HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-09-04, Page 8TBl-JiSDAY, SBPTKMUKR i, 1»S8 Mi THE EXETER TlMES-ADVOCATE Mr. John Winters and son Milton &P4 Miss jnantta Minty* of Detroit, &pent Ubo week-end with Mr* and Mrs.. A* WHdfong and other friends. Mrs, Winters, and daughter Ruth who have neen visiting here for some time retiicned with them on. Monday, accompanied by Miss Ruth wiidfong who will visit with them, lor a time. “ Mr. and Mrs. Alex Birnie and Mr. and Mrs. Geo, McBain motored from Buffalo and spent the week-end at the home -of Mr. J. S. Grant, Mrs. Grant accompanied them home where she will spend a mouth or two with her brother Geo, McBain on .account of Mrs. McBain being called to Buckie, Scotland, where her mothei* is ill, < Exeter Markets Wheato-75 Oats 30c , Barley 4O.e. Bran $1,40 Shorts $1.50 Manitoba’s Best Flour $3.80 Welcome Flour $<3.1i& Model Flour $3.50 Feed Flour—$1.80 Creamery Butter 35c. Dairy Butter 29 c. Eggs, . Eggs, Firsts 25c Eggs, ~ Hogs $10.25 Extras 28c Seconds 2Xc ib«—Qi CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH lk'T. J. Bernard Rhodes, Jtf. As Minister- Miss .Lena Coates, Organist 10 a.m.-—Sunday School 11 gam—"The Arrested Enterprise" 7 p.m.—"Castles in Spain" Children’s Misses’ & Ladies’ NEW COATS 'u .......................... .................... r JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. JfeTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.fM, Organist and Choir-Leader • a.m.—Sunday School , a.m.—Rev. C. C. Kaine, of Dun­ gannon 7 p.m.—Rev. C. C, Kaine, We welcome Mr. Kaine to? James Street pulpit and trust that the mem­ bers of James Street congregation and friends of Exeter may avail themselves of this opportunity of hearing him. You will like the many new Styles and Materials that we offer this season. Why not choose your coat early and we will hold it for you'. I 10 11locals •h NEW DULL FINISH SILK HOSE■- •• -........... We are showing this new finish in th# new fall shades. This line is sure to be popular. k PRICE PEmPAIR $1.50 NEW RAYON TAFFETTA Suitable for Bedspreads, Family Cushions Lingerie* in a beautiful finish and weave, Peach and White AT PER YARD 50c. NEW QUEEN’S Cl4tH FOR DRESSES A lovely light weight all wool material for fall and winter wear* in all the new fall shades g PRICED AT pqp YARD $125 NEW COLLAR? AND CUFF SETS The largest^assortment we have fever shown in thejwewest and smartest fall neck­ wear Jr P^jlCES FROM 35c. TO $2.00 Ladies’ Slik Bloomer/Special at 89c. This is an extra heavy weight/is neatly trimmed with lace medallions; cimes in peach, white, green and blue. Priced for <ypck selling 89c. MEN’sfwORK SOX # Penman’s makqf jn Merino or a mixture of wool and cotton ' 3 PAJRS FOR 98c. / MEN’S WORK SHIRTS Deacon make* the best value in work shirts that we know of large and roomy SPECIAL AT 98c. MEN’S O V ALL WOOL SWEATER SCOATS / _ Wonderful alj wool coat fdr the coo! ev­ ening in fawn* prey or heawer* all sizes JeACH $2.30 O V ALL WOOL BLANKETS Beautiful all wpol blankets in plain shades and fancy plaids in the new color combinations LARGE SIZE $7.50 -'8'' Miss bsed for eptember while Stacjkhnuse. The Beauty Parlor 4 Stackhouse will he first two weeks tin on vacation.—1 BUY A GOOD USED CAR L, the J > r The regular monthly mee the Exeter Branch of the Legion will b1 Hall on Thursday T1930 at S p.mj Provincial Co|v report. All cordially invifed held the his are nadian Town tember 4th, delegate to i will give ice ’men These New Low Prices tor Cars You May Justly be Proud To Drive $h’. B. S, Philips is confined to MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.