HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-09-25, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
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ate Work
the running board on one *side
Messrs. Harry and William Joynt
; ----------
the car escaped un-
were with him at the time,
occupants of
Death of Mrs, Hubert Johns
oceured in Guelph atThe death -oceured in Guelph at
91 Suffolk-St, on Friday evening of
Mrs. Hubert Johns formerly Miss
Lavina Cook, of Hensail.
She had not been in the best of
Air, and Mrs. Laird Mickle spent
Monday in London.. , .. . , , . i mvv ueeu m mt: nest otA large number iron. here took m health tor some time but he. death
Hie .Zurich Fair on Tuesday.
Air. W. J_. White is this week mov
ing into IMr. Ortwein’s house on King
Air. Louis Walper, of Dashwood,
was z in town Monday visiting Ms ieaveTtVmoim^^
friends. (and Norman, of Honsall and
Aliss Doreen Farquhar is spend- and william of Chicago.
ing her holidays visiting friends at' j —
Hamilton, j__
Alps. Trott, of Bermuda is visiting sidence "of
r the preacher.
The Sunday School of the United
Church will hold their Rally Day
services next Sunday morping at
10.45. There will be no evening ser
vice because of the IShipkn Annivers
ary services which will be held at
2.30 an# 7.30.
Mr, Irying Stahl and Misses Lillie
and Cora Stahl spent a few days
with relatives at Niagara ^Falls,
Lockport, Buffalo and Bridgeburg.
They were accompanied by their
' mother Mrs, Stahl, who spent a week
Visiting with her sister Mrs, J. Min
nick and family at Lockport, N.Y,
i Quite a number of people from
Crediton. and vicinity attended the
Exeter Fair last Wednesday after
noon and report a most enjoyable
time. It appeared to be a most in
teresting village fair and no doubt it
(must be an encouragement to the
general welfare of the surrounding
communities, The live-stock show
and hall exhibits wore quite abun
dant and excellent. Ono had a de
sire to see it all.
The Evangelical choir spent a so
cial evening at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Qodfrey Wein and their daugh
ter Melifa, A few hours were spent
with an interesting musical program
Elaborate refreshments
was unexpected and conies a.s a se
vere sh-ock to a wide circle of friends
She spent her early life at Hensail
and since her marriage has resided
at Guelph, Besides her husband she
The remains were brought
sail on Sunday afternoon to
her brother
to Hen-
th e re-
— -------- Cornelius
-at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Errol ' Cook from where the funeral took
Drummond. , | place on Monday afternon, inter
Miss Doris Chapman, of Palmer- ment in Hensail Union Cemetery.
.ston is visiting with friends and re-I Those attending the.funeral from
datives here. I a distance were Mr. and Mrs, Milt.
Quite a number f rom here attended Cook, Airs. Rin hart' Cook and Mrs.
the band concert at Exeter on Sun- Rommel, of Kitchener; Mrs. Smith
day evening. land Mrs. 'Marshall, of Guelph, Col.
Airs. W. Pearce was again taken Brown, of London and Mr. Chas.
Io Seaforth. Hospital on Monday, her Cook of Chicago. The pall-bearers
condition being serious. ' I were Messrs E. Rannie, T. Palmer,
IMr. Win. L. McLaren Is spending S. Welsh, C. McDonald, F. Manns,
a few days visiting his sister Mrs.
■Christie at Russeldale.
Alias' Margaret McLaren left Mon
day for London, where she will “at
tend. Western University.
Mr. John Passmore is. haying a
new furnace installed in his home
•on South Richmond St.
Miss Jean Bonthron left for Guelph
-where she will take a Dietician
Course at McDonald Hall.
Aliss Margaret Slavin has return
ed. home from London, where she
.spent' some time visiting friends.
Miss Annie McIntyre entertained
a number of friends on Monday
I-mning the occassion being her bir-
day party.
Mrs. Robt Higgins is confined to
r .room with a severe attack of
heart trouble.
John and Wm. Craig, Miss Han-
nall Craig and Miss Workman have
returned home after a pleasant vis
it with friends in Toronto.
The ladies of the United church
antend holding a fowl supper in the
3>asement of the church on Wednes
day evening October. 22nd.
Mr. George Jackson, who has
heen in the London Hospital for the
past few months is improving and
able to sit up for a time each day.
The Salvation Army Silver Band
•of London gave a band concert on
’ Sunday afternoon. Quite a number
were present and enjoyed the music.
