HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-10-16, Page 8r THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1<J, 1930i., TlFe* hTorth Huron Plowing match was held near Brussels on Thursday of last week and a large crowd at-, tended. There were forty-one teams in the different classes and eleven, tractors competing for prizes. D, Me- • Millan, of Staffa came first in high| cut plows free for all. In classes) two K. McKellar, of Cromarty, Avon’ second prize and P. Passmore, of ■ Exeter, third; in class three J. Hog-| garth, of Cromarty, v»on third prize; in the class for boys 16 to 19 years) A. Hain, Monroe, was first with F. Hamilton, Cromarty, second also win­ ning prize of best finish; for boys under sixteen years in stubble Nor­ man Harburn was first also best fin­ ish; Gordon Scott, Cromarty, second C. Connelly, Seaforth, third for trac­ tors, Gordon MvDqpald, of Exeter, was first with best crown and finish. Gordon Scott, of Cromarty, yon the, prize for the youngest plownian. Exeter Markets Wheat 67e. Oats 27c. Barley 33e. Bran $1.00 Shorts $1.00 Low Grade Flour $1.25 Welcome Flour $2.70 Model Flour $3.00 Manitoba Flour* $3.20 Creamery Butter Dairy Eggs, ’ Eggs, Eggs, Hogs CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J, Bernard Rhodes, A. Minister Hiss Lena Coates, A.IaOAL, Organist 10 a.m.—Bunday School We specialize on (£oo< )m< .... _K Repairing. .{Sandy Elliot, the HoiW’of the Ford. AVill the pers^wh^o^k a nearly, new BorsalimS' ' >’s HaK perhaps in mistake,Jand left an old raie, from Tuesday night , es-A d v o •• ret their own. The AV. Taman’s name Caven Church ,§m please return i cate office and hat taken had A on stamp. FOUND-—J* Wdy’s Jwrist watch. Owner may/liaws4swe by proving property apd pacing for the adv.—r Apply Tiines-Advocate. -pfanc| be|ich between Owner may 85rl8, Hen- 10-16-3tp FOUND- Exeter and" I-Ieifeall. have same by pbbjyj* sail. FARM FCRLSaLe 50 acres, northilialT lo^ 22, Con. 17, Township of Sttepheu/On the prem­ ises a brick h®e<irame stable.— arlton, Ailsa^raig, ,l^-16-2tp pR RENT— Apply to Albef R. R. No. 2. FOR SALILTPercheron mare, 6 Real’s old. If yon want a good mMe cheap see this cne.—Sandy Ellioty Exeter. c. Butter 31-340. Extras 36c. Firsts 33c, seconds 24c. $10.25 ... . ■ ....'j- _ ^OGCSIS____ I Come to the Trivi-|x Parish Hall [on Tuesday, Octob *®21st at 8 p.m. to hear Mis^i Isaa^peak on her Avork the auspices of the AV. A. R«fiaK)hmenit.s. Silver col­ lection. J in Japan ufide 11 a.m.—“The Three-Fold Gospel” 7 pan.—“Prepared for the Best” FOR SALE—Choice Spy, King and Pewatikee apples. Wm/'F. Abbott, Exeter. Genl Our stoc to-date wi Theory w PHONE 81w *NED ( THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Seaforth their I (Honor UP POWELL’S Prayer and “The Father is J. Seaforth were de­ Seaforth the first laces any su|/e damaged See then/ at our store Prayer and “The Older taster Church Pryde, ■Stewart, Seaforth, and E. full half Aber- , AV. Cudmore, L. Rennie and Cardna; minutes when ended in a A few miii- scored FUNl AT/ DTIlECtOR . AMIJCLANCB SERVICE hone 20w mid BOj I/KINGTDOORS Organ I tTamci^St. Until nstrucfj Piano Supervisor Organ Theory- We have a complete rangej for your ne have a com AND TABLE MODELS, $.5.00 AND IS, SEVERAL DOZEN, 3 FOR $1.00 ?\ND REPAIRS TO ALL .MACHINES VE HAVE TAKEN THE AGENCY THE NEW SONORA ELECTRtC DIO, AND ITS A GOOD ONE iN HE MEDIUM PRICED CLASS. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Paetor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader L a.m.—Rev. R. N, SteAvart, B.A, B.D., of Staffa, 4 p.m.—Church School p.m.—Rev. R. N. Stewart AVe are glad to Avelcome Mr. Ste- Avart to Exeter and to James Street pulpit and invite everyone to hear him 11 3 7 COATS!COATS! Many new styles have been placed on our racks,- We expect another shipment this week We'also show a fine range of Children’s and Misses’ coats at $7.50 to $15.00 Woolette Pyjama Cloth In stripes and pretty floral designs suit­ able for gowns and pyjamas. This is a nice weight cloth. AT PER YARD 35c. New Grenadinp^ Hosiery The new hosiery witjl the dull finish the new shadss for made from a extra Wears well AT PE PAIR $1.5Q is season. This dsted silk yarn that Turkish To wells English make good size and weight splen­ did for kitchen and bathroom SPECIAL AT 29c. ____________ ColouredjCashmere Hosiery newest shades. [ fine all wool quality, SPECIAL VALUE AT $1.00 In the fashioned MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . a. m.