HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-09-18, Page 8’niUP.SDAY, SEPTEMBER lQ^Q ~ ‘"-I1—■m »>iiiiii»«n—wmc—^——i «■— HARVEY—JOHNSTONE r’A wedding of interest took place 5n Saskat'0on^/Bu|ky,„ qn September tile 2nd, when Dr, Ruth Alberta Johnstone, youngest daughter of Mr. S." Johnstone, of Chatham, Ontario, was mart-iej "to Dr< j« Maurice Har­ vey, soh of Mrs. J. S. Harvey, of Exeter, The ceremony which took place in St- Andrew’s College was conducted by Prof. A. S. Orton, form­ erly of Chatham. After a short motor trip Dr. and 'Mrs. Harvey will reside in Alsask. Sask., where Dr. Harvey has recently purchased a practice. n..- - - TAM-u-uw.- : f . u. ,HI-.- — Mr. Art Spicer, of Brantford, vis­ ited in town Monday. Miss Florence Brock, of Zion, is spending a few days with Miss G. Hutchinson. Mr.'and Mrs. Fred Hill, of Toron­ to, motored up for the Exeter Fair on Wednesday. (Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Colwill, of Sas­ katoon, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Welsh and other relatives last week. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Jeckdll and son William, of Youngstown, Ohio, are visiting with the former’s sister Miss L. M. Jeckell. Mr. and -M-rs. Herbert Alton, pf West Wawanash, are visiting with IMt. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston. They spent the past week- in London and are leaving here to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Robt,. Stevenson, of the Parr Line, Stanley, rwp. Exeter Markets .Wheat 70c. Oats 30c Barley 35c. Bran $1.30 Shorts $1.40 . Feed. Fleur $1.70 ’ Welcome Flour $3.00 Model Flour $3.30 Manitoba’s Best Flour $3.60 Creamery Butter 35c, Dairy Butter £9c. Eggs, extras 30 c. Eggs, firsts 27c. Eggs, seconds 22c. Hogs $11,00 —_------- ----------- <£occtls J THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, J* Bernard Rhodes, M, A, Minister Miss Lena Coates, A«U,O.M„ Organist 11 a.m.—Sunday School Rally Service. 7 p, m.—The Two Highways, Sunday, September 28th the Sac­ rament of the Holy Communion will bo celebrated. Gaven Anniversary October 12tli .'4A&4 TENNIS MEETING A ’meeting of the Exeter Tennis Club will be held in the Canadian Bank of Commerce Chambers on Fri­ day evening of this week; Matters of importance to the tennis players will be brought up and all are re­ quested to be present. iM. R. Complin, President WANTED—*Lo:y cept. on farm ^nc| Times-Advocate.. I ^£^500 at 7 per tofe. Apply to. You will find a splendid assortment of the newest cloths JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavisIi, Pastor W. R. Gouldiug, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 10 a.m.T— Sunday School 11 a.m —“Fools for Christ’s Sake.” 1 Cor. 4:10. p.pi.—“Gambling on Margin” Mark 12:34. and styles in our misses’ and womens’ Fall and Winter Coats. Our prices this year should interest you. /S=S * Duck shooting season opened on Monday. iMrs. Newton Baker is not as well and is again confined to her bed. ■ iMr. and Mrs. J. W. McIntyre have returned after a two week’s vaca­ tion. Miss Lyda Bowman, of Preston, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott. •Miss Pearl Rollin's, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Dore have re­ turned after holidaying in Toronto and Windsor. Mr. Ted Taman, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce staff, has been transferred to Arkona. Mr. Harold Wood, of Chatham, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood. iMisses Mildred and Eileen Taylor, of Toronto, are visiting with their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. William Blayney. Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton and Mr. .Wilfred Hamilton, sppfit Sunday with Mrs. jjJTt-on. Mr, T. S. Neale, has his duties at the Bank his home of London, F. R. Ham- 7 MAIN ST* UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. (?, J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m,—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Rev. J. \V. Button 7 p.m.—Rev J. W. Button Mr. Button is from the Putman charge. An oportunity for our young people to hear one of our younger men who has a very fine reputation., Thursday 8 p.m,—Prayer Service The Logie Mission Band want our congregation and their friends to re­ serve Tuesday evening, September 23rd for their concert rectial.