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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-09-18, Page 4
*niVllSl)AY, SEPTEMBER IS, 1930 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE •jr" LOCAL NEWS Mr. anfl Mrs. J. Pullman and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. W. Hopper and. JAmily, of -Seaforth, yisited on Sun day with, Mr, and Mrs. TL 0. Day man. Mr, and Mrs. Ira Moir and chil dren and, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Green and Mr. S. Purdon visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Morris at Monroe On Snpday, Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Hooper, Mrs. S. Madge, of Landon and Mrs. Frese, of Wiarton, who was visiting with >. and Mrs. Hooper, motored up •and attended Exeter Fair. .Lutman accompanied them. _ « .—w- ■. —-r-—- Herfords-—-Aged cow, J. Hertzel, O’Neal Bros.; 2-year-old. heifer, O’Neal Bros. & 2nd; l-year-old hei fer, O’Neal Bros & 2nd; heifer calf, Q’Neal grps., 1, 2 & 3. L// O’Neal Bros. & 2nd, F. Carbert; di ploma, O'Neal Bros. Polled Angus — Dearing 1, 2 and 3 . . fer, P. Dearing & 2nd bull calf, 4» Mrs, Let tjcacor. Bapdy us rebuild you’ AVe stock thfii Elliot. ^Id Fordson enuine parts. JUARN BCHNED During the thunder storm Satur- -tday' the fiue bank barn owned by Mr. Alva Waye, on the 10tli conces sion, of Tuckersmith, was destroyed t>y fire together with the season’s crop and about 150 chickens and two pigs. The fire occurred at midnight .and attracted a large crowd of .spec tators a number going out from Ex eter. The loss was partly covered t>y insurance. 22ILYE A—DIG NAN N L’PTIALS A pretty wedding was solemnized ■on Saturday afternoon in Holy Trim; •Sty Church, Lucan, when Jean Van, only daughter of Afr. 'and Afrs. Wil liam Dignan, became the bride of. Robert H. Bilyea, son of Air. and Mrs. Fred Bilyea, of London Town ship. The '‘Welcome In” Class, of which the bride had been a member, had beautifully decorated the altair; and chancel with goldenrod, gladioli and asters, the guest pews being’ marked with pink ribbon and asters. The ceremony was performed bj’ Rev. K. McGoun, rector of the church. The bride, who was given away •I>y her father, was lovely in a beige luce ensemble with brow’n velvet ha-t and brown shoes. She wore a handsome string of pearls, the gift at the groom, and carried pink roses -Miss Leila Bilyea, sister of the groom was the bridesmaid. Jack Graham, of London, was the groomsman. Miss Evelyn McFalls played the wedding march, and again during the sign ing of the register. The groom’s gift to the bride was a string of pearls, to the bridesmaid -a necklace, to the organist, a vanity ease; to the groomsman, a cigarette lighter. After the ceremony a reception ■was held at the home of the bride’s parents. A buffet luncheon was .served the taible being tastefully dec-: orated with the wedding cake in the centre. Mr. and Mrs. Bilyea later left on- a motor trip to Hamilton and Toron- -io, the bride smartly attired in brown •with brown fox fur and accessories to match. On their return, they will TESide in London. Look them buy the new •Bandy Elliot j R. Sanders, Mrs. Heywood; Field Carrots, Mrs. Heywmod, R, Sanders; Sweet Corn, white, iv. Dearing, F. Ellerington; Indian Corn, Mrs, Hey wood; Bantam Corn, R. Sanders, J. Sutton; Water Melons, C. R. Maier, Sirs, Heywood; Pumpkins, R. Sand ers, W. Sanders; Squash, R. Sanders W. Sanders; Musk Melons, C. R. Maier, R. Sanders; Sweed Turnips, F. Triebner, H, Truemnex'; Turnips, any variety, C. R. -Maier, R. Sanders; Red Onions, Mrs. Heywood; White or Yellow Onions, H. Truemner, Mrs. Vancamp; Spanish Onions, C. R. Maier, Mrs. Heywood; Tomatoes, R. Sanders; Celery, Dr, Grieve; Citrons round, c. R. Maier, R. Sunders; Cit rons, long, R. Sanders, W. Sanders; Parsnips, R. Sanders, W. Sanders; Hubbard Squash, R. Sanders, C. R. Maier; Table Squash, R, Sanders, Mrs. Heywood; Fall Cabbage, R. Sanders. S. Powell; Winter Cabbage, C. R. Maier, R. Sanders; Collection Of Vegetables, C. R. Maier, R. Sand ers; Special, Mrs. Vancamp; Dutch Sets, S. J. Willeri. Judge—R. Coates Manufactures ami Implements Pair Blankets, Southcott Bi'os., Mrs. Jas. Creighton; Blankets Jones & May; Woollen Yarn, Mrs. E. Darl ing; Rag Carpet, Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. E. Lawson; Tailor Custom Suit, W. W. Taman, Southcott Bros; Collection of General Goods, Jones & May, Southcott Bros; Best Col lection Tailor’s Goods and Furnish ings, W. W. Taman; Collection of Boots and Shoes, Southcott Bros., Jones .