Mr. Janies Holggarth was. taken!
.suddenly ill at the mill on Saturday
(afternoon last and had to be taken to
this home where medical attention
was given him.
Mr. John Zuofle is greatly
proving the. appearance of his
perty on King St. by having
house painted. The work is being
done by E. Shaddock.
A number of the friends of thq
Jate Abraham Bolton, who died in
Exeter, on Wednesday last, attend
ed his funeral at Chiselhurst ceme
tery on Friday afternoon.
Air. Bert ‘Glenn, of Toronto, was
here attending the funeral
grandmother, Mrs.
and spent the -\yeek-end visiting -\yiht'
his sister, Mrs. Lloyd Hudson,
The Annual Harvest Thanksgiving
services will be held in St. Paul’s
Anglican church on Sunday, Sep
tember 2 8th, when the Rev. George
'Moore, of Ailsa Craig will conduct
services both morning and evening.
Mr. Ferris Cantelon, lias return
ed home from Seaforth Hospital,
where he recently underwent an op
eration for appendicitis. As. soon
,as liis health permits he will again
take rnp his duties as Principal of
•the Continuation School.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Wm.
McDougall took place from the home
of her granddaughter Mrs. Lloyd
Hudson on Friday afternoon last
with interment hl Baird’s cemetery,
Drucefield. Rev. Arthur Sinclair
pastor of the
•charge of the
•About 100
/League of the
t-ed to Drysdale on Monday evening
and: held a wiener roast on the Lake
^Shore. Singing, games and other
amusements wore indulged in under
the supervision of Claude Blowes,
principal of the Public School, hot
-dogs, coffee, candy, marshmallows
and peaches were served, and all had
a very enjoyable time.
Mr, Hy» Cook mot' with an atito
accident near Zurich Monday even
ing while passing another car on. the
55urfc.Ii road when the car took to
Hie ditch and struck a. telephone
pole brmkihg off both fenders and
and games.
were served including sandwiches,
coffee, cake,
home-made candy. It must have en
couraged the choir for they sang ex
tra well both on Sunday morning
and evening services.
’ Sunday, .September 2.8th is the
annual S. S. Rally of the Evangelical
Church. There will be a brief pro
gram in the S. S. session and the
services in the morning and evening
will have a special Rally touch to
gether with special music by the
choir. The offering for the day is
to assist our Bridgeport Evangelicals
in the erection of a
to accommodate the
growing community.
Prayer meeting of
E. and the Sr. E. L. C.
sumed- their meetings as
everyone rally to the cause.
ice-cream, fruit and
suitable church
people of that’
the Jr. E. L. C.
E. have re
of his
Wm. M'cDougal
United Church had
young people of the
United Church motor-
and A. W. E. Hemphill. Rev. A.’
Sinclair pastor of the United church
had charge of the services.
roads will leadAil
Monday for the School
Mrs. Esli Heywood
but is improving.
Mr. Edward Falmer
days in London on business.
Mr. Herb and Otto Abeler spent
Monday in London on business.
Airs. Joe Bullotk is improving
nicely after her recent operation.
Mr. Harry Flynn broke his arm
while cranking his car on Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Moses Faist, Air. and
Mrs. C. Roeszler were in Sarnia on
Mr. Wilson Anderson is still con
fined to his bed but is somewhat im
Air. Jack Moore is spending a
month’s vacation at the Centra)
Dr. M'isener attended the Railton-
Hazelwood wedding on September
13lh at Grimsby,
Airs. Nelson Baker spem a few
days with Mr. ;a.nd Mrs. Wilson An
derson last week.
Miss Inez Fahner has returned to’
her home here after spending a week
in London and Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Kuhn, of
Kitchener, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kuhn.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff and' Mr.
Harry Lewis spent' Sunday with Mr.
and Mns. Pfaff near Woodham.
Mr. Dan Swe.itzer, of British Col
umbia, called on Mr. and Mrs. Wil
son Anderson one day last week.
Mr. Janies McNeill and Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Fahner and family mo
tored • to Niagara Falls '■on Sunday.
Air. M. Graham and Mr. and Mrs.
Vansickle, of London, spent'.Sunday
with Afr. and Mrs. Wilson Ander
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sweitzer have
returned home after a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Trick and other
The Horseshoe Club of our village
were in Lucan on Monday evening
where a friendly game of horseshoes
was played.
Airs. Charles Fahner and Miss L.
