father, Mr. L. Day, where she has been under the doctor’s care.' DIED IN SEAFORTH The death took place on Saturday of Mr. Burns, aged 2 8 years, short illness from pneumonia. Burns, who conducted a agency, recently moved to Seaforth from Chepstowe, Bruce County. in Seaforth Edward T. following a Mi*, collection Brimacombe and friends, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. W. G. Herd­ man, of Hamilton and Miss Schwing­ er, of Burlington, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Welsh last week. Mrs. Ben. McKenzie returned to her home in St. Louis last week after visiting with her ’'sister, Mrs. Jas. Willis and other friends for several months. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Beavers and daughter Lorene accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beavers, of St. Marys, visited with Norman Clarkson in the week-end. Mr. Fred Bawden's residence on Main St. completion and Mr. Bawden expects to move in shortly. The new resi­ dence makes a valuable addition to the Main St. Mr. Harry Jennings, who recently underwent an operation for appendi­ citis at St. Joseph's hospital, Lon­ don, was able to be removed to his room at Huron College, where lie is a student. Mrs. Duncan Munn and son John, Of Ripley/accompanied by Mrs. Coll­ ing, visited with Rev. D. and M'rs. MeTavish at the James .St. parsonage on Sunday. Mrs. Munn sang a .solo at the James (St. Church on Sunday morning. Misses Amelia Acheson and Mar­ ion Woods were- in London last week attending the Dominion Conference ■of the A.Y.P.A. Misses Rosa Dearing, Greta Dearing, Mildred Murphy, S. West and W, C. Davis also attended the banquet. MISSIONARY BANQGETS A series of missionary banquets will be held throughout the Huron Presbytery next week. The first' banquet will be held in James 'Street United Church on Monday, Novem­ ber the 3rd, and it is expected that members of the churches from the neighboring charges will be present. An address will be given by Rev. D. J. Davidson, of India, and an illus­ trated address, on “Non-Anglo-Sax­ on Work” by’Rev. W. H. Pike, of Ed­ monton. The banquet at James St. will be followed by one at Clinton on the 4th; Wroxetei* Sth; Dungan­ non 6th; Blyth, iSt. Andrew’s church 7th. Rev. D. MeTavish, of James St., is the convenor of the M. & committee for the Presbytery M. WINS CHAMPIONSHIP LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Mr. Gordon McDonald, of Stephen, won the championship trophy for the best plowed land in the tractor class­ es at the Middlesex Plowing Match near Strathroy on Wednesday of last week. Mr. McDonald also prize for tractors in sod, furrow. DEISEL ENGINE FOR. I won first ten inch IL & B. ■ A Deisel oil electric engine and coacli was placed in operation on the London, Huron and Bruce branch of the 0. N. it. on Friday of last week. The new engine replaces the steam locomotive and tender that Sva.s used to draw the train ifjSpJni London to Whigham in the. morning and return, at night. We understand that the new eoinipmdnt lias more power; is cheaper to oper­ ate and that the ttdiii crew consists of one than less* T» < •& EXE and in those sets we are the dealership toi ELECTRI Common Sense! Villen, you consider the purchase of a Radio $Jo 'you ask yourself these common sense questions: 1. Does the dealer*know his product? \ D produict Wil 3‘ , ficiently? •4. hB __ ____ ■ some time find is he capable of lookig radio twelve months of the year? s he been in business in this S he know by expert stand up in service? ; he install and service this product We have h ■ fact before the wears of experience we have found that handling,cannot be eciualled for value an When we Install a radio set factory perforifance of this set is We have Canada today ROGERS, N m in the Radio business for i’actorymade sets were- on th umber of years, jn trket e radio ng life. ot forget it, ortant to us as .. ... three leading radio sets of 1 by Canadians. EY, GENERAL ELECTRIC S, $95.00 AND UP. ETS $5.00 AND UP Se­ an d Mr. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Miss K. M. MacFauL Organist Twentieth Sunday after Trinity 11 a.m.