& May; Assortment of Tweeds W. W. Taman; Ladies’ Boots, South cott Bros., Jones & May; Gent’s Boots, Jones & May, Southcott Bros.; Fine Arts and Crafts Oil Paintings Animals, Mrs. Churchill, Mrs. J. Batson; Vegetables or fruit (group ed from nature) Miss M, Cook; Mrs. Batson; Marine.' (from copy), Mrs. Batson, Dr. Grieve; Scene, (from •copy), Mrs. Churchill, Mrs. Batson; Flowers, (from nature), Elsie Gour lay, Mrs. Batson; Still Life Study, Mrs. Churchill, (3 entries in wrong class. ADispersion AUCTION SALE. PURE BRED JERSEY HERD Property of the late AIRS. AAr GLENN, Registered and Fully credited. Consisting of 30 Head—‘ and Two Bulls females are ne the rest 'pf hr are bred sold by Publif Auction at; SPRVCEl’ARK ARM Lot S3, North East Botfixdai’y of Vs* borne, 4 piiles east < Hensall o.n MONDAY, SEPTEMR I 22, 1930$ at 1 o’elocl in. At the same time :a sold a 20-30 Rumi Cockshutt, 3-furrow, 1 nine ft. Cockshud corn binder. ___ all new.\1 pair g gelding i\nd ’mare; years old TE 'The teriis of but liberallcredit any who Wish, o acceptable Uy tl The stock will b as soon as bi ed for and c free of char istration will lot sold, and charge, to AV, N. Glen FRANK TAY LIOTT, Auc London and Western Trust Co., cutors of the Estate of tlie ■MRS. AV. N. GLENN. Geese Bremen Geese, gander, F. Carbert, J. w. Mathers; old goose, R. Dean, F. Carbert; gander, young and goose j.’ w. Mathers; Touleoqse Geese, old gander, A. Pym; old goose, AV. Bow- den, Pym; young gander and goose, A. Pym, AV. Bowden; A.O.V. Geese, gander, old, R. Dean, B. Wil liams & Son; goose, old, gander and goose young; R. Dean. a Ducks•—<. . .. .. _ it w— TH •; “Williams & Son; old Snowden, Mrs. F. Trieb- drak'e and duck, J. AV. Pym; Rouen Ducks, old duck, R. Dean, T. M. Dining Ropm Accessories Buffet set, 3 piece, Mrs, Creighton, J. Hunter, Mrs. E. Lawson; Buffet Set, colored, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Fennell; Centre piece, white, Mrs. Creighton, Mrs. E. Lawson, Mrs. E. Darling;.special, M, Luther; Tray cloths, Mrs. Law- son, Mrs. Creighton, Mrs. Darling; Lunch Cloth and 4 Serviettes, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs, G. Merriott, Mrs. G. Churchill; Breakfast Set, Mrs. Creighton, Mrs. D. A. Campbell, Mrs. E. Darling; Tea Cosy, Mrs, M. Marriott, Mrs. Fennell, Mrs. Darl ing; Doilies, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Marriott, Mrs, Campbell; Table Mats, Mrs. G. Ryland, Mrs. Creighton, Airs. Hey; Dinner napkins, Mrs. Marriott, Mrs. Fennell, Dr, Grieve. Bedrom Accessories Paii’ of Pillow Cases, embroider ed, Mrs. Campbell, J. Hunter, Mrs. Fennell; Pair of Pillow Cases, other sort, Mrs. G. Hawkins, Mrs, Mar riott, Mrs. Churchill; Pair of Pil low Cases and sheet, Mrs, Darling, Mrs. Marriott, Mrs. Hyndman; Guest Towels, Mrs. Hyndman, Mrs. Mar riott, Airs. Creighton; Towels, Mrs. Creighton, Airs. Lawson, Afrs, Mar riott; Bath Towels, Afrs, D. A. Campbell, Airs. Lawson, Airs. J. Hunkin; Vanity Set, Dr. Grieve, Airs, Campbell, fMrs. Fennell; Dresser Scarf, Afrs. Campbell, Airs, Church ill, Mrs. Creighton; Boudoir Pillow, Dr. Grieve, Mrs. Creighton, Mrs. E. Darling; Bed spread, embroidered, Afrs, E. R. Pym, Mrs. Campbell, Afrs. Churchill; Bed Spread, other fancy sort, Mrs. C. Sims, G. Browning, Dr. Grieve; Curtains, 1 pair, hand trim med, Airs, Churchill, ‘Mrs. Darling, Airs. Fennell. Kitchen Accessoriess Tea Towels, Airs. Hyndman, Mrs. Wm. Hey, Mrs. E. R. Pym; Pan Holders, Airs. Fennell, Mrs. Camp bell, Afrs. Darling; Breakfast Cloth, Afrs. J. Creighton, Mrs. E. Darling, Afrs. Campbell; Curtains, hand trimmed, Afrs, Fennell, Airs. Church ill, Afrs. Darling. Domestic ClassQuilt; pieced cotton, Airs. Darling, Dr. Grieve, Mrs. C. iSims; Quilt, best design, other material, Dr. Grieve, Mrs, Churchill, Airs. E. Darling; Comforter, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. J. I IT, AoAged cow, p. 2-yeur-old hei- .1; heifer calf, P. 