Smith had their ‘ tonsils removed at
Dr. Hunt’s Hospital, London, on
Air. and Mrs. Joshua Heywood and
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Heywood, of
Exeter, spent Sunday with Air. and
Mrs. Esli Heywood.
The Young People's program com
mittee of the United church will
meet on Thursday evening to make
plans for the fall work.
Mr. and Mrs. will Heatlierley, .of
London, and Mr. and Mrs. Lovett,
of Niagara Falls, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz,
Mr, Edward Fahner spent his 50th
birthday last Wednesday night when
about twenty relatives and friends
sat down to a fowl supper.
Miss Ella MoHo'ck and Mr. Carl
Morlock have returned to London
after spending summer holidays with
their parents Air. and Mrs, E. Mor
Rev. R.
took the
church on
ary services at Hillsgreen.
The United Church Amiiverf
Services wilt be held on October
5tli at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev
Anthony of Thames Road will
to Crediton
has been ill
R. Connor, of Kippen,
services in the United
Sunday and Rev, H. W.
conducted the annivers-
. j.
wen, L.D,S’., D.D.S.H. H. t ______,
officer in Hartleb Block, Dash-
three/nays of week and
Zthe Post Office, In
free days of week.
wood, fir
at office/over
The iwood cider mill will be
running every day except Saturday
A. Zimmer, prop. • 8-11-3tp
Next Wednesday is the da-te of
the big annual Fowl Supper. Don't
l’orget to come and bring others
with you.
Dr. and Mrs. ‘Taylor have return
ed after spending their holidays in
Toronto and Ottawa.
Miss Grace Guenther, of Strat
ford, is visiting with her brother
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Guenther.
Miss Nelda Fassold. of London,
spent the week-end with her par
Miss Anna Tieman lias returned
to Guelph to resume her studies at
McDonald Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Witzel, of Tor
onto, spent a few days with his
mother Mrs. Witzel.
Mr. and Mrs. Jac-ob Schroeder and
fa-m'ily, of North Dakota, are visit
ing the latter’s parents Mr. and
Mrs. J. Weber.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold, of
Crumlin, spent a few days, with Mr.
and Mrs. P. Fassold.
Mr. I. Weltin spent a
visiting liis daughter in
this week'.
Dashwood Brass Band
the music at Ilderton Fair on'Wed
Mr. Lome Tiernan returned to
Lond-on on Tuesday where he attends
Medical School,
Quite, a number from here took
Zurich Fair on Tuesday.
few days
areThe Khiva School children
busy practicing and making their
costumes, for the School Fair wiliich
will be held at Crediton on Septem
ber 29th.
Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson and the
Misses Marjorie and Ruth, of Lon-
‘don, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs.- wm. Alason.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stade spent
Thursday in Seaforth.
Mr. Wm. Witzel spent' the week
end in Woodham.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam .Witzel, of
ronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. A.
ley on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. McDonald, of
burn, spent Sunday with Mr.
Mrs. Alex Neeb.
On$ of the best
Cleansers on the market
Large pkg.
Lux Flakes.. ....... < ’
,2 pkgs, for ISe.
P.8^G, Soap
10 bars for 37c.
PURE CANE SUGAR..............................................v. .y 10 lbs., for
1 pound package ^5c.Each 49c, <’ 15c. a dozen
Good Cooking]
Red & WWlfe Fancy Assorted .Chocolates
ONIONS MARSHMALLOWS .■ Regular 60c. a pound
10 lbs. for 25c-1-2 lb. jHcg^ 15c.FOR 39c. lb-
-----------------X—r--------------. * ■
ingersoul cream cheese
CHATEA ________
CHEESE » • •« *
These Prices food 0n$ Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, September 25, 26 and 27
Phone 102
The auction sale held on the Glenn
Sprucepark farm on Monday last was
a great success, the crowd that gath
ered was enormous and the late Mrs.
W. N. G-lenn’s fine herd of Jersey
cows were soon disposed of many of
them going some distance.
Mrs. Daniel Brintnell lias returned
home after spending a couple of
weeks in Winnipeg visiting with her
sister, who is very sick in the hos
pital there.
IMr. Grant Ryckman has
suffering with a very sore
caused by blood poisoning.
Mr. and Mrs. John Reid and ___
son Ray, of London, motored up on
Saturday and visited the McQueen
family. They were accompanied by
the Down family, who spent the
week-end with Mrs. Broadfopt and
family. *
Mr. and Mrs. Hope, of Vancouver,
called- on friends on the Boundary
last week.
