HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-09-25, Page 8THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1930 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE I A SUSPENDED DRIVING LICENSE* Spoils the finest day—The smooth­ est toad—The peppiest ear. Avoid sueli- disappointment by in-, miring yourself against causing per­ sonal Injury and Damage to Bro* petty,The.Znnual rate is fcOW; the Pro­ tection’ ‘ We dian /> ies. a the Motor Vehic}$ Certificate to show you Ire protected under an insurance policy for 2^. L- and P. I). I will be glad'ito ta^’e care of this for you. FRANCIS’ General Insurance -and Broker Rse. Phone 16-1 < f is HIGH. | represent tfte leading Cana- nnd British insurance Coinpan- Should yo]$ ’desire to fyle with Registrar , of Motor Vehicles a Exeter Markets Wheat 72c-. Oats 27c. Barley 35c. Bran $1.30 Shorts $1,40 Feed Flour $1.70 AVelcome Flour $3.00 Model Flour $3.30 Manitoba’s Best Flour $3,60 Creameiw Butter 30 and 37c. Dairy Butter 30c. Eggs, extras 32c. Eggs, firsts 29c. EggS, seconds 23c. Hogs, $10.75. ' CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, J, Bernard Rho$<?is, M. A, Minister ’ Miss Lena Coates. A.L.C.M.* Organist Sacrament Sunday 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Holy Communion 7 p.m.-—“The Glory of Star-Gleam” Friday at 8 p.m. the Preparatory Service. Caven Anniversary, October 12th, ■MM* (*> ..... .... .......... j locals '!Office 44'J______j ________ HARVEST THANKSGIVING The Women’s Association of the ■>- Dr. Roulston desires to anpdunce that commei cing on Friday^Beptem­ per 19-th, lik will be absent from his office fjir the g^teter part of this time ur- Je attended to if Central Telephone II You will find a splendid assortment of the newest cloths and styles in our misses’ and womens’ Fall and Winter Chats. Our prices this year should interest you. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. I). McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.-M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—‘’Train up the Child’.’ A message to parents and church school workers, .■ f .... New Dresses For Fall We have always something new to show you and and the dresses we offer this seaso are sure to please you, / — —...................... ■ ;■ 1 Murray Heel Hugger Shies for Women For^good appearance, long endurance and general econ­ omy Murray’s Heel Hugger combination fitting shoes are hard to beat. /Wear a pair of these/shoes that will give you comfort and have the styles combined $7.00 & $7.50 James St. United church will hold 1 two week's. | Durii Harvest Thanksgiving services on * 5' Sunday, October 5th. Rev. A. W. Barker, of Brussels, will be the spec­ ial speaker. Music by a men’s choir assisted by Earnest Hartley, boy so­ prano, of Loudon. ; gent cases swill ; message is left ; Office. 3 The real fowl supper of th^season given by the members cn^the Sit. Peter’s Lutheran church, I" will be held the even^jrfg of October 23rd. A go|d liotyclinner will be served from p to ^o’clock. A splen­ did program wilF'be furnished by the member^ oZthe Lutheran Leag­ ue. The Zqririh Brass ^and will be in attendanfeZ Come/one, come all. ’ / 9-25-3tc. On Friday, Ste^ember 26th, the W. M. S. of the^Huron Presbyterial Society of the Ignited church of Can­ ada will-. Church, 11 ternoon | who has! iting th4 Japan wHl/be present to address the audience; All women who have any problems bring them. All women are invited . tv The regular monthly meeting of the Exeter Woman’s Institute will be held at,1 the J^ffeme of Mrs. Maurice Quance noxt ^iiesday, September 30 3 o’cldck^p.m. All members are (.jm be present. p.m.—Open session of the church school. Baptismal service. Ad­ dress by Rev. J. B. Rhodes, of Caven Presbyterian Church . 