'Dearing &“2nd; bull calf, P. Dearing & 2nd.Jersey—Aged cow and 2-year-old heifer, AVm. Hatter. Grades—Aged cow, W. .Sheldon Sanders, R, Tinney old heifer, J. T. Allison; heifer, p. Dearing & 2nd steer, R. Pepper, J. T_ ‘ ’ . r. 1-year-old steer, P. Dearing & 2nd; Jr calf, J. T- Allison, R. Pepper, AV, Coates; Sr. calf E. J Pym* AS’ Coates diploma, R. Pepper. Judge— A. L* McMullin, Chatham SHEEP ’ Dorset Horned— Aged ram, W. Henery, P. Dearing; shearling ram, P. Dearing; shearling ewe, AA\ Hen ery, P. Dearing; ewe lamb, W. Hen ery, P. Dearing; ram lamb, P. Dear ing AV, Henery; ewe, AV. Henery, P. Dearing.Oxford Downs— Aged ram, AV. Henery, Belgrave, S, J. Pym & Sons shearling ram, S. J. Pym & Sons & 2nd; rani lamb, W. Henery & 2nd; ewe, AV. Henery, S. J. Pym & Sons; shearling ewe, W. Henery & 2nd; ewe lam>b, AV, Henery, S. J. Pym & Sons. Shropshire Downs—Shearling ram and ewe lamb, E. Townsend. Lincolns—Aged ram, T. Al. Snow den, Jos. Linden; shearling ram, G. Penhale, J. Linden; ram lamb, J. Linden, G. Penhale; ewe, Geo. Pen- hale & 2nd; shearling ewe, G. Pen hale, J. Linden; ewe lamb, J. Linden ig,. Al. Snowden. si-NLeicesterS'—> firsts and foui’’ »Best/weather lamb, any breed, E. Townsend, S. J. Pym & .Sons, , LONG. WOOL—Pen—R. Pepper, Geo; Penhale. -SHORT WOOL—Pen—Wm. Hen ery and 2nd. Judge—Rojr of Bornholm HOGS YORKSHIRES—G* Miners won firsts and 3 seconds.. BERKSHIRE—T. M. .Snowden, firsts.TAMAVORTH—Boar, undei’ one year, T. Al. Snowden, Manson Bros. ; sow, two years old, W. F, Wright & Sons, Manson Bros.; sow, one year old, AV. F. Wright & Sons, Manson Bros.; sow, under one year, Alanson Bros, W. F'. Wright & Sons. CHESTER WHITE—Boar, 2 years old. W. F. AVright & Son; boar, un der one year old, Manson Bros.; sow, two years old, Alanson Bros. Poultry Light Bahamas, ^ock, hen, cock erel and pullet, Airs. Whiting; any other variety Cochins, cock, ft. Dean and 2nd; hen, cockerel and pullett, R Dean, Mrs. Whiting; Silver Grey Dorkings, cock, hen, cockerel, Mrs. Whiting; Buff Orpington, cock, hen, cockerel and pullett,. C. Maier; Any other variety Orpingtons, cock, hen, R. Dean; Barred Plymouth Rocks, cock, AVm. Lutman, Mrs. G. Heywood hen, Mrs. Whiting, Wm. Lutman; cockerel and pullett, W. Lutman, R. Dean; White Rock's, cock, hen, cock erel and pullett, Grace Chambers; A.O.V. Plymouth Rocks, cockerel, R. Dean; White AVyandottes, cock, R Dean, J. AV. Mathers; hen, J. W. Mathers; cockerel «nd pullett, R. Dean, Al. Elliott; any other variety AA7yandottes, cock, aliss AVhiting; pullett, R. Dean; S. C. Rhode Island Red, cock and hen F. Carbert and 2nd; cockerel and pullett, AIr.s. F. Triebner, F. Carber.t; Buff Leghorns, cock and hen Airs. Triebner; AVhite Leghorns, cock, Mrs. Heywood, Mrs, AVhiting; hen R. Dean; Airs. AVhit ing; cockerel R Dean, M, Elliott; pullett, M. Elliott, R. Dean; Brown Leghorns, cock, R. Dean, Airs. AVhit- Jing; hen, Mrs. Whiting, R. Dean; cockerel and pullett, R. Dean; A.O. V. Leghorns, cock and hen, R. Dean; hen second Airs. Whiting; cockerel and pullett, R. Dean; Black Alinor- cas, cock, J. Sutton and second; hen, J. (Sutton, R. Dean; cockerel and pullett, 1st and 2nd J. Sutton; AVhite Minorcas, cock and cockerel R, Dean Andalusians, cock, R. Dean, AV. Veale; hen, cockerel and pullett W. Veale and 2nd; Anconas, cock, Mrs. Heywood, R. Dean; hen, 1st and 2nd A. Pym; cockerel -and pullett, R. Dean; S. P. Hamburgs, hen, R. Dean Black, Hamburgs, cock and hen, R. Dean; Campines, Golden, hen, Mrs. AVhiting and 2nd; Campines, Siver, cock, hen, cockerel and pullett, 1st and 2nd Mrs. AVhiting; B. B. Red Game, cock and hen, Airs. Whiting; A.O.V. Game, cock, R. Dean; Ban