HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-09-04, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CHAIN RED & WHITE STORES FRUIT JARS A'" CREDITO1 We i Dr. H. HARVEY & HARVEY Phone 102 “QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE”We Deliver III IIICl!Hi? am the accident insure your of London at his home over the holi- Whalen, De­ an d We KHIVA and Mrs. Levi McCann and and. for at the par * and Zu- . C. on is of the Albert (Smith, tlie> week-end the 7 th be cele- and and A. McFalls, of the visited her sister 2nd Con- Mrs. W. Kitchen- lier par- ■of one of W. Chas. A. nd in of Exeter, Mrs. Mary bags and si ialize iji price.- Phone with Mil- Manley Jinks and are visiting Percy Grant, spent the week-end at his Joe, Wilson. , . „. Mrs. 'Geo. Thompson and holidaying with .friends in and daughter June, and Mrs, Snyder, all of Detroit, who the week-end at the former's here. Whitlock hi Statistics show married mod ilv; five years longer thaft Probably in the same length of tin the latter’s itn-cle and aunt Mr Mrs. arid are short vacation’ L. M'CCulftch re-enaged CROWN PINTS Per Dozen 99c. Sun- Motz. spent John who Mrs. _ . - home near Wm. Witzel and Weokri vacation has i.galn ’■returned to her. at Goodies J Departmental and Mrs, ;C?ar Dau .and fam- Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. ,Rah and child,'*of the States, the week-end with Mr I th Mr. and Mr. Parker rector of the has returned home visit with friends Milton Love is busy harvesting his and Mrs. Harvey Schroeder Eleanor spent the Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schroeder and Miss of Detroit, spent Don'ehey. Miss .Ada Gnetz . Leslie G< on Sunday. ^ejid. of September. — DASHWOOD this large tomato of London, at his home For Your Pickles BEST QUALITY at Lowest Bebore car. Write or phone W. G. Pearce, Exeter. Extra Heavy ZINC JA1 19c. a Bozen The Wbmen’s Institute will hold! and Mi’s. Arthur Brooks, their regular meeting Tuesday, Sejj* Evelyn Clark, of Goderich. nglish MUSTARD 1-2 lb, for 24c. Best for Mustard Pickles of Lansing, is visiting A Pure CANE SUGAR 10 pounds for 51c. FRUIT JARS CROWN QUARTS Per Dozen $1.19 JAR RUBBERS 3 dozen for 19c* fese Prices Good Only Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, September 4. 5 and 6th .............. .............................................................." "■ ................... -— ■ ..................... ■■ ■■ . EXETER, ONT. •I SALMON HAWE S FLOOjrWAX............. HAWE’S L OIL ............. NEB SO CENTRALIA GRAIN WA( T ATTEND T1HS? is. pn September ?nd, 1930School 0 ARTSA IMPERIAL S _’ $1.45 gtdjonl jpri vwnt CLINTON, ONTARIO Offers you‘a Practical Business Training for our scores of s a high standard of (Stenograpliic, Service, Commercia You udpnts to obtain a offlency. fat 'has *.made it possible hQld positions demaudng Mmmercial, Teacher's cannot WHY —^cretarial, General Office, Civil idurse and Special Courses arranged, end a 'better School, II. A- Stone, Com. Specialist, Vice-Prin., Jj?fione J98 For particulars write B. F. Ward, B.A. Principal turned with them and will visit f«^; a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs, W. McCrea and Ma Herb Gaiser, of Detroit, are visit” Ing with Mr, and Mrs. Otterbein, IMa Ira Tiernan, who spent bis vacation with his parents has return­ ed to Hamilton. Mr. Clayton pfile motored to De­ troit, last Wednesday. ’ Miss Edith Walper has returned to her home here after spending two weeks vacation with relatives in De­ troit, 'Mich. She was accompanied back bV Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Kruger - ’ - ■ ’ - ’ Cora spent home DR. J. A. Mi Specializing in ■^Telephone 100 L.D.S, &te Work ONT. Main Street HENSALL Mrs. Abe Case spent Saturday in ILtmdon, Miss Mae McNaughton,, of Toronto sjient the holiday at her home here. Mr. Alex McMurtrie, of Toronto, sjient the holiday with his mother liere. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. White are vis­ iting this, week with friends in To- 3’dnto. Miss Helen Elder, of Toronto, ■spent the week-end at' her home liere. , . Mr. Laird Joynt, of Toronto, is spending; a few days with his mother Sbere. Mr. week «U’Op. ■ Mr. spent 3iere. Mr. Mich., Jrome here. Quite a num.ber from here attend­ ed the boxing match at Exetei’ Sat­ urday night. Miss Sitella Robson, of Toronto, sjpent a few weeks visiting her sister Mrs. H. Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Peterson spent the holiday in Toronto and taking an the Exhibition. Mr, and Mrs. Ffank Woods, of ^Exeter, were in the village Monday •calling on friends. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webber are spending this week in Toronto tak- ang in the Exhibition. Mss Annie Consitt who lias been /away on a trip to the Old Country ds expected home shortly., Mr. and Mrs. (Mark Drysdale have .returned home after a week’s visit with friends in Toronto. . Mr. and !>Irs. Cecil Hudson, of ^Chicago, are visiting this week with FAIr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson.1/ Mr. and’ Mrs. Thos. Hemphill, of ^PDetroit, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hemphill. Mrs. P. Fisher and daughter Miss Eleanoi- have returned home after a •weeks visit with friends in Toronto. Misses Annie and Janet McNaugh­ ton spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett, of Hay. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sparks and Mr. J\rchie Sparks, of Detroit, are visit- iing for a few days with friends here. Mrs. Ed. Taylor left bn Saturday 3ast for the West to visit her lius- fband who is lying seriously ill there. Mr. and Mrs. David .Smith, and -iflaughter Barbara Jean, of Detroit, were holiday visitors with friends .31 ere. Mr. William Simpson accompanied fby his mother and sister of Detroit, aspent the week-end with friends liere. Mrs. Critcli, of Clinton, who has •Sheen a guest at the home of Mrs. John Murdock, has returned to her borne. Rev. St, Paul’s church after a pleasaut In Dorchester. Mr. and Mrs. /son Ross, of Detroit, . with the former’s parents Mr.’ and Mrs. Chas. Jinks. Rev. Mr. Mclllroy preached in the Fresbyterian Church, Seaforth, • on Sunday and Rev. Mr. McGreggor Hook Mr. Mclllroy’s work here. Mt. and Mrs. Wm. Ingram, of Pleasantville, N. Y. accompanied by 'Mrs. P. H. Devlin, of Stratford, call- -jed on Mr. and Mrs. McLaren last ■week. Miss Madeline Higgins, of Toron­ to* is spending her holidays visiting nt the home of her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins. Mr. Harold Warner has sold liis liarbering business to a gentleman fToin Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Warner intends residing in T’ees- water. t IMr. Denise Brinlnell, of Vander- Jbnilt, was a holiday visitor in Hen­ sall and also -with liis parents Mr. •and Mrs. lT. Brinlnell of Hibbert. His anany friends were pleased to see Min again. Mr. Ferris Cantelon, principal of Uhe Continuation iSchool was taken *<to the Seaforth hospital last week tfor an operation for appendicitis. At the time of writing Mr. Cante- Jon is improving. Magistrate Reed, Crown Attorney Holmes and Constable Whitesides were in town on Tuesday holding court. A young man from Hibbert hieing on trial for assault. He was sentenced to two months in jail. The Public and Continuation school opened on Tuesday with a (large attendance of scholars. There were fourteen new beginners in Miss Buchanan’s room. Mr. Claude Blowes Js again principal nf the public school with Miss Ellis, and Miss Bu- chanun as assistants. Miss Irene Douglas lias charge of Form one in Ahe Continuation .School and in the absence of Mt. Cantelon, through ^sickness, Miss Mary Stewart lias (tliarge of Form two and three. The Sacred Band Concert put on 5 , - by the Blyth Citizen’s Band was possible/price largely attended. Some 400 cars were parked on the grounds and the large stand was Well filled and the large crowd’ showed there apprecia­ tion of the band numbers by fre­ quent applause. During a short in­ termission Reeve Higgins in a short address on behalf of the band thank­ ed the large crowd present for com­ ing out and showing their apprecia­ tion ,of the splendid music given ?by the Band and hoped to have another Sunday Evening concert put on be­ fore the I GRAIN WARTED Pool and cash jraia wanted, are prepared tojia'y you the highest jffid furnish yon with ply trucks. We spec- Be sure and get our BROS. MILLING CO* Hensall, Ont- , L.D.S., D.DS. Ei SURGEON At office IjFHartleib Block, Dash­ wood, f^sMthree days of week at offic< Zurich, Hist three days of 1 GRAIN WANTE Pool and ish wanted. Weare prepare/ to paa^ou the highest possible prjfe an bags and fupp ialize in. pfas price.—0 Phone 54 urnish you with /trucks. We spec- FBe sure and get our BROS. MILLING CO. - Hensall, Ont. all over then you’ll •Fordson Tractor.