HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-09-18, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, SBI'IEMHUB IS. <OSQ s CREDJTON GRAIN WAN' Pool and cash gr are prepared to pa^j possible prit bags and si ialize in ped price.-—COO Phone 54 Scho For particulars write b. r Ward, B.A. Principal ias made it possible d positions demandng gfcljiKd ot Commit CLINTON, ONTARIO Offers you a Practical Business Training th' for our scores of students to obtain and ’J a high st'andard of offiency. COUR Stenographic, omniercial, Service, Commercial/Teacheris C You/cannot a r, etarlal, General Office, Civil se and Special Courses arranged, id a better School. ATTEND THIS? s on September 2nd, 1930 M. A* Stone, Com. Specialist, Vice-Prin., Phone 198 ID wanted . . _ . on the highest e andjfurnish°you with ippljrorucks. We spec- Is. Joe sure and get our fcXlROS, MILLING CO. Hensall, Ont. Daniel Sweitzer, of „.... are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Christian Trick. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koeltzow, of Detroit, are visiting with Mr. anti Mrs. Hy, Haist Mr, and Mrs. erick, Mr, and Emery were in Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Vancouver B.C Mr We sst D S I lightning- struck the barn of Mr. Al- • w«vo n .AminUfl nf miles east of ^telephone DR. J. A. M«TAGGART,J / Specializing in Platfl Main Street SALK ENSALL Rev. Andrew Boa, oDPort ’Stanley 5s visiting with relatives here. Mrs. A. Saundercock was. visited by friends from London last' week. Mrs. D. McLean visited with her sister Mrs. D. McTavish, of St. Thom- ,as last wbek.Quite a number from Hensall look; n the Fair at Exeter on Wed­ nesday afternoon.Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, who have Sieen visiting Mr. and Mrs. John El- <tier have returned home.Mr. and Mrs. James Eby, of Tor­ onto, spent the week-end at the home •of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White, Before moving to Exeter, Mr. Bol­ ton was a resident of Hensall and jtvas honoured by alp who knew him. Mr. and Mrs. Buswell and family w'f Centralia, were Sunday visitors ;nt the home of Mrs. Alex. McM’urtie. Mr. Arthur Clark spent a couple A»T days last week visiting his son 5n London and also taking in the Fair.He was a fine type of a man and the sympathy of the whole neigh­ bourhood goes out to the bereaved family.•Manns & Farquhar have greatly .-improved their barber shop and pool .room by having it painted inside and outside.Mr. Ferris C'antelon who under­ went an operation l’or appendicitis 5n the Seaforth hospital has reurned liome.Mrs. Roy Callis, of Santa Barbara .Cal., is here visiting her mother and sister Mrs. Dinsdale and Mrs. Fred SSinimons.Mr. George Angell, who has been ■3n the employ of Mr. Russel Broder- ack, has returned to his home in Belleville.Messrs. John Soldan, Jack Car- anicliael and (Miss Nellie Carmichael Jiave returned home after a weeks visit in Detroit.Mrs. Laura Miller, of Windsor," is spending a few days with her father ■Hr. Richard Blatchford and other] relatives in Toronto. Miss Florence Welsh,<• of London, •who has been visiting at her home liere left Monday for an extended trip to the coast.Mrs.. Jas. Hoggarth and daughter Irene, have returned home after vis­ iting .with her daughter in Toronto and St. Hyacinthe, Que.Mr. Alf. Clark is putting in some more seats in his blacksmith shop and otherwise getting- ready to ac­ commodate his winter visitors. Miss Madeline Higgins returned to 'Toronto Saturday evening after a very pleasant two weeks visit with .relatives in Hensall and Clinton. Mrs. Annie McDonell has return­ ed from Lucan where she was nurs­ ing the late Mr. McRae at the home .o? his son-in-law A. J. Fleming. Mr. Frank Smale, of Detroit, has returned home after visiting a week with his ”bi',olthe)r Mr. Geo. Smale Jiere and’his mother iil Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam’ Gallagher; Miss Maude Higgins, of Gorrie, Mr. John Lennox and Mr. Alex Higgins, of Wroxeter town. The manj' Bolton were death which Monday mornin, allness. 