7 j Zurich, requested( , be /field in the United Centralia, morning and af- .sesswns. Mr.s. McGillivray, reoBntly returned from vis- . mission fields of China and ‘iFbe present to address the Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Baynham are holidaying in Toronto this week. Miss Kathleen Godbolt is con­ fined to her home through illness. IMr. and Mrs. Bert Boulter, of London, visited in town on Satur­ day. Rev. Mr. Hawke and Clinton, visited with Mr. W. F. Down on Sunday. Mr. Kenneth Sitanbury wife, of and Mrs. APPLES—Snows and. things, also winter vai'ie^ies, spies, Baldwins, Wagners an$ T’almhn Sweets. Order I now as apples are scarce. S. J. Ho­ garth. " 9-25-3tc. TOMATOES FOR SALLE—-Real can­ ning variety, jparticularly fitted for catsups and fcgafdiments. $,1.00 lJer bushel. Phone 28, Ex&tei* ltc.ltc. Fur neckpieces of kinds made to order; also qut ^ork. Mrc. John Taylor, corner William and Ann .Sts. Phone 226. left lasjt week for Toronto where he will at­ tend Law School for the winter. Miss Wilson, of London, has re­ turned home after spending a few days with Mrs. H. K. Hyndmian. Miss Marjorie Medd left last week to attend MacDonald Hall in con­ nection with the O. A. C.'at Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis and ( son Donald, of Toronto, are holiday- j ing with relatives in this commun­ ity. Mr. H. Steinburg, burg, Iccal branch merce. 'Mr. A. B. Medd, B.A., of New Ham- lias been transferred to the of the Bank of Com- SS»» Medd and Miss.-.Eleanoi; are leaving shortly to attend the Ontario' College at Educa- Mrs. John jtion of Toronto. ‘ ~ -I ^r- J- L- Fuller, wife and ’daugh- ltc. ter and Mrs. A. Brown, of Sarnia, | motored up and spent Sunday with LOST—On Tuesday on Huron St., Mrs. John Snell. a child’s coat. Finder-please leave at Tim es-A d vo ca te. ?.. £ ...................... .tr p.m.—Special service to young people. Rev. M. C. Parr, and' his choiy from Hyatt Ave., church, London, will have charge of the ■service. This promises to be a great service, and the young people are especially invited. MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—Morning Meditation p.m.—Our church school rally with a very special program p.m.—Christ’s View of the House of Prayer Today. p.m.—Thursday, prayer service. 11 3 7 8 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. J. ,T. Fenton, H.A.. Rector Miss K. M. MacFaul, Organist Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.—Annual vest Thanksgiving Services ducted by Rev. F. E. Pauli, tor of Bayfield, who will preach at both services. I-Iar- con- Rec- SPECIAL MUSItf 1 The first meeting of the A.Y.P.A. will be held on Monday evening with election of officers and a short program. Everybody come. and have the styles combined $7 ------------j-------,------------ ----------------------------- an Overcoats for Men!■Shiffer . Your new overcoat is here waiting for you. Plaids are very popula^ in tan, blue, grey and brown checks 1 These coats are wonderfully tailored and sell at / / $35.00 f-------Win $100.00 in CASH The Royal lie feesif slogan of not more than six words for Royal York es. Yc’i may win it. There are no obligations. Anyone can York Clothing Co. are giving $100.00 in cash • Messrs. Edwin and Luther Braund, of Brantford, visited at the home ‘ of Mr. Alex McPherson and called • Huron County Plowmen’s Assoc- on friends on Sunday, ration will hold,.their annual Match, at the farm of William Hemirigway,1 two miles from.* Brussels, op* October the 9 th. /' I H^ear the Sandy Elliot., w Phil co Radio. Southcott Bros. * 1 R. C. Rathwell, a grocer, of St. Marys, was relieved of some $400.00 in cash by a. bandit who held him up | near his home about 12.30 Sunday morning. All roads will l<?ad to^Kirktoh for the big fair oif Tuesday and Wednes­ day of next week. Mr. “V. L. Roulston returned I Toronto last week to take his se- 'The ANNUAL FALL-EXHIBITION cond year at Pharmacy. He was •of Blyth Agricultur§d'Society will be companied to the city by his parents held on Thursdaw/and Friday, Sep- Dr. G. F. and Mrs. Roulston. temb^r 25-^6. JOn the evening oEj Mrs. T. McCurdy and Tenie, of Friday thejfjQjxCASTERS of Toron- town, and Howard and Edna Mc- to, will present a program in the Cu$Iy, of Usborne, were in London Memorial ^tc. on Sunday visiting Th os. L. Mc- ----V C-urdy, who is ill in Victoria Hos- LOST—On Au4 1W a bundle of Djta], coats etc., on-the&BJ^J^ Water High- ' .way, .south Of Gifend Bend. Reward J Western University opened at H. A. Leary, 84l/9 Woodrow Wilson' London on Monday among those who Detroit, Mich;, ullS^A* 9-18-2tp are attending from this, community ---------—X;—- j are Hugh Creech, Hy. Jennings, Hy. FOR SALE.4-|0 andJ12 week-old Anderson, of Usborne and E. Tieman Barred R.ock I’uimgJadm blood, test- of Dashwood. ed stock; alsb wllite Wyandottes and Mr. Harry West and Miss Evelyn Leghorns ready |o lay. ^Vm- Had" Yates, of Sarnia, motored up Sunday J / 9-ll-3tp. the former spending the day with ---- [ 11}s mothei.i Mrs. si West, and the Choice clover lion,Cy,for sale at a latter visiting at the home of her /A-Pply to Wesley _ sister near'Dashwood. FOR SALE-Two stor^ brick house on Andrew street, in/^ood condition with all modern (conveniences and garage. AppH $ Gladman and Stanbury. | 8-25-3tc ed stock; also wllite Wyandottes and■ 1 do«k, Centralia. / reasonable price, y Dearing, R-R£ Sjjm- 1, Exeter, Ont., phone 17-14 y/ecliton‘ FOR SALE ' OR J$1NT — New stucco bungalow bu Wellington St.; every modern convenience.