HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-10-16, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATEr rrnuiWAY, October tc, 1030 evening, The pulpit beautifully decorated The pastor of the a’JxAY DRAWS CAPACITY HOUSES (Continued from page 1.) log® students and. their songs and capers amused the" audience. The ■glee club was composed of Franh Taylor, Geo. Lawson, Frank Wood, J» S, Grant, W. E. Middleton, Harry Carey, Hubert Jones, E. J. Wethey, Frank tSheere, AV. D. Sanders, R. N. Rowe, Jas, Francis, W. S. Howey, J. Senior, S. «M. Sanders, And J. W» Batson. The singing of the was -greatly enjoyed, -comprised Grace Bilker, Margaret' Ellerington, Helen and. Jean Penhale, Marjorie Complin Ruby Stone, Mary Kerslake, Dorothy Ryckman, Reba Simmons, Olive Lawson, Bernice Rollings, Jeanette Taman, Jean Pilon, Kathleen Strang Nora McGinnis, Viola Hodgson, E. Brooks. Hazel Clarke, Margaret Ta­ inan and Margaret Martin. The hit of the performance was the Flappers’ Chorus and they brought down the house time and •again. They were dressed in all manner of costumes. They were as follows: Sorority President, Harry Rowe; Vamp of Exeter, Chas. God­ bolt; Campus Flirt, Chas. iSalter; Gold Digger, Ted Bawden; Cornfed Co-ed, Bruce Rivers; Teacher’s Pet, Fred May; School Teacher, Sandy Elliott; Jiggs’ Maggie, Stanley Wal­ ter; Cleopatra, Bert Doyle; Girl, Larry Taylor; Hard Hannah, Cecil Stewart; 'Beauty, T. S. Eaton; Girl •$1,000 legs, Harp Rivers; Browning, Albert Traqqair Swanson, K. J. Lampman; Eace, Frank Coates; Beauty Winner, Tom Dinuey; Bride of 1938, J. AV. Powell/r Mrs. Cochrane presided very ably -at the piano. Miss Pearl Wood sang a very pleasing solo. On Friday evening Miss Ray, the with a handsome bouquet of yellow anums as appreciation of her work here, the play being put on in ten. days. The presentation was made by Mr. T, O. Southcott, president of the Chamber of Commerce. Miss Ray expressed her appreciation and paid splendid tribute to the cast. Ted Bawden was also presented with a big handsome bouquet for being the best flapper. The Exeter Chamber of Commerce received $15 8.10 being their half of the proceeds after all expenses were •paid. E. R.Hopper .; I] ■B' 1929 F* 1927 F< 1927 Girls’ The Christie, Chorus chorus Bernice HORSESHOE TOURNAMENT A horseshoe tournament for a sll- ■ ver cup will be held in the Dome Rink on Tuesday evening, October 21st when players from Huron and Middlesex will meet for the third game to decide the winners. The Middlesex players are from Lucan, Granton, Ailsa Craig and Denfield while the Huron players are from Zurich, Hppsall and Exeter. In the two tournaments already held Mid­ dlesex lias won from Huron by 80 points. The trophy has been donat­ ed by D. M. Scott, • district' agent the Northern Life. for »> I Studious . Hearted Bathing with the Peaches •; Gloria Baby 6 nrj JUSEELCA8? JAMES ST. W. M. S. The regular meeting of the M. S. of James St. Church was held on Thursday afternoon with a good- I ly number present. A hymn, was sung and Mrs. Miners opened the meeting by prayer. ■Mrs. John Bell had cherge of the program. The .Scripture Lesson, was read by Mrs. Taylor and several readings were given on Japan, deal­ ing with the new Study Book. Mrs, (Rev.) Down gave her report of the Convention held in Centralia. The other reports were left over f.or a time. * Arrangements were made to visit Elimville W. M. S. on Thursday, where our Society puts on the pro­ gram. It was corrected about the Thank- Offering "services on October 2 6th. Stratford choir and pastor coming fpr the evening service, instead of L’istowel as formerly planned. Lady ushers are to be appointed for that Sunday. Arrangements were under way for the Men’s Missionary Banquet to be held on November 3rd. An invita- tipn was extended from the Angli­ can iSociety to hear with them a Missionary speaker from Japan October the 21st. . • ‘ 5 • 11 PROVINCIAL ’CONVENTION AV, on While at the Provincial W.C.T.U. Convention at Belleville, the guests of the Convention were royally en­ tertained by the citizens of Belle­ ville. It was one of the best con­ ventions yet held, and the Provincial President Mrs. Asa Gordon in her address, gave, splendid plans for fu­ ture work. She was re-appointed Provincial President'. Next year 1931 the world’s W.C.