HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-09-11, Page 8THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 10;>0 fe LOCAL NEWS The Exeter Fah‘ BoaZl of Man­ agement are plannin Fair qn Wednesd|y^iext bigger and better - than eyex*. Dr. and Mrs. E. T. Wilson, of Owosso, Mich., vlslie.d with the form­ er’s sister Mrs. (L J. Moorhouse, over the week-end. tMr. James Francis, of Bright, has taken a position with Mr. E. Hopper, where he will learn undertaking business. The Canadian Fanners have com­ menced the corn pack for this sea­ son. The acreage this year is larger but the crop is somewhat lighter. Mrs. James Detroit, called and aunt Rev. house on their Dr. and Mt: three daughters, of London, .......with Mrs. Oxford’s brother. Rev. C. be. held on J. and Mrs. Moorhouse on Saturday. ( her 12th, at Oji Monday evening Miss Loreen j A good atte^di to make the R. the Exeter Markets Wheat—75 c. Oats 30c Barley 40c. Bran $1.30 Shorts $1.40 Feed Flour $1.70 Welcome Flour $3.00 Model Flour $3.30 Manitoba’s Best Flour $3,60 Creamery Butter 3?e. Dairy Eggs, EggS, Eggs, Hogs Butter 29e. Extras 29c. Firsts 26c. Seconds 21c $11,09 * THE EgTER TIMES-ADVOCATE 7caven jiiiij SigiiiiSi CHURCH . - ass Ill III III ,.runcle | Moor- ? „ Clarke and friend, of i on the former’s and Mrs. C. J. 1 way to Bruce Beach. I ;. E. C. Oxford and' Specials for FAIR DAY We will have a complete range of the<smartest models for your selection on Fair Day. With every Ladies’ coat sold on Fair Day we offer a pair of gloves free of,charge. . Rev* K, Bevnai'd Rhodes, A« Minister Miss Lena C?outest Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Rev. Jas. Anthony, B.A., Thames Road United Church 7 pan.—-‘The Unpurchasable Things of Life.” Sunday, September gist, we shall hold our Sunday School Rally. f Sunday, September 28th., there will be the celebration of the Holy Communion.” IIII II ............ ...■■ ........... ........ . New Styles and Materials in Dresses We are having a special shipment for Fair Day of the new­ est in Styles and Materials. We offer a pair of our $1.50. Fjtl! Fashioned Silk hose, Free of charge, with any dress so Fair Day. Z JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader i a.m.—-Sunday School . a,m.—“Not ashamed of the Gos­ pel.” 7 p.m.—“Keeping up the pace.” we have im .......... A special meeting viSit'ed Bi’gneh of the Cana with Mrs. ^Oxford’s brother, Rev. Dunn’s class “The True Blues” of James Street Sunday School enjoyed a corn roast on the bank,, of the river. Inspector R. J. Eacrett, of Wood- stock, was in town Monday and Tuesday and visited relatives 'and friends in his old home town, being a brother of Mrs. W. A. Turnbull and Mrs. B, W. F. Beavers. Mr. and Mrs. David Hackney and Mr, Lloyd Hackney, who _ motored here from Regina and visited with friends in Exeter and district; also visited Hamilton, Niagara Falls, Buf­ falo and Toronto Exhibition, left for their home -on Tuesday. ’ the Exeter n Legion will ening, Septem- the Town Hall, co is requested ant business. f as 10 11 her her Mrs. J. Johns is confined to home through illness. Mrs. Howe is visiting with daughter in Owen Sound. Miss Helen Brown, of Toronto, is visiting with Miss L. Jeckell. Mr, Gibbs Yelland, of Windsor, spent the week-end with his sisters. Miss (Marjorie Gould has returned after spending a month in Stratford. Mrs. Reg. D- Turnbull, of Dundas, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ttfrnbull. on of ection in- ay P.O., LEICESTER SH A choice selection rams now for safe, vited.—-Harry Saiitl Lake Road, adjoiaiiy Mr. Earl Tapp, of Toronto, is visit- U ing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Jfoorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and .Choir-Leader 1 a.m.—Sunday School . a.m.—Worship: “What real be­ lieving will do for us” p.m,—“Blay utterly” p.m.—-Thursday prayer service. -f—------------ ---------------n -----. 10 11 7 8 Exeter. 