* . 10 We have always something new to show yo/and and the dresses we offer this season are sure to Murray Heel Hugger Shoes foi/Women For good appearance, long endurancejind general econ­ omy Murray’s Heel Higger combination fitting shoes are hard to beat. Wear a pair of these shoes thatjwill give you comfort and have the styles ccanbined $7.00 $7.50. Shiffer Hillman Overcoats for Men 1,1 ■■l,T Your new overcoat is herejwaiting for you. Plaids are very popular, in tan, bluaf grey and brown checks These coats a-e wonderfully tailored and sell at . $3/.OO TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. J. J. Fenton, B.A.. Rector Miss K. M, MacFaul, Organist Fourteenth Sunday After Trinity S a.m.—Holy Communion • 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning mon. Subject; the Spirit.” 7 -p.m.—Evening mon. Subject: tion in Heaven.” O' returned to of Montreal inounceDr. Roulston desires to .__ that commencing on Frida^'Septem- ber 19th. IJe will be his office f|.r the two weeks.® Dur in gent cases will message is Bft^ Office. sent from gater part of this time ur- attended to it Central Telephone " FOUND—License plate 45-S54C. Finder may have same by paying for this adv.” Apply Times-Advocate. ’Earn upwards of $25.00 weekly, all winter, growing mushrooms for u§, in cellars. Illustrated booklet free. Canadian Mushroom ,C°-’ To“ rontm . / —.— . Fur neck pieces .of to order; also .cu^ wj Taylor, corner Streets. Phone ff kinds made Mrs. John kly^beth and Ann wra. 'The ANNUAL FALL EXHIBITION of Blyth Agricultural ociety will be held on T'htu^day a/d Friday, Sep- of Toron- temb or 25-261 Friday the Jcif, to, will preseft Memorial Hall the- evening TERS of program in the 2tc. LOST—On/Aug. ifeth, a -bundle of coats etc./qilhe Bj|ie Water High­ way; south el’ Ctr H. A. Lefery^ 84’S Detroit, Mich., U.____ FOR StA.LiE^-10 aVd. 12 week-old .Barred Rode PulletsjErom blood test­ ed stock'; also wwWyandottes aiid Leghorns ready Vo jay-,/ Wm. pad­ dock, Centralia u (d Bend. Reward Woodrow Wilson . A. 9-18-2tp fX-10 a|i Pallets Ji i dy V FOR SALE—Toi/atoeh' cumbers. Gh 9c per lb, s amber honey bott. over your l-3tp. nd eu­ ro ney at own pail, F. W. Ab- The Medical • Doct^is of Exetet will -observe, the holidays dur|ng th.# month of Sep­ tember. home on 3rd, Dr. Dunlop; Sept. 24th, D|#Browning.^'' ednesday half after holidaying at Thorold. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wm. Hatter motored ___ .... where the- ladies are visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hutton and dau­ ghter Evelyn, of Brantford, motored up and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Davis and two children, Bridgeburg, are holi­ daying with the i’ormer’js. parents Mr. and Mrs. Sid Davis. Mr. H. K. Lampman, .supt. of the Exeter Rural Hydro Commission, ac­ companied by Mrs. Lampman is away on vacation this week. Mrs. C. A. Southcott and Mrs. M. Sheere have been visiting for a week with the former’s son Rev. R. E. and Mrs. Southcott, of Morpeth. A.license plate off a motor truck was found and turned into the Times-Advocate on Saturday and on Monday it was returned to its -own­ er. Mrs. Amelia Dale returned recent­ ly after visiting with’ her sister . Mrs. Locke, at New Hampshire, and is confined to her room through ill­ ness. Mr. Earl Tapp, of -Toronto, who has been ■ visiting at his -home -here returned to Toronto this, week and will attend Pharmacy during the coming term. Mr. Chas. Acheson accompanied by Miss Phyllis Grey visited for.a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Acheson after holidaying Detroit, Saginaw and Bay City. Mr. A. J. Payne, of the Jones May staff, had the misfortune twist his left ankle and fracturing a small bone, while stepping down from his delivery rig on Monday. Mrs. E. Christie has returned to her home after :a very pleasant visit in Detroit. She was accompanied home by her sister |Mrs. E. Howard, of Windsor, who will visit here for a time. Mrs. J. S. Harvey and Gladys have returned home after visiting in Brantford, Galt and Toronto. Mas­ ter