HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-10-30, Page 3tt'KillEV »<Mh,THE EXETER T1MES-A&VOCATE EXTRA SPECIAL You call save dollars at this sale - Do not fail to see the bargains 75 PAIRS LADIES’ HIGH TOP.SHOES. Values to $5.00 . J QRC' YOUR CHOICE OF ANY PAIR, . .. **° ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS Values to $1.50 a yard reduced to 49c' BIG SALE PRICE ................................w DRESS GOODS FOR CHILDREN’S DRESS GOODS Don’t mis? this one. Values to $1.25 QQc. BIG SALE PRICE ................................ STAMPED MATS AH sizes in the new patterns £ C and 7 Cc. BIG SALE PRICE................ f .............. ....... ............... , .i.ii ,n, i< m MEN’S KNITTED TIES SALE PRICE 15c.. MEN’S BOW TIES, 2 FOR..................25c. MEN’S LEATHER MITTS, per pair 85ci MEN’S COTTON GLOVES, per pair 22 c, 15 LADIES’ FUR COLLARED COATS Value to $30.00. Your choice QC BIG SALE PRICE ...................... z 6 PIECES OF STRIPED COLORED FLANNELETTE Regular 25c. while it lasts . 1 Qc. BIG SALE PRICE PER YARD ... . 10 50 PAIR SADIES’.STRAP SLIPPERS ANb OXFORDS $4-00 to $5.00 Bib. SALE PRICE PER PAIR . . $2.9$ r . ... * Realizing the big slump in prices of all farm produce, we are prepared to co-operate as never be fore in reducing prices on all our merchandise. During this big sale prices will be cut • e> ** ** : lowest. It will pay you to visit us often and get your share of the many bargains offered I ■■ iz I ■ . • • ■! W INCH BLACK SILK E A wonderful quality and fully guaran- 1 teed. SI 29 i BIG SALE PRICE PER YARD ► ' ’ • ’ . ■ 4’ 1 ’ -| . ...............................' .......... t.................................................. ■■■■■■' LADIES’ COMBINATION UNDERWEAR . Short or Ibrig sleeves, ankle length. Value as high as $3.00 QRC* SI 4-9 F BIG SALE PRICE ------- 10 ONLY LADIES’ FUR COLLARED COATS Not this season’s Coats but wonderful to make over, values to $35.00 C7 QC BIG SALE PRICE ............................ EXTRA SPECIAL WHITE FLANNELETTE 27 • inches wide good weight and fine weave I £c. BIG SALE PRtCE PER YARD .. . xu MEN’S OVERALLS AND SMOCKS Bull-Dog make, full and roomy Cl 7Q BIG SALE PRICE .......................................* 15 ONLY MEN’S OVERCOATS Every coat worth $25.00 SI 4 9*) BIG SALE PRICE........................ ■ . •> . • •. ■ ■ 50 ALL WOOL SWEATERS FOR BOYS Values as high as $2.25 Cl 9Q BIG SALE PRICE ........................... SCRIM CDRTAIN NETS ’ Values to 50c. a yard 1 Qc. BIG SALE PRICE PER YARD .... * 24 MEN’S Sweater Coats In Heavy and Fine Weaves. These are wonderful values. Some were priced a3 high as $5.00 BIG SALE PRICE 10 ONLY LADIES’ CLOTH COATS Good heavy weight material suitable for making over • (M QO BIG SALE PRICE .......................... BOY’S ALL WOOL SWEATERS Sizes 22 to 32. Great for boys to wear r Ito School. QCc. BIG SALE PRICE .............. .oa TURKISH TOWELS Good big size, English make BIG SALE PRICE EACH .... 25c PURE LINEN TOWELING Get your supply, regular 25c. 1 Qc* BIG SALE PRICE YER YARD .... Big Reductions on all Men’s Suits During this Big Sale. .. . • _ ■_ ’’ .______________________ . . . . .. MEN’S RUBBER BOQTS (Miner Quality) Every pair guaranteed' €9 7*1 BIG SALE PRICE PER PAIR . . . MEN’S FLEECED LINED UNDERWEAR Penman’s make, heavy fleece, regular $1X0. QQc. BIG SALE PRICE ............................... MEN’S ALL WOOL HEAVY SOCKS A wonderful value regular*50c. Cl IQ BIG'SALE PRICE, 3 PAIRS FOR JO ONLY BOYS’ AND SMALL MEN’S OVERCOATS Worth double the price we ask CO AQ BIG SALE PRICE ........................... WOOL BLANKETS This price should interest you,, regular 7 lb. blanket regular $8.50 Q£ QQ BIG SALE PRICE ...................... MEN’S WORK SHIRTS Full arid roomy. Deacon make. Get your supply y SI 19 BIG SALE PRICE ........................... 5 DOZEN WINDOW BLINDS In green only, regular 37 inches wide by' 6 feet long 7^c* BIG SALE PRICE.............................. 1 u BOYS’ FLEECED LINED UNDERWEAR All sizes in shirts and draws, regular 75c. CQc. BIG SALE PRICE ..........................™ LARGE SIZE FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Grey and white, blue or pink borders. BIG SALE PRICE PER PAIR . . .^1*98 MEN’S FINE SHIRTS With or without collars value to $2 <?*[ 9Q BIG SALE PRICE .......................... 97 PIECE DINNER SETS Regular $25.00 neat patterns and good English ware * S17 Q^ BIG SALE PRICE ................................1 5 COMFORTER CHINTZ 36 inches wide, all new patterns regular 25c. 99p. BIG SALE PRICE PER YARD ................" WOMEN’S SILK AND WOOL HOSE These are’’1- sub standards, regulai* $1.00 values good shades - CQc. BIG SALE PRICE...............................; 15 PRS. OF MEN’S SHOES & OXFORDS j If we have your size in the lot. Take your, pick .JQ 4 BIG SALE PRICE ........................jPl.TO . 25 SILK AND CREPE DRESSES Values as high as $22.50 C4 QC & C7 QC BIG SALE PRICE .... DON’T MISS THESE BARGAINS IN < CLOTHING . 1 50 Boys’ Suits values as high as $10.00 J* BIG SALE PRICE ...................... < on 15 GROCERIES AT SPECIAL PRICES > SPECIAL— PEAS, NEW PACK 8c. A TIN > BULK TABLE SALT............. > CHOICE OATMEAL .................................... J SALADA TEA MIXED OR BLACK............. < FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER ....... < CASCADE SALMON ..."................................ < CASCADE SALMON......................................... ...........BY CASE $1.85 . .. . 10 pounds for 25c. .........7 pounds for 25c.„ .... PER POUND 54c. ...... 1 pound tin 19c. 1-2 pound tin, 2 for 19 c. • 1 pound tin, 2 for 29c. LIFE BUOY SOAP............... FRESH SODAS,.................... P. & G. SOAP.......................: HANDY AMMONIA........... TOILET PAPER.................. NO. 1 COOKING ONIONS . REAL GOOD TEA, BLACK OR MIXED 4 . <.3 cakes for 19c. ... 2 pounds’ for 25c. .........10 bars for 37c. . 4 packages for 25c. ..... 7 rolls for 25c. •.. 10 pounds for’25c. ...... 3 lbs. for $1.6b *