HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-09-25, Page 2ZURICH THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 —lr^LV~a|Bi -MB An Easy, Quick Get-Away It’s a hectic job getting daddy off to work and the children oft to .school with a nourishing breakfast Every­ thing is calm and placid when Shredded Wheat is served. It’s ready- cooked, ready-to-eat. Heat the biscuits in the oven a few moments to restore their crispness, then pour milk over them. They contain all the energy­ giving ^elements of the whole wheat grain—and are so palatable and easy to digest Delicious with fruit THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE She Sunday By CHARLES G. Sunday, Sept. 28—Review. School Wesson TRUMBULL, Litt. D. she never forgot God’s goodness, but trained up her boy as one dedicated to God, so that he became one of the outstanding men of the Bible. ul, a Man of Great Possibil- (1 Sam. 8 to 11; 10:9-12; 28; 31.) attractiveness, (buiHU-AbtRirale Established 1873 and 1887Messrs. Josiah Oliver, Albert and Wesley Sprerus, of Huy Township, motored to Parry Sound recently on. a fishing trip. . Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ducharme, of near Drysdale have the sympathy of many friends in the death of Paul" ine, 20 months old, who died very suddenly recently. Miss Florence Uttley is taking treatments in a Toronto Hospital. ’Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kroft, of Kit­ chener, visited in the village a few days last week. Miss Mildred Otwein and Mrs. H. Anderson, of Detroit, are visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ortwein, of Mr. John ed the fine Evangelical Estate. Possession some time in October. Miss Mima Johnston has returned home after visiting and Port Huron. The engagement is Marguerite, youngest Mr. and Airs. Louis Zurich, to Arthur J. of Mr, J, Gulerich and the late Airs. Gulerich, of Detroit. IMr. and Mrs. C. Fritz were at Morriston over the week-end where they attended their cousin’s funer­ al. Miss Elizabeth Rennie has resign­ ed her position as organist and choir director of the Emanuel Evan­ gelical church. Mr. Jacob Deichert, Mrs. H. Yungblut and daughter Miss Inez attended the New Hamburg Fall Fair over the week-end Mr. 'Louis Lipphardt, who spent a number of week's With relatives and friends has returned to his home in the State of Washington. Mrs. Thomas Johnson and daugh­ ter, Miss Susie, are visiting with friends in Kitchener. Mr. Calvin Williams, Mrs. T'. L. Williams and Mr. Melvin Whitesides spent a week visiting with the form­ er’s parents, in Toronto. Mrs. Wichehs, of Ingersoll, is vis­ iting- with her parents, )Mr. and Mrs. John Hey, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Gecher and Mr. John M. Oesch, of the Goshen Line ‘Miffed with friends in New Hamburg over the week-end Published every Thursday mornlniu at Exeter, Ontario Golden Text and Mrs. the Bronson Line, E. Gascho has purchas- dwelling opposite the church from the. Rennie will be given in Sandusky announced of daughter of A. Prang, of Guleriph, son WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD i J If you need a new roof, your Brantford Roofing dealer can give you an estimate which will be surprisingly low. The fear of the Lord is the begin­ ning of wisdom; a good understand­ ing have all mandments: ever. (Pea. Biography ular as it is today; the quarter’s'les­ sons can be made to appeal strongly to this currejL' ‘ sons men ment; cover iences. presentative men and 'women of the Old Testament the factors which i thing to lose, termined their characters.” 