- :w RGAiNS RD COACH, LIKE . IRD COACH a 1 CONDITION EX FOURDO; 1925 FORD FOURD FORDS 3N TRACJt CASE RACTO R $475.00 $225.00 SEDAN $395.00 *R SEDAN $175.00 I /ANDY ELLIOT ‘‘The H of the Ford”Phone 64 Continual Backaches Was ta Terrible TTs ffi The Mrs. E. Berget, Medicine Hat, Alta., writes:—"Befpre using Doan’s Kidney Pills I was in a terrible condition with a continual backache, tired feeling, and completely run down. "I used six boxes of Doan’s Kidney Pills and I am now relieved of my backaches, and that horrid, tired feeling which I had all the time. I am certainly thankful for what these Pills did for me.” Price, 50 cents a box at all drug or general stores, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont, T. U. is "being held in Toronto and preparations are being made for this convention, where it is expected 52 countries will be represented by oyer 1,000 delegates. While at the convention Mrs. Beavers had the honor of being chosen chairman of the three judges at the contest being; held for the Grand Gold Medal which was won by Jean Wilcox, of Ottawa, who al­ so later won^Jhe silver cup for the best one minute address. She is now eligible to compete for the dia­ mond medal which it is expected will take, place during the World’s Con­ vention next June. In taking the motor trip around Belleville to the Albert College, the School for the Deaf, the Parks, etc. several of the ladies were driven around the Bay of Quinta which was certainly delightful drive. This drive was made possible by the aidermen of the city, the Kiwanis Club and leading citizens. Our drived’ gave us valuable information regarding the sale of cigarettes (and as the Anti-Narcotic dept, for the past two years has been one of the depart­ ments specially mentioned and Hu­ ron County has held first' place in the Province for this department). This gentleman informed us that in the State of Iowa, there, is not a part of that state where cigarettes have been allowed to be sold eighteen years. He himself never tasted' liquor in his life has travelled extensively aver the United States and Canada. It is a great record. Dr. Irwin, of Toronto, Provincial Chairman, of the Prohibition Union also addressed one of the meetings. Miss Lloyd, of Wingham, County President; Miss Murray, local Presi­ dent qnd Mrs. B. AV. F. Beavers, Co. ■Supt, were the only delegates Huron County at Belleville DASHWOOD Cowen, II ;s. RGEON artleib Block, Dash- ree days of week and er the Post Office, in LOCAL NEWS for had and all from Mrs. Agnes McKenzie, of St. Thom­ as, visited with her sister Mrs. John AV. Taylor over the week-end. * Mr. and Mrs. George Follick and daughter Mildred, of Hensall, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vale. e Dr, H. DENTAL At offitje in wood, flrjt at office Zurich, last three days of week. AVe specialize on* Good Repairing. Sandy Elliot, twaiome of the Ford. Mr, and Mrs. A. Oestricher and family visited over the week-end with friends in Dorchest.er, Mr, D. Haugh had the xnistfortune to fall from an apple tree injuring his shoulder. Mr, and Mrs. D. Meerburg and family, of Port Frank, were Sunday visitors with Mr. Jonas Hartleib and Lavada. Mr. A. Birk and family motored to Guelph on Sunday, Miss Anna Tiernan,^ of Guelph, spent a few days, with her parents. • Mr. and Mrs, A. Amy and family, of Crediton, were Sunday visitors with Miss Pearl Kraft and sisters. Mrs. A. Musser, of London, is vis­ iting her daughter Mrs. A. Haugh. Mrs. AVm. Consitt, of Hensall and Jack Smith, of the Parr Line, were visitors at Mr. J. Hartleib’s on Mon­ day. Mr. Keeler, Miss Allemang and Miss A. Hoffman attended the Teach- Goderich last STAFFA The Anniversary Services of the United Church on Sunday last at­ tracted large congregations both morning and rostrum was with flowers. Church, Rev. R. M. Stewart, B.A., B. D: preached at both services and delivered two very tine and inspiring sermons. Special music was rendered by the choir under the leadershij) of Mrs. Wilson. In the morning Miss Norma Wilson sang a beautiful solo which was much appreciated. In the even­ ing a quartette composed of Mrs. F. Bruce, Mrs. (Rev.) Sitewart, Messsrs. F. Allen and F, Stay was much en­ joyed. 