- a.m. j/s home through illness. T-. _' -L. ----, of Calgary, called on Mrs. F. Downie last week. Mr. W. R. McClellan,15 of Strat­ ford, spent the holiday with friends, Miss Netta pi^yde, of Windsor, spent the week-end with friends here. k Mrs. Hooper, of London, is visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs, J. Elston this week, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Downie, of Sas­ katoon, are visiting with Mrs. F. Downie, Miss Marguerite Aldwofth, of Stratford, spent the holiday with her parents. . Mrs. F. P. Switzer, of Calgary, visited over the week-end with Mrs. J. G, Jones. Mr. Adolphus Hooper visited with his son William, on the Lake Road, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kelly, of Lon­ don,, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Elston last week. (Mrs. Welsh and daughter of Kal­ amazoo,. Mich., are visiting at the home of Mr. W. J. Bissett. Mr. and Mrs. George Grant and sons, Donald and Malcolm, spent the holiday in London, the guest of Mrs. Kuhn. Dr. and Mrs. Truemner, of Strath- roy, spent the holiday with the lat­ ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Winer. Misses Pearl and Ruth Carrick,- of Toronto,, visited with Mr. and Mrs? C. Aidworth and ihs holiday. Mr. .and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. week-end visiting , relatives in Galt and Hamilton. . n Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Francis, Mrs. P,d. ..Tapp and Verne motgred to Gravenhurst Wednesday to visit Mr. Lynford Tapp. Mrs. T. O. Southcott returned on Monday after visiting' ni ^Toronto and Preston. Mr. Southcott^motor- ed to Toronto for her. t Master Gordon McBain 'has re­ turned’ to his home,in Buffalo, after spending the summer months with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant. . Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Browning Gail have Veturned after holidaying! for a few days at Toronto, Niagara Falls and Hamilton Beach. Mr. Jos. Grant has resumed his position with the London Printing and Lithographic Co., after spend­ ing the summer at his home here. Mr.’ and Mrs. C. Aldworth accom­ panied Mr. and Mrs. T. N. North- cott, of Stratford, onka motor tfip FORD MODEL A TUDOR SEDAN?/' Dr. and Mrs. ’Gunn, -- L J, ..,1 i'M Aollr.,1 nn ATrC T? hnwr,—5' good tires, original paint JT splendid; $375.00 FORD. SPORT COUPE-— seat, splendid tires and good $395.00 ESSEX COACH—has -o 20,000 miles and looks $175.00; FORD oon tires, bumpers, WHIPP wheel bral new, good We hay cars truck I’Jows and Elliot gone new; sevei ball- peedometer, 190.00 1928— four 1 finish, is like motor at $325. pther good used Ctors also Oliver ployjF points. TUDOR SED iwire wheels ,c. for pnl T COUP es, origi tires ai Sa THE He/ME OF THE FORD • Phone 64 Ex^h‘ earce, ExeterW. ryour income, cies for part orGood fariety of p complete covbra/§. PURE-BRED shropRhires CJ « JpMBS OF DIP0RT- TTAR STOCK AJj.fp A^biEW OLDER EWES ) A. MOFFATTLL 334 Dlmdas St, London, Ontario ...... shed cottage at month of Sep- $Tek. Apply to the FOR RENT—Fur Grand Bend foi U tember $5.00 af Times-Advocate. TO LONDON—„ .... . C leaves here at $.30 a.m.; feretfrning| 10.30 p.m. Hodgert ltp. 