—G. Ransford. ' 8-14-tfc If you wish to tbuyybr sell a farm or house see R. pfekard, Exritet. FOR SALE OR RENT^Modern red brick semi-bungalow./’All veniences, centrally located. FOR RENT—Several5 light hous^-keeping//' Weekes’ office. / FOR SALE— Visible pump; also operating table, almost new. ’Apply |ot4ohn Rowe, Admin­ istrator or B. 'W. F. Beavers. 6-19-tfc. rooms above 10 gal, to ac- DIED IN LUCAN Mr. and Mrs. Frank1 Coates wepc in Lucan on Monday attending the funeral of the latter’s mother Mrs- Alice Dickens, widow of the late Thomas Dickens, who passed away on Saturday iq her 79th year as a result of injuries suffered in a fall about six weeks ago when her hip was broken. Among others who at­ tended the funeral were Mr. ap'd Mrs. Rd. Coates, Mr. Paul Coates and daughter Vern’.x and Mr. Mrs. Hunter. * ani ASTON THAT DEMANDS YOUR ATTENTION and MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER A miscellaneous shower for Miss Gladys Harvey, bride-elect, was held at the hqme of Miss Mildred Rowe on Tuesday evening, Miss Rowe be­ ing -assisted by Miss Mae Jone'S. About twenty-five young ladies were present and spent a very enjoyable evening during the course of which the guest of honor was with some very beautiful presents. The gifts were presented in the form of a large wedding cake. Refresh­ ments were served. Now that fall is coming^ with its cool weather, fix un^jur liv­ ing rooip with a nice^ Sani-Bilt Chesterfield Suite only firm that replaces any J^ite damaged by motlU. See tbem at our store at Bargain Prices.- 1 . .z__ t X ROWE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 20w and 20j presented New Fall Goods con- for Dr* gas, LEICESTER SHEEP A choice sele^ioyt tarns now for s^leuT I’ vited.—Harry Simth, Lake Road, adjoining Exeter. - $-11-41,0. of .eWes and Inspection in­ Hay P,O., Before the Accident liisiire your cap and your income, vrpety of policies; for part or complet| coverage. W. C; Pearce, Exeter A number of young people from town enjoyed a chicken supper at Turnbull’s Grove oh Lake Huron on Friday evening of last week. The young people enjoyed a very jolly -evening around a camp fire. ■ Mr. and Mrs. ‘Garnet Flynn and Mr. and Mrs. Sims were in Thed­ ford on Sunday visiting the former’s brother Mr. A. Flynp. While there |hey visited the peach orchards which are bearing an abundant crop this year. Next Sunday, September 28th the Harvest Thanksgiving Services will be held in Trivitt Memorial church. Rev. F‘. H» Pauli, Rector of Bayfeld, Will preach at both morning and ev­ ening services. Rev. J. J. Fenton will take charge of the Bayfield Cir­ cuit for that day. Mr. and Mrs. Hepinst’all and daughter Vera and Miss McDerjnid, of Sarna, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stat­ ham gnd daughter Lois, of London; Mr- and Mrs. Gordon Davis and son. 'Donald, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McDonald and Mr, and Mrs. Al­ bert Spender, Walter and Mavis, of Hensall were guests of Mjsd Minpret- ta Horney. M 1 Mr, arid Mrs. Goo. Mawsoii have returned home after visiting wltli friends in Regina and- Dundurn.. From there they took a trip to the Pacific; Ooasit’, going from Prince Rupert to Vancouver >by boat. They also spent some time in Victoria, Seattle and Portland* They were aecombahled borne by Mr. MaWson’s brother and his wife, "who Will visit here for some time, Mr. Wm. Abbott was in Toronto this week n business. New flooring has been placed on the bridges, on the Lake Road. - MI'S. A. Nash, of Sarnia, is visit­ ing with her daughter Mrs. J. W. Powell. Wilkinson Bros. have, sold their chicken interests to .the Hogarth Baby Chick Hatchery. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vance and daugh­ ter Marie, of Listowel, visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Ward. Mrs. Frank Irwin and daughter Erno, of Putnam, spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Davis. (Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cooper and two children and Mr. Hubert Cooper have returned after a motor trip to Northern Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. daughter, of Sunday with home of Mrs. Mr. W. C. attending the International writers Convention which meets in Canada only once in eight years. . Mr. John Hunter had the misfor­ tune to fall on Monday receiving a bad shaking up and as a result will be confined to the house for a coupld of days. Mr. Ted Sims, who1 has been in arrived, in town having made the Vancouver by auto busses. Mrs, Efed Millar, of London, who has been visiting at the home of her father iMr. L, Day was taken ill, Tuesday and Jias been removed to Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital. PINK CUT GLASS WEAR Water Sets,'* sugars apd creams, Consolet/Sets, Bon Bons,Zcandy Jars, Flower !} Baskets., Cake and1 Fruit Trays, dOc. to $1.50^each, New black footed .bud vases Every Edison Disc Record in the j store yj^ur choice 50c. 3 Ca.tfin.et Instruments at a Bargain Powell’s Variety Store Severn s, son and Kingsville, visited on Mr. E. Siverns at the T. G. Creech. . 1 Pearce is in Toronto Undet- diamond driller, British Columbia, Tuesday evening; entire trip from Mrs. Amelia Dale, who has been at Dr. Fletcher’s. Hospital was able to leave the hospital on Tuesday. Mrs. John Gilfillan, of S.c. Marys, and her daughter Mrs. H. Clark, of San Fnansiseo, and. Mrs. Andrew Stewart, of Montreal, visited wfeth Mrs. John T. Steward, for a few days last week. Ensign Kenneth Barr, who bas been with the Salvation Army in Japan'and who was formerly of Ex­ eter will visit' the local corps on Sep­ tember 30th accompanied by Major Best. An employee of the Canadian Can- nets had the misfoi’itune to be hit in tho.hdad by a pulley on Saturday last’inflicting a nasty gash that re­ quired a couple of stitches to close. Dr, Fletcher dressed the wotiridis. Rev. Mri Button, of Putnam, oc­ cupied the pulpit iri the Main Street church on Sunday and preached two splendid isermong. The pastor Rev, Mr. Moorhouse conducted the anni­ versary sorvicos on the Putnam cir­ cuit, HERE IS A CHANCE TO SECURE UNRIVALLED VALUE IN YOUR NEW FALL SUIT OR OVERCOAT . Monday, October 6th bjsolutely Free of Charge! Tha^s news that will save you nlonfey! One day only, Monday, ^October 6th, we have been authorized by the Berger Tailorin&Xlo. to give with every suit of Ber~“ “Clothes of Quality”, ordered' on that date; one extra pair bf/trousers free^of charge^Z This is four big opportunity^ get' super value in your new Fall suit o] overcoat. All ouLsriiew styles and materials for Fall are now rqtidy. They represent the smartest,.most popular shades. At our r ular prices, they/represent value that has made them across the widUrand breadth of Canada. One day only Men I . W. TAMAN EXETER, ONT renowne FALL FAIR DATES • PHONE 81w Bayfield-..... Blyth ......... Brussels ..... Dungannon . Bm-bro .... Fordwich Harriston Kirk ton ... Milverton Parkhill .. St. Marys Tavistock Wiagham ts>$24.00 Overcoats ffifa up. Tailored-to-measure. Sept. 24-25 Sept: 2'5-26 Oct. 2-3 Oct. 7-8 . Oct. 2 Oct. 3-4 Sept. 25-26 Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Sept. 2,5-26 .... Oct. 2-3’ ... Oct.. 7-8 Sept. 26-27 Oct. 7-8 Piano, V Studio WIND EAT SHARPENED SINGLE DOUBLE AUT replace# whjte you wait G Phone 2 ZHA WKINS Exeter, Qnt. DOROTHY E. GRA55ICK (Honor (Jr uate) England: nscrncJldik in armony, Theory ert Street* Box JGO ER, ONTARIO ■ H. I—" AGENC AND LETw. your coal bill hAve se^&red the FOR ULKING DOORS S, ALSO METAL UR-STRlPPiNG VOTE YOU PRICES. HERN, Exeter SAFETX RAZOR BI^DES . y males) EDG dge Guaranteed OLE. DRUGGIST 3c# 4c- Ernest C. Harvey Heprds&nting among others Lumbermen’* MutojjT Casualty Co., “World’sJGicatost Automobile I ' Mutual" lo policyholders have _________ than 25% o£ premium {Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 102 annually, j EXETER, ONT OUfih diVidciid not been less ’W. R. Goulding * t A. T* O. if. I Oi'ganlst./aiul Choijrfriaster s 'r . Jumes St. Uwit^r Church in Piano tjbcal/ Organ Theory SubCfvl|bZbf Mbftic in Schbdlr