1. Abraham, a Vxmeer ol' Faith. (Gen. 12:1-5; 13:1-12; 17:1-8; 18: 22-33; Heb. 11:8-10.) Like all these characters, Abraham’s exper­ iences were the result of his atti­ tude and action. His attitude to­ ward God was usually that «of un­ reserved faith. His action was obed-! ience. Great experiences followed. His mountain peak of faith nvus When he offered his son Isaac, through whom alone God’s promises could be fulfilled. But he trusted and obeyed, and received Isaac back, as it were, from the dead. 3. Jacob, a. Selfish Man Trans­ formed....(Gen. 25:19-34; chapters, 27 to 33: 46:28 to 47:12) Selfish­ ness was finally led, through tedious and bitter expediences, into obedient faith. Let the class didcove't* Ja­ cob’s failures and .successes. 3. Most's, a Courageous Leader. (Exod. 1:18-14; 2:1-22; 3:1-14; 11: 11-10; 32:'30-85; Deut. 34:1-8; Heb. U:2i3-29.) Moses showed neither courage nor the qualities of leader­ ship when God called him in the. desert. But both courage and leadership came as he trusted God. What mistakes did he make? What sins did he commit? What was his greatest success? God pay him that no other man in 18:15; Acts 3:22.) 4. Deb: yah, a. Leader in a Na­ tional Emergency. (Judges 4:1-15.) When men will not take the place of God-fearing leadersip, God puts wo­ men at the head. Deborah trusted God, she knew that lie would deliver Israel from the bondage of their enemies, and she told the nation what to do to let this come to pass. 5. Naomi and Ruth. (The Book of Ruth.) Distrust of God, under the terrible testing of famine, brought sorrow and suffering to Naomi and her husband when they had left the covenanted land and sought help elsewhere. . A foreign daughter-in-law taught Naomi les-: sons in faith and obedience. Ruth’s attitude and actions typified the Gentile Bride of Christ, and she be­ came one of her mothers in (lie fam­ily line in which Christ Himself was 1 born. 6. Hannah, a G.idly Mother. (1 Sam. 1:1-28; 2:1-11, 18, l'9<-,3:1-18. Hannah’s faith was rewarded as a ____ .............. .............................. baby boy, Samuel, was given, in ans-* great wonders today as it did in the wer to prayer. Then her faith show-1 lives o£ those men and woman long ed itself in an extraordinary way; ago.I SUBSCRIPTION—12.00 per year E« advance. 4 ,;rr r '✓ L Ask him particularly about Brantford Colour Slates—several colours each slate. c permanent v protection and fire-resistance.<1* in And your present roof can be left where Brantford Asphalt Slates can be kid directly over old wooden shingles for a faster job at less cost. • it is. J next week a rainstorm or flaming brands may have caused costly damage, But set it done at once .. ■ ' BrantfbrcI Roofing Co. Limited, Head Office Atid FaCtory: Brantford, Grit. , Eranchee and Warehouse at: Toronto, Windsor, Winniper. Montreal, Halifax, Saint John, N.B, » and St* John’*, Nfld. For Sale By Ross-Taylor Co., Limited M they that I-Iis praise 111:10.) has never do His coni’ endureth l’or been as pop- interest. The les- studied representative omen of the Old Testa­ aim is, jn part, “to dis- a study of the exper- ll ave and i ; the through i, attitudes and actions of re' fries, \\ ho Failed, 13; 15: 16:14-23; Popularity, physical magnanimity, and. an extraordinary opportunity to succeed. Then impa­ tience, disobedience, self-will, jeal­ ousy, spiritism, defeat in battle, suicide. Saul had much in common with countless tragic lives, of failure today. 