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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-10-02, Page 5
f Stenographic, Service, Commerci; a high standard of CREDITON fnency. Sch that has made it possible id hold positions' demandng lommerci Teacher; canno THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2ml, st CLINTON, ONTABI Offers you a Practical Business Trainli for our scores of students to obtain ss Secretarial, General Office, Civil Jourse and Special Courses arranged, ttend a better School. NOT ATTEND THIS? pens on September 2nd, 1930 For particulars write A- Stone, • Ii. F. Ward, B-A. Com, Specialist, Vice-Prin., Principal / Phone 198Z ...—.... -.. ..... !<i CHAIN RED & WHITE STORES The Grediton School Fair for 1930 took place on Monday -of this week. In spite of the cool weather, there was a good crowd to see the per formances and exercises put on by the children of the different schools. The school parade was- a beautiful sight. Each school carried a ban ner denoting its number and the children were dressed in gay cos tumes. They marched up the street to the corner and then returned to the grounds where they gave exhib itions of the Strathcona Exercises. The showing' of live-stock was not as large as other years but the quality was of a high standard and kept the judges -busy making their decision. There was a good show ing of poultry. A freak duck with four legs was shown. There were quite a number of pets also which where the centre of attraction. The exhibits of domestis science, writing, art and map drawing were very good and showed the skill of the pupils in preparing their work. Several races were run off which prqyed quite interesting. The Trustees race, was a liot one and several broke the speed record. At night a concert' was given'in the Town Hall under the auspices of the Women’s Institute. H. K. 'Either acted as chairman. Moving pictures were shown first, after which special numbers were given by pupils of the different schools. The following took part in the Pub lic Speaking Contest: Norman Kink- beiner, spoke on “Aerial Naviga tion’’; Roy Lovie on “My Travels Through India”; “Country Life on the Farm”; guerite Guettinger, “Jean Blewett1 Alwinna Hill, “Florence gale”; Elva Wuertli, Land of Progress,” awarded the first Wuertli, the second to Norman Fink- heiner and the third to Marguerite Guettinger. The spelling ‘match, which was in charge of Inspector Beacom, was qu’ite interesting and for a time, the children were spelling the words correctly but as. time went on, one dropped out one after an other until Helen Hill of the C'redi- ton School was declared the winner. Karl Kuhn the only one to play the harmonica was heartily applauded. Instrumentals were given by Helen Telfer and Stanley Smith, a recita tion by Reta Ratz and a solo by Eugene Beaver who is _always sure of a hearty encore. The distribution of the special prizes took place just before the close of the 'entertain ment. Mr. Tejfer, on behalf of the local branch of The Canadian Bank of -Commerce, presented Miss Mil dred Hicks with a cup for having the best calf; Miss Mildred E. Elliot was presented with the cup donated by the T. Eaton Co., Ltd., for obtain ing the highest number of points at the fair and Miss Carrie Faliner the book “ Flint and Feathers” by E. Pauline Johnston for second prize. The list of prize winners is given in another part of this week’s issue. Mrs. McLean and daughter, of Wihgbam, visited with her sister, Mrs. Teller last week. Beginning will next Sunday the Evangelical evening services go back to the autumn and winter time: 7 o’clock. M'r. J. B.rophey, Greenway, has started work at sinking the rock well at the skating rink. It is hop ed that he will be successful in ob taining a good supply of water. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sambrook. of Ont., called on friends in It' is quite' a num- Sam brook and his see him. the Unit- FRANKFORD PEAS Np, 4’s 3 for 25c. P, & G. SOAP 10 for 37c. 0 lux^Ap ' 20c. OLD DUTC; CLEANSEF 11c. a tii BIG FIVE CLEANSER ., Clark’s PORK & BEANS CARNATION MILK Large tins 2 for 25c, 6 ,. Per tin 5c. HAWyS LEMON OIL . sera/us BROOMS ... 