tams, game, cock and hen, Teddy Wilson, Mrs. J. Hunkin; Golden Sea- bright, hen, Airs. Whiting; Silver Seabright, hen, Mrs. Whiting and 2nd; A.O.V. Bantams, cock, Mrs. G. Heywood,’Mrs. E. Darling; hen, Mrs. Heywood, Mrs. Whiting; cockerel and pullett, Mrs. Heywbod, C, R. Alaier; Red Caps, cock and- hen, W. Bowden and 2nd; Sumatra^Game, ! Black Giant, "’cockerel and ,pullett, A. Pym and 2nd; A.O.V. Fowl, cock, Airs. Whiting; lien, R. Dean,, Afrs. AVhiting; Cornish, cock, hen, cocker-, el and pullett, Afrs. Whiting. i Turkeys Bronze Turkeys, Tom and hen, old AV. Bowden, Mrs. Twibner; tom and hen, young, AV. Bowden and 2nd; A. O.V. turkeys, hen, T M. Snowden. Hatter, , , 2-yearl-year-old , _ . 2-year-oldT, Allison & 3rd R. Pepper took six seconds. 5 2 1 al/ over then you’ll jF’ordson Tractor.— EXETER FAIR BEST IN YEzARS (Continued from page 1.) Carriage—Foal, Alanson. Bros., J.. 'W. Mathers; 3-year-old, E. AValper; -2-year-old, E. Walper; 1 year old W. Decker; single carriage horse E. J. Willert, II, H. Brown; diploma E, X Willert. Roadsters—Brood mare, F. Eller- jngton, B. Williams & Son, H. H Brown; foal, H. IL Brown, F. Eller- ington; 3-year-old, AV. Maguire, H Truemner, Cecil Elwood; 1-year-old Dr. Campbell; pair roadsters in har mless, W. Maguire, C. Elwood, Elmer . Restemeyer; single roadster in har ness, Robt. McLaren, H. H Brown, ’fi'. D^itrich: lady driver. Miss Mar ion Campbell, Appin; Mrs. E. J. Willert; diploma, Robt. McLaren.Judge—O, Launsbur'y, Wheatley. Special Prizes , . Robert Simpson, special, for ex hibit of beef cattle, O’ Neal Bros.; Middleton’s Bakery for pillow slips, 'Mrs. Creighton; John Stanbury for 1,mcon hogs, G. Miners; Traquair and Lindeni'ield for Calf Raised on Royal Purple, O’ Neale Bros.; AV. J. Beer •for best carriage horse. E. J. Will ert; B. R. Bartow, for ladies under wear, Airs. Darling, Mrs. Creighton.; Hogarth’s Hatchery for pen of Bar red Rocks, AV. Lutman. S. .Pym, Mrs. IL Trebiener; for AVhite Leghorns, B. Williams and Son; Ifsborne Town ship Ba.by Beef competition, J. T. Allison, W. Coates and third; best’ J., —----------- ----------- — ------; j>owueii cilia c»uiriau<i uamc,two dozen eggs, Mrs. C. Cunningham <.Cockerel and pullett', Mrs. Whiting; CATTLE 1 ‘ Shorthorns—Aged cow, M. Crich; n-ye^r-nld heifer, AV. Oesfreiclwr. M. Crich, W. Oestreich er: 1-year-old leifer, R Al. Peek, Al* Crich, AV. lestrefcher; heifer calf. W. Oestrei- heri M. Crich: bull calf, W. Oes- 'reiche, M. Crich & 3rd: bull 2-years 'id. M. Crich: Jr. heifer, W Oes- reicher & 2nd, R. M. Peck; Jr, bull V. Oestreicher & 2nd, Al. Crich; di- loma, W. Oestreicner. ■> A • • ACH 1929 FORD CQ&CH * .. 1928 FORD C 1927 STAR S OVERLAND . $450.00 . $375.00 H DOGR SEDAN, A DANDY $390.00 ;COUPE $75.00 Sandy elliot “TH® HOjl® OF THE FORD’’' * Pekin Duqks, old drake, Afrs. F Triebner, B.-Williams & Son; cL duck, T. AL “ ' ■ ner, young Mathers, A. drake and W..... Sno-wden; young drake and duck, R, Dean, AV. Bowden; any other variety Ducks, old drake and duck, R. Dr. Grieve; young drake and R. Dean. Dean duck; Miscella neonsi Fowl, cock and hen ...; Belgian Rabbits, old buck Mrs. Whiting; any other ■abbits, old doe, G. Brown- T. M.Guinea Snowden; and doe, variety ti , . _ . .ing; young buck and doe, Mrs. Whit ing. Grain and Seeds Fall AVheat, white, Afrs. O. Cun ningham, H. Truemner; Fall AVheat, red, John Triebner, Airs. H, A. Fuss; any variety of Spring AVheat, Mrs. O. Cunningham, H. Truemner; 6-rowed Barley, Airs. H. A. Fuss, AV, R. Dougall; Black Oats, C. R. Maier, AVhite Oats, C. R. Maier, AV. R, Dougall; Timothy Seed, C. R. Afa- ier, Jas, Cottle; AVhite Beans, I-I* ’Truemner, Jas. Cottle; Clover Seed, H. Truemner, C. R. Alaier; Best col lection of grain in ear, L. Reynolds; Ensilage Corn, C. R. Maier; Times- Advocate special, L. Reynolds; Large Peas, C. R. Alaier, Jas. Cottle; Small Peas, H. Truemner. Judge, R. Coates Apples AVinter Apples, Mrs. E. R. Pym; Fall Variety, H, Truemner, E. R. Pym; Rhode Island Greenings, Ft Triebner, H. Truemner; Northern