George -Harvey returned with them to his home in Brantford, af­ ter visiting here for five weeks. Mr..A. C. Skinner, Mayor of Sher­ brooke, Que., accompanied by Mrs. Skinner called on Mr. and Mrs. S. Pitton and Mr. Sylvester Taylor. Mr. "Skinner spent Saturday evening Witli Mr. Taylor and was very ipuch im­ pressed with the business carried on in Exeter on a Saturday night; Mrs. Harper Rivers and the Miss­ es’ Huston entertained about thirty of their friends at the Oakwood Golf Club on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. ,T. S. Woods, Mrs. F. May and Mrs. H. Gidley winning the prizes Tea was served in the big living room where a fire burned in the fireplace ?ind the guests passed a merry time. While stook threshing on the farm of M1‘. S. Stevenson, of Birr, a load of grain caught fire from the ma­ chine and only prompt action sav­ ed' a serious fire. The load was standing between the barn and stack and wlien the fire started the load was quickly driven away from dan­ ger ’and upset. The load Was burned and the wagon damaged. Exeter was visited with a local thunder storm and shower on Friday .afternoon last that was’ just about as heavy, a downpour as had been S€0h lit tills community for a num­ ber ‘Of* years. For a few minutes the rain seemed to come down in* sheets and the streets were running like rivers. It was the first veal shower that Exeter has been favor­ ed with*since June, A few miles eolith of Exeter 'there was little or no rain at ail. Fain tell again on Saturday, in some parts -el Ushorne there being a heavy deluge. The rain should help the fall wheat planting. Dow and Mrs. to Montreal Prayer and “The Flesh S er­ and in & to Prayer “Our Ser-and Conversa- Win | YorhClodliiig Co. are giving $100.00 in 00 in CASH Accidents During’. the ♦ for the best slogan oAnofmore than six words for Royal York i it; There ar.e no obligations. Anyone canClothes. You may win can send in a slogan. Ask us about it. There are no Several Bad ’ Accidents Week Mr. Alvin Cottle of Road, while working at Factory on Saturday, had the mis­ fortune to scald his legs when a nozzle came off the hose while cleaning up the factory during the evening. He was attended by Dr. Fletcher. The accident is a particu­ larly painful one. Mr. Hubert Heywood, of Usborne, who was assisting with some brick work at Mr. ,F- W. Gladman’s house on Albert street while attempting to cut a brick in two had the misfor­ tune to strike the index finger, in­ flicting a nasty wound. Mrs. Com­ plin, who lives in the residence and who is a trained nurse rendered first aid. ' \ - <Mr. Roland Williams, of Usborne, met with an unfortunate accident on Monday. He and his father were in the act of cutting a piece of red hot iron when the hot end of the iron flew up and struck Mr. Williams in the face. His upper lip was burn­ ed and the cheek He was brought to Weekes. Allen. Austin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Austin of Farquhar, had an eye removed at the Stratford hospital on Saturday evening following an accident while playing in his father’s blacksmith shop. The lad fell and his eye came in contact with some sharp object which pierced the eyelid and pene­ trated the eye. The parents were in London at the time and Mrs. J. W. Stewart, a neighbor, brought the lad to Exeter to Dr. Fletcher’s hos­ pital. The lad was removed to the Stratford hospital and with some difficulty thfe parents were located and an operation was performed for the removal of the eye. Mr. Harry Jennings .Sr., had the misfortune to get his hand caught in onp of the saws at the Ross-Tay­ lor Planing Mill on Thursday of last week with the result that one of the fingers. was taken off and several others badly injured. Mr. Jennings was running the groove saw when in some '‘manner the table fell and the hand came in contact with the saw. The middle finger of the left hand was taken off and parts, of other fingers and thumb were badly cut. He was removed to Dr. Dunlop’s of­ fice where with the assistance of Dr. Fletcher the hand was dressed and an effort made to save the first joint of the thuimb. Mr. Jennings has been with the Ross-T‘aylor com­ pany for sixteen years and this is his first