12 oz. bottle 19c. DR. J. A. McTA Specializing ART, L. D. S, ’ Plate Work ^jatelepkone IK) , ONT. Main Street HENSALL Mickle spent' visiting with Pope. . Hawest Home Services were held 4n St. Paul’s Anglican church on, Sunday. The church was nicely dec orated with flowers for the occasion. Rev, Geo. W. Moore, of Ailsa Craig, conducted the services, and preached very enthusiastic sermons and spec ial music was given by the choir to the large congregations present'. The Public Library Board held a meeting in the Council Chamber on Friday evening. Mrs; Dr. Peck was selected to take the place on the board caused by the death of the late Mr. .Simmons. The Library Board in tend putting on an entertainment the first week in November and to use the proceeds in purchasing more books for the Library. The Library was. all remodelled this summer and made larger, and the Board hope to add at least 200 new books this fall. CROWN SYRUP, 5 poun^lins.......................... INGERSOLL CREAjJ^CHEESE........................ BpN-AMI CAKEf^R POWDER........................ pEW KIPPE^NES (boned and skined herring chipsqZZ............................................ SCH .. each 49c. . . each 33c. 2 pkgs, for 25c. ...........each 15c. .... per lb. 20c. Large pkg. 21c. “Aerial Naviga- JR’S COUNTRY PORK SAUSAGE FRESH TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS These Prices Good Only Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, October 2nd. 3rd and 4th HARVEY & HARVEY Phone 102 EXETER, ONT “QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE”We Deliver Caven Presbyterian church, Ex eter, will hold a hot Fowl -Supper on Tuesday, October 14th. Mrs. Jas. Vincent spent Monday in London. Mrs. Roy McLaren spent Monday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Monday in London. Miss Irene Pope is Hier mother Mrs. John Mrs. Doherty of London, spent .a •few. days last week with friends. Mr. John Zueflie has improved the appearance of his home by having it nicely painted. Mrs. John Pope has returned home alter a, few weeks’ visit with friends an London. Mr. and Mrs. Beck, of New York, .spent a l’ew days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson. .Reeve Higgins, Councillor and Clerk Patterson made a business trip to Goderich on Tuesday. The many friends of Mr. Geo. Case will be sorry to hear that he is con fined to his room seriously Mr. Lloyd Passmore, who ©rated on for appendicitis.in “forth Hospital has returned Mr. and Mrs. John Dick, of Orillia, spent a few days visiting with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Southern and Mr. Percy Southern, of London, were Sunday visitors in town. Mrs. Eric Kennedy, of Toronto, re cently visited at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Geiger. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer and daughter Mavis spent the week-end /visiting relatives in Rochester, N.Y. A Miss Irene Pope, of Toronto, and -Mirs. Percy'Southern, of London, are "visiting at the home of Mr. John Pope. . The many friends of Mrs.. Richard aSlalchfo-rd will be sorry to learn she is, confined to her room through Illness. . Mr. Ferris Cantelon, who under went an operation for appendicitis .-a few weeks ago is able to resume his duties as principal of the Con tinuation School. The Carmel Presbyteran Church -intend holding a fowl supper in’the basement of the Church on Wednes day, October, Sth, after which a con cert will be given. The ladies of the United church intend holding a fowl supper -- Wednesday, October 22nd. After ■supper a fine program will be given ■by outside talent. Mr. ■ Marry ■day. Harry Toronto University. Miss Mary Stewart, of Seaforth, who has been acting as the principal '.of the Continuation School during q.he absence of Mr. Ferris Cantelon has returned to her home. The Hensail Public School will bold their annual fair on Friday, 'October 3rd. The exhibits will take ;place w the morning and the con tests and games will be in the after moon. *•' Our Coi|cil are repairing and re placing a number of blocks on the -sidewalks this week. On Monday Uhey had a County power grader going over the roads and also intend glutting on quite a lot of gravel, The Young People’s League of the United church held their meeting on Monday evening with a large attend ance, The meeting was in charge of Mr. Ferris Cantelon and Mr. Claud TBlowes and presided over by Mr. F. Uantelon. Rally Day services were held in ’.the