HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-09-11, Page 3Tia’RSDAY, SEPTEMBER Ji, WW
purposes should he In. active
prices, will buy just seven and flpresent
now is that we're paying
Henry Either, Clerk
levy the rates
be convenient
the 15 th inst.
>? *
• •
States workmen Kirkby Page says:
own his own tools, he must seek em-
It’s. dogged that does it,
.» * *
It’s difficult to get batik money spent on wasted gasoline. The
light fantastic toe is a. poor affair when it is entertained at the cost
of bread.
A bushel of wheat at
half loaves of bread.
» » » #
the day.
* *
gain of 7 pounds, T
nd strong Rc.an lnrdly
the same person, and X
the happiest woman in.
Brass tacks are the order of
«■ ♦ * *
• ♦ g
“If you think yoti’ll lose, you’re lost, •
For out in the world we find
Success begins with a fellow’s will—
It’s all in the
three times a day for a rarity.
this section of the province proverbial for its prosperity were to1
return they’d laugh themselves sick as some folk; complain about
their income. It’s not the income that’s at fault. It’s the outgo
that’s the rub.
♦ *
party. There were those,
they are long since dead
It seems to have been a summer of freak meteorological con
ditions—of freak waves by sea and of freak storms by land.
ru n-
to fall and fracture his right
Our schools are off to
Here’s hoping for The Unemployment Parliament! But, gentle
men, we want results, not' hot air.
Jacks for cars kept for pleasure
• • • •
* # «
good start.
“In several .million American homes the total annual income
is utterly inadequate to provide the necessities and decencies of
life.”—Kirby Page
The winner is, doing a little better what he is already doing at
a profit. Failure never rests on the doorstep of the man with
lively brain giay matter, a lifted chin and rolled up sleeves.
♦ * $ * * «
Sanders, road 2,
Lovie, road 20.
Campbell, gravel
& Massey Co.,
Cartage $6.83; total
It's many a day since the Exeter region has retaped better crops
than those of 1930.
* *
» *
state of mind.”
* * » *
Speaking of thef United
“Since he does not, as a rule,
ployment in a factory or mine.. Hence his livelihood is dependent
upon.1 a job over which lie has only the most feeble control.” Youth
bent on leaving the farm should pin the foregoing in their hats.
: On Tuesday last Messrs. I. Carl*
W.’Carling and Manning left
Manitoba, Mr- Manning toofc a
team of horses, a wagon and a quan
tity of farming implements for his
three sons, who are already settled
that country.
The anniversary in connection With
:the B. C. Sunday School was held id
the church on Thursday last. In
the afternoon the school' children
jwere addressed by Rev. F. AVhitlock
latter which a Scriptural examination
was conducted by Rev. J. Holmes.
Tea. was sewed from 4 o'clock till 9.
In the evening addresses were de
livered by Rev. Messrs. Gundy,
XVebber, Hooper and Newcpmlm.
The sale of farm, farm stock and
• implements, the property of the late
Daniel Hobbins, took place on lot
• sixteen, 2nd concession of Biddulph,
.-a few days ago was very successful,
The farm was purchased by Mir.
VVm- Bevington, for $6,625. Air.
j0i‘James Oke, of this place, conducted
. £he sale.
The County Cricket Match took
glace at Clinton on Saturday last,
■between players from the North and
South ridings, resulting in a victory
for the South by one run and eight
.wickets to spare.' The following
Were the players from .South Huron:
- R. Girdlestone, D. Baird, R. AV.
'Cash, H. Cameron, G- Baird, J. A.
Rutledge, AV. Caldwell, J. Hyndman,
• T. E. Joslin, E. Briggs and Broad-
' foot.
Mr. 'Will Hyndman, who has
Stopping in Detroit for some
'• has returned home.
’Mr. John spackman, manager of
the Opera Bfcmse, is this week hav
ing the front repainted, which will
add considerably to the appearance
On Tuesday last while Mr. and
Mrs. Jas, Atkinson, of town, were
driving down the London Road, the
horse took fright 'and becoming un
manageable, threw the occupants in
to the ditch. Mr. Atkinson m'anag-
ed to hang on to the reins and pre
vented the brute getting away.
AV. J. Smith intends, leaving short
ly for Detroit where he has taken a
situation as salesman in a large boot
and shoe store.
Mr. E. J. Eacrett, of Spokane,
Wash., arrived home on Tuesday to
visit his mother here for a time af
ter which he intends, taking up the
study of medicine. He has been ajvay
about five years and' during that
time has lived jn Alberta, British
Columbia and Washington,
Mr. Oscar Wolf, of crediton, who
left for Mississippi ’last December
and later went to Louisanna,, return
ed home Monday.
Thos. Lawson, of Crediton, who
purchased the property on Main St.
from S. Brown has commenced to
tear down the wings of the building
and will have workmen engaged in
converting the same into a dwelling.