8 Jonathan and i Friendship. (1 Sam 2 Sam, 1:17-27.)' I RATES—Farm or Real Estate fa* sale 50c. each Insertion for firrf four insertions, quent insertion, tides, To Rent, Found 10c. per Reading notices Card of Thanks vertlsing 12 and Memoriam, with extra verses 2 Se­ 25 c. each »ub««- Miscellaneou* px* Wanted, Lout, lime of eft; worthy 10c. per 50c- Legal ftfu 8c. per line, I» one verse each- David, a Nolple 18:1-4, 19:1-7, Jonathan had and nothing to ; gain, by lciving David—and, kuow- t I ing this, he continued to love him unselfish.ly and to the uttermost. We ’ can paraphrase what is said of the Lord Jesus (John 13:1) concerning His love for His disciples, and say of Jonathan, “Having loved his friend, he loved him unto the end.,” I 0. Amos, a Herdsman, Called of God to Be a Prophet (the Book of Amos), Now a herdsman, or farm­ er, emerges from obscurity to hinder judgments upon a prosperous lux­ ury-loving nation, Amos believed God, obeyed God by speaking his un- i popular message, and uttered un­ breakable prophecies, some of which | were fulil’lled in half a century, others of which are yet awaiting ful-I fillment when the Lord returns. - 10. Josiah, a Royal Reformer )2 Kings 22, 23:1-3, 21:25; 2 Chron. 34 and 35). Like most nations to­ day, Josiah’s people had. turned away from God; he restored the temple to its proper worship, found the Book of the Law and let it convict himself and his people of their sins. He called What might would 11. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Professional Cards GLADMAN & STAND! BARRISTERS, SOLICITOR Money to Loqb, Investment* Matfcv j»anpe Safe-Deposf^Vauj^'for use ©f o*r . CMenti wRfiout charge EXETER ONDON HENBALM CARLING & MORLEV' BARRISTERS, SOLICITplCs, LOAN^, IN’VEST.AfENTS. INSURANCE Office; Carting ^iwck, Main Btrwrta I^/eR., ONT. At Lucan M-onday and Thursday ■ ........... - . .. ■ —.........-......... .X„..... What tribute did has been paid to history? (Dent. NEW CLANDEBOYB PA YEA LEN T OPENED a Mrs. R. R. Hudgins, Oldest Resident Cuts Ribbon Many residents of Biddulph turn­ ed out Thursday night of last week to attend the opening of the new 6^ mile stretch of pavement, ex­ tending from 'Lucan through Clande- boye to Centralia. Clandeboye’s oldest resident, Mrs. R. R. Hodgins, who is'nearing the century mark, clipped the streamer of ribbons, formally opening the fine new strip of concrete. Hundreds from all over the count­ ry-side were attracted by the dance at night, which lasted well on past bed-time. Excellent music was pro­ vided and the dancers shined up the pavement in fine style. Many were present from London, Lucan, Cen­ tralia and other near-by centres. Following the brief opening cere­ mony dinner was served at Charlie Carter’s cafb, with a representative gathering of township, county and town officials in attendance. Speechmaking followed, with Rev. J. J. Brown, pastor of the Clande- boye United Church, acting as chair­ man. The speakers all spoke of the new pavement find also lauded the enterprise of the ClandeboyeWo­ men’s Institute, under whose aus­ pices the ceremonies were held. Reeve Sid Emery, of McGillivray, was the first speaker introduced. Bringing greetings from the town­ ship he spoke of the fine feeling of fellowship which existed 'between the people of McGillivray and Biddulph. He referred to payed highways as links in of .greater citizenship and fly spirit. F. T. Briggs, tho contractors new pavement, humorous address, laughingly re- marking that such dances as Were exceedingly good for the shoe­ maker*. He also spoke of the co­ operation given his company during their work fitrd thanked the towh officials for their kindnesses. Ex-Reeve Mjelntyre and John Mc­ Laughlin, M.L.A., also spoke. those of beautiful the chain com mu n- of Curran & Briggs, Who constructed gave 'a short the ind this his people back to God. world-wide revival there if the rulers 'of the nation this today. (Jer. 1:1-10, 14: 7-2; 31:27-34.) For forty years the prophet Jeremiah declared God’s will to his unwilling people. He was persecuted for it. One of his written, inspired messages from God was cut to pieces by the pen-knife ol' a King, as critics and others