8-lU4tc. Before the Accident F your income. Slides for part or Insure yo Good variety of complete cove M W. C. Pearce, Exeter PURE-BR CHOICE IL ED ALSO A LLOYD 334 Dundnl ES OF 1MPORT- UTTA STOCK ^EWMLDER EWES MOFFATT St, London, Ontario I LAMB. The Beauty Parlor^!' Miss -L. Stackhouse wifi be ^Closed for the , X , .. .urk, ... i. v ........... ing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Tapp. v Mr. Albert and Zenda. Salter, of Clinton, visited with Mrs. M. F. Salter on-Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coward, of the Boundary, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Dayman. Mr. R. S. Parsons, of Chicago, is visiting with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Parsons. Miss Is'abelle Russell has returned after spending the summer months in Muskoka and Toronto. Mrs. Fuke and daughter Miss of Chicago, were guests last with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Senior. Mrs. Geo. Anderson, who been, confined to her bed for a days is able to be qu-t again. Mr, and Mrs. Case Howard, of New York, visited with the former’s mother in town over the week-end. Mrs. T. Rumford has returned home after visiting for two weeks in Toronto with her sister Mrs. Davies. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Coxsworth, and two children, of Lohd.On, visited with 'Mr. and Mrs. Ed. ^eideman on Friday. Hear ....... Brunswick Trii ___ _ Stand on We^jf&sday next. Mr. E- L.loir has returned to St. Catherines, after visiting for a * Tine* 4-«•« w J TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. J. J. Fenton, R.A.. Rector Miss K. M. MacFaul, Organist Thirteenth Sunday After 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer mon. Subject: “The Challenge to the World.” p.m.—Evening Prayer and Ser­ mon. Subject; “Christian Disci­ pline a part of our Church Mem­ bership.” Trinity • and Ser- Church's 7 Jock Ba Cora, week has few htyne with the front of -the Grand first two week! ^September while1 week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. on vacation.—wfcs Stackhupse. 13 M. Moir. ----------------- ------—---------------------.uvavuy Jiits it Earn upwards of $25^)0 weekly, flower in her garden „11 winter, growing mushrooms for feet in height, the leaall winter, grow: „ us, in cellars, / Illustrated -booklet free. Canadian/Mushroom Co., ronto. Mrs. McAvoy has a very fall sun- i, it is twelve height, the leaves, measuring inches across. TO- Jiir< PIANO TUNING r S. BOARDMAN, forin- 3<^^/erly eleven y„0rs- with '7 <&<• 4 Heintznra X ‘ / he in Exeteu^Wednesday, __X________ will receive year# experiefee. September JI7 tli. Orders with r Martin & Son attention. 20 a United Church willThe Centr hold their annual Fowl Supper on Wednesday, October 22nd. Caven Presbyterian Sunday School Rally is being held on the 21st, in­ stead’ of the 2Sth. Fair Dav in E day of thj|’ on Wedne er is the biggest Come to Exeter •css As provide,^Ijy law; Sanders M$hufp.cturin Limited, E'xete give notied’ that made to the Se surrender its CI President. I the S. Company, sfirio, ’hereby application is being jretary of State to arter. S. M. Sanders ltp. SI. FOR SALE-/& and|12 week-old Barred Rock yull®s fu« ed stock; als£f whigo-W: Leghorns ready t dock, Centralia. pm blood test- Tyandottes and jay. Wffl. Had- 9-11-3tp. FOR RENT—Fnrs$3hed cottage at Grand Bend for thfe month of Sep­ tember $5.00 a week. Apply to the Times-Advocat&Z j twenty Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis and fam­ ily have returned to their home in Waterford after visiting with relativ­ es here for two weeks. Mr. Percy Gillies and daughter, Maxine, of Detroit, visited, over the holiday last week with the former’s mother Mrs. A. Gillies. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Penliale re­ turned to their home in Vancouver op Tuesday after- visiting for some lime with relatives in town. • Mr. Jas. Handford and daughter Miss Annie Handford returned Sat- turday a week Mrs. FOR SALE—Tomatojafi and cu­ cumbers. Sc per amber bott. Choice lb, suppl honey 7c Medical Doctors/bf Exeter r honey at r own pail, F. W. Ab- The will observe the, Wednesday half holidays during tember. home on 3rd, Dr. Dunlop; Sept. 24 th, I onth of Sep- Tli| follojjftng will be at thq day Sej nentioned—Sept. .Sept. 10thf, Dr. h, Dr. Fletcher; ' Browning after visiting in Toronto for and taking in the Exhibition. Edna Preston, of Cleveland, visited, with Mrs. A. McAvoy and Miss A. SanderfLAnd other friends in Exeter for- a^ew days this week. See -the getting charoit race at Exeter Fafr^September 17 th, Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone Gossell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Gossell and daughter Shirley, of Ripley, visited on Sunday with Mrs. McAvoy and Miss A. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Harvey return­ ed Saturday after spending two weeks vacation at Midland and. other points in Muskoka also calling Hamilton and Preston om their turn. y next. Miss Anne Allison R.N., and Mr; Wm. Allison returned Monday ’after visiting in Montreal and Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Colborne and son'Keith, of Goderich, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell. • Wednesday of next week being Ex­ eter Fair day the will not be printed Som et li i lig■Zo i n g the Fair tl^ryear. Mrs. J. Caldwell, North has been confined to her home for -a coiiple of weeks through ill­ ness. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, of Wil­ liam and Ann Streets spent Tuesday in London on business arid taking in the Fair. Mr. John Perkins, has sold his farm on the fifth concession of Us- borne to ^Ir. Austin. Gurger, a native of Belgium. A large number of autos have passed through town each day this week on their way to attend the Western Fair. Times-Advocate until Thursday, every minute at of London Road Dr, and Mrs, M. C. Fletcher re­ turned. last week after spending two weeks in Muskoka district and also- visiting Don't on Fair in Kingston, and Napanee. - the ladies ball game. D at re­ Special for Fair Da; LARGE SIZE 12-4 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, WHITE/O FAIR DAY ONLY............................... ...................•................ 100 YARDS OF 42 INCH CIRCULAR PILLOW COT FAIR DAY ONLY..................................... J __________1 ONLY 97-ilECE FINE PORCELAIN DIl^RER SET REGULAR $24.95, FAIR DAY ONLY................. 100 YARDS OF ^ENGLISH 36 INCH WHI REGULAR 30c. QUALITY FAIR DAY SPECIAJ MEN’S OVERALLS, HEAVY BLUE OUR REGULA $2.00 QUALITY, FMR 10 per cent, discount Men’s Underwear For Fair Day only we offer 10 per cent: “ i }d Winter Un- 1 Discount in all Men’s Fall ai derwdar.> R grey, . $2.10 fN REG. 40c. .................. 32c. 4 .• * 1 * F . $18.95 r FLANNELETTE ......................................25c- WITH BIB DAY ONLY $1.79 eached Table Cloth gF 54 inches wide good quality and neat flor­ al patterns. Special for Fair Day 45c. a yard 10 bars of P. & G- Soap . . . <. rChoice Tea Black or Mixed %9c. 47c. Specials New Pack Peas per tin Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 2 for 19c. 3 for 25c. PEACHES Leave us your order for Peaches. The quality will be choice this week. PEACHES W Southcott Bros nr Holidays Over Now Let us settle down to business and if you want to buy furniturgf it will be gool BUSINESS f# you to buy from us as we a lot of new goods at the prices. Our prices are meet the low prices of fa ducts. So if you buy will get good bargain^ t to pro­ ve you See our new LAMPSFand other FUNERA DIRECTOR AMBULANCE .SERVICE Rhone 20w and 20j Z See The Nfew Fashion Plates onj^$24.00 up . « - AGENTS FOR J Prices N CLEANERS AND DYERS PHONE 81w Genuine Ford who specialise guarantee ofjs Garage.—Sa Services, in Main Street and James Street. United Church were resumed as usual on Sunday after the union services during July and August. Rev. C. J. Moorhouse returned last week after his vacation and had charge of both services in Main St. church. Rev. D. McTavish was in Dungannow on Sunday conducting reopening services in that church while Rev.' C. C.Kaine, of Dungan­ non preached two excellent sermons in James Street church. At the morn­ ing service Mr9. E. Lindenfield and Miss Vera Essery sang a duet and in the evening Mr. Harry Hoffman, of Dashwood sang a very pleasing solo. pa^Ts and mechanics word. cars is your sfaction at the Ford Elliot. n TAMAN EXETER, ONT. SSICK L. C Instruc Caulk Your Windi save