Mr. Alex Yager, of Swift Current,
Assa., is spending a few weeks holi
days with his mother here. «
Mr. B. R. Blssett, of Crystal City,
Man., has again taken up the gun
as a means of amusement and in a
recent tournament won the “Miss
and Out” event, and was a close se
cond in the other two events.
.' * Mr, Jos. Snell is moving his house
hold effects from Dashwood and will
• take up his residence in the house
> recently vacated by Mr. B. S. O'Neil.
A number of girl friends of Miss
Margaret Rivers, bride-elect, of Stea-
forth, assembled at her home and
presented her with a large shower.
The main feature of the evening’s
merriment was a mock wedding, the
bride and groom presenting
gifts to Miss Rivers.
The Highway Traffic Amendment Act 1930
To the Most Careful Driver
If you are directly or indirectly involved
The Safety Responsibility
effective September 1, 1930, anKmgrother‘th|si
'J •That you must remain at, or^^lurn at ance
to the scene of the accident.
lou owe this
to the children
Don’t start them out wW physical
handicaps. Build their little bodies to
win the race of lif^—give them all the
Shredded Wfieat they want with
plenty of inilk—a combination that
build^sound teeth, good bones and
st^ray bodies. And how they love it!
ou don’t have to coax them to eat.
Delicious for any meal with fruits.
“Four major operations in seven,
years had me in a terribly runduwa.
condition. I was never hungry, ate
very little and felt wretched.
The business, grouch is a poor affair.
The simple fact is that times are not hard. What makes times
seem hard is our highly artificial and foolish standard of living.
The best practical farm buildings were built and the most stable
business of the country were, established when wheat sold for fifty
cents a bushel, when oats were twenty cents a bushel and dressed
hogs sold for three fifty per hundred weight.
But in those days folk baked their own bread, killed and cur
ed their own beef and pork and did their own work. They rose at
early dawn and were snoozing soon after sundown. In the winter
time they cut wood, did a good stunt at teaming, fed settle, stayed
home at night, read good books and studied the weekly papers,
their only diversion being an occasional
is said, who- hit the primrose path, but
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meidinger, of
Deardorne, Mich., spent the past
week with the latter’s parents, .Mr.
and Mrs. H. F. Weseloli.
Mr. Cecil Kissock spent the week
end at his hime near Paisley
also attended the funeral of
Mr. Earl Yungblut had the
fortune the other day while
Air. and Mrs. Jno. Truemner and
family and Mrs. Ayres and family
all of Detroit, spent the week-end
with the former’s mother, Mrs. E
Mr. J. AV. Merner has sold hi
business block on Mill Street known
as the Merner Blotik, to Mr. AV, A.
Reith, baker, who takes immediate
possession. Mr. Reith intends re
modelling the first floor to be used
for the bakery and the second floor
will be arranged for apartments to
be occupied by Mr. Reith and family.
Misses Pearl Foster and J. Scha
fer, of Kitchener, who had been
camping at Grand Bend, called ‘ on
Mr. and airs. Alex Foster on
way home.
Air. and Mrs. Paul Jeffrey
family, of Detroit, were visitor
a few days with the former’s mother
Mrs. Ayotte, of town.
air. and airs. Gascho and sons Ed
win and Joel, and Airs. O. Surerusp
spent the week-end and holiday witlt,
relatives near Pigeon, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Krueger ahcl
Mr. and Airs. Henry Krueger spent
the week-end at Kitchener.
Mr. and Airs. Percy Zifk and fam
ily, of Toledo, Ohio, were visitors
for the week-end with the former’s
parents on the Bronson Line.
Air. and Mrs. Oscar Miller, of Kit
chener, and Airs. Floyd Aliller, of
Detroit, visited at the home of Air.
Air. and Airs. Jacob Howald.
Air. and Airs. Wm. F. Brown and
two sons, of Forest, were Monday,
visitors at the home of Air. AVm. La
Aliss Idella Howald, of London,
spent her vacation nt the home of
her parents Air. and Airs. H. Howald.
That you must render a ^possible assistance,
give^your name and address and a written state-
mqnt if requested
That if the daniage apparently exceeds $50
y^ou must report t^Tthe nearest police officer.
That if yo ^are at fault and do not pay for
damage don o the person or property of others
AND HAVE^OT INSURANCE to indemnify others
youufbehalf you will have your license
r susperunad.
phlet explaining the provisions of the new law
e procured without charge from the agent of any
company a member of
The Canadian Automobile
Underwriters Association
1R-I.00, the world’s greatest airship, passes over the Quebec Bridge,
on its way up the historic St. Lawrence to MOrktfreaL .The daring
imagination and skill of man has conceived nothing mightier than
these two feats, the gigantic dirigible and one of the largest and rnosu
spectacular pieces of engineering in the world. Transatlantic Jiners
pass easily Under the bridge, which links the Canadian National
Railway lines on the south shore of the St. Lawrence with those on
the north, but the K-I00 was one that went overhead. .