Spies, F* Triebner; Roxboro Rus sets, H. H. Brown, F. Triebner- G. Russets, H Truemner, S. J. AVillert; Spitzburgs, S. J. AVillert; Baldwins, H. Truemner, E. R. Pym; Snow Apples, .F. Triebner; Col verts, H. Truemner, E. R. Pym; King, of Tompkins, Mrs. G. Ryland; Alexand ers, Afrs. C. Sims, Airs. A. Cunning ham; Ribstoiie Pippins, F. Ellering ton, Wagners, H. Truemner, R. Sanders; Alaiden’s Blush, A. Pym, F. Triebner; "Ben Davis, F, Trieb ner, A. Pym; Wealthy, F. Triebner, Airs. C. Sims; Duchess Oldenburg, J. Hunter, Airs. C. Sims; Blenheim Pippins, F. Ellerington; Talman Swreet, F. Ellerington, H. Truemner; St, Lawrence, F. Triebner, H. H. Brown. 12 of the ing and Will be ■28/ Females 5 freshen-* ug age 1 age Cata d place will be Tractor, One 12 inch plow; cultivator, one) implements are y 4-year-olds, a 1 black horse 8 mare. CONDITIONS ie sale are cash? will be given to» furnishing notes- ir own bankers,, at purchaser’s risk iff, but will be car-* illy loaded on cars- Certificate of Reg- ‘urnislied with each' nsfer made free of ues on application Hensall, Ontario. R AND G. H. neers EL* Exe* lat® Pears Fall Pears, R. Sanders, S. Powell; Flemish Beauty, R. Sanders; Duch ess of Anjouline, A'frs. H. A. Fuss;< Clapp’s Favorite, Mrs. Trembly; Sheldon, F. Ellerington; Bureau Anjou, Afrs. Heywood; Bartlett, Mrs. O. Cunnngham, Aliss White; Plunis Co’s G. Drop, H. Truemner, Airs. Trembly; Imperial Gage, Dan Dew, F. Triebner; Duanas Purple, F. Bl- lerington, R. Sanders; Lombards, Dr. Grieve, Attss AVhite; A. V. Plums Mrs. Trembly, R. Sanders; Abund ance, R. Sanders; Pad’s Seeding, H.» Truemner; Bradshaw, S. Powell. Grapes Moore’s Early, C. R. Maier; Niagara, C. R. Maier, Miss White; Concord, C. R. Afaier, AV. Sanders; Delaware, Mrs. Trembly; Roger's No. 15, Aga- wan, C. R. Alaier; Roger’s No. 4, AVilder, C. R. Alaier, Dr. Grieve; Any other variety, C. R. Afaier, Mrs. Ryland; Best collection of grapes, Miss AVhite. Peaches Plate of 6, Early Crawford, Airs. J. Hunter; Plate of 6, late Crawford, H. Truemner, Airs. J. Hunter; Plate of any other variety, Mrs. Heywood. Domestic Honey, extracted, Mrs. Churchill; Honey, in sections, Airs. Churchill, C. R.Maier; Maple Syrup, AV. Doupe, Mrs. C. Sims; Home-made bread, white, Mrs. A. Cunningham, H. H. Brown; Home-made bread, brown, Airs. A. Cunningham, H. II* Brown; Home-made buns, Mrs. A. Cunning ham, Mrs. J. A. Lovie; Coffee Cake, Airs. J. A. Lovie, Afrs. O. Cunning ham; Angel Cake, L. Reynolds, Airs. O. Cunningham; Light Cake, AV. Douple, F. Triebner; Dark -Cake, AAC Doupe, Mrs. G. Ryland; Apple pie, Mrs. O. Cunningham, Mrs. C. Sims; Pumpkin pie, AV. Doupe, Mrs. O. Cunningham; Lemon Pie, Mrs. O. Cunningham, Alvin Pym; Red Cur rant Jelly, Mrs. G. Ryland, AV. H. Dearing; Apple Jelfy, Airs. C. Sims, Afrs. E. Darling; Berry Jelly, W. Doupe, W Dearing; sour pickles Airs. Churchill, Sam Pjrm; sweet pickles, Mrs. G. Ryland, Sam Pym; catsup, Airs. Ryland, Dr. Grieve; Canned rhubard, Mrs. A. Cunning ham, Mrs. O. Cunningham; Cher ries, Mrs. J. Creighton, Mr.s. Tremb ly; Raspberries, Airs. Churchill, AV, Dearing; Pears, W. Dearing; Dr. Grieve; Plums, AV. Dearing, Mrs. J. Hunkin; Peaches, B. AViliiams and Son, Mrs. A. Cunningham; Straw berries, W. Dearing; Apples, W. Dearing, Mrs. Trembly; Grapes, Airs. A. Cunningham, S. Pym; Corn, F. Triebner, Mrs. Ryland; Peas. AV. Dearing, B. AViliiams & Son; Toma toes, AV. Dearing, Mrs. j. Hunkin; vegetable marmalade, AV. Dearing, AV. Donpe: Canned chicken. Alvin Pvm, AV, Dearing; Lunch for two, Airs. O. Cunnngham. Mrs. G. Ry- . land: Cured ham, Afrs. T-L A. Fuss; AV. Dearing; Assortment cured meats Mrs. H. A. Fuss. Mrs. AV. Hyde. Judge—Mrs. AVih. Consitt Dairy Pj-othicts . r 5 pound of Butter, Afrs. A. Cun ningham, C. Rowe; 10 of Butter, C. Rowe, Afrs. 0. Cunningham; Pound Rolls or Prints, Mrs. Wm. Hey, Mrs. J. O. Lovie; Most neatly arranged plate of Butter for table use, Mrs. J. O. Lovie, Afrs. Wm. Hey; Creamery butter, 50 pound, W. J. Veal, Judge—Jas. A. Francis Vegetables Rural "New Yorkers Potatoes. J. AVHlett, Irish