HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-08-28, Page 8%fURSDA¥, AUGUST 28th, 1030 —... ,1 ■ ii ................ii , ,„„e, Furnitux^ WILLHERE IS WHERE Y ALW ASSO TURE PRI YS FIND GOOD. MENTJDF FURNI­ SH OUR NOW TIME TO BUY SE FROM AT SUIT YOU IS COMPLETE Exeter Markets Wheats 5 c. Oats ,30c Barley 4.0 c, Bran $1.40 Shorts S1.5Q Manitoba’s Best Flour $3.80 Welcome Flour $'3.1)5 Model Flour $3.50 Feed Flour-^-$1.80 Creamery Butter 34c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs- Butter 28—31c. Extras 28c Firsts 25c Seconds 21e -$10,50 R N. ROWE ^4. 9 FUNERAL DIRECTOR AMBULANCE SERVICE BUY A GOOD USED at These New Low Pj^ee.s fop Cars You May Justiyjbe Proud To Dr FORD MODEL .^TUDOR SEDAN -5 good tires, splendid; $375,0$ FORD SPO seat, splendid $395.00 ESSEX C 20,000 mile$ and looks like $175.00. ; \ FORD oon tires. bu . WHIPP Only 4 Days More to Secure Slip Covers with MARSHALL MATTRESS Mr. ’ Robert vew Fashfoh Plates THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ror. J, Bernard Rhodes, M, A., Minister Wss Leng Contes, A.L.O.M,, Organist During August Morning Service,Only 10 a.m.-—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Service as usual. Summer Dresses at Reduced Prices This is an opportunity to buy a smart summer dress at a big reduction. We place on sale this week a rack of dresses values to $12,95 to clear at $7.95UNION SERVICES Main St, and James St, United Churches Union Services for July and August AUGUST-r-Rev. D. McTgVish charge. James Street choir in charge music. i ii -----,rXocals TURKISH TOWELS 2 dozen only Turkish Towels 36 inches long and 18 inches wide. REGULAR 45c. TO CLEAR AT 25c. UNBLEACHED SHEETING This, is a special for this week regular price 60c., 2 yards wide and excellent value SPECIAL AT PER YARD 48c. r L Mrs. Kyle, of town, spent Tues­ day wth her son Mr. Herman Kyle, of ZiQn. Mr. Edward Wilson, of London, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie. Miss Ella Shapton returned home Monday after an extended visit in the West. Reeve Jas, Ballantyne, of Us- borne, was in Goderich Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ferguson, of London, spent last Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. M. Amy, Miss Edith Batson, of Toronto, is visiting for a few days with her i brother, J. W. and Mrs. Batson. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Stewart, of Stratford, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lindenfield. Mrs. J. W. Orme and daughter Lois, of Toronto, spent Thursday last with her friend, Mrs. George Mantle. Miss -Charlotte Bolton, of St. Marys, is spending a few weeks with her cousin, Miss Lulu Lindenfield, of Exeter. Mr. W. J. Beer and Gerald Skin­ ner motored to Niagara Falls on Sunday and on Monday took in To- ’ ronto Exhibition. " ’Miss Gad. Robertson, nurs£ in training at the Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, visited with, her sister, Mrs. e’ R. Hopper last week. Mr. qnd Mrs. Francis G. Hill and family of Hamilton, have returned after two weeks visit with the form­ er’s mother, Mrs. Jas Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor and son, of Detroit, are holidaying with the former’s parents, Mr., and Mrs. Robert Taylor, qf Granton. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Lloyd and two daughters, of Toronto,w visited with Mrs. Lloyd’s father, Mr. L. Day, and are holidaying at Grand Bend. I Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Paisley, of New Wm.! York,, left Mondlay metrning after Cred- ; spending a fOw days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart. Mr. and Sirs. G. P. Holmberg and two youngest children, of Sault Ste ug at the home of 'Sirs. Holmberg’s father, Mr. L. Day. Mrs. Rex. Dickson, of Maple Creek Sask., daughter of Mr. W> H, Harvey of Flaxcombe, is visiting with the Harvey connection in this commun­ ity. Mr. and Mrs. M. Finkbeiner- and family, of Crediton, and Mrs. Thos. [Amy”, of Hamilton, visited one day 'is$£of Exeter last week with iMr. and Mrs. M. ttHCbua-Y nail. ,onth of Sep-l M1SS E' Bowey returned home #i'ng will be at