Sunday School of the United Church on Sunday last. A children’s -choir of 35 voices rendered the ■music at the morning service. The pastor Rev. Mr. Sinclair preached an inspiring sermon suitable for the mccason. Judge Lewis of Goderich, held a Court of Revision on the Voter’s List Ibero on Monday afternoon, when some 30 names wore added to the '’list and 5 names, were struck off. There is every prospect for an elect ion for both Reeve and Councillors :agaln this year. ■Quite a lot •raused in town •last when the hydro wire had ■jRroot, and caused quite a blaze but •irlid no harm. The fire brigade was -on the scene immediately but soon returned as the hydro Department had the wire spliced. ill. was oli the Sea- liome. and Mrs. C. Cook and son, motored‘to Toronto on Mon- Tliey were accompanied by Joynt. Both boys attend the of exei tin ent was on Friday afternoon fire alarm rang, A burnt out on Albert Mr. and Mrs. E. Sheffer left Tues day morning for Toronto having re ceived the news of the sudden death of their oldest son Norman Sheffer who died suddenly Monday afternoon from a sudden heart attack. He had been doing some electrical work for the Gurney Foundry and he stepped outside to get some air. Some work men found him dead beside the run ning board of a car. A coroner de-- cided that an inquest was not neces sary. Mr. .Sheffer was born in Hen sail where he lived for a number of vears leaving for Toronto later wher he lived for many years being electrician. He was about 50 y of age and besides his bereaved par ents he is survived by his wi brother William, of Toronto : sister Mrs. Dr. Reid, of Por Dr. H. H. Cowen, L. DENIAL SUE At office in Hkrtlei wood, first threeVda/3 at office over t Zurich, last thra DASHWOO d one towen. S., D.D.S. EON Block, Dash- of week and ost Office, Jlays of week. in cider mill will beThe Dashwood running every day except Saturday A. Zimmer, prop. 8-ll-3tp Dashwood Brass Band furnished the music at Thedford Fair on Tues day. Mrs. E. Vallett and Mrs. E. Voel ker of Flint, Mich., and Miss Anna Hess, of Zurich were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman. Mrs. -Stade is visiting with her daughter in Ingersoll. Miss Alice Hoffman and Harry assisted the Janies. Street choir of Exeter in London on Sunday evening Miss Margaret Held is: attending Normal .School in Stratford. Mrs. Sellery, of Seaforth, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wolfe Miss Schaefer, of Detroit, is visit ing with her sister Mrs. Gill. Mr. Jonas Hartlieb, Mrs. Gill and Lavada were Sunday visitors in Kin cardine. Mr. and ing friends Mr, and son, Mrs. and Mr. E. Mrs. L. Morenz in Guelpli. Mrs. R. Nichol, Chas. Eidf. of are visit- of Hick- Ingersoll Motter, of the West were visitors with Mr. J. Harlieb and vail a. Mrs. Gill and sister visited in eter on Tuesday . KHIVA La- ■ The deepest sympathy of this com- • munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. i Glanville in the loss of their infant ' son Lyman Richard, age 7 months ' who passed away on Saturday morn- ing, September 25th. The funeral was held Monday afternoon to Exeter i cemetery. On Friday evening of last week • the school children and their teacher ' Miss Knight gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Schroeder before they leave for their new home at Sharon and presented their classmates with . a little remembrance. The evening . was spent in -contests and games af- i te.r which the following address was i read by Hilda Neeb: i Dear Dorothy, Ila, Norman and Shir ley,— , We, your teacher and classmates have gathered together this evening to bid you farewell and to wish you , joy and happiness in your new school During your sojourn with us you have won the esteem of many friends by your kindly manners. The bgst wishes off your classmates will ac company you in your new school. Your slay among us has been a happy one and we regret that you are leav ing us, but we cannot let you go without first expressing our appre ciation of your friendship. We ask you to accept these smAll tokens of our esteem. Signed on behalf of Hilda Neeb, Joan Willort, Monica Dietrich and classmates. Gertrude Amy, Mar- Night in- “Canada, Our The judges prize to Elva Sil the odor of hot goose made them all anxious to. get in at ©nee, the new system certain lighted Mrs. has been adopted and we are our many friends will be de- and abundantly satisfied, fiam Hedden, of London, ited with relatives a few week. Miss Melinda Edwards, been visiting her parents Mrs. John Edwards, ret days vis- last has and to London last week in time0 to attend the Henery-Brooks. wedding. ELIMVILLE An error was made last the report of the W. M. ,S. Where it stated that James iliary here have sorry in -........I Anthony Ragier, of Zurich, cousin of- the groom was groomsman. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the bride’s home to about fifty guests with a reception held in the evening. Mt. and Mrs. Ragier left by motor for Detroit and other points and on their return will' re side on the groom's farm in Stephen. A number from this neighborhood attended the boxing bouts at Exeter on Saturday evening. Miss Eileen O’Rourke is spending a few days, with friends in Detroit. Miss Marie Regan, of London, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Regan. I L ended and the to the class call- wliose president teacher is Miss banner was pre in behalf of the secretary week meeting S. Aux- would meet with our W. 1VI. S. on October 3rd, this should been October lGtli. We are to have made this mistake and hope all interested will see this correction? Mr. Walter Johns went to Toron to last week where he has a Fellow ship in Victoria College. The best wishes of his friends attend him. .; xjA large number of our young people went to Roy's ‘Church last Sunday evening and supplied the program at an interesting meeting. Mr. and Mrs. John Brock were host and hostess to he Y. P. Society; on Monday night when they had a very enjoyable weiner roast' and so cial evening at their home. Tbs Winchelsea School Fair was held on Wednesday of last week, it was largely attended. The exhibits were good and the parade by the school children was splendid, six schools taking part: Thames Road, Plugtown, Lumley, Eden, Zion and Winchelsea. Mrs. M'ervyn Wilson, of London, who has been confined to her bed for the past month, we are sorry to report still continues 'in a very ious 'condition. of Greenway from Miss Emma build a house in of Sarnia, is visit- Aurora, town last week. her of years since Mr. moved away from here friends were delighted to Anniversary services of ed Church will be held next Sunday, October Sth, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. James Anthony, of Thames Rd. will conduct the services Rev. Mr. I-iagelstein will preach at Thames Road. At the Rally Exercises last Sunday the summer contest banner was awarded ed the Living Links is Helen Teller and Lavina Smith. The seated by the pastor contest committee whose Miss Alma Ratz read the final re sults of the contest which gave the Living Links the lead. Miss Ruby Finkbeiner’s class was not miles behind the winners. The fill Dorcas Class with Mrs. Roy Fink- beiner as president took third place and join in congratulating the vic torious junior girls. The C. I. C. with Mrs. H. IC. Either as teacher ran a splendid race with the Dorcas class but took fourth place. All told, it’ was an excellent Sunday School summer, teachers and officers supported by the effort of Mr. Art Amy, the superintendant. At the Evangelical Fowl Supper next week Thursday evening, Octo ber 9, the Harmonic Male Quartette together with reader and violinist .all from Listowel will give their best ] program. The committee decided that this year’s- prgram will be given. - . .in the auditorium of the church Hogan and the late Mrs. I-logan, of where there is plenty of room 'and ( McGillivray became tho^bride of* Jo- people may comfortably wait till 9|" ' ™ o’clock when the program begins. Tickets for the supper will be num bered and the people may be seat ed in the basement of the church where they can procure their tickets and wait till they are included in thef numbers written on the blackboard, bouquet. I many f ait h- GRAND BEND The real estate still continues change- hands, Mr. J>oe Desjardine having bought the store from Nel son Ravello also the stock' of Emery Desjardine lyho has 'been in business for five years, taking over possession at once. Mr. Wm. Elsie lias- bought three lots from Miss Emma Mollard also M'r, Ed. McPherson, has bought a lot Mcllard and will the near future.' Miss Mary