Cobblers, Mrs. Freckleton, F* Triebner; Green Mountains, Jos. Sutton, F. Triebner Early Rose, Sheldon Sanders; Globe Beets. Warren Sandors, Robt. Sand ers; Sugar Beets, C. Ro-we, F, Eller ington; Sugar Beet Mangnlds, C. R. Maier, R. Sanders; Long Aiaiigolds? R. Sanders, AV. Sanders; Globe Man golds, R. Sanders, W. Sanders; Intermediate, R. Sanders, S. Powell; Early Horn Carrots, W. Andrews, R. Sanders; Nantes, Mrs. Trembly, Mrs Van Camp; Orange or Red Carrots, Water Colors Seascape (copy), Mrs. Churchill, iMiss Cook; Flowers or Fruit, Mrs. Batson, Miss White; ’ (copy), Dr. Grieve, Mrs. Original Study (grouped), AVhite, Mrs. Batson. Miscellaneous Pastel, marine view, Mrs. Batson, Miss White; Pastel, landscape, Mrs.1 Batson, Miss White; Charcoal study, Mrs. Batson, Mrs, Ryland,,.. Char coal marine view, Mrs. Batson; Se pia, landscape, Miss White, Mrs. Churchill; Pencil Drawing, scene, Mrs. Batson, Miss Cook; Single piece Art Work, not listed, Mrs. Fuss, Mrs. Churchill; Tooled Leather, Mrs, Bat son; New Craft, not listed, Mrs. H. A. Fuss. Mrs. Batson; Wood Carv ing, Mrs. Bats-on; Sealing Wax Dis play, Mrs. Batson, G. Browning;,best made Articifial Waxed Flowers, Mrs. C. Sims, Mrs. Churchill; Basketry, E. Gourlay, Mrs. Batson. Hand Painted China Conventional Painting, Mrs. son, Mrs. Churchill; Realistic, Churchill, Mrs, Fennell; Lustre Work Mrs. Churchill, Mrs. Batson; Bridge set, Mrs. Churchill, Mrs. Batson; 1 Setting of Tea Set, Mrs. Batson, Dr. Grieve. Single Work Batson; Miss Bat- Mrs. Photography Tinted Snap Shots, Airs. Batson, Aliss White; Photographs, amateur, Mrs. Batson, Mrs. Churchill; Photo graphs, J. Senior, 1st and 2nd; Col lection of Photographic views, J. Senior, 1st and 2nd. Judges—J. Senior, J. A. Stewart Flowers Begonias, tuberous, AV. Dearing; Begonias, three varieties, Airs. John Hunkin, Mrs. Freck'leton; Foliage, Mrs. G. Ryland; _Novelty in potted plants, Mrs. G. ' ' — Trembly. Cut (Snapdragons, Heywood, Mrs. Churcnhill; Snapdra gons, collection,' AV. Dearing, Mrs. G. Heywood; Asters, straight petalled or comet type, Mrs. G. Heywood; As ters, white, Mrs. G. Churchill, Airs. G. Heywood; Asters pink, Mrs. G. Churchill, (Mrs. E. Al. Tremby; Asters purple, AV. Dearing, Mrs. G. Church ill; Asters, comet collection, W. Dearing; Asters, curved petalled or ostrich plume, Mrs. G„ Heywood; As ters,- white', AV. Dearing, Mrs. G. Churchill; Asters, mauve, Afrs. G. Churchill, Mrs. E. M. Trembley; As ters, purple, Mrs. G. Heywood, Airs. G. Churchill; Asters, pink, Mrs. G. ' "_1; Asters, Mrs. G.Coxcombs, Reynolds; Ryland, Mrs. E. Af. Flowers 6 spikes, Airs. G. '1 s. G. SALE OF DVREBRED AYRSH1RES Our buildings ha/ihg been pletely destroyed ,^y fire, we are selling by, Publip^Auction on Tues day, coin-*- , our herd females and three- g and m Sale to commence at k, one mile southwest of station, Seaforth, Ontario,, s#8 months’ credit on satisfac* commend or security. Apply; atalogue, J, A. MeKENZIE, Pro eptember#23, 1930 enty-onCreighton, S. Pym; Floor Mat, braid-1 of j ed, Airs. Darling, AV. Dearing, ATrsJnVn1o Fennell; Floor Mat, hooked, Mrs. C.ri, . Sims, J. Hunter, W. Dearing; Special:tneir Wool Mat, Airs. Campbell; Floor Afat. 2.30 crocheted, Dr. Grieve, Mrs. Fennell,' C. ' Afrs, Darling; Afen’s AAtork Shirt, Ter Afrs. Lawson, Afr.s. Fennell, Dr.if.__ Grieve; Knitted Afen’s Socks, Afrs.I „O1 Lawson, Mrs. Campbell, Airs. Hynd-'ro1 man; Knitted Sweater, Airs. C. Sims,■ Pfietor. Mrs. Campbell, Airs. Churchill; Knitt Scarf, Airs. Darling, Mrs. Campbell, Airs. Marriott. Ladies’ and Children AVear Apron, dainty style, Afrs. C. Sims, Airs. Fennell, Mrs. Churchill; Apron serviceable work, Afrs. E. R. Pym,-,____ . L *Afrs. C. Sims, Afrs. Campbell; Hou.se'‘Jonie’ 111 tlie County-of Huron, mar- Dress, Afrs. Campbell, Mrs. E. R.