'On Tuesday evening a hot fowl supper was served'. A program giv- ‘ ------ ‘ A. T: C: Mrs. Menzier, Fullarton and Mrs. of .Sebringville was well re- teen months old; Captain Romqo>s-. No. 20212i3, bull calf; prince Rome^ Ne. 202124, bull calf; Village Hero* No. 202219, bull calf; Halton Pride^ No. 20'2220, bull calf. Aged horse, 4-yeu,rrold driver, iag* rieultural gelding coming two years,,, two sows due end of December, Write for catalogue. Lunch serv-t ed at noon. TERMiS—CASH; 6 months’ credit will be given on furnishing approved, joint notes with 6 per cent, per au-t • num added. « , GEORE HUNTER, Proprietor, R. R. No. 1, Centralia;’ L. E. FRANKLIN, Auctioneer - ..........■ . .1. . . j. : en by Mr. AV. R. Goulding, M: and quartette of Exeter (Rev.) Short, ceived. ’CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF IMPLEMENT^ T4, Hay Township;] ich, on JTOBER 28th, IPS® ew United tractor an# meats. AVatch for full ext week. Oscar.Klopjfc fabm stock anj at Lot 21, miles w TUESDAY including a tractor imp particulars proprietor. KHIVA deepest sympathy of this Mrs. G. Neeb in the late AUCTION SALE i Mr. Stephen Powell of town is to be congratulated on celebrating his 80th birthday on Friday of last week., Mr. Powell was born on the 10th Concession of London Town­ ship and was the eldest of a family of thirteen. John, of Berkely, Cal.; Ernest, of Island Lake, Watson, of Casper, Wy., surviving brothers. In Powell was married to beth Willis, of Ashfield, 1903 and since that time Mr. Powell has been living with ltis son Mr. J. W. Powell, of town. In addition to the latter, one son John Howard Powell resides at Hazelmore, Sask, Mr. Powell is enjoying excellent health for a man of his years. Wis. and are the only 1877 Mr. Miss Eliza- who died in KIRKTON has sis- the the an- Mr. Wm. Dawson, of Niagara Falls called on friends here the past week. Mrs. Levi Leslie, of St. Marys returned home after visiting her ter, ♦Mrs. Walter Hazelwood. There was no service in United church on Sunday giving people a chance to attend the niversary services held at Mt. Pleas­ ant .and Woodham. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the funeral on Friday of the late Arthur Doupe, of Exeter. Quite a number from this district are attending the Provincial Plow­ ing match this week near Stratford. WOODHAM ers’ Convention in week. Inspector Beacom, visited oui1 school on Mr, P. Mclsaqe is friends in Windsor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wein (spent Monday in Toronto. Mrs. M. Neeb who sepnt the past week in Pontiac returned home on Tuesday. Her son Roy accoiqpanied her home and wil spend a few days in this vicinity. 'Mrs. Lempke, of Mich., is visiting her brother Mr. Hy. Srlrroeder. The Women’s Mission and Aid So­ ciety of the Evangelical church held tlieir annual business meeting at the church la'st Wednesday afternoon. The various reports given indicate a year of successful work, ficers elected were: G. Wildfong; Vice-Pres., Tieman; Sec’y., Mr.s. R. H. ‘Taylor; Ladies’ Aid Treas., Mrs. A. Oestrich- er; Missionary Treas., Mrs. A. W. Sauer; Cor. Sec’y., Mrs. R. A. Goetz; pianist, Mrs. E. Gaiser. of Goderich, Tuesday. visiting with The of- President, Mrs. Mrs. D. CENTRALIA specialise Elliot, and A ize ssn Good Repairing, ihe Home of the Ford. .hs. Chas. Mason and We /Sandy Mr. family, of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred, day. Mr. and