'TAXI SER/UtE During Fair/Wqp4f p. 30 a..zu., Telephone 117J, W Dr. W. E. closed from 12th i: taking a^post medicine at St Toronto. jffice will be 8th to the ’& the doctor is, jraduate course in Michael’s Hospital, WANTED—Al /mother’s Apply at Times-l/dvO'cateX LLense^jmitp NO1 plCasOHeave at helper. other friends over Thos. Harvey and Batson spent the LOST—License, Finder -Bakery. 60-4030 Gran Us FOR - cumbers. 9 c per amber bott. ------- -— ......... SALE—Tonnapo'e^, and cu-_ . Choice clover Irone^;- at lb, sup#ly/your ownr'pail, honey 7p^a lb. F. 3W. Ab- --------------------- Medical Doctors of Exeter Wednesday h,alf month of Sop- Swing will .be at s' mentioned--—Sept, s; Sept. 10th, Dr. 17th, I)L Fletcher; r. Browpfhg. The will observe the holidays during th tember. home on 3rd, Dr. ;?he klie d Dunlop; &e Sept. 24tli FOR SALE- 10 pound ers 80c. .Dashwood clover honey own contain- arrick* phone 3or3 8-21-tfc Choice cloyer hft^dy for sale at a reasonable Apply.:to Wesley Dearing, R.R.Jno. 1, eter,- Ont., phone 17-14W)rediton, Do' your :plpwing/ahd after-par vdst dultivatio Will sell you the aci’e.—iSa of the Ford, P thejFordson way. “We utfft or Work by Elliot, the Home 64. 10 11 7 p.m.- 8 pan.—Thursday iprayer meeting -Sunday School —‘‘Holiday Gleanings." •"Going to School" TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. J, J. Fenton, B.A.. Rector Miss K. M. MacFaul* Organist Twelfth Sunday after .Trinity Resumption of the usual two ser­ vices on next Sunday Annual Anniversary Services on the first Sunday in .Septembei* 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning mon. Subject: Our Fathers” p.m.—Evening mon: Subject: on the Church to our children?” prayer and Ser- "The Church of ft 7 Mr. week Mr. Prayer and Ser- “Shall we hand LOCAL NEWS T. Fisher was in Toronto last taking in the Exhibition. S< M. Sanders left Monday for Toronto to take in the Exhibition. Mr. Sim Pollen, -of Flint, Mich., spent Labour Day Xvith his mother. Mr. Ted Moir, of StCatherines, spent the holiday'at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. E. R Hopper-motored to Toronto taking in the Exhibition on Labor Day. „ . Mrs. Luke Neigh, of Seaforth;*, visited last week with Mr. and M>/ W, H.- Johnston. Miss Ella Jones'of Stratford,--sp^A£ the holiday^-;!#jth . her parents -Mr,' and-Mrs. T^jones. ’ /'' Miss Marjorie"Allan left last’-wfcek. for Saskatoon, Sask, where she" .wllli visit with relatives, \ Mrs. J. L. Kydd.hpd Bo-bby spent; the- w.e^k-end iiR^esley with Mi<- ,and Mr,^-;I)an.. Au^bi. .,7 .Messrs' ■' ^diW3' Hamilton anT Fred" Cole spent a few days last week! attending Toronto Exhibition. - Mr. -H. Jg Fuke, of Timmins,'.is. spendiiigMus holidays with his par-? ents MMifd Mrs. A.. E. Fuke. ‘ .• Mr./-^- G’ Seldon hrijs. the cenient work5"M for the large new coal shed- on his .property at the station ■ f to Hampton and Bowmanville lasty * Miss. F. Hatter has returned home; week. '.................................. Mrs. 'Stewart, of town, and Mr. and Mrs. D. ‘M. Hackney and son Lloyd, 'of Calgary, motored to Toron­ to, spending a few days at the Ex­ hibition. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Dunsfiord, of Sudbury, visited with Mr. ahd Mrs. W. J. Gould and also with the form­ er’s. parents Mr and (Mrs. Wm. Duns- Jford last week. ’3 Bliss W. A.' ’Fraiii has returned to Exeter after an enjoyable vacation at Exhibition time in Toronto her aunt Mrs. Toombs and her sin Mrs. (Dr.) Erirle. Mi*, .and . Mrs. . W, Pomfret with cou- Foil SALE/ OR, RENT —New stucco bprfgal/w on Wellington, St,; every mod ■ cOnveifiehce.