|ried woman, deceased. Pym, Mrs. Churchill; Boudoir Jacket NOTICE is hereby given pursuant ^\Pa4linsL^s?t t0 Section 51 of the Trustee Act' thafc Robe, Airs. G. Alarriott, Mrs. Creigh- au ton, Airs. Hey; Underwear, ladies,I Afrs. Creighton, Airs. Alarriott; Col lar and Cuff Set, £_ 1 1.1. U__ Fancy Work Bag, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Hyndman, H. H. Brown; Handker chiefs, Afrs. Marriott, Mrs. Lawson, Airs. Fuss; Knit Indoor AVrap or Shawl, Mrs. Fennell, Airs. Lawson;Baby’s Dress, Mrs. ij Lawson, Mrs. Marriott; Hei;|F is -all youn NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ANNIS r ’ I 3ate the Township of U&- NOTICE is hereby given pursuant Creditors and other’s having;' claims against the estate of the sa/d 2nd Mrs. Fuss; deceased, awe required to send/ful? re T.awanft IX/Tvcs nnutUnlnvb JUpparticulars /of such claims Jgr th©’ London & Limited, t|e Executors ofjthe said estate on estern Trusts Cp^’ipany, r before the ^h day of A. D. 1930,Rafter whichi Baby’s date the Said Execu bo nSrwill proceed i, Mrs. Lawson; uu E. R. Pym, Mrs. j Septembe *,*.arriott; Baby’s date the >aju jjjAeuuuuijr wm piotitseta J ticket mid IBonnetty Uyiidimiii, iq 'flip of MiaMrs. Darlin?' Rahr'S . Q1Sm*Ute tUe as^Fs ot tUe Sai® al only to thebMrs. Darling; Baby's Carriage Cover' and Pillow, Airs. Campbell; Child's., , AXtooi Sweater, 'Airs. Campbell, Mrs. claims Churchill; Child's Knitted Costume,! have bjfen given J? Mrs. Sims; Italian Hem and Drawn! Londo$ Ontarj^ August 27th, living reg f which Notice shall theri- Work, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs1. Marriott Fine Cut Work, Airs. Creighton, Airs. I Churchill, Afrs. Hyndman; Fancy ( Crochet, AIr.s. Darling, Mrs. Lawson,! Mr.s. Marriott; Eyelet Work. Mrs. Hey, Mrs. Fennell, Mrs. Alarriott; Fancy Knitting, Mrs. Alarriott, Mrs. Ryland, Dr. Grieve; Tatting, Airs. Lawson, G. Browning, Afrs. Alarriott; New Cross Stitch, Airs. Alarriott, Mrs, Churchill, Mrs. Hyndman; Bead Work, Mrs. Fuss, Airs. Sims, Airs. Churchill; Assort, of Ribbon Articles 2nd Mrs. Fennell; Best Assortment Small Novelties, suitable for gifts,'------- - ------, ----------- ----------- 3;rd Mrs. Fuss; Best specimen of re- and others having claims against' the pairing on any garment, Airs. Hynd-] said estate are required to send fnlS T^' Campbell; particulars of such claims duly veri- Special Penny Alats, J. Hunter; Spec- - - - ■ ial Novelty, Airs. Sims. « ( I D' ^Londx® & AV$®tern Trusts Co., Ltth* Loifdon. by Ggidmaj’F & Stanbury, its Solicit or judge—‘Mrs. M. Start SCHOOL CHILDREN’S PRIZE LIST Vegetables Irish Cobbler Potatoes, G. Brown-, tario, Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ’ In the matter of the Estate of" Miriam Maria Parkinson, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased. Creditors- vu'uuier -ruui-Lues, Ur. joi vwu- . xuiucu j ing, Mrs. Vancamp; Golden Bantam claim?; of Corn, L. Reynolds; table corn, F- ceived. , to the undersigned Solicitor® for the E cutors of the said estate on or befoSre the 30th day $f Sep- tember 1910, after which jiuate the assets of ilaid ‘estate Wj be dis tributed having regard j$nly ’ to 'thg 'hicli notice/nas been re- S-ll-2tc his 9tli of September,Ellerington; Blood Beets, round, Mrs. Vancamp, Gladys Hunkin, Mrs. Heywood; Blood beets, 1 Heywood; C* Reynolds, Mrs. Vancamp, vmuys Hunkin; Any other variety of Car rots, Mrs. Vancamp. F- Ellerington, Mrs. Heywood; Yellow Onions, Mrs. Heywood, Mrs. Vancamp,-"F* Eller- ingotn; Red Onions, Mrs. Heywood, L. Reynolds; Dutch Setts, C, Rowe; Sweed Turnips, F. Triebner; •'.Par snips, Alr,s.. Vancamp, -L. Reynolds; Tomatoes, F. Triebner, G. Hunkin, Mrs. Vancamp; Cabbage, F. Eller- ingt^n,s(Mrs.; H.eywood; Table Beans, Beans, L. Reynolds, G. Hun-kin. Mrs. Heywood; Mangolds, Mrs. Heywood. Cut Flowers, Asters, Mrs, G. Heywood, L. Rey- ■ holds, G. Hunkin; Phlox, L. Rey nolds, Mrs. Heywood; Sweet Peas, Mrs. Heywood, G. Hunkin; Nastur tiums, L. Reynolds; Dozen Pansies, G. Hunkin; Geranium in pot, Mrs. C. Sims; Dahlias, Mrs. Heywood; L. Reynolds; Gladioli, Mrs. Heywood : L. Reynolds; Collection of Woods, IL. Reynolds; Collection of Leaves, (L. Reynolds; Collection Insects, L, Reynolds, J. Triebner; Best writing, pupil ten years old and under, Dor