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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-10-16, Page 2
$ THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATEWaWDAYi OCTOBER 16, 1030 , J. RELBRIDGE Exeter, Ont, Send me further particulars of the Low Cost Confederation Series' Policies, as issued by the Confederation Life Association. . Snail This Coupon Address. Occupation. %*■ * a a a Name. widow did not believe J sign myself, Thankfully yours, . , Mrs.--------------- - e have recently issued a new series of Low Cost icies, With Total Disability and Double Indemnity , Accident Benefits, and participating in profits. They are i most economical form of life insurance policies, iftite for particulars concerning-them. Use the coupon fdr convenience. .Age. ™s claims could be paid so prompt ly/but promptitude in paying claims is the Confederation g r Life’s way Wljen death occurs, it often happens that ready mom atioi the is most necessary. Realizing this, the Confeder- Life Association hastens to pay death claims, as blowing letter indicates: 'Confederation Life Association, Toronto, Ontario. 3 Dear Sirs: > Referring to the settlement of my husband’s S insurance, wli'en. -your Agent brought the papers to me for my signature, I signed them, of course. ■<J • Judge of xp.y surprise when he delivered the cheque, S I exclaimed that- I did not believe it was possible to get my husband’s insurance paid over to me so quickly and all without a single hitch of any kind at- all. If women,knew how easy settlements are made by insurance companies, particularly the Confed eration Life Association, we would, I am sure, give to our bread winners full co-operation, and advise them to carry more insurance than they are now doing. 50 YEARS AGO It is said 4hat the streets df ^Ex eter will soon be Jit with lamps, ’ On Saturday last Brier aiid Balk will shipped 80 splendid steers, 4 carloads, to Jones & Johnson, of Montreal, and Mr. T, Coates shipped one carload. On Tuesday last, while a couple of men in Verity’s foundry were work ing at some belts on the second flooi* a large sledge weighing fifteen pounds, fell through an opening in the floor near by, striking Mr. Frank Sanders, who was working there on the back and knocking him down, On Friday last fair, Bissett Bros,, met with a heavy loss in the death of a handsome chestnut mare, one -f a matched team which were known for their beauty in all the country round. They had been hired by soap peddlers -to go to the fair, galloping around the ring at the fair they came in contact with some wire and apparently did not notice it. One of the horses took a somersault and broke one of its legs and the poor beast had to be shot. • Mr. Parsons, of Credjton, went to Manitoba last week partly on busi ness. He took with him a. car load of butter. He will be away a couple of months. On M'onday evening last a« Mr. Wm. Doupe, of the 4th Line Blan- shard, was returning home in com pany with his wife from the tea meeting at Cooper’s church on the Base Line, the tached from the forty rods from pulled the horse in order to stop him and tlie sudden movement threw them both out on the road. Mrs. Doup.e’s temple struck the haTd road and she was killed instantly and Mr. Doupe was badly hurt. Holman-McCnrdy, at the residence of the bride’s father, on October 6th by the Rev. C. Fletcher, Mr. G. W. Holman, to Miss Jennie McCurdy, daughter of Mr. Archie McCurdy, all of Usborne. Baker-uSnell, at the residence of. the bride’s father, on the 19th inst, by the Rev. J. W. Butcher, Mr. John K. Baker, of Grey township, to Bei lina Ann, eldest daughter of M'r, Jas. ■Snell, of the township of Stepjien. at the Kirkton of Exeter livery, In I Toronto s e shaft became de buggy when about home. Mr. Doupe towards the fence 25 YEARS AGO Mr. Czar Rollins who has been en gaged 'on one of the large Detroit daily papers as photographer ‘is now . 