—Rev. L. AV. Hill, B. A:, B.D. p.m.—Our Church .School, p. m.—Rev. L. AV. Hill, B. A., B. D. Mr. Hill is a very versatile speak­ er. You are jnvited to come and hear this delightful preacher. 7.30—Thursday Prayer Meeting Miss M. E. Ross, who has been ill for the past week, is improving. returned Toronto, confined pleurisy, daughter Velma are visiting with relatives in Brussels. Miss Vera Essery returned home Tuesday after visiting for a few days In Detroit. Mr. and Mrs William Ward motor­ ed to Hanover on Wednesday to visit with relatives. Master Ernest M’cTavish has been confined to his home at the James St. Parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. AVm. May and son Gordon and Mr. and Mrfe. AV. J. Car­ ling spent Bunday in Mitchell. Mr. B. AV. F. Beavers and Reg: visited the former's brother George at St. Mr. ed by weeks Miss Mineretta Horney has re­ turned home after visiting in Tor­ onto, Niagara Falls and London. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Salter and son Kenneth, of London, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. M. F. Salter. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gillies and son Bobby, of Hamilton, spent the week­ end visiting with relatives in town. Miss Madeline Dearing, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dearing, i Lieut. Smith of the local Salva­ tion Army Corps attended the Sal- Mrs.'B. AV. F. Beavers Friday from Belleville and Mr. Clifford Lamport is to his home suffering from Mrs. E. c. Lowry and Marys during the week. E. C. Harvey, who was order- liis physjcians to take a few rest, is improving nicely. ' 11 3 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. J. J. .Fenton, R.A.. Rector Miss K. M. MacEaul, Organist Eighteenth Suifday After Trinity Stanfield Underwit for Men It is impossible to procure/inderwear that will give better satisfaction thfen this well known brand. We cajrry a full sto/k of combination and two piece ga merits. SHROPSHIRE SHEEP Am offering several ran^^z and a few eAves of choice breeding and sIioav type-—R- D. Huniter Son. 1 10-9-tfc FOR RENT—-Brick residence cor­ ner of Huron and Am>reAV Streets. Apply to Byron E. B-fcks or5 Times- Advocate. 10-9-tfc FOR SALE—-A.feAV^ood Durham cows readyyo calve, to Byron E. Hicks’y CHILDREN’S DAY 8 a.m.—Holy Communion » 10.45 a.m.—The children of tho Sun­ day School will all meet in the Parish Hall, and then march into the church for the morning ser­ vice. There will be no Bunday School next Sunday afternoon. 11 a. m,—Mo min g- mon. Subject: •the Children.” p.m.—Evening mon. Subject: the Younger People.” 7 New Black Oxfords New “Currie” Spats In grey and fawn in button and dome styles, neat-fitting and fine quality felt $1.50, $2.50 and $3.00 This is a new model anc one that is takin well with the young me i SPECIAL A 1.00 -> 0 ’* 1 New Neckwea Just a new shipment c colorings made by “Cur TO RETAIL / • for Me/ F new weaves and ie” / T $1.00 / Men’s Silk and Wool Hose Regular 75c. values. We ’ were fortiin- ; ate in getting 10 dozen Sub Standards. They are selling quickly qt 2 PAIRS FOR 75c. Royal |orw Suits and Overcoats for Men WE ARE SIe|ov/nG A COMPLETE NEW RANGE OF SUITINGS AND MATERIAL OVERCOATS 'AR SELL AT THE POPULAR PRICE OF $27;50 OR MEN’S OVERCOATS. THESE SUITS AND MADE TO YOUR' INDIVIDUAL MEASURE AND young A.jyj'ly tJUlL Allliy uurps an 10-9tfc vatiou •A,rmy Officers convention in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kerslake, Ho­ ward and Josie motored to Flushing, Mich., last week and* spent a few ' I day^ Avith relatives. kee7ing}X-Appiy to ’Slex Dow, phonel Ytu>E. O. Harness, wjio has been g3. ' "'L tfn residing in the*residence of Mr. J. ■_____- • ■____i___ ■ |‘Grieve on Calding St. is moving to FOR SALE •— Young Jorkshire Hogs noAv ready. Choice-tfUnimals.