— Look them buy the new Sandy Elliot Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rinker, of Pt. -Hu'ron, visited with relatives a few days last week. Mrs Hintz, of Pontiac, Mich., is visiting in this vicinity. )Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tieman and family, of Stratford, spent the week­ end. with relatives Miss Myrta Hoffman, of er, spent tlie week-end with ents. Next Sunday September Augsburg Confession will' brated in the Lutheran church. Miss Grace Guenther, of Stratford, spent a few days with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Siebert and fam­ ily, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snider and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sie­ bert, all of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Hess of New Hamburg and Miss Sarah Siebprt, of Detroit, were Sun­ day visitors with Mrs. Witzel. Miss Grace Kellerman left Monday for Toronto where she teaching. Mt. Jack Brokenshire and Mr. Kennedy, .of Atwood and Mr. and Mrs. McClure, of Paisley, visited at the home of Mr. Jonas Hartleib and Lavada on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer visited in London on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Reid and family, at­ tended the funeral of Mr. Reid’s brother in Bayfield on Sunday. Rev., and ,Mrs. John Oestricher and family of Ottawa Valley visited his parents also attending the Con­ vention in Crediton last week. Mr. Robt'. Nicols, of Hickson call­ ed on friends in town on Friday. Rev. and Mrs. Siauer and son Mil­ ton, are attending a Sauer reunion near Niagara Falls this week. Miss Nelda Fassold, of London, spent the week-end with her par­ ents* Miss Hilda Snell returned to troit -on Monday after spending her vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman _ Lily and Mr. and Mrs.- R. Eckstein, of London, visited in this vicinity on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Humble, of Sar­ nia, spent a few days with relatives. A large crowd gathered ill towu on .Sunday evening .to ‘ listen to the special concert given by .the Dash­ wood Brass Band. Some excellent pieces were played which was very much enjoyed 'by all present. School reopened on Tuesday with Mr. G. Keeler, of Mitchell as the principal and Misses Marie Alle- mang and Alice Hoffman as assis­ tants. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kessel, of Lans­ ing, Mich., is visiting the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Kuntz. Mr. and Mrs. Brunner and family and Mr. Milton Oestricher have re­ turned to their home in Kansas City and Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Mclsaac and family returned'to Detroit, on Mon­ day after spending theif vacation with Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaac. Mt. and Mrs. Gordon Cal fas, Sarnia, called on friends in town day last week, Miss Alice Hoffman attended pars. DOK 5*4 Mr. Wm. Sims who has been ill is improving. .Miss Clara Beaver spent the week­ end in Qlandeboye, Mr. and Mrs, Elmore Weido spent Sunday in Kitchener. Mrs. Annie Brokenshire spent last Thursday at Grand Bend. (Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fishpy and son spent .Sunday in Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. WCnzel were in Toronto over Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein and son spent Monday at Niagara Falls. Mr. Chris. Wein recently sold fifty acres of land to Mr. Wm. .Schwartz. Mrs. Lydia Sweitzer, spent a few days’ with Haist. Miss Idella Sweitzer with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sweitzer. Mi-s. Richard Hill is improving nicely and is able to be up a little each day. Mrs. Jos. Bullock is improving af­ ter her recent operation in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr Wilson Anderson is some bet­ ter after being ’confined to his bed the past two weeks. A large number from here attend­ ed the Haist Re-union held at' Pel­ ham on Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett,, of De­ troit, spent' the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert King. Miss Nellie Gardiner, of near Parkihill, spent a few days recently with Mrs. John Lawson. JMr. and Mrs. Chas. Schroeder and daughter Wealthy spent' Sunday last with friends at Strathroy. Mrs. Albert Wolfe and son Robert spent the week-end in Detroit' were they visited with Mrs. Hill. School, re-opened on Tuesday af­ ter the surnmei’ holidays.' A num­ ber of kiddies started to: school. • M’iss Hazel Clarke, of Exeter, has returned after spending a week with her grandmother, Mrs. E. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wein and family are visiting in Pittsburg with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Cameron. Mr. Stanley Kelley and. Miss T. Heatherley, .of Lonrion? spent day with Mr. and Mrs. Will Miss Gladys Shadd-ock, a few days with Mr. and Appleton, returned to her Parkhill. Miss Melinda Edwards, spent the week-end at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Ed­ wards. |M,r. and daughter week-end with Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. RINGS GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE . M^C’S COOKIES .................... SPECIAL BLEND BLACK 1 RED & WHITE TOILETOriSSUE JRICE KRISPIES fROSEDALE COH Per pound 33c. Per dozen 15c. Per pound 41c. ,. 3 for 23c. . 2 for 25c. Large tin 33c. . One pound tin 39c- .... Per bottle 19c. .... 3 pkgs, for 25c. FLY TOX, WHIZ, FLY COILS, FLY PADS, ETC. FRUITSAND VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS has returned to her duties as school teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lowden, of Rochester, N. Y., visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Slea- mon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hodgson and family, of Chatham and Mr. Cecil Hodgson, of Toronto, spent the week­ end at the home of their parents and a family picnic was held at Grand Bend on Labor Day. . - ---------- trio Conference Assembly as a delegate in crediton last week. Miss Margaret Merner returned to Detroit on Sunday after spending her vacation with her parents. Mr, and Mrs. 0. F. Klopp daughters Edith and Dolores, of rich, visited at the home of Mr L. Walper on Sunday. Miss Ruth Kleinstiver has return­ ed home after spending the summer at Grand Bend. Mr. and iMrs. E. Flynn, of Lon­ don, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, E. Tieman. Mrs. and Mr Chicago Garnet Waghorn and Miss Lottie Waghorh, of London, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waghorn. Miss Mildred Salisbury, of Lon­ don, has returned ,to London after spending two weeks with her aunt, Mrs. J. Cockwill. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Brokenshire and children, of Windsor, have re­ turned home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley, of Lon­ don, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Price near Dashwood. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Mervln Brokenshire and Children, of Fergus, returned home on Sunday after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Messrs. Lester Mclsaac, Elgin Woodall, Russell Eilber’, of Detroit, Milton Einkiboiner*, of Hamilton, vis­ ited with their parents over the holi­ day.* Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Edwards, Vera and Herb, of Ingersoll, spent the week-end with <Mh and Mrs.' Job Sims and Mr. and ’Mrs. Harry Lewis. *t, s Mr. and Mrs. Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. Van Winkle and son of Detroit, Mr,, and Mrs. Garnet Baker, of Toronto, were tile guests of "Mr. arid Mrs. E. K. Fahrner over the week-end. iMr. _ ■ ily, of I-Iilton spout Mrs, Chris. Rau. Mr. arid Mrs. children, of 'Windsor Mrs. Stuart Kuhn, Blake Heath and Mr. of Kitchener spent the week-end w Mirs. Harry Huhn, Miss E. Grehzebarh, who spent several sonage position Stores, Kitchener, Ontario. Communion ■services at the Evan* gelical church next Sunday both in the morning, and evening, Members and friends most cordially invited to this spiritual privilege and duty. tember 9th at 2 p.m. It will be “Baby’s Day”. Everyone welcome, especially mothers with their babies. There will be an interesting demon­ stration given and health talk. (Messrs. John Smith, Ernest Quet- tinger and Clayton Sims spent the week-end in Walkerton with Mr. and Mrs. H. Sparling. Miss Marguerite Guetting.er and Mr. Eldon Smith re­ turned home having spent the past week with them. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Haist, Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, Mr. and Mrs. .Archie Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Damm and daughter Shirley Mae, Mr and Mrs. Fred Damm from Mich, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hill. They attended the Re­ union in Pelham. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Holtzman and family, of Detroit, visited with Mrs. Mary Haist and Mrs. L. Holtz­ mann for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Holtzmann and Mr. Clarence Holtzmann, of Detroit, visited With Mrs. - Leah. Holtzmann. They also attended the Re-union in Pelham. Mr. and Mrs. John Morlock, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morlock and son Frederick while driving through the town of Dundas on their way to Niagara Falls on Sunday met with an accident when their car was hit by an American car. Their car was badly damaged and they escaped with minor cuts and - bruises. Rev. and Mrs. Otto Brown and son Harfy, of Owendale, Mich., vis­ ited a few days wtih Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Eilber. They spent Saturday in Chesley with (Mr. and Mrs. Dornin. Mrs. Eilber accompanied them. Rev. Brown occupied the pulpit of the Evangelical church on Sunday even­ ing. The Assembly of Religious Educa­ tion held in the Evangelical church the past week brought in 15 0 re­ gistered delegates and friends from other Evangelical charges through­ out these parts, as far north as Pt. Elgin and East from Hamilton and Welland. Bishop Lawrence Seager, D. D. from Le Mars, Ind., and vice- president of the Assembly Board of Religious Education filled the 're­ quirements of his addresses and left Friday morning for Chicago, Ill., to attend an important session of the General Missionary operations the Italians’-of that city and waukee, Wis. Pool anM are prepar m possible p ic bags and su ialize in. ppa price.—C Phone 54 GRAIN WANT ELIMVILLE Pool' are prepared to p possible bags an ialize in. price.- Phfone grain wanted. We ^you the highest furnish you with trucks. We spec- Be sure and get our BROS. MILLING CO. Hensall, Ont. lias, secured a school near Niagara Falls and left, on Tuesday to com­ mence his duties there. Mr. and Mrs. Down, Blanche and Dora, Bob and baby Down, of Strath- roy, were visitors at the home of Mr. Robert Woods last Sunday. Mr. and, Mrs. B. Williams and two granddaughters spent five days at Grand Bend. The Live Oak Mission Circle met last week at the home of Miss Ruth Skinner. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Florence Bell. Mrs. L. O’Reilly read the Devotional Leaflet. Readings were given on “Favorite Hymns” after which they were sung. Miss Ruth Skinner read an article on “Before Jehovah’s Aw­ ful. Throne.” Two verses of “O God of Bethel” were sung and last' verse repeated' as a prayer. Miss Lena Pym read an article on “One Sweetly Solemn Thought”; Mrs. J. Brock on “Rock. .of Ages”; Miss A. France on “Abide with Me”; Miss .Maizie O’Reilly on “Nearer My God to Thee”; Miss Mae Clark on “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” Some business was discussed also. Roll call was responded to by Scriptural quotations on “Cake.” Twelve mem­ bers were present and Miss E. Horne occupied the chair. Miss Aleatha Origen and cousin, Miss Viola Smith, of London spent the week-end with thte former’s grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney "Wilson. Mr. George Do.bbs, of Stratford, spent the holiday with his uncle and aunt Mr. and* Mrs. Siidney Wilson. Misses Lena' Pym and Marjorie Delbridge very pleasantly entertain-, ed their Sunday School class of little girls at the home of the former on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Miss Eula Herdman visited at her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Squre is Exeter last week. The officers of Centralia Sunday School are expected to be present at the Sunday .School session next Sun­ day afternoon and take charge. A good attendance is hoped for. Mi'. Wellington Bell, pf Detroit, visited day. Mrs. cession Horne last week. Miss Merle Squires, of spent several days last week with her aunt, Mrs. Ewart Pym. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Johnson, Mr and Mrs. L. Shute, of London, visit-’ ited at Mr. Fred Wright’s on Sun­ day. Quite a number from this vicinity went to Grand Bend on Monday. Rev. A. E. Millen, who exchanged pulpits with Rev. White for the past four, Sundays has delighted the con­ gregation with his splendid sermons. They were delivered ' in a' forceful manner which held the attention of the people throughout. Rev. Millen and family and Rev. White and his family are-this week returning to their respective charges after their holidays. Mrs. Wes. Horne and Mrs. Ed. Johns, teachers of the Intermediate girls’ class were hostesses to their class at the home of Mrs. I-Iorne on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Allison and children, of Springfield, spent a feW days with relatives, in the commun­ ity the end of last week.. Qute a few from the village and vicinity were in ’Toronto attending the Exhibition during the past week. Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlock and 'Miss Winnie Smithson, of St, Thomas, were week-end visitors in the neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hodgert and children, oL' near Seaforth, Mr. and M-rs. Clarence Knight and family, were Sunday visitors at Mr. Bruce Goober's. School re-opened on Tuesday of this week, many, of the children turning their steps reluctantly to­ wards the school after what seems now to them, a very The teachers Misses and V. Russell are another year, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. St, Thomas, were caller community oh Labor Day. Miss Lulu Hunter, has received a school at Elsie, near Fenton Falls and has commenced her duties at that place, Mrs. Sherwood Hunter and Mis§ Gerta went wtli her, Miss Vera Heywood has returned to her school at Matheson, leaving here last Sunday. Mr. T. Heywood STAFFA Mr. and Mrs. Capp, of London, called on friends on Labor Day. Miss Ada Elliott, of Detroit; spent the xfeek-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. 'T. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Leslie, of Strat­ ford, have moved into Miss Agnes Heron’s house. Mr. Howard Leary, London, was a week-end visitor with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Leary. (Miss Mary Graham^,,Mitchell, vis­ ited Miss Norma Wilson last week. We are sorry to say that Mrs. Hambley is under the Doctor’s care. We hope for a speedy recovery. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. W. E. O’Brien, who' has been visiting the former’s par­ ents here during the past week have returned to Owen Stound. Miss Iva Leary has returned after visiting her uncle and aunt Mr. and. Mrs, May, of Exeter. Miss Emily Frayne, spent' a few days at Grand Bend last week. in wanted. you the highest ajfil furnish you witlf y trucks. We spec- Be sure and get our BROS. MIILING CO. Hensall, Ont. Evoiyn ITtiulclGr wits tlie gtiGSt of Miss Wanda "Vfillis at Bonnie Lassie cottage, Grand’ BCrid, for the week-end.’Mr’^JiTed Fairhall, of Montreal is visiting Ayith his father* Mr Fairhall and' his sister Mrs. E Abbott, 4 ''"V, “ Mr* and Mrs, Robert Dyer. Paris, visited with Mr, aiRl Mrs'. Bowden over the holiday.’ /< ■ Mr. ‘G-l’don Ballingai and Miss Jean Odgen of London, spent the Holiday With and ' Mr. Jean -----...Belleville and Slate Falls? Mrs. Spencer $nd daughters, Miss­ es Jean,and Joel, ,p.f SL Thomas, ate holidaying at Mas Agnes Anderson’s cottage at Grand Bend. Mr. iM. Sieamon and Mr. W. J. Smith motored to Toronto on Sun­ day and attended the Exhibition on Monday. Mrs. Julia Scrandrett, of Belgrave, and Miss Corinne Sctandrett, of To­ ronto spent the week-end with Mr. Mr. neice Miss Kinchsular and Mrs. C. Kenney and son Preston and daugh­ ter Marion, all of Detroit, are visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs.. Ben McCann and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Neeb, of Clark­ esville, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. F. Neeb dnd family, of Lake Odessa, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Witzel. of Tavistock and Mr. and Mrs. H. Wit­ zel, of Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neeb. Mrs. A. McDonald is laid up at the present time with a sore leg. Mrs. Wm 171 . .. :. Ilene Schroeder, cf _: Thursday with MA and Mrs. Art Wil- leit. Mr. and Mrs. family of New Hamburg, sppnt*last’ Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. A, Til­ ley and ether relatives. Miss McDonald, of Detroit, is" vis­ iting her sister Miss M. McDonald nt the present time. Miss E. Neeb, of Detroit, spent the week-end, at liei’ hemo here* Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gotchalk, oT Seaforth, spent the toreb.nrt of tile week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm* Stade.