r"” "" ....... ............................... ^mentioned—Sept'. Sept. 10th, Dr. j ^17th, Dr. Fletcher; CH—has only COUPE—rumble and good motor; D.O£ SEDAN—5 gone new; ball- ire wheels speedometer, !C. for only $190.00 T COUPE 1928—four es, original finish, is1 like tires and motor at' $325. e several other good used s and traetprs also Oliver id plo\v points. ndy Elliot HOME OF THE,FORD Phone 64 — / Exeter the Mcident* d your income.Insure your car Good variety of policies. for part or complete cd&yen W. C. fearce, Exeter Mr. and Mrs, Ben. Eilber, of Ubly Mich., also their son Frederick an-d^ daughter, Mrs. Lewis- Hawkins, of Atlanta, Georgia, spent a few days] visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Kuntz and with relatives in itom FOR SA1LE—-Tc^at-oe^ and cu­ cumbers. Choice^ 9c' pei’ lb, teupJly ajuiber honejt bott. « Choice/clover h'oney at Marie, are visitiu; •str\nil I 'VTi’C’ XTr* lirrhnv crTc* -F<i up;rIy your.'own pail, i a lb/F. W. . ■ — ISOMERS f & good supply romers may use ___ requested not ftT waste Public Utilities Conjmission. TO WATER CU There is |w Water and usual but ar saine. The Medical Docto: will observe t holidays dur tember. Th< home on the .’3rd," Dr. W Dunlop; Sei: Sept. 24th, Dr? Browning. FOR "wood, ton. of as .1 JLAWlUl the Wfijmiesday half, .g the. fol^ ' lay 10 a.m.—Church Schools 11 a.m.—“Modern Slavery.” Service in Main St. United Church 7 p.in.—“Do Justly, Love, Mercy.” Service in James Street United church. Special Laboi’ Day Messages. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. J. J. Fenton, R.A.. Rector Miss K. M. MacFaul, Organist 11th Sunday after Trinity. 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.-Holy Communion and ser­ mon. Morning Service only during August CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTQN 42 inches wide. Bleached white as snow, fine even weave VERY SPECIAL AT PER YARD 40c.<2 PURE LINEN HAND TOWELLING This is a good width, a splendid washer SPECIAL AT a YA bd "eight and S FOR $1.00■ * ■ * Empress Corrective Arch Shoes for MEN’S WORK SHIRTS Try our “Deacon”'Work Shirt. They the best value we know of for the oney. Well made and roomy EACH 98c. SWEATER COATS [or the cool evenings i ' 7 MEN’S ALL WOOL You will need one sizes 36 to 44. , SPECIAL 1T $2.50 Mr. Ifvin Greb, of Detroit, is holi­ daying at his home here. The'^hydrants around town have received a fresh coat of paint. Miss Verna Coates- spent' a days at Grand Bend last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Doerr family spent a few days at Tober­ mory. Mr. Harry Elworthy has improved his residence on Main Street with a coat of paint. Miss Mineretta Horney has been visiting for a few days with friends at Kincardine. Dr. Wm. Lawson, of Toronto, holidaying with his parents-, Mr. Mrs. Jas. Lawson. Miss Iva Leary, of Staffa, is iting with her uncle and aunt, and Mrs. Jos. May. Miss Emily Frayne, of iStaffa, ited.foi' a few d'ays with Mrs. .South­ cot t 'at Grand Bend. IMr. and Mrs. Thos. Penhale, of Vancouver, B.C., are v-isiting at home of the former’s, brother, Wm. H. Penhale, of town. Mrs. Marshall left last week Iroquois where .she will visit- some time with her son-in-law add daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wil­ ken. Mr. and Mrs. John Winters, son Milton and daughter Ruth, of De­ troit, Amos tives. Mr. Mrs. Hanley and Miss Marguerite Aidworth, of Stratford, .called on re­ latives at Sexsmith on Wednesday of last week. Exeter Fair will be held on Tues­ day and Wednesday, Sept. 16th. and 17th. The directors are planning to make this years fair bigger and better- than ever. Mr. and Mrs. Harold O’Connell, of Chicago, visited for a. week with the later’s father, Mr. Thos. Hatter, of Exeter North. Mrs. O'Connell was formerly, Miss Nellie Hatter. Mr. H. C. Sweetlove has returned to his duties on the staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce after recuperating from a recent automo­ bile accident at his home in Ham­ ilton. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Piccard, Mrs. George Southcott’ and Mr, Allan Pickard have returned, home after an extended trip through Quebec. Mrs. Paul Madge, who has- been visiting with friends and relatives in this vici tin ty left recently for Chic­ ago to visit with Rev. e. A. and Mrs. Johns, enroute to her home in the West. Miss Oleda Love, R.N., and Miss Ellen Love, office manager of the Buffalo Council of churches, Buffalo N.Y., spent the past week With their sisters, Mrs. Goodspeed and Miss Pearl Love. Mr. J. A. Stewart accompanied by his daughter,' Mrs. K. Fuke, also Mrs. T. O. Southcott and the latter’s niece, Mss June Godron, motored to Toronto 'Tuesday, the latter return­ ing to her home after holidaying for a few weeks here. Miss Gertrude Francis, left Wed­ nesday in company with M'r. and Mrs. E., Davies and Miss Laura Knight, of London, for Cedar Island on Lake Simcoe where they will holiday for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Willis, of De­ troit, were visitors during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech’ and other relatives. They returned: home Sunday accompanied by Mr. Hugh Creech on a .visit. Mr. and Mrs. Budkin glfam and daughter, of Kansas City, motored Over and spent a few days with Mr?, and Mrs. Jas. Weeks. Mr, Bucking­ ham is- a brother of Mrs. Weeks and a former resident -of Exeter, Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, accompafi- ied by Miss M, Broderick and Miss Mabel Follicle retu’rndd last week; from a. pleasant two weeks’ motor trip through the ’Muskoka district. 5fr, ‘ and Mrs, „Moorhouse will also visit in London end. Toronto while on vacation. visited at the home of Mr. Wilfong and called on rela- and Mrs. T. N. Northcutt, MEN’S fin: 5 dozen fine shir Ears or collars attach cloths and fancy strip EACH X SHIRTS |[s with seperate cc In plain broa MEN’S HARVEST SHOES Men’s Harvest Shoes with Panco Soles and rubber heels. A light weight shoe that . is selling well at PER PAIR $2.75 chance to get a made-to-measure dad does. You pick out any cloths have it made special f on in Boys! herefis yoi suit the safee you want a any style you like. If your boy is hard to in and talk it over with us. come Mr. W. R. Gouldipg, who attend­ ed the summer course in music at Western University, London, was successful in securing his second yeans certificate. Mr. Samuel Ran- nie, of Hensail and Mr. A. W. Ander­ ton, a former .organist of James St. church now of London, secured their first years, certificate. Gambrill, of Elora, secured his sec­ ond-year .certificate in Toronto while Miss pearl Wood and Miss Violet Gambrill, of town secured their first year. Monday after visiting for a week .“with her sister, Mrs. K. Clarke, of Windsor. Little June Clarke return­ ed with her on a visit. Miss E. J. Hogarth and Miss Muriel Hogarth returned home Mon- and soft' dry’ daY evening after a pleasant visit ... .. 4 t-l-l Vm-t <>1-1 f li a rr.ru’nrr no -Pai* noSALE-** ...........................Apply/AWf Wein, OVedi- through the West1 going as far as -Xrtdpry , iTy/j YYi ATif it e> Tvrl T n onaw “Dnvlrjj.p i Edmonton and Jasper Park. ’ I .Mr.. Sturat Pearce and (sisters, 66-403C oC Highgate, called on Mr. and Mrs. Grant’s' Wallacetown* and Miss Nora Sifton, of Highate, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce Monday. afternoon. FOR RENT—Furnished cottage at ,M1“- Vrooman and sistfer Miss Grand Bend for the month of Sep- • Vrooman, Mr. Harold Vrooman and tember $19.00. Apgily^t Times-Ad- (two sons Harold and George, motor- vocate. LOST—-LicepsOpiate No. Finder pleast Bakery. leave at This Offer Expires Aug. 31st / ed up from Brantford and spent (Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. And- FOR SALE—^Crfice clover honey ‘ erson. JPC’.; own contain'-j Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart were Carrick, ®^r3 t called to Toronto last week, owing • ,^‘8-21-tfc tb the - I I-Ienry • mother Friday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor motor­ ed to Parkhill Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Box. They were accompanied by Miss iLouise Box who has been holidaying with Mrs. Chas. Box, of Stephen. Following a dry spell which last­ ed about seveii weeks