Mrs. little daughter, .week-end with the former’s parents ffrr.! and Mrs. E. A. Abbott. Miss Alma Rogers, of Kirkton, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Godbolt. Mr. Chas, olsaac is ^visiting with his sister, Mrs. Alvin Essery. Mr. M. Sleaman has purchased a new Buick sedan. Don’t forget the Hot Fowl Supper pn Wednesday, October 22nd. .Sup­ per will be served in the .church shed. The ladies of the Woman’s Association are holding a bazaar in connection with the fowl The autograph quilt which Sleamon has made will be auction. The monthly meeting of Penwarden on Sun- Laverne Abbott and of Detroit, spent the supper, Mrs. J. sold by The community is extended to McDonald (nee) Miss Erma the loss of her husband, Gordon McDonald. Miss’ M1. Knight teachers’ convention last Thursday aiid Friday. The stork visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Tilly last Monday leaving baby girl. The first meeting of the Young Peoples’ Society basement of the October 7th at 8 business of the dealt with Miss venor of the devotional committee took the chair and1 ,a very imspiring programme was rendered by Various members of the society. attended the in Goderich a fine in. thewas held church on Tuesday o’clock. After the evening had been Flossie Davey con- SHIPKA this the Mns. with Mrs. and Parkhill visited on home- of Mrs. Th os Matt. Sweitzer visit­ friends at Thedford. S. Greenlee -.and Cal- — of — FARM STOCK IMPLEMENTS ANfir- HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Mr. George Elliott has received in­ structions from William M. Doig tty sell at public auction on LOT 14, CON. 2, L.R.S., TUCKER-r SMITH quarter east of KippexS mile south on OCTOBER 25th| 103® at 1.30 o’clock pan. • matched tSam o£ bib th of sblendiit ownedo Filly, wo, 2- One- d one a mile and a and one half SATURDAY, (Mares, bred, a have ever res an# Oxford’ even-foot rly new;' rly new; , nearly low; two Her; one Ing mill;' a large nnmer- Misses V. Moore and Edith Bal) are visiting friends in Kitchener week. Mt. and Mrs. Geo. Sheppard Miss Oliver, of Sunday at Keys. Mr. and ed Sunday Mr. and vin, .of Brinsley, called on friends here on Sunday. Miss Irene Webb of Grand Bend, visited over the week-end with Miss1 Jean McKenzie. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the anniversary 'services at Green­ way on Sunday. There will be service in the Un­ ited church as usual on Sunday. S. S. .at 10 a.m. and service at 11 a.m. Rev. Mr. Haglestein in charge. , Miss Evelyn Sweitzer visited over ■the week-end at the home of Mr. D. Sheppard of Corbett. Rev D. W. and Mrs. Williams, of Mt. “ " Mrs. NOTICE rsons assessed u .’ Creek ho wish Bridges, visited . with Mr. and Fred Sharpe on Friday. regist- Plate orthorn- ,(131- ■egister- Lassie ot; one orthorn. ) with; old cow year-old? ne baby ree year- HORSEIS—-One Percheron Brood which have been team the finest I One three-year-old Percliero exceptionally high quality, year-old Percheron Gelding year-old Percheron Filly £ spring colt. CATTLE—One two-year-ol ered Shorthorn stock bu! (195075); one registered s ■cow Mary Queen of Scot/ 290) with calf at foot; one ed shorthorn cow (Seafort 6t|i (194799) with calf at ■ /registered three-year-old j lieifei\ Evangeline (22 457 calf a foot; one five-yeai with ca at’ foot; one thre heifer w>fh calf at foot; beef steer\phoice quality; t ling steers/ SHEEP , lambs and ram. IMPLEMENTS Massey Harris^ binder, ___ six foot M. H.Vnower, ne one International hay ral new; one seed dfrill; one sets of harrows; wagon; hay rack, Vise, fam pulper, one cuttin number of other articles to ous to mention. TERMS OF SALE) ten dollars and undd Six months credit wilAbe all sums over ten dollar^by ing approved joint banktb. Discount at the rate -of 6^ >. per annum or 3 per cent, straight ok all credit accounts will be allowed: for cash. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Auctioneer AVILLIAM M. DOIG, L.L.B. PropriettH? hirty-eight - * registere is land r box an One ne id sums of to (be cash. jiven on i furnish- e notes, er cent. er the Wil- North Branch All dfong nVmicipal draii of Drain, in cash 20th, : amounts debentures’^/^.. F. He of Hay. AVest’ Branch o pay assessment ■on«or before Oct. fter |hat date all Lnp/Id will be included in Treas. Twp. 10-9-2tc SALE AUCTION SALE .!the AV. M. S. was held in the basement of the church on Tuesday, October 7, with Mrs. Thompson and group lead­ ing. The meeting was opened with singing of a hymn, after which Mrs. Brooks led in prayer. Scripture less­ on was read by Mrs. j. Essery Papers were read by Mrs. G. Hicks, Mrs. Conner', Mrs. Thompson. Hymn Mrs. H. Powe took the next chapter of the Study Book. The meeting was closed with singing Doxology. Mrs. Thompson closed the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. John Odgen visited on Sunday in London'with the mer’s brother Jas. Odgen. AUCTION 21 — of — HOUSE & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS- The undersigned^ has been in­ structed to sell by l^iblic Auction ow Andrew Street, Exeter Property of the l<te Mrs. Vinetta HEAD OF PUftE BRED DUAL­ PURPOSE ___ __ ____.... Herd Fuly Accredited for Three IHORTHORNS ANNIVERSARY Successful anniversary services were held in the Woodham United church on Sunday When Rev. A. E. Lloyd, of Granton, preached in the morning and Rev..A. Doane, of Mit­ chell, in the evening. The. Granton Male Quartette supplied the music for the morning service and "Wood­ ham choir in the evening. Miss M. Wynn presided at the organ. The Qranton Quartette were at Silvam ■fbr tlip afternoon and evening. The undersigned ljas been instruct­ ed to sell by LOT 4, CONC for- SATURDAY, OCTOBER tStb. •at 2 o’clock sh HOUSEHOLD room suite includ buffet and china: ation book case piano, 2 wicker rocker, 2 'dresser] double beds, 2 cOi 2' Bru stair carpet, sevei mantle \plock, 3 chen cabinet, kite ing floui roasting t>ans, stove, alm t new;, en, wash t\b, clot poles and' REAL ESTATE lot being lot room house with b water, furnace, conveniences in&u and sleeping por^ifalso garage. TERMS OF SA -Household Ef­ fects—Cash. Ternfflgof Real Estate announced on day of sale. MRS. V. MOLLARD ESTATE 1, FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer and su iblic Auction at SSION 4, UiSBORNE - on — CTOBEll 28th 1030 sharp the following: ire No. 176775, Dam 0 lb. milk-in* 30'5 day tl p the following FFECTS—/Dining: lg table, 6 chairs,. abi.net; combina— nd writing desk,, .rockers, leather single bed, tw® modes, single cotp. 9 linoleum 'rugs, 1 small rugs; one? tclien chairs, kit- en table, inClud- ar bins; dishes,, small kitchen­ oil stove and ev­ es rack, curtails,' icles. Brick house ano. ndrew Street; g th, hot and cold' and all modem ng sun parlour TUESDAY, at 1.00 o’cloc Romea herd record is 100 test;\May Bic >som, No. 164843, calf at f(\ot, recoi 1 6998 lb., 4:46 test; "" Gem, No. 2096i30, record of 607 lb 39 6 day test, due to ec. St r 3ord I days, t^st 4.2 ), bred .September 23, 1930; old, du Gem, N to calve 234179, Dec. 21 241451, 20 4, heifer; W 832, calf; L calf; Duchess Gem, No. 241452, heifer; Pearl Girl, No. 24470 4, calf; Mary Gem, No. 244834, calf; Roan Bracelet, No. 2448.33, calf; Prince Albert, No. 200837, bull calf eigh- HA on Good Repairing, e Home of the Ford. LEY .nmiilu—.11 I .......................... The Times-Advocate WHALEN Times-Advocate Times-Advt/cate Times-Advocate $2.00 per year; to United States $2.50. yr. and The Toronto Globe and The Toronto Mail and Empire Mr. and Mrs., Hilton Odgen We specializ Sandy Elliot, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love, Morley and Glenn and Mr. and Mrs. John Love visited on Thursday wj-th Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Love at Mt’. Brydges. Mrs, John Patterson and Miss Jane Cunningham, of Uderton, visit­ ed the former’s aunt, Mrs. James B. Hodgins on Friday. IVe extend our sincerest sympathy