-—M. ,G. Rahsford. , • Jf-i4-tfc If you wish to buy or & farm pa house see R. e\ Rfck^dft Exeter* HEN'F—Modern con- FOR-- SALE ted brick sent Lena gaiow* All vefiiehce^ ce^fally located. FOR IlE liW*' Week ^Several rooms hOiyfe-keeping above fot1 Dr. Visible 10 gal*..set bperating table, ixlmotst pply to John Rowe, Admin­ istrator ‘or B. W. F. Peavers. ’ ■.? : • and family have returned to Barrie af­ ter holidaying at Grand Bend. Their many friends in Exeter were pleased to renew their acquaintance. Mr. Frank Johns, 'motored up from Toronto for tlm week-end and was • accmpanied liome by his wife and family, who have been holiday­ ing with the former’,s mother, Mrs. W. Johns. * * Mr. Freeman Perkins and family have moved from the residence o£ Mr. L. V. Hogarth in Exeter north into Mr. Spencer’s residence on Wil­ liam street. Mr. Hogarth is having his residence remodelled. Mr, Wilfred Turnbull, who has been assisting in looking after a. boys* ' camp at Muskokn during the summer months, has returned to To­ ronto tp resurn,^ his duties as Manual Arts •'Instructorat* one oL„,the pub­ lic schools. The.remains of.the late Mrs. John Salter* of London* former resident of Exeter* were brought to Exeter on Saturday last fur interment in the Exeter cemetery beside those of her late htisphnd who predeceased her about six years. Two sons sur­ vive* Alfred of London and John of Windsor. Mr, and Mrs* Leo Salken, of De­ troit* and Mt, and .Mm. C. Klenke, of Bay City* visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hewitt nud Mr* and Mrs. W. H. Dearing and other relatives" over the holiday* Mrs. Dearing and Madeline accompanied them to Detroit where they will re­ main for a weefy ‘Wiifds Boys pjek/ut the cloth and have your suit made to measure the same arDad does. These suits can be made to your meas­ ure in a few days. We show a big range of patterns to choose from. f ■ Brand Clothes for Boys ad does. These suits can be made to your meas Bros. 5 Holidays Over Now Let us settle down to business and if you want to buy furniture it will be gool BUSINESS, foi* you to buy from us as wohave '■a lot of new goods at the new Prices- ar/ cut. to me'et?^e prices oOfarm pro­ ducts." So if you bij^ here you will- get good barg; See our new L/Xi^rS and other :S. >ds, vew latest .after .,vi4itjn;g. hev brother Mr. and; •Mrs., 'WbdrMatter .and family Ailsa Craig.i ' Mrs. Jonathan Kydd has returned home after a delightful visit rWith relatives in iMdldmay, -Cheslej' To-- ronto and London. . G, Miss Jean Sheere and Miss Ruth- Balkwill and Miss Lulu Lindeii.field st&rted Monday to attend the Clin­ ton Business College. . Robert Andrews of the Bayfield, Road, Goderich Toivnsliip, on. Fri­ day fell off ,a load of hay, sustain- ing a broken shoulder. ' . Mrs. Austin Bickell and daughter! Dorothy Anne, of London, are visit­ ing with Mrs. Bickell’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz. . Miss Dorothy Kuntz and Messrs^; Harold and John Kuntz, of Windsor, ; spent' the holiday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz. ,Mr. and Mrs Josiah Kestle, Mrs. P ■ Coates and daughter Miss Verna are vsiting with relatives in Hamilton ' and will take in the Toronto Ex. Mr T. S. Neale, teller of the Bank ; of Montreal, is spending his holiday^-' at“his home at Thorold. His place is being taken by ML Stanley Walters.J ,While Francis Abbott was return- ; ing from. Stratford Saturday eVehing a wheel came off thd car when the J Tear axle broke. Mr. Abbott had slowed down for a railroad crossing • and had not regained speed when the accident occured. Miss Annie Simmons has resigned her position with the Exeter Rtirai Hydro Commission and intends leav­ ing next week-for London whefe She will enter Victoria Hospital to train for & nurse. Her position is being taken by Miss Maragret Hobkirk, Hettsalk Mr, <!