this section | was visited with a shower of rain on Saturday with light showers Sunday morning, ditibns but Mr, and Exeter, Mr of London, left' by motor Saturday* ^morning f$r Stirling where they vis-' ited their brother, Ml> “Walter Lind­ enfield and family. While at Stirl­ ing they visited friends at Oak Lake, Belleville and Shannonvillc and bn their return trip they Stopped off at Toronto and Niagara Falls, arriving home Wednesday, Dr. Austin Briscombe, Dentist, Of Brayton, Ont,, accompanied by his wife and family stopped, at Exeter on his 'way -back, from Georgian Bay to sea his former teacher, Principal E. J. “Wethey, who prepared him for Iris complete matriculatioh which he obtained in. Warkworth im 19.06, Accompaniiig Dr, RriScembe was A. R, Clarke, ‘A„ principal of Bray- ,tah, Schoopaiid president of fhe Con­ tinuation school tbgchers belonging, to the Continuation branch of the Federation who renewed acquaint­ ance with Mrs.tCloodspeod a former •associate teacher. AGENTS FOR JACKSON Waners and dyers 10 pound p'ailst ers 80 c. Wm.| Dashwood. TEACHER WANTE#—For S. S. No. 2... Hay. Experienced teacher preferred. DiAies^to corhi^tence at opening. Apmy/ro Perey^Dunsford ,?Ry R-. No. l,lExeter'. . . . 8-21-nc illness and death of Mrs. Bennett, M!rs. Stewart’s the funeral was. held on afternoon. PHONE- 81w Choice clover ho reasonable price- Dearing, R.R. phone 17-14 Ci for sale at. a pply to /Wesley I, Exeter, Ont., Do youn piquing and after-har­ vest cultivatirnFthe Fordson way. We Will sell the outfit or work by the aCfeX^Sandy Elliot, the Home of the Ford, Phone 64. • FOR SALE stucco bungalow every modern Hansford. My« offic Aug. 18 to Post Qua du al College John. Ward. ENT' —- New i Vellington St.; eniefncfeA~M. G. 8-14-tfc be closed from 2, While taking a urse at the Natioii- hiropractlc, Chicago. ■;< 8-7-4W If you wish to buy,|fr sell a farm, or house see tu E. Pi’^aard, Exetey. FOR SALE OR RENT—Modern .red brick semi-bungai^w. veiiiftnces, centrally FOR. RE .light hous {Weelces’ offi for sal also >,Xw. Apply f ,%s|or or B All ch,ted. I rooms abdye ltf gal/ don"’ Di% gas.Isible ting table, almost ohn Rowe/ Admin- F. Reavers. It helped to improve con­ nlore rain is needed. Mrs. E. Lindenfield, of . and vlrs. I. Lindenfield, Mattress Covers^ KEEP THE MATTRESS LIKE NEW- ... EASILY REMOVED AND WASHED ® We have ed an up-to-date ambulance'equipment and ate prepared to respond to tails /* promptly. r~> oK* r* Kw funeral’ director FURNITURE DEALER Phone i>9 ♦ Mrs. Mervin Brokenshire, of. Fer- rfgus, visited friends in Exeter on 'Tuesday. * Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Marple and Mrs. Jas. Bissett, of Bt. Thomas,, vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ftike, on .Sunday, Mr. Wm. Bavin, of the Times-Ad- vocate staff, is holidaying this week in Buffalo. Mr. Davis accompanied Mr,, and Mrs. Gerald Hurdon and family to that city on their return after visiting at the ’ home of Mr. Cooper McCurdy. | Mr. Aljoe Sanders ha's resigned his position with Mr. John Stanbury, butcher, and his place has been taken by Mr. Lewis Kirk. Mr. Kirk has moved into the residence on Huron Street vacated by Mr. Bert. Kernick. Mr-, and Mrs. Wes. Johns and fam­ ily accompanied by the former’s mother, airs. John Francis, don, motored to 1 Chicago with Rev. A> E» Johns;, who ! a . post graduate course, city. AUTO GJp^A-SS ’ replace^ wliiyTyou wait • G. Phone 29 AWKINS Exeter, ^^t.' (Honor Piano, Studio DOROTHY E. G A. L. C. M Graduate) Log-on, England j/' Instructii Violi N-. A , of Lon- tO Visit is taking in jfchat "vp........ EXET Stji’cct, Rax rONTARI Ernest G. Ha^ey Representing amofij^others Lunibernten’s u “World’s G SAFETY RAZOR SHARPENED make) single Edge DOUBLE! EDGE!., Perfect EdgJKGuaranteed W. S. COLE. DRUGGIST; .. ."... Cash divfdencH not been lessj Mutual.Juastmlty COm Automobile khtJijK’1' ; toJpolicyhoiders have of premium upually, W. R. GOULDIMS , A. tr. o* bl , ■ Organist and Choitt^iS.ter James St. UnitedJmurch. Ins riiCtio^ffii Vocfl ; dwaftr.Plano StWervIsor Studio, Main i EX . i > t*. f 'RyjKc in Schools' a 7, Phon a. 19 S' ONT