money on yonr cgrfl bill THE lULIfifNG DOORS AMSO METAL AUTO GI replace while#oii wait Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Heideman were in Toronto last week attending the- wedding of their granddaughter Miss Dorothy Mason, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mason of that city to Mr. Gibson. Mr, and Mrs. Sill mo­ tored up from Toronto on Sunday” -bringing Mr. and Mrs. Heideman with them. WE HAVE I AGENCY FOR AND WINDOW WEATIIEJ LET US QUO W. J. HERN, Exeter G. Phone 29 V ... MVKINS Exeter, O»C« The engagement is. announced Hilda Jean, youngest daughter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Atkinson, .... Lucan, to Mr. Nelson Hodgins, son of Mr^and Mrs. Richard Hodgins, Granton; the marriage to take place in September. The engagement is announced of Devotia Florence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs/Thomas Brd.6k, of Clande- boye, to Mr. Harold Alvin McFalls, son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mc- Flalls, of Lucan, the marriage to take place ‘the latter part of September. The engagement' is announced of Edythe Winnifred, only, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Warner Langford, of Granton,-to Clare B. Westman, of Detroit, sow of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Westman, -of London, the marriage to take place the latter part of Sep­ tember. Swanee Earl started his. second attempt on Monday morning to break the world’s continuous driv­ ing record. He is driving the same machine with the same make of oil and is carrying out the same sche­ dule, 0n Monday he passed -through Exetet on his way to Gdderleh in the fli-st long. jauhU of of offor sale at a pply to Wesley 1, Exeter, Ont., Choice clover hone reasonable pritfe. Dearing, R.R. >N#! phone 17-14 Do your plowing vest cultivatioriithe will sell you the the acre.—Sai of the Ford, I? nd after-har- rdson way. We tfit or work by lliot, the Home FOR SALE RENT—New stuedo buugalo;y/5n Wellington St.; every modernXconvenicnce.—M, G. Hansford. S-14-tfc If yon wish to bujfjor sell a farm or house see R, B.shard, Exeter. FOR SALE OR ^RENT—Modern red brick semi-biirfgaiow. All ly located. FOR RENTsZSeveral rooms: light/ hous Weel es/ offiffee Ec R S pumj|; oj^o operating table# almost new. ” ■“ 1 IstratjiaTdr E. W. F. Beavers. 5-19-tfd i eepiiig above - Visible Id gai teulences, cent don­ for Dr. gas. ply w John Rowe# Admin-Nameless relieves the breathing in1 a dusty barn I, or mill# 25 c, , ■ :1 so we w decks cl( off our users, to at 25 c., marked, and Sac Opera, i prices n meats come a) your m and we dvertised to sell,- but 1 stick t-o the ship, r, for the incoming homograph records ,.,v. Think of i )(!.# and 75c. E'.ihd. Music GODERICH Goderich Wednesday YOU PRICES.DOROTHY E. G (Honor Graduate) FAIR NKXt WEEK ftidori, EngiandL i in armony, Theory t Street, BOX IGO ONTARFO Piano, V/olirt Studio E Industrial Exhibition and Thursday, .Septem­ ber 17 and IStli. Program before grandstand Wednesday evening and. Thursday afternoon. Harness and novelty races and other attractions Thursday. Take a day off and see your friends at Goderich fair,. LADES nd ho cash Buyer) in order to get our rill Goods, we must sell t prices that will compel enuinfe Edison disc records les and piles of them plainly , elections, Comic, Sentimental Timo and Late Music, Grand $9.00 going with the rest at the also have four large cabinet lustra- quarter the price. All must go so apply, (Out of town customers, send d shy what kind of records you prefer d Songs, O cords up To-day XVetluesday is. the last of the half holidays for the “Summer months. Eraest C. Harvey Representing among others u jF Ah * 'Mutual Casualty Co., 'Cafcst Automobile ihituatoF to j^fflloyholdefs have 25% of premium lAidtlborinCWs 1 “WorkPs Gj Cash dividend not been lessAhsbiFj /aupually. SAFETY RAZO SINGLE JlDGE double Peri ect w. EDG SHAB PENEDjfany 4e.. go Guaranteed LE. DRUGGIST A# T. O. W* R. Goulding Organist and Choirmaster J<nes St* ynited Church w *1 1 Instufibtion In Organ Theory of Music In School* Piano | V SupftviS Studtof M^K St. Box 5?# Phoim lot EXETER, QNTU.7