bad accident. the Thames the Canning cut and burned. Exeter where the thirteen-year-old ’Ml Holidays Over Hot/ Let us settle down to business and if you want to buy ftmniture it will be gool BUSINESS for you to buy from us a/' we have a lot of jiew goods the new prices. meet the llw prices/of farm pro­ ducts. So|if you/buy here you will get go See our ne gooc III I •* ir prices/are cut to id bai L ains. IPS and other fery latest and Samples *eady for yourjmspection dreds to pick here Hu rom R.r ROWE kk See The New j/ishion Plates . Prices from $24.00 up AGENTS FOR JANSON CLEANERS AND DYERS ■ W. Mv. TA MAN PHONE 81w EXETER, ORT. i "AUTO GLASS replaced while yojXvait FUNERAL DIRECTOR AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 2Ow and 2Ojwill be atTh| thefdaysF mentioned—Sept. wl Sep! Sept. lOt'h, Dr 7th, Dr. Fletcher; IrhWni-nsr. Choice clover honewrfor sale at a reasonable price. Apply to .Wesley Dearing, R.R.jNm^UL, Exe^r, Ont., phone 17-14 -(fo^iton. FOR SALE OR/^RENT — New stucco bungamw oxt?'Wellington St.E .every moderrf c$hv< nee.—M. Gf Hansford. I"/ 8-14rfffc / r farm If you wish to by or house see R. E. or sell iekard, Ffxeter. ’ Mr. L. V. Hogarth is this week moving from Andrew Street to the residence he recently purchased north of the river. Dr. W. E. Weekes, accompanied by his wife and son Billy, returned Saturday from Toronto where the former took a post graduate course in medicine at St. Michael’s Hos­ pital. The Athletic Association of the Exeter High School has re-organized with the following officers: Presi­ dent of the association, Ray Pryde; captain of track team, Will Joynt; captain of field team, Gerald Skin­ ner; upper school form representa­ tives, 5 th, Frank' Strange; Cochrane;. 3rd, Kenneth 2nd, Donald Hicks; 1st, Complin. Officers, of the girls’ di­ vision are: President, Martin; 1st vice-president, Penhale, 2nd Vice-P’resident, Mar­ jorie Complin; secretary .^Jluby Stone •treasurer, Laura Clark# save money on your coal WE HAVE SBiCURED AGENCY FOR C LKIN DOORS AND WINDOWS/ ALS# METAL . WE ATHER^T jyflPPING '•U PRICES. , Exeter LKIN r-HA Exeter, G. A. Phone 2»> n, England. street, . ONTA Modern con- FOR SALE OR REM red brick semi-bungaloj/ veniences, centrally li FOR RENV- ‘ light houselkeepinj/ Weekes’ offic 3. FOR SALE —- pump; also < pedFting table, almost tuohn Rowe, Admin- F. Beavers. 6-19-tfc. All ’ated. ’—Sevei/1 rooms above Isible 10 gal, for Dr, gas. new. Apply istrator or B. ;o LEIQEST1 A chi rams nc vited.—4 Lake Hfc SHEEP ^Sction of ewes and Inspection in­ Hay P.O., 8-ll-4t$ 4th, G. Hockey; Charles LET US QUOTf W. J. HE mco sA. . Av fop sale. . Hargy ‘ Sihith, iajK adjoining Exeter. Before th( Accident Insure, ybur car Good variety of pofccie# for part or complete eoveftge# 1; nd your ifteome. fife Margaret Helen •—zt.. Powell’s Variety ,^rore s Look Hi lour North Window for Surprise. Street’ Commissioner Bissett id1 making preparations to have a new floor* put on the bridge over the river. Traffic will be detoured for a couple of days while work is in progress. The new pavement; which has been laid between Centralia .and Clande- boye will be open to the public this Week with a street carnival at Clandeboye this Thursday evening. The new bridge that crosses the Aux Sauble at' the Lucan hill has been completed but there is considerable filling,in yet to be done befofe it can be used for traffic. DOROTHY E. GRASffflCK A. L.C. 1 (Honor Graduate) &o Insfrnctio Piano, Viols Studio Nr. Al EXETE T1 Perfe W. 3. go Guaranteed LE. DRUGGIST SAFETY- RAZOR* BLADES - SHAR ‘ENED/anymale.) SINGLE E )GE , DOUBLE : iDG ”fy our new Salted packets, the uts in large of handling. a good stock of Flower for the fall season. It is 0 take up tile plants' and get started for winter, We are expecting Hyancinths, Narcissus and Sffodilis in large numbers this season. Pots Ernest C. Harvey Represent! Lttmlienhen’s . “World’s Gt g among others ututtl Casualty CdM atest. Automobile iitual” Cash fljvidondsjto poM^yhohlers have not been les of premium Piano V. •i W. r. gouldiug . T. O. M. <Manl& ami Clid/master James pt Unitc^/Church structioiFlh T 'gan Thworyi Stiperti§o)r|o£ M/bIc in Schoois 57> Fhone » ONt Studio, Main