- ! Apply to Chas. Harwi-h-^Exeter.'4' , The Exeter Branch of the Cana­ dian Legion wil|< meet on Thursday evening '' the Tow urgently there is transacte October 16th at 8 p.m. in All members are ested to attend riant business to OrilliaFOR SALR-r-A marvellous Heater and Coqk Stove, combined,! used tAvo- winters%goad’’"as neAV, first, class shape, (jg>nei\.giving up housve-l ar. AV.' Pfaff, SeeVeta^,. Southcott tfn residing in the‘residence of Mr. J. ■ |‘Grieve on Calding S't. is moving to the residence of Mr. Esli HeyAVOod I on Andrew St. Mrs. AV. J. Nichols and son Chas. 10-9-tfc and Mrs. S. J. Finkbeiner and baby I daughter, of Adelaide village Avere Several articles for Private Sale— visitors on Sunday with Mr. and # _ ,, _ . _ ’ 1\/T-ne< TXT TT nv»4n trCoal burning kitchen stove, good as i new; Seivght Serving Machine, gas j stove; s chen utensils, special prices, bedsteads and couches Call in the. gjterno&u (after Wednes­ day) to^the Anglican Rectory on Andrew Street. Phon k eX Rev. J. J. Fenton Mrs. AV. H. Dearing. Mr. 'Chas. Delbridge, of Usborne, sealing bottles, various kit-1 who was confined to the house with \yalnut furniture at'injuries received when he fell off a STRAYED- • -Stephen, a Owner may h property and mer Lawson. .. Onto.iA.ot 7, Con. 11, Percheron. wjf same by proving ying expenses.—EI- 10-9-3tc FOR ’ SALE OTT RENT — New stucco bungaJow>fm Wellington St.; every modefa >€onvenience.—-M. G. Ransford. ^/’8-14-tfc If you wish to buy|yr sell/ a farm or house see R. E. Pj^kard,^Exeter. 10 gal, rooms above -Modern All con- FOR SALE OR RE1 red brick semi-bungalo veniences, centrally lq FOR RENT—Sever light house-keepin Weekes’ office. FOR SALK— puni'p; also ®) new. ’Apply to istrator or B. W. F.- Beavers. 6-19-tfc. for Dr. gas. terming table, almost ohn Rowe, Admin- POULTRY/VANTED We are in the Market for all kinds of poultry ptyiijS the highest prices. Trucks willlc wood, C. Anft^rson. Phone 30, Dash- Registered Hejefords For sale eight buJTs 10 to 12 months of age. _.'42nd ■ -63223$ froi Fairfar and Hapl^Lad dams bred, and,, opitn ' ' ~ to late R. W 189)3-.—Stutt by Brae Dale Bonnie Brae. ' ' t; al^d s. Successors utt/ Breeders since bs. Forest,X)n£. ; , 10-9-6tC. Sir Insure your car and yotfr inconje. Good variety of polictesjter1 pdft or complete coverage W. C.Ped^c^, Exeter load of grain during the summer, is able to be around again. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Southcott and family motored to Morpeth on Fri­ day last and ' spent the week-end. Mrs. iSouthcott remaining this Mrs. Robt. spent ihe past Mrs. B ruce' Rivers. turned with her sister to Hamilton Sunday and is spending this week there. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Passmore, of Sarnia, spent the week-end visiting With relatives, more and Mrs. Kesfle them and Detroit. Mr. and on Friday they were joined by their son Albert and with him left for AVashington, D. C., where they will visit for a time with their family. Mr. Lyle manager of at^ the corner of AVharncliffe and Stanley Streets, London, has been transferred to Brantford as mana­ ger of a store there at a substantial increase in salary. “Jimmy D” belonging to Mr. Rus­ sel Hedden has been successful re­ cently in winning‘s first money at Sarnia, Brigden and Leamington fairs. At Leamington he .made the mile in 2.12 Jimmy D Avas driv­ en by Harvey Houge, of Sarnia, Mr. James Francis, nephew of Mr. B. M, Francis and an employee Avith Mr. E. R. Hopper, was confined to his home last week under the care of Dr. Weekes. He was removed to the Stratford Hospital on Bunday and his condition has improved. ( Word has been received here by friends of the recent death of Frank Hancock* of Maidstone, Sask. De­ ceased had been, in poor health for some time and bis death ‘took place in Lashburn hospital. His wife who was Thurza. Creech, died 17 years ago. Mr, ,Hancock, tvas .a fo'rpier resident of Exeter .and learned his trade as blacksmith with the late S. Buckingham, and non Donald are