1 D Association The season for wet, slippery pavements is here and demands that special care be exercised by all drivers of motor vehicles. . DRIVE CAREFULLY ♦ ♦ ♦ and read carefully every word of this ■ advertisement 5HE Highway Safety Committee has “been urging.motorists during the year *” to exercise CARE,. COURTESY and COMMON SENSE in the operation of their ^vehicles. The Committee appreciates • the whole-hearted support its efforts have received from every source. We have had the best of co-operation from the Advisory t Committee, which is composed of some of ’lithe'leading citizens of the Province, from fie* press, from motorists and from pedes- ans and, aS a,result, driving conditions ' niye improved. Let. us continue to.be trifle conscious and at all times CARE-, and COURTEOUS wheii driving. • S%ere penalties are provid- in our motor ^vehicle la\|s for those who are care- les| or inconsiderate of the rights of other user’s of the fghway 4 READ CAREFULLY Driving without holding a chauffeur’s or operator’s license. Reckless or negligent driving or ex ceeding the allowable speed limits if any injury to persons or property occurs. Driving, or, being in charge of a motor vehicle, while intoxicated, or any other criminal offence involving the use of a motor vehicle. Evading responsibility following an accident. Operating a motor vehicle in a race or on a bet or wager. Chauffeurs, operators and owners of motor vehicles are warped that the provisions of this law must be applied in every case. ACCIDENT REPORTING The law now requires every person directly or indirectly involved in a motor vehicle accident, if the accident results in any personal injuries or property damage apparently exceeding -fifty dollars, to report such accident to the nearest police officer. A penalty is provided for failure to sd report. Remember your Personal Responsi- The Financial Responsibility Law which became effective on September 1st provides that the driver’s license and all motor vehicle permits of a person convicted of any one of the following offences shall be suspended until proof of financial respon-* sibility in the form of a certificate of an insurance company, a bond or securities • bility whenever driving a motor vehicle is filed with the Registrar of Motor or you may be required to prove your Vehicles. Financial Responsibility. Highway Safety Committee The HON. GEO. S. HENRY, Chairman Secure a copy of the Highway Traffic Act. Writer-Motor Vehicles Branch, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. 13W3 filling a similar position on a large Cleveland dally, Mr, Milton McTaggart, o'f London Road north, Sunday received a kick in the knee from a horse, of the horse shoe and an unpleasant suit. Constable Wes. wearing a cap of for policeman, blue of colour, cap Is the gift of councillor Muir. Mr, Thomas Snell while leading Mr, E. W. ‘Home’s horse on Monday lasF'feustained painful injuries the horse becoming frightened at a bark ing dog and jumping sideways struck Mr, Snell and threw him on a large stone bruising his hip and knee badly. The home of Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Hodgins, of the 3rd Con. of Biddulph was the scene of a very pleasant evening’s enjoyment on Friday last, the occasion being the gathering of a large number of their friends to pay their respects to the family prior to their leaving for the North west. During the course of the evening Miss Ethel McLeod read an address and a presentation to Mr. Hodgins. of a silver watch, gold chain, gold cuff buttons was given; to Mrs. Hodgins a gold watch and pin and to their son Garnet, a shav ing outfit. Mrs. Emma iSander.s and little son Eddie, who have been on a visit with friends here and in Zurich for some time left Tuesday fox' their homes in Grand Rapids. Mt. and Mrs. Joseph Rollins, of Crystal City, after a few week’s vis it in Detroit have returned to town and intend visiting here for a short time before returning home. ATTENTION JUNIOR FAR3IERS The cork entered the flesh wound is the re- Bissett is now the latest 'design The 15 YEARS AGO Mr. F. Begg’s butcher shop was opened for business on Friday last and he is said to be getting a fair share of the business. Mr. AV. J. Murray on Monday com menced a. term on the road with F. Bowser & Co., -of Toronto. The firm .of Kestle, Rowe & Wood that some months ago purchased the produce and coal business from W. H. Levett this week disposed of the same to one member of the firm, Mr. Harry Rowe. Roy White, son of Mr. Win. White London Road North was painfully in jured on M'onday last' while assisting in moving a threshing separator. It appears the team was drawing on a. rope and Roy’s left hand was drawn into a pulley with the result that a part of the index finger was torn off and the other three fingers badly crushed. Mr. R. Quinton, -of Centralia, lias purchased the residence on North Street from Mr. M. 1\I. Doyle. The Trustees of Winclielsea .school have converted the school into two rooms. They are also putting- in a furnace. Fifth class work is now being taught in the school. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Penhale, arriv ed home last week from the - West where they visited the Panama Ex position and the coast and central cities of Canada for several months. GRAND BEND SCHOOL REPORT ■standing of Grand Bend Green 89, 8-3, 79, The following is the the pupils in room two, for September. Fifth Class—Beatrice Anna Taylor 8.5, Janet Turnbull Mary Patterson 80,Lillian’ Webb E. Turn bull 79, Reta Pfaff 75. St. IV, total of 500—May Patter son "446, Fay Hamilton 435, Erwin Holt 42 8, R. Desjardine 445. /Jr. IV, total 4.5 0—-Iree' Ravelle 397, Bruce Ireland 383, Phyllis Gill 329, .Stanley Gill 309, Melvin Pea.riso 317, Can-man Lovie 268, Wal'd Pfaff 263. iSr. IH. total 45 0—--Helen Walper 384, Joyce Pfaff 335, Helen Green 30 6, Orville Mallard 290, Percy At kinson 25 4. •Jr. IIJ, total Willis Gill 320, Jack: Holt 299, Ever- ott Desjardine 45 0—-Iva Lovie 416, 282. Teacher, J. Kelso. ?. Mous- 76, Alan Burton REPORT OF ROOM 1, GRAND BEND Sr. 11—-Freda Lovie 81, Ell seau 7 8, Dickie Hamilton Walper 69, Alvin Stattan 60, Green 60. Jr. II—Irene Perlso 95, Turnbull 93, Estella Oldaker First Class'—.Graham Mason 95, Jean Grieve 89, Carleton Ma note 88, Carrie Gratton 86, Maurice Tioder- Donald S3. E. M. Taylor, teacher man 82, Emerson Desjardine 6S. Pr B.-x_Car man Ireland 72,Winni- freid Tiederman 54. Pi-A.,-—Shirley Manor©.Eloise Gill,Henri” Tiederman. • The pupils of the Grand Bend School made an excellent showing at the School Fair held at Grand Bend on September 25th. The laurels were carried off with first in chorus singing, Room I; first in public speaking, Fay Hamilton; first in spelling contest, May Patterson; first in weed naming contest, May Patter son; first in poultry judging, Mary Fatter son, in the special awards, Alan Walper won the cup donated by Mr. Edcleston for the best pair of bacon hogs, Ileen Webb carried oft the silver cup donated' by Crediton Branch ot the Bank ot Commerce for best beef calf. JUNIOR FARMER’S TRIP TO ROYAL WINTER- FAIR JW Exeter aJiuirfi-AiRHiratt Established 1873 and 1887 NOV. lHth to $2nd, 1030, The trips of the 500 Junior Farm ers to the Royal Winter Fair during the past thfee years have created a great deal of interest in all parte ■of the province and as a result the Ontario Department of Agriculture is again offering' this trip to ten boys from each County in Ontario. Contestants for this splendid, trip must comply with t'he following reg ulations: (1) They must take part in judging competition conducted each County during the October, (2) Contestants must or farmer’s sons between 16 and 20 inclusive on November 1st, 1930, (3) Contestants must judge five classes of live stock, one class of poultry, and five classes of crops, such as grain, small seeds, potatoes and roots. (4) To be eligible foir the compe tition, contestants must first submit a cost record pertaining to the cost of producing some farm product or performing some farm operation. This -statement may be quite element ary must be complied with before eligible for a trip to the Royal. The ten high boys who are within the age limits and who have com plied with .regulation Number 4, will be the winners of a free trip to the Royal Winter Fair. For these boys the Department will provide free ot charge: (1) Railway fare from‘home ion to Toronto and return. (2) Meals, and lodging for nights ‘ ~ (3) of the yards, commerial concerns as well -as study of the Royal Winter Fair. The competition to decide Royal Trip winners from Huron County is to be held in Clinton on Wednesday, October 22nd, and contestants must register at the Agricultural Office before 9.00 a.m. Cost record forms must be submitted at time of regis tration. Bulletin No. 338 "Hints on Judging” contains valuable informa tion on the judging of all live stock and crop products and may be secur ed on apnlication to the Agricultural Office, Clinton. For any further information ap ply to the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Clinton. Published every Thursijay mQFJBlBg^ at Exeter, Ontario subscription—per ms w advance. month a in of be, farmers the ages of stat- four in Toronto. A program to include a city and visits to the stock abattoirs, factories, and other a ZURICH tour Ducharme has return visiting a week in De- RATES—Farm or Real Estate sale 50c. each Insertion foy four insertions. 