Miss Ruby Alexander is this
visiting her brother, Mr. and
E. Alexander of the Boundary.
partsWe use onl}’- genuine Ford
to repair your Ford car -or tractor.
—Sandy Elliot.
and Mrs. Robert Hickey, of
Fair Grove, Mich., are visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickey and
friends at present.
Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph Carruthers
spent Sunday evening with Mr. and
(Mrs. Wes. Mellin.
Mr. Clayton Afathers, of London,
spent' Sunday wth Mr. Willis Hayter.
Miss Jean Hodgins, of Detroit, is
Visiting her parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gill spent Sun*
day with Mr. and Mrs, Colin Love.
Air. Stanley Hart, Ed. Bloomfield
and AVillis Norman took a short mo
tor trip oh 'Sunday. ' ' .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Loomis, of
Sylvan, visited on Sunday at Mr. W.
Miss Ada Mitchell, of Byron, is.
holidaying at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mitchell.
Miss Cooper, of London, was
guest of Miss Margaret Hicks
Mr. and* Mrs. Geo. Thompson
Jean have returned after a
week’s vacation with friends
Belleville, Slate Falls, Hamilton
Misses R. and J. Wilson are. visit
ing with friends in Toronto.
A sectional meeting of the Wo
men's Missionary Society will ___________ _
held in the Centralia United church | . Mr. and Mrs.
on Friday. Dinner will be served
in the basement of the church.
25c. Come all and enjoy a good
The public school is holding the
annual school fair on Thursday of
this week at Grand Bend.
The many friends of little Rena
Gaiser are pleased to know she is
able to leave the hospital this week
and will be able to be brought home
Mr. and Mrs. I. Treteau and .Mr.
and Mrs, W. Devine attended the De
vine reunion at Ipperwash Beach
last Wednesday.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Ratz and Alma
, visited a few days with relatives in
be , Dunnville and Buffalo.
. __ __ ___ Lovie and family
from near Grand Bend spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. N. Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Finkbeiner and
family, of Crediton, visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gaiser.
The Rally Day services will be
held on October otli. Afore partic-
Mrs. Ed. Hall returned home
Saturday accompanied by her daugh- u1! rs next week,
ter Mrs. Mitton and Shirley of De- .Miss Jane Baynham, of Detroit,
troit. - | visited her father Mr, T. Baynham
'Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, of last week. Miss Beatrice Baynham
Detroit, spent the week-end with returned' home with her.
friends here, | IMr. Garfield Finkbeiner, of Lon-
Mr. and Mrs. Basil O’Rourke, of don, called on friends here on Sat-
Brucefield, called on friends here urday last,
on Sunday. |
Mrs. Dan Morrison, of Detroit,
spent the week-end with her brother
Joseph McKeever.
Mrs. Ed. Boland and son, accom
panied by her sister Mrs. Smith, of
Detroit, spent' the week-end with
friends here.
Mrs. J. Campbell reurned home
last week after spending several
weeks with friends at Detroit and
On Thursday, September 18th at
9 a.m. the Church of Our Lady of
Mt. .Carmel was ‘the scene of a pretty
wedding when Rev. Fr. Corcoran
united in
ter of Mr.
to William
cliael .and the late Mrs. Thompson of
Centralia. The bride, who was given
away in marriage by her father was
charmingly gowned in white satin
trimmed with Chantilly lace with
slippers to ni’atch and wearing a
wedding veil in cap effect and car
ried a shower bouquet. The bride
was attended by her sister Mrs. Jhck
Harrigan, of Jackson, Micli., gown
ed in rose silk with hat to match
and carried a bouquet of Sunset
roses. The groom was. assisted by
his brother-n-law Jack Harrigan, ...
Jackson, Mich. After the 'ceremony
a dinner was served at the home of
the bride to about' 25 guests, the
table being centred with the bride’s
cake and prettily decorated in pink
and white. Mr. and Mrs. Thomp
son left by motor for Toronto, Buf
falo and
with hat
they will
on Con. 4, McGillivray.
Mrs. J. Haist, of Crediton, visit
ed last week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. Sweitzer.
Kirkton Fair on Tjjesday -and
Wednesday of next week promises to
I be bigger and bettei>Uian ever. Pub- ■
lie school parade pmd drill, speeding
in the ring! tp'g-of-war. Band in
marriage Miss Eileen
O’Rourke second daugh-
and Mrs. Rich. O’Rourke
B. Thompson, son of Ml-
Niagara Falls. The bride
in a smart brown frock
to match. On their return •;
reside on lie groom’s farm
Aniversary services will be
in the United Church on .Sunday,
October 12th, afternoon and even
ing and will be conducted by the
pastor Rev. S. J. Mathers. On Oc
tober 15th, the following Wednes-
’ day, tbe annual hot goose and duck
supper will be served in the shed
and a splendid program is promised.