All that’s the matter with us just
piper who was invited in when there was lots of easy nvoney.
got into the way of eating tooth butter and jam on our bread1
are now kicking ourselves because we must eat pease brose
If some of the good folk who made
The Council of the Township of
Stephen convened at the Town Hall,
Crediton, on September 1st, 1930,
at 2 p.m. All members were pres
ent. They formed themselves into,
a Court of Revision. All took the
prescribed oath, after which appeals
of Henry Linik, Henry England and
Richard Baker were considered. Af
ter these people presented their
reasons why they should not be as
sessed Cor benefit for this drain, the
Court decided that they would visit
the locality and meet again at the
Town Hall, Crediton, on Friday,
September 5th, 1930, at 8 p.m. to
further console the assessments.
At 2.30 p.m. the Council met for
general business. The minutes of
the previous meeting were read and
The Clerk was requested to write
the Council of the T'oxvnship of Mc
Gillivray if it would
for them to meet on
to settle accounts.
By-law Ro. 442 to
for the year 1930 was read the first
The Clerk was instructed to write
Contractors that tenders would bo
received up to Friday, September
5th, 1930, at 8 p.m.
Moved by Mr. H. Beaver seconded
by Air. AV. Sweitzer: That the fol
lowing Road Foreman’s Pay Sheets
ami orders be paid, viz:
Otto AVillert, road 12, $10.00; O.
AVillert, road 12, $17.75; O. AVllert,
road 12, $123.7-5; AVilliam Sanders,
road 2, $8.00; Roy Ruiz, road 13,
$26,38; Ed. Lamport, road 16, $11.-
65; John Houlahan, road 15, $6.00;
AV. J. Lovie, road 19, $29.10; Henry
Schenk, road 6, $2.50; AVilliam
Becker, road 10, $9.70; George Eil
ber, general account $5.00; R. Hod
gins, road 22, $13.25; Frank Web
ner, road 27, $25.00; Goo. Eilber,
supt. .salary $74.40; Alex Neeb, gra
vel $6.75; John Preszcator, gravel
$21.25; William
$2.50; AVilliam P.
$3.75; Jeremiah
$40.50; Sawyer
Freight &
George A. McCubbin, inspection
of Ryan Drain $20.00; George A.
AlcCubbin, survey -and expenses re
Link Drain $50.00; Sundry Persons,
rebate re Ryan Drain $629.48; Con
troller of Revenue, amusement tax
for July $7.50; AVickwire Print Shop
printing $15.50; Edward Fahrner,
part payment Smith Drain $200.00;
Municipal AVorld, supplies. $2.5 0;
hydro electric, account $6.57; Geo.
Eilber, making cement tile $125.25;
Joseph Guinan, sheep valuator $2.;
The council adjourned to meet
again at the Town Hull, Crediton,
On Monday, October 6th, A,D., 1930
at 1 p.m.
Mr, Alfred Meidinger has had the
farm owned by Mr. A. Brisson, on
the Blue Water Highway, south of
Joseph, leased for a number of years
has purchased the fine 100-acre
farm on the Bronson Line, South,
from Mr. William Thiel and gets
possession next March. Mr. Thiel
luas not been enjoying his usual good
health for some years and intends
taking a rest.
Mr. George Pepper, cf Toronto,
has donated one hundred and fifty
dollars to be used as prize money
Cor plow horses at the provincial
plowing match in Perth County in
October. M1‘. Pepper was a former
resident of Hibbert and has always
be-m a great lover of horses. Only
teams owned by residents of Berth
County land which have been used
by contestants during the demonstra
tion will be eligible.
vo me
So well
realize I'm
believe I’m
.'Canada now
“Sargon Pilis were exactly ike
laxative for me. They rcgulateri
me easily and naturally without
making me sick at all.”—-Mrs. Nancy
AVeir, 560 AVright Ave.. Torcxito.
Sargon may be obtained in Exeter
at AV. S, Howey’s.
Before leaving for Toronto where
she will in future make he: homo,
Mrs. I. Hetherington, of Goderich,
for many years clerk of Co I homo.
Township, was presented with a.
beautiful blanket, the gift of flxet
Township Council, members o' which
where present on the occasion of. the
For the pest 51 years
Toronto, Ont.
Husband and Wifei
Both Suffered front
Mrs. N. P. Ritchie, Prud’hommo,! Sask., writes:-*-*'I suffered for semi
time, from terrible headaches. it
tried all kinds of headache powders*
and tablets, but they did not rtxKexhrt
'trie. Ono day I saw Burdock BleoAi
Bitters' advertised and decided
would try a bottle, and when X lukm,
taken it I seemed to feel 'bettor* w
I continued until t had used
bottles mote.
(fMy husband, for two fttad'
suffered from terrible ..heatlaehe^
which, were so bad ko could wet
sleep, but now our headaches do n«t t
bother us at all* as B.B.B, has do*»ei
SUCK Wonders for US?*