25c. each snbas* quent Insertion. Miscellaneous *;> ticles, To Rpqt, Wanted, LosV#< Found 10c, per line of six wortKp *' 10c, per IRpKf 50 c, Legal 8c. per line. one versa each. Reading notices Card of Thanks vertising 12 and Memoriam, with extra verses 25 c. Member of The Canadian Weeklg Newspaper Association. oan, Investments Mad«<< Professional Ca GLADMAN & ST4NBURY, Safe-Depo Cite EXETER BARRISTERS, SOI/CITOBS, Money to ult for use of otsife' tsXrithoiit charge LONDON HENfALK ,--------------—- ■■ CARLING & MOE Y BARRISTER LOANS.^INVE Office: Carlfti , SOLI ?ORS, Jtak MENTS, Block, Main Street^ EXETER, ONT. At Lucan Monday and Thursday rr- Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D?S.,D.D.Sl DENTAL SURGEON Office o osite n^v Post Office in Star Exeter Telephone's J' House Office $Io/5d every Wednesday (all further notice. Office 34 day) uni ___ Dr. G. F. Roqjston, L.X^5.,D.DJJ«. NTIS Office overbearing & Morley It, ONT. Dr. D. A.ANDERSO Miss Eleanor ed home after tr’oit. Mr. Gerald spent the week-end under the par ental roof. p Mr, Oliver Johnson, of.Goderich, visited with his brother Mr. Tliopias Johnson on Suriday. Messrs. Chas. Hagen and Geo. K. Farwell spent Sunday in Wqtford. Miss Susanna Smith returned them after spending .a week at place. Mrs. R. McAllister lias boen fined to her home with an attack of appendicitis. A happy wedding was solemnized at the St. Boniface, R. C. Church, re cently when Miss Dorothy W. Zettel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zet tel, of Zurich became the bride of Mt. Louis A. Hartman, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hartman of the Gosh en Line, south. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gascho, of Detroit, visited on .Sunday with the former's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gallman, Sr. Mr. Sam. Schoch, Mr. and Mrs. W. Truemner of the 14th Concession and Miss Ada Brill visited in Kit chener and Preston the past week. Mr. Harold Klopp, of Detroit, vis ited at his home over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Papineau have moved back from Detroit to their farm on the Blue 'Water Highway, where they expect to remain for the winter months. Mr. and Mrs, Dan H. Steinbach, of Holly, Mich., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade. Bedard, of Toronto, V •J’hpne:, former! has located at London, wher D TIST fgtcalf .4^90 of Exe 05 Wjfftley Road,, ill practice with that con- THE LATE MRS. ALDFIELD An old and highly esteemed dent of Tuckorsmith Township pass ed away at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. John Pethick, in the person of Mrs. John Oldfield. Mrs. Old field was born in Whitby 74 years ago and as a young girl she moved with her parents to Jlibbert Town ship. After her marriage 42 years ago they moved to Tuckersmith. Her husband ago but and one DEATH resi- predeceased her a few years she is survived by on daughter. OF MRS. T. SMALL son The death occurred,at her home in Seaforth of Mrs. Thos. Smale in her 70th year after several months ill ness. Deceased was born in Hib bert Township and spent the great er part of her life there. Forty-nine years ago she was united in marriage and resided on the farm until eleven years ago, when the family moved to Seaforth, where she resided until her death. Besides h;cr husband she is survived by a family of three daugh ters ad five sons. The funeral was held from her late home with in terment In Statfa cemetery. uPR^E^.S,, SJEINER#' VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of tlidf Ontario bterfnerj? gillege D N EXE DAY CALLS PROM Corner of M Office in CHIROPItACTl|V OS ELECTRO-TL-______ VIOLET tfREACMENTS ;apy LYATTENDED TG d Ann Streets r. Snell'B Block ER, ONT. JOHN WARD ATM I MAIN ST.,EXETRJBT ARTHUR WEBER y LICENSED AUCTIONEJ$t For Huron add MM< FARM SALES/A SPi PRICES R SATISFACTIO Phone B. It. NO >NE$R l<R#«er ^IALTY [ABLE ARANTEED Dashwood DASHWOOD ■ - - - FRANK TAYLO LICENSED AUCTI For Hu FARM S Brices Reas on and EXETE and Satisfactfceife ... ranteed P. O. or RING (Idleecx prevailing gpyfces Satisfaction en sured, wri Oscar Klopp, ZurikSt, or phone 1S-93, Zurich, Ont/' - ... .. OSCAR KLOPR . AUCTI late LICENSE^ Honor Graiwa tion School, /Sr in Registered? Live Merchandise * " Sales, Etc, Jones’ Att®- course take* ock (all breeds# Estate, Faws® Rgffes In keeping wftlfc CONSULTING chibahS. W. O.L.S., R gineer a Member Canada, GINEER B.A.Sc., (TarJ„ Professional Surveyor. Associate irifag Institute of pe, Seaforth, Ontario. Have you renewed* your subscript tion to the Exeter Times-Ad yj/mAte..