othy Traquair, Elame Stanbury, F. Triebner; Drawing of Huron County ten years old and under, Elaine Stanbury; Drawing of Province of Dated, .luiviu, ivxis._ long, Mrs. r 1930. Chautenay Carrots, L. I M’rs. Vancamp, Gladys) Heywod, Afrs. G. Churchill; ostrich plume collection, Churchill, AV. Dearing; display, AV. Dearing, L. Coxcombs, feathered, AV. Dearing, L. Reynolds; Cosmos, L. Reynolds; Dahlias, decorative, (Mrs. O. Cun ningham, Mrs. G. Heywood; Dahlias Cactus, Mrs. O. Cunningham; Dah lias, pompon, Elsie Gourlay; Dian- thus or Pinks, Airs* G. Heywood, L. Reynolds; Gladiolus, single spike, D. Rowcliffe, Mrs. Heywood;Gladioli 3 spikes, one variety, Airs. Heywjood, ***£,,.'?**,.wuuu, xtiuic jl>cxh*o, Mrs. Churchill; Gladioli, 6 spikes all L< Reynolds, G. Hunkin; Dry AVhite different, Airs. Heywood, Mrs. G. r>''— T ------ Churchill; Gladioli, collection, Mrs. Heywood; Gladioli, basket or vase Mrs. Heywood; Impatlens or Bal sams, Mrs. Freckleton; African Mar igolds, ,AV. Dearing, L. Reynolds; French Alarigolds, Airs. E. Trembley Mrs. Heywood; Phlox Drummondi, AV. Dearing, Airs. Trembley; Petunia single, D. Rowcliffe, Airs. Heywood Petunia, double. L* Reynolds, Mrs. Churchill; Pansies, Dr. Grieve; Sal-: via, (Mrs. G. Heywood, L. Reynolds; Stocks, Afrs. Heywood, L. Reynolds; Sweet Peds, Airs, ,J Hunkin; Verben as, ’Mrs. Heywood, Mrs. Trembly; Zinnias, crested or curled, Afrs* Hey- Zinnihs, Dali- Mrs. i CARLW& & MORLEY ’ Solicitors for Executors Exeter, Ontario- CLERjfS ADVERTISEMENT <O'F ‘ COURT IN NEWSPAPER ’ NOTICE IS' HEllEBY GIVEN that a Court will be held, pursuant t© The Ontario Voters’ Lists Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of Huron, at the Town Hajv Exeter, on th(£ 2nd day of October' 1930 at 2.30 icarlock in the afto^hooni to hear and •’«*■'"—------ errors and List of thej lage of Ex Dated tl 1930. ■Jos. S6i|for, wood, Mrs. Churchill, lia flowered. Mrs. Heywood, Churchill; Zinnias display Mrs. Heywood, Mrs. Hunkin; Annuals, Mrs. Freckleton, Mrs. Cunningham; Bride’s bouquet, W. Dearing, Mrs. Churchill; Basket of Cut Flowers, Mrs. Trembly, Mbs. Hhnkin Bouquet, ty in Cut Dearing. Mrs. Cunningham, Flov/Ors, L. Reynolds, Hand Novel- W. Judge—-D. Rowcliffe Ladies’ Work f Living Room Accessories ■Centre piece, Mns. D, A. Camp- 1 bell, Mrs, Wm, Hey, J, Hunter; Table Scarf, Airs. Hyndman, Afrs. W, ; HeY, MTS, D. A. Campbell; Cushion ■ emibroidered, Mrs. C. Sims, Alt's. D. • A. Campbell, Afrs, E< Darling; Cush ion, other fancy sort, Mrs, Avm. Hey, Atr;s. E, Darling. Mrs. C, .Sims; Card Table Cover. Mrs, E. Darling, Afrs. S. Fennell, ‘Airs. Campbell. (fstermine compmfnts o£ lissions in Te Voters"' age of Exeter. luniclpalitisFof the Vii* 10 d^c'of September ality of tli«, X fit of the Municip’-- NOTICE TO DRAINAGE contractors Tenders will be received byTenders will be received by th undersigned for the construction/.. i Ontario, over ten years, G. Hunkin; I "THE LINK AIUNICtPAL DRJShN AVinter Wheat, AV* Doupe, L. Rey- un to Monday. Oriobfw Ath •**■nolds; Oats, AV. DOupe, F. Triebner,' T/m 2 October 6th, M L. Reynolds; Barley, L. Reynolds. I ‘Domestic Scienec I School Lunch, L* Reynolds, Gladys Hlinkin, Al. Vhncaiiip; Jar of plums, uL. Reynolds, G. Hunktn, F. Trieb-.”e 1700 ner; Jar of Raspberries, G. HuitkinJ F- Triebner; fancy tea apron, Mrs. E. Lawson; hand worked towel, Mrs. Lawson, Grace Strange; Sofa Pillow Mounted, G. Hutikin; Fahey Apron, iAI. Vancamp; __ Mra.'E. Lawson; Laundry bag, Mrs. .tende E. Lawson, M. Vancamp; Knitted 1 Tin socks, Airs. E. Lawson; i Browning; birdhouse, Mrs Plans tan be dei’slgi I App Fancy pin cushion, AL Vancamp E. Lawsoil; The eari open drain profile d specification® office of the ua* urlty for S per cent. d sum shall accompany or tender not tm* cessarily accepted.J Cr. in th©- 00 cu-estimatet rhe 8 me le drain wi® jurowning; mranouse, Airs. g. Ry-j land, G* Baowning; Hammer handle, Mrs. E. Lawson, J HENRY SILBER HI _ __ Clerk of the Township of StephefL Judge—-W. E. F* Oostricher 8-U-3to. Croditon P.O,, OxiL.