week for a visit. Reed, of Hamilton, week wjth Mr. and Mrs. Rivers re- Mrs.. E. J'. Piass- e turned with will visit in Sarnia and Mrs. AV. H. Johnston left last for Hamilton where son Freeborn and his Statham, who ‘has been the Standard Drugstore 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Irwin and Dr. and Mrs. Hilljard, of AVaterloo, vis­ ited on Tuesday with Miss Ethel* Bissett. « Mrs. Moorehouse and ray attended the AVest Miss J. Mur- , Presbyterial AV. M. S. Convention at Port Albert on Wednesday . , ■> Another travel-talk from the pen of Rev. J. AV. Down has been re­ ceived by the Tiines-Advocate, but owing to lack of space tliis week 4s being held over until next week. Dr. R. b. J. Stanbury, of Toronto, visited his brother, Mr. J. G- Stan­ bury over the week-end. He was ac­ companied by Mr Kenneth Stanbury B. A. of Osgoode Hall and5 Miss Helen Stanbury, of North Toronto Colleg­ iate. ■ On Thursday evening of last week a play entitled “The Tigci* Earl” was presented in the Varna Hall by the' A.Y.P.A. of Rayfield. A large crowd was present and all enjoyed the play. The Varna orchestra fur­ nished the music and was assisted by Miss D. Grassick and Mr. H. Stain­ lake. An interesting and instructive course on the art of needlecraft was conducted last week under the aus­ pices of the Hurondale Women’s In­ stitute at the home of Mrs. AV. F. Down. Miss M. V. Powell, of Whit­ by, proved an able instructress and left with the class a wealth of know­ ledge and iniisiration. Mervin Ryckman, a student at the Exeter High School, while waiting for the football game to commence Monday afternoon had his head cdt Avith some flying glass when the ball which Avas being used for practice, went through the windshield of Ivan Stewart’s car. Young Ryckman was taken to the office of Dr. Weekes where it required several stitches to close the wound. Bill Joynt' who was also in the car was slightly in­ jured on the wrist. SEAFORTH WINS OPENING SOCCER GA3IE FROM EXETER The Exeter High School has join­ ed the group of Huron Schools to form a Soccer League and in the opening game with the Collegiate Monday evening feated by the score of 4-0. had the best of the play in half which ended 2-0. In the se­ cond half Exeter had the best of the play fur about tAventy a rush by Seaforth scrimmage ancl score, utes later fourth and last goal. The line-up: Seaforth—Goal, Ferguson; backs, Sills and AAhlliams.; backs Gillespie, Johnston and hart; forward; Pinkney, Park, _____ __ _____, subs., I-Iabkirk, Cudmore, Finlayson. Exeter—Goal, Strange; full backs Stanlake and Hirtzel; half backs, McKinnon, Zwicker and Cochrane; forAvards, Quinn, Snider, Mustard, and Joynt; subs. Hockey and Smith. Referee—S. Nichols, of Linemen—Dr. Steiner Duncan. Timekeeper—Henry E. Huston, a veteran player. . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques, of Lon­ don, -vi'Sjted in Exeter recently. Miss Margaret ■ Johns, of London, visited with her mother, Mrs. Well. Johns. Mr. W. G. Moorehouse, of Sarnia, visiting with his brother, Re”. C. and Mrs. Moorehouse. Mr. Harold Wood, of Chatham, spent Bunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. AV. IL AVood. Miss Pearl Mousso, of Grand Bend visited for a ,few days with Mr. and Mrs. Robert" Mousse. Fall Suitings < Evoollens. of Gant’s Furnishings is up- Caulk Your Windows save money on WE HAVE SB AGENCY FOR C _____________ AND WINDOWS! ALSOjMETAL WEATHER- LET US QUOTE1Y! ____ W. J. HERN, Exeter otir coal URElt' PhonefaO you wait ifflAWKINS ' f Exeter, DOROTHY/E. G.Et We Offer SAFETY RAZOR SHARPMs Week pt ■MMB iWlliiMliiliini!llilllillllll EIGHT USED PHONOGRAMS IN GOOD ORDER, EAUH WITH N RECORDS hl 1EDLES, CON SOI Alp * UPRIGHT! Nowftthat fall is coming its coo^ Weather, fix up y Hiv­ ing roc|n with a nice J B>L_ Chesterfield Suite the^nly firm that r by mo Gradate.) JLgOoit, Piano, V Studio h EX ei in England arro.on.yj, ert Streef., Box 1.6<t 'R, ONTARIO SINGLE ED JE .... ■DOUBLE E M3E , Perfeq w. s. make), >4< ge Gtiaranieed Lfe. DRUGGIST Muste in Schools ■Studio, IMfeihX . Box 5^ 'Phone El ETER, ONT W. Ffy GOULDjy * T* a m.