Yeo, ing Mrs. Sol. Pollock for a few clays. Mrs. John Moussou visited in Hen sail last week.. Miss Beatrice Turnbull was rush ed to St. Joseph’s Hospital on Sat urday and was -operated on for ap pendicitis. We all hope for a speedy recovery. Rev. Sinclair, of Hensail,, will next Sunday have charge of bptli services as Rev. S. J. Mathers is tak ing anniversary’work for him. Mr. Jim Danziel, of Pt. Huron, is spending a week’s vacation with Mr. Wm. Patterson. MT. CARMEL A pretty autumn wedding took place at the church of Our Lady at Mt. Carmel on Wednesday, Septem ber 24th at 9 a.m. when Mary Cath erine Hogan,, eldest daughter of J. i seph F. Ragier, son of Mr. and Mrs. ‘John Ragier with Rev. Fr. Corcoran performing the 'ceremony. The jrridb was. given in marriage by her father, tind wore a lovely model gown of white 'bridal satin, her veil was beau tiful with lace and carried an arm ,* - • Her sistor Miss MargaretOn* account "of "the greaf crowd ^of i Hogan was bridesmaid gowned in people who attended last year, where.’bib? silk and wore a black felt there was some discomfort because bnd carried a bouquet of roses. Mrs, M. Gunning and Miss Elsie Gunning returned to. their home on Sunday having spent the past' week with the latter’s sister Mrs. P. Pass- more of he Thames Road. Mrs. Geo. Squires attended the Hunter-Pym nuptials on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Gapes and daughters Florence and Muriel, of Forest, also.Mr. and Mrs. Hazel Per rin, of Granton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hern returned on Thursday from their honeymoon and are now settled in their new home at Woodham. Several from this vicinity attended the W. M. S. South Huron Presbyter- ial meeting held in the United church at Centralia on Friday. At the S. S. Rally Service here 'on Sunday there was also a baptismal service baptizing Beverley, son of Mr. E. Foster; Neil, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Johnson and Ola, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ogden and family visited on Sunday in London With Mr. ano Mrs. 'Jas.. Ogden. ZION ser- ladies attend- to WHALEN spent Wm. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mossip and son Taylor, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster. are erecting line .south .of LOCAL NEWS CENTRALIA Mr. Wilson, of Greenway, the week-end with Mr. and Mr. Connor. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills and daugh ter Marilyn, of Wyoming, spent the week-end at the home of the form er’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Mills. Mr Garfield Neil, of Detroit, spent the week-end at' his home here The Anniversary Services of the Centralia United church will be held on Siuhday, October 5tli. Services at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. A fowl sup- , per will be given on October 22. Mrs. 1 .J Sleam.on is making an autograph quilt which will be sold by auction on the evening of the fowl supper. The proceeds of this quilt are to go to the building fund of the new par sonage. Mr. Wm. J. Smith was confined to his home owing to illness for a few days last week Mr. and Mrs. Miles McCabe spent the week-end at their home in Strath- roy. Mrs. Janies Neil, who has been confined to her home owing to ill ness for the past week is able to be out again. Mrs. Joe Wilson is at present very ill and confined to her bed. Miss Jean Ogden and Mr. Gordon Ballingall, of London, visited on Sun day with the former’s uncle and aunt Mr, and Mrs. Joe Wilson. Mr. Easterbrook visited with niece Mrs. Melville Hern, for a days last week. Mr.and Mrs. John Cann . and and Mrs. Wm Jeffrey and family vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J.ohriston, had their baby christened at the rally services Sunday afternoon.. Mrs. Simon Millar, Qj} Cromarty, visited with her neice, Mrs. "Wilbur Batten on Sunday. Congratulations, to Mir. Garfield Brock, son of Mr, T'hos. Brock, who was married at Granton on Wednes day to Miss Irene Langford. The Rural Hydro about three miles of Winchelsea. A large number of ed the W.M’.S. convention at Con* tralia on Friday last. .Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ford turned Saturday after spending the ' past three months in the West. They are at present visiting with Mrs. C. Box of Stephen.