The artists are the Harmonic Male
Quartette all from Listowel. Ad
mission 70c and 25c.
Mr. R. J. Ramsey, of Jackson,
Micli., visited friends here last week.
Mrs. J. Brown returned with
and will visit friends in Detroit
Aurora, Ill.
Miss Olive Rock, who spent
summer at Grand Bend, lias return
ed to her home here.
The Mission Band of the United
church will present a play entitled,
“Will You Walk Into My Parlor”;
also other exercises, songs and rec
itations and lunch will be served.
Don’t forget the date September 30
and all for 15 and 10c.
Several members of the W.M.S.
are planning to attend the Conven
tion for South Huron tp be held in
Centralia on Friday morning and
Several of the young folk motored
to London -on Sunday to Visit Harry
Isaac, who is recovering from
recent serious operation.
Mrs. Wellman, of Port Huron
been visiting Mrs. McIntosh and
other friends for a few days.
Rally Sunday will be observed in
the United^ church next Sunday af
Mr. Kenneth Poore, of Windsor,
and Mrs.. Robertson, of Wheatley,
spent the week-end with Mrs. Sher*
ritt. Mrs. Poore and son Tom re
turned with them after
couple of weeks here.
His many friends
grieved to learn that. Mr
inson had fallen from a
lie was working on in St
He suffered a broken shoulder bone
and lacerated Itiree and face.
Mrs. Hotson and Marion visited
friends in Hyde Park last: week and
were Accompanied by Mr. anti (Mrs.
Fred Mason, of London, on their
Mr. aild Mrs. Roy Sheppard, of
London and Mr. S. English, of De-1'Malva Concert Co., ---------- —
troit, spent the week-end with their .mating of a violinist, a soloist, solos
parents Mr. and Mrs. R. English. and tendings. Admission 60 and
spending a
here were
. R. Hutch
bridge that
The eight months old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, of
London, formerly of this community
passed away this week1 in London,
the remains being interred in Elim-
ville cemetery on Tuesday. Much,
sympathy is felt for i,AIt. and Mrs.
Smith in' their loss.
Mr: Fred Delbridge, of' Winchelsea^
who has been ill for some time with
paralysis passed away on Tuesdayj
The sympathy of many friends and
neighbors is extended to Mrs. Del-
bridge and other relatives.
Mr. Wesley Heywood resumed
studies at Western University
I Mr. Irwin, of Sault Ste. Marie,
■been visiting his daughter Mrs. L,
Al In an article entitled “London the
’ City of Schools and Churches”' in
the last copy of the “Onw’ard” men
tion was made of the large Sunday
School of Wesley United Church and
especially brought to notice is the
class of boys “The Links” and their
teacher Air. Louis Woods. The class
has won the Free Press Trophy for
Bible Study for two consecutive
.years. Mr. Woods is a son of Mr.
Robt. Woods and Elimville has rea-
■ son to be proud of the record he has I made in the city.
The W.M.S. met in the church on
Thursday, September tlie 18th. Nine
members were present with Mrs, O,
Godibolt presiding. The 23rd Psalm
was repeated by all after which Mrs.
White led in prayer. Roll call was
fespohded by a verse of “Helping
Others.” The Leaflets were read
by several members. Considerable
business was dealt with. It is ex
pected- that members of James St.
Auxiliary will visit us at the next
meeting on October 3rd. All mem
bers atld others interested are ihvit*
ed to be present.
Quite a few have availed them
selves of the oppprtttiiity of attend
ing some of the sessions of the
Osneral Conference in St. Ahdrew*&
Churoih, London, last week and this.
Rev. Connor from Kippen occup
ied the pulpit at the United church
last -Sunday in the absence of Rev.
Hagelsteln, who was conducting An
niversary services
will be rendered by the choir
following Tuesday evening, Septem
ber 30th the ladies will -serve a
roast chicken supper from -5 to 3.
A program will be given by the
of London, con-
at Hillsgreen.
-Sunday Rev. Maines, of Wai*
will preach Anniversary ser-
at the United church at 2.30
and 7.30 p.m. Special music
|anti readings. Admission 60 and