to'the relations and friends of the late Mrs, Peter Murray. ■Miss O. R. Corbett attended the teacher’s Convention pi Goderich this week. The very sudden death of Mrs. P. Murray occured on Friday morning, October 10th. Mrs. Murray retired on Thursday night in her usual health and was found- by her daughter about 8 a. m. Friday morn­ ing. Death had come during the n;ght. Her husband predeceased in April 1929; also one daughter in Sotpember 1929. Mrs. Murray was a friends to all and will be greatly missed in this community. She leav­ es to mourn her loss, one daugther, Mrs. Wm. Hodgins of the 21st Con. of Stephen wjth whom she made her homo and two sons, Robert, of Cor­ bett and Hector, of Detroit also one brother, Mr. E. Ireland, of Grand Bend. Interment was made in Grand Bend cemetery on Sunday,, Rev. S., J. Mathers conducted the service* which was largely attended. Beau Dam calve 840, f 39 6 day test, due to i.;. Pearl Victor, 200- 315 lb. milk for’305 Mr. and Mrs.Hilton Odgen and children, Bjlly and Jean spent Sun­ day in London with their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Odgen. WHALEN AV. M- $. The October meeting of the AVhal- en ’W. M. S. was held on Thursday afternoon in the church. Mrs. John Hazelwood, 1st vice-president Was in the chair. After the opening ex­ ercises, Mrs. A. Gunning and Mrs. J. Hodgson lead in prayer. The bible lesson, Matthew 5th charpter 38-84, was lead by Miss Bessie Mor- Mrs. Will Hodgson read the leaflet entitled "Our The suggestive program Facing the Modern Papers on this were read m, No. 234176, 2-year- lve Nov. 13th; Mabel L7'5, two-year-old, due .3 th; .Bessie Gem, No. sar-old, due to calve auty Gem 2nd, No. Downie Gem, 243- rbena. Girl, No. 244- Bud, No. 24’4 831, Gem, No. 241452, ora G to c 23 $6.75 $6.75 §6.75 $6.75 $6.75 $3.25 $3.00 $3.00 $2.95 $5.50 $4.75 §3.90 $4.65 $3.75 $3.50 renewal $4.25; now $3.85 §3.75 $6.75 The The The Times-Advocate and The Toronto Daily Star The Times-Advocate The Times-Advocate The Times-Advocate The Times-Advocate The The The The The .......................... - - - The Times-Advocate and The Canadian Homes and Gardens Tim Times-Advocate and I_Y \ ““ J The Times-Advocate & Montreal Witness, renewal $3.85; The Times-Advocate and World Wide .... r'”’™1 , The Times-Advocate and Youth’s Companion ............ The Times-Advocate and The Toronto Star Weekly ......... Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate and The London Free Press and and and and and and The Saturday Night and and The Loudon Advertiser ................. The Farmers* Sun ........................... The Farmers’ Advocate ................*, The Family Herald & Weekly Star The Canadian Countryman .......... The Saturday Evening Post The New Outlook ,..... . McLean’s Magazine new CIAimiNG RATES WITH OTHER PERIODICALS 3IAY BE ON APPWCATfON » HAP ■kMinMucr gg" ley. devotional Father.” was "Japan World.” by leader, Mrs. George Arksey, 1st speaker Mrs. E. Squire, 2nd Miss Ruth Morley, 3rd Mrs Hilton Ogden 4th Miss Elsie Gunning. Rev. Mr. Robb favored us with a lovely solo "I Want to See Jesus, Don’t You?” which was much enjoyed by all. An interesting reading "Moving the Fence Further Out” was read by Mrs. George Squire. A hymn was sung and prayer by Rev, Mr. Robb closed the meeting. , Could Soaroely Co housework Was So W®a& M Rus few Mrs. Edward A. Allen, Bezansou, Alta., writes: — •‘I would like to tell you of the great benefit I have* received from your Milburn’s Heart and Nerve Pills. “I was feeling very much run down in health, and was so weak I could scarcely do my housework, in fact, I would have to lie down in thoWtcrnoon for an hour or so. I Saw your Fills in the drug store and took a box home with me, and I was delighted with my renewed strength, I have recommended them to a. neighbor and feel sure they will help her too.” bold at all drug and goMral stores, or made 1 direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Ltd- Toronto, Ont.