>orne Baskerville callhfl friends in town on Tuesday pn way home from Barrow Bay* nerir Lions Head wheve he spent his ltoii- rfays vrlfh hfs wife and family who’ have been holidaying there. He Was Accompanied by bis. Tatlier-lmlaw, Mr* Wilkiiison, of Wingham. of on his R. FUNERAL DIRECTOR x AMBULANCE SERVICE phone SOW and 20j Mr. and Mrs. Milton Jacob and two sons and Mr., rind Mrs. -Guy Ja­ cob, and daughter,'"‘■of Oak Grove, Mich., and Mr. Dick Jacob, of De­ troit, spent-the Labor Day holidays with their -parents "Mr. and Ma*s. .J. Jacob, of Clinton, and called on friends in Exeter on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Snell, of Lans­ ing, Mich., accompanied by their son-in-law Mr. H. 1R. Thornburn, and his son called on old friends ill Exeter on Thursday last. They had .visited at the Toronto. Exhibition ’..and enjoyed a trip around the Blue Water Highway and were on their way home from here, Mr. Snell ; stated that. if Exeter ever had an Old Boys Reunion he was coming back. Rev. D. MeTavish, chairman 'of the Maintenance and Missionary Fund ’for Huron Presbytery motored to Whitby on Tuesday to attend a con­ ference in connection with the mis- ■ sionary work of the church, Mrs. MeTavish and John accompanied him Jas far as Toronto and will visit the Exhibition for a few days this week. Jo.lin has spmit July and August on his uncle’s farm near Ripley where he has rendered valued and much needed service. . Mrs. Thos. Northey, of >port. Hu­ ron* Mrs. Geo. Deitij and Mr Mrs. Nelson visitors over Mrs. Bert •they made cemetery to the graves of their mother* brother Charles, and sister Elizabeth also of theft* father John Prout, ;Sr.* of Elimvjile. The visitors itatp that they like their homo cities but that Exeter and Elimvllle, the places of their childhood days Still hold a veiy fond place in their inemory as well as do the friend? and atduaifitances here. * and wore rind hero Profit, of Detroit, Sunday with Mr Fletcher. While a visit to the Exeter z save mopey on y ur coal bill AUTO G replaced WE II1VE AGENCY 1 AND WLtD WJHA let us quote YOU5 PRICES. W. J. HERN, Exeter CURED THE AULKING DOORS VS, ALSO METAL R-STRIPPING G. A. Phone 29 ss du wait r Exeter, Ont. ■ rtf' DOROTHY E. O^ASSICK Mr. W* d. Carling is m Toronto taking in the Exhibition. Miss Ethel Kydd hits returned home after holidaying - for -three weeks with relatives in London. CONDITIONS IMPROVING Pair Judications that conditions are Improving throughout Canada lie in the fact that “'SALADA’* tea sales show an increase in the past five months of over .400,600 pounds in ’Canada. Ernest G. flarvey Representing ong others Lumbermen's Casualty Co., ‘"World’ Cdsti divide not been io r Greatest, Automobile itual” to policyholders have than 25 % of premium annually. (Honor Graduate ^London, England Piano* VioliraXHannony, Thtarx Studio N< * —L A EXETER, ONTARIO ert Street, Box 160 SAFETY RAZOR BLADES >, SHARPENED SINGLE E DOUBLE E Perl w. s. t nuk«X 4c,/' Eijfjd Guaranteed E. DRUGGIST r* W. R. GculdiMg JU Organs 4 Janice st t. c; -it* <1 Choirmaster United^ Church V ? Piano Vocal Supervisor < Studio, Main st. Rex ft' EXETER, ONT rga» Theory Jnfcic in Schools .... ft1?, Phone io