—M’orning Prayer & Sermon 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. The hobgoblins, witches, fairies, gnomes and elfs will be on parade Friday evening following the an­ cient and honorable custom of cele­ brating Halloe’en. Youths on mis­ chief bent will be well advised to -confine their activities to harmless pursuits. TO OPEN NEW SCHOOL The opening of Fairfield will be day evening of this chicken supper and for residents of the section. The new ischool is of red brick' and built in the most modern design and is a credit to the community. ihe new school at celebrated Thurs- week with a entertainment section. COLLAR BONE FRACTURED air. smith in an week, sharpening a plow point using a tractor to supply the power when the emery-stone broke and the piec­ es flew in all directions. On? piece struck Mr. Madge in the collar-bone and he was otherwise bruised. Some of the other pieces were found ten or twelve rods- away.. Dr. Moir, of Hensall, set the fracture. Waiter M'adge, of T'ucker- had his collar-bone fractured accident on Thursday of last Mr. JMiadge was engaged in point using” W. C. T. U. Bl ill are built in Can BATTER . J. BEER ONTARIO GIFT SURPRISES 9«c. FOR BEAVTIFI fj!8c. FOB PRETTY C. PHONOGRAP AM.B COME EX PECTIN LES III PRICES ON O DAFFODIL, 1 PLENTY NOW, HYACINTH? PHONOGRAPHS REPAIRED hO WELL’S TERY I PIECES HR ARTICLES CISSUB, TULIP BULBS OOD STUFF. $5.00, $JJFOO, $25.00, $35.00 and $75.00x 35c. and OOc* RDS EXCHANGED 10c. However, the first families here were Indians. . * s|c s> * sit * * » ( Some are.born great', some achieve greatness and some grate upon you. ,;t s'.t * s’: * sj: St- ’ Some folks want business to get back to normal so they-can take an­ other plunge .into the stock market. u Too much business ruins more firms than too little business. sfi * # •*■. sis s? * sjs >8 Hallowe-en isn’t far away and timO for 'a “safe and sane” campaign. There come times, when you help yourself and your ‘ I spending rather than savin South was held , on Tues- president, chair and p. gave a A special meeting of the Huron Liberal Associaion at' the. Town Hall, Hensail day afternoon with the Mr. J. G. Stanbury in the Mr. Tiros. McMillian, M. very spirited address criticizing the action of the Bennett administrate ion in raising the duties and predict­ ing higher takes as a result. The Provincial government was also sev­ erely criticized for the heavy burdens put upon the, municipalities. The •following delegates wore selected to attend the Provincial Convention of the Liberal Party to -be held in Tor­ onto, December loth and 17th President and Mr. Wni With Mr. Chas, Zwickor and Mr M, Beattie as alternates. Broadfoot and Mrs. Paisley Berry and Mrs. Gaudier nates. , - TUg Collidin'# J. Also Mrs. with Mrs. as alter- The regular meeting of the W.C. T.U. was held in Main ,St. Church on October 27th with fifteen mem­ bers present. Mrs. Amy, Evangelis­ tic Superintendent took charge of the opening exercises. “Come, Thou fount of every blessing” was sung, prayers were offered, a portion oL’ John 14 was read by Mrs. Amy and sentence prayers were offered by nearly every one present. Miss Mur­ ray then took the chair and proceed­ ed with the business. The Treas­ urer reported $16.82 as the proceed® of the baking sale in the Hall. The roll call was answered by reference to conditions in Canada at the pres­ ent' time. Miss Murray .speaking of a contest that was held for County Presidents >at the recent convention held in Belleville. The Middlesex president winning the priise. .Speak­ ing of the unemployment situati'on, what would the' $56,000,000 spent in liquor lost year buy if spent in bread, meat, etc? Mrs. Layton told some of the things they noticed when on their trip last year. The great nurtiber of empty bottle's; on the roadside in Saskatchewan and also, of the propaganda the wets are carrying oil in' the United States against temperance, . The roll call at the next meeting to be. answered by “Knowledge or Enlightenment” Miss Murray, who was the delegate from the Exeter Union to Believillo then gave a very interesting and fas­ cinating report of the Provincial Convention, J h all/he latest in men’s wear . New Fall Suiti it’s Furnishings is up We have a complete rangt^f woollens for your new suit or ove^hat. We also Our . w. PHONE 81w TAMAN EXETER, ONT Caulk Your Win N, Exeter G. A Phone 29 save money on your E SECURW CAUL WE HAI AGENCY F AND WIN! WEAT LET US _____ NG DOORS WS, .-l/’SO METAL IPPING . YOU PRICES. Now that fall is coming, with its cool weather, fix up wur liv­ ing room with a nice JSani-Bilt Chesterfield Suite the/only firm that replaces any suite damaged by moths! at Bargaii R ij See therjr at our store Prices* JF OWE ft, DIRECTOR &CE SERVICE FUNI>. AM D C M Phone 20 w and 20,j aut replaced \fhi^fyou wait rAWKINS Exeter, Ont. DOROTHY E. GRASSICK^F A. L. GM. (EEonoir Graduate) I ondon, E] Instructs a in Piania, Violin, HaAnonjI? ’T , Studio N. Albert S -eefiC Box ICO EXETER, •land 5 Theory, ARIO SAFETY RAZbR B SHARPENED (anv SINGLE EDGE . ' ' ' ' DOUBLE “’EDGE • perfect Edi W. s. COLE. DRUGdiSlt J 1 3?^ «*>**^|rc*.»»***»s***n 3c« ......^Guaranteed. ' W- Ft GOULDIN' Organist | bainites StI Inst PlwBo Vocal Fai-ervisor a StuMc, Main s| EX E| T. O* M. ind Chbirnij I United Cj |u.ction I °'jII Jr Btet rch , p Theory ONT £ in Schools 57, 1