1UC JUU1VW v*. - ---------------------------lerian Church intend holding a fowlj usupper in the church‘shed early in October. After the supper a con-) •cert will be given. j Rev. Mr. Sinclair’ preached, anni­ versary services in Blueville on Sun­ day and the pastor of the Blueville /.church, Rev. Mr. Mann took charge of the services here.Mr. Lloyd Passmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore was taken io the Seaforth Hospital on Thurs­ day and operated on for appendicitis Kloyd’s condition is very serious. Harris & Wren produce dealers here, ' have dissolved partnership. Mr. Wren retaining the business. Mr. Harris is spending some time visiting his uncle in New York State. Anniversary services will bea in Uhiselhurst United Church on Sun­ day, October 5 tli. Services will be Jield both afternoon and evening and ♦on Monday evening the ladies will .hold a fowl supper in the church Shed,Among those from a distance who attended the funeral of he late ■Robert Bonthoihi wore Mr. and,Mrs. Wm. Boilthorn, of Detroit, Mrs. L. Simpson, Will and Mae Simpson of-| Detroit, Mrs. Vair and Mrs. McCay of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. .Me Martin of Barrie.Mr. Delos Huntley, of Otterville, who recently purchased the barber- itig (business from Mr. Il, Warner has taken possession of the business. Iliintley ’cohies well recommended sind will no doubt get a good shhre ©f the harboring business.A severe electrical storm passed over the village on Saturday night /accompanied by a heavy rain. 'I’he vin Wuye, a couple of miles east of I Hensail, completely destroying the barn and contents. Mr. Waye’is loss will be heavy as the barn contained all his season’s crop. The Deali of Mi’s. Wm. McDougal The death occured here on Tues­ day evening of Mrs. Wm. McDougal one of our oldest residents at the home of her granddaughter Mrs. L. Hudson. Mrs. McDougal was in her 84 year and has been a resident of Hensall for a good many years. Her husband predeceased her some years ago. She leaves to mourn her loss one daughter Mrs. Nelson Blatchford) and several grandchildren. The fun1 eral wll take place from the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Lloyd Hud­ son, interment in the Hensall Union Cemetery. DEATH OF ROBERT BONTHRON Another of Hensall’s oldest resi­ dents in the person of Mr. Robert Bonthron died at his home here on Sunday afternoon. He was born in Scotland 87 years ago, a native of Buckhaven, Fifeshire and came to Canada wth his parents when he was eight years old. He attended Upper Canada College and after graduating he took up the teaching and taught school for a years at Taylor’s Grove, He later went into the business will his father store at Rogerville and later in Hen­ sail. He was a member of the village council and also acted as clerk of the village for a number of years. He was an enthusiastic sportsman taking a great interest in curling and bow­ ling. He was an exceptionally fine player on a violin taking part in numerous concerts in this district and few. could equal him in step­ dancing. The deceased is survived by his widow, formerly Maria White, three sons, William Bonthron, De­ troit; James W. Bonthron, of Hen­ sall, and Frederick’ Bonthron who also resides in Hensall; also four daughters, Mrs. James McMartin, of Barrie; Mrs. Stephen Vair, of Tor­ onto; Mrs. Louis Simpson, of Detroit and Mrs, T. C. Joynt, of Hensall survive. There are two sisters Mrs, Alexander Ross and Mrs. R. H.' , Collins both of Kitchener. The fun­ eral which was private was held on Tuesday afternoon interment in Hensall Union cemetery. and relatives. Lloyd Hey and Fred- Mrs. W. Fisher and Guelph on Sunday. ^r, John Hey, and Mar­ garet, of Zurich, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Hy. Haist on Sunday. Relief from the severe drought is now apparent. The rains which are occurring almost' daily are wel­ come. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Clark, of Detroit, are spending their vacation with the former’s parents Mr. and' Mrs. F. W. Clark. A large number attended the fun­ eral of the late Christian Eilber, of Zurich, formerly of CTediton. The community extends its sincere sym­ pathy to his relatives. Rev. Robert Rapp, a representa­ tive of our Evangelical European Conferences will occupy the pulpit next Srunday morning in the inter­ est of our church in France, Ger­ many and Switzerland. Mrs. Chas. Bigelow, formerly Miss Melinda Schwartz, of East House, Mich., accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Schwartz and son Traverse City, have returned to I homes after visiting for a few with friends. Rally September 2 8tli at Evangelical Sunday School church services a brief program ‘be given in the Sunday School oi their days profession number of Hay, Twp. mercantile running a the GRAND BEND chain red & WHITE Gold Medal PURE ORANGE MARMALADE 40 oz. Jar for 29c. CROWN SYRUP 5 lbs. tins each 23c. SPECIAL PRICES ON TODDY !T LLFEBUOY SOAP Special 3 for 19c- EAGLE BRAND MltK 19c. per tin NUGGET SH<E POLISH 2 W 23c. |UX SOAP 3 for 21c, SUGAR, FRUIT JARS, JAR RUBBE GLASS TOPS, AND ALL SPICES, M GAR FOR PICKLING. / K JINCJAR JtlNGS, STARD AND VINE- 1-2 lb. tins 34c. and Toddy shnker worth 35c. FREE INGERSOLL CREAM CHEESE ... PUFFED WHEAT......... RED & WHITE COCOA ALL BRAN A PURE LARD • t . 2 pkg. for 25c. 2 boxes for 25c. . ♦ . . Per tip 23c, Large pkg. 21c. tPURE CLOVER HONEY 10 pound pail 98c, 5 pound pail 49c. These Prices Good Only Thursday Friday, aryl Saturday, September 18. 19 and 20 | HARVEY & HARVEY == Phone 102 “QUALITY ALWAYS fllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH the and will 51TVU AA* V--W -----„ SOS** sions and special music in the church services. The offerings will be for the benefit of our Bridgeport cause which promises to be an Evangelical centre in a few years but at present needs assistance in order that a com­ modious church building may be erected. The Women’s Institute met last week Tuesday afternoon in the In­ stitute hall for their regular month­ ly meeting. The new president Mrs. M. Telfer presided. The usual business was transacted. A booth at the Crediton School Fair and a i concert in the evening will be under the auspices of the Institute. In­ strumental duet by Lavina and. Alma Smith; Clifton Mitchell gave a de­ monstration of “Wearever Aluminum Utensils.” Refreshments were serv-| ed; Mrs. Thomas Mawhinney, Mrs.) Christ. Haist. Mrs. Mat England and Mrs. Aaron Wein were the hostesses. The True Blue Sunday School Class held a social evening at the home of their teacher, Miss A. Gai- ser on Monday evening. The even­ing was spent in readings, contests ad musical numbers. After which they all enjoyed a corn and weinei- .roast, winding up with a big water­ melon.A vote of thanks was given to Miss Gaiser for the opening of her home. All reported a very enjoyable evening. EXETER, ONT HIGHER THAN PRICE” IIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIM We Deliver and Mrs. P. .Smith, of London were Sunday visitors with Mr. J. Hartlieb and Lavada. (Mr. Lome Tieman of London is spending his vacation at his home here. .Mrs. Davidson, of Georgetown, Mrs. W. Reid and Sarah and Mr. Porter of Bayfield were visitors .at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid. Mr. Milton Sauer left on Saturday for Naperville where he will attend college. Mr.and Mrs. S. Adams, of London were Sunday visitors with relatives. Miss Mytra Hoffman, >of Kitchener spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Powel and family of Thedford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. Tieman. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Davis and family of Bridgeport and Mrs. Shaf­ er, of Parkhill spent Sunday with re­ latives in town. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stade, of Zur­ ich, visited friends on Sunday. Miss Anna Hess, of Zurich, spent’ Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoff­ man. Mr. and Mrs. J. Schroeder visited j friends in. Windsor a few days last Dan Hodgson. They motored to To­ ronto and spent the week-end. The regular meeting of the Wo­ men’s Association was held in the basement of the church on Thursday afternoon, September the 4th. Mrs. H. MeFalls took charge of the de­ votional part of the meeting. The meeting was opened by singing hymn 2 87 after which all repeated the Lord's Prayer. iMrs. N. Baker read the scripture lesson from Psalm 24. Readings were given by Mrs. A. Mc- Falls and Mrs. M. Elliott, Sirs. C. Skinner sang a solo Mrs. M. El­ liott then took charge of the meet- ting A short business session was conducted., It was decided that' we have a fowl supper on Wednesday, October 22nd. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. L. Shouldice, Mrs. N. Baker, Mrs. Pollard and Mrs. Milt. Sleamon. Roll Call, 25 members present. Mrs. T. Neil dismissed meeting. KIRKTON Miss Eliza Shier has returned to her home after visiting friends in London. Rev. Mr. Hart, of Trobridge oc­ cupied the pulpit in the United church on Sunday evening. Rev. Mr. Bell preached, anniversary ser­ vices at Trobridge for Mr. Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Marshall, Ross Marshall and Milton Gregory spent a few days the past week up the Bruce Peninsula. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the London Fair the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Blatchford, of Wind­ sor. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dobson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hall visited with friends in Exeter on Sunday. , The rain has come at last and with it an electric storm on Friday after- ! noon. A down pour of rain which , was much needed passed this way. it was accompanied by a lot of thun­ der and lightning. The fine barn of Mr, Gleason Gill near Russeldale was struck and burned, to the ground with the season’s crop and seven fTne- Holstein ealves were also burn­ ed. Mr. Gill’s loss will be heavy. On Sunday afternoon an aero­ plane from Sarnia landed in Mr. D. Goulding’s field and a large crowd soon gathered and the pilot began taking passengers up in the air for $3.00 apiece. Twenty-six people availed themselves of the ity and the airmen then went on tliejr way. Miss Eleanor Doupe training quaintances here. people op port un­ tlie KHIVA A number from here attended ^London Fair last week. , Master Lee Regier, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Regier had the misfortune while riding on the wagon, to fall off. The wheel of the wagon passed over his arm fracturing it at the wrist. He is getting along nicely. [ Mrs. W. Disjardine of Edmonton, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason. I Mr. and Mrs- A. Tilley spent Sun­ day with iMr. and Mrs. E. Lamport, Crediton. Mr. and Msr. J. Ratz and child­ ren and Mr. Mervyn Lamport spent the week-end in Buffalo. Miss M. Knight spent the week­ end at her home near Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ratz’and fam­ ily spent Sunday at Niagara Falls. Quite a number from here atten­ ded Exeter Fair on Wednesday . Mr and Mrs. A. Willert and " ily spent Sunday with friends Parkhill. The Misses Ilene and Ruth lent spent the week-end with grandmother Mrs. Sararas the week. Miss Elda Kraft, of Thedford vis- ited at her home here on Sunday. .Miss Ruth Kleinstiver returned on Sunday after spending a week with her sister in Stratford. (Mr. Clayton Pfile is oh the sick list. We hope for a speedy .recovery The ladies Of the Evangelical church are busy making preparations for the Fowl Supper on October 1, Mrs. Lipert who spent the summer with Mrs. Mason, left on Tuesday and will stay with her daughter Mrs. D. Schroeder for the winter. SHIPKA I Anniversary services will be con­ ducted at the United Church. Sun­ day, September 2 8, in the afternoon and evening. Rev. Maines, from Wal­ ton will be ’the speaker. A large number from here took in the Exhibition at London last week.Mr. and Mrs. J. Ratz, Gordon and Reta and Mr. Melvin Lamport en­ joyed the week-end with relatives and friends at Bad Axe, Mich., and other parts ot^tlie states.Mr.and Mrs. Albert Keys and fam­ ily of Exeter and the former’s moth­ er, Mrs. Keys, of Hensall, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs.'Ei’tfest Keyes. Mrs. John Minnick and Stanley from Lockport N. Y.. visited with their brother Mr. C. Finkbiener last Saturday. x ;.Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gaiser and Rhea are in Detroit where their daughter Rhea has undergone an operation for bone trouble on her hip. Mrs. Gaiser is remaining with her for a few weeks. Mr. Gaiser has returned home stating that' Rhea is getting along nicely. >Mr. and Mrs./Wm. Ratz and Mr. •and Mrs. A. Fiilkbeiner spent a few days at Niagara Falls. The Ladies’' Aid of the ,Church Will held a roast supper on. September 30th. ulars next week. __ nurse-in- in Stratford is renewing ac-Rev. 9. J. Mathers and J. W. Holt were at Brussels attending Huron Presbytery on Thursday last. Quite a number took in London Fair and report a good fair. Walter .Statton was in Sarnia on business last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lovie spent a few days visiting in Detroit and Munroe. Mrs. J. Olliver is visiting friends in London. Mr. Wm. Paterson spent a few days1 with friends in Sarnia and Port Huron.Rev.' S. J. Mattliars will commence a series of sermons next Sunday ev- I ening, “Present Messages from the Prophets,” starting with Amos, so do. not miss any of these sermons. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ravelie spent Sunday in ,St. Marys visiting Mrs. S. Dewey. Mrs. Robinson, of Brucefield spent .Sunday with Mrs. C. Green. I i were recent visitors in friends here of Mr.. A. shocked to hear of his occurred in Exeter on g following a short liess.Tlie ladies of the Carmel Presby- and Mrs- -Me HARPLEY Mrs. Hugh Love is visiting at lieri home in Zurich. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eaglesou and Pauline, spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ford, of Exeter.;’ Mir. Hector Murray, of Detroit,' visited over the week-end at "tile’ home of his sister Mrs. Wm. Hod­ gins. Miss Leone Eagleson and her fi­ ance visited for a few days in Lon­ don last week. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the Western . Fair last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nichols spent I Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Langford { Ridley. THAMES ROAD Tom McCurdy is in London and i WHALEN Mr, Geo. .Squire Jr. has been quite ill during the past week suffering from blood poisoning. Mr. and Mrs. A.bner Metlson, of Lucknow, 'Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Millson, of Lucan, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mi’s. Geo, Millson. Miss Alma Parkinson has return­ ed to her home having spent the past two weeks with her aunt, M;rs. John Stevenson, of Thorndale. Wedding bells are ringing In community. Mr. and Mrs. F, C. Squire family spent Sunday with Mr, Mrs. Wnl, Etherlngtoil, Thames Mrs. N. Odgen, of Exeter, spent a couple of days last week With her daughter Mrs. L. Squire, Mr.and Mrs. Geo. Parkinson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr. Whiteford of St. Marys. ;llis johii ELiMVji.LE GRAIN VANTED Pool and cas MT. CARMEL United chicken Partic- grain wanted. We are pr ared t pay you the highest possible'\price/and furnish you with bags an ialize in price.—( Phone 54 Mr. Richard Johns recently chased a new Chevrolet sedan. Mr. and Mrs. B. Cooper and Isobel visited near Seaforth last Sunday. An aeroplane circled and landed in Mr. Joshua Johns field last Mon­ day afternoon. The pilot landed to ask information regarding the way. Mr. Wes. Horne has been ill with tonsilitis. Miss "May Clark visited relatives in London recently. The Rally Day program will be followed on Rally Day, September |28tli at the Sunday School session in the afternoon. Sixteen officers and members of the Live Oaks Mission Circle visited Thames Road Circle on Saturday afternoon last. simply trucks. We spec- Be sure and get our K BROS. .MILLING Hensall, CO. Ont. 1) ur-STAFFA and Mrs. Robt. Sadler fain- near Wil­ their near spenfMr, ____ __ ___ „ the week-end with Mrs. Dingle of Toronto.Dr. Egerton Wilson and wife of Owosso, Micli., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Wilson last week.Mr. Howard Leary, of London, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. .John Leary. Mr and Mrs. O.^W. Reid have re­ turned after a to Montreal and Quebec. The Women® Missionary Society met at the hc$he of Mrs. Cecil Bow­ man on Rev. Hr. Corcoran on Sunday an­ nounced the bonds of marriage of Alfonso Louis Hartman to Miss Do- • herty Zettle of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. R. Etue and. family, of Detroit, spent’ the week-end with Mrs. Etue’s parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. James Carey. Miss Alice Dederich, of London, spent a few days at her home here. Messrs. Joseph and Hubert- Carey, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. An­ drew Keogh and family motored: to Simcoe on Saturday to visit their sister Mrs. Mater. GREENWAY 'Mr. Tom McCurdy is in Victoria Hospital, London and underwent an operation on Thursday last. As we write he is improving nicely. Mrs. Horton of St Thomas, is vis­ iting with her cousin Mrs. Robt. Kydd.Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlock, St. Thomas spent the week-end with their parents.On Friday afternoon during a se­ vere storm the barn of Mr. Gleason Gill was struck and totally destroy­ed together with eight head of pu.rej bred Holstein calves. We understand Mr, G-ill intends to rebuild. I i A good congregation greeted the) Rev. Mr. Rhodes of Caven church Exeter, on Sunday it being the fes­ tival of Harvest. The choir rendered Suitable music and a quartette was very nicely given by Misses Monti eth Moody, A. Gardiner and W. Cann. Allan the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Austin is in the Stratford hospital, suffering the* loss of one of his dyes when he fell at' Ms home and something pierced, the eye. The previous week, Russel a younger brother tripped coming home and broke Ms arm but is ..... nicely. NTRALIA giCain wanted Pool an# cash grain wanted. We are m’epai#d to pay you the highest possi bags ialize iH price.- Phone ’ice and furnish you with supply trucks. We spec- sas. Be sure and get our OK BROS. MILLING CO. Hensall, Ont. Wm. Ford, who has been ser- ill for the past couple of is somewhat improved. He Tu Dr. H At o ay last. ASHWOOD Cowed, L.D.S., D.D.S, ENTAL SURGEON ice in Hartlelb Block, Dash- rst three days of week and j over the Post Office, in last three days of/week. GRAIN WAN! and cash grrffn wanted. We A large number of our citizens at­ tended the Western Fail’ last week. Mr. Eagleson’s horse won second prize tn the races. Miss .Stella Gratton, of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hotson on Sunday. Mr. W. Paterson and Mrs. R. Webb of Grand Bend, visited. Miss Mae Wilson last Tuesday. Mrs. Donald Webb, of Lansing, Mich., and Mr. Gordon Pollock, of Detroit, visited relatives here recent­ ly. The pupils of S. S. No. 10, Stephen are preparing for the school fair to be held at Grand Bend on the 25tli of September. Miss Topping spent the week-end at her home in London. Mr. iously weeks ____ ... . . has been at the home of his son, Mr. Fred Ford, during his illness. The Truth Seekers Sunday School Class held a corn and weiner roast on the school grounds on Monday evening. All present report a good time.Mr. James Bancroft spent a couple of days last week attending West­ ern Fair, London. Mr, and Mrs. Win. Bowden are visiting with friend* in Bright. Mrs. Japies Taylor, of Belgrave, and Mrs. Alen McGowan, of Blyth, visited with their sister Mrs. Arthur Brooks for a few days last week, | Mr, and Mrs. Earl Hodgins and , __I two children, of Chatham, are getting along i spending the holidays at the home • nt the 'lormev’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Pool are prepared to pg/"you the highest possible prifte an/? furnish you with bags and ialize in p price.-—CO Phone 54 trucks. We spec- Be sure and get our BROS. MILLING CO. Hensail, Ont. The Dashwood cider mill will be running every day except Saturday A. Zimmer! prop. 8-11-3tp of Kitch- Mr, A SUSPENDED DRIVING LICENSE Spoils the finest day—Tli^fsmooth- est road—Tile peppiest e Avoid such disappointment by in­ suring yourself against pausing per sunal Injury and Damage to 'Pepty. The annual rate Is tecti Miss Gladys Guenther ener, visited with her brother and Mrs. E. Guenther. Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Brenner............. and] family, of Pittsburg visited with Mrs.) Flnkbiener and Uatherine and called oh old acquaintances. Mr. Cza.r Steinhagen, ’ of Guelph, ■ spent a few days with his parents. . _____ _ ___ ______ Mrs. and Mrs, Alecrburg and tam- of the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. ily of I'ort Frank, Mrs, Nicholson til an ies. the Motor you ar policy i glad to Pro-.OW; the n Is HIGH, represent nd British hould you gistrar Vehicle Pro-f tjtb leading Cana- isurance Compah- esire to fyle with. Motor Vehicles a ertificate tO' show­ pretec.^d under hn IhsuranGa c anti P. D. I wm bu re of this for yon. BOL ERA^CIS nsuranec nnd Brokev Office 41 G«iier Esc. Phone 1C4