put to pieces the Word of God today. But God’s words cannot be broken: Jeremiah’s prophecies have been, and will be, fulfilled to the letter. .12. .Jonah, the Narrow Nation­ alist Rebuked (the Book of Jonah.) Jonah, the disobedient prophet, learned to obey after going down in­ to death by rhe miracle of the great fish, and being brought back to life with another opportunity to obey God. His preaching brought to1 pass the greatest revival in history, when the groat city, Ninevah, turned to God. Those lessons in the lives -of men and women dating- hack as far as 3,800 years ago, show us that human nature has not changed, nor has sin, nor selfishness, nor God, n-or the power of his grace in sinful, needy human lives. Faith in, and obed­ ience to, this same God wll work as a be dp Jeremiah 31:27-34.) THOMSON—DAVIS The church of the Messiah, Toron­ to, was the scene of a quiet wedding when Helen Margaret, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis, was married to Mrj Win. Murray Thom­ son, son of Mr. and M’rs. Henry G. Thomson. Rev. Ramsay Armitage 'officiated. Following a family luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Thomson left by motor for Quebec and upon their return they will reside in Toronto. TAKING SISTER IN N. ONTARIO, SARGON “Indgestion and constipation kept mo terribly nervous and rundown and I hardly 'know what to do, when t i fortnuatelj/ I got started on Sargon andlit too ............... __ ______ _ eralfte thfec -years J over had. I’m enjoying/nil my a s wei me out of the most mis- Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S^,f>.Dl.& DENTA^L SURGEON Office opposite new^Fost Office Main? St., (^xeter Tplenfiones t„- Office S4w House Office closed every WednesdajZ(alI day) .until further notice._______ A x Dr. G. F. Houston, La) S.jD.D.S< DENTJ^T . Office aver JpfLrllng & Morley Law Office EXETER,ONT. Dr. D. A. AI^DERSON/^ DENTIST formerly /f Expter has located at 2u5 J^ortley Road, London, where W will practice\ Dentistry Phone: Metcalf 4290 i DR. E. S. SJEINER / [rKwn7!iJTxr inv larmnwAKZVETERINARY /SURGEOj^ Graduate of the Ontario.. CoB&e DAY ANp NjCHT CALLS PROMPT!^ATTENDED TO Corner of Main and Ann Street* Office in C. B. Snell's Block EXETER, ONT. JOHN CHIROPRACTIC, ELECTRO-THERAPY & VIOLET TR^ATft^NTS PH0~~ ‘ MAIN ST., ’ ARTHUR WEBER / LICENSED AUCTIONEER /’ For Huron ayd Middlesex / FARJW SALES/A SPECIALTY / ' PRICES REASONAH& ) SATISFACTION GUAbCnTE^D Phone Dd^ihwood FRANK TAYLOR X LICENSED AUCTIONEER For HuroiT'andFarm, sal^s a s^cialty Prices Reasonable a<d featl»factfa«! G^arajfteed ■ EXETER or ^.ING ------=2^==* OSCAR KLOPP / LICENSED AUCljlONEER/ Honor Graduatjgt*Ca.j-L tlon School. Social / c< in Registered Life Stctak Merchandise, $eal * Farw Sales, Etc. prevailing pri/ee, sured, write pse|.. , . or phone 18-&3,AZuJicb, Ont. —.... V.. * rfr .lar^y Joiwi’ Att®* r coui^e tAfcem ml brendBl i, Steal' |;E^’ate» Rfteg, 1keeping with.* ^Saliefactlon a*-- I Klopp, ZtaTfclta CONSULTING? FXGINEER r S. W. ^•chibald?^!B.A.Sc., (TorJv telisterqrf4 ^professional En~ „----------d/ Latttf Sihrveycr. Associate Member* Eng^neerimg Institute of Canada, CUnce, Sehforth, Ontario, food now without digestion, I’ve ga nd am world’s stronger otlfing I ever took reached my aid regulated me like am going mfcnt of this in Northern i£tt Brod on, I live Pill: I rea sistc Ha r- Tori Sargon at W. S. % ined O.L.S., Re, gineer Surgon a full to my 1—Mrs. to take medicine Ontario. H) Argyle Steel, may hd obtained in Exeter Howey’s. (Advertisement) ■Mr. 1 kiipwn throughout cattle dealer, died Alisa Craig in hit. i 69th year: sides his widow lie is survived W one s'on and one dtaugMer* Kenneth (McArthur, welF- 11...-..^^..,, |jie district as -sir. at his home ac